Date: Tue, 5 Jul 1994 23:34:31 -1000 From: (Rolf V. Oestergaard) Message-Id: <> Organization: DKnet / EUnet Denmark - Login Tjenesten Subject: Any German "Drachenfestivals" in end-july? Hi kiters, I will be driving through Germany from Denmark to Austria in the week-end around the 16-17th july and back again in the week-end around the 30-31th july. Are there any kite events I should consider stopping by for on my way? DraMa lists both "10. Oldenburger Drachenfest" and "Drachenfest Weserbad Bremerhaven" from 30/7 to 31/7. Which one is the bigger? If any of You have more information on these events, please let me know. The last one must be in Bremerhaven, which I know how to find, but there must be at least 10 places in Germany called Oldenburg - which one are we talking about here? See You, Rolf V. Oestergaard, Copenhagen, Denmark New e-mail: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 03:58:59 -1000 From: (Rolf V. Oestergaard) Message-Id: <> Organization: DKnet / EUnet Denmark - Login Tjenesten Subject: Re: Any German "Drachenfestivals" in end-july? >DraMa lists both "10. Oldenburger Drachenfest" and "Drachenfest >Weserbad Bremerhaven" from 30/7 to 31/7. Which one is the bigger? If >any of You have more information on these events, please let me know. > >The last one must be in Bremerhaven, which I know how to find, but >there must be at least 10 places in Germany called Oldenburg - which >one are we talking about here? I haven't got a reply on this. Some of You must know more...??!? Any info is welcome. See You, Rolf V. Oestergaard, Copenhagen, Denmark New e-mail: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 10:56:43 -1000 From: (Markus Witt;WMD GmbH) Message-Id: <> Organization: WMD, Gesellschaft fuer Wissenschaftliche Messgeraete und Datenerfassung mbH Subject: Re: Any German "Drachenfestivals" in end-july? (Rolf V. Oestergaard) writes: > >DraMa lists both "10. Oldenburger Drachenfest" and "Drachenfest > >Weserbad Bremerhaven" from 30/7 to 31/7. There also is the "2. Sommerdrachenfest" in Tangermuende from the July 30th to 31th. > Which one is the bigger? If > >any of You have more information on these events, please let me know. Sorry, don't know which of these is the biggest. > >The last one must be in Bremerhaven, which I know how to find, but > >there must be at least 10 places in Germany called Oldenburg - which > >one are we talking about here? I guess it's the Oldenburg near Bremen. > I haven't got a reply on this. Some of You must know more...??!? > Any info is welcome. For further info about the festivals you can call: Oldenburg: Hans Snoek, Tel. +49 421 467 79 95 Bremerhaven: Uwe Eckert, Tel. +49 471 438 47 Tangermuende: either "Luftpirat" +49 40 570 92 01 or "Vom Winde verweht" +49 30 784 77 69 These are both shops as you probably guessed. I'm unsure myself which of these I will attend. Nice, steady winds Markus -- Markus Witt Hamburg Germany Work: Home: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =