patch-1.3.48 linux/arch/mips/kernel/r4xx0.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.47/linux/arch/mips/kernel/r4xx0.S linux/arch/mips/kernel/r4xx0.S
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+ * arch/mips/kernel/r4xx0.S
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Waldorf Electronics
+ * Written by Ralf Baechle and Andreas Busse
+ *
+ * This file contains most of the R4xx0 specific routines.  Due to the
+ * similarities this should hopefully also be fine for the R10000.  For
+ * now we especially support the R10000 by not invalidating entries out of
+ * the TLB before calling the C handlers.
+ *
+ * This code is evil magic. Read appendix f (coprozessor 0 hazards) of
+ * all R4xx0 manuals and think about that MIPS means "Microprocessor without
+ * Interlocked Pipeline Stages" before you even think about changing this code!
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <asm/asm.h>
+#include <asm/bootinfo.h>
+#include <asm/cachectl.h>
+#include <asm/mipsconfig.h>
+#include <asm/mipsregs.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/mipsregs.h>
+#include <asm/segment.h>
+#include <asm/stackframe.h>
+#ifdef __SMP__
+#error "Fix this for SMP"
+#define current current_set
+MODE_ALIAS	=	0x0016			# uncachable
+		.text
+		.set	mips3
+		.set	noreorder
+		.align	5
+		NESTED(handle_tlbl, FR_SIZE, sp)
+		.set	noat
+		/*
+		 * Check whether this is a refill or an invalid exception
+		 *
+		 * NOTE: Some MIPS manuals say that the R4x00 sets the
+		 * BadVAddr only when EXL == 0. This is wrong - BadVAddr
+		 * is being set for all Reload, Invalid and Modified
+		 * exceptions.
+		 */
+		mfc0	k0,CP0_BADVADDR
+		mfc0	k1,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		ori	k0,0x1fff
+		xori	k0,0x1fff
+		andi	k1,0xff
+		or	k0,k1
+		mfc0	k1,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		mtc0	k0,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		nop					# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop
+		nop
+		tlbp
+		nop					# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop
+		mfc0	k0,CP0_INDEX
+		bgez	k0,invalid_tlbl			# bad addr in c0_badvaddr
+		mtc0	k1,CP0_ENTRYHI			# delay slot
+		/*
+		 * Damn... The next nop is required on my R4400PC V5.0, but
+		 * I don't know why - at least there is no documented
+		 * reason as for the others :-(
+		 */
+		nop
+		/*
+		 * OK, this is a double fault. Let's see whether this is
+		 * due to an invalid entry in the page_table.
+		 */
+		dmfc0	k0,CP0_BADVADDR
+		srl	k0,12
+		sll	k0,2
+		lui	k1,%HI(TLBMAP)
+		addu	k0,k1
+		lw	k1,(k0)
+		bnez	k1,reload_pgd_entries
+		nop					# delay slot
+		.set	noat
+		.set	at
+		PRINT("Double fault caused by invalid entries in pgd:\n")
+		dmfc0	a1,CP0_BADVADDR
+		PRINT("Double fault address     : %08lx\n")
+		dmfc0	a1,CP0_EPC
+		PRINT("c0_epc                   : %08lx\n")
+		jal	show_regs
+		move	a0,sp
+		jal	dump_tlb_all
+		nop
+		dmfc0	a0,CP0_BADVADDR
+		jal	dump_list_current
+		nop
+		.set	noat
+		STI
+		.set	at
+		PANIC("Corrupted pagedir")
+		.set	noat
+#endif /* CONF_DEBUG_TLB */
+		/*
+		 * Load missing pair of entries from the pgd and return.
+		 */
+		dmfc0	k1,CP0_CONTEXT
+		dsra	k1,1
+		lwu	k0,(k1)			# Never causes nested exception
+		lwu	k1,4(k1)
+		dsrl	k0,6			# Convert to EntryLo format
+		dsrl	k1,6			# Convert to EntryLo format
+		dmtc0	k0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		dmtc0	k1,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		tlbwr
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop
+		nop
+		/*
+		 * We don't know whether the original access was read or
+		 * write, so return and see what happens...
+		 */
+		eret
+		/*
+		 * Handle invalid exception
+		 *
+		 * There are two possible causes for an invalid (tlbl)
+		 * exception:
+		 * 1) pages with present bit set but the valid bit clear
+		 * 2) nonexistant pages
+		 * Case one needs fast handling, therefore don't save
+		 * registers yet.
+		 *
+		 * k0 contains c0_index.
+		 */
+		/*
+		 * Remove entry so we don't need to care later
+		 * For sake of the R4000 V2.2 pipeline the tlbwi insn
+		 * has been moved down. Moving it around is juggling with
+		 * explosives...
+		 */
+		lui	k1,0x0008
+		or	k0,k1
+		dsll	k0,13
+		dmtc0	k0,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		/*
+		 * Test present bit in entry
+		 */
+		dmfc0	k0,CP0_BADVADDR
+		srl	k0,12
+		sll	k0,2
+		tlbwi						# do not move!
+		lui	k1,%HI(TLBMAP)
+		addu	k0,k1
+		lw	k1,(k0)
+		bnez	k1,nopage_tlbl
+		/*
+		 * Present and read bits are set -> set valid and accessed bits
+		 */
+		lw	k1,(k0)					# delay slot
+		sw	k1,(k0)
+		eret
+		/*
+		 * Page doesn't exist. Lots of work which is less important
+		 * for speed needs to be done, so hand it all over to the
+		 * kernel memory management routines.
+		 */
+nopage_tlbl:	SAVE_ALL
+		dmfc0	a2,CP0_BADVADDR
+		STI
+		.set	at
+		/*
+		 * a0 (struct pt_regs *) regs
+		 * a1 (unsigned long)    0 for read access
+		 * a2 (unsigned long)    faulting virtual address
+		 */
+		move	a0,sp
+		jal	do_page_fault
+		li	a1,0				# delay slot
+		j	ret_from_sys_call
+		nop					# delay slot
+		END(handle_tlbl)
+		.text
+		.align	5
+		NESTED(handle_tlbs, FR_SIZE, sp)
+		.set	noat
+		/*
+		 * It is impossible that is a nested reload exception.
+		 * Therefore this must be a invalid exception.
+		 * Two possible cases:
+		 * 1) Page exists but not dirty.
+		 * 2) Page doesn't exist yet. Hand over to the kernel.
+		 *
+		 * Test whether present bit in entry is set
+		 */
+		dmfc0	k0,CP0_BADVADDR
+		srl	k0,12
+		sll	k0,2
+		lui	k1,%HI(TLBMAP)
+		addu	k0,k1
+		lw	k1,(k0)
+		tlbp					# find faulting entry
+		bnez	k1,nopage_tlbs
+		/*
+		 * Present and writable bits set: set accessed and dirty bits.
+		 */
+		lw	k1,(k0)				# delay slot
+		sw	k1,(k0)
+		/*
+		 * Now reload the entry into the TLB
+		 */
+		ori	k0,0x0004
+		xori	k0,0x0004
+		lw	k1,4(k0)
+		lw	k0,(k0)
+		srl	k1,6
+		srl	k0,6
+		dmtc0	k1,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		dmtc0	k0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		tlbwi
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop
+		nop
+		eret
+		/*
+		 * Page doesn't exist. Lots of work which is less important
+		 * for speed needs to be done, so hand it all over to the
+		 * kernel memory management routines.
+		 */
+		/*
+		 * Remove entry so we don't need to care later
+		 */
+		mfc0	k0,CP0_INDEX
+		bgez	k0,2f
+		nop
+		/*
+		 * We got a tlbs exception but found no matching entry in
+		 * the tlb.  This should never happen.  Paranoia makes us
+		 * check it, though.
+		 */
+		jal	show_regs
+		move	a0,sp
+		.set	at
+		mfc0	a1,CP0_BADVADDR
+		PRINT("c0_badvaddr == %08lx\n")
+		mfc0	a1,CP0_INDEX
+		PRINT("c0_index    == %08x\n")
+		mfc0	a1,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		PRINT("c0_entryhi  == %08x\n")
+		.set	noat
+		STI
+		.set	at
+		PANIC("Tlbs or tlbm exception with no matching entry in tlb")
+1:		j	1b
+		nop
+#endif /* CONF_DEBUG_TLB */
+		lui	k1,0x0008
+		or	k0,k1
+		dsll	k0,13
+		dmtc0	k0,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop				# R4000 V2.2 requires 4 NOPs
+		nop
+		nop
+		tlbwi
+		.set	noat
+		dmfc0	a2,CP0_BADVADDR
+		STI
+		.set	at
+		/*
+		 * a0 (struct pt_regs *) regs
+		 * a1 (unsigned long)    1 for write access
+		 * a2 (unsigned long)    faulting virtual address
+		 */
+		move	a0,sp
+		jal	do_page_fault
+		li	a1,1				# delay slot
+		j	ret_from_sys_call
+		nop					# delay slot
+		END(handle_tlbs)
+		.align	5
+		NESTED(handle_mod, FR_SIZE, sp)
+		.set	noat
+		/*
+		 * Two possible cases:
+		 * 1) Page is writable but not dirty -> set dirty and return
+		 * 2) Page is not writable -> call C handler
+		 */
+		dmfc0	k0,CP0_BADVADDR
+		srl	k0,12
+		sll	k0,2
+		lui	k1,%HI(TLBMAP)
+		addu	k0,k1
+		lw	k1,(k0)
+		tlbp					# find faulting entry
+		andi	k1,_PAGE_WRITE
+		beqz	k1,nowrite_mod
+		/*
+		 * Present and writable bits set: set accessed and dirty bits.
+		 */
+		lw	k1,(k0)				# delay slot
+		sw	k1,(k0)
+		/*
+		 * Now reload the entry into the tlb
+		 */
+		ori	k0,0x0004
+		xori	k0,0x0004
+		lw	k1,4(k0)
+		lw	k0,(k0)
+		srl	k1,6
+		srl	k0,6
+		dmtc0	k1,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		dmtc0	k0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop
+		nop
+		tlbwi
+		nop				# for R4[04]00 pipeline
+		nop
+		nop
+		eret
+		END(handle_mod)
+		.set	at
+ * Until SAVE_ALL/RESTORE_ALL handle registers 64-bit wide we have to
+ * disable interrupts here.
+ */
+		.set	noreorder
+		LEAF(tlbflush)
+		mfc0	t3,CP0_STATUS
+		ori	t4,t3,1
+		xori	t4,1
+		mtc0	t4,CP0_STATUS
+		li	t0,PM_4K
+		mtc0	t0,CP0_PAGEMASK
+		la	t0,boot_info
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		mfc0	t2,CP0_WIRED
+1:		subu	t0,1
+		mtc0	t0,CP0_INDEX
+		lui	t1,0x0008
+		or	t1,t0,t1
+		dsll	t1,13
+		dmtc0	t1,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		bne	t2,t0,1b
+		tlbwi					# delay slot
+		jr	ra
+		mtc0	t3,CP0_STATUS			# delay slot
+		END(tlbflush)
+		/*
+		 * Code necessary to switch tasks on an Linux/MIPS machine.
+		 */
+		.align	5
+		LEAF(resume)
+		/*
+		 * Current task's task_struct
+		 */
+		lui	t5,%hi(current)
+		lw	t0,%lo(current)(t5)
+		/*
+		 * Save status register
+		 */
+		mfc0	t1,CP0_STATUS
+		addu	t0,a1				# Add tss offset
+		sw	t1,TOFF_CP0_STATUS(t0)
+		/*
+		 * Disable interrupts
+		 */
+		ori	t2,t1,0x1f
+		xori	t2,0x1e
+		mtc0	t2,CP0_STATUS
+		/*
+		 * Save non-scratch registers
+		 * All other registers have been saved on the kernel stack
+		 */
+		sw	s0,TOFF_REG16(t0)
+		sw	s1,TOFF_REG17(t0)
+		sw	s2,TOFF_REG18(t0)
+		sw	s3,TOFF_REG19(t0)
+		sw	s4,TOFF_REG20(t0)
+		sw	s5,TOFF_REG21(t0)
+		sw	s6,TOFF_REG22(t0)
+		sw	s7,TOFF_REG23(t0)
+		sw	gp,TOFF_REG28(t0)
+		sw	sp,TOFF_REG29(t0)
+		sw	fp,TOFF_REG30(t0)
+		/*
+		 * Save floating point state
+		 */
+		sll	t2,t1,2
+		bgez	t2,2f
+		sw	ra,TOFF_REG31(t0)		# delay slot
+		sll	t2,t1,5
+		bgez	t2,1f
+		sdc1	$f0,(TOFF_FPU+0)(t0)		# delay slot
+		/*
+		 * Store the 16 odd double precision registers
+		 */
+		sdc1	$f1,(TOFF_FPU+8)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f3,(TOFF_FPU+24)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f5,(TOFF_FPU+40)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f7,(TOFF_FPU+56)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f9,(TOFF_FPU+72)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f11,(TOFF_FPU+88)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f13,(TOFF_FPU+104)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f15,(TOFF_FPU+120)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f17,(TOFF_FPU+136)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f19,(TOFF_FPU+152)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f21,(TOFF_FPU+168)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f23,(TOFF_FPU+184)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f25,(TOFF_FPU+200)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f27,(TOFF_FPU+216)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f29,(TOFF_FPU+232)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f31,(TOFF_FPU+248)(t0)
+		/*
+		 * Store the 16 even double precision registers
+		 */
+1:		cfc1	t1,fcr31
+		sdc1	$f2,(TOFF_FPU+16)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f4,(TOFF_FPU+32)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f6,(TOFF_FPU+48)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f8,(TOFF_FPU+64)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f10,(TOFF_FPU+80)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f12,(TOFF_FPU+96)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f14,(TOFF_FPU+112)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f16,(TOFF_FPU+128)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f18,(TOFF_FPU+144)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f20,(TOFF_FPU+160)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f22,(TOFF_FPU+176)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f24,(TOFF_FPU+192)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f26,(TOFF_FPU+208)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f28,(TOFF_FPU+224)(t0)
+		sdc1	$f30,(TOFF_FPU+240)(t0)
+		sw	t1,(TOFF_FPU+256)(t0)
+		/*
+		 * Switch current task
+		 */
+2:		sw	a0,%lo(current)(t5)
+		addu	a0,a1			# Add tss offset
+		/*
+		 * Switch address space
+		 */
+		/*
+		 * (Choose new ASID for process)
+		 * This isn't really required, but would speed up
+		 * context switching.
+		 */
+		/*
+		 * Switch the root pointer
+		 */
+		lw	t0,TOFF_PG_DIR(a0)
+		li	t1,TLB_ROOT
+		mtc0	t1,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		mtc0	zero,CP0_INDEX
+		srl	t0,6
+		ori	t0,MODE_ALIAS
+		mtc0	t0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		mtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		lw	a2,TOFF_CP0_STATUS(a0)
+		/*
+		 * Flush tlb
+		 * (probably not needed, doesn't clobber a0-a3)
+		 */
+		jal	tlbflush
+		tlbwi 					# delay slot
+		/*
+		 * Restore fpu state:
+		 *  - cp0 status register bits
+		 *  - fp gp registers
+		 *  - cp1 status/control register
+		 */
+		ori	t1,a2,1				# pipeline magic
+		xori	t1,1
+		mtc0	t1,CP0_STATUS
+		sll	t0,a2,2
+		bgez	t0,2f
+		sll	t0,a2,5				# delay slot
+		bgez	t0,1f
+		ldc1	$f0,(TOFF_FPU+0)(a0)		# delay slot
+		/*
+		 * Restore the 16 odd double precision registers only
+		 * when enabled in the cp0 status register.
+		 */
+		ldc1	$f1,(TOFF_FPU+8)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f3,(TOFF_FPU+24)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f5,(TOFF_FPU+40)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f7,(TOFF_FPU+56)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f9,(TOFF_FPU+72)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f11,(TOFF_FPU+88)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f13,(TOFF_FPU+104)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f15,(TOFF_FPU+120)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f17,(TOFF_FPU+136)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f19,(TOFF_FPU+152)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f21,(TOFF_FPU+168)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f23,(TOFF_FPU+184)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f25,(TOFF_FPU+200)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f27,(TOFF_FPU+216)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f29,(TOFF_FPU+232)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f31,(TOFF_FPU+248)(a0)
+		/*
+		 * Restore the 16 even double precision registers
+		 * when cp1 was enabled in the cp0 status register.
+		 */
+1:		lw	t0,(TOFF_FPU+256)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f2,(TOFF_FPU+16)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f4,(TOFF_FPU+32)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f6,(TOFF_FPU+48)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f8,(TOFF_FPU+64)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f10,(TOFF_FPU+80)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f12,(TOFF_FPU+96)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f14,(TOFF_FPU+112)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f16,(TOFF_FPU+128)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f18,(TOFF_FPU+144)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f20,(TOFF_FPU+160)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f22,(TOFF_FPU+176)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f24,(TOFF_FPU+192)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f26,(TOFF_FPU+208)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f28,(TOFF_FPU+224)(a0)
+		ldc1	$f30,(TOFF_FPU+240)(a0)
+		ctc1	t0,fcr31
+		/*
+		 * Restore non-scratch registers
+		 */
+2:		lw	s0,TOFF_REG16(a0)
+		lw	s1,TOFF_REG17(a0)
+		lw	s2,TOFF_REG18(a0)
+		lw	s3,TOFF_REG19(a0)
+		lw	s4,TOFF_REG20(a0)
+		lw	s5,TOFF_REG21(a0)
+		lw	s6,TOFF_REG22(a0)
+		lw	s7,TOFF_REG23(a0)
+		lw	gp,TOFF_REG28(a0)
+		lw	sp,TOFF_REG29(a0)
+		lw	fp,TOFF_REG30(a0)
+		lw	ra,TOFF_REG31(a0)
+		/*
+		 * Restore status register
+		 */
+		lw	t0,TOFF_KSP(a0)
+		sw	t0,kernelsp
+		jr	ra
+		mtc0	a2,CP0_STATUS			# delay slot
+		END(resume)
+		/*
+		 * Load a new root pointer into the tlb
+		 */
+		.set	noreorder
+		LEAF(load_pgd)
+		/*
+		 * Switch the root pointer
+		 */
+		mfc0	t0,CP0_STATUS
+		ori	t1,t0,1
+		xori	t1,1
+		mtc0	t1,CP0_STATUS
+		srl	a0,6
+		ori	a0,MODE_ALIAS
+		li	t1,TLB_ROOT
+		mtc0	t1,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		mtc0	zero,CP0_INDEX
+		mtc0	a0,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		mtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		mtc0	t0,CP0_STATUS
+		j	tlbflush
+		tlbwi 					# delay slot
+		END(load_pgd)
+ * Some bits in the config register
+ */
+#define CONFIG_DB       (1<<4)
+#define CONFIG_IB       (1<<5)
+ * Flush instruction/data caches
+ *
+ * Parameters: a0 - starting address to flush
+ *             a1 - size of area to be flushed
+ *             a2 - which caches to be flushed
+ *
+ * FIXME:      - ignores parameters in a0/a1
+ *             - doesn't know about second level caches
+ */
+		.set	noreorder
+		LEAF(sys_cacheflush)
+		andi	t1,a2,DCACHE
+		beqz	t1,do_icache
+		li	t0,KSEG0			# delay slot
+		/*
+		 * Writeback data cache, even lines
+		 */
+		li	t1,CACHELINES-1
+1:		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,0(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,32(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,64(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,96(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,128(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,160(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,192(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,224(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,256(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,288(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,320(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,352(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,384(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,416(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,448(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,480(t0)
+		addiu	t0,512
+		bnez	t1,1b
+		subu	t1,1
+		/*
+		 * Writeback data cache, odd lines
+		 * Only needed for 16 byte line size
+		 */
+		mfc0	t1,CP0_CONFIG
+		andi	t1,CONFIG_DB
+		bnez	t1,do_icache
+		li	t1,CACHELINES-1
+1:		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,16(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,48(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,80(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,112(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,144(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,176(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,208(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,240(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,272(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,304(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,336(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,368(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,400(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,432(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,464(t0)
+		cache	Index_Writeback_Inv_D,496(t0)
+		addiu	t0,512
+		bnez	t1,1b
+		subu	t1,1
+do_icache:	andi	t1,a2,ICACHE
+		beqz	t1,done
+		/*
+		 * Flush instruction cache, even lines
+		 */
+		lui	t0,0x8000
+		li	t1,CACHELINES-1
+1: 		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,0(t0)	
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,32(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,64(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,96(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,128(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,160(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,192(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,224(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,256(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,288(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,320(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,352(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,384(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,416(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,448(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,480(t0)
+		addiu	t0,512
+		bnez	t1,1b
+		subu	t1,1
+		/*
+		 * Flush instruction cache, even lines
+		 * Only needed for 16 byte line size
+		 */
+		mfc0	t1,CP0_CONFIG
+		andi	t1,CONFIG_IB
+		bnez	t1,done
+		li	t1,CACHELINES-1
+1:		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,16(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,48(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,80(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,112(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,144(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,176(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,208(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,240(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,272(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,304(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,336(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,368(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,400(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,432(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,464(t0)
+		cache	Index_Invalidate_I,496(t0)
+		addiu	t0,512
+		bnez	t1,1b
+		subu	t1,1
+done:		j	ra
+		nop
+		END(sys_cacheflush)
+ * Update the TLB - or how instruction scheduling makes code unreadable ...
+ *
+ * MIPS doesn't need any external MMU info: the kernel page tables contain
+ * all the necessary information.  We use this hook though to load the
+ * TLB as early as possible with uptodate information avoiding unecessary
+ * exceptions.
+ *
+ * Parameters: a0 - struct vm_area_struct *vma	(ignored)
+ *             a1 - unsigned long address
+ *             a2 - pte_t pte
+ */
+		.set	noreorder
+		LEAF(update_mmu_cache)
+		/*
+		 * Step 1: Wipe out old TLB information.  Not shure if
+		 * we really need that step; call it paranoia ...
+		 * In order to do that we need to disable interrupts.
+		 */
+		mfc0	t0,CP0_STATUS		# interrupts off
+		ori	t1,t0,1
+		xori	t1,1
+		mtc0	t1,CP0_STATUS
+		li	t3,TLBMAP		# then wait 3 cycles
+		ori	t1,a1,0xfff		# mask off low 12 bits
+		xori	t1,0xfff
+		mfc0	t2,CP0_ENTRYHI		# copy ASID into address
+		andi	t2,0xff
+		or	t2,t1
+		mtc0	t2,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		srl	t4,a1,12		# wait again three cycles
+		sll	t4,t4,PTRLOG
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO0
+		tlbp				# now query the TLB
+		addu	t3,t4			# wait another three cycles
+		ori	t3,0xffff
+		xori	t3,0xffff
+		mfc0	t1,CP0_INDEX
+		bltz	t1,1f			# No old entry?
+		dmtc0	zero,CP0_ENTRYLO1
+		or	t3,t1			# wait one cycle
+		tlbwi
+		/*
+		 * But there still might be a entry for the pgd ...
+		 */
+1:		mtc0	t3,CP0_ENTRYHI
+		nop				# wait 3 cycles
+		nop
+		nop
+		tlbp				# TLB lookup
+		nop
+		nop
+		mfc0	t1,CP0_INDEX		# wait 3 cycles
+		bltz	t1,1f			# No old entry?
+		nop		
+		tlbwi				# gotcha ...
+		/*
+		 * Step 2: Reload the TLB with new information.  We can skip
+		 * this but this should speed the mess a bit by avoiding
+		 * tlbl/tlbs exceptions. (To be done)
+		 */
+1:		jr	ra
+		mtc0	t0,CP0_STATUS		# delay slot
+		END(update_mmu_cache)

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this