patch-2.4.20 linux-2.4.20/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.19/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c linux-2.4.20/drivers/isdn/hisax/enternow_pci.c
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+/* enternow_pci.c,v 0.99 2001/10/02
+ *
+ * enternow_pci.c       Card-specific routines for
+ *                      Formula-n enter:now ISDN PCI ab
+ *                      Gerdes AG Power ISDN PCI
+ *                      Woerltronic SA 16 PCI
+ *                      (based on HiSax driver by Karsten Keil)
+ *
+ * Author               Christoph Ersfeld <>
+ *                      Formula-n Europe AG (
+ *                      previously Gerdes AG
+ *
+ *
+ *                      This file is (c) under GNU PUBLIC LICENSE
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * This driver interfaces to netjet.c which performs B-channel
+ * processing.
+ *
+ * Version 0.99 is the first release of this driver and there are
+ * certainly a few bugs.
+ * It isn't testet on linux 2.4 yet, so consider this code to be
+ * beta.
+ *
+ * Please don't report me any malfunction without sending
+ * (compressed) debug-logs.
+ * It would be nearly impossible to retrace it.
+ *
+ * Log D-channel-processing as follows:
+ *
+ * 1. Load hisax with card-specific parameters, this example ist for
+ *    Formula-n enter:now ISDN PCI and compatible
+ *    (f.e. Gerdes Power ISDN PCI)
+ *
+ *    modprobe hisax type=41 protocol=2 id=gerdes
+ *
+ *    if you chose an other value for id, you need to modify the
+ *    code below, too.
+ *
+ * 2. set debug-level
+ *
+ *    hisaxctrl gerdes 1 0x3ff
+ *    hisaxctrl gerdes 11 0x4f
+ *    cat /dev/isdnctrl >> ~/log &
+ *
+ * Please take also a look into /var/log/messages if there is
+ * anything importand concerning HISAX.
+ *
+ *
+ * Credits:
+ * Programming the driver for Formula-n enter:now ISDN PCI and
+ * neccessary the driver for the used Amd 7930 D-channel-controller
+ * was spnsored by Formula-n Europe AG.
+ * Thanks to Karsten Keil and Petr Novak, who gave me support in
+ * Hisax-specific questions.
+ * I want so say special thanks to Carl-Friedrich Braun, who had to
+ * answer a lot of questions about generally ISDN and about handling
+ * of the Amd-Chip.
+ *
+ */
+#define __NO_VERSION__
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include "hisax.h"
+#include "isac.h"
+#include "isdnl1.h"
+#include "amd7930_fn.h"
+#include "enternow.h"
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/ppp_defs.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include "netjet.h"
+const char *enternow_pci_rev = "$Revision: $";
+/* *************************** I/O-Interface functions ************************************* */
+/* cs->readisac, macro rByteAMD */
+ReadByteAmd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs, BYTE offset)
+	/* direktes Register */
+	if(offset < 8)
+		return (InByte(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*offset));
+	/* indirektes Register */
+	else {
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_CR, offset);
+		return(InByte(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_DR));
+	}
+/* cs->writeisac, macro wByteAMD */
+WriteByteAmd7930(struct IsdnCardState *cs, BYTE offset, BYTE value)
+	/* direktes Register */
+	if(offset < 8)
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*offset, value);
+	/* indirektes Register */
+	else {
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_CR, offset);
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.isac + 4*AMD_DR, value);
+	}
+enpci_setIrqMask(struct IsdnCardState *cs, BYTE val) {
+        if (!val)
+	        OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base+NETJET_IRQMASK1, 0x00);
+        else
+	        OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base+NETJET_IRQMASK1, TJ_AMD_IRQ);
+static BYTE dummyrr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, BYTE off)
+        return(5);
+static void dummywr(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int chan, BYTE off, BYTE value)
+/* ******************************************************************************** */
+static void
+reset_enpci(struct IsdnCardState *cs)
+	long flags;
+	if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC)
+		debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: reset");
+	save_flags(flags);
+	sti();
+	/* Reset on, (also for AMD) */
+	cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg = 0x07;
+	OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_CTRL, cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg);
+	set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+	/* 80 ms delay */
+	schedule_timeout((80*HZ)/1000);
+	/* Reset off */
+	cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg = 0x70;
