patch-1.3.94 linux/drivers/scsi/wd33c93.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.93/linux/drivers/scsi/wd33c93.c linux/drivers/scsi/wd33c93.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+ *    wd33c93.c - Linux-68k device driver for the Commodore
+ *                Amiga A2091/590 SCSI controller card
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1996 John Shifflett, GeoLog Consulting
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *
+ * Drew Eckhardt's excellent 'Generic NCR5380' sources from Linux-PC
+ * provided much of the inspiration and some of the code for this
+ * driver. Everything I know about Amiga DMA was gleaned from careful
+ * reading of Hamish Mcdonald's original wd33c93 driver; in fact, I
+ * borrowed shamelessly from all over that source. Thanks Hamish!
+ *
+ * _This_ driver is (I feel) an improvement over the old one in
+ * several respects:
+ *
+ *    -  Target Disconnection/Reconnection  is now supported. Any
+ *          system with more than one device active on the SCSI bus
+ *          will benefit from this.
+ *
+ *    -  Synchronous data transfers are now supported. The driver
+ *          automatically uses this faster protocol with any device
+ *          able to handle it.
+ *
+ *    -  Runtime operating parameters can now be specified through
+ *       either the 'amiboot' or the LILO command line. Something
+ *       like:
+ *          "wd33c93=0x0000"
+ *       The value 0x0000 results in the defaults being used; bits
+ *       are defined in wd33c93.h.
+ *
+ *    -  The old driver relied exclusively on what the Western Digital
+ *          docs call "Combination Level 2 Commands", which are a great
+ *          idea in that the CPU is relieved of a lot of interrupt
+ *          overhead. However, by accepting a certain (user-settable)
+ *          amount of additional interrupts, this driver achieves
+ *          better control over the SCSI bus, and data transfers are
+ *          almost as fast while being much easier to define, track,
+ *          and debug.
+ *
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ *       more speed. tagged queuing.
+ *
+ *
+ * People with bug reports, wish-lists, complaints, comments,
+ * or improvements are asked to pah-leeez email me (John Shifflett)
+ * at or! I'm anxious to get
+ * this thing into as good a shape as possible, and I'm positive
+ * there are lots of lurking bugs and "Stupid Places".
+ *
+ */
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/blk.h>
+#include "scsi.h"
+#include "hosts.h"
+#include "wd33c93.h"
+#define SYNC_DEBUG
+#define WD33C93_VERSION    "1.17"
+#define WD33C93_DATE       "06/Feb/1996"
+#define DB(f,a) if (hostdata->args & (f)) a;
+#define DB(f,a)
+#define IS_DIR_OUT(cmd) ((cmd)->cmnd[0] == WRITE_6  || \
+                         (cmd)->cmnd[0] == WRITE_10 || \
+                         (cmd)->cmnd[0] == WRITE_12)
+ * setup_default is a bunch of bits that define some of the operating
+ * parameters and settings for this driver. It is used unless a LILO
+ * or insmod command line has been specified, in which case setup_default
+ * is _completely_ ignored. Take a look at the "defines for hostdata->args"
+ * section in wd33c93.h - that stuff is what you'd use here if you want
+ * to change the defaults.
+ */
+static unsigned int setup_default = 0;
+inline uchar read_wd33c93(wd33c93_regs *regp,uchar reg_num)
+   regp->SASR = reg_num;
+   return(regp->SCMD);
+#define READ_AUX_STAT() (regp->SASR)
+inline void write_wd33c93(wd33c93_regs *regp,uchar reg_num, uchar value)
+   regp->SASR = reg_num;
+   regp->SCMD = value;
+inline void write_wd33c93_cmd(wd33c93_regs *regp, uchar cmd)
+   regp->SASR = WD_COMMAND;
+   regp->SCMD = cmd;
+inline uchar read_1_byte(wd33c93_regs *regp)
+uchar asr;
+uchar x = 0;
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_POLLED);
+   write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_TRANS_INFO|0x80);
+   do {
+      asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+      if (asr & ASR_DBR)
+         x = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_DATA);
+      } while (!(asr & ASR_INT));
+   return x;
+void write_wd33c93_count(wd33c93_regs *regp,unsigned long value)
+   regp->SCMD = value >> 16;
+   regp->SCMD = value >> 8;
+   regp->SCMD = value;
+unsigned long read_wd33c93_count(wd33c93_regs *regp)
+unsigned long value;
+   value = regp->SCMD << 16;
+   value |= regp->SCMD << 8;
+   value |= regp->SCMD;
+   return value;
+static struct sx_period sx_table[] = {
+   {  1, 0x20},
+   {252, 0x20},
+   {376, 0x30},
+   {500, 0x40},
+   {624, 0x50},
+   {752, 0x60},
+   {876, 0x70},
+   {1000,0x00},
+   {0,   0} };
+uchar calc_sync_xfer(unsigned int period, unsigned int offset)
+uchar result;
+int x;
+   period *= 4;   /* convert SDTR code to ns */
+   result = 0x00;
+   for (x=1; sx_table[x].period_ns; x++) {
+      if ((period <= sx_table[x-0].period_ns) &&
+          (period >  sx_table[x-1].period_ns)) {
+         result = sx_table[x].reg_value;
+         break;
+         }
+      }
+   result |= (offset < OPTIMUM_SX_OFF)?offset:OPTIMUM_SX_OFF;
+   return result;
+static void wd33c93_execute(struct Scsi_Host *instance);
