file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1992: pln-0206.txt --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 2, No. 6 March, 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. Questions to readers and articles for submissions are strongly encouraged. All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steve ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) The following is from a Federal Legislative Action Alert from the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, Inc.: Efforts are now underway in Congress to reverse the Administration's 1988 moratorium on funding fetal tissue transplant research. The current moratorium applies only to tissue dervied from induced abortions. Fetal tissue from other sources (such as miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies) can be used. To lift the funding ban and allow research using tissue from induced abortions would mean that government-supplied research funds would be paid to abortionists for the product of their labors, and implicate the government in an intimate and unacceptable collaboration with the abortion industry. Government cooperation means taxpayer cooperation. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Reauthorization Bill (HR2507) contains language overturning the funding moratorium. This bill has already passed the House but is ready for Senate action. HR2507 should be on the Senate floor during the month of March, perhaps during the week of March 23rd. As such, Senators are developing their positions now, and they need to hear from their pro-life constituents *immediately*. The position of no Senator should be taken for granted. It is especially important that Senators with pro-life or pro-life leaning voting records be contacted. ACTION: 1. Activate your phone trees; send letters or postcards. Phone calls can be made either to the Senators' local offices or to the U.S. Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121 (ask for the office of your Senator). Write: The Honorable ___________________, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510 2. Urge medical researches who support the moratorium to immediately send letters to their Senators. These letters can be sent by FAX. 3. Ask persons with diseases affected by this type of research (i.e., Parkinson's disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease) or a member of their family to call or write their Senators. MESSAGE: "Please vote against the National Institutes of Health Reauthorization Bill (HR 2507) unless the language overturning the Administration's moratorium on fetal tissue transplant research is removed." WHEN: ASAP. - Chirs Bord ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) THE OTHER SIDE - WHAT'S IMPORTANT TO THEM I recently received my periodical mailing from the National Abortion Rights Action League. I got on their mailing list so that I could keep track of what they're doing, and at their expense. (Write: NARAL, 1101 14th Street, NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20005, ask that you be put on their student or general mailing list--or both.) They're really scared of Roe being overturned, or at least they're acting on the assumption that it will be and planning for the future. The Freedom of Choice Act (H. R. 25 and S. 25) is plugged, and the importance of voter registration is emphasized. I figure pro-lifers can follow their instructions: get everyone you know to register (and vote pro-life) and write your representative and senators to vote against the Freedom of Choice act. The mailing also included a "Choice calendar" for 1992 which I found quite informative. The following is adapted from it. It never hurts to use your opponents' information network. March 17 - Illinois, Michigan Presidential Primaries March 24 - Connecticut Presidential Primary April 5 - Pro-choice march on Washington April 7 - New York, Wisconsin Presidential Primary April 28 - Pennsylvania Presidential Primary May 5 - DC, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio Presidential Primaries May 12 - West Virginia, Nebraska Presidential Primaries May 26 - Arkansas, Kentucky Presidential Primaries June 2 - Alabama, California, New Mexico, Montana, New Jersey Presidential Primaries June 9 - North Dakota Presidential Primary July 3 - Webster vs Reproductive Health Services anniversary July 13-16 - Democratic National Convention in New York August 16-20 - Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas October 5 - Supreme Court opens November 3 - Election day - John Fry ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) DATES TO KEEP IN MIND March 28-29: NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE COALITION FOR LIFE WEEKEND at St. Anselm College in Manchester, NH. Contact Bob DeCesare, 6 Manchester St. Merrimack, NH 03054 (603) 889-9710 April 3-4: OHIO COLLEGE PRO-LIFE CONFERENCE at U. of Steubenville. Speakers to include Cardinal O'Connor. Contact Jason Negri at (614) 283-6656 or (614) 283-6230. (Or write Dave Mosher, JCW Center, Box 238 Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH 43952. May 15: Application deadline for National Youth Pro-Life Co- alition Legislative Internship Program. The internships are June 11 - Aug. 5. Contact Jennifer Cole, 308 5th St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. June 3-9: INDIANA PROJECT of Collegians Activated to Liberate Life. Contact C.A.L.L., PO Box 121 New Haven, IN 46774, (219)625-2594. June 5-7: UNIVERSITY FACULTY FOR LIFE CONVENTION at Georgetown Univ. in DC. Speakers include Dr. Jerome Lejeune, Wanda Franz. $40 fee includes housing, registration, and banquet. Contact UFL at Box 2273 Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC 20057 or call Randy O'Bannon (TH 9-5) or Fr. King (202) 687-4493. July 24-26: NEBRASKA PRO-LIFE, PRO-FAMILY WEEKEND sponsored by Creighton Univ. Students for Life and Human Life International. Speakers include Fr. Paul Marx, Dr. Thomas Hilgers, Dr. Damian Fedoryka. For more information contact Becky Myers, 804 Swanson, Creighton Univ. Omaha, NE 68178. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) SOME FEMINIST HISTORY - ALICE PAUL Alice Paul founded the National Women's Party, wrote the original ERA, introduced it in 1923, and worked 54 years for its passage. Evelyn Judge began working with Paul in the 40's and recalls her saying, "Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women." She spent much of her efforts getting at the root cause of abortion: sex. She saw woman as ideally dominating the sex situation. By nature woman is given the ability to be closer to the whole process of reproduction; she is the one who carries the load in conception. It is she who should make the decisions in questions of sex. Certainly abortion is no protection for women. They are their own protection. Alice Paul didn't just exclaim,"Infanticide! Murder!" She told women how to develop their intuition and wisdom on such matters, and not allow their natural gifts to be exploited. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) WHAT WORKS - AVOID DOUBLESTANDARDS The charge of "hypocrisy" leveled by "pro-choicers" against pro-lifers seems to be a common rhetorical ploy used to promote abortion. Various charges of hypocrisy have been leveled against pro-lifers, but none seems to stand up. Why then are such dubious arguments constantly being made? "Pro-lifers are `hypocrites' because they don't oppose the death penality." Refutation: There are two seperate issues involved. The death penality presupposes a right to life that can be forfeited by depriving others of their right to life. The issue in abortion is whether there is a right to life. The issue with the death penality is whether that right to life can, or cannot, be forfeited. Doublestandard #1: Pro-lifers who do oppose the death penality out of the same ethical principles that they oppose abortion are never given moral credit for being consistant. Doublestandard #2: "Pro-choicers" are never deemed to be "hypocrites" for not supporting the death penality. Apperently, they believe Ted Bundy has a greater right to life than a helpless child curled up in the womb. `Pro-choice' message: Pro-lifers are hypocrites because they talk about ideals, but they don't actually believe them. Behind the superficial concern for human life lies the real motivation of pro-lifers: a desire to "control women". The notion that pro-lifers can honestly and consistantly believe that there is an ethical principle called "Justice" which *requires* that society take the lives of those convicted of henious offenses eludes them. For both issues, the pro-life motivation is the principled attempt to "do the right thing". Defending the right of the unborn to live is NOT the same as claiming that the state has no right to kill a criminal convicted of a capital offense. -by David Rasmussen ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) DENTISTS FOR LIFE Another pro-life professional organization has formed! If you know any pro-life dentists, please tell them about Dentists for Life. Among other activities,, members volunteer "to provide free dental care to needy pregnant women." Write to Craig Bozzacco, D.D.S., c/o Dentists for Life, 7866 Spring Avenue, Elkins Park, PA 19117. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE SANCTITY OF LIFE I am compiling a list of pro-life scripture quotes which should be available by the end of the month. If anyone is interested in contributing to the list, please contact the editor (Steve). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quote Of the Month: "When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in a letter to Julia Ward Howe 16 Oct, 1873 +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Credits: | | 3- From information posted by the InfoNet, a free snail-mail | | service providing information on activities by and of interest | | to college pro-lifers. For more info (or to get on their list) | | send your name and address (or contributions) to Andrew Sicree, | | P.O. Box 10664, State College, PA 16805 (814) 466-7460 | | 4- Based on an article from the Feminists for Life: Winter 1992 | | Sisterlife edition. | | 6- From the "UFL _Pro Vita_" vII n1, Feb. 1992 - Newsletter of | | University Faculty for Life Box 2273 Georgetown University, | | Washington, DC 20057. | |QOM- Quoted from a Feminists for Life flyer "What did our Feminist | | Foremothers say about abortion?" - For more info write: | | Feminists for Life 811 E. 47th St. Kansas City, MO 64110 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, tapes, or help with problems is encouraged to contact the editor.