patch-2.4.25 linux-2.4.25/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/burner.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.24/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/burner.c linux-2.4.25/arch/mips/galileo-boards/ev64120/compressed/burner.c
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- *  arch/mips/galileo/compressed/burner.c
- *
- *  By RidgeRun Inc (Leveraged from Galileo's main.c, misc.c, etc).
- *
- *  Burn image from ram to flash
- *  For use with Galileo EVB64120A MIPS eval board.
- */
-#include <asm/types.h>
-#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-#include <asm/galileo-boards/evb64120A/eeprom_param.h>
-#include <asm/galileo-boards/evb64120A/flashdrv.h>
-#define IMAGEOFFSET 0x00300000
-static void burn_image_from_memory(void);
-static char *sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ...);
-static void printf(const char *fmt, ...);
-unsigned int FlashSize;
- Routine:
- Description:
- ******************************/
-int main(void)
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("       +--------------------+\n");
-	printf("       |                    |\n");
-	printf("       | Flash Burn Utility |\n");
-	printf("       |                    |\n");
-	printf("       +--------------------+\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("Please send your *.srec image to the parallel port\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("Note: The *.srec image should be setup to\n");
-	printf("      load into address 0xa0300000 where\n");
-	printf("      it will then be transferred to flash\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	SET_REG_BITS(0x468, BIT20);	// Set Flash to be 16 bit wide
-	FlashSize = flashInit(0xbf000000, 2, X16);
-	galileo_dl();		// read in the users *.srec image.
-	burn_image_from_memory();	// put it in flash.
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	printf("+---------------+\n");
-	printf("|     Done      |\n");
-	printf("|(please reboot)|\n");
-	printf("+---------------+\n");
-	printf("\n");
-	while (1) {
-	}
-	return 0;
- Routine:
- Description:
- ******************************/
-static void burn_image_from_memory(void)
-	unsigned int count, delta, temp, temp1;
-	unsigned int to_sector, last_sector;
-	/* Find how many sectors needed to be erased */
-	to_sector = flashInWhichSector(FlashSize - 4);	// skranz, modified.
-	if (to_sector == 0xffffffff) {
-		printf
-		    ("Flash Burning Error - Flash too small - Cannot burn image\n");	// skranz, modified.
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Which is the last sector */
-	last_sector = flashInWhichSector(FlashSize - 4);
-	delta = 0;
-	printf("\nErasing first %d sectors\n", to_sector);
-	for (count = 0; count < to_sector + 1; count++) {
-		printf("Erasing sector %d\n", count);
-		flashEraseSector(count);
-	}
-	printf("flash region size = %d\n", FlashSize);	// skranz, added
-	printf("Sdram IMAGEOFFSET = %d\n", IMAGEOFFSET);	// skranz, added
-	printf("Burning from Sdram to %d mark; full burn.\n", FlashSize);
-	for (count = 0; count < (FlashSize - delta); count = count + 4) {
-		flashWriteWord(count,
-			       *(unsigned int *) ((count | NONE_CACHEABLE)
-						  + IMAGEOFFSET));	// skranz, modified.
-		temp = flashReadWord(count);
-		temp1 = *(unsigned int *) ((count | NONE_CACHEABLE) + IMAGEOFFSET);	// skranz, modified.
-		if (((unsigned int) temp) != ((unsigned int) temp1)) {
-			printf
-			    ("Burning error at address %X : flash(%X) sdram(%X)\n",
-			     count, flashReadWord(count),
-			     *(unsigned int *) ((count | NONE_CACHEABLE) + IMAGEOFFSET));	// skranz, modified.
-			printf("Aborting Prematurally.\n");
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	printf("Finished burning Image\n");
- Routine:
- Description:
-	Formats:
-		%X	- 4 byte ASCII (8 hex digits)
-		%x	- 2 byte ASCII (4 hex digits)
-		%b	- 1 byte ASCII (2 hex digits)
-		%d	- decimal (also %i)
-		%c	- ASCII char
-		%s	- ASCII string
-		%I	- Internet address in x.x.x.x notation
- ******************************/
-static char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
-static char *do_printf(char *buf, const char *fmt, const int *dp)
-	register char *p;
-	char tmp[16];
-	while (*fmt) {
-		if (*fmt == '%') {	/* switch() uses more space */
-			fmt++;
-			if (*fmt == 'X') {
-				const long *lp = (const long *) dp;
-				register long h = *lp++;
-				dp = (const int *) lp;
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 28) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 24) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 20) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 16) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 12) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 8) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 4) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[h & 0x0F];
-			}
-			if (*fmt == 'x') {
-				register int h = *(dp++);
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 12) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 8) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 4) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[h & 0x0F];
-			}
-			if (*fmt == 'b') {
-				register int h = *(dp++);
-				*(buf++) = hex[(h >> 4) & 0x0F];
-				*(buf++) = hex[h & 0x0F];
-			}
-			if ((*fmt == 'd') || (*fmt == 'i')) {
-				register int dec = *(dp++);
-				p = tmp;
-				if (dec < 0) {
-					*(buf++) = '-';
-					dec = -dec;
-				}
-				do {
-					*(p++) = '0' + (dec % 10);
-					dec = dec / 10;
-				} while (dec);
-				while ((--p) >= tmp)
-					*(buf++) = *p;
-			}
-			if (*fmt == 'I') {
-				union {
-					long l;
-					unsigned char c[4];
-				} u;
-				const long *lp = (const long *) dp;
-				u.l = *lp++;
-				dp = (const int *) lp;
-				buf = sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
-					      u.c[0], u.c[1], u.c[2],
-					      u.c[3]);
-			}
-			if (*fmt == 'c')
-				*(buf++) = *(dp++);
-			if (*fmt == 's') {
-				p = (char *) *dp++;
-				while (*p)
-					*(buf++) = *p++;
-			}
-		} else
-			*(buf++) = *fmt;
-		fmt++;
-	}
-	*buf = 0;
-	return (buf);
- Routine:
- Description:
- ******************************/
-static char *sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ...)
-	return do_printf(buf, fmt, ((const int *) &fmt) + 1);
- Routine:
- Description:
- ******************************/
-void putchar(int c)
-	if (c == '\n') {
-		serial_putc('\r');
-	}
-	serial_putc(c);
- Routine:
- Description:
- ******************************/
-static void printf(const char *fmt, ...)
-	char buf[256], *p;
-	p = buf;
-	do_printf(buf, fmt, ((const int *) &fmt) + 1);
-	while (*p)
-		putchar(*p++);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: