Short: multi_demo - Using dEDITMULTI on EPOC32 computers Author: (Roger Muggleton) Uploader: Type: s5/dev/demo Using dEDITMULTI on EPOC32 computers. The file multi_demo was produced to answer some of the queries I receive about the OPL32 dialog item, dEDITMULTI. Most of the details on how to use this item are clearly described in the OPL manual on the PsiWin CD, so this document describes only the example, and some issues which arise from its use. dEDITMULTI can use a buffer of any reasonable size. The example shows its use to load, modify, and save the contents of a standard OPL32 string. The form of the buffer is like an OPL32 string, except that the first 4 bytes contain the number of characters in the buffer, in long integer form. Thus the buffer needs to be created with 4 more bytes than the total required text length. In my example the buffer is created using the ALLOC function. This has the benefit that the buffer may be sized while the application is running. Since a string variable may hold a maximum of 255 characters, the buffer needs to be 255+4, which is rounded up to 260 in the example. The main: procedure merely decares some GLOBAL values, namely pointers to buffer addresses and the two string fields used in the dialog. The latter are initialised - note that text$, which holds the text we are playing with, contains a CR+LF pair (denoting an end-of-line). dEDITMULTI uses CHR$(6) as its EOL character, so conversion between the two forms is required if text$ is likely to contain an EOL character(s). The thread id, which is required later, is stored to App&. For an OPO file, use: App&=GetThreadIDFromOpenDoc&:(cmd$(1),temp&) For an application with its own UID, use: App&=GetThreadIDFromAppUid&:(UID&,temp&) multi: is the procedure that calls the dialog. The buffer is created using ALLOC, and the address of the buffer is passed to pBuffAddr&. pLen& is set to point to the address holding the total number of characters buffered, and pText& points to the start of the text. The function To_buffer%:() performs the copying of text$ to the buffer, and the resultant number of characters is returned in written%. This value is POKEL'd into the buffer. The dialog should be self explanatory. dEDITMULTI is set to display in a width of 30 characters columns, and 5 lines. The 255 is the maximum text length, i.e. the same as a string variable. Since dEDITMULTI can accept end-of-line characters, you cannot use the Psion Enter key to exit the dialog. Here some buttns have been added, Ctrl-S for save, Ctrl-E for exit, and Esc for Cancel. In this example, selecting save will allow you to see the result of your edit, cancel will also re-display the dialog, but with any changes cancelled, and exit will save and exit the demo. When the dialog appears, initially all the text in the dEDITMULTI field will be selected (highlighted). If there is a lot of text, the cursor will be positioned at the end of the text, which probably will be scrolled out of view. So the field will appear empty! To avoid this, you can send a Ctrl-Home character to the field. So before the dIALOG is activated, use SendKeyEventToApp&:(App&,0,4098,14,KModifierCtrl&,0) In the example the initial field holding focus will be the dEDIT, so we can send a DownArrow first (to set focus to the required field), send the Ctrl-Home, then an UpArrow to return focus to the top field if required: SendKeyEventToApp&:(App&,0,4105,17,0,0) SendKeyEventToApp&:(App&,0,4098,14,KModifierCtrl&,0) SendKeyEventToApp&:(App&,0,4105,16,0,0) Note that the thread id, App&, was stored at the start of the program. After pressing Ctrl-S or Ctrl-E, the buffer is copied to the string text$ by the function To_string%: and the length of the string is returned. This is POKEB'd into text$'s leading count byte. If exit was chosen, TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE. The function To_buffer%: copies the characters in the string into the buffer. The first string character is always held at the ADDR(text$)+1, this is copied to pText&. i% counts the string characters read, and j% counts the characters copied. This is because any CR+LF pairs are converted into a single CHR$(6) eol character. In my code, CR is converted, and LF is ignored. The function To_string%: copies the characters from the buffer into the string variable. If a CHR$(6) is read, a CR and a LF are written to the string. i% counts the characters read from the buffer, j% counts those written to the string. Since this increases the number of characters by one for each CHR$(6) in the buffer, each time a character is written j% is checked, and should it become reater than 255, the copy is terminated. Any characters buffered after this point are lost. When writing your own code using dEDITMULTI, there are a few things to watch out for. As in the previous paragraph, make sure you are not going to overflow any buffers, strings, or arrays. If you need to start off with an empty buffer, ensure you POKEL the value zero into the first 4 bytes. When a dialog is created with more text than can be displayed, note that the cursor will be initially positioned at the end of the text! And all the text will be highlighted! So if you now press a key, say G, then all the text will be replaced by the single letter G! Instead, make it your practice to press UP Arrow, which will move the cursor to the start of the text and de-select it. Some other characters are stored as different values in a dEDITMULTI buffer. These are less important, but are listed in CONST.OPH. You can also use dEDITMULTI with much larger buffers. Text can be loaded and saved from files rather than strings. If no other application will be using your files, and they will only be displayed in a dialog, it may be unnecessary to convert the end-of-line characters, i.e. keep them as CHR$(6). Not that certain sized files take much longer to load than others, I don't know why, but making a file larger make speed up the loading! Remember to FREEALLOC any ALLOC'd buffer when you have finished with it. Since FREALLOC(p&) does not alter the value of p&, you could set p& back to zero after your FREEALLOC, and ALLOC the buffer only when p& is zero. This would help you prevent creating a new buffer should your code accidentally missed the FREEALLOC! I hope that these notes are useful. If you find any errors or omissions, please email me. Note that I disclaim any responsibility for errors in my code resulting in damage or loss of data. You use this code, like any other, at your own risk! My apologies to anyone who cannot understand my English! CREDITS Thanks to Henry ( for showing me how to use SendKeyEventToApp& to set the cursor to the 'home' position. ************************************************************************* Roger Muggleton 14th February, 1998