patch-2.4.4 linux/arch/cris/drivers/sync_serial.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/arch/cris/drivers/sync_serial.c linux/arch/cris/drivers/sync_serial.c
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+ * Simple synchronous serial port driver for ETRAX 100LX.
+ *
+ * Synchronous serial ports are used for continous streamed data like audio.
+ * The deault setting for this driver is compatible with the STA 013 MP3 decoder
+ * The driver can easily be tuned to fit other audio encoder/decoders and SPI
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 Axis Communications AB
+ * 
+ * Author: Mikael Starvik 
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/major.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/svinto.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/sync_serial.h>
+/* The receiver is a bit tricky beacuse of the continous stream of data. */
+/*									 */
+/* Two DMA descriptors are linked together. Each DMA descriptor is	 */
+/* responsible for one half of a common buffer.				 */
+/*									 */
+/* ------------------------------					 */
+/* |   ----------   ----------	|					 */
+/* --> | Descr1 |-->| Descr2 |---					 */
+/*     ----------   ----------						 */
+/*	 |	       |						 */
+/*	 v	       v						 */
+/*	 -----------------------------					 */
+/*	�|	      BUFFER	     |					 */
+/*	 -----------------------------					 */
+/*	 |		|						 */
+/*	readp	      writep						 */
+/*									 */
+/* If the application keeps up the pace readp will be right after writep.*/
+/* If the application can't keep the pace we have to throw away data.	 */ 
+/* The idea is that readp should be ready with the data pointed out by	 */
+/* Descr1 when the DMA has filled in Descr2. Otherwise we will discard	 */
+/* the rest of the data pointed out by Descr1 and set readp to the start */
+/* of Descr2								 */
+#define SYNC_SERIAL_MAJOR 125
+#define IN_BUFFER_SIZE 8192
+#define OUT_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
+#define DEBUG(x) 
+/* Define some macros to access Etrax 100 registers */
+#define SETF(var, reg, field, val) var = (var & ~IO_MASK(##reg##, field)) | \
+					  IO_FIELD(##reg##, field, val)
+#define SETS(var, reg, field, val) var = (var & ~IO_MASK(##reg##, field)) | \
+					  IO_STATE(##reg##, field, val)
+typedef struct sync_port
+	/* Etrax registers and bits*/
+	volatile unsigned * const status;
+	volatile unsigned * const ctrl_data;
+	volatile unsigned * const output_dma_first;
+	volatile unsigned char * const output_dma_cmd;
+	volatile unsigned char * const output_dma_clr_irq;
+	volatile unsigned * const input_dma_first;
+	volatile unsigned char * const input_dma_cmd;
+	volatile unsigned char * const input_dma_clr_irq;
+	volatile unsigned * const data_out;
+	volatile unsigned * const data_in;
+	char data_avail_bit; /* In R_IRQ_MASK1_RD */
+	char transmitter_ready_bit; /* In R_IRQ_MASK1_RD */
+	char ready_irq_bit; /* In R_IRQ_MASK1_SET and R_IRQ_MASK1_CLR */
+	char input_dma_eop_bit;   /* In R_IRQ_MASK2_RD */
+	char input_dma_descr_bit; /* In R_IRQ_MASK2_RD */
+	char output_dma_bit; /* In R_IRQ_MASK2_RD */
+	char eop_bit; /* In R_SET_EOP */
+	int enabled;  /* 1 if port is enabled */
+	int use_dma;  /* 1 if port uses dma */
+	int port_nbr; /* Port 0 or 1 */
+	unsigned ctrl_data_shadow; /* Register shadow */
+	char busy; /* 1 if port is busy */
+	wait_queue_head_t out_wait_q;
+	wait_queue_head_t in_wait_q;
+	struct etrax_dma_descr out_descr;
+	struct etrax_dma_descr in_descr1;
+	struct etrax_dma_descr in_descr2;
+	char out_buffer[OUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
+	int out_count; /* Remaining bytes for current transfer */
+	char* outp; /* Current position in out_buffer */
+	char in_buffer[IN_BUFFER_SIZE];
+	volatile char* readp;  /* Next byte to be read by application */
+	volatile char* writep; /* Next byte to be written by etrax */
+	int odd_output; /* 1 if writing odd nible in 12 bit mode */
+	int odd_input;  /* 1 if reading odd nible in 12 bit mode */
+} sync_port;
+static int etrax_sync_serial_init(void);
+static void initialize_port(int portnbr);
+static int sync_serial_open(struct inode *, struct file*);
+static int sync_serial_release(struct inode*, struct file*);
+static int sync_serial_ioctl(struct inode*, struct file*,
+			     unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+static ssize_t sync_serial_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, 
+				 size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
+static ssize_t sync_serial_manual_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, 
+					size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
+static ssize_t sync_serial_read(struct file *file, char *buf, 
+				size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
+static void send_word(sync_port* port);
+static void start_dma(struct sync_port *port, const char* data, int count);
+static void start_dma_in(sync_port* port);
+static void tr_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs);
+static void rx_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs);
+static void manual_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs);
+static void flush_handler(void);
+/* The ports */
+static struct sync_port ports[]=
+	{
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL1_STATUS,  /* status */
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL,    /* ctrl_data */
+		R_DMA_CH8_FIRST,	    /* output_dma_first */
+		R_DMA_CH8_CMD,	    /* output_dma_cmd */
+		R_DMA_CH8_CLR_INTR,	    /* output_dma_clr_irq */
+		R_DMA_CH9_FIRST,	    /* input_dma_first */
+		R_DMA_CH9_CMD,	    /* input_dma_cmd */
+		R_DMA_CH9_CLR_INTR,	    /* input_dma_clr_irq */
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL1_TR_DATA, /* data_out */
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL1_REC_DATA,/* data in */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK1_RD, ser1_data),   /* data_avail_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK1_RD, ser1_ready),  /* transmitter_ready_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK1_SET, ser1_ready), /* ready_irq_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK2_RD, dma9_eop),	   /* input_dma_eop_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK2_RD, dma9_descr),  /* input_dma_descr_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK2_RD, dma8_eop),	   /* output_dma_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_SET_EOP, ch9_eop)	   /* eop_bit */
+	},
+	{
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL3_STATUS,  /* status */
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL3_CTRL,    /* ctrl_data */
+		R_DMA_CH4_FIRST,	    /* output_dma_first */
+		R_DMA_CH4_CMD,	    /* output_dma_cmd */
+		R_DMA_CH4_CLR_INTR,	    /* output_dma_clr_irq */
+		R_DMA_CH5_FIRST,	    /* input_dma_first */
+		R_DMA_CH5_CMD,	    /* input_dma_cmd */
+		R_DMA_CH5_CLR_INTR,	    /* input_dma_clr_irq */
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL3_TR_DATA, /* data_out */
+		R_SYNC_SERIAL3_REC_DATA,/* data in */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK1_RD, ser3_data),   /* data_avail_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK1_RD, ser3_ready),  /* transmitter_ready_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK1_SET, ser3_ready), /* ready_irq_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK2_RD, dma5_eop),	   /* input_dma_eop_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK2_RD, dma5_descr),  /* input_dma_eop_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_IRQ_MASK2_RD, dma4_eop),	   /* output_dma_bit */
+		IO_BITNR(R_SET_EOP, ch5_eop)	   /* eop_bit */
+	}
+/* Register shadows */
+static unsigned sync_serial_prescale_shadow = 0;
+static unsigned gen_config_ii_shadow = 0;
+/* Timer used to flush data from the DMA */
+static struct timer_list flush_timer;
+#define NUMBER_OF_PORTS (sizeof(ports)/sizeof(sync_port))
+static struct file_operations sync_serial_fops = {
+       owner:	THIS_MODULE,
+       write:	sync_serial_write,
+       read:	sync_serial_read,
+       ioctl:	sync_serial_ioctl,
+       open:	sync_serial_open,
+       release: sync_serial_release
+static int __init etrax_sync_serial_init(void)
+	ports[0].enabled = 0;
+	ports[1].enabled = 0;
+	if (register_chrdev(SYNC_SERIAL_MAJOR,"sync serial", &sync_serial_fops) <0 ) 
+	{
+		printk("unable to get major for synchronous serial port\n");
+		return -EBUSY;
+	}
+	/* Deselect synchronous serial ports */
+	SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode1, async);
+	SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode3, async);
+	SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, ser3, select);
+	*R_GEN_CONFIG_II = gen_config_ii_shadow;
+	/* Initialize Ports */
+	ports[0].enabled = 1;
+	SETS(port_pb_i2c_shadow, R_PORT_PB_I2C, syncser1, ss1extra); 
+	SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode1, sync);
+	ports[0].use_dma = 1;
+	initialize_port(0);
+	if(request_irq(24, tr_interrupt, 0, "synchronous serial 1 dma tr", NULL))
+		 panic("Can't allocate sync serial port 1 IRQ");
+	if(request_irq(25, rx_interrupt, 0, "synchronous serial 1 dma rx", NULL))
+		panic("Can't allocate sync serial port 1 IRQ");
+	*R_DMA_CH8_CLR_INTR = 3;  /* Clear IRQ */
+	*R_DMA_CH9_CLR_INTR = 3;  /* Clear IRQ */
+	  IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma8_eop, set) |
+	  IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma8_descr, set) |
+          IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma9_eop, set) | 
+          IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma9_descr, set);
+	start_dma_in(&ports[0]);
+	ports[0].use_dma = 0;
+	initialize_port(0);
+	if (request_irq(8, manual_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, "synchronous serial manual irq", NULL))
+		panic("Can't allocate sync serial manual irq");
+	*R_IRQ_MASK1_SET = IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK1_SET, ser1_data, set);	 
+	ports[1].enabled = 1;
+	SETS(port_pb_i2c_shadow, R_PORT_PB_I2C, syncser3, ss3extra);
+	SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode3, sync);
+	ports[1].use_dma = 1;
+	initialize_port(1);
+	if(request_irq(20, tr_interrupt, 0, "synchronous serial 3 dma tr", NULL))
+		panic("Can't allocate sync serial port 1 IRQ");
+	if(request_irq(21, rx_interrupt, 0, "synchronous serial 3 dma rx", NULL))
+		panic("Can't allocate sync serial port 1 IRQ");
+	*R_DMA_CH4_CLR_INTR = 3;  /* Clear IRQ */
+	*R_DMA_CH5_CLR_INTR = 3;  /* Clear IRQ */
+	  IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma4_eop, set) |
+	  IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma4_descr, set) |
+	  IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma5_eop, set) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK2_SET, dma5_descr, set);
+	start_dma_in(&ports[1]);
+	ports[1].use_dma = 0;	
+	initialize_port(1);
+	if (port[0].use_dma) /* Port 0 uses dma, we must manual allocate IRQ */
+	{
+		if (request_irq(8, manual_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, "synchronous serial manual irq", NULL))
+			panic("Can't allocate sync serial manual irq");
+	}
+	*R_IRQ_MASK1_SET = IO_STATE(R_IRQ_MASK1_SET, ser3_data, set);	 
+	*R_PORT_PB_I2C = port_pb_i2c_shadow; /* Use PB4/PB7 */
+	/* Set up timing */
+	*R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE = sync_serial_prescale_shadow = (
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, clk_sel_u1, codec) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, word_stb_sel_u1, external) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, clk_sel_u3, codec) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, word_stb_sel_u3, external) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, prescaler, div4) | 
+	  IO_FIELD(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, frame_rate, 0) | 
+	  IO_FIELD(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, word_rate, 7) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, warp_mode, normal));
+	/* Select synchronous ports */
+	*R_GEN_CONFIG_II = gen_config_ii_shadow;
+	/*Initialize DMA flush timer if dma is used */
+	if (ports[0].use_dma || ports[1].use_dma) 
+	{
+		init_timer(&flush_timer);
+		flush_timer.function = flush_handler;
+		mod_timer(&flush_timer, jiffies + 10);
+	}
+	printk("Etrax100LX synchronous serial port driver\n");
+	return 0;
+static void initialize_port(int portnbr)
+	struct sync_port* port = &ports[portnbr];
+	DEBUG(printk("Init sync serial port %d\n", portnbr));
+	port->port_nbr = portnbr;	
+	port->busy = 0;		
+	port->readp = port->in_buffer;
+	port->writep = port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2;
+	port->odd_input = 0;
+	init_waitqueue_head(&port->out_wait_q);
+	init_waitqueue_head(&port->in_wait_q);
+	port->ctrl_data_shadow =
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, tr_baud, c115k2Hz)   | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, mode, master_output) | 
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, error, ignore)       |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, rec_enable, disable) |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_synctype, normal)  |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_syncsize, word)    |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_sync, on)	     |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_mode, normal)    |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_halt, running)   |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, bitorder, msb)	     |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, tr_enable, enable)   |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size8bit)  |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, buf_empty, lmt_8)    |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, buf_full, lmt_8)     |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, flow_ctrl, enabled)  |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_polarity, neg)   |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_polarity, normal)|
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, status_polarity, inverted)|
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_driver, normal)   |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_driver, normal) |
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, status_driver, normal)|
+	  IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, def_out0, high);
+	if (port->use_dma)
+		port->ctrl_data_shadow |= IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, dma_enable, on);
+	else
+		port->ctrl_data_shadow |= IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, dma_enable, off);
+	*port->ctrl_data = port->ctrl_data_shadow;
+static int sync_serial_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	int dev = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
+	DEBUG(printk("Open sync serial port %d\n", dev)); 
+	if (dev < 0 || dev >= NUMBER_OF_PORTS || !ports[dev].enabled)
+	{
+		DEBUG(printk("Invalid minor %d\n", dev));
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	if (ports[dev].busy)
+	{
+		DEBUG(printk("Device is busy.. \n"));
+		return -EBUSY;
+	}
+	ports[dev].busy = 1;
+	return 0;
+static int sync_serial_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	ports[MINOR(inode->i_rdev)].busy = 0;
+	return 0;
+static int sync_serial_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
+		  unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+	int dev = MINOR(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev);
+	sync_port* port = &ports[dev];
+	/* Disable port while changing config */
+	if (dev)
+	{
+		*R_DMA_CH4_CLR_INTR = 3;  
+		SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode3, async);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		*R_DMA_CH8_CLR_INTR = 3;  
+		SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode1, async);
+	}
+	*R_GEN_CONFIG_II = gen_config_ii_shadow;
+	switch(cmd)
+	{
+		case SSP_SPEED:
+			if (GET_SPEED(arg) == CODEC)
+			{
+				if (dev)
+					SETS(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, clk_sel_u3, codec);
+				else
+					SETS(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, clk_sel_u1, codec);
+				SETF(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, prescaler, GET_FREQ(arg));
+				SETF(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, frame_rate, GET_FRAME_RATE(arg));
+				SETF(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, word_rate, GET_WORD_RATE(arg));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				SETF(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, tr_baud, GET_SPEED(arg));
+				if (dev)
+					SETS(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, clk_sel_u3, baudrate);
+				else
+					SETS(sync_serial_prescale_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE, clk_sel_u1, baudrate);
+			}
+			break;
+		case SSP_MODE:
+			if (arg > 5)
+				return -EINVAL;
+			SETF(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, mode, arg);
+			break;
+			if (arg & NORMAL_SYNC)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_synctype, normal);
+			else if (arg & EARLY_SYNC)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_synctype, early);
+			if (arg & BIT_SYNC)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_syncsize, bit);
+			else if (arg & WORD_SYNC)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_syncsize, word);
+			else if (arg & EXTENDED_SYNC)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_syncsize, extended);
+			if (arg & SYNC_ON)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_sync, on);
+			else if (arg & SYNC_OFF)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_sync, off);
+			if (arg & WORD_SIZE_8)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size8bit);
+			else if (arg & WORD_SIZE_12)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size12bit);
+			else if (arg & WORD_SIZE_16)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size16bit);
+			else if (arg & WORD_SIZE_24)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size24bit);
+			else if (arg & WORD_SIZE_32)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size32bit);
+			if (arg & BIT_ORDER_MSB)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, bitorder, msb);
+			else if (arg & BIT_ORDER_LSB)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, bitorder, lsb);
+			if (arg & FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLE)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, flow_ctrl, enabled);
+			else if (arg & FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLE)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, flow_ctrl, disabled);
+			if (arg & CLOCK_NOT_GATED)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_mode, normal);
+			else if (arg & CLOCK_GATED)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_mode, gated);
+			break;
+			if (arg & CLOCK_NORMAL)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_polarity, neg);
+			else if (arg & CLOCK_INVERT)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_polarity, pos);
+			if (arg & FRAME_NORMAL)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_polarity, normal);
+			else if (arg & FRAME_INVERT)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_polarity, inverted);
+			if (arg & STATUS_NORMAL)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, status_polarity, normal);
+			else if (arg & STATUS_INVERT)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, status_polarity, inverted);
+			break;
+			if (arg & CLOCK_NORMAL)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_driver, normal);
+			else if (arg & CLOCK_INVERT)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_driver, inverted);
+			if (arg & FRAME_NORMAL)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_driver, normal);
+			else if (arg & FRAME_INVERT)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_driver, inverted);
+			if (arg & STATUS_NORMAL)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, status_driver, normal);
+			else if (arg & STATUS_INVERT)
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, status_driver, inverted);
+			break;
+		case SSP_SPI:
+			SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, flow_ctrl, disabled);
+			SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, bitorder, msb);
+			SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size8bit);
+			SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_sync, on);
+			SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_syncsize, word);
+			SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, f_synctype, normal);
+			if (arg & SPI_SLAVE)
+			{
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_polarity, inverted);
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_polarity, neg);
+				SETF(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, mode, SLAVE_INPUT);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, frame_driver, inverted);
+				SETS(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, clk_driver, inverted);
+				SETF(port->ctrl_data_shadow, R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, mode, MASTER_OUTPUT);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* Set config and enable port */
+	*port->ctrl_data = port->ctrl_data_shadow;
+	*R_SYNC_SERIAL_PRESCALE = sync_serial_prescale_shadow;
+	if (dev)
+		SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode3, sync);
+	else
+		SETS(gen_config_ii_shadow, R_GEN_CONFIG_II, sermode1, sync);
+	*R_GEN_CONFIG_II = gen_config_ii_shadow;
+	return 0;
+static ssize_t sync_serial_manual_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, 
+                                        size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
+	sync_port* port = &ports[MINOR(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev)];
+	copy_from_user(port->out_buffer, buf, count);
+	port->outp = port->out_buffer;
+	port->out_count = count;
+	port->odd_output = 1;
+	add_wait_queue(&port->out_wait_q, &wait);
+	set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+	*R_IRQ_MASK1_SET = 1 << port->ready_irq_bit; /* transmitter ready IRQ on */
+	send_word(port); /* Start sender by sending first word */
+	schedule();
+	set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+	remove_wait_queue(&port->out_wait_q, &wait);
+	return count;
+static ssize_t sync_serial_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, 
+                                 size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
+	sync_port *port = &ports[MINOR(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev)];
+	DEBUG(printk("Write dev %d count %d\n", port->port_nbr, count));
+	if (!port->use_dma)
+	{
+		return sync_serial_manual_write(file, buf, count, ppos); 
+	}
+	copy_from_user(port->out_buffer, buf, count);
+	add_wait_queue(&port->out_wait_q, &wait);
+	set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+	start_dma(port, buf, count);
+	schedule();
+	set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+	remove_wait_queue(&port->out_wait_q, &wait);
+	return count;
+static ssize_t sync_serial_read(struct file * file, char * buf, 
+				size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	int avail;
+	sync_port *port = &ports[MINOR(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev)];
+	char* start; 
+	char* end;
+	unsigned long flags;	
+	DEBUG(printk("Read dev %d count\n"));
+	/* Calculate number of available bytes */
+	while (port->readp == port->writep) /* No data */
+	{
+		if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)
+			return -EAGAIN;
+			interruptible_sleep_on(&port->in_wait_q);
+	}
+	/* Save pointers to avoid that they are modified by interrupt */
+	start = port->readp;
+	end = port->writep;
+	/* Lazy read, never return wrapped data. */
+	if (end > start)
+		avail = end - start;
+	else 
+		avail = port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE - start;
+	count = count > avail ? avail : count;
+	copy_to_user(buf, start, count);
+	/* Disable interrupts while updating readp */
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();	
+	port->readp += count;
+	if (port->readp == port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE) /* Wrap? */
+		port->readp = port->in_buffer;
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	DEBUG(printk("%d bytes read\n", count));
+	return count;
+static void send_word(sync_port* port)
+	switch(port->ctrl_data_shadow & IO_MASK(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize))
+	{
+		case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size8bit):
+			port->out_count--;
+			*port->data_out = *port->outp++;
+			break;
+		case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size12bit):
+			port->out_count--;
+			if (port->odd_output)
+				*port->data_out = ((*port->outp) << 16) | (*(unsigned short *)(port->outp + 1));
+			else
+				*port->data_out = ((*(unsigned short *)port->outp) << 8) | (*(port->outp + 1));
+			port->odd_output = !port->odd_output;
+			port->outp++;
+			break;
+		case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size16bit):
+			port->out_count-=2;
+			*port->data_out = *(unsigned short *)port->outp;
+			port->outp+=2;
+			break;
+		case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size24bit):
+			port->out_count-=3;
+			*port->data_out = *(unsigned int *)port->outp;
+			port->outp+=3;
+			break;
+		case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size32bit):
+			port->out_count-=4;
+			*port->data_out = *(unsigned int *)port->outp;
+			port->outp+=4;
+			break;
+	}
+static void start_dma(struct sync_port* port, const char* data, int count)
+	port->out_descr.hw_len = 0;
+	port-> = 0;
+	port->out_descr.ctrl = d_int | d_eol | d_eop;
+	port->out_descr.sw_len = count;
+	port->out_descr.buf = virt_to_phys(port->out_buffer);
+	port->out_descr.status = 0;
+	*port->output_dma_first = virt_to_phys(&port->out_descr);
+	*port->output_dma_cmd = IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CMD, cmd, start);
+static void start_dma_in(sync_port* port)
+	if (port->writep > port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE)
+	{
+		panic("Offset too large in sync serial driver\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	port->in_descr1.hw_len = 0;
+	port->in_descr1.ctrl = d_eop | d_int;
+	port->in_descr1.status = 0;
+	port-> = virt_to_phys(&port->in_descr2);
+	port->in_descr2.hw_len = 0;
+	port-> = virt_to_phys(&port->in_descr1);
+	port->in_descr2.ctrl = d_eop | d_int;
+	port->in_descr2.status = 0;
+	/* Find out which descriptor to start */
+	if (port->writep >= port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2)
+	{
+		/* Start descriptor 2 */
+		port->in_descr1.sw_len = IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2; /* All data available in 1 */
+		port->in_descr1.buf = virt_to_phys(port->in_buffer);
+		port->in_descr2.sw_len = port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE - port->writep;
+		port->in_descr2.buf = virt_to_phys(port->writep);
+		*port->input_dma_first = virt_to_phys(&port->in_descr2);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* Start descriptor 1 */
+		port->in_descr1.sw_len = port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2 - port->writep;
+		port->in_descr1.buf = virt_to_phys(port->writep);
+		port->in_descr2.sw_len = IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2;
+		port->in_descr2.buf = virt_to_phys(port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE / 2);
+		*port->input_dma_first = virt_to_phys(&port->in_descr1);
+	}
+	*port->input_dma_cmd = IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CMD, cmd, start);
+static void tr_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
+	unsigned long ireg = *R_IRQ_MASK2_RD;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PORTS; i++) 
+	{
+		sync_port *port = &ports[i];
+		if (ireg & (1 << port->output_dma_bit)) /* IRQ active for the port? */
+		{
+			/* Clear IRQ */
+			*port->output_dma_clr_irq = 
+			  IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_eop, do) |
+			  IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_descr, do);
+			wake_up_interruptible(&port->out_wait_q); /* wake up the waiting process */
+		} 
+	}
+static void rx_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
+	unsigned long ireg = *R_IRQ_MASK2_RD;
+	int i;	
+	for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PORTS; i++) 
+	{
+		int update = 0;
+		sync_port *port = &ports[i];
+		if (!port->enabled)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}    
+		if (ireg & (1 << port->input_dma_descr_bit)) /* Descriptor interrupt */
+		{
+			/* DMA has reached end of descriptor */
+			*port->input_dma_clr_irq = 
+			  IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_eop, do) | 
+			  IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_descr, do);
+			/* Find out which descriptor that is ready */
+			if (port->writep >= port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2) 
+			{
+				/* Descr 2 was ready. Restart DMA at descriptor 1 */
+				port->writep = port->in_buffer;
+				/* Throw away data? */
+				if (port->readp < port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2)
+					port->readp = port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				/* Descr 1 was ready. Restart DMA at descriptor 2 */
+				port->writep = port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2;
+				/* Throw away data? */
+				if (port->readp >= port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2)
+					port->readp = port->in_buffer;
+			}
+			start_dma_in(port);
+			wake_up_interruptible(&port->in_wait_q); /* wake up the waiting process */
+		}
+		else if (ireg & (1 << port->input_dma_eop_bit)) /* EOP interrupt */
+		{
+			/* EOP interrupt means that DMA has not reached end of descriptor */
+			*port->input_dma_clr_irq = 
+			  IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_eop, do) | 
+			  IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_descr, do);
+			/* Find out the current descriptor */
+			if (port->writep >= port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE/2)
+				port->writep += port->in_descr2.hw_len;
+			else
+				port->writep += port->in_descr1.hw_len;
+			start_dma_in(port);
+			wake_up_interruptible(&port->in_wait_q); /* wake up the waiting process */
+		}
+	}
+static void manual_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PORTS; i++)
+	{
+		sync_port* port = &ports[i];
+		if (!port->enabled)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (*R_IRQ_MASK1_RD & (1 << port->data_avail_bit))	/* Data received? */
+		{
+			/* Read data */
+			switch(port->ctrl_data_shadow & IO_MASK(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize))
+			{
+				case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size8bit):
+					*port->writep++ = *(volatile char *)port->data_in;
+					break;
+				case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size12bit):
+				{
+					int data = *(unsigned short *)port->data_in;
+					if (port->odd_input)
+					{
+						*port->writep |= (data & 0x0f00) >> 8;
+						*(port->writep + 1) = data & 0xff;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						*port->writep = (data & 0x0ff0) >> 4;
+						*(port->writep + 1) = (data & 0x0f) << 4;
+					}
+					port->odd_input = !port->odd_input;
+					port->writep+=1;
+				}
+				break;
+				case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size16bit):
+					*(unsigned short*)port->writep = *(volatile unsigned short *)port->data_in;
+					port->writep+=2;
+					break;
+				case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size24bit):
+					*(unsigned int*)port->writep = *port->data_in;
+					port->writep+=3;
+					break;
+				case IO_STATE(R_SYNC_SERIAL1_CTRL, wordsize, size32bit):
+					*(unsigned int*)port->writep = *port->data_in;
+					port->writep+=4;
+					break;
+			}
+			if (port->writep > port->in_buffer + IN_BUFFER_SIZE) /* Wrap? */
+				port->writep = port->in_buffer;
+			wake_up_interruptible(&port->in_wait_q); /* Wake up application */
+		}
+		if (*R_IRQ_MASK1_RD & (1 << port->transmitter_ready_bit)) /* Transmitter ready? */
+		{
+			if (port->out_count) /* More data to send */
+				send_word(port);
+			else /* transmission finished */
+			{
+				*R_IRQ_MASK1_CLR = 1 << port->ready_irq_bit; /* Turn off IRQ */
+				wake_up_interruptible(&port->out_wait_q); /* Wake up application */
+			}
+		}
+	}
+static void flush_handler(void)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PORTS; i++)
+	{
+		if (ports[i].enabled)
+		{
+			*R_SET_EOP = 1 << ports[i].eop_bit;  
+		}
+	}
+	/* restart flush timer */
+	mod_timer(&flush_timer, jiffies + 10);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: