Internet-Draft RIFT Auto IS-IS October 2024
Head, et al. Expires 14 April 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
Standards Track
J. Head, Ed.
Juniper Networks
T. Przygienda
Juniper Networks
C. Barth
Juniper Networks
L. Tomotaki
B. Brockdorff



This document specifies procedures where RIFT can automatically provision IS-IS topologies by leveraging its native no-touch ZTP architecture.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 14 April 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

[RIFT] is a protocol that focuses heavily on operational simplicity. It natively supports Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) functionality that allows each node to automatically derive its place in the topology and configure itself accordingly when properly cabled as a Clos, Fat-Tree, or other similarly structured variant.

Given the prominence of IP fabrics within modern day networks and that IS-IS [ISO10589] is a popular IGP in those networks, it is beneficial to consider how deployment and operation could be simplified. This document specifies methods that leverages these properties of RIFT so that nodes can self-configure and provide relevant the operational state using [RIFT-KV], specifically for IS-IS topologies.

1.1. Requirements Language

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2. Design Considerations

The methods specified in this document leverage existing IS-IS standards without requiring any modification. In essence, this document provides normative algorithms to derive the necessary IS-IS configuration variables in a distributed fashion. For example, in a Flood Reflection topology a leaf node must consider the Cluster ID while deriving its loopback address. Whereas in a generic IS-IS topology a Cluster ID is not present and such consideration is not necessary.

Similar considerations are necessary with respect to operations and management.

3. Auto-IS-IS

This section describes how RIFT nodes can automatically self-configure to form IS-IS topologies in a completely distributed fashion using RIFT's ZTP functionality.

3.1. Device Roles

3.1.1. All Participating Nodes

Nodes that need to configure themselves in an Auto-IS-IS topology MUST be capable of deriving the following variables:

  • IPv6 Loopback Address
    Unique IPv6 loopback address.
    IS-IS System ID
    The IS-IS System Identifier used in deriving the IS-IS NET Address.
    IS-IS NET Address
    The IS-IS NET Address used to uniquely identify an IS-IS node.

3.1.2. Top-of-Fabric Nodes

This section describes any Top-of-Fabric-specific functions for IS-IS nodes at the top of the fabric.

Fabrics running IS-IS might be L1, L2, or possibly another variant. Nodes MAY use their device role as a means to indicate that some interfaces can be adjusted to fit the desired outcome (e.g., Flood Reflection).

  • Future Consideration
    Future Consideration

3.1.3. Spine Nodes

This section describes any Spine-specific functions for IS-IS nodes that are not at the top of the fabric or at the bottom of the fabric (i.e., leaf nodes).

Fabrics running IS-IS might be L1, L2, or possibly another variant. Nodes MAY use their device role as a means to indicate that some interfaces can be adjusted to fit the desired outcome (e.g., Flood Reflection).

  • Future Consideration
    Future Consideration

3.1.4. Leaf Nodes

This section describes any Leaf-specific functions for IS-IS nodes that are at the bottom of the fabric.

Fabrics running IS-IS might be L1, L2, or possibly another variant. Nodes MAY use their device role as a means to indicate that some interfaces can be adjusted to fit the desired outcome (e.g., Flood Reflection).

  • Future Consideration
    Future Consideration

3.2. Variable Derivation

It is important to mention that all Auto-IS-IS variable derivation is in some way based on the RIFT System ID and/or Fabric ID and MUST comply precisely with calculation methods specified in the Auto-IS-IS Variable Derivation section to allow interoperability between different implementations. All necessary foundational code elements are also mentioned there.

3.2.1. RIFT System ID

The 64-bit RIFT System ID that uniquely identifies a node as defined in RIFT [RIFT]. This is not derived specifically for Auto-IS-IS, but for all RIFT nodes and is used in the derivation procedures described in this section.

3.2.2. Auto-IS-IS Version

This section serves as a placeholder to describe extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE packet schemas in the form of a 16-bit value that identifies the Auto-IS-IS Version. Auto-IS-IS capable nodes MUST support this extension, but MAY choose not to advertise it in LIEs and Node-TIEs when Auto-IS-IS is not being utilized.

The complete encoding.thrift schema documented in RIFT [RIFT] describes both major and minor protocol/schema versions. Auto-IS-IS Version calculation will be described in a future version of this document.

This section will also describes an extension to the NodeCapabilities schema indicating whether or not a node supports Auto-IS-IS.

A future version of this document will define any changes required for the LIEPacket, NodeTIEElement, and NodeCapabilities Thrift schemas.

3.2.3. IS-IS System ID

Auto-IS-IS nodes MUST derive a unique 6-byte IS-IS System ID for use in deriving the IS-IS NET Address. Calculation of this value will be described in a future version of this document.

3.2.4. IS-IS NET Address

Auto-FR nodes MUST derive a unique 10-byte IS-IS NET (Network Entity Title) Address to uniquely identify itself within the Flood Reflection topology. The 1st byte (which indicates the AFI) MUST have a value of "49". The last byte (i.e. the NSEL) MUST have a value of 0. Calculation of this value will be described in a future version of this document.

3.2.5. Loopback Address

Auto-FR nodes MUST derive a ULA-scoped IPv6 loopback address to be used in IS-IS. Calculation of this value will be described in a future version of this document.

3.3. IS-IS Flood Reflection Topologies

IS-IS Flood Reflection [RFC9377] is a mechanism that enables flat single-area Level 2 IS-IS topologies to scale well beyond their typical properties when deployed in similar topological structures by:

  1. Reducing the number of required links and adjacencies.
  2. Reducing the size of the Link-State Database.
  3. Reducing the amount of flooding.
  4. Reducing the number of SPF computations.
  5. Reducing the maximum SPF computation time.

This section describes an OPTIONAL "sub-mode" of Auto-IS-IS that RIFT can use to automatically provision IS-IS Flood Reflection topologies in a completely distributed fashion using RIFT's ZTP functionality.

3.3.1. Device Roles

Auto Flood Reflection requires that each node understands its given role within the scope of the Flood Reflection deployment so that each node derives the necessary variables and resulting configuration. All Participating Nodes

All nodes in the topology MUST be capable of deriving the following variables:

  • Flood Reflection Cluster ID
    The Flood Reflection Cluster ID us to distinguish reflection domains (similar to the Cluster ID use in BGP Route Reflection).
    IPv6 Loopback Address
    Unique IPv6 loopback address.
    IS-IS System ID
    The IS-IS System Identifier used in deriving the IS-IS NET Address.
    IS-IS NET Address
    The IS-IS NET Address used to uniquely identify an IS-IS node. Flood Reflectors

This section defines an Auto-FR role whereby some ToF (Top-of-Fabric) nodes act as IS-IS Flood Reflectors. It is expected that Flood Reflectors will establish Level 2 IS-IS adjacencies with Flood Reflector Clients in the same area, in the same fabric. The typical Flood Reflector requirements do not change, however, determining which specific values to use requires further consideration.

ToF nodes performing Flood Reflector functionality MUST derive the following variables:

  • IPv6 Flood Reflector Loopback Address
    Unique IPv6 loopback address. Flood Reflector Spines

A "spine" can simply be thought of as a Flood Reflection node not acting as a Flood Reflector (ToF) or Flood Reflector Client (leaf). While a spine node requires no specific variable derivation, it is REQUIRED so that it can function in the context of a Flood Reflection topology as a IS-IS level 1 node. It may also be desirable to do so to facilitate the use of Auto-FR specific Key-Value TIEs.

This section also serves as a placeholder for future considerations and enhancements.

  • Future Consideration
    Future Consideration Flood Reflectors Clients

Although no specific variables for Flood Reflector Clients are described at this time, the generic role is specified as a placeholder for future enhancements.

  • Future Consideration
    Future Consideration

3.3.2. Auto-FR Variable Derivation

Like with Auto-IS-IS, Auto-FR variable derivation is in some way based on the RIFT System ID and/or Cluster ID and MUST comply precisely with calculation methods specified in the Auto-FR Variable Derivation section to allow interoperability between different implementations. All necessary foundational code elements are also mentioned there. RIFT System ID

The 64-bit RIFT System ID that uniquely identifies a node as defined in Section 3.2.1. Auto-FR Version

This section describes extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE packet schemas in the form of a 16-bit value that identifies the Auto-FR Version. Auto-FR capable nodes MUST support this extension, but MAY choose not to advertise it in LIEs and Node-TIEs when Auto-FR is not being utilized.

The complete encoding.thrift schema documented in RIFT [RIFT] describes both major and minor protocol/schema versions. Auto-FR Version calculation is done by multiiplying a static value of 256 by the major version then adding the minor version, that is to say - 256 * MAJOR + MINOR.

This section also describes an extension to the NodeCapabilities schema indicating whether or not a node supports Auto-FR.

The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the LIEPacket, NodeTIEElement, and NodeCapabilities Thrift schemas. Flood Reflection Cluster ID

This section describes extensions to both the RIFT LIE and Node-TIE packet schemas in the form of a 32-bit value that identifies the Auto-FR Cluster ID. Auto-FR capable nodes MUST support this extension, but MAY choose not to advertise it in LIEs and Node-TIEs when Auto-FR is not being utilized.

Deployments using more than one Auto-FR cluster MUST use different Cluster IDs. Failure to do so may cause sub-optimal routing as L1/L2 nodes from different clusters would belong to the same subnet.

A Cluster ID with a value of 0 is considered invalid and MUST NOT be used for any purpose.

The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the LIEPacket and NodeTIEElement Thrift schemas. Flood Reflection Preference

This section describes extensions to the Node-TIE packet schema in the form of a 32-bit value that indicates a Flood Reflection Preference value to be used during Flood Reflector election procedures with the higher value being preferred. Auto-FR capable nodes MUST support this extension.

The appendix (Appendix B) details necessary changes to the NodeTIEElement Thrift schemas. IS-IS System ID

Auto-FR nodes MUST derive a unique 6-byte IS-IS System ID for use in deriving the IS-IS NET Address. Calculation is done using the 8-byte RIFT System ID and 4-byte Cluster ID.

In order for nodes to derive an IS-IS System ID, the following algorithms are required - auto_fr_cidsid2isissid (Figure 11) and auto_fr_v6hash (Figure 16). IS-IS NET Address

Auto-FR nodes MUST derive a unique 10-byte IS-IS NET (Network Entity Title) Address to uniquely identify itself within the Flood Reflection topology. The 1st byte (which indicates the AFI) MUST have a value of "49". The last byte (i.e. the NSEL) MUST have a value of 0. Remaining calculation is done using the 8-byte RIFT System ID and 4-byte Cluster ID.

In order for nodes to derive an IS-IS NET Address, the following algorithms are required - auto_fr_cidsid2isisnet (Figure 10) and auto_fr_cidsid2isissid (Figure 11). Loopback Address

Auto-FR nodes MUST derive a ULA-scoped IPv6 loopback address to be used in IS-IS. Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the 4-byte Cluster ID, and the node's 8-byte RIFT System ID. Derivation of the IS-IS System ID varies slightly depending upon the node's location/role in the fabric and will be described in subsequent sections. Leaf Nodes as Flood Reflector Clients

Leaf Nodes acting as Flood Reflector Clients MUST derive their loopback address according to the specific section describing the algorithm. Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the 4-byte Cluster ID, and the 8-byte RIFT System ID.

In order for leaf nodes to derive IPv6 loopbacks, the following algorithms are required - auto_fr_cidsidv6loopback (Figure 13) and auto_fr_v6prefixcidsid2loopback (Figure 17).

IPv4 addresses MAY be supported, but it should be noted that they have a higher likelihood of collision. The appendix contains the required auto_fr_cidsid2v4loopback (Figure 12) algorithm to support IPv4 loopback derivation. ToF Nodes as Flood Reflectors

ToF nodes acting as Flood Reflectors MUST derive their loopback address according to the specific section describing the algorithm. Calculation is done using the 6-bytes of reserved ULA space, the 4-byte Cluster ID, and the 8-byte RIFT System ID.

In order for ToF nodes to derive IPv6 loopbacks, the following algorithms are required - auto_fr_cidsidv6loopback (Figure 13), auto_fr_v6prefixcidsid2loopback (Figure 17), and auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv6loopback (Figure 9).

IPv4 addresses MAY be supported, but it should be noted that they have a higher likelihood of collision. The appendix contains the required auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv4loopback (Figure 8) algorithm to support IPv4 loopback derivation. Flood Reflector Election Procedures

Each ToF performs the election independently based on the RIFT System IDs and a Flood Reflection preference value of other ToF nodes in the fabric obtained via southbound reflection. The Flood Reflector election procedures are defined as follows:

  1. Highest System ID with the highest preference.
  2. Lowest System ID with the highest preference.
  3. 2nd highest System ID with the 2nd highest preference.
  4. etc.

This ordering is necessary to prevent a single node with either the highest or lowest System ID from triggering changes to flood reflector loopback addresses as it would result in all IS-IS adjacencies flapping.

For example, if ToF01 (System ID: 002c6af5a281c000 / FR Preference: 100) and ToF02 (System ID: 002c6bf5788fc000 / FR Preference: 1) went through the election process, ToF02 would be elected due to it having the highest System ID. If a ToF determines that it is elected as a Flood Reflector, it uses the knowledge of its position in the list to derive Flood Reflector IPv6 loopback address.

A topology MUST elect at least 1 ToF node as an IS-IS Flood Reflector, but SHOULD elect 3. The election process varies depending upon whether or not the topology is comprised of a single plane or multiple planes. The multiplane election procedure will be described in a future version of this document.

The algorithm shown in "auto_fr_sids2frs" (Figure 14) is required to perform the Flood Reflector election procedures.

4. RIFT Requirements

4.1. RIFT FSM / LIE Validation Requirements

RIFT FSM adjacency rules MUST consider Auto-FR Version (Section and Auto-FR Cluster ID (Section values so that nodes that do not support Auto-FR can interoperate with nodes that do. The LIE validation is extended with the following clause and if it is not met, miscabling should be declared:

(if auto_flood_reflection_version is not advertised by either node OR
 if auto_flood_reflection_version is identical on both nodes)
(auto_flood_reflection_cluster_id is not advertised by either node OR
 auto_flood_reflection_cluster_id is identical on both nodes)

4.2. RIFT Node-TIE Advertisements

All nodes utilizing Auto-FR MUST advertise their Auto-FR Version (Section, Flood Reflection Cluster ID (Section, and Flood Reflection Preference (Section values in at least one Node-TIE in each direction (i.e. North and South).

5. Operational Considerations

To fully realize the benefits of Auto-IS-IS, it may help to describe the high-level method. Simply put, RIFT automatically provisions the underlay and Auto-IS-IS or Auto-FR provisions the specific topology. The goal of this section is to draw simple lines between general fabric concepts, RIFT, and Auto-IS-IS and how they fit into current network designs and practices.

This section also describes a set of optional Key-Value TIEs [RIFT-KV] that leverages the variables that have already been derived to provide further operational enhancement to the operator.

5.1. RIFT Underlay with an IS-IS Flood Reflection Topology

Figure 1 illustrates a typical 5-stage Clos IP fabric. Each node is named and labelled in such a way that conveys:

  1. The node's generic placement within the context of the RIFT underlay
  2. The node's level(s) within the IS-IS area.
  3. The node's role within the IS-IS Flood Reflection topology.

Table 1 should help further align these concepts.

Table 1: Role Associations
RIFT Placement IS-IS Level IS-IS FR Role
ToF Nodes L1/L2 Flood Reflector
Spine Nodes L1 N/A
Leaf Nodes L1/L2 Flood Reflector Client

Connections between various nodes can be understood in two different ways:

  1. Lines between ToF and leaf nodes are Level 2 IS-IS Flood Reflection adjacencies.
  2. Lines between spine and leaf are part of the physically connected underlay.
  3. Lines between ToF and spine are part of the physically connected underlay.

It is important to remember that Auto-FR is not altering the way in which IS-IS Flood Reflection operates in any way, it simply takes existing deployment scenarios and simplifies the provisioning process.

5.2. Auto-FR Analytics

Leaf nodes MAY optionally advertise analytics information about the Auto-FR fabric to ToF nodes using RIFT Key-Value TIEs [RIFT-KV]. This may be helpful in that validation and troubleshooting activities can be performed on the ToF nodes rather than manually verifying the state separately on multiple leaf nodes.

5.2.1. Auto-FR Analytics (Global) Key/Value Pair

This Key/Value pair describes node level information within the context of the Flood Reflection topology. The RIFT System ID of the advertising leaf node MUST be used to differentiate the node among other nodes in the fabric.

The Auto-FR Analytics (Global) Key/Value pair MUST be advertised with the Key Identifier consisting of all 0s.

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|  Well-Known   |  Auto-FR Glb  |          All Zeros            |
|     (Auto-FR Role,                                            |
|      Flood Reflection Cluster ID,                             |
|      Established IS-IS FR L2 Adjacencies,                     |
|      Total IS-IS FR L2 Adjacencies,                           |
|      Established IS-IS FR L1 Shortcut Adjacencies,            |
|      Total IS-IS FR L1 Shortcut Adjacencies,                  |
|      Established IS-IS L1 Adjacencies,                        |
|      Total IS-IS L1 Adjacencies,)                             |
Figure 2: Auto-FR Global Key/Value Pair


  • Auto-FR Role:

    A REQUIRED value indicating the node's Auto-FR role within the fabric.

    Illegal value, MUST NOT be used.
    Auto-FR Flood Reflector Client
    Auto-FR Flood Reflector
    Auto-FR Spine (i.e. a non-ToF / non-Leaf node)
    Auto-FR Cluster ID
    A REQUIRED 32-bit integer indicating the Auto-FR Cluster ID of the local node.
    Established IS-IS Flood Reflector Adjacency Count
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of IS-IS Level 2 Flood Reflector adjacencies in the "Up" state on the local node.
    Total IS-IS Flood Reflector Adjacency Count
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of IS-IS Level 2 Flood Reflector adjacencies on the local node regardless of state.
    Established IS-IS Level 1 Shortcut Count
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of functional IS-IS Level 1 "shortcuts" on the local node.
    Total IS-IS Level 1 Shortcut Count
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of IS-IS Level 1 "shortcuts" the local node regardless of state.
    Established IS-IS Level 1 Adjacency Count
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the number of IS-IS Level 1 adjacencies in the "Up" state on the local node.
    Total IS-IS Level 1 Adjacency Count
    A RECOMMENDED 16-bit integer indicating the total number of IS-IS Level 1 adjacencies on the local node regardless of state.

Implementations leveraging Thrift for Key-Value functionality SHOULD refer to the auto_flood_reflection_kv.thrift (Appendix C) schema in the appendix.

6. IANA Considerations

This section requests the following suggested values from the RIFT Well-Known Key-Type Registry.

Table 2: Auto-FR Suggested Value(s) for RIFT Well-Known Key-Type Registry
Value Key Sub-Type Description Status/Reference
5 Auto-FR Analytics (Global) Key/Value pair containing operational state of a Flood Reflector Client node. This document.

7. Security Considerations

This document introduces no new security concerns to RIFT or other specifications referenced in this document as RIFT natively secures LIE and TIE packets as described in [RIFT].

8. Acknowledgements

This section will be used to acknowledge major contributors.

9. References

9.1. Normative References

ISO, "Intermediate system to Intermediate system routing information exchange protocol for use in conjunction with the Protocol for providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service (ISO 8473)", , <ISO/IEC 10589:2002>.
Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", , <>.
Przygienda, T., Ed., Bowers, C., Lee, Y., Sharma, A., and R. White, "IS-IS Flood Reflection", RFC 9377, DOI 10.17487/RFC9377, , <>.
Przygienda, T., Head, J., Sharma, A., Thubert, P., Rijsman, B., and D. Afanasiev, "RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees", Work in Progress draft-ietf-rift-rift-24, , <>.
Head, J. and T. Przygienda, "RIFT Key/Value TIE Structure and Processing", Work in Progress, draft-ietf-rift-kv-tie-structure-and-processing-01, .

Appendix A. YANG Model

This section serves as a placeholder for a YANG model supporting RIFT Auto-IS-IS and Auto-FR.

Appendix B. Thrift Models

This section contains the normative Thrift models required to support Auto-FR. Per the main RIFT [RIFT] specification, all signed values MUST be interpreted as unsigned values.

B.1. common.thrift

This section specifies extensions to RIFT common.thrift model.

These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-FR.

enum AutoFRModel {
    TunnelMode      = 0,
    NoTunnelMode    = 1,

const AutoFRModel default_autofr_model = AutoFRModel.TunnelMode

typedef i32          FloodReflectionClusterIDType

const FloodReflectionClusterIDType  IllegalClusterID = 0
const FloodReflectionClusterIDType  DefaultClusterID  = 1

/// preference to become FR, higher is better
typedef i32          FloodReflectionPreferenceType

const   FloodReflectionPreferenceType MinFloodReflectionPreference = 0

Figure 3: RIFT Auto-FR: common.thrift

B.2. encoding.thrift

This section specifies extensions to RIFT encoding.thrift model.

These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-FR.

struct NodeCapabilities {
   /** indicates whether auto-flood-reflection feature is implemented on this node (but not necessarily enabled). */
   20: optional bool                           auto_flood_reflection_support = false;

struct LIEPacket {
   /** It provides optional version of FR ZTP as 256 * MAJOR + MINOR, indicates support for auto FR  */
   40: optional i16                                      auto_flood_reflection_version;

   41: optional common.FloodReflectionClusterIDType      auto_flood_reflection_cluster_id;

struct NodeTIEElement {
   /** All Auto FR elements MUST be present in at least one TIE in each direction if auto FR is running.  */
   /** It provides optional version of FR ZTP as 256 * MAJOR + MINOR, indicates support for auto FR  */
   30: optional i16                                     auto_flood_reflection_version;
   /** cluster ID of Auto FR */
   31: optional common.FloodReflectionClusterIDType     auto_flood_reflection_cluster_id;
   /** preference to become FR */
   32: optional common.FloodReflectionPreferenceType    auto_flood_reflection_preference;
Figure 4: RIFT Auto-FR: encoding.thrift

B.3. common_flood_reflection.thrift

This section specifies common_flood_reflection.thrift as a normative THrift model to support core functionality for Auto-FR.

These extensions are REQUIRED in order to support Auto-FR.

namespace py common_flood_reflection
namespace rs models

include "common.thrift"
include "encoding.thrift"

typedef     binary      ISISSystemIDType
typedef     binary      ISISL1NetType

struct AutoFRAnyRole {
    /** common loopback for all nodes */
    1: required   common.IPv6Address                    v6_loopback,
    /** ISIS L1! loopback in 10.* range, may NOT be collision free due to limited # of bytes */
    2: required   common.IPv4Address                    v4_loopback,
    4: required   ISISSystemIDType                      isis_sysid,
    5: required   ISISL1NetType                         isis_net,

   10: required   common.FloodReflectionClusterIDType   fr_cluster_id,

    /** v6 loopback prefix range, used e.g. to clean up config  */
   20: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 v6_loopback_range,
    /** v6 loopback prefix range of FR reflector loopbacks, used e.g. to clean up config  */
   21: required   common.IPv6PrefixType                 fr_loopback_range,
    /** v6 addresses of all possible FR reflector loopbacks in this config. Can be used for e.g. cleanup */
   24: required   set<common.IPv6PrefixType>            possible_elected_frs,

   25: required   common.IPv4PrefixType                 v4_loopback_range,

struct AutoFRReflectorRole {
    1: required   common.IPv6Address                    v6_fr_addr_loopback,

struct AutoFRLeafRole {
    1: optional   i8                                    empty_placeholder,

struct AutoFRRoles {
    1: required  AutoFRAnyRole                          generic,
    2: optional  AutoFRReflectorRole                    flood_reflector,
    3: optional  AutoFRLeafRole                         leaf,

/// default delay before FR FSM starts to compute anything
const common.TimeIntervalInSecType          default_autofr_startup_delay = 10

/// default preference to become FR
const common.FloodReflectionPreferenceType  default_autofr_preference = 0
Figure 5: RIFT Auto-FR: common_flood_reflection.thrift

Appendix C. auto_flood_reflection_kv.thrift

This section defines auto_flood_reflection_kv.thrift as a method of supporting Auto-FR analytics functionality.

include "common.thrift"

namespace py auto_flood_reflection_kv
namespace rs models

const i8            AutoFRWellKnownKeyType  = 1
typedef i32         AutoFRKeyIdentifier
typedef i16         AutoFRCounterType
typedef i32         AutoFRLongCounterType

const i8            GlobalAutoFRTelemetryKV  = 5

/** We don't need the full role structure, only an indication of the node's basic role */
enum AutoFRRole {
    ILLEGAL            = 0,
    auto_fr_leaf       = 1,
    auto_fr_reflector  = 2,
    auto_fr_spine      = 3, // i.e. non-(ToF|Leaf)

/** Auto-FR Global (Node) Telemetry

    1st     byte  MUST be = "Well-Known"
    2nd     byte  MUST be = "GlobalAutoFRTelemetryKV"
    3rd/4th bytes MUST be = all 0s

    Flooding Scope: Leaves only
struct AutoFRTelemetryGlobalKV {
    1: required   set<AutoFRRole>                           auto_fr_roles,
    2: required   common.FloodReflectionClusterIDType       cluster_id,

    3: optional   AutoFRCounterType                         established_isis_fr_adjacencies_count,

    4: optional   AutoFRCounterType                         total_isis_fr_adjacencies_count,

    5: optional   AutoFRCounterType                         established_isis_l1_shortcut_adjacencies_count,

    6: optional   AutoFRCounterType                         total_isis_l1_shortcut_adjacencies_count,

    7: optional   AutoFRCounterType                         established_isis_l1_adjacencies_count,

    8: optional   AutoFRCounterType                         total_isis_l1_adjacencies_count,
Figure 6: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_flood_reflection_kv.thrift

Appendix D. Auto-FR Variable Derivation

This section contains the normative variable derivation algorithms that are REQUIRED to support Auto-FR.

/// indicates how many FRs we're computing in AUTO FR
pub const MAX_AUTO_FR_FRS: usize = 3;

/// indicates the cluster has no ID, used in computations to omit effects of cluster ID
pub const NO_CLUSTER_ID: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType = 0;

/// unique v6 prefix for all nodes starts with this
pub fn auto_fr_v6pref(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:B1", cid)

/// how many bytes in a v6pref for different purposes
pub const AUTO_FR_V6PREFLEN: usize = 8 * 5;

/// unique v6 prefix for flood reflector purposes starts like this
pub fn auto_fr_v6frpref(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType) -> String {
    format!("FD00:{:04X}:B2", cid)

/// unique v4 prefix for IRB purposes
pub const AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKNET: u8 = 10;
pub const AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK : usize = 8;
Figure 7: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_const_structs_types
/// auto FR V4 loopback for FRs
pub fn auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv4loopback(_cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType,
                                    preference: u8) -> Result<IPv4Address, ServiceErrorType> {
    if preference > MAX_AUTO_FR_FRS as _ {
    } else {
        let m = ((AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKNET as IPv4Address) << (32 - AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK)) | (preference as IPv4Address);
Figure 8: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv4loopback
/// auto FR V6 loopback for FRs
pub fn auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv6loopback(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType,
                                      preference: u8) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    auto_fr_v6prefixcidsid2loopback(&auto_fr_v6frpref(cid), cid, (1 + preference) as _)
Figure 9: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv6loopback
pub fn auto_fr_cidsid2isisnet(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut r = vec![0x49]; // magic AFI

    // area ID derived from cluster ID
                                            |prev, val| (prev ^ (val.rotate_right(4) as u16))).to_ne_bytes());
    // ISIS ID derived from system ID + cid/sid
    r.extend(auto_fr_cidsid2isissid(cid, sid).into_iter());
    // selector non v-node

Figure 10: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cidsid2isisnet
/// ISIS system ID derivation
pub fn auto_fr_cidsid2isissid(
    cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType,
    sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Vec<u8> {

    let sb = auto_fr_v6hash(cid, sid);

         sb[4] ^ sb[5].rotate_right(4),
         sb[6] ^ sb[7].rotate_right(4),
Figure 11: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cidsid2isissid
/// v4 loopback address derivation for every node in auto-flood-reflection, returns address
pub fn auto_fr_cidsid2v4loopback(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> IPv4Address {
    let mut derived = sid.to_ne_bytes().iter()
        .fold(0 as IPv4Address, |p, e| (p << 4) ^ (*e as IPv4Address));
    derived ^= cid as IPv4Address;
    // use the byte we loose for entropy
    derived ^= derived >> (32 - AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK);
    // and sanitize for loopback range, we nuke 8 bits out
    derived &= (!U32MASKS[AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK]) as IPv4Address;

    let (frpr, frm) = auto_fr_v4frpref(cid);
    let v4m = U32MASKS[frm as usize];

    let mut m = ((AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKNET as IPv4Address) << (32 - AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK)) | derived;

    // collision with elected FR v4 prefixes, rederive
    if (m & v4m as IPv4Address) == frpr {
        derived ^= IPv4Address::MAX;
        derived &= (!U32MASKS[AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK]) as IPv4Address;
        m = ((AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKNET as IPv4Address) << (32 - AUTO_FR_V4LOOPBACKMASK)) | derived;

    m as _
Figure 12: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cidsid2v4loopback
/// V6 loopback derivation for every node in auto fr
pub fn auto_fr_cidsidv6loopback(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType,
                                  sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    auto_fr_v6prefixcidsid2loopback(&auto_fr_v6pref(cid), cid, sid)
Figure 13: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cidsidv6loopback
/// Function sorts vector of systemIDs first,
/// Followed by a shuffle taking largest/smallest/2nd largest/2nd smallest.
/// Preference is used to take the according subsets to run this algorithm
/// sequentially.
pub(crate) fn auto_fr_sids2frs(mut v: Vec<(FloodReflectionPreferenceType,
                                 -> Vec<UnsignedSystemID> {
    v.par_sort_by(|(p1, s1),
                   (p2, s2)|
        match p2.cmp(p1) {
            Ordering::Equal => s2.cmp(s1),
            e @ _ => e

    let mut elected = vec![];

    while elected.len() < MAX_AUTO_FR_FRS && !v.is_empty() {
        let pref = (&v[0]).0;

        let mut splitat = 0;
        while splitat < v.len() && (&v[splitat]).0 == pref {
            splitat += 1;

        let mut so = v.split_off(splitat);
        std::mem::swap(&mut v, &mut so);

        let mut mixed = if so.len() > 2 {
            let mut s = so.split_off(so.len() / 2);
            interleave(so.into_iter(), s.into_iter())
        } else {


    elected.drain(..).map(|(_, sid)| sid).collect()
Figure 14: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_sids2frs
pub(crate) fn auto_fr_v62octets(a: Ipv6Addr) -> Vec<u8> {
Figure 15: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_v62octets
/// generic bytes derivation used for different purposes
pub fn auto_fr_v6hash(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType, sid: UnsignedSystemID)
                        -> [u8; 8] {
    let sub = (cid as UnsignedSystemID) ^ sid.rotate_right(8);

Figure 16: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_v6hash
/// local address with encoded cluster ID and system ID for collision free identifiers. Basis
/// for several different prefixes.
pub fn auto_fr_v6prefixcidsid2loopback(v6pref: &str, cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType,
                                       sid: UnsignedSystemID) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, ServiceErrorType> {
    assert!(cid != ILLEGAL_CLUSTER_I_D as _);
    let a = format!("{}00::{}",
                            chunk.fold(0u16, |v, n| (v << 8) | *n as u16))
                        .map(|v| format!("{:04X}", v))

        .map_err(|_| ServiceErrorType::INTERNALRIFTERROR)
Figure 17: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_v6prefixcidsid2loopback
/// cluster prefixes derived instead of advertising default on the cluster to allow
/// for default route on ToF or leaves
pub fn auto_fr_cid2cluster_prefixes(cid: UnsignedFloodReflectionClusterIDType) -> Result<Vec<IPPrefixType>, ServiceErrorType> {
        (auto_fr_cidsidv6loopback(cid, ILLEGAL_SYSTEM_I_D as _), AUTO_FR_V6PREFLEN),
        (auto_fr_cidfrpref2frv6loopback(cid, 0 as _), AUTO_FR_V6PREFLEN),
        .map(|(p, _)|
            match p {
                Ok(_) => Ok(
                        IPv6PrefixType {
                            address: auto_fr_v62octets(p?),
                            prefixlen: AUTO_FR_V6PREFLEN as _,
                Err(e) => Err(e),
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
Figure 18: RIFT Auto-FR: auto_fr_cid2cluster_prefixes

Appendix E. Auto-IS-IS Variable Derivation

This section serves as a placeholder for what will be the REQUIRED normative algorithms for deriving the necessary variables in an Auto-IS-IS topology.

Authors' Addresses

Jordan Head (editor)
Juniper Networks
1133 Innovation Way
Sunnyvale, CA
United States of America
Tony Przygienda
Juniper Networks
1133 Innovation Way
Sunnyvale, CA
United States of America
Colby Barth
Juniper Networks
1133 Innovation Way
Sunnyvale, CA
United States of America
Luis Tomotaki
400 International Parkway
Richardson, TX
United States of America
Brant Brockdorff
899 Heathrow Park Lane
Lake Mary, FL
United States of America