Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #20
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 30 Jan 98       Volume 16 : Issue 20

Today's Topics:

      12-tone Matrix Generator
      [A] 68010 Processor
      [Q] Can the Zip drive of a PM G3 be disabled to free its SCSI ID?
      [Q] HD partitions mount with generic folder icon
      Apple Express Modem prob
      Desktop Trash
      Double folder sizes
      G3 EtherNet problems
      Getting info off Classic with dead monitor (R)
      Macweek with dishonest advertsising tricks
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug
      OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
      text to speech to file?
      WriteNow and OS8+
      Zip Drive/CD-ROM incompatibilities in the Macintosh

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Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:20:50 -0500 (EST)
From: Ebony Sam Cyr <>
Subject: 12-tone Matrix Generator


A while back I knew of a piece of software which could generate and print a
matrix for serial (12-tone, dodecaphonic) music composition. I had actually
corresponded with the author at one point (about the time System 7 came into
being) about something that wasn't working as well as it could have.

That was some time and two computer upgrades ago. I have since lost the
original program and the name/info about the programmer. Does anyone here
know the name of such a program and information about how to contact the
author and/or obtain the software?

Please reply directly. Thank you.

 Byron C. Mayes


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 98 09:12:59 -0500
From: Chris Gervais <>
Subject: [A] 68010 Processor


><SMALLER>Do any of the early Netscape browsers work OK on a PowerBook
>with a 68010 processer running System 7.1, or should I upgrade the
>system and the RAM before I even hassle with it?</SMALLER>

Apple never produced a PowerBook with the 68010 processor, they made ones 
with the 68000 (the original Mac Portable and the PowerBook 100) and the 
68030 and higher. I believe that most versions of Netscape required at 
least a 68020 or higher because of Color QuickDraw. You could probably 
run Netscape on a PowerBook 140 (16MHz 68030) or better but you'll 
probably have a tough time finding a web browser (although you can still 
get MacWeb) to run on a 68000 machine. System 7.1 with the latest MacTCP 
should be fine for an older browser but newer ones are recommending Open 
Transport 1.1.x or higher.

Hope this helps,


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:35:47 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE>
Subject: [Q] Can the Zip drive of a PM G3 be disabled to free its SCSI ID?

I am considering moving from a PM 8200/120 to a G3/266 Desktop. The inbuilt
Zip drive on the latter is of no use to me as I already own a Jaz drive.
Moreover with one extra internal drive, three external drives and a scanner
I already have the full complement of peripherals and the Zip drive is
therefore sitting on a SCSI ID that I would want to use for my existing
devices. Is it possible to disconnect the Zip and thus free up its ID for
another drive?
TIA - Fergus Lalor


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:20:58 +0000
From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE>
Subject: [Q] HD partitions mount with generic folder icon

My PM 8200/120 running S7.5.5 has a 1G boot disk and two 2G HDs, one
internal, the other external. Both 2G disks have four 500 Mb partitions
each with a distinctive icon, four of them from the HD Toolkit stable and
the other four shareware. Occasionally booting the machine results in one
volume showing on the desktop with a generic *folder* icon. The volume
concerned can be any partition from either disk. Rebooting restores the
correct icon. At this level it the phenomenon is just a minor inconvenience
but I worry that it might signal some deeper problem. Suggestions/comments
TIA - Fergus Lalor


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:16:30 -0600
From: Butch Kemper <>
Subject: Apple Express Modem prob

 Internet connection. I've installed all the necessary software (MacTCP,
> FrePPP, ect.) yet my modem does not respond. I've tried numerous modem
> inits and still nothing.
> I get an error message that reads: "PPP wait
> timout while waiting for 'OK.'" I'm positive there is something wrong with
> the modem because I hooked up my old modem and it works (hence me typing
> this message).

This generally means that you have a init string that is not valid for the
modem.  PPP sends the init string to the modem and waits for the OK
response.  If the modem doesn't understand the string, it doesn't say OK.

Fix the modem init string and your problem will go away.



Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:14:36 +1300
From: Isle <>
Subject: Desktop Trash

I have lost the "Trash Full" icon from my Desktop. Has anybody any idea how
to easily reinstall it, preferably not using ResEdit. I am running System
7.1 on an LCIII


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 01:55:10 -0800
From: Tony <>
Subject: Double folder sizes

>I am running a StarMax 5000/225 with System 7.6. Always back up
>documents each shutdown with a small application called "SimpleBackup".
>The folder size is 62.4 megs on the Zip; after it is copied back onto the main
>drive, the size is 134.8 megs.

Best guess: there's nothing wrong, because you have lots of little
documents in the folder, and because the files take up more space on your
HD than they do on the Zip drive.

Minimum block size on a HD is likely to be much larger than minimum block
size on a Zip. If the minimum block size on your HD is 4K, and you have a
lot of documents that average around 2K in size, bingo. The "double" part
is a coincidence.

You can check this out by backing up a second folder containing only a
single, large program. Then when you copy it back ZIP -> HD, it should be
about the same size on both.

Second guess: IF it is your backup program that's copying from the ZIP to
the HD.

SUPPOSE your backup program was double-copying everything from the Zip to
the HD (to have a secret, invisible, backup copy besides the work copy).
FURTHER suppose that your HD is only a little larger than your ZIP (so
minimum block sizes are similar). THEN it might work out that double
(124.8) + a little extra for each file because the HD is a little larger
(10 MB) adds up to 134.

-- Tony <>> NF Rock Mac MIDI SciTek


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:11:02 -0500
From: "Quattlebaum.Bill" <>
Subject: G3 EtherNet problems

>We have found several new G3 Macs that are having problems with EtherNet.
>Working on different G3s and then comparing notes this weekend lead us to
>feel that the on-board EtherNet is unstable. The problem is as follows:
>Basic EtherNet activity seems okay - AppleShare and our Retrospect backups.
>It appears that when coupled with TCP activity full system lockups can occur.
>This is easiest to see in MS Exchange 5.0.1. Often just launching it locks,
>sometimes you can enter the password but no window will appear, sometimes you
>can get into the account and then it locks. You can do a cmd-opt-esc to get
>back to the Finder but then typically have to force restart instead of being
>able to gracefully restart.
>This is happening with several G3s having between 64MB and 128MB RAM, System
>8.0 or 8.1, Open Transport 1.2 or 1.3, and EtherNet drivers 2.0.1 or 2.0.2.
>I have found a work around: add a 3rd party PCI EtherNet card and all seems
>to work okay. I have rush ordered 20 of these cards to have on hand.

Does anyone else see these problems and know of a software only

Bill Quattlebaum


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 13:04:25 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Getting info off Classic with dead monitor (R)

Clinton MacDonald <> wrote:

> A colleague confronted me with the following challenge: he has a Mac
> Classic at home with a dead monitor. (My first Mac was a Classic, he
> sniffed wistfully :-) ). He wants to recover some files from the hard drive
> before setting the machine out to pasture. What is the best strategy for
> achieving this?

I suggest to remove the harddisk from the Classic and put it in an empty
external case or in a desktop Mac with a free drive slot. Be sure you
change the SCSI Id of the drive to something other than 0 (the internal
HD) or 3 (the CD-ROM drive), or the Id of any other attached drive. Then
just copy the files to, say, a removable external drive and you're set.

If only the monitor is broken, the drive can still be used as additional
storage with any computere your colleague will buy as a replacement
(provided it has a SCSI port).

Good luck, Christian

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 01:10:52 +0000
From: Pedro Ferraz de Abreu <>
Subject: Macweek with dishonest advertsising tricks

I wonder what do the readers of MacWeek web site think of the new ad trick
? I find it disgusting, and I am very disapointed, I used to have the
highest consideration for that crowd. Did someone see something like this
elsewhere? is this a new web ad trick trend ?

If you don't know what this is about, here is a copy of the mail I sent them:

>Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 16:35:35 +0000
>From: Pedro Ferraz de Abreu <pfa@MIT.EDU>
>Subject: dishonest advertising
>Dear Sirs,
>I am a frequent reader of MacWeek, which I enjoy and appreciate.
>In the past weeks, when I click the links for your most recent articles, I
>get instead sometimes another window with advertising. This is totally
>dishonest and extremely irritating.
>I can understand the need for advertising to cover your costs. Because it
>is upfront in your web page, when I visit your web site I already know I
>will have to endure the ads. It is my free choice to come or not again.
>What I cannot understand, and never accept, is the dishonest tricks to
>cheat and force readers into calling the display of  non-desired and
>non-solicited advertising.
>First, if you provide a link with a title of an article, you should honor
>what you write in that link !! Are you into cheap lies, now ? I just can't
>believe it !!
>Second, the reader is forced to waste his or her time, money, and internet
>bandwith, with non-solicited special advertising windows.
>I hope that you will remove this cheap, dishonest ad techniques, and
>continue to provide the outstanding service you used to.
>Thank you.
>Pedro Ferraz de Abreu.

Pedro FA


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 98 09:34:02 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug

In reply to:

>Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 20:33:37 -0500
>Subject: OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
>Dear Digest readers,
>Here's the situation.  I just upgraded to MacOS 8.1. I try
>visiting, one of the oldest internet search engines
>out there.   Netscape Communicator 4.0.4 has 17MB of RAM in its Finder Get
>Info box, and the Finder has another 68MB free.   No Virtual Memory, No RAM
>Doubler, No Speed Doubler, no RAM Charger.  Desktop has been rebuilt, PRAM
>just zapped three days ago.    Netscape's preferences has image loading
>off, Java and Javascript are off, and Cookies are off.   Yet when I visit
>Lycos, Netscape simply bombs out with a Type 2 error.   This has only
>happened with Lycos, and no other applications are running.  Netscape
>appears to load the site just fine, as I see it counting up the K it has
>downloaded, and then when it begins to format the page, nothing has
>appeared yet is when it crashes.  This is right after a cold reboot.  I am
>also using the OpenTransport/PPP 1.0.1 dialer.
>OK, so I download Conflict Catcher 4.1 as OS 8.1 the upgrader recommends
>after seeing that I formerly had Conflict Catcher 4.0.   Scan my startup
>files using the new Conflict Catcher and it tells me all of my
>OpenTransport Shared libraries are damaged, the TCP/IP control panel is
>damaged, the Chooser is damaged, and the AppleTalk Control Panel is
>damaged.   So did Apple by mistake put on its upgrades
>site (where I downlaoded the 16MB upgrader from) an upgrader whose files
>were damaged?  Could anyone else care to run the Conflict Catcher 4.1 Scan
>Startup Files menuitem and see if their's are damaged too?

This problem has been talked about in detail on the comp.sys.mac.system 
usenet group.  You can try to have ResEdit repair the files; works for 
some people and definitely not for others.  The entire 8.1 update didn't 
work for me at all....

>Any way to determine what kind of damage it is?
>Is it in any way connected to the fact I can't get Lycos properly loaded on

Netscape freezes under 8.1 unless you reinstall it after you install 8.1.

>Now normally these upgraders have a clean install option.  I couldn't find
>it on the net install version.  Anybody know where it is?

There is no clean install option, period.  Apple says one isn't included 
with just an update file.

>Also I thought the upgrade included MRJ 2.0, which I can't find anywhere
>from what was installed.  Yet Apple's web site says it is part of the OS.
>Are they suggesting I download it separately? 

Yes, you have to.  It's in the 8.1 update *folder* on Apple's FTP site.

> It seems obsurd to have to
>download a huge upgrade file, and not get the full upgrade as it would come
>on CD-ROM.

What's avail. on Apple's site is *not* the full CD contents, because 
other things like the new Quicktime 3.0, which will be on the CD are 
missing from the download folder.  Apple never intended to make all the 
contents avail. for downloading, just the 8.1 update file and a few other 
things for people who have to have the stuff right away.



Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 08:41:47 -0600
From: "Gerstmann, Gerald M" <>
Subject: OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)

This problem has been noted by other users.  A good source for problem
and solution information on MacOS 8.1 is  They address solutions
to this problem.

Jerry Gerstmann

>Sent: 	Monday, January 26, 1998 7:33 PM
>Subject: 	OpenTransport 1.3/OS 8.1 bug (Q)
>Dear Digest readers,
>Here's the situation.  I just upgraded to MacOS 8.1. I try
>visiting, one of the oldest internet search engines
>out there.   Netscape Communicator 4.0.4 has 17MB of RAM in its Finder Get
>Info box, and the Finder has another 68MB free.   No Virtual Memory, No RAM
>Doubler, No Speed Doubler, no RAM Charger.  Desktop has been rebuilt, PRAM
>just zapped three days ago.    Netscape's preferences has image loading
>off, Java and Javascript are off, and Cookies are off.   Yet when I visit
>Lycos, Netscape simply bombs out with a Type 2 error.   This has only
>happened with Lycos, and no other applications are running.  Netscape
>appears to load the site just fine, as I see it counting up the K it has
>downloaded, and then when it begins to format the page, nothing has
>appeared yet is when it crashes.  This is right after a cold reboot.  I am
>also using the OpenTransport/PPP 1.0.1 dialer.
>OK, so I download Conflict Catcher 4.1 as OS 8.1 the upgrader recommends
>after seeing that I formerly had Conflict Catcher 4.0.   Scan my startup
>files using the new Conflict Catcher and it tells me all of my
>OpenTransport Shared libraries are damaged, the TCP/IP control panel is
>damaged, the Chooser is damaged, and the AppleTalk Control Panel is
>damaged.   So did Apple by mistake put on its upgrades
>site (where I downlaoded the 16MB upgrader from) an upgrader whose files
>were damaged?  Could anyone else care to run the Conflict Catcher 4.1 Scan
>Startup Files menuitem and see if their's are damaged too?
>Any way to determine what kind of damage it is?
>Is it in any way connected to the fact I can't get Lycos properly loaded on
>Now normally these upgraders have a clean install option.  I couldn't find
>it on the net install version.  Anybody know where it is?
>Also I thought the upgrade included MRJ 2.0, which I can't find anywhere
>from what was installed.  Yet Apple's web site says it is part of the OS.
>Are they suggesting I download it separately?  It seems obsurd to have to
>download a huge upgrade file, and not get the full upgrade as it would come
>on CD-ROM.
>Thank you.


Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 16:15:46 -0700
From: "Roger B. Marks" <>
Subject: text to speech to file?

How can I redirect the text-to-speech output to a file instead of to the speaker? This would be really convenient.

Thanks for the help!

Please reply to:

National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO
phone: 1-303-497-3037  fax: 1-303-497-7828


Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:03:42 -0600 (CST)
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: WriteNow and OS8+

To all:
	I'm a lab administrator and several of my (older) users are asking
me to load WriteNow onto several of our new G3 Macs (w/OS8).  Last I knew,
SoftKeys had dropped WriteNow and no longer supported it after v4.2.  I
remember hearing that even that last release behaved unpredictably with
system 7.5.5 and later, and that WN had particular problems dealing with
PostScript fonts.

	Can anyone confirm for me that I've got the story right, or that
WriteNow will or will not (in their experience) work correctly with either
OS8+ or the new G3 chip?  My hunch is that it will not.

	Thanks in advance--
	James Atkinson


Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 18:41:51 -0400
From: (James Noonan)
Subject: Zip Drive/CD-ROM incompatibilities in the Macintosh

Has anyone else had problems incorporating a Zip drive into a SCSI chain
for the Mac?  I only have two SCSI devices in the chain, the Zip and a
CD-ROM, and the Zip is first.  The Zip works fine, but everytime I try to
read a CD, the computer freezes.  The CD icon appears on the desktop, but
it's as though the signal from the CD is being blocked.  I've noticed that
whenever I try to access a CD, the Zip drive lights up as though it is
trying to read a disk.  The SCSI connections and addresses of all the
components are correct.  I suspect this problem comes from the fact that
the Zip Plus is supposed to have "internal termination--" which, evidently,
you cannot turn off.  I would appreciate any suggestions.



End of Info-Mac Digest