+int wd33c93_queuecommand (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *))
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+Scsi_Cmnd *tmp;
+unsigned long flags;
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)cmd->host->hostdata;
+DB(DB_QUEUE_COMMAND,printk("Q-%d-%02x-%ld( ",cmd->target,cmd->cmnd[0],cmd->pid))
+ * Set up a few fields in the Scsi_Cmnd structure for our own use:
+ *  - host_scribble is the pointer to the next cmd in the input queue
+ *  - scsi_done points to the routine we call when a cmd is finished
+ *  - result is what you'd expect
+ */
+   cmd->host_scribble = NULL;
+   cmd->scsi_done = done;
+   cmd->result = 0;
+/* We use the Scsi_Pointer structure that's included with each command
+ * as a scratchpad (as it's intended to be used!). The handy thing about
+ * the fields is that they're always associated with a given
+ * cmd, and are preserved across disconnect-reselect. This means we
+ * can pretty much ignore SAVE_POINTERS and RESTORE_POINTERS messages
+ * if we keep all the critical pointers and counters in SCp:
+ *  - SCp.ptr is the pointer into the RAM buffer
+ *  - SCp.this_residual is the size of that buffer
+ *  - SCp.buffer points to the current scatter-gather buffer
+ *  - SCp.buffers_residual tells us how many S.G. buffers there are
+ */
+   if (cmd->use_sg) {
+      cmd->SCp.buffer = (struct scatterlist *)cmd->buffer;
+      cmd->SCp.buffers_residual = cmd->use_sg - 1;
+      cmd->SCp.ptr = (char *)cmd->SCp.buffer->address;
+      cmd->SCp.this_residual = cmd->SCp.buffer->length;
+      }
+   else {
+      cmd->SCp.buffer = NULL;
+      cmd->SCp.buffers_residual = 0;
+      cmd->SCp.ptr = (char *)cmd->request_buffer;
+      cmd->SCp.this_residual = cmd->request_bufflen;
+      }
+/* Preset the command status to GOOD, since that's the normal case */
+   cmd->SCp.Status = GOOD;
+   /*
+    * Add the cmd to the end of 'input_Q'. Note that REQUEST SENSE
+    * commands are added to the head of the queue so that the desired
+    * sense data is not lost before REQUEST_SENSE executes.
+    */
+   save_flags(flags);
+   cli();
+   if (!(hostdata->input_Q) || (cmd->cmnd[0] == REQUEST_SENSE)) {
+      cmd->host_scribble = (uchar *)hostdata->input_Q;
+      hostdata->input_Q = cmd;
+      }
+   else {
+      for (tmp=(Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->input_Q; tmp->host_scribble;
+            tmp=(Scsi_Cmnd *)tmp->host_scribble)
+         ;
+      tmp->host_scribble = (uchar *)cmd;
+      }
+   restore_flags(flags);
+/* We know that there's at least one command in 'input_Q' now.
+ * Go see if any of them are runnable!
+ */
+   wd33c93_execute(cmd->host);
+DB(DB_QUEUE_COMMAND,printk(")Q-%d-%02x-%ld ",cmd->target,cmd->cmnd[0],cmd->pid))
+   return 0;
+ * This routine attempts to start a scsi command. If the host_card is
+ * already connected, we give up immediately. Otherwise, look through
+ * the input_Q, using the first command we find that's intended
+ * for a currently non-busy target/lun.
+ */
+static void wd33c93_execute (struct Scsi_Host *instance)
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+wd33c93_regs *regp;
+Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, *prev;
+unsigned long flags;
+int i;
+   save_flags(flags);
+   cli();
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)instance->hostdata;
+   regp = hostdata->regp;
+DB(DB_EXECUTE,printk("EX( "))
+   if (hostdata->selecting || hostdata->connected) {
+DB(DB_EXECUTE,printk(")EX-0 "))
+      restore_flags(flags);
+      return;
+      }
+    /*
+     * Search through the input_Q for a command destined
+     * for an idle target/lun.
+     */
+   cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->input_Q;
+   prev = 0;
+   while (cmd) {
+      if (!(hostdata->busy[cmd->target] & (1 << cmd->lun)))
+         break;
+      prev = cmd;
+      cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)cmd->host_scribble;
+      }
+   /* quit if queue empty or all possible targets are busy */
+   if (!cmd) {
+DB(DB_EXECUTE,printk(")EX-1 "))
+      restore_flags(flags);
+      return;
+      }
+   /*  remove command from queue, put it in selecting */
+   if (prev)
+      prev->host_scribble = cmd->host_scribble;
+   else
+      hostdata->input_Q = (Scsi_Cmnd *)cmd->host_scribble;
+   hostdata->selecting = cmd;
+   /*
+    * Start the selection process
+    */
+   if (IS_DIR_OUT(cmd))
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_DESTINATION_ID, cmd->target);
+   else
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_DESTINATION_ID, cmd->target | DSTID_DPD);
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_TARGET_LUN, cmd->lun);
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_POLLED);
+   write_wd33c93_count(regp, 0); /* this guarantees a DATA_PHASE interrupt */
+   hostdata->busy[cmd->target] |= (1 << cmd->lun);
+   if ((hostdata->level2 == L2_NONE) ||
+       (hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] == SS_UNSET)) {
+         /*
+          * Now do a 'Select-With-ATN' command. This will end with
+          * one of the following interrupts:
+          *    CSR_RESEL_AM:  failure - can try again later.
+          *    CSR_TIMEOUT:   failure - give up.
+          *    CSR_SELECT:    success - proceed.
+          */
+/* Every target has its own synchronous transfer setting, kept in the
+ * sync_xfer array, and a corresponding status byte in sync_stat[].
+ * Each target's sync_stat[] entry is initialized to SX_UNSET, and its
+ * sync_xfer[] entry is initialized to the default/safe value. SS_UNSET
+ * means that the parameters are undetermined as yet, and that we
+ * need to send an SDTR message to this device after selection is
+ * complete. We set SS_FIRST to tell the interrupt routine to do so,
+ * unless we've been asked not to try synchronous transfers on this
+ * target (and _all_ luns within it): In this case we set SS_SET to
+ * make the defaults final.
+ */
+      if (hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] == SS_UNSET) {
+         if (hostdata->args & (1 << cmd->target))
+            hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] = SS_SET;
+         else
+            hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] = SS_FIRST;
+         }
+      hostdata->state = S_SELECTING;
+      write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN);
+      }
+   else {
+         /*
+          * Now do a 'Select-With-ATN-Xfer' command. This will end with
+          * one of the following interrupts:
+          *    CSR_RESEL_AM:  failure - can try again later.
+          *    CSR_TIMEOUT:   failure - give up.
+          *    anything else: success - proceed.
+          */
+      hostdata->connected = cmd;
+      hostdata->selecting = NULL;
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE, 0);
+   /* copy command_descriptor_block into WD chip */
+      for (i=0; i<cmd->cmd_len; i++)
+         write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CDB_1+i, cmd->cmnd[i]);
+   /* The wd33c93 only knows about Group 0, 1, and 5 commands when
+    * it's doing a 'select-and-transfer'. To be safe, we write the
+    * size of the CDB into the OWN_ID register for every case. This
+    * way there won't be problems with vendor-unique, audio, etc.
+    */
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_OWN_ID, cmd->cmd_len);
+      hostdata->state = S_RUNNING_LEVEL2;
+      write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN_XFER);
+      }
+   /*
+    * Since the SCSI bus can handle only 1 connection at a time,
+    * we get out of here now. If the selection fails, or when
+    * the command disconnects, we'll come back to this routine
+    * to search the input_Q again...
+    */
+DB(DB_EXECUTE,printk(")EX-2 "))
+   restore_flags(flags);
+void transfer_pio(wd33c93_regs *regp, uchar **buf, int *cnt,
+                  int data_in_dir, struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata)
+uchar *b, asr;
+int c;
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_POLLED);
+   b = *buf;
+   c = *cnt;
+   write_wd33c93_count(regp,c);
+   write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_TRANS_INFO);
+   if (data_in_dir) {
+      do {
+         asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+         if (asr & ASR_DBR)
+            *b++ = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_DATA);
+         } while (!(asr & ASR_INT));
+      }
+   else {
+      do {
+         asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+         if (asr & ASR_DBR)
+            write_wd33c93(regp, WD_DATA, *b++);
+         } while (!(asr & ASR_INT));
+      }
+/* update original buffer pointer and original count */
+   *cnt = read_wd33c93_count(regp);
+   if (data_in_dir)
+      *buf = b;
+   else
+      *buf += (c - *cnt);
+   /* Note: we are returning with the interrupt UN-cleared.
+   * Since (presumably) an entire I/O operation has
+   * completed, the bus phase is probably different, and
+   * the interrupt routine will discover this when it
+   * responds to the uncleared int.
+   */
+void transfer_bytes(wd33c93_regs *regp, Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, int data_in_dir)
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)cmd->host->hostdata;
+/* Normally, you'd expect 'this_residual' to be non-zero here.
+ * In a series of scatter-gather transfers, however, this
+ * routine will usually be called with 'this_residual' equal
+ * to 0 and 'buffers_residual' non-zero. This means that a
+ * previous transfer completed, clearing 'this_residual', and
+ * now we need to setup the next scatter-gather buffer as the
+ * source or destination for THIS transfer.
+ */
+   if (!cmd->SCp.this_residual && cmd->SCp.buffers_residual) {
+      ++cmd->SCp.buffer;
+      --cmd->SCp.buffers_residual;
+      cmd->SCp.this_residual = cmd->SCp.buffer->length;
+      cmd->SCp.ptr = cmd->SCp.buffer->address;
+      }
+   write_wd33c93(regp,WD_SYNCHRONOUS_TRANSFER,hostdata->sync_xfer[cmd->target]);
+/* 'dma_setup()' will return TRUE if we can't do DMA. */
+   if (hostdata->dma_setup(cmd, data_in_dir)) {
+      transfer_pio(regp, (uchar **)&cmd->SCp.ptr, &cmd->SCp.this_residual,
+                         data_in_dir, hostdata);
+      }
+/* We are able to do DMA (in fact, the Amiga hardware is
+ * already going!), so start up the wd33c93 in DMA mode.
+ * We set 'hostdata->dma' = D_DMA_RUNNING so that when the
+ * transfer completes and causes an interrupt, we're
+ * reminded to tell the Amiga to shut down its end. We'll
+ * postpone the updating of 'this_residual' and 'ptr'
+ * until then.
+ */
+   else {
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_DMA);
+      write_wd33c93_count(regp,cmd->SCp.this_residual);
+      if (hostdata->level2 >= L2_DATA) {
+         write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE, 0x41);
+         write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN_XFER);
+         hostdata->state = S_RUNNING_LEVEL2;
+         }
+      else
+         write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_TRANS_INFO);
+      hostdata->dma = D_DMA_RUNNING;
+      }
+void wd33c93_intr (struct Scsi_Host *instance)
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+Scsi_Cmnd *patch, *cmd;
+wd33c93_regs *regp;
+uchar asr, sr, phs, id, lun, *ucp, msg;
+unsigned long length;
+int i;
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)instance->hostdata;
+   regp = hostdata->regp;
+   asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+   if (!(asr & ASR_INT) || (asr & ASR_BSY))
+      return;
+   cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->connected;   /* assume we're connected */
+   sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);  /* clear the interrupt */
+   phs = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE);
+/* After starting a DMA transfer, the next interrupt
+ * is guaranteed to be in response to completion of
+ * the transfer. Since the Amiga DMA hardware runs in
+ * in an open-ended fashion, it needs to be told when
+ * to stop; do that here if D_DMA_RUNNING is true.
+ * Also, we have to update 'this_residual' and 'ptr'
+ * based on the contents of the TRANSFER_COUNT register,
+ * in case the device decided to do an intermediate
+ * disconnect (a device may do this if it has to do a
+ * seek, or just to be nice and let other devices have
+ * some bus time during long transfers). After doing
+ * whatever is needed, we go on and service the WD3393
+ * interrupt normally.
+ */
+   if (hostdata->dma == D_DMA_RUNNING) {
+      hostdata->dma_stop(cmd->host, cmd, 1);
+      hostdata->dma = D_DMA_OFF;
+      length = cmd->SCp.this_residual;
+      cmd->SCp.this_residual = read_wd33c93_count(regp);
+      cmd->SCp.ptr += (length - cmd->SCp.this_residual);
+      }
+/* Respond to the specific WD3393 interrupt - there are quite a few! */
+   switch (sr) {
+      case CSR_TIMEOUT:
+         cli();
+         if (hostdata->state == S_RUNNING_LEVEL2) {
+            hostdata->connected = NULL;
+            hostdata->busy[cmd->target] &= ~(1 << cmd->lun);
+            }
+         else {
+            cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->selecting;   /* get a valid cmd */
+            hostdata->selecting = NULL;
+            }
+         cmd->result = DID_NO_CONNECT << 16;
+         hostdata->selecting = NULL;
+         hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+         cmd->scsi_done(cmd);    /* I think scsi_done() enables ints */
+/* We are not connected to a target - check to see if there
+ * are commands waiting to be executed.
+ */
+         wd33c93_execute(instance);
+         break;
+/* Note: this interrupt should not occur in a LEVEL2 command */
+      case CSR_SELECT:
+         cli();
+         hostdata->connected = cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->selecting;
+         hostdata->selecting = NULL;
+      /* construct an IDENTIFY message with correct disconnect bit */
+         if (hostdata->args & A_NO_DISCONNECT)
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[0] = (0x80 | cmd->lun);
+         else
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[0] = (0x80 | 0x40 | cmd->lun);
+         if (hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] == SS_FIRST) {
+#ifdef SYNC_DEBUG
+printk(" sending SDTR ");
+            hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] = SS_WAITING;
+      /* tack on a 2nd message to ask about synchronous transfers */
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[1] = EXTENDED_MESSAGE;
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[2] = 3;
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[3] = EXTENDED_SDTR;
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[4] = OPTIMUM_SX_PER/4;
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[5] = OPTIMUM_SX_OFF;
+            hostdata->outgoing_len = 6;
+            }
+         else
+            hostdata->outgoing_len = 1;
+         hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+         break;
+      case CSR_UNEXP    |PHS_DATA_IN:
+      case CSR_SRV_REQ  |PHS_DATA_IN:
+         transfer_bytes(regp, cmd, DATA_IN_DIR);
+         if (hostdata->state != S_RUNNING_LEVEL2)
+            hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+         break;
+      case CSR_UNEXP    |PHS_DATA_OUT:
+      case CSR_SRV_REQ  |PHS_DATA_OUT:
+         transfer_bytes(regp, cmd, DATA_OUT_DIR);
+         if (hostdata->state != S_RUNNING_LEVEL2)
+            hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+         break;
+/* Note: this interrupt should not occur in a LEVEL2 command */
+      case CSR_SRV_REQ  |PHS_COMMAND:
+         ucp = cmd->cmnd;
+         i = cmd->cmd_len;
+         transfer_pio(regp, &ucp, &i, DATA_OUT_DIR, hostdata);
+         hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+         break;
+      case CSR_UNEXP    |PHS_STATUS:
+      case CSR_SRV_REQ  |PHS_STATUS:
+         cmd->SCp.Status = read_1_byte(regp);
+         if (hostdata->level2 >= L2_BASIC) {
+            sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);  /* clear interrupt */
+            hostdata->state = S_RUNNING_LEVEL2;
+            write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE, 0x50);
+            write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN_XFER);
+            }
+         else {
+            hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+            }
+         break;
+      case CSR_UNEXP    |PHS_MESS_IN:
+      case CSR_SRV_REQ  |PHS_MESS_IN:
+         msg = read_1_byte(regp);
+         sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);  /* clear interrupt */
+         hostdata->incoming_msg[hostdata->incoming_ptr] = msg;
+         if (hostdata->incoming_msg[0] == EXTENDED_MESSAGE)
+            msg = EXTENDED_MESSAGE;
+         else
+            hostdata->incoming_ptr = 0;
+         cmd->SCp.Message = msg;
+         switch (msg) {
+            case COMMAND_COMPLETE:
+               write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+               hostdata->state = S_PRE_CMP_DISC;
+               break;
+            case SAVE_POINTERS:
+               write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+               hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+               break;
+            case RESTORE_POINTERS:
+               if (hostdata->level2 >= L2_BASIC) {
+                  write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE, 0x45);
+                  write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN_XFER);
+                  hostdata->state = S_RUNNING_LEVEL2;
+                  }
+               else {
+                  write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+                  hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+                  }
+               break;
+            case DISCONNECT:
+               cmd->device->disconnect = 1;
+               write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+               hostdata->state = S_PRE_TMP_DISC;
+               break;
+            case MESSAGE_REJECT:
+#ifdef SYNC_DEBUG
+               if (hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] == SS_WAITING)
+                  hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] = SS_SET;
+               write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+               hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+               break;
+            case EXTENDED_MESSAGE:
+               ucp = hostdata->incoming_msg;
+#ifdef SYNC_DEBUG
+         /* Is this the last byte of the extended message? */
+               if ((hostdata->incoming_ptr >= 2) &&
+                   (hostdata->incoming_ptr == (ucp[1] + 1))) {
+                  switch (ucp[2]) {   /* what's the EXTENDED code? */
+                     case EXTENDED_SDTR:
+                        id = calc_sync_xfer(ucp[3],ucp[4]);
+                        if (hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] != SS_WAITING) {
+                           printk("Rejecting target's SDTR message ");
+                           write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_ASSERT_ATN); /* want MESS_OUT */
+                           hostdata->outgoing_msg[0] = MESSAGE_REJECT;
+                           hostdata->outgoing_len = 1;
+                           }
+                        else {
+                           hostdata->sync_xfer[cmd->target] = id;
+                           hostdata->sync_stat[cmd->target] = SS_SET;
+                           }
+#ifdef SYNC_DEBUG
+                        write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+                        hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+                        break;
+                     default:
+                        printk("Rejecting Unknown Extended Message(%02x). ",ucp[2]);
+                        write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_ASSERT_ATN); /* want MESS_OUT */
+                        hostdata->outgoing_msg[0] = MESSAGE_REJECT;
+                        hostdata->outgoing_len = 1;
+                        write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+                        hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+                        break;
+                     }
+                  hostdata->incoming_ptr = 0;
+                  }
+         /* We need to read more MESS_IN bytes for the extended message */
+               else {
+                  hostdata->incoming_ptr++;
+                  write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+                  hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+                  }
+               break;
+            default:
+               printk("Rejecting Unknown Message(%02x) ",ucp[0]);
+               write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_ASSERT_ATN); /* want MESS_OUT */
+               hostdata->outgoing_msg[0] = MESSAGE_REJECT;
+               hostdata->outgoing_len = 1;
+               write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+               hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+            }
+         break;
+/* Note: this interrupt will occur only after a LEVEL2 command */
+      case CSR_SEL_XFER_DONE:
+         cli();
+         if (phs == 0x60) {
+            cmd->SCp.Message = COMMAND_COMPLETE;
+            lun = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_TARGET_LUN);
+            if (cmd->SCp.Status == GOOD)
+               cmd->SCp.Status = lun;
+            hostdata->connected = NULL;
+            if (cmd->cmnd[0] != REQUEST_SENSE)
+               cmd->result = cmd->SCp.Status | (cmd->SCp.Message << 8);
+            else if (cmd->SCp.Status != GOOD)
+               cmd->result = (cmd->result & 0x00ffff) | (DID_ERROR << 16);
+            hostdata->busy[cmd->target] &= ~(1 << cmd->lun);
+            hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+            cmd->scsi_done(cmd);    /* I think scsi_done() enables ints */
+/* We are no longer  connected to a target - check to see if
+ * there are commands waiting to be executed.
+ */
+            wd33c93_execute(instance);
+            }
+         else {
+            printk("%02x:%02x:%02x-%ld: Unknown SEL_XFER_DONE phase!!---",asr,sr,phs,cmd->pid);
+            }
+         break;
+/* Note: this interrupt will occur only after a LEVEL2 command */
+      case CSR_SDP:
+            hostdata->state = S_RUNNING_LEVEL2;
+            write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE, 0x41);
+            write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN_XFER);
+         break;
+      case CSR_UNEXP    |PHS_MESS_OUT:
+      case CSR_SRV_REQ  |PHS_MESS_OUT:
+/* To get here, we've probably requested MESSAGE_OUT and have
+ * already put the correct bytes in outgoing_msg[] and filled
+ * in outgoing_len. We simply send them out to the SCSI bus.
