Archive-name: finding-addresses Version: $Id: finding_addresses,v 1.5 91/10/06 01:57:20 jik Exp $ Introduction A question which appears frequently on the USENET is, "I know someone's name, and I think they might have an electronic mail address somewhere. How can I find it?" There are many different techniques for doing this. Several of them are discussed below. Your best bet is to try the pertinent methods in this posting in the order in which they are listed (well, sort of; at the very least, please try all the pertinent methods which do not involve posting queries to before resorting to that). Techniques 1. College Email Addresses The posting entitled "College Email Addresses" in the newsgroup describes the account and E-mail address policies for graduate and undergraduate students at many Universities and Colleges. If you are looking for a University/College student, check that posting for the University or College in question and follow its instructions for finding out more. If the posting has expired at your site or has not been posted recently, you can get a copy of it using the instructions below (in the "Useful USENET postings" section). 2. Inter-Network Mail Guide If you know which network/service your target has an account on (e.g. CompuServe, Fidonet), then the "Inter-Network Mail Guide" posting in comp.mail.misc *may* be able to provide you with some help, although it probably will not be particularly helpful unless you have some sort of address to start with (a small number of networks use full names as addresses, and the posting mentions when this is the case, but it doesn't apply in very many cases). An updated version of this posting has not been posted recently, but you can get a copy of it using the instructions below. 3. Usenet-addresses server If you think that your target may be on the USENET and may have posted a message to the USENET at some point in the past, you might be able to find his/her address in the USENET address database on the machine To query the database, send an E-mail message to "" with "send usenet-addresses/name" in the body or subject of the message, where "name" is either the first or last name of the person for whose address you are searching. Non-alphanumeric characters in names (such as apostrophes in Irish names) should be replaced with a period. For example, "send usenet-addresses/o.brien". The search will be done in a case-insensitive manner. Note that multiple requests can appear (on separate lines) in mail to the mail server, but each request will be answered in a separate message. In many cases, you will get a list of quite a few matching addresses, and you will have to go through it looking for ones that may be the one you're looking for. 4. NIC.DDN.MIL 'whois' database The "whois" database on NIC.DDN.MIL contains the addresses of many military personnel, as well as the addresses of "prominent net.personalities." If your target is active on the Internet, he may be in the NIC database. If your system has the "whois" program, you can use that to query the NIC database. If not, but you have Internet access, you can telnet to and run the command "whois" once you are logged in (help is available). If you do not have Internet access, you can send mail to "" to query the "whois" database; send a message with "help" in the body to find out more information. 5. Finding a host name and asking someone there for help If you know the organization, company, or whatever at which your target's account is likely to be located, then you might be able to get your hands on the host name of a machine at that location. Once you've done that, you can usually write to someone responsible for E-mail support at the site and ask for help finding the address you are seeking. There are three main sources from which you can get host names. The first is the NIC "whois" database, which contains site and organization information as well as information about individuals. For more information about using it, see above. Organization entries in the NIC database will usually list an administrative, technical and/or zone contact person, with his/her address, to whom you can write. You can also write to "postmaster" at almost any Internet host to get in touch with someone responsible for E-mail. The second is a network directory published by the University of Texas. Although it hasn't been updated in a few years, it still provides a useful list of many site names. It is available for anonymous ftp from several different locations, including / on It is BIG, so you might not have room to store it locally, unless you ask someone in charge to set up some space for it. You should NOT transfer it to /tmp every time you need it, or something like that; that's a horrible waste of network bandwidth. Contact people are usually listed in the site entries in the net directory, but you might want to try "postmaster" first. The third is the UUCP maps in the comp.mail.maps newsgroup. See the posting "UUCP map for README" in that directory for more information. You can grep in the news spool or use your news reader's search facilities to search for a particular string (e.g. an organization name) in the comp.mail.maps postings. Each UUCP map entry lists the contact person for the entry. Once you've got a host name and the person to contact, you need to figure out how to get the mail there, if it's on a network you don't know how to reach. See the "Inter-Network Mail Guide" posting referenced above if you need help with that. If you do go this route, make sure you provide as much information as you can about the person whose address you are seeking; remember that the more detailed (and polite!) you are, the more likely it is that the person you are contacting will be able to help you. Remember, too, that the person you are contacting is probably very busy, and responding to requests like yours is probably not one of his/her highest priorities, so be patient. 6. Knowbot Information Service The "Knowbot Information Service" (KIS) is a "white pages" service that allows you to query one service and have it search several other address databases of various sorts for addresses matching your query. Two hosts running KIS servers are and Either can be reached on the Internet via telnet at port 185 (e.g. "telnet 185"), or via electronic mail to netaddress@host (e.g. For more information about Knowbot, use the "man" command after connecting via telnet or in the body of your E-mail message. 7. Direct contact If you have a paper mail address or telephone number for your target, call them or write to them and ask for an E-mail address. 8. The last resort -- If all the methods above have failed, you can consider posting a message to asking for help locating your target. Before doing so, however, you should read the "Tips on using" posting in that newsgroup. If it has expired, you can get a copy using the instructions below (note that the name in the instructions below may change when a new version with a new date is posted, so you may need to ask for an index of the archive to find out the name of the most recent version). Note that this is listed as THE last resort, to be tried even later than using a telephone number or paper mail address. Any posting to the USENET uses the resources of the sites on the USENET and of the networks that carry it; certainly, the total cost of transporting a USENET message is more than the cost of a stamp or a short phone call. Since the benefit gained is to you and not to the USENET as a whole, you should avoid posting if you possibly can. Useful USENET Postings Subject: College Email Addresses Newsgroups:, Subject: Inter-Network Mail Guide Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc Subject: Tips on using [l/m 26/05/91] Newsgroups: Available via anonymous ftp from ( in the files /pub/usenet/ /pub/usenet/comp.mail.misc/Inter-Network_Mail_Guide /pub/usenet/[l_m_26_05_91] Available from by sending a mail message containing any or all of send usenet/ send usenet/comp.mail.misc/Inter-Network_Mail_Guide send usenet/[l_m_26_05_91] Send a message containing "help" to get general information about the mail server. Credits Mark Brader , Patrick Hoepfner , Jonathan Kochmer and Peter J. Woodrow provided useful comments, information and/or suggestions. Jonathan Kamens jik@MIT.Edu MIT Information Systems/Athena Moderator, news.answers (Send news.answers-related correspondence to news-answers@MIT.Edu.) ("Look Ma, new signature!")