Module	Win32 5.8.8	Built	Build Notes
**INFO**			Build Date 19/07/2006
MAIN PERL	5.8.8	Y	Built with VC++ 6.0 under WinXP
ANSIScreen	1.42	Y	
Archive::Tar	1.29	Y	
Archive::Zip	1.17_02	Y	
Array::IntSpan	2.001	Y	
Array::PrintCols	2.1	Y	
Array::RefElem	1.00	Y	
Benchmark	-std-	na	
Bit::Vector	6.4	Y	
Carp	-std-	na	
Carp::Assert	0.18	Y	
CGI	-std-	na	
CGI-Lite	1.8	Y	
Class::Fields	0.201	Y	
Compress::Zlib	1.41	Y	Let module build zlib
Config	-std-	na	
Convert::SciEng	0.91	Y	
Convert::Units	0.43	Y	
Cwd	-std-	na	
Data::Dumper	-std-	na	
Data::DumpXML	1.06	Y	Requires XML::Parser
Data::ShowTable	3.3	Y	all tests fail
Data::Walker	1.05	Y	
Date::Calc	5.4	Y	
Date::Manip	5.44	Y	
DB_File	-std-	na	
DBD::CSV	0.22	Y	
DBD::ODBC	1.13	Y	Skipped DBI_DSN tests
DBD::ADO	2.95	Y	
DBI	1.51	Y	
DBIx::XML_RDB	0.05	Y	
Devel::Dprof	19990108	na	
Devel::Peek	-std-	na	
Devel::PreProcessor	2003.1128	Y	
Devel::SmallProf	1.15	Y	
Digest::MD5	-std-	na	
English	-std-	na	
Env	-std-	na	
Error	0.15		
Extutils::MakeMaker	6.30_01		
File::Basename	-std-	na	
File::PathConvert	0.9	Y	Depracated - use Cwd or File::Spec in core perl instead
File::Spec	-std-	na	
FileHandle	-std-	na	
Fraction	53b	Y	
FreezeThaw	0.43	Y	
Frontier::RPC	0.07b4	Y	
Geography::Countries	1.4	Y	
Getopt::Long	-std-	na	
Getopt::Std	-std-	na	
Graph	0.75	Y	
Heap	0.71	Y	
HTML::Parser	3.54	Y	
HTML::Tagset	3.10	Y	
HTML::Template	2.8	Y	
HTML::Tree	3.20	Y	
HTML::TreeBuilder	-nr-	na	
IO	-std-	na	
IO::Socket	-std-	na	
IO::String	1.08	Y	
IO::Stringy	2.110	Y	
IO::Zlib	1.04	Y	
IPC::Locker	-nr-	na	
IPC::Shareable	-nr-	na	
IPC::ShareLite	-nr-	na	
libnet	-std-	na	
libwin32	0.26	Y	
libwww-perl	5.805	Y	Needs MD5 and (probably) Digest::MD5
libxml-perl	0.08	Y	Requires XML::Parser
Lingua::EN::AddressParse	1.14	Y	
Lingua::EN::MatchNames	1.12	Y	
Lingua::EN::NameCase	1.13	Y	
Lingua::EN::NameParse	1.22	Y	
Lingua::EN::NickName	1.14	Y	
Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate	1.02	Y	
Lingua::EN::Squeeze	2005.0216	Y	
Lingua::EN::Syllable	0.251	Y	
List::Util	-na-	na	
Locale::SubCountry 	1.37	Y	
Log::Agent	0.307	Y	some tests fail
MailTools	1.74	Y	
Math::Fraction	-na-	na	
Math-BigInt	1.66	na	
MD5	1.7	Y	
MIME::Base64	3.07	na	
MIME::Types 	1.16	Y	
MIME-tools	5.420	Y	
MLDBM	2.01	Y	
Net::Daemon	0.39	Y	
Net::FTP	-na-	na	
Net::Ping	-std-	na	
Number::Format	1.51	Y	some tests fail
Number::Spell	0.04	Y	
OLE::Storage	0.386	Y	
OLE::Storage_Lite	0.14	Y	
Parse::RecDescent	1.94	Y	
Parse::Yapp	1.05	Y	
PDF 	111	Y	
PDF::Create	0.01	Y	
PlRPC	0.2018	Y	
Pod::Functions	-std-	na	
Pod::Html	-std-	na	
POSIX	-std-	na	
Proc-Background	1.08	Y	
Rcs	1.05	Y	
RTF::Document	0.64	Y	
RTF::Group	1.10	Y	
RTF::Parser	1.09	Y	
RTF::Tokenizer	1.08	Y	
Scalar::Util	-na-	na	
Scalar-List-Utils	-std-	na	
Schedule::Cron	-nr-		
Sort::Fields	0.90	Y	
SQL::Statement	1.15	Y	
Storable	1.0.7	na	
String::Approx	3.26	Y	
Symbol	-std-	na	
Sys::Hostname	-std-	na	
Template-Toolkit	2.10	Y	Requires XML::Parser
Term::ANSIColor	-std	na	
TermReadKey	2.30	Y	
Test	1.24	na	
Test-Harness	2.62	na	
Test-Simple	0.62	Y	
Text::Autoformat	1.13	Y	
Text::Balanced	1.98	Y	
Text::CSV_XS	0.23	Y	
Text::Metaphone	1.96	Y	
Text::Reform	1.11	Y	
Text::Soundex	-std-	na	
Text::Diff	0.35	Y	
Text::Tabs	-std-	na	
Text::Template	1.44	Y	
Text::Wrap	-std-	na	
Tie::Cache	0.17	Y	
Tie::IxHash	1.21	Y	
Time::HiRes	1.87	Y	
Time::Local	-std-	na	
Time::ParseDate	-na-	na	
Time-modules	2003.1126	Y	
Unicode::Map	0.112	Y	
Unicode::Map8	0.12	Y	Mods required to Map8.xs and Map8.h
Unicode::String	2.09	Y	
UNIVERSAL	-std-	na	
URI	1.35	Y	
WDDX	1.02	Y	
WeakRef	0.01	Y	
Win32::ChangeNotify	1.02	na	
Win32::Clipboard	0.51	na	
Win32::Console	0.031	na	
Win32::EventLog	0.07	na	
Win32::File	0.05	na	
Win32::FileSecurity	1.04	na	
Win32::Internet	0.081	na	
Win32::IPC	1.02	na	
Win32::Mutex	1.02	na	
Win32::NetAdmin	0.07	na	
Win32::NetResource	0.05	na	
Win32::ODBC	0.032	na	
Win32::OLE	0.13	Y	Only required if version is greater than libwin32 version of this modules
Win32::PerfLib	0.05	na	
Win32::Pipe	0.022	na	
Win32::Process	0.07	na	
Win32::Registry	0.07	na	
Win32::Semaphore	1.02	na	
Win32::Service	0.05	na	
Win32::Shortcut	0.03	na	
Win32::Sound	0.47	na	
Win32::TieRegistry	0.23	na	Only required if version is greater than libwin32 version of this modules
Win32::WinError	0.02	na	
Win32-API	0.41	na	
Win32API::File	-nr-	na	
Win32API::Net	-nr-	na	
Win32API::Registry	-nr-	na	
Wx	0.27	Y	
XML::AutoWriter	0.39	Y	
XML::Catalog	0.02	Y	
XML::CSV	0.15	Y	
XML::DOM	1.44	Y	
XML::Dumper	0.81	Y	
XML::Element	-nr-	na	
XML::Generator	0.99	Y	
XML::Grove	0.46alpha	Y	
XML::LibXML	1.58_1		
XML::LibXML-Common	0.13		Requires LibXML
XML::NamespaceSupport	1.09	Y	
XML::Parser	2.34	Y	Get Expat 1.95.5 binaries and put into perl bin/lib path
XML::PPD	-nr-	na	
XML::PYX	0.07	Y	
XML::QL	0.07	Y	
XML::Registry	0.02	Y	
XML::Sax	0.14	Y	
XML::Simple	1.08	Y	
XML::TreeBuilder	3.09	Y	
XML::Twig	3.22	Y	
XML::Writer	0.600	Y	
XML::XPath	1.13	Y	
XML::XQL	0.68	Y	
XML::XSLT	0.48	Y