patch-2.3.21 linux/drivers/video/tdfxfb.c
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- Lines: 1892
- Date:
Mon Oct 11 10:26:52 1999
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.20/linux/drivers/video/tdfxfb.c linux/drivers/video/tdfxfb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1891 @@
+ *
+ * tdfxfb.c
+ *
+ * Author: Hannu Mallat <>
+ *
+ * Copyright � 1999 Hannu Mallat
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * Created : Thu Sep 23 18:17:43 1999, hmallat
+ * Last modified: Thu Oct 7 18:39:04 1999, hmallat
+ *
+ * Lots of the information here comes from the Daryll Strauss' Banshee
+ * patches to the XF86 server, and the rest comes from the 3dfx
+ * Banshee specification. I'm very much indebted to Daryll for his
+ * work on the X server.
+ *
+ * Voodoo3 support was contributed Harold Oga. Thanks!
+ *
+ * While I _am_ grateful to 3Dfx for releasing the specs for Banshee,
+ * I do wish the next version is a bit more complete. Without the XF86
+ * patches I couldn't have gotten even this far... for instance, the
+ * extensions to the VGA register set go completely unmentioned in the
+ * spec! Also, lots of references are made to the 'SST core', but no
+ * spec is publicly available, AFAIK.
+ *
+ * The structure of this driver comes pretty much from the Permedia
+ * driver by Ilario Nardinocchi, which in turn is based on skeletonfb.
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * - support for 16/32 bpp needs fixing (funky bootup penguin)
+ * - multihead support (it's all hosed now with pokes to VGA standard
+ * register locations, but shouldn't be that hard to change, some
+ * other code needs to be changed too where the fb_info (which should
+ * be an array of head-specific information) is referred to directly.
+ * are referred to )
+ * - hw cursor
+ * - better acceleration support (e.g., font blitting from fb memory?)
+ * - banshee and voodoo3 now supported -- any others? afaik, the original
+ * voodoo was a 3d-only card, so we won't consider that. what about
+ * voodoo2?
+ * - 24bpp
+ * - panning (doesn't seem to work properly yet)
+ *
+ * Version history:
+ *
+ * 0.1.1 (released 1999-10-07) added Voodoo3 support by Harold Oga.
+ * 0.1.0 (released 1999-10-06) initial version
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/fb.h>
+#include <linux/selection.h>
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/nvram.h>
+#include <linux/kd.h>
+#include <linux/vt_kern.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <video/fbcon.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb8.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb16.h>
+#include <video/fbcon-cfb32.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#define KERNEL_VERSION(x,y,z) (((x)<<16)+((y)<<8)+(z))
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_3DFX_VOODOO3 0x0005
+/* membase0 register offsets */
+#define STATUS 0x00
+#define PCIINIT0 0x04
+#define SIPMONITOR 0x08
+#define MISCINIT0 0x10
+#define MISCINIT1 0x14
+#define DRAMINIT0 0x18
+#define DRAMINIT1 0x1c
+#define AGPINIT 0x20
+#define TMUGBEINIT 0x24
+#define VGAINIT0 0x28
+#define VGAINIT1 0x2c
+#define DRAMCOMMAND 0x30
+#define DRAMDATA 0x34
+/* reserved 0x38 */
+/* reserved 0x3c */
+#define PLLCTRL0 0x40
+#define PLLCTRL1 0x44
+#define PLLCTRL2 0x48
+#define DACMODE 0x4c
+#define DACADDR 0x50
+#define DACDATA 0x54
+#define RGBMAXDELTA 0x58
+#define VIDPROCCFG 0x5c
+#define HWCURPATADDR 0x60
+#define HWCURLOC 0x64
+#define HWCURC0 0x68
+#define HWCURC1 0x6c
+#define VIDINFORMAT 0x70
+#define VIDINSTATUS 0x74
+#define VIDSERPARPORT 0x78
+#define VIDINXDELTA 0x7c
+#define VIDININITERR 0x80
+#define VIDINYDELTA 0x84
+#define VIDPIXBUFTHOLD 0x88
+#define VIDCHRMIN 0x8c
+#define VIDCHRMAX 0x90
+#define VIDCURLIN 0x94
+#define VIDSCREENSIZE 0x98
+#define VIDOVRSTARTCRD 0x9c
+#define VIDOVRENDCRD 0xa0
+#define VIDOVRDUDX 0xa4
+#define VIDOVRDUDXOFF 0xa8
+#define VIDOVRDVDY 0xac
+/* ... */
+#define VIDOVRDVDYOFF 0xe0
+#define VIDDESKSTART 0xe4
+#define VIDDESKSTRIDE 0xe8
+#define VIDINADDR0 0xec
+#define VIDINADDR1 0xf0
+#define VIDINADDR2 0xf4
+#define VIDINSTRIDE 0xf8
+#define VIDCUROVRSTART 0xfc
+#define INTCTRL (0x00100000 + 0x04)
+#define CLIP0MIN (0x00100000 + 0x08)
+#define CLIP0MAX (0x00100000 + 0x0c)
+#define DSTBASE (0x00100000 + 0x10)
+#define DSTFORMAT (0x00100000 + 0x14)
+#define SRCBASE (0x00100000 + 0x34)
+#define COMMANDEXTRA_2D (0x00100000 + 0x38)
+#define CLIP1MIN (0x00100000 + 0x4c)
+#define CLIP1MAX (0x00100000 + 0x50)
+#define SRCFORMAT (0x00100000 + 0x54)
+#define SRCSIZE (0x00100000 + 0x58)
+#define SRCXY (0x00100000 + 0x5c)
+#define COLORBACK (0x00100000 + 0x60)
+#define COLORFORE (0x00100000 + 0x64)
+#define DSTSIZE (0x00100000 + 0x68)
+#define DSTXY (0x00100000 + 0x6c)
+#define COMMAND_2D (0x00100000 + 0x70)
+#define LAUNCH_2D (0x00100000 + 0x80)
+#define COMMAND_3D (0x00200000 + 0x120)
+/* register bitfields (not all, only as needed) */
+#define BIT(x) (1UL << (x))
+#define ROP_COPY 0xcc
+#define COMMAND_2D_FILLRECT 0x05
+#define COMMAND_2D_BITBLT 0x01
+#define COMMAND_3D_NOP 0x00
+#define STATUS_BUSY BIT(9)
+#define VGAINIT0_8BIT_DAC BIT(2)
+#define VGAINIT0_WAKEUP_3C3 BIT(8)
+#define VGAINIT0_DECODE_3C6 BIT(13)
+#define VGAINIT1_MASK 0x1fffff
+#define VIDCFG_CURS_X11 BIT(1)
+#define VIDCFG_2X BIT(26)
+#define DACMODE_2X BIT(0)
+/* VGA rubbish, need to change this for multihead support */
+#define MISC_W 0x3c2
+#define MISC_R 0x3cc
+#define SEQ_I 0x3c4
+#define SEQ_D 0x3c5
+#define CRT_I 0x3d4
+#define CRT_D 0x3d5
+#define ATT_IW 0x3c0
+#define IS1_R 0x3da
+#define GRA_I 0x3ce
+#define GRA_D 0x3cf
+#define DAC_IR 0x3c7
+#define DAC_IW 0x3c8
+#define DAC_D 0x3c9
+#define TDFXF_HSYNC_ACT_HIGH 0x01
+#define TDFXF_HSYNC_ACT_LOW 0x02
+#define TDFXF_VSYNC_ACT_HIGH 0x04
+#define TDFXF_VSYNC_ACT_LOW 0x08
+#define TDFXF_LINE_DOUBLE 0x10
+#define TDFXF_VIDEO_ENABLE 0x20
+#define TDFXF_HSYNC_MASK 0x03
+#define TDFXF_VSYNC_MASK 0x0c
+/* #define TDFXFB_DEBUG */
+#define DPRINTK(a,b...) printk("fb: %s: " a, __FUNCTION__ , ## b)
+#define DPRINTK(a,b...)
