patch-1.3.45 linux/arch/ppc/kernel/port_io.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.44/linux/arch/ppc/kernel/port_io.c linux/arch/ppc/kernel/port_io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * I/O 'port' access routines
+ */
+/* This is really only correct for the MVME16xx (PreP)? */
+#define _IO_BASE ((unsigned long)0x80000000)
+unsigned char
+inb(int port)
+	return (*((unsigned  char *)(_IO_BASE+port)));
+unsigned short
+inw(int port)
+	return (_LE_to_BE_short(*((unsigned short *)(_IO_BASE+port))));
+unsigned long
+inl(int port)
+	return (_LE_to_BE_long(*((unsigned  long *)(_IO_BASE+port))));
+void insl(int port, long *ptr, int len)
+	unsigned long *io_ptr = (unsigned long *)(_IO_BASE+port);
+	while (len-- > 0)
+	{
+		*ptr++ = _LE_to_BE_long(*io_ptr);
+	}
+unsigned char  inb_p(int port) {return (inb(port)); }
+unsigned short inw_p(int port) {return (inw(port)); }
+unsigned long  inl_p(int port) {return (inl(port)); }
+unsigned char
+outb(unsigned char val,int port)
+	*((unsigned  char *)(_IO_BASE+port)) = (val);
+	return (val);
+unsigned short
+outw(unsigned short val,int port)
+	*((unsigned  short *)(_IO_BASE+port)) = _LE_to_BE_short(val);
+	return (val);
+unsigned long
+outl(unsigned long val,int port)
+	*((unsigned  long *)(_IO_BASE+port)) = _LE_to_BE_long(val);
+	return (val);
+void outsl(int port, long *ptr, int len)
+	unsigned long *io_ptr = (unsigned long *)(_IO_BASE+port);
+	while (len-- > 0)
+	{
+		*io_ptr = _LE_to_BE_long(*ptr++);
+	}
+unsigned char  outb_p(unsigned char val,int port) { return (outb(val,port)); }
+unsigned short outw_p(unsigned short val,int port) { return (outw(val,port)); }
+unsigned long  outl_p(unsigned long val,int port) { return (outl(val,port)); }

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this