From jonathan@jvc.UUCP Mon Mar  6 23:18:53 1989
Path: leah!bingvaxu!sunybcs!rutgers!!ucbvax!decwrl!sun!pitstop!sundc!seismo!uunet!jvc!jonathan
From: jonathan@jvc.UUCP (Jonathan Hue)
Subject: Re: RGB color maps
Summary: CIELUV color difference
Message-ID: <323@jvc.UUCP>
Date: 7 Mar 89 04:18:53 GMT
References: <45570@linus.UUCP>
Organization: JVC Laboratory of America
Lines: 29

In article <45570@linus.UUCP>, (Jerome Freedman) writes:
> 2) I also need an alogorithm that takes a given RGB value and chooses
> which entry in the basic color table described above that best approximates
> a given color.

The best method I know of (which means it isn't the best method, with 99%
certainty) is to minimize the CIELUV color difference.  This is defined

delta E*uv = sqrt((delta L*)^2 + (delta u*)^2 + (delta v*)^2)

where L* = 116(Y/Yn)^(1/3) - 16 for Y > 0.008856, and
      L* = 903.3 * (Y/Yn) if not

and u* = (u' - un')13L*
and v* = (v' - vn')13L*

un' is the u' for your reference white and vn' is the v' for your reference
white, and Yn is the Y for your reference white.  Y, u', and v' can be
derived from RGB and your monitors chromaticity coordinates and reference
white by the equations I posted here recently.

I used this method to convert 24-bit color images to Amiga HAM format.
However, I found that combining this with error diffusion (F-S) dithering
was tricky, and am still working on a good solution.  It does work well
for just straight mapping.

-Jonathan	uunet!jvc!jonathan