List of downloadable papers presented at DAFx99
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Althoff et al
Extracting Sinusoids From Harmonic Audio Signals
Aramaki et al
Resynthesis of coupled piano strings vibrations based on physical modeling
Visual representations of digital audio effects and of their control
Baron and Gil
The Cpld As A General Physical Modeling Synthesis Engine
Beltran et al
Matlab Implementation of Reverberation Algorithms
Bisnovatyi and O'Donnell
Decomposition of steady state instrument data into excitation system and formant filter components.
Borum and Jensen
. Additive Analysis/Synthesis Using Analytically Derived Windows
Canazza et al
Symbolic and audio processing to change the expressive intention of a recorded music performance
Hamadi Charef and Ifeachor
Artificial Intelligence based Modeling of Musical Instruments.
Daudet et al
Low bit-rate audio coding with hybrid representations.
Disch and Zölzer
Modulation And Delay Line Based Digital Audio Effects
Di Scipio
Synthesis of Environmental Sound Textures by Iterated NonLinear Functions
Material Design in Physical Modeling Sound Synthesis
Programming New Realtime DSP Possibilities with MSP
Radial Basis Function Networks for conversion of sound spectra
Evangelista and Cavaliere
Time Varying Frequency Warping: Results And Experiments
Fernandez-Cid et al
Multiband Waveshaping Distortion
Fitch and Shabana
A Wavelet-based Pitch Detector for Musical Signals
Garcia and Casajus-Quiros
Separation of Musical Instruments based on Perceptual and Statistical Principles.
Number Theoretic Transforms in Audio Processing
Musical timbre combfilter-coloration from reflections
Hammer and Sundt
. Larger version of
figure 1
A Hierarchical Constant Q Transform for Partial Tracking in Musical signals
Envelope Model of Isolated Musical Sounds
Design and Understandability of Digital-Audio Musical Symbols for Intent and State Communication from Service Robots to Humans
New techniques and Effects in Model-based Sound Synthesis
Karjalainen et al
More Acoustic Sounding Timbre From Guitar Pickups
Kob et al
Time-domain model of the singing voice
Landone and Sandler
Issues in Performance Prediction of Surround Systems for Sound Reinforcement Applications.
Lopez and Gonzalez
. 3-D Audio with Dynamic Tracking for Multimedia Environments
Musical Sound Effects in the SAS Model
Realtime Control of Audio Effects
Pallone et al
Wavelet based Method for audio-video synchronization in broadcasting applications
Polotti and Evangelista
Dynamic Models of Pseudo-Periodicity
Raczinski et al
Filter Implementation On Synthup
Rocchesso and Dutilleux
A generalized 3-d resonator model for simulation of non rectangular shapes
Rossignol et al
Vibrato: detection, estimation, extraction, modification
Schattschneider and Zölzer
Discrete-time Models for Non-linear Audio Systems
Settel and Lippe
Audio-rate control of FFT based processing using few parameters
Effect of early reflections in binaural systems with loudspeaker reproduction
Vaidhyanathan et al
CA: A system for Granular Processing of Sound using Cellular Automata
Identification and Modeling of a Flute Source Signal
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Last modified: Fri Feb 11 10:41:22 CET 2000