patch-2.1.132 linux/net/irda/irlmp.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.131/linux/net/irda/irlmp.c linux/net/irda/irlmp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1341 @@
+ *                
+ * Filename:      irlmp.c
+ * Version:       0.8
+ * Description:   IrDA Link Management Protocol (LMP) layer                 
+ * Status:        Experimental.
+ * Author:        Dag Brattli <>
+ * Created at:    Sun Aug 17 20:54:32 1997
+ * Modified at:   Mon Dec 14 11:54:08 1998
+ * Modified by:   Dag Brattli <>
+ * 
+ *     Copyright (c) 1998 Dag Brattli <>, 
+ *     All Rights Reserved.
+ *     
+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+ *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+ *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+ *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *     Neither Dag Brattli nor University of Troms� admit liability nor
+ *     provide warranty for any of this software. This material is 
+ *     provided "AS-IS" and at no charge.
+ *
+ ********************************************************************/
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/malloc.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <net/irda/irda.h>
+#include <net/irda/irmod.h>
+#include <net/irda/timer.h>
+#include <net/irda/qos.h>
+#include <net/irda/irlap.h>
+#include <net/irda/iriap.h>
+#include <net/irda/irlmp.h>
+#include <net/irda/irlmp_frame.h>
+#include <linux/kmod.h>
+/* Master structure */
+struct irlmp_cb *irlmp = NULL;
+int sysctl_discovery = 0;
+char sysctl_devname[65];
+__u8 *irlmp_hint_to_service( __u8 *hint);
+int irlmp_proc_read( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int len, 
+		     int unused);
+ * Function irlmp_init (void)
+ *
+ *    Create (allocate) the main IrLMP structure and the pointer array
+ *    which will contain pointers to each instance of a LSAP.
+ */
+__initfunc(int irlmp_init(void))
+	DEBUG( 4, "--> irlmp_init\n");
+	/* Initialize the irlmp structure. */
+	if ( irlmp == NULL) {
+		irlmp = kmalloc( sizeof(struct irlmp_cb), GFP_KERNEL);
+		if ( irlmp == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memset( irlmp, 0, sizeof(struct irlmp_cb));
+	irlmp->magic = LMP_MAGIC;
+	irlmp->registry = hashbin_new( HB_LOCAL);
+	irlmp->links = hashbin_new( HB_LOCAL);
+	irlmp->unconnected_lsaps = hashbin_new( HB_GLOBAL);
+	irlmp->free_lsap_sel = 0x10; /* Servers use 0x00-0x0f */
+	irlmp->cache.valid = FALSE;
+	strcpy( sysctl_devname, "Linux");
+	/* Do discovery every 3 seconds */
+	init_timer( &irlmp->discovery_timer);
+   	irlmp_start_discovery_timer( irlmp, 600); 
+	return 0;
+ * Function irlmp_cleanup (void)
+ *
+ *    Remove IrLMP layer
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_cleanup(void) 
+	/* Check for main structure */
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( irlmp->magic == LMP_MAGIC, return;);
+	del_timer( &irlmp->discovery_timer);
+	/* FIXME, we need a special function to deallocate LAPs */
+	hashbin_delete( irlmp->links, (FREE_FUNC) kfree);
+	hashbin_delete( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps, (FREE_FUNC) kfree);
+	hashbin_delete( irlmp->registry, (FREE_FUNC) kfree);
+	/* De-allocate main structure */
+	kfree( irlmp);
+	irlmp = NULL;
+ * Function irlmp_open_lsap (slsap, notify)
+ *
+ *   Register with IrLMP and create a local LSAP,
+ *   returns handle to LSAP.
+ */
+struct lsap_cb *irlmp_open_lsap( __u8 slsap_sel, struct notify_t *notify)
+	struct lsap_cb *self;
+	ASSERT( notify != NULL, return NULL;);
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return NULL;);
+	ASSERT( irlmp->magic == LMP_MAGIC, return NULL;);
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_open_lsap(), slsap_sel=%02x\n", slsap_sel);
+	/* 
+	 *  Does the client care which Source LSAP selector it gets? 
+	 */
+	if ( slsap_sel == LSAP_ANY) {
+		/*
+		 *  Find unused LSAP
+		 */
+		slsap_sel = irlmp_find_free_slsap();
+		if ( slsap_sel == 0)
+			return NULL;
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 *  Client wants specific LSAP, so check if it's already
+		 *  in use
+		 */
+		if ( irlmp_slsap_inuse( slsap_sel)) {
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		if ( slsap_sel > irlmp->free_lsap_sel)
+			irlmp->free_lsap_sel = slsap_sel+1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 *  Allocate new instance of a LSAP connection
+	 */
+	self = kmalloc( sizeof(struct lsap_cb), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if ( self == NULL) {
+		printk( KERN_ERR "IrLMP: Can't allocate memory for "
+			"LSAP control block!\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	memset( self, 0, sizeof(struct lsap_cb));
+	self->magic = LMP_LSAP_MAGIC;
+	self->slsap_sel = slsap_sel;
+	self->dlsap_sel = LSAP_ANY;
+	init_timer( &self->watchdog_timer);
+	ASSERT( notify->instance != NULL, return NULL;);
+	self->notify = *notify;
+	irlmp_next_lsap_state( self, LSAP_DISCONNECTED);
+	/*
+	 *  Insert into queue of unconnected LSAPs
+	 */
+	hashbin_insert( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps, (QUEUE *) self, 
+			self->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	return self;
+ * Function irlmp_close_lsap (self)
+ *
+ *    Remove an instance of a LSAP
+ */
+static void __irlmp_close_lsap( struct lsap_cb *self)
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_close()\n");
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	/*
+	 *  Set some of the variables to preset values
+	 */
+	self->magic = ~LMP_LSAP_MAGIC;
+	del_timer( &self->watchdog_timer); /* Important! */
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return;);
+	irlmp->cache.valid = FALSE;
+	/*
+	 *  Deallocate structure
+	 */
+	kfree( self);
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_close() -->\n");
+ * Function irlmp_close_lsap (self)
+ *
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_close_lsap( struct lsap_cb *self)
+	struct lap_cb *lap;
+	struct lsap_cb *lsap;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	lap = self->lap;
+	/*
+	 *  Find out if we should remove this LSAP from a link or from the
+	 *  list of unconnected lsaps (not associated with a link)
+	 */
+	if ( lap == NULL) {
+		lsap = hashbin_remove( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps, 
+				       self->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	} else {
+		ASSERT( lap != NULL, return;);
+		ASSERT( lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+		lsap = hashbin_remove( lap->lsaps, self->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	}
+	if ( lsap == NULL) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ 
+		       "(), Looks like somebody has removed me already!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	ASSERT( lsap == self, return;);
+	__irlmp_close_lsap( self);
+ * Function irlmp_register_irlap (saddr, notify)
+ *
+ *    Register IrLAP layer with IrLMP. There is possible to have multiple
+ *    instances of the IrLAP layer, each connected to different IrDA ports
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_register_irlap( struct irlap_cb *irlap, __u32 saddr, 
+			   struct notify_t *notify)
+	struct lap_cb *lap;
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), Registered IrLAP, saddr = %08x\n",
+	       saddr);
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( irlmp->magic == LMP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( notify != NULL, return;);
+	/*
+	 *  Allocate new instance of a LSAP connection
+	 */
+	lap = kmalloc( sizeof(struct lap_cb), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if ( lap == NULL) {
+		printk( KERN_ERR "IrLMP: Can't allocate memory for "
+			"LAP control block!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	memset( lap, 0, sizeof(struct lap_cb));
+	lap->irlap = irlap;
+	lap->magic = LMP_LAP_MAGIC;
+	lap->saddr = saddr;
+	lap->lsaps = hashbin_new( HB_GLOBAL);
+ 	lap->cachelog = hashbin_new( HB_LOCAL);
+	irlmp_next_lap_state( lap, LAP_STANDBY);
+	/*
+	 *  Insert into queue of unconnected LSAPs
+	 */
+	hashbin_insert( irlmp->links, (QUEUE *) lap, lap->saddr, NULL);
+	/* 
+	 *  We set only this variable so IrLAP can tell us on which link the
+	 *  different events happened on 
+	 */
+	irda_notify_init( notify);
+	notify->instance = lap;
+ * Function irlmp_unregister_irlap (saddr)
+ *
+ *    IrLAP layer has been removed!
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_unregister_irlap( __u32 saddr)
+	struct lap_cb *self;
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n");
+	self = hashbin_remove( irlmp->links, saddr, NULL);
+	if ( self != NULL) {
+		ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+		self->magic = ~LMP_LAP_MAGIC;
+		kfree( self);
+	} else {
+		DEBUG( 0, "irlmp_unregister_irlap(), Didn't find LAP!\n");
+	}
+void dump_discoveries( hashbin_t *log)
+	ASSERT( log != NULL, return;);
+	d = (DISCOVERY *) hashbin_get_first( log);
+	while( d != NULL) {
+		DEBUG( 0, "Discovery:\n");
+		DEBUG( 0, "  daddr=%08x\n", d->daddr);
+		DEBUG( 0, "  name=%s\n", d->info);
+		d = (DISCOVERY *) hashbin_get_next( log);
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_connect_request (handle, dlsap, userdata)
+ *
+ *    Connect with a peer LSAP  
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_connect_request( struct lsap_cb *self, __u8 dlsap_sel, __u32 daddr, 
+			    struct qos_info *qos, struct sk_buff *userdata) 
+	struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
+	struct lap_cb *lap;
+	struct lsap_cb *lsap;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_connect_request(), "
+	       "slsap_sel=%02x, dlsap_sel=%02x, daddr=%08x\n", 
+	       self->slsap_sel, dlsap_sel, daddr);
+	if ( self->connected) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), Error: already connected!!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Any userdata? */
+	if ( userdata == NULL) {
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb( 64);
+		if (skb == NULL) {
+			DEBUG( 0, "irlmp_connect_request: "
+			       "Could not allocate an sk_buff of length %d\n",
+			       64);
+			return;
+		}
+		skb_reserve( skb, LMP_CONTROL_HEADER+LAP_HEADER);
+	} else
+		skb = userdata;
+	/* Make room for MUX control header ( 3 bytes) */
+	ASSERT( skb_headroom( skb) >= LMP_CONTROL_HEADER, return;);
+	skb_push( skb, LMP_CONTROL_HEADER);
+	self->dlsap_sel = dlsap_sel;
+	self->tmp_skb = skb;
+	/* 
+	 *  Find out which link to connect on, and make sure nothing strange
+	 *  happens while we traverse the list
+	 */
+	save_flags( flags);
+	cli();
+	lap = (struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( irlmp->links);
+	while ( lap != NULL) {
+		ASSERT( lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+		/* dump_discoveries( lap->cachelog); */
+		if ( hashbin_find( lap->cachelog, daddr, NULL)) {
+			DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_connect_request() found link to connect on!\n");
+			self->lap = lap;
+			break;
+		}
+		lap = (struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_next( irlmp->links);
+	}
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	/* 
+	 *  Remove LSAP from list of unconnected LSAPs and insert it into the 
+	 *  list of connected LSAPs for the particular link */
+	lsap = hashbin_remove( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps, self->slsap_sel, 
+			       NULL);
+	/* Check if we found a link to connect on */
+	if ( self->lap == NULL) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), Unable to find a usable link!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	ASSERT( lsap != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( lsap->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( lsap->lap != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( lsap->lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	hashbin_insert( self->lap->lsaps, (QUEUE *) self, self->slsap_sel, 
+			NULL);
+	self->connected = TRUE;
+	/*
+	 *  User supplied qos specifications?
+	 */
+	if ( qos)
+		self->qos = *qos;
+	DEBUG( 4, "*** Connecting SLSAP=%02x, DLSAP= %02x\n",
+	       self->slsap_sel, self->dlsap_sel);
+	irlmp_do_lsap_event( self, LM_CONNECT_REQUEST, skb);
+ * Function irlmp_connect_indication (self)
+ *
+ *    Incomming connection
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_connect_indication( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb) 
+	int max_seg_size;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_connect_indication()\n");
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->lap != NULL, return;);
+	self->qos = *self->lap->qos;
+	max_seg_size = self->lap->qos->data_size.value;
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), max_seg_size=%d\n", max_seg_size);
+	/* Hide LMP_CONTROL_HEADER header from layer above */
+	skb_pull( skb, LMP_CONTROL_HEADER);
+	if ( self->notify.connect_indication)
+		self->notify.connect_indication( self->notify.instance, self, 
+						 &self->qos, max_seg_size, 
+						 skb);
+ * Function irlmp_connect_response (handle, userdata)
+ *
+ *    Service user is accepting connection
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_connect_response( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *userdata) 
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_connect_response()\n");
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( userdata != NULL, return;);
+	self->connected = TRUE;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_connect_response: slsap_sel=%02x, dlsap_sel=%02x\n", 
+	       self->slsap_sel, self->dlsap_sel);
+	/* Make room for MUX control header ( 3 bytes) */
+	ASSERT( skb_headroom( userdata) >= LMP_CONTROL_HEADER, return;);
+	skb_push( userdata, LMP_CONTROL_HEADER);
+	irlmp_do_lsap_event( self, LM_CONNECT_RESPONSE, userdata);
+ * Function irlmp_connect_confirm (handle, skb)
+ *
+ *    LSAP connection confirmed peer device!
+ */
+void irlmp_connect_confirm( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb) 
+	int max_seg_size;
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n");
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->lap != NULL, return;);
+	self->qos = *self->lap->qos;
+	max_seg_size = self->qos.data_size.value;
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), max_seg_size=%d\n", max_seg_size);
+	/* Hide LMP_CONTROL_HEADER header from layer above */
+	skb_pull( skb, LMP_CONTROL_HEADER);
+	if ( self->notify.connect_confirm) {
+		self->notify.connect_confirm( self->notify.instance, self,
+					      &self->qos, max_seg_size, skb);
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_disconnect_request (handle, userdata)
+ *
+ *    The service user is requesting disconnection, this will not remove the 
+ *    LSAP, but only mark it as disconnected
+ */
+void irlmp_disconnect_request( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *userdata) 
+	struct lsap_cb *lsap;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_disconnect_request()\n");
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	/* Already disconnected? */
+	if ( !self->connected) {
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "(), already disconnected!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	ASSERT( userdata != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->connected == TRUE, return;);
+	skb_push( userdata, LMP_CONTROL_HEADER);
+	/* 
+	 *  Do the event before the other stuff since we must know
+	 *  which lap layer that the frame should be transmitted on
+	 */
+	irlmp_do_lsap_event( self, LM_DISCONNECT_REQUEST, userdata);
+	/* 
+	 *  Remove LSAP from list of connected LSAPs for the particular link
+	 *  and insert it into the list of unconnected LSAPs
+	 */
+	ASSERT( self->lap != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->lap->lsaps != NULL, return;);
+	lsap = hashbin_remove( self->lap->lsaps, self->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	ASSERT( lsap != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( lsap->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( lsap == self, return;);
+	hashbin_insert( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps, (QUEUE *) self, 
+			self->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	/* Reset some values */
+	self->connected = FALSE;
+	self->dlsap_sel = LSAP_ANY;
+	self->lap = NULL;
+ * Function irlmp_disconnect_indication (reason, userdata)
+ *
+ *    LSAP is being closed!
+ */
+void irlmp_disconnect_indication( struct lsap_cb *self, LM_REASON reason, 
+				  struct sk_buff *userdata) 
+	struct lsap_cb *lsap;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_disconnect_indication()\n");	
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+ 	ASSERT( self->connected == TRUE, return;); 
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), slsap_sel=%02x, dlsap_sel=%02x\n", 
+	       self->slsap_sel, self->dlsap_sel);
+	self->connected = FALSE;
+	self->dlsap_sel = LSAP_ANY;
+	/* 
+	 *  Remove assosiation betwen this LSAP and the kink it used 
+	 */
+	ASSERT( self->lap != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->lap->lsaps != NULL, return;);
+	lsap = hashbin_remove( self->lap->lsaps, self->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	ASSERT( lsap != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( lsap == self, return;);
+	hashbin_insert( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps, (QUEUE *) lsap, 
+			lsap->slsap_sel, NULL);
+	self->lap = NULL;
+	/* FIXME: the reasons should be extracted somewhere else? */
+	if ( userdata) {
+		DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_disconnect_indication: reason=%02x\n", 
+		       userdata->data[3]);
+	}
+	/*
+	 *  Inform service user
+	 */
+	if ( self->notify.disconnect_indication) {
+		self->notify.disconnect_indication( self->notify.instance, 
+						    self, reason, userdata);
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_discovery_request (nslots)
+ *
+ *    Do a discovery of devices in front of the computer
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_discovery_request( int nslots)
+	struct lap_cb *lap;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_discovery_request()\n");
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return;);
+	if ( !sysctl_discovery)
+		return;
+	/*
+	 *  Construct new discovery info to be used by IrLAP,
+	 *  TODO: no need to do this every time!
+	 */
+	irlmp->discovery_cmd.hint[0] = irlmp->hint[0];
+	irlmp->discovery_cmd.hint[1] = irlmp->hint[1];
+	/* 
+	 *  Set character set for device name (we use ASCII), and 
+	 *  copy device name. Remember to make room for a \0 at the 
+	 *  end
+	 */
+	irlmp->discovery_cmd.charset = CS_ASCII;
+	strncpy( irlmp->, sysctl_devname, 31);
+	irlmp->discovery_cmd.info_len = strlen( irlmp->;
+	/*
+	 * Try to send discovery packets on all links
+	 */
+	lap = ( struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( irlmp->links);
+	while ( lap != NULL) {
+		ASSERT( lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+		DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_discovery_request() sending request!\n");
+		irlmp_do_lap_event( lap, LM_LAP_DISCOVERY_REQUEST, NULL);
+		lap = ( struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_next( irlmp->links);
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_check_services (discovery)
+ *
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_check_services( DISCOVERY *discovery) 
+	struct irlmp_registration *entry;
+	struct irmanager_event event;
+	__u8 *service;
+	int i = 0;
+	printk( KERN_INFO "IrDA Discovered: %s\n", discovery->info);
+	printk( KERN_INFO "    Services: ");
+	service = irlmp_hint_to_service( discovery->hint);
+	if (service != NULL) {
+		/*
+		 *  Check all services on the device
+		 */
+		while ( service[i] != S_END) {
+			DEBUG( 4, "service=%02x\n", service[i]);
+			entry = hashbin_find( irlmp->registry, 
+					      service[i], NULL);
+			if ( entry && entry->discovery_callback) {
+				DEBUG( 4, "discovery_callback!\n");
+					entry->discovery_callback( discovery);
+			} else {
+				/* 
+				 * Found no clients for dealing with this
+				 * service, so ask the user space irmanager
+				 * to try to load the right module for us
+				 */
+				event.event = EVENT_DEVICE_DISCOVERED;
+				event.service = service[i];
+				event.daddr = discovery->daddr;
+				sprintf(, "%s", 
+					 discovery->info);
+				irmanager_notify( &event);
+			}
+			i++; /* Next service */
+		}
+		kfree( service);
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_discovery_confirm ( self, log)
+ *
+ *    Some device(s) answered to our discovery request! Check to see which
+ *    device it is, and give indication to the client(s)
+ * 
+ */
+void irlmp_discovery_confirm( struct lap_cb *self, hashbin_t *log) 
+	DISCOVERY *discovery;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_discovery_confirm()\n");
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	/*
+	 *  If log is missing this means that IrLAP was unable to perform the
+	 *  discovery, so restart discovery again with just the half timeout
+	 *  of the normal one.
+	 */
+	if ( !log) {
+		irlmp_start_discovery_timer( irlmp, 150);
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 *  Now, check all discovered devices (if any)
+	 */
+	discovery = ( DISCOVERY *) hashbin_get_first( log);
+	while ( discovery != NULL) {
+		self->daddr = discovery->daddr;
+		DEBUG( 4, "discovery->daddr = 0x%08x\n", discovery->daddr); 
+		irlmp_check_services( discovery);
+		discovery = ( DISCOVERY *) hashbin_get_next( log);
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_discovery_indication (discovery)
+ *
+ *    A remote device is discovering us!
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_discovery_indication( struct lap_cb *self, DISCOVERY *discovery)
+	/* struct irda_event event; */
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( discovery != NULL, return;);
+	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n");
+	DEBUG( 4, "discovery->daddr = 0x%08x\n", discovery->daddr); 
+	self->daddr = discovery->daddr;
+	/*
+	 *  Create a new discovery log if neccessary
+	 */
+	if ( self->cachelog == NULL)
+		self->cachelog = hashbin_new( HB_LOCAL);
+	/*
+	 *  Insert this discovery device into the discovery_log if its
+	 *  not there already
+	 */
+	if ( !hashbin_find( self->cachelog, discovery->daddr, NULL))
+		hashbin_insert( self->cachelog, (QUEUE *) discovery,
+				discovery->daddr, NULL);
+	irlmp_check_services( discovery);
+ * Function irlmp_get_discovery_response ()
+ *
+ *    Used by IrLAP to get the disocvery info it needs when answering
+ *    discovery requests by other devices.
+ */
+DISCOVERY *irlmp_get_discovery_response()
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_get_discovery_response()\n");
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return NULL;);
+	irlmp->discovery_rsp.hint[0] = irlmp->hint[0];
+	irlmp->discovery_rsp.hint[1] = irlmp->hint[1];
+	/* 
+	 *  Set character set for device name (we use ASCII), and 
+	 *  copy device name. Remember to make room for a \0 at the 
+	 *  end
+	 */
+	irlmp->discovery_rsp.charset = CS_ASCII;
+	strncpy( irlmp->, sysctl_devname, 31);
+	irlmp->discovery_rsp.info_len = strlen( irlmp-> + 2;
+	return &irlmp->discovery_rsp;
+ * Function irlmp_data_request (self, skb)
+ *
+ *    Send some data to peer device
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_data_request( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb) 
+ 	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n"); 
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	/* Make room for MUX header */
+	ASSERT( skb_headroom( skb) >= LMP_HEADER, return;);
+	skb_push( skb, LMP_HEADER);
+	irlmp_do_lsap_event( self, LM_DATA_REQUEST, skb);
+ * Function irlmp_data_indication (handle, skb)
+ *
+ *    Got data from LAP layer so pass it up to upper layer
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_data_indication( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb) 
+ 	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_data_indication()\n"); 
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return;);
+	/* Hide LMP header from layer above */
+	skb_pull( skb, LMP_HEADER);
+	if ( self->notify.data_indication)
+		self->notify.data_indication(self->notify.instance, self, skb);
+ * Function irlmp_udata_request (self, skb)
+ *
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_udata_request( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb) 
+ 	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n"); 
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	/* Make room for MUX header */
+	ASSERT( skb_headroom( skb) >= LMP_HEADER, return;);
+	skb_push( skb, LMP_HEADER);
+	irlmp_do_lsap_event( self, LM_UDATA_REQUEST, skb);
+ * Function irlmp_udata_indication (self, skb)
+ *
+ *    Send unreliable data (but still within the connection)
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_udata_indication( struct lsap_cb *self, struct sk_buff *skb) 
+ 	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n"); 
+	ASSERT( self != NULL, return;);
+	ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return;);
+	ASSERT( skb != NULL, return;);
+	/* Hide LMP header from layer above */
+	skb_pull( skb, LMP_HEADER);
+	if ( self->notify.udata_indication)
+		self->notify.udata_indication( self->notify.instance, self, 
+					      skb);
+ * Function irlmp_connection_less_data_request (skb)
+ *
+ *    Send out of connection UI frames
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_connectionless_data_request( struct sk_buff *skb)
+	DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "()\n"); 
+ * Function irlmp_connection_less_data_indication (skb)
+ *
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_connectionless_data_indication( struct sk_buff *skb)
+	DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ "()\n"); 
+void irlmp_status_request(void) 
+	DEBUG( 0, "irlmp_status_request(), Not implemented\n");
+void irlmp_status_indication( LINK_STATUS link, LOCK_STATUS lock) 
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_status_indication(), Not implemented\n");
+ * Function irlmp_hint_to_service (hint)
+ *
+ *    Returns a list of all servics contained in the given hint bits. This
+ *    funtion assumes that the hint bits have the size of two bytes only
+ */
+__u8 *irlmp_hint_to_service( __u8 *hint)
+	__u8 *service;
+	int i = 0;
+	/* Allocate array to store services in */
+	service = kmalloc( 16, GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if ( !service) {
+		DEBUG( 0, "irlmp_hint_to_service: Unable to kmalloc!\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if ( !hint[0]) {
+		printk( "<None>\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_PNP)
+		printk( "PnP Compatible ");
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_PDA)
+		printk( "PDA/Palmtop ");
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_COMPUTER)
+		printk( "Computer ");
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_PRINTER) {
+		printk( "Printer\n");
+		service[i++] = S_PRINTER;
+	}
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_MODEM)
+		printk( "Modem ");
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_FAX)
+		printk( "Fax ");
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_LAN) {
+		printk( "LAN Access\n");			
+		service[i++] = S_LAN;
+	}
+	/* 
+	 *  Test if extension byte exists. This byte will usually be
+	 *  there, but this is not really required by the standard.
+	 *  (IrLMP p. 29)
+	 */
+	if ( hint[0] & HINT_EXTENSION) {
+		if ( hint[1] & HINT_TELEPHONY)
+			printk( "Telephony ");
+		if ( hint[1] & HINT_FILE_SERVER)
+			printk( "File Server ");
+		if ( hint[1] & HINT_COMM) {
+			printk( "IrCOMM ");
+			service[i++] = S_COMM;
+		}
+		if ( hint[1] & HINT_OBEX) {
+			printk( "IrOBEX ");
+			service[i++] = S_OBEX;
+		}
+	}
+	printk( "\n");
+	service[i] = S_END;
+	return service;
+ * Function irlmp_service_to_hint (service, hint)
+ *
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_service_to_hint( int service, __u8 *hint)
+	switch (service) {
+	case S_PNP:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_PNP;
+		break;
+	case S_PDA:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_PDA;
+		break;
+	case S_COMPUTER:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_COMPUTER;
+		break;
+	case S_PRINTER:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_PRINTER;
+		break;
+	case S_MODEM:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_PRINTER;
+		break;
+	case S_LAN:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_LAN;
+		break;
+	case S_COMM:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_EXTENSION;
+		hint[1] |= HINT_COMM;
+		break;
+	case S_OBEX:
+		hint[0] |= HINT_EXTENSION;
+		hint[1] |= HINT_OBEX;
+		break;
+	default:
+		DEBUG( 0, "irlmp_service_to_hint(), Unknown service!\n");
+		break;
+	}
+ * Function irlmp_register (service, type, callback)
+ *
+ *    Register a local client or server with IrLMP
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_register_layer( int service, int type, int do_discovery, 
+			   DISCOVERY_CALLBACK callback)
+	struct irlmp_registration *entry;
+	sysctl_discovery |= do_discovery;
+	if ( type & SERVER)
+		irlmp_service_to_hint( service, irlmp->hint);
+	/* Check if this service has been registred before */
+	entry = hashbin_find( irlmp->registry, service, NULL);
+	if ( entry != NULL) {
+		/* Update type in entry */
+		entry->type |= type;
+		/*  Update callback only if client, since servers don't 
+		 *  use callbacks, and we don't want to overwrite a 
+		 *  previous registred client callback
+		 */
+		if ( type & CLIENT)
+			entry->discovery_callback = callback;
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Make a new registration */
+ 	entry = kmalloc( sizeof( struct irlmp_registration), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if ( !entry) {
+		DEBUG( 0, "irlmp_register(), Unable to kmalloc!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	entry->service = service;
+	entry->type = type;
+	entry->discovery_callback = callback;
+ 	hashbin_insert( irlmp->registry, (QUEUE*) entry, entry->service, NULL);
+ * Function irlmp_unregister (serivice)
+ *
+ *    
+ *
+ */
+void irlmp_unregister_layer( int service, int type)
+ 	struct irlmp_registration *entry;
+ 	DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "()\n");
+	entry = hashbin_find( irlmp->registry, service, NULL);
+	if ( entry != NULL) {
+		DEBUG( 4, "Found entry to change or remove!\n");
+		/* Remove this type from the service registration */
+		entry->type &= ~type;
+	}
+	if ( !entry) {
+		DEBUG( 0, "Unable to find entry to unregister!\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	/* 
+	 *  Remove entry if there is no more client and server support 
+	 *  left in entry
+	 */
+	if ( !entry->type) {
+		DEBUG( 4, __FUNCTION__ "(), removing entry!\n");
+		entry = hashbin_remove( irlmp->registry, service, NULL);
+		if ( entry != NULL)
+			kfree( entry);
+	}
+	/* Remove old hint bits */
+	irlmp->hint[0] = 0;
+	irlmp->hint[1] = 0;
+	/* Refresh current hint bits */
+        entry = (struct irlmp_registration *) hashbin_get_first( irlmp->registry);
+        while( entry != NULL) {
+		if ( entry->type & SERVER)
+			irlmp_service_to_hint( entry->service, 
+					       irlmp->hint);
+                entry = (struct irlmp_registration *) 
+			hashbin_get_next( irlmp->registry);
+        }
+ * Function irlmp_slsap_inuse (slsap)
+ *
+ *    Check if the given source LSAP selector is in use
+ */
+int irlmp_slsap_inuse( __u8 slsap_sel)
+	struct lsap_cb *self;
+	struct lap_cb *lap;
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return TRUE;);
+	ASSERT( irlmp->magic == LMP_MAGIC, return TRUE;);
+	ASSERT( slsap_sel != LSAP_ANY, return TRUE;);
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_slsap_inuse()\n");
+	/*
+	 *  Check if slsap is already in use. To do this we have to loop over
+	 *  every IrLAP connection and check every LSAP assosiated with each
+	 *  the connection.
+	 */
+	lap = ( struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( irlmp->links);
+	while ( lap != NULL) {
+		ASSERT( lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return TRUE;);
+		self = (struct lsap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( lap->lsaps);
+		while ( self != NULL) {
+			ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return TRUE;);
+			if (( self->slsap_sel == slsap_sel))/*  &&  */
+/* 			    ( self->dlsap_sel == LSAP_ANY)) */
+			{
+				DEBUG( 4, "Source LSAP selector=%02x in use\n",
+				       self->slsap_sel); 
+				return TRUE;
+			}
+			self = (struct lsap_cb*) hashbin_get_next( lap->lsaps);
+		}
+		lap = (struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_next( irlmp->links);
+	}     
+	return FALSE;
+ * Function irlmp_find_free_slsap ()
+ *
+ *    Find a free source LSAP to use. This function is called if the service
+ *    user has requested a source LSAP equal to LM_ANY
+ */
+__u8 irlmp_find_free_slsap(void) 
+	__u8 lsap_sel;
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return -1;);
+	ASSERT( irlmp->magic == LMP_MAGIC, return -1;);
+	lsap_sel = irlmp->free_lsap_sel++;
+	DEBUG( 4, "irlmp_find_free_slsap(), picked next free lsap_sel=%02x\n",
+	       lsap_sel);
+	return lsap_sel;
+ * Function irlmp_convert_lap_reason (lap_reason)
+ *
+ *    Converts IrLAP disconnect reason codes to IrLMP disconnect reason
+ *    codes
+ *
+ */
+LM_REASON irlmp_convert_lap_reason( LAP_REASON lap_reason)
+	int reason = LM_LAP_DISCONNECT;
+	switch (lap_reason) {		
+	case LAP_DISC_INDICATION: /* Received a disconnect request from peer */
+		reason = LM_USER_REQUEST;
+		break;
+	case LAP_NO_RESPONSE:    /* To many retransmits without response */
+		reason = LM_LAP_DISCONNECT;
+		break;
+		reason = LM_LAP_RESET;
+		break;
+		break;
+	default:
+		DEBUG( 0, __FUNCTION__ 
+		       "(), Unknow IrLAP disconnect reason %d!\n", lap_reason);
+		reason = LM_LAP_DISCONNECT;
+		break;
+	}
+	return reason;
+ * Function irlmp_proc_read (buf, start, offset, len, unused)
+ *
+ *    Give some info to the /proc file system
+ *
+ */
+int irlmp_proc_read( char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int len, 
+		     int unused)
+	struct lsap_cb *self;
+	struct lap_cb *lap;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	ASSERT( irlmp != NULL, return 0;);
+	save_flags( flags);
+	cli();
+	len = 0;
+	len += sprintf( buf+len, "Unconnected LSAPs:\n");
+	self = (struct lsap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( irlmp->unconnected_lsaps);
+	while ( self != NULL) {
+		ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return 0;);
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, "lsap state: %s, ", 
+				irlsap_state[ self->lsap_state]);
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, 
+				"slsap_sel: %#02x, dlsap_sel: %#02x, ",
+				self->slsap_sel, self->dlsap_sel); 
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, "(%s)", self->;
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n");
+		self = ( struct lsap_cb *) hashbin_get_next( 
+			irlmp->unconnected_lsaps);
+ 	} 
+	len += sprintf( buf+len, "\nRegistred Link Layers:\n");
+	lap = (struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( irlmp->links);
+	while ( lap != NULL) {
+		ASSERT( lap->magic == LMP_LAP_MAGIC, return 0;);
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, "lap state: %s, ", 
+				irlmp_state[ lap->lap_state]);
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, 
+				"saddr: %#08x, daddr: %#08x, ",
+				lap->saddr, lap->daddr); 
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n");
+		len += sprintf( buf+len, "\nConnected LSAPs:\n");
+		self = (struct lsap_cb *) hashbin_get_first( lap->lsaps);
+		while ( self != NULL) {
+			ASSERT( self->magic == LMP_LSAP_MAGIC, return 0;);
+			len += sprintf( buf+len, "lsap state: %s, ", 
+					irlsap_state[ self->lsap_state]);
+			len += sprintf( buf+len, 
+					"slsap_sel: %#02x, dlsap_sel: %#02x, ",
+					self->slsap_sel, self->dlsap_sel);
+			len += sprintf( buf+len, "(%s)", self->;
+			len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n");
+			self = ( struct lsap_cb *) hashbin_get_next( 
+				lap->lsaps);
+		} 
+		lap = ( struct lap_cb *) hashbin_get_next( 
+			irlmp->links);
+ 	} 
+	restore_flags( flags);
+	return len;
+#endif /* PROC_FS */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,