patch-2.2.18 linux/include/asm-arm/assembler.h

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.17/include/asm-arm/assembler.h linux/include/asm-arm/assembler.h
@@ -7,28 +7,5 @@
  * Do not include any C declarations in this file - it is included by
  * assembler source.
- * LOADREGS: multiple register load (ldm) with pc in register list
- *		(takes account of ARM6 not using ^)
- *
- * RETINSTR: return instruction: adds the 's' in at the end of the
- *		instruction if this is not an ARM6
- *
- * SAVEIRQS: save IRQ state (not required on ARM2/ARM3 - done
- *		implicitly
- *
- * RESTOREIRQS: restore IRQ state (not required on ARM2/ARM3 - done
- *		implicitly with ldm ... ^ or movs.
- *
- * These next two need thinking about - can't easily use stack... (see system.S)
- * DISABLEIRQS: disable IRQS in SVC mode
- *
- * ENABLEIRQS: enable IRQS in SVC mode
- *
- * USERMODE: switch to USER mode
- *
- * SVCMODE: switch to SVC mode
- */
+#include <asm/proc/ptrace.h>
 #include <asm/proc/assembler.h>

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: