Thank you for testing this new version of pei. Please report all bugs to Ken Stevens Arctic Blast II Well folks, Zzang and Blighty have declared victory! Even with Oktoberfest disputing it, I hereby award the win to Zzang and Blighty. My Next game will be announced on RGE in the next couple days. This game will shut down tonight sometime around 10:00pm Thanks for playing!! Frankie [0:0]% power - = [ Empire Power Report ] = - as of Fri Sep 29 14:45:04 1995 sects eff civ mil shell gun pet iron dust oil pln ship unit money Zzang 550 93% 371K 16K 12K 935 5.1K 142K 7.3K 16K 180 130 170 55K Blighty 545 92% 432K 9.7K 8.7K 885 6.0K 84K 14K 15K 210 70 120 100K Dora 290 95% 241K 11K 7.8K 720 4.5K 53K 8.2K 3.0K 150 70 60 50K Poland 180 99% 148K 5.2K 5.0K 310 1.6K 47K 3.8K 4.5K 90 40 80 20K Oktoberfe 295 90% 180K 8.5K 3.2K 445 1.8K 66K 8.8K 7.5K 40 40 40 756 Orca 15 90% 4.0K 1.0K 75 55 0 0 1 10 0 30 2 30K Gothorn 1 33% 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45K Outoland 10 64% 500 19 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 -9.3K Myopia 3 35% 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3K ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- worldwide 1.9K 93% 1.4M 52K 37K 3.4K 19K 393K 42K 46K 670 400 470 140K [0:0]% version BSD Empire 1.1 patch level 5 (KSU distribution 1.04, Chainsaw version 3.31) The following parameters have been set for this game: World size is 128 by 64. There can be up to 32 countries. By default, countries use their own coordinate system. An Empire time unit is 2880 seconds long. Use the 'update' command to find out the time of the next update. The current time is Fri Sep 29 15:35:52. An update consists of 60 empire time units. Each country is allowed to be logged in 1000 minutes a day. It takes 12.50 civilians to produce a BTU in one time unit. A non-aggi, 100 fertility sector can grow 0.12 food per etu. 1000 civilians will harvest 1.3 food per etu. 1000 civilians will give birth to 5.0 babies per etu. 1000 uncompensated workers will give birth to 2.5 babies. In one time unit, 1000 people eat 1.0 units of food. 1000 babies eat 12.0 units of food becoming adults. Banks pay $200.00 in interest per 1000 gold bars per etu. 1000 civilians generate $4.33, uncompensated workers $1.78 each time unit. 1000 active military cost $83.33, reserves cost $8.33. Happiness p.e. requires 1 happy stroller per 5000 civ. Education p.e. requires 1 class of graduates per 4000 civ. Happiness is averaged over 48 time units. Education is averaged over 192 time units. The technology/research boost you get from the world is 50.00%. Nation levels (tech etc.) decline 1% every 96 time units. Tech Buildup is limited to logarithmic growth (base 2.05) after 1.00. Sectors Ships Planes Units Maximum mobility 127 127 127 127 Max mob gain per update 60 90 60 60 Max eff gain per update -- 60 100 60 In order to build a nuke, you need 0.50 times the tech level in research Example: In order to build a 300 tech nuke, you need 150 research Options enabled in this game: ALLYHARBOR, SHOWPLANE, DROPANY, REJECTS, BMAP, AUTONAV, SCUTTLE, CONVASAT, ABM, GRIND, PINPOINTMISSILE, SAIL, NUKEFAILDETONATE, SHIPNAMES, NONUKESUB, RANGEEDIT, MISSDEF, SHIPSAM, BIND, DEMANDUPDATE, UPDATESCHEDULING, MERC, TACARGO, NOGODS, EASY_BRIDGES, SUPER_BARS, BETTERARMOR, ALL_BLEED, DRNUKE, GODNAMES, NOMOBCOST, REALM_IN_NAT, SHIPTORP, TRADESHIPS, SWEEP_PLANES, MINE_PLANES, ASW_PLANES, HARBOR_POLICE, WING_LOAD, ALLYUPGRADE, ALLYHARBORWORK, RETREAT, STEALTHV, DAVYJONES, SEMILAND, SHIPCHOPPERS, XLIGHT, FUEL, WIRE, OWNASSAULT, NEW_STARVE, NEW_WORK, CARRIER_WORK, NEWFISH, STOP, RES_POP The person to annoy if something goes wrong is: Dave Fish This game updates at ___10:00 EDT___ The current time is ___Sep 29 18:35 EDT___