Article 3123 of comp.sources.d:
Path: santra!tut!draken!kth!mcvax!uunet!lll-winken!ames!pasteur!ucbvax!!!bob
From: (Bob Sutterfield)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.d
Subject: How to get GNU (and other) software from osu-cis via UUCP
Message-ID: <>
Date: 2 May 89 17:27:50 GMT
References: <> <>
Organization: The Ohio State University Dept of Computer & Information Science
Lines: 680
Supercedes: <>

-rw-rw-r--  1 bob         25461 May  2 12:57

This file (osu-cis!~/ describes how to get the
following software from osu-cis via semi-anonymous UUCP:

Compress	GNU /bin Utilities	GNU Assembler	GNU Awk
GNU Bison	GNU C++ Compiler	GNU C++ Debugger
GNU C++ Library	GNU C Compiler	GNU Chess	GNU Debugger
GNU Diff	GNU Emacs	GNU Emacs Ada support
GNU Emacs Franz interface	GNU Emacs Lisp Manual
GNU Lex	GNU Grep	GNU Make	GNU Pins & Art	GNU Plot
GNU Sed	GNU Tar	GNUS	Ghostscript	Gnews	Ispell	JOVE
KA9Q	Kermit	Leif	MIT C Scheme	Mg2a
NNTP	News	Oops	PC RRN	Patch	Pathalias
SB Prolog	Sendmail5.61	STDWIN	Smail 2.5	Tcsh

There's a lot of other available miscellany that isn't explicitly
listed here.  You can find out about it in the file osu-cis!~/ls-lR.Z

The Computer and Information Science Department of the Ohio State
University provides Free Software Foundation GNU products (and others)
via UUCP only as a redistribution service.  Anything found here is
only and exactly as it would be found on the indicated Internet hosts,
were one to acquire it via anonymous FTP (like we did); or else saved
it as it flowed past on the Usenet source distribution newsgroups.
OSU CIS takes no responsibility for the contents of any of the
distributions described in this message.  See the Distribution
document (emacs/etc/DISTRIB when you unpack and build Emacs) and the
GNU Emacs General Public License (emacs/etc/COPYING, similarly).

Much of the GNU software is in beta-test.  For a list of the current
statuses (stati?), ask for a copy of the latest
FSF order form.

How to reach osu-cis via uucp
Here is a set of L.sys or Systems file lines suitable for osu-cis:

# Micom switch 2400 bps
osu-cis Any ACU 2400 1-614-292-3124 "" \r\c Name? osu-cis RETURN \c GO \d\r\d\r\d\r in:--in:--in: Uanon
# Micom switch 1200 bps
osu-cis Any ACU 1200 1-614-292-3112 "" \r\c Name? osu-cis RETURN \c GO \d\r\d\r\d\r in:--in:--in: Uanon

Modify as appropriate for your site, of course, to deal with your
local telephone system.  There is no limit concerning what hours of
the day you may call.  The new osu-cis has ten lines on the Micom
switch that all work very well, so the directly-connected 1200bps and
2400bps modems have been retired.

Where the files are
Most items exist on osu-cis for distribution purposes in compressed
tar form, exactly what you find on the indicated hosts in the
specified origin files.  Most items are cut into pieces for the sake
of uucp sanity.  This separation helps if your uucp session fails
midway through a conversation; you need restart only with the part
that failed, rather than the whole beast.  The pieces are typically
named with a root word, followed by letter pairs like "aa" and "bj,"
meaning that the pieces are all named with the root word, followed by
a dash and the suffixes indicated, using the letters inclusive between
the two limits.  All pieces but the last are 100,000 bytes long, and
the fragmentary last piece has some smaller size.

The instruction listings below are alphabetized as in the summary
block above.

Source is comp.sources.unix Volume 2, Issues 27, 28, and 29, and we
redistribute it here as a convenience to GNU-getters who might not
have it otherwise.
Root is ~/compress/ and consists of the following (uncompressed)
`shar' archives:

    compress4.0.0     4,456
    compress4.0.1    50,346
    compress4.0.2    33,203

GNU /bin Utilities
Source is as of 5 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/binutils/binutils.tar.Z, single file, 219,115 bytes.

GNU Assembler
Source is as of 28 Feb.
Root is ~/gnu/gas/gas-1.31.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ad [4 pieces].
Part -ad is 77,157 bytes long.

Source is of 11 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/awk/gawk-2.10.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ag [7 pieces].
Part -ag is 3,551 bytes long.

GNU Bison
Source is as of 5 Apr.
File is ~/gnu/bison/bison.tar.Z, size is 219,145 bytes.

GNU C++ Compiler
Source is as of 4 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/g++/1.34.2/g++-1.34.2.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ai [9 pieces].
Part -ai is 54,593 bytes long.

Diffs available are ~/gnu/g++/
    g++-1.34.0-1.34.1.diffs.Z    22,594 bytes
    g++-1.34.1-1.34.2.diffs.Z   244,435

GNU C++ Debugger
Source is as of 16 Dec.
Root is ~/gnu/g++/gdb+.tar-2.8.1.Z-part-??, parts aa-af [6 pieces].
Part -af is 65,400 bytes long.

GNU C++ Library
Source is as of 9 Mar.
Root is ~/gnu/g++/libg++-1.34.0.tar.Z-part-??, parts a-f [6 pieces].
Part -f is 65,565 bytes long.

GNU C Compiler
Source is as of 26 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/gcc/1.35/gcc-1.35.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ay [25 pieces].
Part -ay is 18,561 bytes long.

There are some diff files available, previous to and sometimes beyond
the current osu-cis `base' gcc distribution (1.35 now).  Diffs
available are:

Diffs available are ~/gnu/gcc/
    gcc.diff-1.30-1.31.Z   63,593
    gcc.diff-1.31-1.32.Z  204,325
    gcc.diff-1.32-1.33.Z  306,702
    gcc.diff-1.33-1.34.Z  208,826
    gcc.diff-1.34-1.35.Z  377,177

GCC requires Bison, since it uses a feature (@n) of Bison that's not
in Yacc.  Remember to pick that up too - see the instructions above.
GDB, the GNU Debugger for C, is available separately - see above.

Current releases of gcc comment (in the source) that a version of
Bison not older than Sep 8 1988 is required for correct operation.
Such a version is now in place on osu-cis.

I have been asked to continue to emphasize that "although ... GCC is
heading toward reliability, it is still a test release that generates
a few new bug reports a week...  Generally people shouldn't yet use
GCC except to help debug it, or if they are interested in porting it
or writing new front ends for it, until it becomes more stable."  The
compiler will be considered non-beta when it has successfully produced
a full running UNIX system from sources.

GNU Chess
Source is as of 20 Feb.
Root is ~/gnu/chess/gnuchess.tar.Z-part-ad, pieces aa-ad [4 pieces].
Part -ad is 62,289 bytes long.

GDB (the GNU Debugger)
gdb 2.8 is considered to have full release status, and is distributed
with Emacs.  gdb 3.1 is still in beta test.

Source is as of 31 Jan.
Root is ~/gnu/gdb/3.1/gdb.tar-3.1.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ah [8 pieces].
Part -ah is 29,553 bytes long.

Source is as of 3 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/gdb/3.1.2/gdb-3.1.2.tar.Z-part-aa, parts aa-ah [8 pieces].
Part -af is 49,293 bytes long.

Diffs available are ~/gnu/gdb/
    gdb.diff-3.0-3.1.Z         109,563 bytes
    gdb-3.1.1-3.1.2.diffs.Z      5,170

GNU Diff
Source is as of 26 Oct 1988.
File is ~/gnu/diff/diff.tar.Z, single file, 94,815 bytes.

GNU Emacs
Source is on 26 Apr 1989.
Root is ~/gnu/emacs/18.54/edist.tar-18.54.Z-part-bq, pieces aa-bq [43 pieces].
Part -bq is 93,001 bytes long.

Diffs available are ~/gnu/emacs/
    diff-18.50-18.51.Z    468,899
    diff-18.51-18.52.Z    545,949
    diff-18.52-18.53.Z     38,576
    diff-18.53-18.54.Z     70,153

Note that diff files frequently have new files or instructions at
their top, and that it may be necessary to cut a diff file into as
many pieces as there are directories in which patches were made; this
depends largely on the recency of your patch program.

Chris Maio ('s NeWS (1.0 and 1.1) support for GNU
Emacs (18.49 through 18.53 and perhaps beyond) is available separately.
Source is, as of Sep 4.
File is ~/gnu/emacs/ps-emacs.tar.Z, size is 36,423 bytes.

The X11R2 distribution of the X11 port of the X10 XMenu library is in
~/X.V11R3/contrib/oldXMenu.tar.Z as one file of 45,438 bytes.

Leonard Zubkoff's Apollo support for 18.52 is available separately.
Source is as of 25 Nov.
Root is ~/gnu/emacs/apollo/apollo-emacs.tar.Z-part-aa, pieces aa-af [6 pieces].
Part -af is 78,301 bytes.

Source is
File is ~/gnu/emacs/apollo/apollo_emacs_support.tar.Z, one file, 115,347 bytes.
Source is
File is ~/gnu/emacs/apollo/apollo-emacs-9.7.tar.Z, one file, 715,923 bytes.
Source is
File is ~/gnu/emacs/apollo/apollo-emacs-10.1.tar.Z, one file, 1,411,903 bytes.

Nelson Beebe's VMS Dired patches for 18.52 are available separately.
Source is as of 26 Nov.
Root is ~/gnu/emacs/vms-dired-?of3, pieces 1-3, sizes 12,014,
16,819, and 9,394.  These are compressed DCL archives.

Ada support for GNU Emacs
Source is of Oct 18.
File is ~/gnu/emacs/ada/gnu-ada-1.05, one file, 123,331 bytes.
This is a compressed tar file.

Franz Lisp support for GNU Emacs
Franz Inc.'s support for their Lisp is available separately.
Source is as of 17 Feb.
File is ~/gnu/emacs/franz/gnudist_1_3.tar.Z, one file, 158,381 bytes.

GNU Emacs Lisp Manual
Source is as of 23 Apr.
File is ~/gnu/lisp-manual/README.Z, one piece, 246 bytes.

Source is*.Z as of 1 Apr.
File is ~/gnu/lisp-manual/elisp.Z (the top of the info tree).
Root is ~/gnu/lisp-manual/elisp-*.Z, pieces 1-16 [16 pieces].
The pieces are of varying sizes.

Source is of 1 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/lisp-manual/new-edition/elisp.tar.Z-??, pieces aa-ad [4 pieces].
Part -ad is 11,666 bytes long.

PostScript renditions of the older version of the manual are in
~/gnu/lisp-manual/old-edition/[a-f] and, which total 592,629 and 60,025 bytes, respectively.

GNU Grep
Source is as of 1 Mar.
File is ~/gnu/grep/grep-1.3.tar.Z, single file, 91,615 bytes.

Source is of 18 Nov.
File is ~/gnu/flex/flex.tar.Z, single file, 91,729 bytes.

GNU Make
Source is of 25 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/make/3.47/make-3.47.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ac [3 pieces].
Part -ac is 56,447 bytes long.

Source is of 25 Apr.
Root is ~/gnu/make/3.47/make-doc-3.47.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ac [3 pieces].
Part -ac is 20,789 bytes long.

Diffs available are ~/gnu/make/
    make.diff-3.43-3.44.Z    3,742
    make.diff-3.44-3.45.Z    6,934
    make-3.45-3.47.diff.Z   36,112
    make-3.46-3.47.diff.Z    6,174

GNU Pins & Art
Source is as of 16 Feb 1989.
File is ~/gnu/button3.00shar [one piece], 27,873 bytes long.

Source is as of 16 Jun 1988.
File is ~/gnu/button2.00shar [one piece], 22,057 bytes long.

Source is as of 25 Feb 1988.
File is ~/gnu/ [one piece], 6,107 bytes long.

No diffs are available.

GNU Plot
Source is as of 2 March.
File is ~/gnu/gnuplot/gnuplot.tar.Z [one piece], 141,383 bytes long.

Source is as of 26 Jan.
File is ~/gnu/sed/sed-1.01.tar.Z, single file, 51,200 bytes.

Source is as of 10 Mar.
File is ~/gnu/tar/tar-1.05.tar.Z, single file, 146,510 bytes.

File is ~/gnu/gnus/gnus-3.11.tar.Z, one file, 140,513 bytes.

Source is as of 26 Feb.
Root is ~/gnu/ghostscript/ghostscript-1.2.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ac
[3 pieces].
Part -ac is 84,391 bytes long.

Source is as of 21 Oct.
File is ~/gnu/gnews/gnews-2.0-tar.Z, one piece.
Size is 229,359 bytes.

Sources are from as of 8 Mar 1989.
Root is ~/gnu/ispell/ and contains the following:
    dict.191.Z      71,029
    ispell.shar.Z  108,435
    ispell.el       22,712

Source is as of 16 Mar 1989.
Root is ~/jove/jove.tar.4.12.Z-part-ad, pieces aa-ad [4 pieces].
Part -ad is 87,298 bytes long.

KA9Q version 870829.12
Sources from as of 3 Apr.
Root is ~/ka9q/, files as follow:
    88-121.arc     76,005 bytes
    alpha.arc     348,989
    aztecnos.arc  372,916
    bmdist.arc     65,536
    drivers.arc    85,066
    net.exe       172,032
    net_bm.arc     42,505
    net_des.arc    29,050
    net_doc.arc   150,013
    net_pc.arc    139,264     2,443
    net_src.arc   318,378
    part97.arc     68,922
    pk232.arc      41,621
    pkx35a35.exe   71,680
    pxx111.arc     37,094
    src.arc       378,566
    tnc_ash.arc    57,076
    tnc_ldr.arc    15,790
    tnc_tnc1.arc   52,127
    tnc_tnc2.arc   49,542

C-Kermit version 4e(070) from
Root is ~/kermit/ck4e.070/4e070.tar.Z-??, pieces aa-ar [18 pieces].
Part -ar is 5,220 bytes long.

MS-Kermit 2.32, ready to boot on an MS-DOS machine, is in ~/kermit/
    mskerm.bwr.Z	 10,221 bytes
    mskerm.doc.Z	133,615
    mskerm.hlp.Z	  8,796
    msr232.upd.Z	 12,475	 87,323

Macintosh Kermit is in ~/kermit/
    ckmker.hqx          100,781
    ckmker.mss           31,417
    ckmker.tar.Z        271,530

Source is and .../leif.tar.Z.
Files are ~/leif/leif-doc.tar.Z (67,091 bytes) and
~/leif/leif.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-af [6 pieces].
Part -af is 78,618 bytes.

MIT C Scheme
Source is, MIT C Scheme v6.1.1
as of 8 Dec 1987 04:21.
Root is ~/mitscheme/scheme6.1.1.tar.Z-part-aa, pieces aa-au [21 pieces].
Part -au is 43,751 bytes long.

Also see ~/mitscheme/
    examples.tar.Z       46,430    
    r3rs.tar.Z          118,901
    tiedwin.tar.Z       136,498

GNU Emacs-like text editor, `micro' in size and origin.
Sources are from comp.sources.misc, Volume 3.
Root is ~/mg/mg2a.??.Z, pieces 01-15 [15 pieces] in varying sizes.

Source is
File is ~/nntp/nntp1.5.tar.Z, size is 199,849
Also get Patch[123].Z.

Source is Usenet news software 2.11, plus patches 1 through 17, as
distributed over comp.sources.unix plus patches found in
Source code root is ~/news/2.11news.??.Z, pieces 01-20 [20
Patches' root is ~/news/Patch??.Z, pieces 01-17 [17 pieces].
To build a current news system, get all the files, unpack 2.11news.*,
and apply each of the patches in turn.

An object-oriented programming system.
Source is as of 16 Dec.
Root is ~/gnu/oops/oops-v2r2.tar.Z-part-??, pieces aa-ae [5 pieces].
Part -ae is 34,189 bytes long.

Syd Weinstein's port of rrn to the IBM-PC running MS-DOS with an
Excelan card.
Source is from dsinc!~/rrn.[123].tar.Z.
Files are ~/pcrrn/pcrrn.[123].tar.Z, sizes 58423, 73207, and

Source is Patch version 2.0, Patchlevel 12, as distributed over
comp.sources.unix plus patches found in comp.sources.bugs.
File is ~/patch/patch.tar.Z, one file, 69,689 bytes.

Source is comp.sources.unix, Volume 12.
Files are ~/pathalias/pathalias9.[12].Z, sizes are 27294 and
28968, respectively.  These are compressed shar files.

A newer version (source: is
also available as a compressed shar file.
File is ~/pathalias/honey/pathalias.Z.  Size is 53726.

Proxy ARP daemon
Helps non-subnet-wise hosts live in a subnetted environment.
Source from Haavard Eidnes (, Release 2 of 25 Sep 88.
File is ~/proxyarp/proxyarp.sharZ, one file, 15,959 bytes.

Source is
File is ~/rcs/rcs.tar.Z, size 193,473.

NOTE: Your first responsibility on obtaining and unpacking this
software is to read the README and READ_ME files contained within it.
The RCS system constitutes (as I now understand it) shareware; it
contains no proprietary code, but the copyright holder (the author,
Walter Tichy) requires you to register your usage of the system with
him.  Questions should be addressed to the author.

Various documents (Requests for Comments) related to the Internet are
available here: the complete set of RFCs found on
Root is ~/rfc/rfcXXX.Z, where XXX is the number of the RFC and
the set available includes:

3 5 6 10 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 149 179 189 407 425 527
542 561 567 569 580 599 602 606 607 614 615 617 618 620 624 626 636
640 643 644 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 660 662 663 672 674 678
681 683 684 685 687 689 691 695 698 699 700 701 704 705 706 707 708
713 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732
733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749
750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766
767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783
784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800
801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817
818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834
835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851
852 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869
870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886
887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903
904 905 906 907 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
920 921 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935
936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952
953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969
970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986
987 988 989 990 992 993 994 995 996 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004
1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018
1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032
1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1040 1041 1041 1042
1043 1044 1045 1046 1046 1047 1047 1048 1048 1049 1049 1050 1050 1051
1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1057 1058 1058 1059 1062 1063 1064
1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078
1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092
1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1100 1101

Also in ~/rfc/, the files arpa-internet-protocols.Z,
assigned-numbers.Z, author-instruct.Z, hedrick-intro.Z,
hedrick-admin.Z, internet-numbers.Z, rfc-index.Z, and rfc-sets.Z
contain documentation about the Internet and the RFCs.  (All of these
files are compressed.)

The Internet Design, Engineering and Analysis noteS (IDEAS) are
available here, as found on
Root is ~/idea/idea00??-??.Z, where ??-?? is one of

02-00 03-00 04-00 04-01 05-00 06-00 07-00 08-00 09-00 10-00 11-00
11-01 12-00 13-00 14-00 15-00 16-00 17-00 18-00 19-00 20-00 21-00
22-00 23-00 24-00

The abstract file is called ~/idea/index-abs.Z, and the index is in index.Z.

Source is of 25 Jan, and sbprolog/v{2.5,3.0}/ of 12 Feb.
Almost everything is a compressed tar file.  Files are ~/sbprolog/
    COPYING                   5,981 bytes
    INSTALL                     737
    README                      812        62,523    
    v2.5/CHANGES              2,487    
    v2.5/README                 574
    v2.5/VERSIONS             1,011
    v2.5/bench.tar.Z         40,880
    v2.5/cmplib.tar.Z       119,447
    v2.5/cmplib_src.tar.Z    83,477
    v2.5/lib.tar.Z           20,819
    v2.5/modlib.tar.Z        88,763
    v2.5/modlib_src.tar.Z   113,053
    v2.5/sbp_ports.tar.Z      24,363
    v2.5/sim.tar.Z           97,339
    v3.0/README                 399
    v3.0/cmplib.tar.Z       132,981
    v3.0/cmplib_src.tar.Z    86,329
    v3.0/lib.tar.Z           23,129
    v3.0/modlib.tar.Z        83,911
    v3.0/modlib_src.tar.Z   102,459
    v3.0/sbp_Iris.Z           8,681
    v3.0/sim.tar.Z          100,743

Source is
File is ~/sendmail/sendmail.tar.Z, one file, 499,649 bytes.

Standard window interface for different systems.
Source is* as of 29 Jul.
Files are ~/stdwin/
    ABOUT.Z		 7,426
    README.Z		 1,395
    alfa.tar.Z		28,322
    any.tar.Z		91,791
    atari.tar.Z		30,977
    bed.tar.Z		13,970
    doc.old.Z		20,648
    dpv.tar.Z		29,598
    mac.tar.Z		38,141
    man.tar.Z		26,115
    mg1.tar.Z		49,747
    miniedit.tar.Z	21,561
    msdos.tar.Z		18,110
    qview.tar.Z		12,690		22,875
    termcap.tar.Z	22,492
    x11.tar.Z		50,268

Source is comp.sources.unix, Volume 11.
Files are ~/smail/smail.{doc,src}.Z, sizes are 114275 and
52140, respectively.  These are compressed shar files.

Patches to give the 4.3BSD csh command line editing, completion, etc.
File is ~/tcsh/tcsh.tar.Z, one file, 194,061 bytes, dated 11 Feb 1989.

What to do with it all - building Emacs as an example
Pick a night when you can afford to be at the office late.  {:-)}

Arrange to have the files uucp'd to your site.  Copying the complete
set of Emacs slices will take on the order of 5 hours at 2400 bps,
correspondingly more at 1200.  Your mileage will definitely vary, by
as much as 20% on either side of that (intentionally vague) estimate.
By way of comparison, a transfer of Emacs 18.50 at 2400bps to
Portland, Oregon was reported to cost about $42.00, weekend rates.  If
you successfully UUCP anything from osu-cis, please send us mail
describing any problems you had, and (if possible) an estimate of how
long it took you and at what baud rate, so that we can keep these
figures up to date.

Note: Do not request the files to be transferred using a command like

% uucp osu-cis!~/gnu/emacs/18.54/edist\* /some/local/directory

because that won't work.  That will queue up a short request via *uux*
to run a uucp command on osu-cis; it will fail for security reasons.
You must issue many uucp commands: one for each file in each
distribution you want, plus one for each diff file you want.  They
will all get queued and executed in as few UUCP connections as

After the files have all showed up, you should extract the full
distribution of GNU Emacs thusly:
        cat edist.tar-18.54.Z-part-?? | zcat | tar xvf -
Voila`, you have GNU Emacs, ready to build and cause you both joy and
pain for the rest of your life.  The other stuff available here is
unpacked similarly.

The `zcat' mentioned above is part of the `compress' distribution,
which you will have to get if you don't have it yet.  Everything that
we distribute (except `compress' itself) is compressed with a 16-bit
Lempel-Ziv scheme.  Some computers (notably those based on Intel
family microprocessors) are unable for memory segmentation reasons to
handle compression with a scheme higher than 12 bits.  Since we can't
afford the space and time to provide both 12- and 16-bit distributions
via this mechanism, if you need things in a 12-bit compression format,
you will need to find a cooperative friend with a full 32-bit machine
to uncompress the distribution, and possibly recompress it for you in
12-bit format.

This file of instructions exists as the file ~/, and is
updated as new distributions and diffs come out and are made
available.  This happens much more frequently than the full set of
instructions are posted to comp.sources.d, so get it first to be sure
what you are getting later in each night's UUCP transfer.
Unfortunately, the worst case might be that (e.g.) if you only get
part of a full distribution one night and a new version arrives during
the day, you might get some of the part-*s for the old version and not
know that the rest of your part-*s are from the new one.  Get this
file to be sure.

There's another file called ~/ls-lR.Z that contains the output of
executing the comand `ls -lR' at the top level of the UUCP
distribution tree.  Lots of other stuff is available besides the most
popular stuff that's listed here.  That file is updated daily at
around 3:00am Eastern time, so you may want to get it occasionally to
keep up to date.

People often have problems with uucp.  Feel free to write us some
mail; we'll be happy to help as much as we can, though that is usually
limited by distance and mail turnaround time.


Bob Sutterfield             Karl Kleinpaste
osu-cis!bob                 osu-cis!karl
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