+#define PICOS2KHZ(a) (1000000000UL/(a))
+#define KHZ2PICOS(a) (1000000000UL/(a))
+#define BANSHEE_MAX_PIXCLOCK 270000.0
+#define VOODOO3_MAX_PIXCLOCK 300000.0
+struct banshee_reg {
+ /* VGA rubbish */
+ unsigned char att[21];
+ unsigned char crt[25];
+ unsigned char gra[ 9];
+ unsigned char misc[1];
+ unsigned char seq[ 5];
+ /* Banshee extensions */
+ unsigned char ext[2];
+ unsigned long vidcfg;
+ unsigned long vidpll;
+ unsigned long mempll;
+ unsigned long gfxpll;
+ unsigned long dacmode;
+ unsigned long vgainit0;
+ unsigned long vgainit1;
+ unsigned long screensize;
+ unsigned long stride;
+ unsigned long cursloc;
+ unsigned long startaddr;
+ unsigned long clip0min;
+ unsigned long clip0max;
+ unsigned long clip1min;
+ unsigned long clip1max;
+ unsigned long srcbase;
+ unsigned long dstbase;
+struct tdfxfb_par {
+ u32 pixclock;
+ u32 baseline;
+ u32 width;
+ u32 height;
+ u32 width_virt;
+ u32 height_virt;
+ u32 lpitch; /* line pitch, in bytes */
+ u32 ppitch; /* pixel pitch, in bits */
+ u32 bpp;
+ u32 hdispend;
+ u32 hsyncsta;
+ u32 hsyncend;
+ u32 htotal;
+ u32 vdispend;
+ u32 vsyncsta;
+ u32 vsyncend;
+ u32 vtotal;
+ u32 video;
+ u32 accel_flags;
+struct fb_info_tdfx {
+ struct fb_info fb_info;
+ u16 dev;
+ u32 max_pixclock;
+ unsigned long regbase_phys;
+ unsigned long regbase_virt;
+ unsigned long regbase_size;
+ unsigned long bufbase_phys;
+ unsigned long bufbase_virt;
+ unsigned long bufbase_size;
+ struct { u8 red, green, blue, pad; } palette[256];
+ struct tdfxfb_par default_par;
+ struct tdfxfb_par current_par;
+ struct display disp;
+ struct display_switch dispsw;
+ union {
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+ u16 cfb16[16];
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+ u32 cfb32[16];
+ } fbcon_cmap;
+ * Frame buffer device API
+ */
+static int tdfxfb_open(struct fb_info* info,
+ int user);
+static int tdfxfb_release(struct fb_info* info,
+ int user);
+static int tdfxfb_get_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo* fix,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static int tdfxfb_get_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static int tdfxfb_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static int tdfxfb_pan_display(struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static int tdfxfb_get_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap,
+ int kspc,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* info);
+static int tdfxfb_set_cmap(struct fb_cmap* cmap,
+ int kspc,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* info);
+static int tdfxfb_ioctl(struct inode* inode,
+ struct file* file,
+ u_int cmd,
+ u_long arg,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* info);
+ * Interface to the low level console driver
+ */
+static int tdfxfb_switch_con(int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static int tdfxfb_updatevar(int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static void tdfxfb_blank(int blank,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+ * Internal routines
+ */
+static void tdfxfb_set_par(const struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ struct fb_info_tdfx*
+ info);
+static int tdfxfb_decode_var(const struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+ struct tdfxfb_par *par,
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx *info);
+static int tdfxfb_encode_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ const struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx* info);
+static int tdfxfb_encode_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo* fix,
+ const struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx* info);
+static void tdfxfb_set_disp(struct display* disp,
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* info,
+ int bpp,
+ int accel);
+static int tdfxfb_getcolreg(u_int regno,
+ u_int* red,
+ u_int* green,
+ u_int* blue,
+ u_int* transp,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static int tdfxfb_setcolreg(u_int regno,
+ u_int red,
+ u_int green,
+ u_int blue,
+ u_int transp,
+ struct fb_info* fb);
+static void tdfxfb_install_cmap(int con,
+ struct fb_info *info);
+ * Interface used by the world
+ */
+void tdfxfb_init(void);
+int tdfxfb_init(void);
+void tdfxfb_setup(char *options,
+ int *ints);
+static int currcon = 0;
+static struct fb_ops tdfxfb_ops = {
+ tdfxfb_open,
+ tdfxfb_release,
+ tdfxfb_get_fix,
+ tdfxfb_get_var,
+ tdfxfb_set_var,
+ tdfxfb_get_cmap,
+ tdfxfb_set_cmap,
+ tdfxfb_pan_display,
+ tdfxfb_ioctl,
+struct mode {
+ char* name;
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
+} mode;
+/* 2.3.x kernels have a fb mode database, so supply only one backup default */
+struct mode default_mode[] = {
+ { "640x480-8@60", /* @ 60 Hz */
+ {
+ 640, 480, 640, 480, 0, 0, 8, 0,
+ {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 0, 0},
+ 39722, 40, 24, 32, 11, 96, 2,
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ { "800x600-8@56", /* @ 56 Hz */
+ {
+ 800, 600, 800, 600, 0, 0, 8, 0,
+ {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 0, 0},
+ 27778, 128, 24, 22, 1, 72, 2,
+ }
+ },
+ { "1024x768-8@60", /* @ 60 Hz */
+ {
+ 1024, 768, 1024, 768, 0, 0, 8, 0,
+ {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 0, 0},
+ 15385, 168, 8, 29, 3, 144, 6,
+ }
+ },
+ { "1280x1024-8@61", /* @ 61 Hz */
+ {
+ 1280, 1024, 1280, 1024, 0, 0, 8, 0,
+ {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 8, 0}, {0, 0, 0},
+ 9091, 200, 48, 26, 1, 184, 3,
+ }
+ },
+ { "1024x768-16@60", /* @ 60 Hz */ /* basically for testing */
+ {
+ 1024, 768, 1024, 768, 0, 0, 16, 0,
+ {11, 5, 0}, {5, 6, 0}, {0, 5, 0}, {0, 0, 0},
+ 15385, 168, 8, 29, 3, 144, 6,
+ }
+ }
+static int modes = sizeof(default_mode)/sizeof(struct mode);
+static int default_mode_index = 0;
+static struct fb_info_tdfx fb_info;
+static int __initdata noaccel = 0;
+static int __initdata nopan = 0;
+static int __initdata nowrap = 0;
+static int __initdata inverse = 0;
+static char __initdata fontname[40] = { 0 };
+static const char *mode_option __initdata = NULL;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline __u8 vga_inb(__u32 reg) { return inb(reg); }
+static inline __u16 vga_inw(__u32 reg) { return inw(reg); }
+static inline __u16 vga_inl(__u32 reg) { return inl(reg); }
+static inline void vga_outb(__u32 reg, __u8 val) { outb(val, reg); }
+static inline void vga_outw(__u32 reg, __u16 val) { outw(val, reg); }
+static inline void vga_outl(__u32 reg, __u32 val) { outl(val, reg); }
+static inline void gra_outb(__u32 idx, __u8 val) {
+ vga_outb(GRA_I, idx); vga_outb(GRA_D, val);
+static inline __u8 gra_inb(__u32 idx) {
+ vga_outb(GRA_I, idx); return vga_inb(GRA_D);
+static inline void seq_outb(__u32 idx, __u8 val) {
+ vga_outb(SEQ_I, idx); vga_outb(SEQ_D, val);
+static inline __u8 seq_inb(__u32 idx) {
+ vga_outb(SEQ_I, idx); return vga_inb(SEQ_D);
+static inline void crt_outb(__u32 idx, __u8 val) {
+ vga_outb(CRT_I, idx); vga_outb(CRT_D, val);
+static inline __u8 crt_inb(__u32 idx) {
+ vga_outb(CRT_I, idx); return vga_inb(CRT_D);
+static inline void att_outb(__u32 idx, __u8 val) {
+ unsigned char tmp;
+ tmp = vga_inb(IS1_R);
+ vga_outb(ATT_IW, idx);
+ vga_outb(ATT_IW, val);
+static inline __u8 att_inb(__u32 idx) {
+ unsigned char tmp;
+ tmp = vga_inb(IS1_R);
+ vga_outb(ATT_IW, idx);
+ return vga_inb(ATT_IW);
+static inline void vga_disable_video(void) {
+ unsigned char s;
+ s = seq_inb(0x01) | 0x20;
+ seq_outb(0x00, 0x01);
+ seq_outb(0x01, s);
+ seq_outb(0x00, 0x03);
+static inline void vga_enable_video(void) {
+ unsigned char s;
+ s = seq_inb(0x01) & 0xdf;
+ seq_outb(0x00, 0x01);
+ seq_outb(0x01, s);
+ seq_outb(0x00, 0x03);
+static inline void vga_disable_palette(void) {
+ vga_inb(IS1_R);
+ vga_outb(ATT_IW, 0x00);
+static inline void vga_enable_palette(void) {
+ vga_inb(IS1_R);
+ vga_outb(ATT_IW, 0x20);
+static inline __u32 tdfx_inl(unsigned int reg) {
+ return readl(fb_info.regbase_virt + reg);
+static inline void tdfx_outl(unsigned int reg, __u32 val) {
+ writel(val, fb_info.regbase_virt + reg);
+static inline void banshee_make_room(int size) {
+ while((tdfx_inl(STATUS) & 0x1f) < size);
+static inline void banshee_wait_idle(void) {
+ int i = 0;
+ banshee_make_room(1);
+ tdfx_outl(COMMAND_3D, COMMAND_3D_NOP);
+ while(1) {
+ i = (tdfx_inl(STATUS) & STATUS_BUSY) ? 0 : i + 1;
+ if(i == 3) break;
+ }
+static void banshee_fillrect(__u32 x,
+ __u32 y,
+ __u32 w,
+ __u32 h,
+ __u32 color,
+ __u32 stride,
+ __u32 bpp) {
+ banshee_make_room(2);
+ tdfx_outl(DSTFORMAT,
+ (stride & 0x3fff) |
+ (bpp == 8 ? 0x10000 :
+ bpp == 16 ? 0x30000 : 0x50000));
+ tdfx_outl(COLORFORE, color);
+ banshee_make_room(3);
+ tdfx_outl(COMMAND_2D, COMMAND_2D_FILLRECT | (ROP_COPY << 24));
+ tdfx_outl(DSTSIZE, (w & 0x1fff) | ((h & 0x1fff) << 16));
+ tdfx_outl(LAUNCH_2D, (x & 0x1fff) | ((y & 0x1fff) << 16));
+static void banshee_bitblt(__u32 curx,
+ __u32 cury,
+ __u32 dstx,
+ __u32 dsty,
+ __u32 width,
+ __u32 height,
+ __u32 stride,
+ __u32 bpp) {
+ int xdir, ydir;
+ xdir = dstx < curx ? 1 : -1;
+ ydir = dsty < cury ? 1 : -1;
+ banshee_make_room(4);
+ tdfx_outl(SRCFORMAT,
+ (stride & 0x3fff) |
+ (bpp == 8 ? 0x10000 :
+ bpp == 16 ? 0x30000 : 0x50000));
+ tdfx_outl(DSTFORMAT,
+ (stride & 0x3fff) |
+ (bpp == 8 ? 0x10000 :
+ bpp == 16 ? 0x30000 : 0x50000));
+ tdfx_outl(COMMAND_2D,
+ (xdir == -1 ? BIT(14) : 0) |
+ (ydir == -1 ? BIT(15) : 0));
+ tdfx_outl(COMMANDEXTRA_2D, 0); /* no color keying */
+ if(xdir == -1) {
+ curx += width - 1;
+ dstx += width - 1;
+ }
+ if(ydir == -1) {
+ cury += height - 1;
+ dsty += height - 1;
+ }
+ /* Consecutive overlapping regions can hang the board --
+ since we allow mmap'ing of control registers, we cannot
+ __safely__ assume anything, like XF86 does... */
+ banshee_make_room(1);
+ tdfx_outl(COMMAND_3D, COMMAND_3D_NOP);
+ banshee_make_room(3);
+ tdfx_outl(DSTSIZE, (width & 0x1fff) | ((height & 0x1fff) << 16));
+ tdfx_outl(DSTXY, (dstx & 0x1fff) | ((dsty & 0x1fff) << 16));
+ tdfx_outl(LAUNCH_2D, (curx & 0x1fff) | ((cury & 0x1fff) << 16));
+static __u32 banshee_calc_pll(int freq, int* freq_out) {
+ int m, n, k, best_m, best_n, best_k, f_cur, best_error;
+ int fref = 14318;
+ /* this really could be done with more intelligence */
+ best_error = freq;
+ best_n = best_m = best_k = 0;
+ for(n = 1; n < 256; n++) {
+ for(m = 1; m < 64; m++) {
+ for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ f_cur = fref*(n + 2)/(m + 2)/(1 << k);
+ if(abs(f_cur - freq) < best_error) {
+ best_error = abs(f_cur-freq);
+ best_n = n;
+ best_m = m;
+ best_k = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n = best_n;
+ m = best_m;
+ k = best_k;
+ *freq_out = fref*(n + 2)/(m + 2)/(1 << k);
+ DPRINTK("freq = %d kHz, freq_out = %d kHz\n", freq, *freq_out);
+ DPRINTK("N = %d, M = %d, K = %d\n", n, m, k);
+ return (n << 8) | (m << 2) | k;
+static void banshee_write_regs(struct banshee_reg* reg) {
+ int i;
+ banshee_wait_idle();
+ tdfx_outl(MISCINIT1, tdfx_inl(MISCINIT1) | 0x01);
+ crt_outb(0x11, crt_inb(0x11) & 0x7f); /* CRT unprotect */
+ banshee_make_room(3);
+ tdfx_outl(VGAINIT1, reg->vgainit1 & 0x001FFFFF);
+ tdfx_outl(VIDPROCCFG, reg->vidcfg & ~0x00000001);
+#if 0
+ tdfx_outl(PLLCTRL1, reg->mempll);
+ tdfx_outl(PLLCTRL2, reg->gfxpll);
+ tdfx_outl(PLLCTRL0, reg->vidpll);
+ vga_outb(MISC_W, reg->misc[0x00] | 0x01);
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ seq_outb(i, reg->seq[i]);
+ for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ crt_outb(i, reg->crt[i]);
+ for(i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+ gra_outb(i, reg->gra[i]);
+ for(i = 0; i < 21; i++)
+ att_outb(i, reg->att[i]);
+ crt_outb(0x1a, reg->ext[0]);
+ crt_outb(0x1b, reg->ext[1]);
+ vga_enable_palette();
+ vga_enable_video();
+ banshee_make_room(9);
+ tdfx_outl(VGAINIT0, reg->vgainit0);
+ tdfx_outl(DACMODE, reg->dacmode);
+ tdfx_outl(VIDDESKSTRIDE, reg->stride);
+ tdfx_outl(HWCURPATADDR, reg->cursloc);
+ tdfx_outl(VIDSCREENSIZE, reg->screensize);
+ tdfx_outl(VIDDESKSTART, reg->startaddr);
+ tdfx_outl(VIDPROCCFG, reg->vidcfg);
+ tdfx_outl(VGAINIT1, reg->vgainit1);
+ banshee_make_room(7);
+ tdfx_outl(SRCBASE, reg->srcbase);
+ tdfx_outl(DSTBASE, reg->dstbase);
+ tdfx_outl(COMMANDEXTRA_2D, 0);
+ tdfx_outl(CLIP0MIN, 0);
+ tdfx_outl(CLIP0MAX, 0x0fff0fff);
+ tdfx_outl(CLIP1MIN, 0);
+ tdfx_outl(CLIP1MAX, 0x0fff0fff);
+ banshee_wait_idle();
+static unsigned long tdfx_lfb_size(void) {
+ __u32 draminit0 = 0;
+ __u32 draminit1 = 0;
+ __u32 miscinit1 = 0;
+ __u32 lfbsize = 0;
+ int sgram_p = 0;
+ if(!(( == PCI_DEVICE_ID_3DFX_BANSHEE) ||
+ return 0;
+ draminit0 = tdfx_inl(DRAMINIT0);
+ draminit1 = tdfx_inl(DRAMINIT1);
+ sgram_p = (draminit1 & DRAMINIT1_MEM_SDRAM) ? 0 : 1;
+ lfbsize = sgram_p ?
+ (((draminit0 & DRAMINIT0_SGRAM_NUM) ? 2 : 1) *
+ ((draminit0 & DRAMINIT0_SGRAM_TYPE) ? 8 : 4) * 1024 * 1024) :
+ 16 * 1024 * 1024;
+ /* disable block writes for SDRAM (why?) */
+ miscinit1 = tdfx_inl(MISCINIT1);
+ miscinit1 |= sgram_p ? 0 : MISCINIT1_2DBLOCK_DIS;
+ miscinit1 |= MISCINIT1_CLUT_INV;
+ tdfx_outl(MISCINIT1, miscinit1);
+ return lfbsize;
+static void fbcon_banshee_bmove(struct display* p,
+ int sy,
+ int sx,
+ int dy,
+ int dx,
+ int height,
+ int width) {
+ banshee_bitblt(fontwidth(p)*sx,
+ fontheight(p)*sy,
+ fontwidth(p)*dx,
+ fontheight(p)*dy,
+ fontwidth(p)*width,
+ fontheight(p)*height,
+ fb_info.current_par.lpitch,
+ fb_info.current_par.bpp);
+static void fbcon_banshee_clear(struct vc_data* conp,
+ struct display* p,
+ int sy,
+ int sx,
+ int height,
+ int width) {
+ unsigned int bg;
+ bg = attr_bgcol_ec(p,conp);
+ banshee_fillrect(fontwidth(p)*sx,
+ fontheight(p)*sy,
+ fontwidth(p)*width,
+ fontheight(p)*height,
+ bg,
+ fb_info.current_par.lpitch,
+ fb_info.current_par.bpp);
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
+static struct display_switch fbcon_banshee8 = {
+ fbcon_cfb8_setup,
+ fbcon_banshee_bmove,
+ fbcon_banshee_clear,
+ fbcon_cfb8_putc,
+ fbcon_cfb8_putcs,
+ fbcon_cfb8_revc,
+ fbcon_cfb8_clear_margins,
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+static struct display_switch fbcon_banshee16 = {
+ fbcon_cfb16_setup,
+ fbcon_banshee_bmove,
+ fbcon_banshee_clear,
+ fbcon_cfb16_putc,
+ fbcon_cfb16_putcs,
+ fbcon_cfb16_revc,
+ fbcon_cfb16_clear_margins,
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+static struct display_switch fbcon_banshee32 = {
+ fbcon_cfb32_setup,
+ fbcon_banshee_bmove,
+ fbcon_banshee_clear,
+ fbcon_cfb32_putc,
+ fbcon_cfb32_putcs,
+ fbcon_cfb32_revc,
+ fbcon_cfb32_clear_margins,
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void tdfxfb_set_par(const struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* info) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* i = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)info;
+ struct banshee_reg reg;
+ __u32 cpp;
+ __u32 hd, hs, he, ht, hbs, hbe;
+ __u32 vd, vs, ve, vt, vbs, vbe;
+ __u32 wd;
+ int fout;
+ int freq;
+ memset(®, 0, sizeof(reg));
+ cpp = (par->bpp + 7)/8;
+ wd = (par->hdispend >> 3) - 1;
+ hd = (par->hdispend >> 3) - 1;
+ hs = (par->hsyncsta >> 3) - 1;
+ he = (par->hsyncend >> 3) - 1;
+ ht = (par->htotal >> 3) - 1;
+ hbs = hd;
+ hbe = ht;
+ vd = par->vdispend - 1;
+ vs = par->vsyncsta - 1;
+ ve = par->vsyncend - 1;
+ vt = par->vtotal - 2;
+ vbs = vd;
+ vbe = vt;
+ /* this is all pretty standard VGA register stuffing */
+ reg.misc[0x00] =
+ 0x0f |
+ (par->hdispend < 400 ? 0xa0 :
+ par->hdispend < 480 ? 0x60 :
+ par->hdispend < 768 ? 0xe0 : 0x20);
+ reg.gra[0x00] = 0x00;
+ reg.gra[0x01] = 0x00;
+ reg.gra[0x02] = 0x00;
+ reg.gra[0x03] = 0x00;
+ reg.gra[0x04] = 0x00;
+ reg.gra[0x05] = 0x40;
+ reg.gra[0x06] = 0x05;
+ reg.gra[0x07] = 0x0f;
+ reg.gra[0x08] = 0xff;
+ reg.att[0x00] = 0x00;
+ reg.att[0x01] = 0x01;
+ reg.att[0x02] = 0x02;
+ reg.att[0x03] = 0x03;
+ reg.att[0x04] = 0x04;
+ reg.att[0x05] = 0x05;
+ reg.att[0x06] = 0x06;
+ reg.att[0x07] = 0x07;
+ reg.att[0x08] = 0x08;
+ reg.att[0x09] = 0x09;
+ reg.att[0x0a] = 0x0a;
+ reg.att[0x0b] = 0x0b;
+ reg.att[0x0c] = 0x0c;
+ reg.att[0x0d] = 0x0d;
+ reg.att[0x0e] = 0x0e;
+ reg.att[0x0f] = 0x0f;
+ reg.att[0x10] = 0x41;
+ reg.att[0x11] = 0x00;
+ reg.att[0x12] = 0x0f;
+ reg.att[0x13] = 0x00;
+ reg.att[0x14] = 0x00;
+ reg.seq[0x00] = 0x03;
+ reg.seq[0x01] = 0x01; /* fixme: clkdiv2? */
+ reg.seq[0x02] = 0x0f;
+ reg.seq[0x03] = 0x00;
+ reg.seq[0x04] = 0x0e;
+ reg.crt[0x00] = ht - 4;
+ reg.crt[0x01] = hd;
+ reg.crt[0x02] = hbs;
+ reg.crt[0x03] = 0x80 | (hbe & 0x1f);
+ reg.crt[0x04] = hs;
+ reg.crt[0x05] =
+ ((hbe & 0x20) << 2) |
+ (he & 0x1f);
+ reg.crt[0x06] = vt;
+ reg.crt[0x07] =
+ ((vs & 0x200) >> 2) |
+ ((vd & 0x200) >> 3) |
+ ((vt & 0x200) >> 4) |
+ 0x10 |
+ ((vbs & 0x100) >> 5) |
+ ((vs & 0x100) >> 6) |
+ ((vd & 0x100) >> 7) |
+ ((vt & 0x100) >> 8);
+ reg.crt[0x08] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x09] =
+ 0x40 |
+ ((vbs & 0x200) >> 4);
+ reg.crt[0x0a] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x0b] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x0c] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x0d] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x0e] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x0f] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x10] = vs;
+ reg.crt[0x11] =
+ (ve & 0x0f) |
+ 0x20;
+ reg.crt[0x12] = vd;
+ reg.crt[0x13] = wd;
+ reg.crt[0x14] = 0x00;
+ reg.crt[0x15] = vbs;
+ reg.crt[0x16] = vbe + 1;
+ reg.crt[0x17] = 0xc3;
+ reg.crt[0x18] = 0xff;
+ /* Banshee's nonvga stuff */
+ reg.ext[0x00] = (((ht & 0x100) >> 8) |
+ ((hd & 0x100) >> 6) |
+ ((hbs & 0x100) >> 4) |
+ ((hbe & 0x40) >> 1) |
+ ((hs & 0x100) >> 2) |
+ ((he & 0x20) << 2));
+ reg.ext[0x01] = (((vt & 0x400) >> 10) |
+ ((vd & 0x400) >> 8) |
+ ((vbs & 0x400) >> 6) |
+ ((vbe & 0x400) >> 4));
+ reg.vgainit0 =
+ reg.vgainit1 = tdfx_inl(VGAINIT1) & 0x1fffff;
+ reg.vidcfg =
+ ((cpp - 1) << VIDCFG_PIXFMT_SHIFT) |
+ (cpp != 1 ? VIDCFG_CLUT_BYPASS : 0);
+ reg.stride = par->width*cpp;
+ reg.cursloc = 0;
+ reg.startaddr = par->baseline*reg.stride;
+ reg.srcbase = reg.startaddr;
+ reg.dstbase = reg.startaddr;
+ /* PLL settings */
+ freq = par->pixclock;
+ reg.dacmode &= ~DACMODE_2X;
+ reg.vidcfg &= ~VIDCFG_2X;
+ if(freq > i->max_pixclock/2) {
+ freq = freq > i->max_pixclock ? i->max_pixclock : freq;
+ reg.dacmode |= DACMODE_2X;
+ reg.vidcfg |= VIDCFG_2X;
+ }
+ reg.vidpll = banshee_calc_pll(freq, &fout);
+#if 0
+ reg.mempll = banshee_calc_pll(..., &fout);
+ reg.gfxpll = banshee_calc_pll(..., &fout);
+ reg.screensize = par->width | (par->height << 12);
+ reg.vidcfg &= ~VIDCFG_HALF_MODE;
+ banshee_write_regs(®);
+ i->current_par = *par;
+static int tdfxfb_decode_var(const struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx* info) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* i = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)info;
+ if(var->bits_per_pixel != 8 &&
+ var->bits_per_pixel != 16 &&
+ var->bits_per_pixel != 32) {
+ DPRINTK("depth not supported: %u\n", var->bits_per_pixel);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if((var->vmode & FB_VMODE_MASK) == FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) {
+ DPRINTK("interlace not supported\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(var->xoffset) {
+ DPRINTK("xoffset not supported\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(var->xres != var->xres_virtual) {
+ DPRINTK("virtual x resolution != physical x resolution not supported\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(nopan && nowrap) {
+ if(var->yres != var->yres_virtual) {
+ DPRINTK("virtual y resolution != physical y resolution not supported\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(var->yres > var->yres_virtual) {
+ DPRINTK("virtual y resolution < physical y resolution not possible\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ if((var->vmode & FB_VMODE_MASK) == FB_VMODE_INTERLACED) {
+ DPRINTK("interlace not supported\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ memset(par, 0, sizeof(struct tdfxfb_par));
+ switch(i->dev) {
+ par->width = (var->xres + 15) & ~15; /* could sometimes be 8 */
+ par->width_virt = par->width;
+ par->height = var->yres;
+ par->height_virt = var->yres_virtual;
+ par->bpp = var->bits_per_pixel;
+ par->ppitch = var->bits_per_pixel;
+ par->lpitch = par->width*par->ppitch/8;
+ par->baseline = 0;
+ if(par->width < 320 || par->width > 2048) {
+ DPRINTK("width not supported: %u\n", par->width);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(par->height < 200 || par->height > 2048) {
+ DPRINTK("height not supported: %u\n", par->height);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(par->lpitch*par->height_virt > i->bufbase_size) {
+ DPRINTK("no memory for screen (%ux%ux%u)\n",
+ par->width, par->height_virt, par->bpp);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ par->pixclock = PICOS2KHZ(var->pixclock);
+ if(par->pixclock > i->max_pixclock) {
+ DPRINTK("pixclock too high (%uKHz)\n", par->pixclock);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ par->hdispend = var->xres;
+ par->hsyncsta = par->hdispend + var->right_margin;
+ par->hsyncend = par->hsyncsta + var->hsync_len;
+ par->htotal = par->hsyncend + var->left_margin;
+ par->vdispend = var->yres;
+ par->vsyncsta = par->vdispend + var->lower_margin;
+ par->vsyncend = par->vsyncsta + var->vsync_len;
+ par->vtotal = par->vsyncend + var->upper_margin;
+ if(var->sync & FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT)
+ par->video |= TDFXF_HSYNC_ACT_HIGH;
+ else
+ par->video |= TDFXF_HSYNC_ACT_LOW;
+ if(var->sync & FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT)
+ par->video |= TDFXF_VSYNC_ACT_HIGH;
+ else
+ par->video |= TDFXF_VSYNC_ACT_LOW;
+ if((var->vmode & FB_VMODE_MASK) == FB_VMODE_DOUBLE)
+ par->video |= TDFXF_LINE_DOUBLE;
+ if(var->activate == FB_ACTIVATE_NOW)
+ par->video |= TDFXF_VIDEO_ENABLE;
+ }
+ if(var->accel_flags & FB_ACCELF_TEXT)
+ par->accel_flags = FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ else
+ par->accel_flags = 0;
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_encode_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ const struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx* info) {
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo v;
+ memset(&v, 0, sizeof(struct fb_var_screeninfo));
+ v.xres_virtual = par->width_virt;
+ v.yres_virtual = par->height_virt;
+ v.xres = par->width;
+ v.yres = par->height;
+ v.right_margin = par->hsyncsta - par->hdispend;
+ v.hsync_len = par->hsyncend - par->hsyncsta;
+ v.left_margin = par->htotal - par->hsyncend;
+ v.lower_margin = par->vsyncsta - par->vdispend;
+ v.vsync_len = par->vsyncend - par->vsyncsta;
+ v.upper_margin = par->vtotal - par->vsyncend;
+ v.bits_per_pixel = par->bpp;
+ switch(par->bpp) {
+ case 8:
+ = = = 8;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ = 11;
+ = 5;
+ = 5;
+ = 6;
+ = 0;
+ = 5;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ = 16;
+ = 8;
+ = 0;
+ = = = 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ v.height = v.width = -1;
+ v.pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(par->pixclock);
+ v.sync |= FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT;
+ v.sync |= FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT;
+ if(par->video & TDFXF_LINE_DOUBLE)
+ v.vmode = FB_VMODE_DOUBLE;
+ *var = v;
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_open(struct fb_info* info,
+ int user) {
+ return(0);
+static int tdfxfb_release(struct fb_info* info,
+ int user) {
+ return(0);
+static int tdfxfb_encode_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo* fix,
+ const struct tdfxfb_par* par,
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx* info) {
+ memset(fix, 0, sizeof(struct fb_fix_screeninfo));
+ switch(info->dev) {
+ if (info->dev == PCI_DEVICE_ID_3DFX_BANSHEE)
+ strcpy(fix->id, "3Dfx Banshee");
+ else
+ strcpy(fix->id, "3Dfx Voodoo3");
+ fix->smem_start = (char*)info->bufbase_phys;
+ fix->smem_len = info->bufbase_size;
+ fix->mmio_start = (char*)info->regbase_phys;
+ fix->mmio_len = info->regbase_size;
+ fix->smem_start = info->bufbase_phys;
+ fix->smem_len = info->bufbase_size;
+ fix->mmio_start = info->regbase_phys;
+ fix->mmio_len = info->regbase_size;
+ fix->accel = FB_ACCEL_3DFX_BANSHEE;
+ fix->type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
+ fix->type_aux = 0;
+ fix->line_length = par->lpitch;
+ fix->visual = par->bpp == 8
+ fix->xpanstep = 0;
+ fix->ypanstep = (nowrap && nopan) ? 0 : 1;
+ fix->ywrapstep = nowrap ? 0 : 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_get_fix(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx *info = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)fb;
+ struct tdfxfb_par par;
+ if(con == -1)
+ par = info->default_par;
+ else
+ tdfxfb_decode_var(&fb_display[con].var, &par, info);
+ tdfxfb_encode_fix(fix, &par, info);
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_get_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ const struct fb_info_tdfx *info = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)fb;
+ if(con == -1)
+ tdfxfb_encode_var(var, &info->default_par, info);
+ else
+ *var = fb_display[con].var;
+ return 0;
+static void tdfxfb_set_disp(struct display *disp,
+ struct fb_info_tdfx *info,
+ int bpp,
+ int accel) {
+ DPRINTK("actually, %s using acceleration!\n",
+ noaccel ? "NOT" : "");
+ switch(bpp) {
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
+ case 8:
+ info->dispsw = noaccel ? fbcon_cfb8 : fbcon_banshee8;
+ disp->dispsw = &info->dispsw;
+ break;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+ case 16:
+ info->dispsw = noaccel ? fbcon_cfb16 : fbcon_banshee16;
+ disp->dispsw = &info->dispsw;
+ disp->dispsw_data = info->fbcon_cmap.cfb16;
+ break;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+ case 32:
+ info->dispsw = noaccel ? fbcon_cfb32 : fbcon_banshee32;
+ disp->dispsw = &info->dispsw;
+ disp->dispsw_data = info->fbcon_cmap.cfb32;
+ break;
+ default:
+ info->dispsw = fbcon_dummy;
+ disp->dispsw = &info->dispsw;
+ }
+static int tdfxfb_set_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx *info = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)fb;
+ struct tdfxfb_par par;
+ struct display *display;
+ int oldxres, oldyres, oldvxres, oldvyres, oldbpp, oldaccel, accel, err;
+ int activate = var->activate;
+ if(con >= 0)
+ display = &fb_display[con];
+ else
+ display = fb->disp; /* used during initialization */
+ if((err = tdfxfb_decode_var(var, &par, info)))
+ return err;
+ tdfxfb_encode_var(var, &par, info);
+ if((activate & FB_ACTIVATE_MASK) == FB_ACTIVATE_NOW) {
+ oldxres = display->var.xres;
+ oldyres = display->var.yres;
+ oldvxres = display->var.xres_virtual;
+ oldvyres = display->var.yres_virtual;
+ oldbpp = display->var.bits_per_pixel;
+ oldaccel = display->var.accel_flags;
+ display->var = *var;
+ if(con < 0 ||
+ oldxres != var->xres ||
+ oldyres != var->yres ||
+ oldvxres != var->xres_virtual ||
+ oldvyres != var->yres_virtual ||
+ oldbpp != var->bits_per_pixel ||
+ oldaccel != var->accel_flags) {
+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;
+ tdfxfb_encode_fix(&fix, &par, info);
+ display->screen_base = (char *)info->bufbase_virt;
+ display->visual = fix.visual;
+ display->type = fix.type;
+ display->type_aux = fix.type_aux;
+ display->ypanstep = fix.ypanstep;
+ display->ywrapstep = fix.ywrapstep;
+ display->line_length = fix.line_length;
+ display->next_line = fix.line_length;
+ display->can_soft_blank = 1;
+ display->inverse = inverse;
+ accel = var->accel_flags & FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ tdfxfb_set_disp(display, info, par.bpp, accel);
+ if(nopan && nowrap) {
+ display->scrollmode = SCROLL_YREDRAW;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
+ fbcon_banshee8.bmove = fbcon_redraw_bmove;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+ fbcon_banshee16.bmove = fbcon_redraw_bmove;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+ fbcon_banshee32.bmove = fbcon_redraw_bmove;
+ }
+ if (info->fb_info.changevar)
+ (*info->fb_info.changevar)(con);
+ }
+ if(!info->fb_info.display_fg ||
+ info->fb_info.display_fg->vc_num == con ||
+ con < 0)
+ tdfxfb_set_par(&par, info);
+ if(oldbpp != var->bits_per_pixel || con < 0) {
+ if((err = fb_alloc_cmap(&display->cmap, 0, 0)))
+ return err;
+ tdfxfb_install_cmap(con, &info->fb_info);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_pan_display(struct fb_var_screeninfo* var,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* i = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)fb;
+ __u32 addr;
+ if(nowrap && nopan) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ if(var->xoffset)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if(var->yoffset < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if(nopan && var->yoffset > var->yres_virtual)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if(nowrap && var->yoffset + var->yres > var->yres_virtual)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ i->current_par.baseline = var->yoffset;
+ addr = var->yoffset*i->current_par.lpitch;
+ tdfx_outl(VIDDESKSTART, addr);
+ tdfx_outl(SRCBASE, addr);
+ tdfx_outl(DSTBASE, addr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+static int tdfxfb_get_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap,
+ int kspc,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ if(!fb->display_fg || con == fb->display_fg->vc_num) {
+ /* current console? */
+ return fb_get_cmap(cmap, kspc, tdfxfb_getcolreg, fb);
+ } else if(fb_display[con].cmap.len) {
+ /* non default colormap? */
+ fb_copy_cmap(&fb_display[con].cmap, cmap, kspc ? 0 : 2);
+ } else {
+ int size = fb_display[con].var.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? 32 : 256;
+ fb_copy_cmap(fb_default_cmap(size), cmap, kspc ? 0 : 2);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_set_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap,
+ int kspc,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ int err;
+ struct display *disp;
+ if(con >= 0)
+ disp = &fb_display[con];
+ else
+ disp = fb->disp;
+ if(!disp->cmap.len) { /* no colormap allocated? */
+ int size = disp->var.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? 32 : 256;
+ if((err = fb_alloc_cmap(&disp->cmap, size, 0)))
+ return err;
+ }
+ if(!fb->display_fg || con == fb->display_fg->vc_num) {
+ /* current console? */
+ return fb_set_cmap(cmap, kspc, tdfxfb_setcolreg, fb);
+ } else {
+ fb_copy_cmap(cmap, &disp->cmap, kspc ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int tdfxfb_ioctl(struct inode *inode,
+ struct file *file,
+ u_int cmd,
+ u_long arg,
+ int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+__initfunc(void tdfxfb_init(void)) {
+int __init tdfxfb_init(void) {
+ struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
+ int j, k;
+ if(!pcibios_present()) return;
+ if(!pcibios_present()) return -ENXIO;
+ for(pdev = pci_devices; pdev; pdev = pdev->next) {
+ if(((pdev->class >> 16) == PCI_BASE_CLASS_DISPLAY) &&
+ (pdev->vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_3DFX) &&
+ ((pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_3DFX_BANSHEE) ||
+ (pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_3DFX_VOODOO3))) {
+ = pdev->device;
+ fb_info.max_pixclock =
+ pdev->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_3DFX_BANSHEE
+ fb_info.regbase_phys = pdev->base_address[0] & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK;
+ fb_info.regbase_size = 1 << 25;
+ fb_info.regbase_virt =
+ (__u32)ioremap_nocache(fb_info.regbase_phys, 1 << 25);
+ if(!fb_info.regbase_virt) {
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Banshee register area.\n");
+ else
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Voodoo3 register area.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ fb_info.bufbase_phys = pdev->base_address[1] & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK;
+ if(!(fb_info.bufbase_size = tdfx_lfb_size())) {
+ printk("fb: Can't count Banshee memory.\n");
+ else
+ printk("fb: Can't count Voodoo3 memory.\n");
+ iounmap((void*)fb_info.regbase_virt);
+ return;
+ }
+ fb_info.bufbase_virt =
+ (__u32)ioremap_nocache(fb_info.bufbase_phys, 1 << 25);
+ if(!fb_info.regbase_virt) {
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Banshee framebuffer.\n");
+ else
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Voodoo3 framebuffer.\n");
+ iounmap((void*)fb_info.regbase_virt);
+ return;
+ }
+ fb_info.regbase_phys = pdev->resource[0].start;
+ fb_info.regbase_size = 1 << 25;
+ fb_info.regbase_virt =
+ (__u32)ioremap_nocache(fb_info.regbase_phys, 1 << 25);
+ if(!fb_info.regbase_virt) {
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Banshee register area.\n");
+ else
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Voodoo3 register area.\n");
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+ fb_info.bufbase_phys = pdev->resource[1].start;
+ if(!(fb_info.bufbase_size = tdfx_lfb_size())) {
+ iounmap((void*)fb_info.regbase_virt);
+ printk("fb: Can't count Banshee memory.\n");
+ else
+ printk("fb: Can't count Voodoo3 memory.\n");
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+ fb_info.bufbase_virt =
+ (__u32)ioremap_nocache(fb_info.bufbase_phys, 1 << 25);
+ if(!fb_info.regbase_virt) {
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Banshee framebuffer.\n");
+ else
+ printk("fb: Can't remap Voodoo3 framebuffer.\n");
+ iounmap((void*)fb_info.regbase_virt);
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+ printk("fb: Banshee memory = %ldK\n", fb_info.bufbase_size >> 10);
+ else
+ printk("fb: Voodoo3 memory = %ldK\n", fb_info.bufbase_size >> 10);
+ /* clear framebuffer memory */
+ memset_io(fb_info.bufbase_virt, 0, fb_info.bufbase_size);
+ strcpy(fb_info.fb_info.modename, "3Dfx Banshee");
+ else
+ strcpy(fb_info.fb_info.modename, "3Dfx Voodoo3");
+ fb_info.fb_info.changevar = NULL;
+ fb_info.fb_info.node = -1;
+ fb_info.fb_info.fbops = &tdfxfb_ops;
+ fb_info.fb_info.disp = &fb_info.disp;
+ strcpy(fb_info.fb_info.fontname, fontname);
+ fb_info.fb_info.switch_con = &tdfxfb_switch_con;
+ fb_info.fb_info.updatevar = &tdfxfb_updatevar;
+ fb_info.fb_info.blank = &tdfxfb_blank;
+ fb_info.fb_info.flags = FBINFO_FLAG_DEFAULT;
+ var = default_mode[default_mode_index < modes
+ ? default_mode_index
+ : 0].var;
+ memset(&var, 0, sizeof(var));
+ if(!mode_option ||
+ !fb_find_mode(&var, &fb_info.fb_info, mode_option, NULL, 0, NULL, 8))
+ var = default_mode[0].var;
+ if(noaccel) var.accel_flags &= ~FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ else var.accel_flags |= FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ if(tdfxfb_decode_var(&var, &fb_info.default_par, &fb_info)) {
+ /* ugh -- can't use the mode from the mode db. (or command line),
+ so try the default */
+ printk("tdfxfb: "
+ "can't decode the supplied video mode, using default\n");
+ var = default_mode[0].var;
+ if(noaccel) var.accel_flags &= ~FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ else var.accel_flags |= FB_ACCELF_TEXT;
+ if(tdfxfb_decode_var(&var, &fb_info.default_par, &fb_info)) {
+ printk("tdfxfb: can't decode default video mode\n");
+ return;
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+ }
+ fb_info.disp.screen_base = (void*)fb_info.bufbase_virt;
+ fb_info.disp.visual =
+ var.bits_per_pixel == 8
+ fb_info.disp.type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS;
+ fb_info.disp.type_aux = 0;
+ fb_info.disp.ypanstep = (nowrap && nopan) ? 0 : 1;
+ fb_info.disp.ywrapstep = nowrap ? 0 : 1;
+ fb_info.disp.line_length =
+ fb_info.disp.next_line =
+ var.xres*(var.bits_per_pixel + 7)/8;
+ fb_info.disp.can_soft_blank = 1;
+ fb_info.disp.inverse = inverse;
+ fb_info.disp.scrollmode = SCROLL_YREDRAW;
+ fb_info.disp.var = var;
+ tdfxfb_set_disp(&fb_info.disp, &fb_info,
+ var.bits_per_pixel,
+ 0);
+ for(j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
+ k = color_table[j];
+ fb_info.palette[j].red = default_red[k];
+ fb_info.palette[j].green = default_grn[k];
+ fb_info.palette[j].blue = default_blu[k];
+ }
+ if(tdfxfb_set_var(&var, -1, &fb_info.fb_info)) {
+ printk("tdfxfb: can't set default video mode\n");
+ return;
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+ if(register_framebuffer(&fb_info.fb_info) < 0) {
+ printk("tdfxfb: can't register framebuffer\n");
+ return;
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+ printk("fb%d: %s frame buffer device\n",
+ GET_FB_IDX(fb_info.fb_info.node),
+ fb_info.fb_info.modename);
+ return;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ return -ENXIO;
+void tdfxfb_setup(char *options,
+ int *ints) {
+ char* this_opt;
+ if(!options || !*options)
+ return;
+ for(this_opt = strtok(options, ",");
+ this_opt;
+ this_opt = strtok(NULL, ",")) {
+ if(!strcmp(this_opt, "inverse")) {
+ inverse = 1;
+ fb_invert_cmaps();
+ } else if(!strcmp(this_opt, "noaccel")) {
+ noaccel = 1;
+ } else if(!strcmp(this_opt, "nopan")) {
+ nopan = 1;
+ } else if(!strcmp(this_opt, "nowrap")) {
+ nowrap = 1;
+ } else if (!strncmp(this_opt, "font:", 5)) {
+ strncpy(fontname, this_opt + 5, 40);
+ } else {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < modes; i++) {
+ if(!strcmp(this_opt, default_mode[i].name)) {
+ default_mode_index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ mode_option = this_opt;
+ }
+ }
+static int tdfxfb_switch_con(int con,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx *info = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)fb;
+ struct tdfxfb_par par;
+ /* Do we have to save the colormap? */
+ if(fb_display[currcon].cmap.len)
+ fb_get_cmap(&fb_display[currcon].cmap, 1, tdfxfb_getcolreg, fb);
+ currcon = con;
+ tdfxfb_decode_var(&fb_display[con].var, &par, info);
+ tdfxfb_set_par(&par, info);
+ tdfxfb_set_disp(&fb_display[con],
+ info,
+ par.bpp,
+ par.accel_flags & FB_ACCELF_TEXT);
+ tdfxfb_install_cmap(con, fb);
+ tdfxfb_updatevar(con, fb);
+ return 1;
+/* 0 unblank, 1 blank, 2 no vsync, 3 no hsync, 4 off */
+static void tdfxfb_blank(int blank,
+ struct fb_info *fb) {
+ u32 dacmode, state = 0, vgablank = 0;
+ dacmode = tdfx_inl(DACMODE);
+ switch(blank) {
+ case 0: /* Screen: On; HSync: On, VSync: On */
+ state = 0;
+ vgablank = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1: /* Screen: Off; HSync: On, VSync: On */
+ state = 0;
+ vgablank = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2: /* Screen: Off; HSync: On, VSync: Off */
+ state = BIT(3);
+ vgablank = 1;
+ break;
+ case 3: /* Screen: Off; HSync: Off, VSync: On */
+ state = BIT(1);
+ vgablank = 1;
+ break;
+ case 4: /* Screen: Off; HSync: Off, VSync: Off */
+ state = BIT(1) | BIT(3);
+ vgablank = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ dacmode &= ~(BIT(1) | BIT(3));
+ dacmode |= state;
+ tdfx_outl(DACMODE, dacmode);
+ if(vgablank)
+ vga_disable_video();
+ else
+ vga_enable_video();
+ return;
+static int tdfxfb_updatevar(int con,
+ struct fb_info* fb) {
+ if(con != currcon || (nowrap && nopan)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ struct fb_var_screeninfo* var = &fb_display[currcon].var;
+ return tdfxfb_pan_display(var, con, fb);
+ }
+static int tdfxfb_getcolreg(unsigned regno,
+ unsigned* red,
+ unsigned* green,
+ unsigned* blue,
+ unsigned* transp,
+ struct fb_info* fb) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* i = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)fb;
+ if(regno < 256) {
+ *red = i->palette[regno].red << 8 | i->palette[regno].red;
+ *green = i->palette[regno].green << 8 | i->palette[regno].green;
+ *blue = i->palette[regno].blue << 8 | i->palette[regno].blue;
+ *transp = 0;
+ }
+ return regno > 255;
+static int tdfxfb_setcolreg(unsigned regno,
+ unsigned red,
+ unsigned green,
+ unsigned blue,
+ unsigned transp,
+ struct fb_info* info) {
+ struct fb_info_tdfx* i = (struct fb_info_tdfx*)info;
+ if(regno < 16) {
+ switch(i->current_par.bpp) {
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
+ case 8:
+ break;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
+ case 16:
+ i->fbcon_cmap.cfb16[regno] =
+ (((u32)red & 0xf800) >> 0) |
+ (((u32)green & 0xfc00) >> 5) |
+ (((u32)blue & 0xf800) >> 11);
+ break;
+#ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
+ case 32:
+ i->fbcon_cmap.cfb32[regno] =
+ (((u32)red & 0xff00) << 8) |
+ (((u32)green & 0xff00) << 0) |
+ (((u32)blue & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ break;
+ default:
+ DPRINTK("bad depth %u\n", i->current_par.bpp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(regno < 256) {
+ i->palette[regno].red = red >> 8;
+ i->palette[regno].green = green >> 8;
+ i->palette[regno].blue = blue >> 8;
+ if(i->current_par.bpp == 8) {
+ vga_outb(DAC_IW, (unsigned char)regno);
+ vga_outb(DAC_D, (unsigned char)(red >> 8));
+ vga_outb(DAC_D, (unsigned char)(green >> 8));
+ vga_outb(DAC_D, (unsigned char)(blue >> 8));
+ }
+ }
+ return regno > 255;
+static void tdfxfb_install_cmap(int con,
+ struct fb_info* info) {
+ if(con != currcon) return;
+ if(fb_display[con].cmap.len) {
+ fb_set_cmap(&fb_display[con].cmap, 1, tdfxfb_setcolreg, info);
+ } else {
+ int size = fb_display[con].var.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? 32 : 256;
+ fb_set_cmap(fb_default_cmap(size), 1, tdfxfb_setcolreg, info);
+ }
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: