patch-1.3.94 linux/include/asm-m68k/segment.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.93/linux/include/asm-m68k/segment.h linux/include/asm-m68k/segment.h
@@ -1,197 +1,326 @@
+#ifndef _M68K_SEGMENT_H
+#define _M68K_SEGMENT_H
+/* define constants */
+/* Address spaces (FC0-FC2) */
+#define USER_DATA     (1)
+#ifndef USER_DS
+#define USER_DS       (USER_DATA)
+#define USER_PROGRAM  (2)
+#define SUPER_DATA    (5)
+#ifndef KERNEL_DS
+#define KERNEL_DS     (SUPER_DATA)
+#define SUPER_PROGRAM (6)
+#define CPU_SPACE     (7)
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- *  linux/include/asm-m68k/segment.h
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992  Linus Torvalds
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License.  See the file in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
+ * Uh, these should become the main single-value transfer routines..
+ * They automatically use the right size if we just have the right
+ * pointer type..
+#define put_user(x,ptr) __put_user((unsigned long)(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
+#define get_user(ptr) ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__get_user((ptr),sizeof(*(ptr))))
- * 680x0 support added by Hamish Macdonald
+ * This is a silly but good way to make sure that
+ * the __put_user function is indeed always optimized,
+ * and that we use the correct sizes..
+extern int bad_user_access_length(void);
-#ifndef _M68K_SEGMENT_H
-#define _M68K_SEGMENT_H
+#define __ptr(x) ((unsigned long *)(x))
-static inline unsigned char get_user_byte(const char * addr)
+static inline void __put_user(unsigned long x, void * y, int size)
-	register unsigned char _v;
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movesb %1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr));
-	return _v;
+	switch (size) {
+		case 1:
+			__asm__ ("movesb %0,%1"
+				: /* no outputs */
+				:"r" (x),"m" (*__ptr(y)) : "memory");
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			__asm__ ("movesw %0,%1"
+				: /* no outputs */
+				:"r" (x),"m" (*__ptr(y)) : "memory");
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			__asm__ ("movesl %0,%1"
+				: /* no outputs */
+				:"r" (x),"m" (*__ptr(y)) : "memory");
+			break;
+		default:
+			bad_user_access_length();
+	}
-#define get_fs_byte(addr) get_user_byte((char *)(addr))
-static inline unsigned short get_user_word(const short *addr)
+static inline unsigned long __get_user(const void * y, int size)
-	unsigned short _v;
+	unsigned long result;
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movesw %1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr));
-	return _v;
+	switch (size) {
+		case 1:
+			__asm__ ("movesb %1,%0"
+				 :"=r" (result)
+				 :"m" (*__ptr(y)));
+			return (unsigned char) result;
+		case 2:
+			__asm__ ("movesw %1,%0"
+				 :"=r" (result)
+				 :"m" (*__ptr(y)));
+			return (unsigned short) result;
+		case 4:
+			__asm__ ("movesl %1,%0"
+				 :"=r" (result)
+				 :"m" (*__ptr(y)));
+			return result;
+		default:
+			return bad_user_access_length();
+	}
+#undef __ptr
-#define get_fs_word(addr) get_user_word((short *)(addr))
+ * These are deprecated..
+ *
+ * Use "put_user()" and "get_user()" with the proper pointer types instead.
+ */
-static inline unsigned long get_user_long(const int *addr)
+#define get_fs_byte(addr) __get_user((const unsigned char *)(addr),1)
+#define get_fs_word(addr) __get_user((const unsigned short *)(addr),2)
+#define get_fs_long(addr) __get_user((const unsigned int *)(addr),4)
+#define put_fs_byte(x,addr) __put_user((x),(unsigned char *)(addr),1)
+#define put_fs_word(x,addr) __put_user((x),(unsigned short *)(addr),2)
+#define put_fs_long(x,addr) __put_user((x),(unsigned int *)(addr),4)
+static inline unsigned char get_user_byte(const char * addr)
-	unsigned long _v;
+	return __get_user(addr,1);
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movesl %1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr)); \
-	return _v;
+static inline unsigned short get_user_word(const short *addr)
+	return __get_user(addr,2);
-#define get_fs_long(addr) get_user_long((int *)(addr))
+static inline unsigned long get_user_long(const int *addr)
+	return __get_user(addr,4);
 static inline void put_user_byte(char val,char *addr)
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movesb %0,%1": /* no outputs */ :"r" (val),"m" (*addr) : "memory");
+	__put_user(val, addr, 1);
-#define put_fs_byte(x,addr) put_user_byte((x),(char *)(addr))
 static inline void put_user_word(short val,short * addr)
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movesw %0,%1": /* no outputs */ :"r" (val),"m" (*addr) : "memory");
+	__put_user(val, addr, 2);
-#define put_fs_word(x,addr) put_user_word((x),(short *)(addr))
 static inline void put_user_long(unsigned long val,int * addr)
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movesl %0,%1": /* no outputs */ :"r" (val),"m" (*addr) : "memory");
+	__put_user(val, addr, 4);
-#define put_fs_long(x,addr) put_user_long((x),(int *)(addr))
 static inline void __generic_memcpy_tofs(void * to, const void * from, unsigned long n)
+	unsigned long tmp;
 	if (n == 0) return;
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("1:\n\t"
-			      "moveb %1@+,d0\n\t"
-			      "movesb d0,%2@+\n\t"
+	tmp = n;
+	n >>= 2;
+	if (n != 0)
+		__asm__ ("1:\t"
+			 "movel %1@+,%/d0\n\t"
+			 "movesl %/d0,%2@+\n\t"
 			      "dbra %0,1b\n\t"
 			      "clrw %0\n\t"
 			      "subql #1,%0\n\t"
-			      "bccs 1b"
+			 "bccs 1b\n\t"
 			      : "=d" (n), "=a" (from), "=a" (to)
-			      : "1" (from), "2" (to), "0" (n-1)
+			 : "0" (n-1), "1" (from), "2" (to)
+			 : "d0", "memory");
+	if (tmp & 2)
+		__asm__ ("movew %0@+,%/d0\n\t"
+			 "movesw %/d0,%1@+\n\t"
+			 : "=a" (from), "=a" (to)
+			 : "0" (from), "1" (to)
+			 : "d0", "memory");
+	if (tmp & 1)
+		__asm__ ("moveb %0@,%/d0\n\t"
+			 "movesb %/d0,%1@\n\t"
+			 : /* no outputs */
+			 : "a" (from), "a" (to)
 			      : "d0", "memory");
 static inline void __constant_memcpy_tofs(void * to, const void * from, unsigned long n)
-	if (n == 0) {
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 1) {
-			put_user_byte(*(const char *) from, (char *) to);
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 2) {
-			put_user_word(*(const short *) from, (short *) to);
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 3) {
-			put_user_word(*(const short *) from, (short *) to);
-			put_user_byte(*(2+(const char *) from), 2+(char *) to);
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 4) {
-			put_user_long(*(const int *) from, (int *) to);
-			return;
-	}
-#if 0
-#define COMMON(x) \
-__asm__("cld\n\t" \
-	"push %%es\n\t" \
-	"push %%fs\n\t" \
-	"pop %%es\n\t" \
-	"rep ; movsl\n\t" \
-	x \
-	"pop %%es" \
-	: /* no outputs */ \
-	:"c" (n/4),"D" ((long) to),"S" ((long) from) \
-	:"cx","di","si")
-	switch (n % 4) {
+	switch (n) {
 		case 0:
-			COMMON("");
 		case 1:
-			COMMON("movsb\n\t");
+			__put_user(*(const char *) from, (char *) to, 1);
 		case 2:
-			COMMON("movsw\n\t");
+			__put_user(*(const short *) from, (short *) to, 2);
 		case 3:
-			COMMON("movsw\n\tmovsb\n\t");
+			__put_user(*(const short *) from, (short *) to, 2);
+			__put_user(*(2+(const char *) from), 2+(char *) to, 1);
+			return;
+		case 4:
+			__put_user(*(const int *) from, (int *) to, 4);
+			return;
+		case 8:
+			__put_user(*(const int *) from, (int *) to, 4);
+			__put_user(*(1+(const int *) from), 1+(int *) to, 4);
+			return;
+		case 12:
+			__put_user(*(const int *) from, (int *) to, 4);
+			__put_user(*(1+(const int *) from), 1+(int *) to, 4);
+			__put_user(*(2+(const int *) from), 2+(int *) to, 4);
+			return;
+		case 16:
+			__put_user(*(const int *) from, (int *) to, 4);
+			__put_user(*(1+(const int *) from), 1+(int *) to, 4);
+			__put_user(*(2+(const int *) from), 2+(int *) to, 4);
+			__put_user(*(3+(const int *) from), 3+(int *) to, 4);
+#define COMMON(x)                     \
+__asm__ __volatile__ ("1:\n\t"        \
+            "movel %1@+,%/d0\n\t"     \
+            "movesl %/d0,%2@+\n\t"    \
+            "dbra %0,1b\n\t"          \
+            "clrw %0\n\t"             \
+            "subql #1,%0\n\t"         \
+            "bccs 1b\n\t"             \
+            x                     \
+            : "=d" (n), "=a" (from), "=a" (to)    \
+            : "1" (from), "2" (to), "0" (n/4-1)   \
+            : "d0", "memory");
+  switch (n % 4) {
+      case 0:
+          COMMON("");
+          return;
+      case 1:
+          COMMON("moveb %1@+,%/d0; movesb %/d0,%2@+");
+          return;
+      case 2:
+          COMMON("movew %1@+,%/d0; movesw %/d0,%2@+");
+          return;
+      case 3:
+          COMMON("movew %1@+,%/d0; movesw %/d0,%2@+\n\t"
+                 "moveb %1@+,%/d0; movesb %/d0,%2@+");
+          return;
+  }
 #undef COMMON
-        __generic_memcpy_tofs(to,from,n);
 static inline void __generic_memcpy_fromfs(void * to, const void * from, unsigned long n)
+	unsigned long tmp;
 	if (n == 0) return;
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("1:\n\t"
-			      "movesb %1@+,d0\n\t"
-			      "moveb d0,%2@+\n\t"
+	tmp = n;
+	n >>= 2;
+	if (n != 0)
+		__asm__ ("1:\t"
+			 "movesl %1@+,%/d0\n\t"
+			 "movel %/d0,%2@+\n\t"
 			      "dbra %0,1b\n\t"
 			      "clrw %0\n\t"
 			      "subql #1,%0\n\t"
-			      "bccs 1b"
+			 "bccs 1b\n\t"
 			      : "=d" (n), "=a" (from), "=a" (to)
-			      : "1" (from), "2" (to), "0" (n-1)
+			 : "0" (n-1), "1" (from), "2" (to)
+			 : "d0", "memory");
+	if (tmp & 2)
+		__asm__ ("movesw %0@+,%/d0\n\t"
+			 "movew %/d0,%1@+\n\t"
+			 : "=a" (from), "=a" (to)
+			 : "0" (from), "1" (to)
+			 : "d0", "memory");
+	if (tmp & 1)
+		__asm__ ("movesb %0@,%/d0\n\t"
+			 "moveb %/d0,%1@\n\t"
+			 : /* no outputs */
+			 : "a" (from), "a" (to)
 			      : "d0", "memory");
 static inline void __constant_memcpy_fromfs(void * to, const void * from, unsigned long n)
-	if (n == 0) {
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 1) {
-			*(char *)to = get_user_byte((const char *) from);
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 2) {
-			*(short *)to = get_user_word((const short *) from);
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 3) {
-			*(short *) to = get_user_word((const short *) from);
-			*(2+(char *) to) = get_user_byte(2+(const char *) from);
-			return;
-	} else if (n == 4) {
-			*(int *) to = get_user_long((const int *) from);
-			return;
-	}
-#if 0
-#define COMMON(x) \
-__asm__("cld\n\t" \
-	"rep ; fs ; movsl\n\t" \
-	x \
-	: /* no outputs */ \
-	:"c" (n/4),"D" ((long) to),"S" ((long) from) \
-	:"cx","di","si","memory")
-	switch (n % 4) {
+	switch (n) {
 		case 0:
-			COMMON("");
 		case 1:
-			COMMON("fs ; movsb");
+			*(char *)to = __get_user((const char *) from, 1);
 		case 2:
-			COMMON("fs ; movsw");
+			*(short *)to = __get_user((const short *) from, 2);
 		case 3:
-			COMMON("fs ; movsw\n\tfs ; movsb");
+			*(short *) to = __get_user((const short *) from, 2);
+			*((char *) to + 2) = __get_user(2+(const char *) from, 1);
+			return;
+		case 4:
+			*(int *) to = __get_user((const int *) from, 4);
+			return;
+		case 8:
+			*(int *) to = __get_user((const int *) from, 4);
+			*(1+(int *) to) = __get_user(1+(const int *) from, 4);
+			return;
+		case 12:
+			*(int *) to = __get_user((const int *) from, 4);
+			*(1+(int *) to) = __get_user(1+(const int *) from, 4);
+			*(2+(int *) to) = __get_user(2+(const int *) from, 4);
+			return;
+		case 16:
+			*(int *) to = __get_user((const int *) from, 4);
+			*(1+(int *) to) = __get_user(1+(const int *) from, 4);
+			*(2+(int *) to) = __get_user(2+(const int *) from, 4);
+			*(3+(int *) to) = __get_user(3+(const int *) from, 4);
+#define COMMON(x)                     \
+__asm__ __volatile__ ("1:\n\t"        \
+            "movesl %1@+,%/d0\n\t"    \
+            "movel %/d0,%2@+\n\t"     \
+            "dbra %0,1b\n\t"          \
+            "clrw %0\n\t"             \
+            "subql #1,%0\n\t"         \
+            "bccs 1b\n\t"             \
+            x                         \
+            : "=d" (n), "=a" (from), "=a" (to)    \
+            : "1" (from), "2" (to), "0" (n/4-1)   \
+            : "d0", "memory");
+  switch (n % 4) {
+      case 0:
+          COMMON("");
+          return;
+      case 1:
+          COMMON("movesb %1@+,%/d0; moveb %/d0,%2@+");
+          return;
+      case 2:
+          COMMON("movesw %1@+,%/d0; movew %/d0,%2@+");
+          return;
+      case 3:
+          COMMON("movesw %1@+,%/d0; movew %/d0,%2@+\n\t"
+                 "movesb %1@+,%/d0; moveb %/d0,%2@+");
+          return;
+  }
 #undef COMMON
-        __generic_memcpy_fromfs(to,from,n);
 #define memcpy_fromfs(to, from, n) \
@@ -211,7 +340,7 @@
 static inline unsigned long get_fs(void)
 	unsigned long _v;
-	__asm__ ("movec dfc,%0":"=r" (_v):);
+	__asm__ ("movec %/dfc,%0":"=r" (_v):);
 	return _v;
@@ -219,23 +348,16 @@
 static inline unsigned long get_ds(void)
     /* return the supervisor data space code */
-    return 0x5;
+    return KERNEL_DS;
 static inline void set_fs(unsigned long val)
-	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movec %0,sfc\n\t"
-			      "movec %0,dfc\n\t"
-			      : /* no outputs */ : "r" (val), "r" (val) : "memory");
+	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movec %0,%/sfc\n\t"
+			      "movec %0,%/dfc\n\t"
+			      : /* no outputs */ : "r" (val) : "memory");
-/* define constants */
-/* Address spaces (FC0-FC2) */
-#ifndef USER_DS
-#define USER_DS       (1)
-#ifndef KERNEL_DS
-#define KERNEL_DS     (5)
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
 #endif /* _M68K_SEGMENT_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this