+ * Sometimes we get MESSAGE_OUT phase when we're not expecting
+ * it - like when our SDTR message is rejected by a target. Some
+ * targets send the REJECT before receiving all of the extended
+ * message, and then seem to go back to MESSAGE_OUT for a byte
+ * or two. Not sure why, ot if I'm doing something wrong to
+ * casue this to happen. Regardless, it seems that sending
+ * NOP messages in these situations results in no harm and
+ * makes everyone happy.
+ */
+         if (hostdata->outgoing_len == 0) {
+            hostdata->outgoing_len = 1;
+            hostdata->outgoing_msg[0] = NOP;
+            }
+         ucp = hostdata->outgoing_msg;
+         i = hostdata->outgoing_len;
+         transfer_pio(regp, &ucp, &i, DATA_OUT_DIR, hostdata);
+         hostdata->outgoing_len = 0;
+         hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+         break;
+      case CSR_DISC:
+         if (cmd == NULL) {
+            printk(" - Already disconnected! ");
+            hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+            return;
+            }
+         switch (hostdata->state) {
+            case S_PRE_CMP_DISC:
+               hostdata->connected = NULL;
+               hostdata->busy[cmd->target] &= ~(1 << cmd->lun);
+               hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+               if (cmd->cmnd[0] != REQUEST_SENSE)
+                  cmd->result = cmd->SCp.Status | (cmd->SCp.Message << 8);
+               else if (cmd->SCp.Status != GOOD)
+                  cmd->result = (cmd->result & 0x00ffff) | (DID_ERROR << 16);
+               cmd->scsi_done(cmd);    /* I think scsi_done() enables ints */
+               break;
+            case S_PRE_TMP_DISC:
+            case S_RUNNING_LEVEL2:
+               cmd->host_scribble = (uchar *)hostdata->disconnected_Q;
+               hostdata->disconnected_Q = cmd;
+               hostdata->connected = NULL;
+               hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+               break;
+            default:
+               printk("*** Unexpected DISCONNECT interrupt! ***");
+               hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+            }
+/* We are no longer connected to a target - check to see if
+ * there are commands waiting to be executed.
+ */
+         wd33c93_execute(instance);
+         break;
+      case CSR_RESEL_AM:
+         cli();
+   /* First we have to make sure this reselection didn't */
+   /* happen during Arbitration/Selection of some other device. */
+   /* If yes, put losing command back on top of input_Q. */
+         if (hostdata->level2 == L2_NONE) {
+            if (hostdata->selecting) {
+               cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->selecting;
+               hostdata->selecting = NULL;
+               hostdata->busy[cmd->target] &= ~(1 << cmd->lun);
+               cmd->host_scribble = (uchar *)hostdata->input_Q;
+               hostdata->input_Q = cmd;
+               }
+            }
+         else {
+            if (cmd) {
+               if (phs == 0x00) {
+                  hostdata->busy[cmd->target] &= ~(1 << cmd->lun);
+                  cmd->host_scribble = (uchar *)hostdata->input_Q;
+                  hostdata->input_Q = cmd;
+                  }
+               else {
+                  printk("---%02x:%02x:%02x-TROUBLE: Intrusive ReSelect!---",asr,sr,phs);
+                  while (1)
+                     printk("\r");
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+   /* OK - find out which device reslected us. */
+         id = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SOURCE_ID);
+         id &= SRCID_MASK;
+   /* and extract the lun from the ID message. (Note that we don't
+    * bother to check for a valid message here - I guess this is
+    * not the right way to go, but...)
+    */
+         lun = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_DATA);
+         if (hostdata->level2 < L2_RESELECT)
+            write_wd33c93_cmd(regp,WD_CMD_NEGATE_ACK);
+         lun &= 7;
+   /* Now we look for the command that's reconnecting. */
+         cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->disconnected_Q;
+         patch = NULL;
+         while (cmd) {
+            if (id == cmd->target && lun == cmd->lun)
+               break;
+            patch = cmd;
+            cmd = (Scsi_Cmnd *)cmd->host_scribble;
+            }
+   /* Hmm. Couldn't find a valid command.... What to do? */
+         if (!cmd) {
+            printk("---TROUBLE: target %d.%d not in disconnect queue---",id,lun);
+            return;
+            }
+   /* Ok, found the command - now start it up again. */
+         if (patch)
+            patch->host_scribble = cmd->host_scribble;
+         else
+            hostdata->disconnected_Q = (Scsi_Cmnd *)cmd->host_scribble;
+         hostdata->connected = cmd;
+   /* We don't need to worry about 'initialize_SCp()' or 'hostdata->busy[]'
+    * because these things are preserved over a disconnect.
+    * But we DO need to fix the DPD bit so it's correct for this command.
+    */
+         if (IS_DIR_OUT(cmd))
+            write_wd33c93(regp, WD_DESTINATION_ID, cmd->target);
+         else
+            write_wd33c93(regp, WD_DESTINATION_ID, cmd->target | DSTID_DPD);
+         if (hostdata->level2 >= L2_RESELECT) {
+            write_wd33c93_count(regp, 0);  /* we want a DATA_PHASE interrupt */
+            write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND_PHASE, 0x45);
+            write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_SEL_ATN_XFER);
+            hostdata->state = S_RUNNING_LEVEL2;
+            }
+         else
+            hostdata->state = S_CONNECTED;
+         break;
+      default:
+         printk("\n---UNKNOWN INTERRUPT:%02x:%02x:%02x!!---",asr,sr,phs);
+      }
+DB(DB_INTR,printk("} "))
+void reset_wd33c93(struct Scsi_Host *instance)
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+wd33c93_regs *regp;
+uchar sr;
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)instance->hostdata;
+   regp = hostdata->regp;
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_OWN_ID, OWNID_EAF | OWNID_RAF |
+                 instance->this_id | hostdata->clock_freq);
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_POLLED);
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_SYNCHRONOUS_TRANSFER,
+                 calc_sync_xfer(DEFAULT_SX_PER/4,DEFAULT_SX_OFF));
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_COMMAND, WD_CMD_RESET);
+   while (!(READ_AUX_STAT() & ASR_INT))
+      ;
+   sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);
+   hostdata->microcode = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_CDB_1);
+   if (sr == 0x00)
+      hostdata->chip = C_WD33C93;
+   else if (sr == 0x01) {
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_QUEUE_TAG, 0xa5);  /* any random number */
+      sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_QUEUE_TAG);
+      if (sr == 0xa5) {
+         hostdata->chip = C_WD33C93B;
+         write_wd33c93(regp, WD_QUEUE_TAG, 0);
+         }
+      else
+         hostdata->chip = C_WD33C93A;
+      }
+   else
+      hostdata->chip = C_UNKNOWN_CHIP;
+   if (hostdata->args & A_NO_DISCONNECT)
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_SOURCE_ID, 0);
+   else
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_SOURCE_ID, SRCID_ER);
+   write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_POLLED);
+int wd33c93_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *SCpnt)
+unsigned long flags;
+struct Scsi_Host *instance;
+   instance = SCpnt->host;
+   printk("scsi%d: reset. ", instance->host_no);
+   save_flags(flags);
+   cli();
+   ((struct WD33C93_hostdata *)instance->hostdata)->dma_stop(instance,NULL,0);
+   reset_wd33c93(instance);
+   SCpnt->result = DID_RESET << 16;
+   restore_flags(flags);
+   return 0;
+int wd33c93_abort (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd)
+struct Scsi_Host *instance;
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+wd33c93_regs *regp;
+Scsi_Cmnd *tmp, **prev;
+unsigned long flags;
+   instance = cmd->host;
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)instance->hostdata;
+   regp = hostdata->regp;
+   printk ("scsi%d: abort. ", instance->host_no);
+   save_flags (flags);
+   cli();
+ * Case 1 : If the command hasn't been issued yet, we simply remove it
+ *     from the issue queue.
+ */
+   for (prev=(Scsi_Cmnd **)&(hostdata->input_Q),tmp=(Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->input_Q;
+         tmp;
+         prev=(Scsi_Cmnd **)&(tmp->host_scribble),tmp=(Scsi_Cmnd *)tmp->host_scribble)
+      if (cmd == tmp) {
+         (*prev) = (Scsi_Cmnd *)tmp->host_scribble;
+         tmp->host_scribble = NULL;
+         tmp->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
+         restore_flags(flags);
+         printk("scsi%d : abort removed command from issue queue. ",
+           instance->host_no);
+         tmp->scsi_done(tmp);
+         return SCSI_ABORT_SUCCESS;
+         }
+ * Case 2 : If any commands are connected, we're going to fail the abort
+ *     and let the high level SCSI driver retry at a later time or
+ *     issue a reset.
+ *
+ *     Timeouts, and therefore aborted commands, will be highly unlikely
+ *     and handling them cleanly in this situation would make the common
+ *     case of noresets less efficient, and would pollute our code.  So,
+ *     we fail.
+ */
+   if (hostdata->connected == cmd) {
+      uchar sr, asr;
+      unsigned long timeout;
+      printk("scsi%d : aborting connected command. ", instance->host_no);
+      if (hostdata->dma == D_DMA_RUNNING) {
+         hostdata->dma_stop(instance, cmd, 0);
+         hostdata->dma = D_DMA_OFF;
+         }
+         printk("scsi%d : wd33c93 asr is %x. ", instance->host_no, READ_AUX_STAT());
+      write_wd33c93(regp, WD_CONTROL, CTRL_IDI | CTRL_EDI | CTRL_POLLED);
+      write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_ABORT);
+/* Now we have to attempt to flush out the FIFO... */
+      timeout = 1000000;
+      do {
+         asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+         if (asr & ASR_DBR)
+            read_wd33c93(regp, WD_DATA);
+         } while (!(asr & ASR_INT) && timeout-- > 0);
+      sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);
+      printk("scsi%d : wd33c93 sr is %x. ", instance->host_no,
+         read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS));
+      if (sr >= (CSR_ABORT|PHS_DATA_OUT) && sr <= (CSR_ABORT|PHS_MESS_IN)) {
+   /*
+    * Abort command processed.
+    * Still connected.
+    * We must disconnect.
+    */
+         printk("scsi%d : count was %ld. ", instance->host_no,
+            read_wd33c93_count(regp));
+         timeout = 1000000;
+         while ((asr & ASR_CIP) && timeout-- > 0)
+            asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+         write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_DISCONNECT);
+         asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+         if (asr & ASR_LCI)
+            printk ("scsi%d: disconnect command ignored. ",
+               instance->host_no);
+         timeout = 1000000;
+         while ((asr & ASR_CIP) && timeout-- > 0)
+            asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+         }
+      asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+      sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);
+      printk("scsi%d : asr is %x, sr is %x. ",instance->host_no,asr,sr);
+      write_wd33c93_cmd(regp, WD_CMD_DISCONNECT);
+      timeout = 1000000;
+      while ((asr & ASR_CIP) && timeout-- > 0)
+         asr = READ_AUX_STAT();
+      sr = read_wd33c93(regp, WD_SCSI_STATUS);
+      printk("scsi%d : asr is %x, sr is %x. ",instance->host_no,asr,sr);
+      reset_wd33c93(instance);
+      cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
+      cmd->scsi_done(cmd);
+      hostdata->busy[cmd->target] &= ~(1 << cmd->lun);
+      hostdata->connected = NULL;
+      hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+      wd33c93_execute (instance);
+      restore_flags(flags);
+      return SCSI_ABORT_SUCCESS;
+      }
+ * Case 3: If the command is currently disconnected from the bus,
+ * we're not going to expend much effort here: Let's just return
+ * an ABORT_SNOOZE and hope for the best...
+ */
+   for (tmp=(Scsi_Cmnd *)hostdata->disconnected_Q; tmp;
+         tmp=(Scsi_Cmnd *)tmp->host_scribble)
+      if (cmd == tmp) {
+         restore_flags(flags);
+         return SCSI_ABORT_SNOOZE;
+         }
+ * Case 4 : If we reached this point, the command was not found in any of
+ *     the queues.
+ *
+ * We probably reached this point because of an unlikely race condition
+ * between the command completing successfully and the abortion code,
+ * so we won't panic, but we will notify the user in case somethign really
+ * broke.
+ */
+   restore_flags(flags);
+   printk("scsi%d : warning : SCSI command probably completed successfully\n"
+      "         before abortion. ", instance->host_no);
+#define MAX_WD33C93_HOSTS 8
+static unsigned int setup_args_array[MAX_WD33C93_HOSTS];
+static int setup_args_array_x = 0;
+void wd33c93_setup (char *str, int *ints)
+int i;
+   for (i=0; i<ints[0]; i++) {
+      setup_args_array[i] = ints[i+1];
+      }
+void wd33c93_init (struct Scsi_Host *instance, wd33c93_regs *regs,
+         dma_setup_t setup, dma_stop_t stop, int clock_freq)
+struct WD33C93_hostdata *hostdata;
+int i;
+   hostdata = (struct WD33C93_hostdata *)instance->hostdata;
+   hostdata->regp = regs;
+   hostdata->clock_freq = clock_freq;
+   hostdata->dma_setup = setup;
+   hostdata->dma_stop = stop;
+   hostdata->dma_bounce_buffer = NULL;
+   hostdata->dma_bounce_len = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+      hostdata->busy[i] = 0;
+      hostdata->sync_xfer[i] = calc_sync_xfer(DEFAULT_SX_PER/4,DEFAULT_SX_OFF);
+      hostdata->sync_stat[i] = SS_UNSET;  /* using default sync values */
+      }
+   hostdata->input_Q = NULL;
+   hostdata->selecting = NULL;
+   hostdata->connected = NULL;
+   hostdata->disconnected_Q = NULL;
+   hostdata->state = S_UNCONNECTED;
+   hostdata->dma = D_DMA_OFF;
+   hostdata->incoming_ptr = 0;
+   hostdata->outgoing_len = 0;
+   hostdata->args = setup_default;
+   if ((setup_args_array_x < MAX_WD33C93_HOSTS) &&
+       (setup_args_array[setup_args_array_x]))
+      hostdata->args = setup_args_array[setup_args_array_x];
+   setup_args_array_x++;
+   i = hostdata->args & (A_LEVEL2_0 | A_LEVEL2_1 | A_LEVEL2_2);
+   i >>= 8;
+   if (i == 0)
+      i = L2_DEFAULT;
+   hostdata->level2 = i;
+   cli();
+   reset_wd33c93(instance);
+   sti();
+   printk("wd33c93-%d: ",instance->host_no);
+   switch (hostdata->chip) {
+      case C_WD33C93:
+         printk("Found WD33c93 chip! This driver probably needs at least the 'A' version!\n");
+         break;
+      case C_WD33C93A:
+         printk("Found WD33c93A chip: microcode=%02x\n",hostdata->microcode);
+         break;
+      case C_WD33C93B:
+         printk("Found WD33c93B chip: microcode=%02x\n",hostdata->microcode);
+         break;
+      default:
+         printk("Unknown 3393 chip!\n");
+      }
+   printk("wd33c93-%d: LEVEL2 commands %s (%d)\n",instance->host_no,
+            (hostdata->level2 == L2_NONE)?"disabled":"enabled",
+            hostdata->level2);
+   printk("wd33c93-%d: debug_flags = %04x\n",instance->host_no,hostdata->args);
+   printk("wd33c93-%d: driver version %s - %s\n",instance->host_no,
+                     WD33C93_VERSION,WD33C93_DATE);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this