+	OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_CTRL, cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg);
+	set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+	/* 80ms delay */
+	schedule_timeout((80*HZ)/1000);
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	cs->hw.njet.auxd = 0;  // LED-status
+	cs->hw.njet.dmactrl = 0;
+	OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXCTRL, ~TJ_AMD_IRQ);
+	OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK1, TJ_AMD_IRQ);
+	OutByte(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd); // LED off
+static int
+enpci_card_msg(struct IsdnCardState *cs, int mt, void *arg)
+        BYTE *chan;
+	if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC)
+		debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: card_msg: 0x%04X", mt);
+        switch (mt) {
+		case CARD_RESET:
+			reset_enpci(cs);
+                        Amd7930_init(cs);
+			break;
+			release_io_netjet(cs);
+			break;
+		case CARD_INIT:
+			inittiger(cs);
+			Amd7930_init(cs);
+			break;
+		case CARD_TEST:
+			break;
+                case MDL_ASSIGN:
+                        /* TEI assigned, LED1 on */
+                        cs->hw.njet.auxd = TJ_AMD_IRQ << 1;
+                        OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA, cs->hw.njet.auxd);
+                        break;
+                case MDL_REMOVE:
+                        /* TEI removed, LEDs off */
+	                cs->hw.njet.auxd = 0;
+                        OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA, 0x00);
+                        break;
+                case MDL_BC_ASSIGN:
+                        /* activate B-channel */
+                        chan = (BYTE *)arg;
+                        if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC)
+		                debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: assign phys. BC %d in AMD LMR1", *chan);
+                        cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command(cs, (cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 | (*chan + 1)), "MDL_BC_ASSIGN");
+                        /* at least one b-channel in use, LED 2 on */
+                        cs->hw.njet.auxd |= TJ_AMD_IRQ << 2;
+                        OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA, cs->hw.njet.auxd);
+                        break;
+                case MDL_BC_RELEASE:
+                        /* deactivate B-channel */
+                        chan = (BYTE *)arg;
+                        if (cs->debug & L1_DEB_ISAC)
+		                debugl1(cs, "enter:now PCI: release phys. BC %d in Amd LMR1", *chan);
+                        cs->dc.amd7930.ph_command(cs, (cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 & ~(*chan + 1)), "MDL_BC_RELEASE");
+                        /* no b-channel active -> LED2 off */
+                        if (!(cs->dc.amd7930.lmr1 & 3)) {
+                                cs->hw.njet.auxd &= ~(TJ_AMD_IRQ << 2);
+                                OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA, cs->hw.njet.auxd);
+                        }
+                        break;
+                default:
+                        break;
+	}
+	return(0);
+static void
+enpci_interrupt(int intno, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
+	struct IsdnCardState *cs = dev_id;
+	BYTE sval, ir;
+	long flags;
+	if (!cs) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: Spurious interrupt!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	sval = InByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQSTAT1);
+        /* AMD threw an interrupt */
+	if (!(sval & TJ_AMD_IRQ)) {
+                /* read and clear interrupt-register */
+		ir = ReadByteAmd7930(cs, 0x00);
+		Amd7930_interrupt(cs, ir);
+	}
+	/* DMA-Interrupt: B-channel-stuff */
+	/* set bits in sval to indicate which page is free */
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	/* set bits in sval to indicate which page is free */
+	if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_ADR) <
+		inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_WRITE_IRQ))
+		/* the 2nd write page is free */
+		sval = 0x08;
+	else	/* the 1st write page is free */
+		sval = 0x04;
+	if (inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_ADR) <
+		inl(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_DMA_READ_IRQ))
+		/* the 2nd read page is free */
+		sval = sval | 0x02;
+	else	/* the 1st read page is free */
+		sval = sval | 0x01;
+	if (sval != cs->hw.njet.last_is0) /* we have a DMA interrupt */
+	{
+		if (test_and_set_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags)) {
+			restore_flags(flags);
+			return;
+		}
+		cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 = sval;
+		restore_flags(flags);
+		if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ) !=
+			(cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_READ))
+			/* we have a read dma int */
+			read_tiger(cs);
+		if ((cs->hw.njet.irqstat0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE) !=
+			(cs->hw.njet.last_is0 & NETJET_IRQM0_WRITE))
+			/* we have a write dma int */
+			write_tiger(cs);
+		test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags);
+	} else
+		restore_flags(flags);
+static struct pci_dev *dev_netjet __initdata = NULL;
+/* called by config.c */
+int __init
+setup_enternow_pci(struct IsdnCard *card)
+	int bytecnt;
+	struct IsdnCardState *cs = card->cs;
+	char tmp[64];
+	long flags;
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
+#error "not running on big endian machines now"
+        strcpy(tmp, enternow_pci_rev);
+	printk(KERN_INFO "HiSax: Formula-n Europe AG enter:now ISDN PCI driver Rev. %s\n", HiSax_getrev(tmp));
+	if (cs->typ != ISDN_CTYPE_ENTERNOW)
+		return(0);
+	test_and_clear_bit(FLG_LOCK_ATOMIC, &cs->HW_Flags);
+	for ( ;; )
+	{
+		if (!pci_present()) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR "enter:now PCI: no PCI bus present\n");
+			return(0);
+		}
+		if ((dev_netjet = pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_TIGERJET,
+			PCI_DEVICE_ID_TIGERJET_300,  dev_netjet))) {
+			if (pci_enable_device(dev_netjet))
+				return(0);
+			cs->irq = dev_netjet->irq;
+			if (!cs->irq) {
+				printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No IRQ for PCI card found\n");
+				return(0);
+			}
+			cs->hw.njet.base = pci_resource_start(dev_netjet, 0);
+			if (!cs->hw.njet.base) {
+				printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No IO-Adr for PCI card found\n");
+				return(0);
+			}
+                        /* checks Sub-Vendor ID because system crashes with Traverse-Card */
+			if ((dev_netjet->subsystem_vendor != 0x55) ||
+				(dev_netjet->subsystem_device != 0x02)) {
+				printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now: You tried to load this driver with an incompatible TigerJet-card\n");
+                                printk(KERN_WARNING "Use type=20 for Traverse NetJet PCI Card.\n");
+                                return(0);
+                        }
+		} else {
+                        printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: No PCI card found\n");
+			return(0);
+		}
+		cs->hw.njet.auxa = cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXDATA;
+		cs->hw.njet.isac = cs->hw.njet.base + 0xC0; // Fenster zum AMD
+		save_flags(flags);
+		sti();
+		/* Reset an */
+		cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg = 0x07;  // ge�ndert von 0xff
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_CTRL, cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg);
+		set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+		/* 50 ms Pause */
+		schedule_timeout((50*HZ)/1000);
+		cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg = 0x30;  /* Reset Off and status read clear */
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_CTRL, cs->hw.njet.ctrl_reg);
+		set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
+		schedule_timeout((10*HZ)/1000);	/* Timeout 10ms */
+		restore_flags(flags);
+		cs->hw.njet.auxd = 0x00; // war 0xc0
+		cs->hw.njet.dmactrl = 0;
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_AUXCTRL, ~TJ_AMD_IRQ);
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.base + NETJET_IRQMASK1, TJ_AMD_IRQ);
+		OutByte(cs->hw.njet.auxa, cs->hw.njet.auxd);
+			   break;
+	}
+	printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: NO_PCI_BIOS\n");
+	printk(KERN_WARNING "enter:now PCI: unable to config Formula-n enter:now ISDN PCI ab\n");
+	return (0);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
+	bytecnt = 256;
+	printk(KERN_INFO
+		"enter:now PCI: PCI card configured at 0x%lx IRQ %d\n",
+		cs->hw.njet.base, cs->irq);
+	if (check_region(cs->hw.njet.base, bytecnt)) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING
+			   "HiSax: %s config port %lx-%lx already in use\n",
+			   CardType[card->typ],
+			   cs->hw.njet.base,
+			   cs->hw.njet.base + bytecnt);
+		return (0);
+	} else {
+		request_region(cs->hw.njet.base, bytecnt, "Fn_ISDN");
+	}
+	reset_enpci(cs);
+	cs->hw.njet.last_is0 = 0;
+        /* macro rByteAMD */
+        cs->readisac = &ReadByteAmd7930;
+        /* macro wByteAMD */
+        cs->writeisac = &WriteByteAmd7930;
+        cs->dc.amd7930.setIrqMask = &enpci_setIrqMask;
+        cs->BC_Read_Reg  = &dummyrr;
+	cs->BC_Write_Reg = &dummywr;
+	cs->BC_Send_Data = &netjet_fill_dma;
+	cs->cardmsg = &enpci_card_msg;
+	cs->irq_func = &enpci_interrupt;
+	cs->irq_flags |= SA_SHIRQ;
+        return (1);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: