--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UniProt - Swiss-Prot Protein Knowledgebase SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; Geneva, Switzerland European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI); Hinxton, United Kingdom Protein Information Resource (PIR); Washington DC, USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Controlled vocabulary of journals Name: jourlist.txt Release: 2024_05 of 02-Oct-2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes - The journal abbreviations used in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot and PROSITE are those proposed by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and generally correspond to those used by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in PubMed. See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?db=Journals - The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is an eight-digit code assigned and administered by the ISSN International Center. See: https://www.issn.org/ - The e-ISSN (Electronic ISSN) is the ISSN for the electronic version of the journal. - The CODEN is a unique serial identifier consisting of six characters and assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service. Each CODEN consists of four mnemonic letters and a fifth letter, A-F. The 6th character is a calculated check character which can be alphabetic (A-Z) or numeric (0-9). It is used to identify and eliminate typographical errors. See: https://www.cas.org/ ___________________________________________________________________________ AC : JN-4729 Abbrev: 3 Biotech. Title : Three Biotech ISSN : 2190-572X e-ISSN: 2190-5738 Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/13205 AC : JN-4815 Abbrev: A. A. Case Rep. Title : Anesthesia and Analgesia Case Reports e-ISSN: 2325-7237 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by A. A. pract., ends with vol. 9(12) in 2017. Server: https://journals.lww.com/aacr/ AC : JN-4816 Abbrev: A. A. Pract. Title : Anesthesia and Analgesia Practice e-ISSN: 2575-3126 Publis: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Note : Replaces A. A. Case Rep., starts with vol. 10(1) in 2018. Server: https://journals.lww.com/aacr/ AC : JN-4745 Abbrev: AACE Clin. Case Rep. Title : AACE Clinical Case Reports e-ISSN: 2376-0605 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/aace-clinical-case-reports AC : JN-3523 Abbrev: AAPS J. Title : The AAPS Journal e-ISSN: 1550-7416 Publis: Springer New York Note : Replaces AAPS PharmSci, starts with vol. 6(3) in 2004. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12248 AC : JN-0001 Abbrev: AAPS PharmSci Title : AAPS PharmSci e-ISSN: 1522-1059 CODEN : PHARFY Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by AAPS J., ends with vol. 6 in 2004. AC : JN-0002 Abbrev: Abstr. - Soc. Neurosci. Title : Abstracts - Society for Neuroscience ISSN : 0190-5295 CODEN : ASNEE5 Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Abstr. Soc. Neurosci. AC : JN-2328 Abbrev: Abstr. Gen. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Title : Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology ISSN : 1060-2011 CODEN : AGMME8 Publis: American Society for Microbiology AC : JN-2764 Abbrev: Abstr. Midwinter Res. Meet. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Title : Abstracts of the Midwinter Research Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology ISSN : 0742-3152 Publis: Association for Research in Otolaryngology Server: https://aro.org/meetings/past-midwinter-meetings/ AC : JN-3081 Abbrev: ACC Curr. J. Rev. Title : ACC Current Journal Review ISSN : 1062-1458 CODEN : ACJREE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by ACC Cardiosource Rev. J., ends with vol. ? in 2005. AC : JN-0003 Abbrev: Acc. Chem. Res. Title : Accounts of Chemical Research ISSN : 0001-4842 CODEN : ACHRE4 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/achre4/ AC : JN-4332 Abbrev: Acetic Acid Bacteria Title : Acetic Acid Bacteria e-ISSN: 2240-2845 Publis: PAGEPress Server: http://www.pagepressjournals.org/index.php/aab/index AC : JN-4837 Abbrev: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Title : ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ISSN : 1944-8244 e-ISSN: 1944-8252 Publis: American Chemical Society (United States) Server: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/aamick AC : JN-4237 Abbrev: ACS Catal. Title : ACS Catalysis e-ISSN: 2155-5435 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/accacs/ AC : JN-4429 Abbrev: ACS Cent. Sci. Title : ACS Central Science e-ISSN: 2374-7951 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acscii/ AC : JN-2038 Abbrev: ACS Chem. Biol. Title : ACS Chemical Biology ISSN : 1554-8929 e-ISSN: 1554-8937 CODEN : ACBCCT Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acbcct/ AC : JN-4369 Abbrev: ACS Chem. Neurosci. Title : ACS Chemical Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1948-7193 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/acncdm/ AC : JN-4430 Abbrev: ACS Infect. Dis. Title : ACS Infectious Diseases e-ISSN: 2373-8227 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/aidcbc AC : JN-4149 Abbrev: ACS Med. Chem. Lett. Title : ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters ISSN : 1948-5875 CODEN : AMCLCT Publis: American Chemical Society (USA) Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/amclct/ AC : JN-4800 Abbrev: ACS Nano Title : ACS Nano ISSN : 1936-0851 Publis: Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, c2001 Server: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/ancac3 AC : JN-4701 Abbrev: ACS Omega Title : ACS Omega e-ISSN: 2470-1343 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/acsodf AC : JN-4705 Abbrev: ACS Pharmacol. Transl. Sci. Title : ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science ISSN : 2575-9108 e-ISSN: 2575-9108 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/aptsfn/ AC : JN-4756 Abbrev: ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. Title : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering ISSN : 2168-0485 CODEN : ASCECG Publis: American Chemical Society Server: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/ascecg AC : JN-2387 Abbrev: ACS Symp. Ser. Title : ACS Symposium Series ISSN : 0097-6156 CODEN : ACSMC8 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/series/ACSSymposiumSeries/?view=usa&sf=all AC : JN-4458 Abbrev: ACS Synth. Biol. Title : ACS Synthetic Biology ISSN : 2161-5063 CODEN : ASBCD6 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/asbcd6 AC : JN-2812 Abbrev: Acta Agric. Scand. A Anim. Sci. Title : Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science ISSN : 0906-4702 e-ISSN: 1651-1972 CODEN : ASSAEI Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713690045 AC : JN-3354 Abbrev: Acta Agric. Slov. Title : Acta Agriculturae Slovenica ISSN : 1581-9175 e-ISSN: 1854-1941 Publis: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniska Fakulteta Server: http://aas.bf.uni-lj.si/index-en.htm AC : JN-3576 Abbrev: Acta Agron. Title : Acta Agronomica ISSN : 0120-2812 Publis: Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira Server: https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/acta_agronomica AC : JN-2029 Abbrev: Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. Title : Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica [An International Journal of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Pain and Emergency Medicine] ISSN : 0001-5172 e-ISSN: 1399-6576 CODEN : AANEAB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0001-5172 AC : JN-3456 Abbrev: Acta Arachnol. Title : Acta Arachnologica ISSN : 0001-5202 e-ISSN: 1880-7852 CODEN : AACHBY Publis: Arachnological Society of Japan Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/asjaa/ AC : JN-0004 Abbrev: Acta Biochim. Biophys. Acad. Sci. Hung. Title : Acta Biochimica et Biophysica; Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae ISSN : 0001-5253 CODEN : ABBPAP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Biochim. Biophys. Hung., ends with vol. 20 in 1985. AC : JN-1926 Abbrev: Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sin. Title : Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica ISSN : 1672-9145 e-ISSN: 1745-7270 CODEN : ABBSC2 Short : ABBS Publis: SciEngine Note : Replaces Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao, starts with vol. 36 in 2004. Server: https://www.sciengine.com/abbs/ AC : JN-0006 Abbrev: Acta Biochim. Pol. Title : Acta Biochimica Polonica ISSN : 0001-527X CODEN : ABPLAF Short : ABP Publis: Polish Biochemical Society Server: http://www.actabp.pl/ AC : JN-3190 Abbrev: Acta Biol. Crac. Ser. Bot. Title : Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica ISSN : 0001-5296 CODEN : ABCBAM Publis: Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddzial w Krakowie Server: http://www.ib.uj.edu.pl/abc/ AC : JN-0007 Abbrev: Acta Biol. Hung. Title : Acta Biologica Hungarica ISSN : 0236-5383 e-ISSN: 1588-256X CODEN : ABAHAU Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://akkrt.metapress.com/content/119696/ AC : JN-4618 Abbrev: Acta Biomater. Title : Acta Biomaterialia e-ISSN: 1878-7568 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/acta-biomaterialia AC : JN-0008 Abbrev: Acta Biotechnol. Title : Acta Biotechnologica ISSN : 0138-4988 e-ISSN: 1521-3846 CODEN : ACBTDD Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3846 AC : JN-2128 Abbrev: Acta Biotheor. Title : Acta Biotheoretica ISSN : 0001-5342 e-ISSN: 1572-8358 CODEN : ABIOAN Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10441 AC : JN-3191 Abbrev: Acta Bot. Gall. Title : Acta Botanica Gallica ISSN : 1253-8078 CODEN : ABGAE9 Publis: Societe Botanique de France Server: http://www.bium.univ-paris5.fr/sbf/pub_abg.htm AC : JN-0009 Abbrev: Acta Bot. Sin. Title : Acta Botanica Sinica ISSN : 0095-4195 CODEN : ABSIDO Short : ABS Publis: Botanical Society of China Note : Merged in 1996 with Chin. J. Bot. AC : JN-2366 Abbrev: Acta Bot. Venez. Title : Acta Botanica Venezuelica ISSN : 0084-5906 CODEN : ABOVA6 Publis: Fundacion Instituto Botanico de Venezuela, Jardin Botanico de Caracas Server: http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&lng=es&pid=0084-5906 AC : JN-2043 Abbrev: Acta Cardiol. Title : Acta Cardiologica [An International Journal of Cardiology] ISSN : 0001-5385 e-ISSN: 1784-973X CODEN : ACCAAQ Publis: La Societe Belge de Cardiologie Server: http://www.actacardiologica.be AC : JN-0010 Abbrev: Acta Chem. Scand. Title : Acta Chemica Scandinavica ISSN : 0904-213X CODEN : ACHSE7 Publis: Not published Note : Merged in 2000 with Perkin Trans. 1, Perkin Trans. 2 and Dalton Trans. AC : JN-0011 Abbrev: Acta Chem. Scand. B Title : Acta Chemica Scandinavica. Series B [Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry] ISSN : 0302-4369 CODEN : ACBOCV Publis: Not published Note : Merged in 2000 with Perkin Trans. 1, Perkin Trans. 2 and Dalton Trans. AC : JN-0012 Abbrev: Acta Chim. Sin. Title : Acta Chimica Sinica ISSN : 0256-7660 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Chin. J. Chem., ends with vol. ? in 1989. AC : JN-0013 Abbrev: Acta Chiropt. Title : Acta Chiropterologica ISSN : 1508-1109 Publis: Polish Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.miiz.waw.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=25 AC : JN-2125 Abbrev: Acta Cient. Venez. Title : Acta Cientifica Venezolana ISSN : 0001-5504 CODEN : ACVEAV Publis: Asociacion Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia Server: http://acta.ivic.ve/ AC : JN-3620 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. Title : Acta Crystallographica ISSN : 0365-110X CODEN : ACCRA9 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Crystallogr. A Crystal Phys. Diffraction Theor. Gen. Crystallogr., ends with vol. 23 in 1967. AC : JN-0014 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. A Title : Acta Crystallographica, Section A [Foundations of Crystallography] ISSN : 0108-7673 e-ISSN: 1600-5724 CODEN : ACACEQ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Acta Crystallogr. A Crystal Phys. Diffraction Theor. Gen. Crystallogr., starts with vol. 44 in 1988. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0108-7673 https://journals.iucr.org/a/index.html AC : JN-0015 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. B Title : Acta Crystallographica, Section B [Structural Science] ISSN : 0108-7681 e-ISSN: 1600-5740 CODEN : ASBSDK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0108-7681 https://journals.iucr.org/b/index.html AC : JN-3618 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. C Title : Acta Crystallographica, Section C [Crystal Structure Communications] ISSN : 0108-2701 e-ISSN: 1600-5759 CODEN : ACSCEE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0108-2701 https://journals.iucr.org/c/index.html AC : JN-0016 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. D Title : Acta Crystallographica, Section D [Biological Crystallography] ISSN : 0907-4449 e-ISSN: 1399-0047 CODEN : ABCRE6 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0907-4449 https://journals.iucr.org/d/index.html AC : JN-4833 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. D Struct. Biol. Title : Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Structural Biology e-ISSN: 2059-7983 CODEN : ACSDAD Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://journals.iucr.org/d/ AC : JN-0017 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. F Title : Acta Crystallographica, Section F [Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications] ISSN : 1744-3091 CODEN : ACSFCL Publis: International Union of Crystallography Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. Server: https://journals.iucr.org/f/index.html AC : JN-4436 Abbrev: Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Commun. Title : Acta Crystallographica, Section F: Structural Biology Communications ISSN : 2053-230X CODEN : ACSFEN Publis: International Union of Crystallography Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Commun. Server: https://journals.iucr.org/f/index.html AC : JN-0018 Abbrev: Acta Derm. Venereol. Title : Acta Dermato-Venereologica ISSN : 0001-5555 CODEN : ADVEA4 Publis: The Society for Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica Server: http://www.medicaljournals.se/adv/ AC : JN-0019 Abbrev: Acta Diabetol. Title : Acta Diabetologica ISSN : 0940-5429 e-ISSN: 1432-5233 CODEN : ACDAEZ Publis: Springer Milan Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/592 AC : JN-0020 Abbrev: Acta Endocrinol. Title : Acta Endocrinologica ISSN : 0001-5598 CODEN : ACENA7 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Endocrinol. (Copenh.). Replaced by Eur. J. Endocrinol., ends with vol. 129 in 1993. AC : JN-2044 Abbrev: Acta Gastro-Enterol. Belg. Title : Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica ISSN : 1784-3227 CODEN : AGEBAX Publis: Universa Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Gastroenterol. Belg. Replaces Acta Gastro-Enterol. Belg. Multiling. Ed., starts with vol. ? in 1996?. Server: http://www.acta-gastroenterologica.be AC : JN-3547 Abbrev: Acta Gastro-Enterol. Belg. Multiling. Ed. Title : Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica (Multilingual Edition) ISSN : 0001-5644 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Gastroenterol. Belg. Replaced by Acta Gastroenterol. Belg., ends with vol. ? in 1996?. AC : JN-2553 Abbrev: Acta Gastroenterol. Latinoam. Title : Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana ISSN : 0300-9033 CODEN : AGLTBL Publis: Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia Server: http://www.actagastro.org/ AC : JN-0021 Abbrev: Acta Haematol. Title : Acta Haematologica ISSN : 0001-5792 e-ISSN: 1421-9662 CODEN : ACHAAH Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/AHA AC : JN-0022 Abbrev: Acta Histochem. Title : Acta Histochemica [A Journal of Structural Biochemistry] ISSN : 0065-1281 CODEN : AHISA9 Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00651281 AC : JN-4615 Abbrev: Acta Histochem. Cytochem. Title : Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica ISSN : 0044-5591 e-ISSN: 1347-5800 CODEN : ACHCBO Publis: Kyoto : Nippon Soshiki Saibo Kagakukai Server: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ahc/ AC : JN-0023 Abbrev: Acta Hortic. Title : Acta Horticulturae ISSN : 0567-7572 CODEN : AHORA2 Publis: International Society for Horticultural Science Server: https://www.ishs.org AC : JN-2571 Abbrev: Acta Med. Austriaca Title : Acta Medica Austriaca ISSN : 0303-8173 e-ISSN: 1563-2571 CODEN : AMAUBB Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Wien. Klin. Wochenschr., ends with vol. 31 in 2004. AC : JN-2730 Abbrev: Acta Med. Biol. Title : Acta Medica et Biologica ISSN : 0567-7734 CODEN : AMBNAS Publis: Niigata Daigaku, Igakubu Server: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AA00508361_en.html AC : JN-0024 Abbrev: Acta Med. Okayama Title : Acta Medica Okayama ISSN : 0386-300X CODEN : AMOKAG Publis: Okayama University Medical School AC : JN-3548 Abbrev: Acta Med. Scand. Title : Acta Medica Scandinavica ISSN : 0001-6101 CODEN : AMSVAZ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Intern. Med., ends with vol. 224 in 1988. AC : JN-0025 Abbrev: Acta Med. Scand. Suppl. Title : Acta Medica Scandinavica. Supplementum ISSN : 0365-463X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Intern. Med. Suppl. AC : JN-4137 Abbrev: Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hung. Title : Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica e-ISSN: 1217-8950 CODEN : AMIHEF Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://www.akademiai.com/content/119703/ AC : JN-0026 Abbrev: Acta Microbiol. Pol. Title : Acta Microbiologica Polonica ISSN : 0137-1320 CODEN : AMPOAX Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pol. J. Microbiol., ends with vol.52 in 2003. AC : JN-3581 Abbrev: Acta Microbiol. Sin. Title : Acta Microbiologica Sinica ISSN : 0098-9150 CODEN : AMSIDX Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1973. AC : JN-2654 Abbrev: Acta Myol. Title : Acta Myologica [Myopathies and Cardiomyopathies] ISSN : 1128-2460 CODEN : ACMYFH Publis: Mediterranean Society of Myology Server: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1221/ AC : JN-4359 Abbrev: Acta Naturae Title : Acta Naturae ISSN : 2075-8251 Publis: Park Media Moscow Server: http://actanaturae.ru/ AC : JN-4597 Abbrev: Acta Neurol. Belg. Title : Acta Neurologica Belgica ISSN : 0300-9009 e-ISSN: 2240-2993 Publis: Springer Milan Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/13760 AC : JN-0027 Abbrev: Acta Neurol. Scand. Title : Acta Neurologica Scandinavica ISSN : 0001-6314 e-ISSN: 1600-0404 CODEN : ANRSAS Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0001-6314 AC : JN-2308 Abbrev: Acta Neurol. Scand. Suppl. Title : Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum ISSN : 0065-1427 e-ISSN: 1600-5449 CODEN : ANSLAC Publis: Blackwell Publishing AC : JN-0028 Abbrev: Acta Neuropathol. Title : Acta Neuropathologica ISSN : 0001-6322 e-ISSN: 1432-0533 CODEN : ANPTAL Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Neuropathol. (Berl.). Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/401 AC : JN-4498 Abbrev: Acta Neuropathol. Commun. Title : Acta Neuropathologica Communications ISSN : 2051-5960 e-ISSN: 2051-5960 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.actaneurocomms.org/ AC : JN-3606 Abbrev: Acta Obstet. Gynaecol. Jpn. Title : Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica ISSN : 0001-6330 Publis: Ahrarna Nauka AC : JN-2504 Abbrev: Acta Oceanol. Sin. Title : Acta Oceanologica Sinica ISSN : 0253-505X CODEN : AOSIEE Publis: Haiyang Chubanshe Server: http://hyxb-e.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4338 Abbrev: Acta Ophthalmol. Title : Acta Ophthalmologica ISSN : 1755-375X e-ISSN: 1755-3768 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Publication started in 2008. Continues Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1755-3768 AC : JN-0029 Abbrev: Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. Title : Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica [The Ophthalmological Journal of the Nordic Countries] ISSN : 1395-3907 e-ISSN: 1600-0420 CODEN : AOSCFV Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Ophthalmol., ends with vol. 85 in 2007. AC : JN-4062 Abbrev: Acta Ophthalmol. Scand. Suppl. Title : Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. Supplementum [The Ophthalmological Journal of the Nordic Countries] ISSN : 1395-3931 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Ophthalmol.Suppl., ends with vol. 85 in 2007. AC : JN-2309 Abbrev: Acta Ophthalmol. Suppl. Title : Acta Ophthalmologica. Supplementum ISSN : 0065-1451 e-ISSN: 1600-5465 CODEN : AOSSFB Publis: Blackwell Publishing AC : JN-2009 Abbrev: Acta Oto-Laryngol. Title : Acta Oto-Laryngologica ISSN : 0001-6489 e-ISSN: 1651-2553 CODEN : AOLAAJ Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Otolaryngol. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/oto AC : JN-0030 Abbrev: Acta Paediatr. Title : Acta Paediatrica ISSN : 0803-5253 e-ISSN: 1651-2227 CODEN : APAEEL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0803-5253 AC : JN-0031 Abbrev: Acta Paediatr. Jpn. Overseas Ed. Title : Acta Paediatrica Japonica. Overseas Edition ISSN : 0374-5600 CODEN : APDJBE Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Paediatr. Jpn. Replaced by Pediatr. Int., ends with vol. 40 in 1998. AC : JN-3178 Abbrev: Acta Parasitol. Title : Acta Parasitologica ISSN : 1230-2821 e-ISSN: 1896-1851 CODEN : ACTPEO Publis: Versita Server: http://www.versita.com/science/lifesciences/ap.html AC : JN-3549 Abbrev: Acta Pathol. Jpn. Title : Acta Pathologica Japonica ISSN : 0001-6632 CODEN : APJAAG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pathol. Int., ends with vol. 43 in 1993. AC : JN-4554 Abbrev: Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. Title : Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica ISSN : 0365-5555 CODEN : APMIAL Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by APMIS, ends with col. ? in 1969. Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/16000463 AC : JN-4789 Abbrev: Acta Pharm. Sin. B (APSB) Title : Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ISSN : 2211-3835 e-ISSN: 2211-3843 CODEN : APSBCW Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/acta-pharmaceutica-sinica-b AC : JN-0033 Abbrev: Acta Pharm. Suec. Title : Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica ISSN : 0001-6675 CODEN : APSXAS Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Norv. Pharm. Acta into Acta Pharm. Nord, ends with vol. 25 in 1988. AC : JN-0032 Abbrev: Acta Pharmacol. Sin. Title : Acta Pharmacologica Sinica ISSN : 1671-4083 e-ISSN: 1745-7254 CODEN : APSCG5 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1671-4083 http://www.chinaphar.com/ AC : JN-3725 Abbrev: Acta Physiol. Title : Acta Physiologica (Oxford, England) ISSN : 1748-1708 e-ISSN: 1748-1716 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Physiol. (Oxf.). Replaces Acta Physiol. Scand., starts with vol. 186 in 2006. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1748-1708 AC : JN-0034 Abbrev: Acta Physiol. Plant. Title : Acta Physiologiae Plantarum ISSN : 0137-5881 e-ISSN: 1861-1664 CODEN : APPLDE Short : APP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/11738 AC : JN-0035 Abbrev: Acta Physiol. Scand. Title : Acta Physiologica Scandinavica ISSN : 0001-6772 e-ISSN: 1365-201X CODEN : APSCAX Short : APS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Physiol., ends with vol. 185 in 2005. AC : JN-0036 Abbrev: Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hung. Title : Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica ISSN : 0238-1249 e-ISSN: 1588-2691 CODEN : APEHEG Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://www.akkrt.hu/main.php?folderID=1589&articleID=3903&ctag=articlelist&iid=1 AC : JN-2534 Abbrev: Acta Phytophysiol. Sinica Title : Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica ISSN : 0257-4829 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Zhi Wu Sheng Li Xue Bao. Publication ceased with vol. 27 in 2001. AC : JN-2310 Abbrev: Acta Protozool. Title : Acta Protozoologica ISSN : 0065-1583 e-ISSN: 1689-0027 CODEN : ACPZAU Publis: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Biologii Doswiadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego Server: http://www.eko.uj.edu.pl/ap/ AC : JN-2087 Abbrev: Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. Pol. Title : Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae ISSN : 0001-6977 CODEN : ASBNA2 Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. Pol. Tow. Bot. Parallel language title: Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk - Seriya Biologicheskaya. Server: http://www.biol.uni.wroc.pl/instbot/flash/asbp/asbp.html AC : JN-2784 Abbrev: Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. Title : Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae ISSN : 0862-5247 CODEN : ASZBEM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, ends with vol. ? in 1993. AC : JN-0037 Abbrev: Acta Theriol. Title : Acta Theriologica ISSN : 0001-7051 CODEN : ATRLAF Publis: Polish Academy of Sciences Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Acta Theriol. (Warsz.). Server: http://acta.zbs.bialowieza.pl/ AC : JN-0038 Abbrev: Acta Trop. Title : Acta Tropica ISSN : 0001-706X CODEN : ACTRAQ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0001706X AC : JN-2053 Abbrev: Acta Vet. Brno Title : Acta Veterinaria Brno ISSN : 0001-7213 CODEN : ACVTB9 Publis: Veterinarni a Farmaceuticka Univerzita Brno Server: http://actavet.vfu.cz/ AC : JN-2486 Abbrev: Acta Vet. Hung. Title : Acta Veterinaria Hungarica ISSN : 0236-6290 e-ISSN: 1588-2705 CODEN : AVHUEA Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://www.vmri.hu/~acta/ AC : JN-0039 Abbrev: Acta Vet. Scand. Title : Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica ISSN : 0044-605X e-ISSN: 1751-0147 CODEN : AVSCA7 Publis: Dansk Dyrlaegeforening Server: http://www.actavetscand.com/ AC : JN-0040 Abbrev: Acta Virol. Title : Acta Virologica ISSN : 0001-723X e-ISSN: 1336-2305 CODEN : AVIRA2 Publis: Slovak Academic Press Server: http://www.aepress.sk/acta/av.htm AC : JN-0041 Abbrev: Acta Vitaminol. Enzymol. Title : Acta Vitaminologica et Enzymologica ISSN : 0300-8924 CODEN : AVEZA6 AC : JN-2089 Abbrev: Acta Zool. Title : Acta Zoologica [Morphology and Evolution] ISSN : 0001-7272 e-ISSN: 1463-6395 CODEN : AZOSAT Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0001-7272 AC : JN-2311 Abbrev: Acta Zool. Mex. Title : Acta Zoologica Mexicana [Revista Internacional de Fauna Terrestre] ISSN : 0065-1737 CODEN : AZMEEF Publis: Instituto de Ecologia Server: http://www1.inecol.edu.mx/azm/ AC : JN-3033 Abbrev: Acta Zool. Taiwanica Title : Acta Zoologica Taiwanica ISSN : 1019-5858 CODEN : AZTAE4 Publis: National Taiwan University, College of Science Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=417 AC : JN-2312 Abbrev: Adv. Appl. Microbiol. Title : Advances in Applied Microbiology ISSN : 0065-2164 CODEN : ADAMAP Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652164 AC : JN-2746 Abbrev: Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. Title : Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology ISSN : 0724-6145 e-ISSN: 1616-8542 CODEN : ABEBDZ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : This is a book series. Server: https://www.springer.com/series/10 AC : JN-4888 Abbrev: Adv. Bioinform. Title : Advances in Bioinformatics ISSN : 1687-8027 e-ISSN: 1687-8035 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased in 2019. Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/abi/ AC : JN-0042 Abbrev: Adv. Biophys. Title : Advances in Biophysics ISSN : 0065-227X CODEN : ADVBAT Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 38 in 2004. AC : JN-4037 Abbrev: Adv. BioTech Title : Advanced BioTech [Journal of Advanced Biotechnology] ISSN : 0973-0109 Publis: Samanthi Publications P. Ltd. Server: http://www.advancedbiotech.in/ AC : JN-2313 Abbrev: Adv. Bot. Res. Title : Advances in Botanical Research ISSN : 0065-2296 CODEN : ABTRAJ Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652296 AC : JN-2651 Abbrev: Adv. Cancer Res. Title : Advances in Cancer Research ISSN : 0065-230X CODEN : ACRSAJ Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/0065230X AC : JN-2314 Abbrev: Adv. Clin. Chem. Title : Advances in Clinical Chemistry ISSN : 0065-2423 CODEN : ACLCA9 Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652423 AC : JN-4923 Abbrev: Adv. Clin. Exp. Med. Title : Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine ISSN : 1899-5276 e-ISSN: 2451-2680 Publis: Wroclaw, Poland : The University Server: https://advances.umw.edu.pl/en/home/ AC : JN-0043 Abbrev: Adv. Dent. Res. Title : Advances in Dental Research ISSN : 0895-9374 e-ISSN: 1544-0737 CODEN : CBUCE5 Publis: International Association for Dental Research Server: http://adr.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-3875 Abbrev: Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. Title : Advances Drug Delivery Reviews ISSN : 0169-409X e-ISSN: 1872-8294 CODEN : ADDREP Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0169409X AC : JN-2315 Abbrev: Adv. Ecol. Res. Title : Advances in Ecological Research ISSN : 0065-2504 CODEN : AELRAY Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652504 AC : JN-0044 Abbrev: Adv. Enzyme Regul. Title : Advances in Enzyme Regulation ISSN : 0065-2571 e-ISSN: 1873-2437 CODEN : AEZRA2 Publis: Pergamon Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00652571 AC : JN-4481 Abbrev: Adv. Enzyme Res. Title : Advances in Enzyme Research ISSN : 2328-4846 e-ISSN: 2328-4854 CODEN : AERDFR Publis: Scientific Research Publishing Server: http://www.scirp.org/journal/aer AC : JN-0045 Abbrev: Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. Title : Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology ISSN : 0065-258X CODEN : AERAAD AC : JN-0046 Abbrev: Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Title : Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ISSN : 0065-2598 CODEN : AEMBAP Short : AEMB Publis: Springer US Note : This is a book series. Server: https://www.springer.com/series/5584 AC : JN-0047 Abbrev: Adv. Gene Technol. Title : Advances in Gene Technology AC : JN-2316 Abbrev: Adv. Genet. Title : Advances in Genetics ISSN : 0065-2660 CODEN : ADGEAV Publis: Academic Press Note : Incorporates Mol. Genet. Med. in 1995. This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652660 AC : JN-4002 Abbrev: Adv. Hortic. Sci. Title : Advances in Horticultural Science ISSN : 0394-6169 e-ISSN: 1592-1573 CODEN : AHSCFG Publis: Firenze University Press Server: http://www.fupress.com/eng/rivista.asp?ID=2 AC : JN-0048 Abbrev: Adv. Hum. Genet. Title : Advances in Human Genetics ISSN : 0065-275X CODEN : ADHGA8 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1994. This is a book series. AC : JN-0049 Abbrev: Adv. Immunol. Title : Advances in Immunology ISSN : 0065-2776 e-ISSN: 1557-8445 CODEN : ADIMAV Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652776 AC : JN-3366 Abbrev: Adv. Limnol. Title : Advances in Limnology [Fundamental and Applied Limnology] ISSN : 1612-166X CODEN : ERLIA6 Publis: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/list/series/adv_limnology AC : JN-2317 Abbrev: Adv. Mar. Biol. Title : Advances in Marine Biology ISSN : 0065-2881 CODEN : AMBYAR Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652881 AC : JN-2863 Abbrev: Adv. Mater. Title : Advanced Materials ISSN : 0935-9648 e-ISSN: 1521-4095 CODEN : ADVMEW Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Adv Mater Deerfield. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4095 AC : JN-2416 Abbrev: Adv. Microb. Ecol. Title : Advances in Microbial Ecology ISSN : 0147-4863 CODEN : AMIED5 Publis: Not published Note : Publication started with vol. ? in 1977 and ceased with vol. ? in 2000. AC : JN-0050 Abbrev: Adv. Microb. Physiol. Title : Advances in Microbial Physiology ISSN : 0065-2911 CODEN : AMPIBG Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00652911 AC : JN-4327 Abbrev: Adv. Microbiol. Title : Advances in Microbiology ISSN : 2165-3402 e-ISSN: 2165-3410 Publis: Scientific Research Publishing Server: http://www.scirp.org/journal/aim/ AC : JN-0051 Abbrev: Adv. Nephrol. Necker Hosp. Title : Advances in Nephrology from the Necker Hospital ISSN : 0084-5957 CODEN : ANGYBQ Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 33 in 2003. AC : JN-2330 Abbrev: Adv. Oto-Rhino-Laryngol. Title : Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology ISSN : 0065-3071 e-ISSN: 1662-2847 CODEN : ADORB9 Publis: Karger AG Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Adv. Otorhinolaryngol. Server: http://www.karger.com/ADORL AC : JN-2331 Abbrev: Adv. Parasitol. Title : Advances in Parasitology ISSN : 0065-308X CODEN : ADPRAD Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/711181/description#description AC : JN-4138 Abbrev: Adv. Pharmacol. Title : Advances in Pharmacology ISSN : 1054-3589 Publis: Elsevier Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/10543589 AC : JN-0052 Abbrev: Adv. Physiol. Educ. Title : Advances in Physiology Education ISSN : 1043-4046 e-ISSN: 1522-1229 CODEN : APEDF5 Publis: American Physiological Society Server: http://advan.physiology.org/ AC : JN-2747 Abbrev: Adv. Primatol. Title : Advances in Primatology ISSN : 0587-4416 CODEN : ADPYA Publis: Springer Note : This is a book series. Server: https://www.springer.com/series/5601 AC : JN-0053 Abbrev: Adv. Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukotriene Res. Title : Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene Research ISSN : 0732-8141 CODEN : ATLRD6 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Adv. Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot. Res. Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1995. AC : JN-0054 Abbrev: Adv. Protein Chem. Title : Advances in Protein Chemistry ISSN : 0065-3233 e-ISSN: 1557-8941 CODEN : APCHA2 Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00653233 AC : JN-2765 Abbrev: Adv. Protein Phosphatases Title : Advances in Protein Phosphatases ISSN : 0775-051X CODEN : APPHE3 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in ?2000. AC : JN-4785 Abbrev: Adv. Sci. Title : Advanced Science e-ISSN: 2198-3844 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/21983844 AC : JN-0055 Abbrev: Adv. Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res. Title : Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research ISSN : 1040-7952 CODEN : ASMRE5 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 33 in 1999. Replaces Adv. Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphorylation Res., starts with vol. 21 in 1988. AC : JN-2535 Abbrev: Adv. Space Res. Title : Advances in Space Research ISSN : 0273-1177 CODEN : ASRSDW Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02731177 AC : JN-3365 Abbrev: Adv. Synth. Catal. Title : Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis ISSN : 1615-4150 e-ISSN: 1615-4169 CODEN : ASCAF7 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1615-4169 AC : JN-4832 Abbrev: Adv. Ther. Title : Advanced Therapeutics ISSN : 2366-3987 e-ISSN: 2366-3987 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Adv. Ther. (Weinh). Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/23663987 AC : JN-3239 Abbrev: Adv. Vet. Dermatol. Title : Advances in Veterinary Dermatology ISSN : 1366-185X Publis: Pergamon AC : JN-4238 Abbrev: Adv. Virol. Title : Advances in Virology ISSN : 1687-8639 e-ISSN: 1687-8647 CODEN : AVDIEM Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/av/ AC : JN-2332 Abbrev: Adv. Virus Res. Title : Advances in Virus Research ISSN : 0065-3527 e-ISSN: 1557-8399 CODEN : AVREA8 Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00653527 AC : JN-3619 Abbrev: Aerobiologia Title : Aerobiologia [International Journal of Aerobiology] ISSN : 0393-5965 e-ISSN: 1573-3025 CODEN : AROBFT Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10453 AC : JN-3514 Abbrev: Afr. Entomol. Title : African Entomology [Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa] ISSN : 1021-3589 CODEN : AFREE2 Publis: Entomological Society of Southern Africa Server: http://journals.sabinet.co.za/essa/ AC : JN-3395 Abbrev: Afr. Invertebr. Title : African Invertebrates [A Journal of Biodiversity Research] ISSN : 1681-5556 CODEN : ANMUA9 Publis: Natal Museum Server: http://www.africaninvertebrates.org.za/ AC : JN-3396 Abbrev: Afr. J. Biotechnol. Title : African Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 1684-5315 CODEN : AJBFAH Publis: Academic Journals Server: http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB/ AC : JN-2696 Abbrev: Afr. J. Herpetol. Title : African Journal of Herpetology ISSN : 0441-6651 CODEN : HAAJA4 Publis: Herpetological Association of Africa Server: http://www.herplit.com/contents/Africa.html AC : JN-3418 Abbrev: Afr. J. Mar. Sci. Title : African Journal of Marine Science ISSN : 1814-232X e-ISSN: 1814-2338 Publis: National Inquiry Services Centre Server: http://www.nisc.co.za/journals?id=10 AC : JN-3669 Abbrev: Afr. J. Root Tuber Crops Title : African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops ISSN : 1118-2075 Publis: International Society for Tropical Root Crops--Africa Branch AC : JN-3047 Abbrev: Afr. Plant Prot. Title : African Plant Protection ISSN : 1023-3121 Publis: African Plant Protection Server: http://journals.sabinet.co.za/ej/ejour_plantpro.html AC : JN-3048 Abbrev: Afr. Primates Title : African Primates ISSN : 1026-2865 Publis: Zoo Atlanta, Africa Biodiversity Conservation Program Server: http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/news/journals/apn2.1.html AC : JN-3355 Abbrev: Afr. Zool. Title : African Zoology ISSN : 1562-7020 CODEN : SAJZDH Publis: Zoological Society of Southern Africa Server: http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_afzoo.html AC : JN-0056 Abbrev: Ageing Res. Rev. Title : Ageing Research Reviews ISSN : 1568-1637 e-ISSN: 1872-9649 CODEN : ARRGAK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15681637 AC : JN-0057 Abbrev: Agents Actions Title : Agents and Actions ISSN : 0065-4299 CODEN : AGACBH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Inflamm. Res., ends with vol. 43 in 1994. AC : JN-4487 Abbrev: Agents Actions Suppl. Title : Agents and Actions Supplements ISSN : 0379-0363 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Prog. Inflamm. Res., ends in 1998 AC : JN-4145 Abbrev: Aging (Albany NY) Title : Aging (Albany NY) e-ISSN: 1945-4589 Publis: Impact Journals Server: http://www.impactaging.com AC : JN-0058 Abbrev: Aging Cell Title : Aging Cell ISSN : 1474-9718 e-ISSN: 1474-9726 CODEN : ACGECQ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1474-9718 AC : JN-0059 Abbrev: Agric. Biol. Chem. Title : Agricultural and Biological Chemistry ISSN : 0002-1369 CODEN : ABCHA6 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., ends with vol. 55 in 1991. AC : JN-3298 Abbrev: Agric. For. Entomol. Title : Agricultural and Forest Entomology ISSN : 1461-9555 e-ISSN: 1461-9563 CODEN : AFEGB8 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1461-9555 AC : JN-3382 Abbrev: Agric. Sci. China Title : Agricultural Sciences in China ISSN : 1671-2927 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/16712927 AC : JN-3285 Abbrev: Agrociencia Title : Agrociencia ISSN : 1405-3195 Publis: Colegio de Postgraduados, Programa de Genetica I R E G E P Server: http://www.colpos.mx/agrocien/agrociencia.htm AC : JN-1981 Abbrev: Ai Bian Ji Bian Tu Bian Title : Ai Bian Ji Bian Tu Bian e-ISSN: 1004-616X Publis: Zhongguo Huanjing Youbianji Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Aibian, Jibian, Tubian. Parallel language title: Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis. Server: http://abjbtb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2929 Abbrev: Ai Zheng Title : Ai Zheng ISSN : 1000-467X CODEN : AIZHE4 Publis: Zhongshan Yike Daxue, Zhongliuzhi Zhongxin Note : Alternative transliteration: Aizheng. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Cancer. Server: http://www.cjcsysu.cn/ AC : JN-4883 Abbrev: AIChE J. Title : AlChE Journal ISSN : 0001-1541 e-ISSN: 1547-5905 CODEN : AICEAC Publis: Wiley-Blackwell Server: https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15475905 AC : JN-0060 Abbrev: AIDS Title : AIDS ISSN : 0269-9370 e-ISSN: 1473-5571 CODEN : AIDSET Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/aidsonline/ AC : JN-0061 Abbrev: AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses Title : AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses ISSN : 0889-2229 e-ISSN: 1931-8405 CODEN : ARHRE7 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/aid AC : JN-4765 Abbrev: AIMS Microbiol. Title : AIMS Microbiology ISSN : 2471-1888 Publis: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences Server: http://www.aimspress.com/journal/aimsmicro AC : JN-3062 Abbrev: AIMS Rep. Title : AIMS Report ISSN : 1033-6974 Publis: Australian Institute of Marine Science AC : JN-2785 Abbrev: Alces Title : Alces [A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose] ISSN : 0835-5851 Publis: Alces Server: http://bolt.lakeheadu.ca/~alceswww/ AC : JN-0062 Abbrev: Alcohol Title : Alcohol ISSN : 0741-8329 e-ISSN: 1873-6823 CODEN : ALCOEX Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07418329 AC : JN-0063 Abbrev: Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. Title : Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research ISSN : 0145-6008 e-ISSN: 1530-0277 CODEN : ACRSDM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0145-6008 AC : JN-0065 Abbrev: Algae Title : Algae ISSN : 1226-2617 e-ISSN: 2093-0860 Publis: Korean Society of Phycology Note : Replaces Korean J. Phycol., starts with vol. ? in 1996. Server: http://www.e-algae.kr/main/ AC : JN-4651 Abbrev: Algal Res. Title : Algal Research e-ISSN: 2211-9264 CODEN : ARLEBJ Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/algal-research AC : JN-3494 Abbrev: Algol. Stud. Title : Algological Studies ISSN : 1864-1318 Publis: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : Replaces Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Algol. Stud., starts with vol. 125 in 2007. Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/journals/algol_stud AC : JN-2536 Abbrev: Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. Title : Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ISSN : 0269-2813 e-ISSN: 1365-2036 CODEN : APTHEN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0269-2813 AC : JN-2329 Abbrev: Aliso Title : Aliso [A Journal of Taxonomic and Evolutionary Botany] ISSN : 0065-6275 CODEN : ALSOA7 Publis: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Server: http://www.rsabg.org/research-department/130 AC : JN-4038 Abbrev: Allelopathy J. Title : Allelopathy Journal ISSN : 0971-4693 e-ISSN: 0974-1240 Publis: International Allelopathy Foundation Server: http://www.allelopathy-journal.com/ AC : JN-4261 Abbrev: Allergol. Int. Title : Allergology International ISSN : 1323-8930 e-ISSN: 1440-1592 Publis: Japanese Society of Allergology Server: http://ai.jsaweb.jp/ AC : JN-0066 Abbrev: Allergy Title : Allergy [European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology] ISSN : 0105-4538 e-ISSN: 1398-9995 CODEN : LLRGDY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Acta Allergol., starts with vol. 33 in 1978. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0105-4538 AC : JN-4639 Abbrev: Allergy Asthma Proc. Title : Allergy and Asthma Proceedings ISSN : 1088-5412 e-ISSN: 1539-6304 CODEN : AAPRFV Publis: OceanSide Publications, Inc Server: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ocean/aap AC : JN-4334 Abbrev: Allergy Rhinol. (Providence) Title : Allergy and Rhinology (Providence) ISSN : 2152-6575 e-ISSN: 2152-6567 Publis: Providence, RI : Oceanside Publications Server: http://allergyandrhinology.com/ AC : JN-3454 Abbrev: Altern. Lab. Anim. Title : Alternatives to Laboratory Animals ISSN : 0261-1929 CODEN : AALADQ Short : ATLA Publis: Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments Server: http://www.frame.org.uk/page.php?pg_id=18 AC : JN-2766 Abbrev: Alytes Title : Alytes [International Journal of Batrachology] ISSN : 0753-4973 CODEN : ALTSES Publis: Societe Batrachologique de France AC : JN-4601 Abbrev: Alzheimers Dement. Title : Alzheimer's and Dementia ISSN : 1552-5260 e-ISSN: 1552-5279 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15525260 AC : JN-3299 Abbrev: Alzheimers Rep. Title : Alzheimer's Reports ISSN : 1461-6130 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2000. AC : JN-0067 Abbrev: Am. Fern J. Title : American Fern Journal ISSN : 0002-8444 e-ISSN: 1938-422X CODEN : AMFJA2 Publis: American Fern Society Server: http://amerfernsoc.org/subagt.html AC : JN-0068 Abbrev: Am. Heart J. Title : American Heart Journal ISSN : 0002-8703 e-ISSN: 1097-6744 CODEN : AHJOA2 Short : AHJ Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00028703 AC : JN-4588 Abbrev: Am. J. Alzheimers Dis. Other Demen. Title : American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias ISSN : 1533-3175 e-ISSN: 1938-2731 Publis: Sage Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/aja AC : JN-0069 Abbrev: Am. J. Bot. Title : American Journal of Botany ISSN : 0002-9122 e-ISSN: 1537-2197 CODEN : AJBOAA Publis: Botanical Society of America Server: http://www.amjbot.org/ AC : JN-4647 Abbrev: Am. J. Cancer Res. Title : American Journal of Cancer Research ISSN : 2156-6976 CODEN : AJCRFT Publis: e-Century Publishing Corp. Server: http://www.ajcr.us/index.html AC : JN-1994 Abbrev: Am. J. Cardiol. Title : The American Journal of Cardiology ISSN : 0002-9149 CODEN : AJCDAG Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.ajconline.org/ http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00029149 AC : JN-4821 Abbrev: Am. J. Cardiovasc. Dis. Title : American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease e-ISSN: 2160-200X Publis: Madison, WI : e-Century Pub. Corp Server: http://www.ajcd.us AC : JN-4665 Abbrev: Am. J. Chin. Med. Title : American Journal of Chinese Medicine ISSN : 0192-415X CODEN : AJCMBA Publis: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Server: https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ajcm AC : JN-4637 Abbrev: Am. J. Clin. Exp. Urol. Title : American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology e-ISSN: 2330-1910 Short : AJCEU Publis: Madison, WI : e-Century Pub. Corp Server: http://www.ajceu.us/ AC : JN-0070 Abbrev: Am. J. Clin. Nutr. Title : American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ISSN : 0002-9165 CODEN : AJCNAC Short : AJCN Publis: American Society for Clinical Nutrition Server: http://www.ajcn.org/ AC : JN-2040 Abbrev: Am. J. Clin. Pathol. Title : American Journal of Clinical Pathology ISSN : 0002-9173 CODEN : AJCPAI Short : AJCP Publis: American Society for Clinical Pathology Server: http://ajcp.ascpjournals.org/ AC : JN-1970 Abbrev: Am. J. Dermatopathol. Title : The American Journal of Dermatopathologia ISSN : 0193-1091 e-ISSN: 1533-0311 CODEN : AJODDB Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/amjdermatopathology/ AC : JN-4224 Abbrev: Am. J. Dis. Child. Title : American Journal of Diseases of Children ISSN : 0002-922X CODEN : AJDCAI Publis: Chicago Il American Medical Association Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: A.M.A. J. Dis. Child. Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1993. AC : JN-2105 Abbrev: Am. J. Enol. Vitic. Title : American Journal of Enology and Viticulture ISSN : 0002-9254 CODEN : AJEVAC Publis: American Society for Enology and Viticulture Server: http://www.ajevonline.org AC : JN-2106 Abbrev: Am. J. Epidemiol. Title : American Journal of Epidemiology ISSN : 0002-9262 e-ISSN: 1476-6256 CODEN : AJEPAS Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0071 Abbrev: Am. J. Gastroenterol. Title : The American Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 0002-9270 e-ISSN: 1572-0241 CODEN : AJGAAR Short : AJG Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0002-9270 AC : JN-0072 Abbrev: Am. J. Hematol. Title : American Journal of Hematology ISSN : 0361-8609 e-ISSN: 1096-8652 CODEN : AJHEDD Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-8652 AC : JN-0073 Abbrev: Am. J. Hum. Genet. Title : The American Journal of Human Genetics ISSN : 0002-9297 e-ISSN: 1537-6605 CODEN : AJHGAG Short : AJHG Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/AJHG/ AC : JN-4488 Abbrev: Am. J. Hum. Genet. Suppl. Title : American Society of Human Genetics Supplement Publis: Elsevier Note : Has the same ISSN as the Am. J. Hum. Genet. Server: http://www.cell.com/ajhg/home AC : JN-0074 Abbrev: Am. J. Hypertens. Title : American Journal of Hypertension ISSN : 0895-7061 CODEN : AJHYE6 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ajh/ AC : JN-2467 Abbrev: Am. J. Infect. Control. Title : American Journal of Infection Control ISSN : 0196-6553 e-ISSN: 1527-3296 CODEN : AJICDC Short : AJIC Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01966553 AC : JN-0075 Abbrev: Am. J. Kidney Dis. Title : American Journal of Kidney Diseases ISSN : 0272-6386 e-ISSN: 1523-6838 CODEN : AJKDDP Short : AJKD Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.ajkd.org/ http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02726386 AC : JN-0076 Abbrev: Am. J. Med. Title : The American Journal of Medicine ISSN : 0002-9343 e-ISSN: 1555-7162 CODEN : AJMEAZ Publis: Excerpta Medica Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00029343 AC : JN-0077 Abbrev: Am. J. Med. Genet. Title : American Journal of Medical Genetics ISSN : 0148-7299 e-ISSN: 1096-8628 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Am. J. Med. Genet. A, ends with vol. 115 in 2002. AC : JN-0078 Abbrev: Am. J. Med. Genet. A Title : American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A ISSN : 1552-4825 e-ISSN: 1552-4833 CODEN : AJMGDA Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Am. J. Med. Genet., starts with vol. 116 in 2003. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-4833 AC : JN-0079 Abbrev: Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. Title : American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics ISSN : 1552-4841 e-ISSN: 1552-485X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-485X AC : JN-4324 Abbrev: Am. J. Med. Genet. C. Semin. Med. Genet. Title : American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics ISSN : 1552-4868 e-ISSN: 1552-4876 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291552-4876 AC : JN-0080 Abbrev: Am. J. Med. Sci. Title : The American Journal of the Medical Sciences ISSN : 0002-9629 e-ISSN: 1538-2990 CODEN : AJMSA9 Short : AJMS Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/amjmedsci/ AC : JN-1977 Abbrev: Am. J. Nephrol. Title : American Journal of Nephrology ISSN : 0250-8095 e-ISSN: 1421-9670 CODEN : AJNED9 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/AJN AC : JN-4587 Abbrev: Am. J. Neurodegener. Dis. Title : American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease e-ISSN: 2165-591X Publis: e-Century Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.ajnd.us/ AC : JN-0081 Abbrev: Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Title : American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ISSN : 0002-9378 e-ISSN: 1097-6868 CODEN : AJOGAH Short : AJOG Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00029378 AC : JN-0082 Abbrev: Am. J. Ophthalmol. Title : American Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 0002-9394 CODEN : AJOPAA Short : AJO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.ajo.com/ http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00029394 AC : JN-0083 Abbrev: Am. J. Pathol. Title : The American Journal of Pathology ISSN : 0002-9440 e-ISSN: 1525-2191 CODEN : AJPAA4 Publis: American Society for Investigative Pathology Server: http://ajp.amjpathol.org/ AC : JN-0084 Abbrev: Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. Title : American Journal of Physical Anthropology ISSN : 0002-9483 e-ISSN: 1096-8644 CODEN : AJPNA9 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-8644 AC : JN-0085 Abbrev: Am. J. Physiol. Title : American Journal of Physiology ISSN : 0002-9513 CODEN : AJPHAP Short : AJP Publis: American Physiological Society Note : This journal consists of 7 different series. The page numbers are prefixed by a letter corresponding to a specific series: C=Cell Physiology (ISSN=0363-6143) / E=Endocrinology and Metabolism (ISSN=0193-1849) / F=Renal Physiology (ISSN=0363-6127) / G=Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (ISSN=0193-1857) / H=Heart and Circulatory Physiology (ISSN=0363-6135) / L=Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology (ISSN=1040-0605) / R=Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (ISSN=0363-6119). Server: http://ajpcell.physiology.org/ http://ajpendo.physiology.org/ http://ajpgi.physiology.org/ http://ajpheart.physiology.org/ http://ajplung.physiology.org/ http://ajpregu.physiology.org/ http://ajprenal.physiology.org/ AC : JN-4691 Abbrev: Am. J. Plant Sci. Title : American Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN : 2158-2742 e-ISSN: 2158-2750 Publis: [Irvine, Calif.] : Scientific Research Publishing Server: https://www.scirp.org/journal/ajps AC : JN-3135 Abbrev: Am. J. Potato Res. Title : American Journal of Potato Research ISSN : 1099-209X e-ISSN: 1874-9380 CODEN : APOJAY Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12230 AC : JN-0086 Abbrev: Am. J. Primatol. Title : American Journal of Primatology ISSN : 0275-2565 e-ISSN: 1098-2345 CODEN : AJPTDU Short : AJP Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2345 AC : JN-1911 Abbrev: Am. J. Psychiatry Title : The American Journal of Psychiatry ISSN : 0002-953X e-ISSN: 1535-7228 CODEN : AJPSAO Publis: American Psychiatric Association Server: http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/ AC : JN-0087 Abbrev: Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. Title : American Journal of Reproductive Immunology ISSN : 1046-7408 e-ISSN: 1600-0897 CODEN : AAJID6 Short : AJRI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1046-7408 AC : JN-0088 Abbrev: Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. Title : American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1044-1549 e-ISSN: 1535-4989 CODEN : AJRBEL Publis: American Thoracic Society Server: http://ajrcmb.atsjournals.org/ AC : JN-0089 Abbrev: Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. Title : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine ISSN : 1073-449X e-ISSN: 1535-4970 CODEN : AJCMED Short : AJRCCM Publis: American Thoracic Society Server: http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/ AC : JN-3803 Abbrev: Am. J. Surg. Pathol. Title : American Journal of Surgical Pathology ISSN : 0147-5185 e-ISSN: 1532-0979 CODEN : AJSPDX Publis: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/ajsp/ AC : JN-4052 Abbrev: Am. J. Transl. Res. Title : American Journal of Translational Research ISSN : 1943-8141 Publis: e-Century Publishing Corporation Server: http://ajtr.org/ AC : JN-0090 Abbrev: Am. J. Transplant. Title : American Journal of Transplantation ISSN : 1600-6135 e-ISSN: 1600-6143 CODEN : AJTMBR Short : AJT Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1600-6135 AC : JN-0091 Abbrev: Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. Title : American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ISSN : 0002-9637 e-ISSN: 1476-1645 CODEN : AJTHAB Short : AJTMH Publis: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Server: http://www.ajtmh.org/ AC : JN-3327 Abbrev: Am. J. Undergrad. Res. Title : American Journal of Undergraduate Research ISSN : 1536-4585 Publis: University of Northern Iowa Server: http://www.ajur.uni.edu/ AC : JN-0092 Abbrev: Am. J. Vet. Res. Title : American Journal of Veterinary Research ISSN : 0002-9645 CODEN : AJVRAH Publis: American Veterinary Medical Association Server: http://www.avma.org/journals/ajvr/ajvr_about.asp AC : JN-2767 Abbrev: Am. Malacol. Bull. Title : American Malacological Bulletin ISSN : 0740-2783 Publis: The Sheridan Press Server: http://www.malacological.org/ AC : JN-2107 Abbrev: Am. Midl. Nat. Title : American Midland Naturalist ISSN : 0003-0031 e-ISSN: 1938-4238 CODEN : AMNAAF Publis: University of Notre Dame, Department of Biological Sciences Server: http://www.nd.edu/~ammidnat/ AC : JN-0093 Abbrev: Am. Miner. Title : The American Mineralogist [An International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials] ISSN : 0003-004X CODEN : AMMIAY Publis: Mineralogical Society of America Server: http://ammin.geoscienceworld.org/ AC : JN-0094 Abbrev: Am. Mus. Novit. Title : American Museum Novitates ISSN : 0003-0082 e-ISSN: 1937-352X CODEN : AMUNAL Publis: American Museum Of Natural History Server: http://library.amnh.org/pubs/novitates.html AC : JN-1934 Abbrev: Am. Nat. Title : The American Naturalist ISSN : 0003-0147 e-ISSN: 1537-5323 CODEN : AMNTA4 Publis: University of Chicago Press Server: http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=amernatu AC : JN-0095 Abbrev: Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. Title : The American Review of Respiratory Disease ISSN : 0003-0805 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., ends with vol. 148 in 1993. AC : JN-2133 Abbrev: Am. Zool. Title : American Zoologist ISSN : 0003-1569 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Integr. Comp. Biol., ends with vol. 41 in 2001. AC : JN-4172 Abbrev: AMB Express Title : AMB Express e-ISSN: 2191-0855 Publis: Springer-Verlag Server: https://amb-express.springeropen.com/ AC : JN-2290 Abbrev: Ambio Title : Ambio [A Journal of the Human Environment] ISSN : 0044-7447 e-ISSN: 1654-7209 CODEN : AMBOCX Publis: Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien Server: http://www.ambio.kva.se AC : JN-0096 Abbrev: Amino Acids Title : Amino Acids ISSN : 0939-4451 e-ISSN: 1438-2199 CODEN : AACIE6 Publis: Springer Wien Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/726/ AC : JN-2451 Abbrev: Amphib. Reptil. Title : Amphibia - Reptilia ISSN : 0173-5373 e-ISSN: 1568-5381 CODEN : AMREEH Publis: Brill Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Amphib-reptil. Server: http://www.seh-herpetology.org/ AC : JN-4834 Abbrev: Amylase Title : Amylase e-ISSN: 2450-9728 Publis: Warsaw, Poland : De Gruyter Open Server: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/amylase/html AC : JN-0097 Abbrev: Amyloid Title : Amyloid [The Journal of Protein Folding Disorders] ISSN : 1350-6129 e-ISSN: 1744-2818 CODEN : AIJIET Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/amy AC : JN-2032 Abbrev: Amyotroph. Lateral Scler. Title : Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ISSN : 1748-2968 e-ISSN: 1471-180X Short : ALS Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/aml AC : JN-4494 Abbrev: Amyotroph. Lateral Scler. Frontotemporal Degener. Title : Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis & Frontotemporal Degeneration [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration] [ALS and Frontotemporal Degeneration] ISSN : 2167-8421 e-ISSN: 2167-9223 Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Continues Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iafd20 AC : JN-0102 Abbrev: An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. Title : Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias ISSN : 0001-3765 e-ISSN: 1678-2690 CODEN : AABCAD Publis: Academia Brasileira de Ciencias Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0001-3765 AC : JN-2572 Abbrev: An. Esp. Pediatr. Title : Anales Espanoles de Pediatria ISSN : 0302-4342 e-ISSN: 1577-2799 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by An. Pediatr., ends with vol. ?56 in 2002. AC : JN-2473 Abbrev: An. Jard. Bot. Madr. Title : Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid ISSN : 0211-1322 CODEN : AJBMD7 Publis: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: An. Jard. Bot. Madr. (1979). Server: http://rjb.revistas.csic.es/index.php/rjb AC : JN-0098 Abbrev: Anaerobe Title : Anaerobe ISSN : 1075-9964 e-ISSN: 1095-8274 CODEN : ANAEF8 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10759964 AC : JN-0100 Abbrev: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. Title : Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry ISSN : 1618-2642 e-ISSN: 1618-2650 CODEN : ABCNBP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/216 AC : JN-0099 Abbrev: Anal. Biochem. Title : Analytical Biochemistry [Methods in the Biological Sciences] ISSN : 0003-2697 e-ISSN: 1096-0309 CODEN : ANBCA2 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00032697 AC : JN-0101 Abbrev: Anal. Chem. Title : Analytical Chemistry ISSN : 0003-2700 e-ISSN: 1520-6882 CODEN : ANCHAM Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/ancham/ AC : JN-4205 Abbrev: Anal. Chim. Acta Title : Analytica Chimica Acta ISSN : 0003-2670 e-ISSN: 1873-4324 CODEN : ACACAM Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00032670 AC : JN-1984 Abbrev: Anal. Sci. Title : Analytical Sciences ISSN : 0910-6340 e-ISSN: 1348-2246 CODEN : ANSCEN Publis: Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Server: http://www.jsac.or.jp/cgi-bin/analsci/toc/ AC : JN-1910 Abbrev: Analyst Title : The Analyst ISSN : 0003-2654 e-ISSN: 1364-5528 CODEN : ANALAO Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/AN AC : JN-0103 Abbrev: Anat. Embryol. (Berl.) Title : Anatomy and Embryology ISSN : 0340-2061 e-ISSN: 1432-0568 CODEN : ANEMDG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Brain Struct. Funct., ends with vol. 211 in 2006 AC : JN-0104 Abbrev: Anat. Rec. Title : The Anatomical Record ISSN : 0003-276X e-ISSN: 1097-0185 CODEN : ANREAK Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Anat. Rec. A Discov. Mol. Cell. Evol. Biol. and Anat. Rec. B New Anat., ends with vol. 269 in 2002. AC : JN-4113 Abbrev: Anat. Rec. (Hoboken) Title : Anatomical Record e-ISSN: 1932-8486 CODEN : ARNEGY Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Merges Anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology and Anatomical record. Part B, New anatomist, starts with vol. 290(1) in 2007. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291932-8494 AC : JN-0105 Abbrev: Anat. Rec. A Discov. Mol. Cell. Evol. Biol. Title : The Anatomical Record. Part A: Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology ISSN : 1552-4884 e-ISSN: 1552-4892 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Anat. Rec. [Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology], ends with vol. 288 in 2006. Replaces in part Anat. Rec., starts with vol. 270 in 2003. AC : JN-0106 Abbrev: Anat. Sci. Int. Title : Anatomical Science International [The Official Journal of the Japanese Association of Anatomists] ISSN : 1447-6959 e-ISSN: 1447-073X CODEN : KAIZAN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1447-6959 AC : JN-3240 Abbrev: Anc. Biomol. Title : Ancient Biomolecules ISSN : 1358-6122 CODEN : ANBIFP Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713399330 AC : JN-0107 Abbrev: Andrologia Title : Andrologia ISSN : 0303-4569 e-ISSN: 1439-0271 CODEN : ANDRDQ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0303-4569 AC : JN-4415 Abbrev: Andrology Title : Andrology e-ISSN: 2047-2927 Publis: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell Note : Merged From: International journal of andrology and Journal of andrology. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2047-2927 AC : JN-1928 Abbrev: Anesth. Analg. Title : Anesthesia and Analgesia ISSN : 0003-2999 e-ISSN: 1526-7598 CODEN : AACRAT Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.anesthesia-analgesia.org/ AC : JN-0108 Abbrev: Anesthesiology Title : Anesthesiology ISSN : 0003-3022 e-ISSN: 1528-1175 CODEN : ANESAV Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/anesthesiology/ AC : JN-0109 Abbrev: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Title : Angewandte Chemie International Edition ISSN : 1433-7851 e-ISSN: 1521-3773 CODEN : ACIEF5 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., starts with vol. 37 in 1998. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3773 AC : JN-3621 Abbrev: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. Title : Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English ISSN : 0570-0833 CODEN : ACIEAY Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ends with vol. 36 in 1997. AC : JN-3805 Abbrev: Angiogenesis Title : Angiogenesis ISSN : 0969-6970 e-ISSN: 1573-7209 CODEN : AGIOFT Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10456 AC : JN-2930 Abbrev: Anhui Nong Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Anhui Nong Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2197 Publis: Anhui Nongxueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Anhui Nongxueyuan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Anhui Agricultural College. AC : JN-3499 Abbrev: Anhui Nong Ye Ke Xue Title : Anhui Nong Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 0517-6611 Publis: Anhui Sheng Nongye Kexueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Anhui Nongye Kexue. Parallel language title: Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=3804 AC : JN-2093 Abbrev: Anim. Behav. Title : Animal Behaviour ISSN : 0003-3472 e-ISSN: 1095-8282 CODEN : ANBEA8 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00033472 AC : JN-3356 Abbrev: Anim. Biodivers. Conserv. Title : Animal Biodiversity and Conservation ISSN : 1578-665X CODEN : ABCNCQ Publis: Museu de Ciencies Naturals de la Ciutadella Server: http://w3.bcn.es/V65/Home/V65XMLHomeLinkPl/0,4555,418159056_418911616_3,00.html AC : JN-0110 Abbrev: Anim. Biotechnol. Title : Animal Biotechnology ISSN : 1049-5398 e-ISSN: 1532-2378 CODEN : ANBTEN Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597228 AC : JN-3655 Abbrev: Anim. Biotechnol. Bull. Title : Animal Biotechnology Bulletin ISSN : 1014-8469 Publis: Regional Coordinating Centre, ANBAPH AC : JN-4622 Abbrev: Anim. Cells Syst. (Seoul) Title : Animal Cells and Systems ISSN : 1976-8354 e-ISSN: 2151-2485 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tacs20/current AC : JN-0111 Abbrev: Anim. Conserv. Title : Animal Conservation [The Rapid Publication Journal for Quantitative Studies in Conservation] ISSN : 1367-9430 e-ISSN: 1469-1795 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1367-9430 AC : JN-2656 Abbrev: Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. Title : Animal Feed Science and Technology ISSN : 0377-8401 e-ISSN: 1873-2216 CODEN : AFSTDH Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03778401 AC : JN-0112 Abbrev: Anim. Genet. Title : Animal Genetics ISSN : 0268-9146 e-ISSN: 1365-2052 CODEN : ANGEE3 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0268-9146 AC : JN-0113 Abbrev: Anim. Reprod. Sci. Title : Animal Reproduction Science ISSN : 0378-4320 e-ISSN: 1873-2232 CODEN : ANRSDV Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03784320 AC : JN-3241 Abbrev: Anim. Sci. Title : Animal Science ISSN : 1357-7298 e-ISSN: 1748-748X CODEN : ANIPA8 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Ani. Res. and Reprod., Nutr., Dev. into Animal, ends with vol. ? in 2006. AC : JN-0114 Abbrev: Anim. Sci. J. Title : Animal Science Journal ISSN : 1344-3941 e-ISSN: 1740-0929 CODEN : ASCJFY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Parallel language title: Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1344-3941 AC : JN-2786 Abbrev: Anim. Sci. Pap. Rep. Title : Animal Science Papers and Reports ISSN : 0860-4037 CODEN : ANPREJ Publis: Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.ighz.edu.pl/?p0=5&p1=34&l=2 AC : JN-0115 Abbrev: Anim. Sci. Technol. Title : Animal Science and Technology ISSN : 0918-2365 CODEN : ALSTEQ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Anim. Sci. J., ends with vol. ? in 1998. Replaces Jpn. J. Zootech. Sci. AC : JN-4693 Abbrev: Animals Title : Animals ISSN : 2076-2615 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/animals AC : JN-2570 Abbrev: Ann. Acad. Med. Singapore Title : Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore ISSN : 0304-4602 CODEN : AAMSCG Short : AAMS Publis: Academy of Medicine Singapore Server: http://www.annals.edu.sg/ AC : JN-2731 Abbrev: Ann. Agric. Sci. Title : Annals of Agricultural Science ISSN : 0570-1783 CODEN : AAGSAI Publis: Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture Note : Parallel language title: Hawliyat al-ulum al-ziraiyah. AC : JN-0116 Abbrev: Ann. Allergy Title : Annals of Allergy ISSN : 0003-4738 CODEN : ANAEA3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol., ends with vol. 73 in 1994. AC : JN-0117 Abbrev: Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. Title : Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology ISSN : 1081-1206 e-ISSN: 1534-4436 CODEN : ALAIF6 Publis: American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Note : Replaces Ann. Allergy., starts with vol. 74 in 1995. Server: http://www.annallergy.org/ AC : JN-4728 Abbrev: Ann. Anat. Title : Annals of Anatomy e-ISSN: 1618-0402 Publis: Jena [Germany] Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09409602 AC : JN-2111 Abbrev: Ann. Appl. Biol. Title : Annals of Applied Biology ISSN : 0003-4746 e-ISSN: 1744-7348 CODEN : AABIAV Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0003-4746 AC : JN-2057 Abbrev: Ann. Biol. Clin. Title : Annales de Biologie Clinique ISSN : 0003-3898 CODEN : ABCLAI Publis: John Libbey Eurotext Server: http://www.revue-abc.com/ AC : JN-2714 Abbrev: Ann. Bogor. Title : Annales Bogorienses [Journal of Tropical General Botany] ISSN : 0517-8452 CODEN : ABOGAT Publis: Indonesian Institute of Sciences, R & D Centre for Biology AC : JN-0118 Abbrev: Ann. Bot. Title : Annals of Botany ISSN : 0305-7364 e-ISSN: 1095-8290 CODEN : ANBOA4 Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Ann. Bot. (Lond.). Server: http://aob.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2055 Abbrev: Ann. Bot. Fenn. Title : Annales Botanici Fennici ISSN : 0003-3847 CODEN : ABOFAQ Short : AnBF Publis: Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Server: http://www.sekj.org/AnnBot.html AC : JN-3479 Abbrev: Ann. Carnegie Mus. Title : Annals of Carnegie Museum ISSN : 0097-4463 e-ISSN: 1943-6300 CODEN : CIMUAU Publis: Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Office of Scientific Publications Server: http://www.carnegiemnh.org/scipub/annals.html AC : JN-0119 Abbrev: Ann. Clin. Biochem. Title : Annals of Clinical Biochemistry ISSN : 0004-5632 CODEN : ACBOBU Publis: Royal Society of Medicine Press Server: http://acb.rsmjournals.com/ AC : JN-2368 Abbrev: Ann. Clin. Lab. Sci. Title : Annals of the Clinical and Laboratory Science ISSN : 0091-7370 e-ISSN: 1550-8080 CODEN : ACLSCP Publis: The Association of Clinical Scientists Server: http://www.annclinlabsci.org/ AC : JN-0120 Abbrev: Ann. Clin. Microbiol. Antimicrob. Title : Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials e-ISSN: 1476-0711 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.ann-clinmicrob.com/ AC : JN-3551 Abbrev: Ann. Clin. Res. Title : Annals of Clinical Research ISSN : 0003-4762 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Med. Biol. into Ann. Med., ends with vol. 20 in 1988. AC : JN-4373 Abbrev: Ann. Clin. Transl. Neurol. Title : Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology e-ISSN: 2328-9503 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%292328-9503 AC : JN-4908 Abbrev: Ann. Dermatol. Title : Annals of Dermatology ISSN : 1013-9087 e-ISSN: 2005-3894 CODEN : ANDEEM Publis: Korean Dermatological Association Server: https://anndermatol.org/ AC : JN-0121 Abbrev: Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. Title : Annals of the Entomological Society of America ISSN : 0013-8746 CODEN : AESAAI Publis: Entomological Society of America Server: http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/periodicals/ann/ AC : JN-3192 Abbrev: Ann. For. Sci. Title : Annals of Forest Science ISSN : 1286-4560 e-ISSN: 1297-966X CODEN : AFOSFU Publis: EDP Sciences Server: http://www.afs-journal.org/ AC : JN-0122 Abbrev: Ann. Genet. Title : Annales de Genetique ISSN : 0003-3995 CODEN : AGTQAH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. J. Med. Genet., ends with vol. 47 in 2004. AC : JN-0123 Abbrev: Ann. Genet. Sel. Anim. Title : Annales de Genetique et de Selection Animale ISSN : 0003-4002 CODEN : AGQSA8 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Genet. Sel. Evol., ends with vol. 14 in 1982. AC : JN-0124 Abbrev: Ann. Hematol. Title : Annals of Hematology ISSN : 0939-5555 e-ISSN: 1432-0584 CODEN : ANHEE8 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Blut, starts with vol. 62 in 1991. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/277 AC : JN-2554 Abbrev: Ann. Hum. Biol. Title : Annals of Human Biology ISSN : 0301-4460 e-ISSN: 1464-5033 CODEN : AHUBBJ Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/ahb AC : JN-0125 Abbrev: Ann. Hum. Genet. Title : Annals of Human Genetics ISSN : 0003-4800 e-ISSN: 1469-1809 CODEN : ANHGAA Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0003-4800 AC : JN-0126 Abbrev: Ann. Immunol. (Paris) Title : Annales d'Immunologie (Paris) ISSN : 0300-4910 CODEN : ANIMCZ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ann. Inst. Pasteur Immunol., ends with vol. 135 in 1984. AC : JN-0127 Abbrev: Ann. Inst. Pasteur Immunol. Title : Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Immunologie ISSN : 0769-2625 CODEN : AIPIEP Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Ann. Immunol. (Paris), starts with vol. 136 in 1985. Replaced by Res. Immunol., ends with vol. 139 in 1988. AC : JN-0128 Abbrev: Ann. Inst. Pasteur Virol. Title : Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virologie ISSN : 0769-2617 CODEN : AIPVEU Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Ann. Virol. (Paris), starts with vol. ? in 1985. Replaced by Res. Virol., ends with vol. 139 in 1988. AC : JN-0129 Abbrev: Ann. Intern. Med. Title : Annals of Internal Medicine ISSN : 0003-4819 e-ISSN: 1539-3704 CODEN : AIMEAS Publis: ACP-ASIM Server: http://www.annals.org/ AC : JN-4466 Abbrev: Ann. Lab. Med. Title : Annals of Laboratory Medicine ISSN : 2234-3806 e-ISSN: 2234-3814 Publis: Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine Note : Publication started in 2012. Continues Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Server: http://www.annlabmed.org/ AC : JN-2058 Abbrev: Ann. Limnol. Title : Annales de Limnologie [International Journal of Limnology] ISSN : 0003-4088 e-ISSN: 2100-000X CODEN : ANLIB3 Publis: Universite Paul Sabatier Server: http://www.limnology-journal.org/ AC : JN-0130 Abbrev: Ann. Med. Title : Annals of Medicine ISSN : 0785-3890 e-ISSN: 1651-2219 CODEN : ANMDEU Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Formed by the merge of Med. Biol. and Ann. Clin. Res., starts with vol. 21 1989. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/ann AC : JN-0131 Abbrev: Ann. Med. Vet. Title : Annales de Medecine Veterinaire ISSN : 0003-4118 e-ISSN: 1781-3875 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 147 in 2003, continues as an online edition. Server: http://www.facmv.ulg.ac.be/amv/ AC : JN-3357 Abbrev: Ann. Microbiol. Title : Annals of Microbiology ISSN : 1590-4261 CODEN : AMNIC7 Publis: Universita degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche Server: http://www.annmicro.unimi.it/ AC : JN-2566 Abbrev: Ann. Microbiol. (Paris) Title : Annales de Microbiologie ISSN : 0300-5410 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ann. Inst. Pasteur Microbiol., ends with vol. 135B in 1984. AC : JN-0132 Abbrev: Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. Title : Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden ISSN : 0026-6493 CODEN : AMBGA7 Short : AMBG Publis: MBG Press Server: http://www.mbgpress.info/ AC : JN-0134 Abbrev: Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. Title : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ISSN : 0077-8923 e-ISSN: 1749-6632 CODEN : ANYAA9 Publis: New York Academy of Sciences Note : Often abbreviated "Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.". This is a book series. Server: http://www.nyas.org/annals/ AC : JN-0133 Abbrev: Ann. Neurol. Title : Annals of Neurology ISSN : 0364-5134 e-ISSN: 1531-8249 CODEN : ANNED3 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291531-8249 AC : JN-4758 Abbrev: Ann. Nutr. Metab. Title : Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism ISSN : 0250-6807 e-ISSN: 1421-9697 CODEN : ANUMDS Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/223977 AC : JN-2010 Abbrev: Ann. Oncol. Title : Annals of Oncology ISSN : 0923-7534 e-ISSN: 1569-8041 CODEN : ANONE2 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1904 Abbrev: Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. Title : Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology ISSN : 0003-4894 e-ISSN: 0096-8056 CODEN : AORHA2 Publis: Annals Publishing Co. Server: http://www.annals.com/ AC : JN-0135 Abbrev: Ann. Rheum. Dis. Title : Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases [The EULAR Journal] ISSN : 0003-4967 e-ISSN: 1468-2060 CODEN : ARDIAO Short : ARD Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://ard.bmj.com/ AC : JN-4894 Abbrev: Ann. Saudi Med. Title : Annals of Saudi Medicine ISSN : 0256-4947 e-ISSN: 0975-4466 CODEN : ANSMEJ Publis: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Server: https://www.annsaudimed.net/ AC : JN-2278 Abbrev: Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr. Title : Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France ISSN : 0037-9271 CODEN : ASEQAQ Publis: Societe Entomologique de France Server: http://ann.sef.free.fr/ AC : JN-0136 Abbrev: Ann. Surg. Title : Annals of Surgery ISSN : 0003-4932 e-ISSN: 1528-1140 CODEN : ANSUA5 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/ AC : JN-0137 Abbrev: Ann. Surg. Oncol. Title : Annals of Surgical Oncology ISSN : 1068-9265 e-ISSN: 1534-4681 CODEN : ASONF4 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.annsurgoncol.org/ AC : JN-0138 Abbrev: Ann. Thorac. Surg. Title : The Annals of Thoracic Surgery ISSN : 0003-4975 e-ISSN: 1552-6259 CODEN : ATHSAK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00034975 AC : JN-4607 Abbrev: Ann. Transl. Med. Title : Annals of Translational Medicine ISSN : 2305-5839 e-ISSN: 2305-5847 Publis: AME Publishing Company Server: http://atm.amegroups.com/index AC : JN-0139 Abbrev: Ann. Transplant. Title : Annals of Transplantation [Quarterly of the Polish Transplantation Society] ISSN : 1425-9524 CODEN : ANTRF6 Publis: Polish Transplantation Foundation Server: http://www.annalsoftransplantation.com/ AC : JN-2094 Abbrev: Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Title : Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology ISSN : 0003-4983 e-ISSN: 1364-8594 CODEN : ATMPA2 Publis: Maney Publishing Server: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=142 AC : JN-2487 Abbrev: Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie Sklodowska Sect. EE Zootech. Title : Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio EE, Zootechnika ISSN : 0239-4243 CODEN : AUEZE3 Publis: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie AC : JN-3747 Abbrev: Ann. Zool. Title : Annales Zoologici ISSN : 0003-4541 CODEN : AZOGAR Publis: Polska Akademia Nauk, Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Server: http://www.miiz.waw.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=72&Itemid=28 AC : JN-2056 Abbrev: Ann. Zool. Fenn. Title : Annales Zoologici Fennici ISSN : 0003-455X CODEN : AZOFAO Publis: Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Server: http://www.sekj.org/ActaZool.html AC : JN-0140 Abbrev: Annexins Title : Annexins ISSN : 1547-6294 CODEN : ANNEC2 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/annexins/ AC : JN-3580 Abbrev: Annu. Meet. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Title : Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society ISSN : 0097-1219 CODEN : PFSHA7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc., ends with vol. ? in 1977. AC : JN-2367 Abbrev: Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. Title : Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative ISSN : 0084-7747 Publis: James D. Kelly, Ed. & Pub. Server: http://www.css.msu.edu/bic/Reports.cfm AC : JN-3633 Abbrev: Annu. Rep. Grad. Sch. Humanit. Sci. Title : Annual Report of Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences ISSN : 0913-2201 Publis: Graduate School of Human Culture, Nara Women's University Server: http://nwudir.lib.nara-wu.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/82 AC : JN-3469 Abbrev: Annu. Rep. Inst. Med. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Title : Annual Report of the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo ISSN : 0918-8495 Publis: University of Tokyo, Institute of Medical Science Note : Replaces Jpn. J. Exp. Med., starts with vol. ? in 19??. Server: http://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/imsut/en/about/publication/summary/ AC : JN-0141 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Biochem. Title : Annual Review of Biochemistry ISSN : 0066-4154 e-ISSN: 1545-4509 CODEN : ARBOAW Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://biochem.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0142 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. Title : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure ISSN : 1056-8700 CODEN : ABBSE4 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biophys. Chem., starts with vol. 21 in 1992. Replaced by Annu. Rev. Biophys., ends with vol. 36 in 2007. Server: http://biophys.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0143 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. Title : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry ISSN : 0883-9182 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct., ends with vol. 20 in 1991. Server: http://biophys.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0144 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. Title : Annual Review of Cell Biology ISSN : 0743-4634 CODEN : ARCBE2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol., ends with vol. 10 in 1994. Server: http://cellbio.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0145 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. Title : Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology ISSN : 1081-0706 e-ISSN: 1530-8995 CODEN : ARDBF8 Publis: Annual Reviews Note : Replaces Annu. Rev. Cell Biol., starts with vol. 11 in 1995. Server: http://cellbio.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-2879 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Fish Dis. Title : Annual Review of Fish Diseases ISSN : 0959-8030 CODEN : ARFDEN Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Aquaculture, ends with vol. 6 in 1996. AC : JN-0146 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Genet. Title : Annual Review of Genetics ISSN : 0066-4197 e-ISSN: 1545-2948 CODEN : ARVGB7 Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://genet.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0147 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Immunol. Title : Annual Review of Immunology ISSN : 0732-0582 e-ISSN: 1545-3278 CODEN : ARIMDU Publis: Annual Reviews Server: https://www.annualreviews.org/loi/immunol AC : JN-0148 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Microbiol. Title : Annual Review of Microbiology ISSN : 0066-4227 e-ISSN: 1545-3251 CODEN : ARMIAZ Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://micro.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0149 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Neurosci. Title : Annual Review of Neuroscience ISSN : 0147-006X e-ISSN: 1545-4126 CODEN : ARNSD5 Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://neuro.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0150 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Nutr. Title : Annual Review of Nutrition ISSN : 0199-9885 e-ISSN: 1545-4312 CODEN : ARNTD8 Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://nutr.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0151 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Title : Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology ISSN : 0362-1642 e-ISSN: 1545-4304 CODEN : ARPTDI Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://pharmtox.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-0152 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Physiol. Title : Annual Review of Physiology ISSN : 0066-4278 e-ISSN: 1545-1585 CODEN : ARPHAD Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://physiol.annualreviews.org/ AC : JN-4562 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. Title : Annual Review of Phytopathology ISSN : 0066-4286 CODEN : APPYAG Publis: Annual Reviews Server: http://www.annualreviews.org/journal/phyto AC : JN-4235 Abbrev: Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. Title : Annual Review of Plant Biology ISSN : 1543-5008 e-ISSN: 1545-2123 CODEN : ARPBDW Publis: Annual Reviews Note : Replaces Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology, starts in 2002. Server: http://www.annualreviews.org/loi/arplant AC : JN-3853 Abbrev: Antarct. Res. Ser. Title : Antarctic Research Series ISSN : 0066-4634 CODEN : ANTSA4 Publis: American Geophysical Union Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.agu.org/cgi-bin/agubooks AC : JN-2880 Abbrev: Antarct. Sci. Title : Antarctic Science ISSN : 0954-1020 e-ISSN: 1365-2079 CODEN : ANTSE8 Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=ANS AC : JN-1936 Abbrev: Anthropol. Sci. Title : Anthropological Science ISSN : 0918-7960 e-ISSN: 1348-8570 Publis: Nippon Jinruigaku Gakkai Server: http://www.nacos.com/asn/as.html AC : JN-4781 Abbrev: Antib Ther Title : Antibody Therapeutics. ISSN : 2516-4236 e-ISSN: 2516-4236 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/abt/article/1/1/1/5040486 AC : JN-2745 Abbrev: Antibiot. Annu. Title : Antibiotics Annual ISSN : 0570-3131 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Antimicrob. Agents Annu., ends with vol. ? in 1960. AC : JN-2488 Abbrev: Antibiot. Khimioter. Title : Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiya ISSN : 0235-2990 CODEN : ANKHEW Publis: Media Sfera AC : JN-0153 Abbrev: Antibiot. Med. Biotekhnol. Title : Antibiotiki i Meditsinskaia Biotekhnologiia ISSN : 0233-7525 CODEN : AMBIEH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Antibiot. Khimioter., ends with vol. 32 in 1987. AC : JN-4796 Abbrev: Antibiotics Title : Antibiotics (Basel) ISSN : 2079-6382 CODEN : ABSNC4 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/antibiotics AC : JN-0154 Abbrev: Anticancer Drugs Title : Anti-Cancer Drugs ISSN : 0959-4973 e-ISSN: 1473-5741 CODEN : ANTDEV Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/anti-cancerdrugs/ AC : JN-0155 Abbrev: Anticancer Res. Title : Anticancer Research [International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment] ISSN : 0250-7005 CODEN : ANTRD4 Publis: International Institute of Anticancer Research Server: http://www.iiar-anticancer.org/main.php?id=2 AC : JN-4197 Abbrev: Antiinflamm. Antiallergy Agents Med. Chem. Title : Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 1871-5230 e-ISSN: 1875-614X CODEN : AAAMC6 Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Note : Replaces Current Medicinal Chemistry-Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents Server: http://www.bentham.org/cmcaiaa AC : JN-0156 Abbrev: Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. Title : Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ISSN : 0066-4804 e-ISSN: 1098-6596 CODEN : AMACCQ Short : AAC Publis: American Society for Microbiology Note : Replaces Antimicrob. Agents Annu., starts with vol. 1 in 1972. Server: http://aac.asm.org/ AC : JN-0157 Abbrev: Antioxid. Redox Signal. Title : Antioxidants and Redox Signaling ISSN : 1523-0864 e-ISSN: 1557-7716 CODEN : ARSIF2 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/ars AC : JN-4797 Abbrev: Antioxidants Title : Antioxidants (Basel) e-ISSN: 2076-3921 CODEN : ANTIGE Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://bibpurl.oclc.org/web/69423 AC : JN-0158 Abbrev: Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev. Title : Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development ISSN : 1087-2906 CODEN : ANADF5 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Oligonucleotides, ends with vol. 13 in 2003. Replaces Arch. Tierernahr., starts with vol. 6 in 1996. AC : JN-3074 Abbrev: Antisense Res. Dev. Title : Antisense Research and Development ISSN : 1050-5261 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev., ends with vol. 5 in 1995. AC : JN-2881 Abbrev: Antivir. Chem. Chemother. Title : Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy ISSN : 0956-3202 CODEN : ACCHEH Publis: International Medical Press Server: http://www.intmedpress.com/index.cfm?pid=16 AC : JN-1935 Abbrev: Antivir. Ther. Title : Antiviral Therapy ISSN : 1359-6535 CODEN : ANTHFA Publis: International Medical Press Server: http://www.intmedpress.com/index.cfm?pid=12 AC : JN-0159 Abbrev: Antiviral Res. Title : Antiviral Research ISSN : 0166-3542 e-ISSN: 1872-9096 CODEN : ARSRDR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01663542 AC : JN-0160 Abbrev: Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek Title : Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek [International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology] ISSN : 0003-6072 e-ISSN: 1572-9699 CODEN : ALJMAO Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10482 AC : JN-2291 Abbrev: Apidologie Title : Apidologie ISSN : 0044-8435 e-ISSN: 1297-9678 CODEN : APDGB5 Publis: EDP Sciences Server: http://www.apidologie.org AC : JN-0161 Abbrev: APMIS Title : APMIS [Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica] ISSN : 0903-4641 e-ISSN: 1600-0463 CODEN : APMSEL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0903-4641 AC : JN-0162 Abbrev: APMIS Suppl. Title : APMIS Supplementum ISSN : 0903-465X e-ISSN: 1600-5503 CODEN : AISSE2 Publis: Blackwell Publishing AC : JN-0163 Abbrev: Apoptosis Title : Apoptosis [An International Journal on Programmed Cell Death] ISSN : 1360-8185 e-ISSN: 1573-675X CODEN : APOPFN Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10495 AC : JN-0164 Abbrev: Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. Title : Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology [Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology] ISSN : 0273-2289 e-ISSN: 1559-0291 CODEN : ABIBDL Short : ABAB Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12010 AC : JN-2112 Abbrev: Appl. Biochem. Microbiol. Title : Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology ISSN : 0003-6838 e-ISSN: 1608-3024 CODEN : APBMAC Publis: Springer Note : Parallel language title: Prikladnaia Biokhimiia i Mikrobiologiia (0555-1099). Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10438 AC : JN-0165 Abbrev: Appl. Bioinformatics Title : Applied Bioinformatics ISSN : 1175-5636 CODEN : ABPIC8 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 5 in 2006. Server: http://pt.wkhealth.com/pt/re/abi/ AC : JN-3681 Abbrev: Appl. Biol. Sci. Title : Applied Biological Science ISSN : 1341-5573 Publis: Society of Biological Science AC : JN-3148 Abbrev: Appl. Biotechnol. Food Sci. Policy Title : Applied Biotechnology, Food Science and Policy ISSN : 1175-9534 Publis: Open Mind Journals Ltd. AC : JN-0167 Abbrev: Appl. Entomol. Zool. (Jpn.) Title : Applied Entomology and Zoology ISSN : 0003-6862 e-ISSN: 1347-605X CODEN : APEZAW Publis: Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/aez AC : JN-0166 Abbrev: Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Title : Applied and Environmental Microbiology ISSN : 0099-2240 e-ISSN: 1098-5336 CODEN : AEMIDF Short : AEM Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://aem.asm.org/ AC : JN-0168 Abbrev: Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Title : Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology ISSN : 0175-7598 e-ISSN: 1432-0614 CODEN : AMBIDG Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/253 AC : JN-2864 Abbrev: Appl. Parasitol. Title : Applied Parasitology ISSN : 0943-0938 CODEN : APPAEG Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ?37 in 1996. AC : JN-2848 Abbrev: Appl. Soil Ecol. Title : Applied Soil Ecology [A Companion Journal of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment] ISSN : 0929-1393 e-ISSN: 1873-0272 CODEN : ASECFN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09291393 AC : JN-0169 Abbrev: Appl. Theor. Electrophor. Title : Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis ISSN : 0954-6642 CODEN : ATELEM Short : ATE Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1988 and ceased with vol. 6 in 1996. AC : JN-2417 Abbrev: Aquac. Eng. Title : Aquacultural Engineering ISSN : 0144-8609 e-ISSN: 1873-5614 CODEN : AQEND6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01448609 AC : JN-2895 Abbrev: Aquac. Int. Title : Aquaculture International ISSN : 0967-6120 e-ISSN: 1573-143X CODEN : AQINFS Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10499 AC : JN-3242 Abbrev: Aquac. Res. Title : Aquaculture Research ISSN : 1355-557X e-ISSN: 1365-2109 CODEN : AQREFC Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1355-557X AC : JN-0170 Abbrev: Aquaculture Title : Aquaculture ISSN : 0044-8486 e-ISSN: 1873-5622 CODEN : AQCLAL Publis: Elsevier Note : Incorporates Annu. Rev. Fish Dis. in 1996. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00448486 AC : JN-3432 Abbrev: Aquat. Biol. Title : Aquatic Biology ISSN : 1864-7782 e-ISSN: 1864-7790 Publis: Inter-Research Server: http://www.int-res.com/journals/ab/ AC : JN-2574 Abbrev: Aquat. Bot. Title : Aquatic Botany ISSN : 0304-3770 CODEN : AQBODS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03043770 AC : JN-3259 Abbrev: Aquat. Ecol. Title : Aquatic Ecology ISSN : 1386-2588 e-ISSN: 1573-5125 CODEN : AQECF9 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10452 AC : JN-2435 Abbrev: Aquat. Insects Title : Aquatic Insects [International Journal of Freshwater Entomology] ISSN : 0165-0424 e-ISSN: 1744-4152 CODEN : AQINDQ Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713817864 AC : JN-3328 Abbrev: Aquat. Invaders Title : Aquatic Invaders [The Digest of the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse] ISSN : 1535-6868 e-ISSN: 1933-2122 Publis: National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse Server: http://www.aquaticinvaders.org/ AC : JN-3419 Abbrev: Aquat. Invasions Title : Aquatic Invasions ISSN : 1818-5487 e-ISSN: 1818-5487 Publis: Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC), Helsinki, Finland Server: http://www.aquaticinvasions.ru/ AC : JN-2827 Abbrev: Aquat. Living Resour. Title : Aquatic Living Resources [International Journal Devoted to Aquatic Resources] ISSN : 0990-7440 e-ISSN: 1765-2952 CODEN : ALREEA Publis: EDP Sciences Server: http://www.alr-journal.org AC : JN-1937 Abbrev: Aquat. Microb. Ecol. Title : Aquatic Microbial Ecology ISSN : 0948-3055 e-ISSN: 1616-1564 CODEN : MMFWE7 Publis: Inter-Research Server: http://www.int-res.com/journals/ame/ AC : JN-3509 Abbrev: Aquat. Sci. Title : Aquatic Sciences [Research Across Boundaries] ISSN : 1015-1621 e-ISSN: 1420-9055 CODEN : AQSCEA Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/27 AC : JN-0171 Abbrev: Aquat. Toxicol. Title : Aquatic Toxicology ISSN : 0166-445X CODEN : AQTODG Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0166445X AC : JN-4003 Abbrev: Aquilo Ser. Bot. Title : Aquilo. Serie Botanica ISSN : 0570-5169 CODEN : ASBOD8 Publis: Societas Amicorum Naturae Ouluensis, Department of Botany AC : JN-3136 Abbrev: Arab J. Biotechnol. Title : Arab Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 1110-6875 Publis: Arab Council for Graduate Studies & Scientific Research Server: http://www.acgssr.org/bio_journals.htm AC : JN-4432 Abbrev: Arabidopsis Book Title : The Arabidopsis Book e-ISSN: 1543-8120 Publis: Rockville, MD. American Society of Plant Biologists Server: http://www.arabidopsisbook.org/ AC : JN-0172 Abbrev: Arabidopsis Inf. Serv. Title : Arabidopsis Information Service ISSN : 0066-5657 CODEN : ADISBG Short : AIS Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 27 in 1990. Server: http://www.arabidopsis.org/ais/aisvols.html AC : JN-2748 Abbrev: Arbovirus Res. Aust. Title : Arbovirus Research in Australia ISSN : 0725-4989 Short : ARA Publis: Queensland Institute of Medical Research AC : JN-0173 Abbrev: Arch. Androl. Title : Archives of Andrology ISSN : 0148-5016 e-ISSN: 1521-0375 CODEN : ARANDR Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Syst. Biol. Reprod. Med., ends with vol. 53 in 2007. AC : JN-2060 Abbrev: Arch. Anim. Nutr. Title : Archives of Animal Nutrition ISSN : 1745-039X e-ISSN: 1477-2817 CODEN : ARTIA2 Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces Arch. Tierernahr., starts with vol. 58 in 2004. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713453455 AC : JN-4525 Abbrev: Arch. Argent. Pediatr. Title : Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria. ISSN : 0325-0075 e-ISSN: 1668-3501 CODEN : AHAPAS Publis: Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria Server: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0325-0075&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-0174 Abbrev: Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Title : Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN : 0003-9861 e-ISSN: 1096-0384 CODEN : ABBIA4 Short : ABB Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00039861 AC : JN-3746 Abbrev: Arch. Biol. Sci. Title : Archives of Biological Sciences ISSN : 0354-4664 Publis: Serbian Biological Society AC : JN-0175 Abbrev: Arch. Dermatol. Title : Archives of Dermatology ISSN : 0003-987X e-ISSN: 1538-3652 CODEN : ARDEAC Publis: Chicago Il American Medical Association Note : Replaces A.M.A. Arch. Dermatol., starts with vol. 82 in 1960. Server: http://archderm.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-0176 Abbrev: Arch. Dermatol. Res. Title : Archives of Dermatological Research ISSN : 0340-3696 e-ISSN: 1432-069X CODEN : ADREDL Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/403 AC : JN-0177 Abbrev: Arch. Dis. Child. Title : Archives of Disease in Childhood ISSN : 0003-9888 e-ISSN: 1468-2044 CODEN : ADCHAK Short : ADC Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://adc.bmj.com/ AC : JN-3854 Abbrev: Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Title : Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ISSN : 0090-4341 e-ISSN: 1432-0703 CODEN : AECTCV Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/244 AC : JN-3828 Abbrev: Arch. Exp. Veterinarmed. Title : Archiv fur Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin ISSN : 0003-9055 CODEN : AXVMAW Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 45 in 1991. AC : JN-1912 Abbrev: Arch. Gen. Psychiatry Title : Archives of General Psychiatry ISSN : 0003-990X e-ISSN: 1538-3636 CODEN : ARGPAQ Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-3587 Abbrev: Arch. Gynecol. Title : Archives of Gynecology ISSN : 0170-9925 CODEN : ARCGDG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., ends with vol. 240 in 1987. AC : JN-0178 Abbrev: Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. Title : Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics ISSN : 0932-0067 e-ISSN: 1432-0711 CODEN : AGOBEJ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Arch. Gynecol., starts with vol. 241 in 1987. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/404 AC : JN-2831 Abbrev: Arch. Histol. Cytol. Title : Archives of Histology and Cytology ISSN : 0914-9465 e-ISSN: 1349-1717 CODEN : AHCYEZ Publis: International Society of Histology and Cytology Server: http://www.ishc.net AC : JN-2070 Abbrev: Arch. Hydrobiol. Title : Archiv fur Hydrobiologie ISSN : 0003-9136 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Fundam. Appl. Limnol., ends with vol. 167 in 2006. AC : JN-3493 Abbrev: Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Algol. Stud. Title : Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Supplementband: Algological Studies ISSN : 0342-1120 CODEN : AHYBA4 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Algol. Stud., ends with vol. ? in 2007. AC : JN-2127 Abbrev: Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp. Title : Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis ISSN : 0004-069X e-ISSN: 1661-4917 CODEN : AITEAT Publis: Birkhauser Basel Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp. (Warsz.). Server: http://surfer.iitd.pan.wroc.pl/en/AITE/ http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0004-069X AC : JN-0179 Abbrev: Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. Title : Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology ISSN : 0739-4462 e-ISSN: 1520-6327 CODEN : AIBPEA Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6327 AC : JN-1918 Abbrev: Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis Title : Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis ISSN : 0020-2509 CODEN : APTUAO Publis: Institut Pasteur de Tunis AC : JN-2529 Abbrev: Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. Title : Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie ISSN : 0003-9780 CODEN : AIPTAK Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol., ends with vol 331 in 1996. Replaces Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., starts with vol. ? in 1900. AC : JN-0181 Abbrev: Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. Title : Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie ISSN : 0003-9799 CODEN : AIPBAY Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. Biophys., ends with vol. 98 in 1990. AC : JN-0182 Abbrev: Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. Biophys. Title : Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique ISSN : 0778-3124 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arch. Physiol. Biochim., ends with vol. 102 in 1994. Replaces Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim., starts with vol. 99 in 1991. AC : JN-0180 Abbrev: Arch. Intern. Med. Title : Archives of Internal Medicine ISSN : 0003-9926 e-ISSN: 1538-3679 CODEN : AIMDAP Publis: Chicago Il American Medical Association Note : Replaces A.M.A. Arch. Intern. Med., starts with vol. 106 in 1960. Server: http://archinte.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-4447 Abbrev: Arch. Iran. Med. Title : Archives of Iranian Medicine ISSN : 1029-2977 e-ISSN: 1735-3947 Publis: Tehran : Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran Server: http://www.aimjournal.ir AC : JN-2081 Abbrev: Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol. Title : Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e di Embriologia ISSN : 0004-0223 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ital. J. Anat. Embryol., ends with vol. 96 in 1991. AC : JN-2065 Abbrev: Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. Title : Archiv fur Lebensmittelhygiene ISSN : 0003-925X CODEN : ALMHAO Publis: Verlag M. und H. Schaper GmbH Note : Parallel language title: Archives for Food Hygiene. AC : JN-0183 Abbrev: Arch. Mal. Coeur Vaiss. Title : Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux ISSN : 0003-9683 Publis: Editions J.B. Bailliere AC : JN-0184 Abbrev: Arch. Med. Res. Title : Archives of Medical Research ISSN : 0188-4409 e-ISSN: 1873-5487 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01884409 AC : JN-3482 Abbrev: Arch. Med. Vet. Title : Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria ISSN : 0301-732X e-ISSN: 0717-6201 CODEN : AMVED2 Publis: Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias Server: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0301-732X AC : JN-0185 Abbrev: Arch. Microbiol. Title : Archives of Microbiology ISSN : 0302-8933 e-ISSN: 1432-072X CODEN : AMICCW Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0302-8933 AC : JN-0186 Abbrev: Arch. Neurol. Title : Archives of Neurology ISSN : 0003-9942 e-ISSN: 1538-3687 CODEN : ARNEAS Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://archneur.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-0187 Abbrev: Arch. Ophthalmol. Title : Archives of Ophthalmology ISSN : 0003-9950 CODEN : AROPAW Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://archopht.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-0188 Abbrev: Arch. Oral Biol. Title : Archives of Oral Biology [A Multidisciplinary Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Sciences] ISSN : 0003-9969 CODEN : AOBIAR Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00039969 AC : JN-0189 Abbrev: Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. Title : Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery ISSN : 0886-4470 e-ISSN: 1538-361X CODEN : AONSEJ Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://archotol.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-0190 Abbrev: Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. Title : Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine ISSN : 0003-9985 e-ISSN: 1543-2165 CODEN : APLMAS Publis: College of American Pathologists Server: http://www.archivesofpathology.org/ AC : JN-0191 Abbrev: Arch. Pediatr. Title : Archives de Pediatrie ISSN : 0929-693X e-ISSN: 1769-664X CODEN : APEDE4 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0929693X AC : JN-2619 Abbrev: Arch. Pharm. Title : Archiv der Pharmazie [Chemistry in Life Sciences] ISSN : 0365-6233 e-ISSN: 1521-4184 CODEN : ARPMAS Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim). Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4184 AC : JN-0192 Abbrev: Arch. Pharm. Res. Title : Archives of Pharmacal Research ISSN : 0253-6269 CODEN : APHRDQ Publis: Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Server: http://apr.psk.or.kr/home/journal/ AC : JN-0193 Abbrev: Arch. Physiol. Biochem. Title : Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry ISSN : 1381-3455 e-ISSN: 1744-4160 CODEN : APBIF5 Short : APB Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. Biophys., starts with vol. 103 in 1995. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/arp AC : JN-2591 Abbrev: Arch. Phytopathol. Plant Prot. Title : Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection ISSN : 0323-5408 e-ISSN: 1477-2906 CODEN : APPZAJ Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Parallel language title: Archiv fur Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713454295 AC : JN-3552 Abbrev: Arch. Protistenkunde Title : Archiv fur Protistenkunde ISSN : 0003-9365 CODEN : APRKAI Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Protist, ends with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-2626 Abbrev: Arch. Razi Inst. Title : Archives of the Razi Institut ISSN : 0365-3439 Publis: Institut Razi AC : JN-2489 Abbrev: Arch. Sci. Title : Archives des Sciences ISSN : 1661-464X Publis: Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve Note : Replaces Arch. Sci. Compte Rendu Seances Soc., starts with vol. ? in 2004?. AC : JN-2090 Abbrev: Arch. Sci. (Geneve) Title : Archives des Sciences (Geneve) ISSN : 0003-9705 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Arch. Sci. Merged with Compte Rendu Seances Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve into Arch. Sci. Compte Rendu Seances Soc., ends with vol. ? in 1984. AC : JN-3592 Abbrev: Arch. Sci. Compte Rendu Seances Soc. Title : Archives des Sciences et Compte Rendu des Seances de la Societe ISSN : 0252-9289 CODEN : ASGVAH Publis: Not published Note : Formed by the merge of Arch. Sci. (Geneve) and Compte Rendu Seances Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, starts with vol. ? in ?2004. AC : JN-2068 Abbrev: Arch. Tierernahr. Title : Archiv fur Tierernaehrung ISSN : 0003-942X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arch. Anim. Nutr., ends with vol. 57 in 2003. AC : JN-2061 Abbrev: Arch. Tierz. Title : Archiv fur Tierzucht ISSN : 0003-9438 CODEN : ARTZAJ Publis: Forschungsinstitut fur die Biologie Landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere Note : Parallel language title: Archives of Animal Breeding. Server: http://arch-anim-breed.fbn-dummerstorf.de/ AC : JN-0194 Abbrev: Arch. Toxicol. Title : Archives of Toxicology ISSN : 0340-5761 e-ISSN: 1432-0738 CODEN : ARTODN Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-5761 AC : JN-2452 Abbrev: Arch. Toxicol. Suppl. Title : Archives of Toxicology. Supplement ISSN : 0171-9750 CODEN : ATSUDG Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 20 in 1998. AC : JN-0195 Abbrev: Arch. Virol. Title : Archives of Virology ISSN : 0304-8608 e-ISSN: 1432-8798 CODEN : ARVIDF Publis: Springer Wien Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0304-8608 AC : JN-0196 Abbrev: Archaea Title : Archaea ISSN : 1472-3646 e-ISSN: 1472-3654 CODEN : ARCHCI Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/archaea/ AC : JN-3313 Abbrev: Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res. Title : Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research ISSN : 1523-0430 e-ISSN: 1938-4246 CODEN : AAARFO Publis: University of Colorado, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research Server: http://instaar.colorado.edu/AAAR/about_aaar/ AC : JN-2124 Abbrev: Arctic Title : Arctic ISSN : 0004-0843 CODEN : ATICAB Publis: Arctic Institute of North America Server: http://www.arctic.ucalgary.ca/index.php?page=arctic_journal AC : JN-2098 Abbrev: Arctoa Title : Arctoa [A Journal of Bryology] ISSN : 0131-1379 Publis: KMK Scientific Press Server: http://herba.msu.ru/journals/arctoa/ AC : JN-3895 Abbrev: Ardea Title : Ardea ISSN : 0373-2266 CODEN : ADEAA9 Publis: Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie Server: http://nou.natuurinfo.nl/website/ardea/ AC : JN-2732 Abbrev: Ardeola Title : Ardeola ISSN : 0570-7358 CODEN : ARDEDF Publis: Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia Server: http://www.ardeola.org/ AC : JN-0197 Abbrev: Arerugi Title : Arerugi ISSN : 0021-4884 e-ISSN: 1347-7935 CODEN : ARERAM Publis: Japanese Society of Allergology Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Allergology. Server: http://jja.jsaweb.jp/index_e.html AC : JN-0198 Abbrev: Ark. Kemi Title : Arkiv fur Kemi ISSN : 0365-6128 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Chem. Scr., ends with vol. ? in 1974. AC : JN-2135 Abbrev: Arq. Inst. Biol. Title : Arquivos do Instituto Biologico ISSN : 0020-3653 e-ISSN: 1808-1657 CODEN : AIBOA3 Publis: Instituto Biologico (Sao Paulo) Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Arq. Inst. Biol. (Sao Paulo). Server: http://www.biologico.sp.gov.br/arquivos_bio.php AC : JN-2631 Abbrev: Arq. Mus. Nac. Title : Arquivos do Museu Nacional ISSN : 0365-4508 Publis: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional Server: http://acd.ufrj.br/~museuhp/CP/cp-arquivos.html AC : JN-4017 Abbrev: Arquipelago Title : Arquipelago [Life and Marine Sciences - Bulletin of the University of the Azores] ISSN : 0873-4704 Publis: Universidade dos Acores Note : Parallel language title: Boletim da Universidade dos Acores. Ciencias biologicas e marinhas. Server: http://www.sdoc.uac.pt/pt/publicacoes AC : JN-0200 Abbrev: Arterioscler. Thromb. Title : Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis ISSN : 1049-8834 CODEN : ARTTE5 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Arteriosclerosis, starts with vol. 11 in 1991. Replaced by Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol., ends with vol. 14 in 1994. AC : JN-0201 Abbrev: Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. Title : Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology ISSN : 1079-5642 e-ISSN: 1524-4636 CODEN : ATVBFA Short : ATVB Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Replaces Arterioscler. Thromb., starts with vol. 15 in 1995. Server: http://atvb.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-0199 Abbrev: Arteriosclerosis Title : Arteriosclerosis ISSN : 0276-5047 CODEN : ARTRDW Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arterioscler. Thromb., ends with vol. 10 in 1990. AC : JN-0202 Abbrev: Artery Title : Artery ISSN : 0098-6127 CODEN : ARTEDR Publis: Artery Publishing AC : JN-3699 Abbrev: Arthritis Res. Title : Arthritis Research ISSN : 1465-9905 CODEN : ARESFU Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arthritis Res. Ther., ends with vol. 4 in 2002. AC : JN-1997 Abbrev: Arthritis Res. Ther. Title : Arthritis Research and Therapy ISSN : 1478-6354 e-ISSN: 1478-6362 CODEN : ARTRCV Short : ART Publis: BioMed Central Note : Replaces Arthritis Res., starts with vol. 5 in 2003. Server: http://arthritis-research.com/ AC : JN-0203 Abbrev: Arthritis Rheum. Title : Arthritis and Rheumatism ISSN : 0004-3591 e-ISSN: 1529-0131 CODEN : ARHEAW Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1529-0131 AC : JN-2453 Abbrev: Arthritis Rheum. (Munch.) Title : Arthritis und Rheuma ISSN : 0176-5167 Publis: Schattauer Server: http://www.schattauer.de/en/magazine/subject-areas/journals-a-z/arthritis-rheuma.html AC : JN-4909 Abbrev: Arthritis Rheumatol. Title : Arthritis & Rheumatology ISSN : 2326-5191 e-ISSN: 2326-5205 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://acrjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/23265205 AC : JN-3767 Abbrev: Arthropod Plant Interact. Title : Arthropod-Plant Interactions ISSN : 1872-8855 e-ISSN: 1872-8847 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1872-8855 AC : JN-2418 Abbrev: ASBC Newsletter Title : ASBC Newsletter ISSN : 0149-7308 Publis: American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) Server: http://www.asbcnet.org/newsletter/ AC : JN-4680 Abbrev: Asia Pac. Allergy Title : Asia Pacific Allergy ISSN : 2233-8276 e-ISSN: 2233-8268 Publis: Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Server: https://apallergy.org/ AC : JN-0204 Abbrev: Asia Pac. J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol. Title : Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ISSN : 0128-7451 AC : JN-2373 Abbrev: Asian Fish. Sci. Title : Asian Fisheries Science ISSN : 0116-6514 Publis: WorldFish Center Server: http://www.asianfisheriessociety.org/modules/library/viewcat.php?cid=13 AC : JN-0206 Abbrev: Asian J. Androl. Title : Asian Journal of Andrology ISSN : 1008-682X e-ISSN: 1745-7262 CODEN : ASJAF8 Publis: Asian Society of Andrology Server: http://www.asiaandro.com/ AC : JN-3505 Abbrev: Asian J. Plant Sci. Title : Asian Journal of Plant Science ISSN : 0971-2402 CODEN : ASCIEU Publis: Ranjana Malvey Pub. AC : JN-2082 Abbrev: Asian Med. J. Title : Asian Medical Journal (Japan) ISSN : 0004-461X Short : AMJ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Jpn. Med. Assoc. J., ends with vol. 44 in 2001. AC : JN-2375 Abbrev: Asian Pac. J. Allergy Immunol. Title : Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology ISSN : 0125-877X CODEN : APJIEA Publis: The Allergy and Immunology Society of Thailand AC : JN-3314 Abbrev: Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. Title : Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention ISSN : 1513-7368 Short : APJCP Publis: Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention Server: http://www.apocp.org/ AC : JN-4561 Abbrev: Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed. Title : Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine ISSN : 2221-1691 e-ISSN: 2588-9222 Publis: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications Server: http://www.apjtb.org/ AC : JN-0205 Abbrev: Asian-Australas. J. Anim. Sci. Title : Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences ISSN : 1011-2367 CODEN : AJASEL Short : AJAS Publis: Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Server: http://www.ajas.info/ AC : JN-3063 Abbrev: Asiat. Herpetol. Res. Title : Asiatic Herpetological Research ISSN : 1051-3825 CODEN : AHEREO Publis: Asiatic Herpetological Research Society Server: http://www.asiatic-herpetological.org/ AC : JN-0207 Abbrev: ASM News Title : ASM News ISSN : 0044-7897 CODEN : ASMNBO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Microbe, ends with vol. 71 in 2005. AC : JN-2521 Abbrev: Asp. Appl. Biol. Title : Aspects of Applied Biology ISSN : 0265-1491 Publis: Association of Applied Biologists, Horticultural Research International AC : JN-4404 Abbrev: Assay Drug Dev. Technol. Title : Assay and Drug Development Technologies ISSN : 1540-658X e-ISSN: 1557-8127 CODEN : ADDTAR Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/adt AC : JN-3329 Abbrev: Astrobiology Title : Astrobiology ISSN : 1531-1074 e-ISSN: 1557-8070 CODEN : ASTRC4 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/ast AC : JN-3122 Abbrev: ATCC Connect. Title : ATCC Connection [The Newsletter of the American Type Culture Collection] ISSN : 1088-2103 Publis: American Type Culture Collection AC : JN-4905 Abbrev: Atheroscler. Suppl. Title : Atherosclerosis Supplements ISSN : 1567-5688 e-ISSN: 1878-5050 CODEN : ASTUCD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15675688 AC : JN-0208 Abbrev: Atherosclerosis Title : Atherosclerosis [International Journal for Research and Investigation on Atherosclerosis and Related Diseases] ISSN : 0021-9150 CODEN : ATHSBL Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00219150 AC : JN-2095 Abbrev: Atmos. Environ. Title : Atmospheric Environment ISSN : 1352-2310 e-ISSN: 1873-2844 CODEN : AENVEQ Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Atmos. Environ. A Gen. Top. and Atmos. Environ. B Urban Atmos., starts with vol. 28 in 1994. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13522310 AC : JN-2131 Abbrev: Atmos. Environ. (US) Title : Atmospheric Environment (United States) ISSN : 0004-6981 Publis: Not published Note : Split into Atmos. Environ. A Gen. Top. and Atmos. Environ. B Urban Atmos., ends with vol. 23 in 1989. AC : JN-3049 Abbrev: Aud. Neurosci. Title : Auditory Neuroscience ISSN : 1023-618X e-ISSN: 1563-5198 CODEN : AUNEEJ Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-3286 Abbrev: Audiol. Neurootol. Title : Audiology and Neurootology ISSN : 1420-3030 e-ISSN: 1421-9700 CODEN : ANEOFO Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/AUD AC : JN-0209 Abbrev: Auk Title : The Auk ISSN : 0004-8038 e-ISSN: 1938-4254 CODEN : AUKJAF Publis: American Ornithologist's Union Server: http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/ AC : JN-0210 Abbrev: Aust. Fam. Physician Title : Australian Family Physician ISSN : 0300-8495 CODEN : AFPHCX Short : AFP Publis: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Server: http://www.racgp.org.au/afp AC : JN-2042 Abbrev: Aust. J. Agric. Res. Title : Australian Journal of Agricultural Research ISSN : 0004-9409 CODEN : AJAEA9 Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=40 AC : JN-3433 Abbrev: Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. Title : Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ISSN : 1991-8178 Short : AJBAS Publis: INSInet Publications Server: http://www.insipub.com/ AC : JN-0211 Abbrev: Aust. J. Biol. Sci. Title : Australian Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 0004-9417 CODEN : AJBSAM Short : AJBAS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Clin. Reprod. Fertil., ends with vol. 41 in 1988. AC : JN-0212 Abbrev: Aust. J. Bot. Title : Australian Journal of Botany ISSN : 0067-1924 CODEN : AJBTAP Short : AJB Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=65 AC : JN-0213 Abbrev: Aust. J. Chem. Title : Australian Journal of Chemistry ISSN : 0004-9425 CODEN : AJCHAS Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=51 AC : JN-3751 Abbrev: Aust. J. Crop Sci. Title : Australian Journal of Crop Science ISSN : 1835-2693 e-ISSN: 1835-2707 Short : AJCS Publis: Southern Cross Journals Server: http://cropj.com/ AC : JN-2041 Abbrev: Aust. J. Entomol. Title : Australian Journal of Entomology ISSN : 1326-6756 e-ISSN: 1440-6055 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Aust. Entomol. Soc., ends with vol. 35 in 1996. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1326-6756 AC : JN-3628 Abbrev: Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Title : Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture ISSN : 0816-1089 CODEN : AJEAEL Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Animal Prod. Sci., ends with vol. 48 in 2008. AC : JN-3193 Abbrev: Aust. J. Grape Wine Res. Title : Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research ISSN : 1322-7130 e-ISSN: 1755-0238 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1322-7130 AC : JN-0214 Abbrev: Aust. J. Plant Physiol. Title : Australian Journal of Plant Physiology [An International Journal of Plant Function] ISSN : 0310-7841 CODEN : AJPPCH Short : AJPP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Funct. Plant Biol., ends with vol. 28 in 2001. AC : JN-1938 Abbrev: Aust. J. Zool. Title : Australian Journal of Zoology ISSN : 0004-959X CODEN : AJZOAS Short : AJZ Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=90 AC : JN-2592 Abbrev: Aust. Mammal. Title : Australian Mammalogy ISSN : 0310-0049 e-ISSN: 1836-7402 CODEN : AUMACY Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/256/aid/11396.htm AC : JN-3272 Abbrev: Aust. N. Z. Grapegrow. Winemak. Title : Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker ISSN : 1446-8212 CODEN : AGWIEC Publis: Ryan Publications Pty. Ltd. Server: http://www.winebiz.com.au/gwm/ AC : JN-2292 Abbrev: Aust. Orchid Rev. Title : Australian Orchid Review ISSN : 0045-0782 Publis: Graphic World Pty. Ltd. AC : JN-0215 Abbrev: Aust. Syst. Bot. Title : Australian Systematic Botanic ISSN : 1030-1887 CODEN : ASBOE9 Short : ASB Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=150 AC : JN-1971 Abbrev: Aust. Vet. J. Title : Australian Veterinary Journal ISSN : 0005-0423 e-ISSN: 1751-0813 CODEN : AUVJA2 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0005-0423 AC : JN-2333 Abbrev: Aust. Zool. Title : Australian Zoologist ISSN : 0067-2238 CODEN : AUZOA3 Publis: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales Server: http://www.rzsnsw.org.au/index.php?/Journals/Australian-Zoologist/australian-zoologist.html AC : JN-3271 Abbrev: Austral Ecol. Title : Austral Ecology [A Journal of Ecology in the Southern Hemisphere] ISSN : 1442-9985 e-ISSN: 1442-9993 CODEN : AUECF3 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1442-9985 AC : JN-3420 Abbrev: Australas. Plant Dis. Notes Title : Australasian Plant Disease Notes ISSN : 1833-928X Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/208.htm AC : JN-2787 Abbrev: Australas. Plant Pathol. Title : Australasian Plant Pathology ISSN : 0815-3191 e-ISSN: 1448-6032 CODEN : AAPPDN Short : APP Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/39.htm AC : JN-0216 Abbrev: Autoimmunity Title : Autoimmunity ISSN : 0891-6934 e-ISSN: 1607-842X CODEN : AUIMEI Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/aut AC : JN-2436 Abbrev: Auton. Neurosci. Title : Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical ISSN : 1566-0702 e-ISSN: 1872-7484 CODEN : ANUEB2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15660702 AC : JN-0217 Abbrev: Autophagy Title : Autophagy ISSN : 1554-8627 e-ISSN: 1554-8635 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/autophagy/ AC : JN-0218 Abbrev: Avian Dis. Title : Avian Diseases ISSN : 0005-2086 e-ISSN: 1938-4351 CODEN : AVDIAI Publis: American Association of Avian Pathologists Server: http://www.aaapjournals.info/loi/avdi AC : JN-0219 Abbrev: Avian Pathol. Title : Avian Pathology ISSN : 0307-9457 e-ISSN: 1465-3338 CODEN : AVPADN Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713405810 AC : JN-4298 Abbrev: Bacteriophage Title : Bacteriophage ISSN : 2159-7073 e-ISSN: 2159-7081 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/bacteriophage AC : JN-3194 Abbrev: Balkan J. Med. Genet. Title : Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics ISSN : 1311-0160 CODEN : BJMGFN Short : BJMG Publis: Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite Server: http://www.manu.edu.mk/bjmg/ AC : JN-4681 Abbrev: Balkan Med. J. Title : Balkan Medical Journal ISSN : 2146-3123 e-ISSN: 2146-3131 Publis: Istanbul : AVES Pub. Server: http://www.balkanmedicaljournal.org AC : JN-3770 Abbrev: Bangsaseon San Eob Haghoeji Title : Bangsaseon San-Eob Haghoeji ISSN : 1976-2402 Publis: Han-Gug Bangsaseon San-Eob Haghoe AC : JN-3661 Abbrev: Barley Genet. Newsl. Title : Barley Genetics Newsletter ISSN : 1043-5174 Publis: Dept. of Agronomy, Colorado State University. Server: http://wheat.pw.usda.gov/ggpages/bgn/ AC : JN-3137 Abbrev: Basic Appl. Myol. Title : Basic and Applied Myology ISSN : 1120-9992 Short : BAM Publis: Unipress s.a.s. Server: http://www.bio.unipd.it/~bam/ AC : JN-4064 Abbrev: Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Title : Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology ISSN : 1742-7835 e-ISSN: 1742-7843 CODEN : BCPTBO Short : BCPT Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1742-7843 AC : JN-0220 Abbrev: Basic Life Sci. Title : Basic Life Sciences ISSN : 0090-5542 CODEN : BLFSBY Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1999. This is a book series. AC : JN-2555 Abbrev: Basic Res. Cardiol. Title : Basic Research in Cardiology ISSN : 0300-8428 e-ISSN: 1435-1803 CODEN : BRCAB7 Publis: Steinkopff Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0300-8428 AC : JN-2079 Abbrev: Basteria Title : Basteria ISSN : 0005-6219 CODEN : BSTRAD Publis: Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging Server: http://www.spirula.nl/publicaties/basteria.htm AC : JN-4018 Abbrev: Beagle Title : The Beagle [Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory] ISSN : 0811-3653 CODEN : BEAGET Publis: Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Server: http://www.nt.gov.au/nreta/publications/museums/beagle.html AC : JN-3855 Abbrev: Beaufortia Title : Beaufortia [Bulletin Zoological Museum] ISSN : 0067-4745 CODEN : BUFOAG Publis: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Biodiversiteit en Ecosysteem Dynamica AC : JN-2022 Abbrev: Behav. Brain Funct. Title : Behavioral and Brain Functions e-ISSN: 1744-9081 Short : BBF Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.behavioralandbrainfunctions.com/ AC : JN-0221 Abbrev: Behav. Brain Res. Title : Behavioural Brain Research ISSN : 0166-4328 e-ISSN: 1872-7549 CODEN : BBREDI Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01664328 AC : JN-3064 Abbrev: Behav. Ecol. Title : Behavioral Ecology ISSN : 1045-2249 e-ISSN: 1465-7279 CODEN : BEECE3 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://beheco.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2604 Abbrev: Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. Title : Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ISSN : 0340-5443 e-ISSN: 1432-0762 CODEN : BESOD6 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-5443 AC : JN-0222 Abbrev: Behav. Genet. Title : Behavior Genetics ISSN : 0001-8244 e-ISSN: 1573-3297 CODEN : BHGNAT Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0001-8244 AC : JN-2749 Abbrev: Behav. Neurosci. Title : Behavioral Neuroscience ISSN : 0735-7044 e-ISSN: 1939-0084 CODEN : BENEDJ Publis: American Psychological Association Server: http://www.apa.org/journals/bne/ AC : JN-4593 Abbrev: Behav. Pharmacol. Title : Behavioural Pharmacology ISSN : 0955-8810 e-ISSN: 1473-5849 CODEN : BPHAEL Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: https://journals.lww.com/behaviouralpharm/pages/default.aspx AC : JN-2080 Abbrev: Behaviour Title : Behaviour [An International Journal of Behaviourial Biology] ISSN : 0005-7959 e-ISSN: 1568-539X CODEN : BEHAA8 Publis: Brill Server: http://www.brill.nl/beh AC : JN-0223 Abbrev: Behring Inst. Mitt. Title : Behring Institute Mitteilungen ISSN : 0301-0457 CODEN : BHIMA2 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Behring Institute Research Communications. Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-0224 Abbrev: Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban ISSN : 1671-167X CODEN : BDXYAH Publis: Beijing Da Xue Yi Xue Bu Note : Alternative transliteration: Beijing Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Beijing University (Health Sciences). Replaces Beijing Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao, starts with vol. 33 in 2001. Server: http://bydb.chinajournal.net.cn/ AC : JN-0225 Abbrev: Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Bao Title : Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Bao ISSN : 0479-8023 CODEN : PCTHAP Short : ASJNS Publis: Beijing University Note : Parallel language title: Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. Server: http://www.pku.edu.cn/academic/xb/xby1.html AC : JN-0226 Abbrev: Beijing Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Beijing Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-1530 CODEN : BYDXEV Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Pei-Ching I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao. Parallel language title: Journal of Beijing Medical University. Replaced by Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao, ends with vol. 32 in 2000. AC : JN-4539 Abbrev: Beilstein J. Org. Chem. Title : Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry e-ISSN: 1860-5397 CODEN : BJOCBH Publis: Beilstein-Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften Server: https://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjoc/ AC : JN-2768 Abbrev: Belg. J. Bot. Title : Belgian Journal of Botany ISSN : 0778-4031 CODEN : BJBOEP Publis: Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin de la Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Server: http://www.br.fgov.be/tmp/BJB/ AC : JN-2769 Abbrev: Belg. J. Zool. Title : Belgian Journal of Zoology ISSN : 0777-6276 CODEN : BJZOE9 Publis: Societe Royale Zoologique de Belgique Server: http://www.naturalsciences.be/institute/associations/rbzs_website/bjz/ AC : JN-2066 Abbrev: Berl. Munch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr. Title : Berliner und Muenchener Tieraerztliche Wochenschrift ISSN : 0005-9366 e-ISSN: 1439-0299 CODEN : BEMTAM Publis: Schluetersche Verlagsgesellschft mbH und Co. KG AC : JN-3367 Abbrev: Berl. Palaeobiologische Abh. Title : Berliner Palaeobiologische Abhandlungen ISSN : 1612-0361 Publis: Dietrich Reimer Verlag GmbH Server: http://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/geol/fachrichtungen/pal/eigenproduktion/index.html AC : JN-4351 Abbrev: Best Pract. Res. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. Title : Best Practice and Research. Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism ISSN : 1521-690X e-ISSN: 1878-1594 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/1521690X AC : JN-3315 Abbrev: Best Pract. Res. Clin. Haematol. Title : Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology ISSN : 1521-6926 CODEN : BPRCA5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15216926 AC : JN-3198 Abbrev: BFPP Bull. Fr. Peche Prot. Milieux Aquat. Title : BFPP: Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques ISSN : 1297-6318 e-ISSN: 1961-9499 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Knowl. Manage. Aquat. Ecosyst., ends with vol. ? in 200?. AC : JN-3273 Abbrev: Bibl. Lichenol. Title : Bibliotheca Lichenologica ISSN : 1436-1698 CODEN : BLICD3 Publis: J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/series/bibl_lich AC : JN-2334 Abbrev: Bibl. Mycol. Title : Bibliotheca Mycologica ISSN : 0067-8066 CODEN : BIMYDY Publis: J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/list/series/bibl_mycol AC : JN-2943 Abbrev: Bing Du Xue Za Zhi Title : Bing Du Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1000-3223 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Bingduxue Zazhi. Alternative transliteration: Ping Tu Hsueh Tsa Chih. Replaced by Zhongguo Bing Du Xue, ends with vol.? in ?1991. AC : JN-4931 Abbrev: Bio. Protoc. Title : Bio-Protocol Journal e-ISSN: 2331-8325 Publis: Sunnyvale, CA, USA, Bio-protocol LLC Server: https://bio-protocol.org/archive.aspx AC : JN-2882 Abbrev: Bioacoustics Title : Bioacoustics [The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording] ISSN : 0952-4622 CODEN : BIOAE7 Publis: A B Academic Publishers Server: http://www.bioacoustics.info/ AC : JN-4573 Abbrev: Biocatal. Agric. Biotechnol. Title : Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology ISSN : 1878-8181 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/biocatalysis-and-agricultural-biotechnology AC : JN-3050 Abbrev: Biocatal. Biotransformation Title : Biocatalysis and Biotransformation ISSN : 1024-2422 e-ISSN: 1029-2446 CODEN : BOBOEQ Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/bab AC : JN-2593 Abbrev: Biocell Title : Biocell ISSN : 0327-9545 e-ISSN: 1667-5746 CODEN : BOCEEZ Publis: Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas Server: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/lng_en/pid_0327-9545/nrm_iso AC : JN-0227 Abbrev: Biochem. Arch. Title : Biochemical Archives ISSN : 0749-5331 CODEN : BIAREM Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-4635 Abbrev: Biochem. Biophys. Rep. Title : Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports ISSN : 2405-5808 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/biochemistry-and-biophysics-reports AC : JN-0228 Abbrev: Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Title : Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications ISSN : 0006-291X e-ISSN: 1090-2104 CODEN : BBRCA9 Short : BBRC Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0006291X AC : JN-0229 Abbrev: Biochem. Cell Biol. Title : Biochemistry and Cell Biology ISSN : 0829-8211 e-ISSN: 1208-6002 CODEN : BCBIEQ Publis: NRC Research Press Note : Replaces Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., starts with vol. 64 in 1986. Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?bcb AC : JN-0230 Abbrev: Biochem. Eng. J. Title : Biochemical Engineering Journal ISSN : 1369-703X e-ISSN: 1873-295X CODEN : BEJOFV Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1369703X AC : JN-0231 Abbrev: Biochem. Genet. Title : Biochemical Genetics ISSN : 0006-2928 e-ISSN: 1573-4927 CODEN : BIGEBA Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0006-2928 AC : JN-0232 Abbrev: Biochem. Int. Title : Biochemistry International ISSN : 0158-5231 CODEN : BIINDF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., ends with vol. 28 in 1992. AC : JN-0233 Abbrev: Biochem. J. Title : Biochemical Journal ISSN : 0264-6021 e-ISSN: 1470-8728 CODEN : BIJOAK Short : BJ Publis: Portland Press Server: http://www.portlandpress.co.uk/bj/ AC : JN-4225 Abbrev: Biochem. Med. Title : Biochemical Medicine ISSN : 0006-2944 e-ISSN: 1557-7996 CODEN : BIMDA2 Publis: Academic Press Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1985. AC : JN-0234 Abbrev: Biochem. Med. Metab. Biol. Title : Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology ISSN : 0885-4505 CODEN : BMMBES Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biochem. Mol. Med., ends with vol. 53 in 1994. AC : JN-4076 Abbrev: Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. Title : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education ISSN : 1470-8175 e-ISSN: 1539-3429 CODEN : BMBECE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291539-3429 AC : JN-0235 Abbrev: Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. Title : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International ISSN : 1039-9712 CODEN : BMBIES Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by IUBMB Life, ends with vol. 47 in 1999. Replaces Biochem. Int., starts with vol. 29 in 1993. AC : JN-4811 Abbrev: Biochem. Mol. Biol. J. Title : Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal ISSN : 2471-8084 Publis: Insight Medical Publishing Server: http://biochem-molbio.imedpub.com/ AC : JN-0236 Abbrev: Biochem. Mol. Med. Title : Biochemical and Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1077-3150 CODEN : BMMEF4 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Genet. Metab., ends with vol. 59 in 1997. Replaces Biochem. Med. Metab. Biol., starts with vol. 54 in 1995. AC : JN-0237 Abbrev: Biochem. Pharmacol. Title : Biochemical Pharmacology ISSN : 0006-2952 e-ISSN: 1873-2968 CODEN : BCPCA6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00062952 AC : JN-0238 Abbrev: Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. Title : Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen ISSN : 0015-3796 CODEN : BPPFA4 Short : BPP Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into J. Plant Physiol., ends with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-4112 Abbrev: Biochem. Res. Int. Title : Biochemistry Research International ISSN : 2090-2247 e-ISSN: 2090-2255 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Note : Publication started in 2010. Articles added intermittently throughout the year, grouped by year. Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bcri/ AC : JN-0239 Abbrev: Biochem. Soc. Symp. Title : Biochemical Society Symposia ISSN : 0067-8694 e-ISSN: 1744-1439 CODEN : BSSYAT Publis: Portland Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://symposia.biochemistry.org/ AC : JN-0240 Abbrev: Biochem. Soc. Trans. Title : Biochemical Society Transactions ISSN : 0300-5127 e-ISSN: 1470-8752 CODEN : BCSTBS Publis: Portland Press Server: http://www.biochemsoctrans.org/bst/ AC : JN-0241 Abbrev: Biochem. Syst. Ecol. Title : Biochemical Systematics and Ecology ISSN : 0305-1978 e-ISSN: 1873-2925 CODEN : BSECBU Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03051978 AC : JN-2883 Abbrev: Biochemica Title : Biochemica ISSN : 0946-1310 CODEN : BIOCFE Publis: Roche Molecular Biochemicals Server: https://www.roche-applied-science.com/frames/frame_biochemica.jsp AC : JN-0242 Abbrev: Biochemistry Title : Biochemistry ISSN : 0006-2960 e-ISSN: 1520-4995 CODEN : BICHAW Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/bichaw/ AC : JN-4260 Abbrev: Biochemistry (Mosc.) Title : Biochemistry (Moscow) ISSN : 0006-2979 e-ISSN: 1608-3040 Publis: Pleiades Publishing Note : Parallel language title: Biokhimiya (ISSN 0320-9725). Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0006-2979 AC : JN-4312 Abbrev: Biochemistry (Mosc.) Suppl. Series A Title : Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A [Membrane and Cell Biology] ISSN : 1990-7478 e-ISSN: 1990-7494 Publis: Pleiades Publishing Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/11827 AC : JN-0243 Abbrev: Biochim. Biophys. Acta Title : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta ISSN : 0006-3002 CODEN : BBACAQ Short : BBA Publis: Elsevier Note : This journal consists of 9 different sections: Bioenergetics (ISSN=0005-2728) / Biomembranes (ISSN=0005-2736; incorporates Reviews on Biomembranes (ISSN=0304-4157) / Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (ISSN=1874-9399; formerly Gene Structure and Expression (ISSN=0167-4781) / General Subjects (ISSN=0304-4165) / Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids (ISSN=0005-2760) / Molecular Basis of Disease (ISSN=0925-4439) / Molecular Cell Research (ISSN=0167-4889) / Proteins and Proteomics (ISSN=1570-9639; formerly Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology (ISSN=0167-4838) / Reviews on Cancer (ISSN=0304-419X). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00063002 AC : JN-0244 Abbrev: Biochimie Title : Biochimie [An International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology] ISSN : 0300-9084 e-ISSN: 1638-6183 CODEN : BICMBE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03009084 AC : JN-0245 Abbrev: Bioconj. Chem. Title : Bioconjugate Chemistry ISSN : 1043-1802 e-ISSN: 1520-4812 CODEN : BCCHES Publis: American Chemical Society Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Bioconjug. Chem. Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/bcches/ AC : JN-3260 Abbrev: BioControl Title : BioControl ISSN : 1386-6141 e-ISSN: 1573-8248 CODEN : BOCOFW Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1386-6141 AC : JN-3221 Abbrev: Biocontrol Sci. Title : Biocontrol Science ISSN : 1342-4815 CODEN : BISCFY Publis: Nihon Bokin Bobai Gakkai Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/saaaj/english/magazine_e.html AC : JN-2884 Abbrev: Biocontrol Sci. Technol. Title : Biocontrol Science and Technology ISSN : 0958-3157 e-ISSN: 1360-0478 CODEN : BSTCE6 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713409232 AC : JN-0246 Abbrev: Biodegradation Title : Biodegradation ISSN : 0923-9820 e-ISSN: 1572-9729 CODEN : BIODEG Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0923-9820 AC : JN-4511 Abbrev: Biodesign Title : Biodesign ISSN : 2288-6982 e-ISSN: 2288-7105 Server: http://www.bdjn.org/ AC : JN-2896 Abbrev: Biodivers. Conserv. Title : Biodiversity and Conservation ISSN : 0960-3115 e-ISSN: 1572-9710 CODEN : BONSEU Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0960-3115 AC : JN-0247 Abbrev: Bioelectrochemistry Title : Bioelectrochemistry ISSN : 1567-5394 CODEN : BIOEFK Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg., starts with vol. 51 in 2000. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15675394 AC : JN-4433 Abbrev: Bioelectromagnetics Title : Bioelectromagnetics ISSN : 0197-8462 e-ISSN: 1521-186X CODEN : BLCTDO Publis: New York, Liss Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291521-186X AC : JN-3745 Abbrev: BioEnergy Res. Title : BioEnergy Research ISSN : 1939-1234 e-ISSN: 1939-1242 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1939-1234 AC : JN-4401 Abbrev: Bioengineered Title : Bioengineered ISSN : 2165-5979 e-ISSN: 2165-5987 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kbie20/current AC : JN-0248 Abbrev: Bioessays Title : Bioessays [Advances in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology] ISSN : 0265-9247 e-ISSN: 1521-1878 CODEN : BIOEEJ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-1878 AC : JN-0249 Abbrev: BioFactors Title : BioFactors [Vitamins - Autoregulatory Substances - Trace Elements - Growth Factors] ISSN : 0951-6433 e-ISSN: 1872-8081 CODEN : BIFAEU Publis: IOS Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Biofactors. Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=09516433 AC : JN-2657 Abbrev: BioFormosa Title : BioFormosa ISSN : 1684-0925 Publis: National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Life Science Note : Parallel language title: Sheng Wu Xue Bao. Replaces Sheng Wu Hua Hsueh Tsa Chih, starts with vol. 36 in 2001. Server: http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/aca/riki.php?CID=1 AC : JN-2813 Abbrev: Biofouling Title : Biofouling [The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research] ISSN : 0892-7014 e-ISSN: 1029-2454 CODEN : BFOUEC Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713454511 AC : JN-2454 Abbrev: Biog. Amines Title : Biogenic Amines [International Journal of Stress and Neuroprotection] ISSN : 0168-8561 e-ISSN: 1569-3910 CODEN : BIAME7 Publis: International Medart, Society of Integrated Sciences Server: http://node.nel.edu/?node_id=2523 AC : JN-3149 Abbrev: Biogeographica Title : Biogeographica ISSN : 1165-6638 Publis: Societe de Biogeographie AC : JN-3232 Abbrev: Biogeography Title : Biogeography [International Journal of Biogeography, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, Ecology, Biodiversity, Evolution, and Conservation Biology] ISSN : 1345-0662 e-ISSN: 1880-8085 Publis: Biogeographical Society of Japan Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/biogeo/_vols AC : JN-3421 Abbrev: Biogeosci. Discuss. Title : Biogeosciences Discussions ISSN : 1810-6277 e-ISSN: 1810-6285 Publis: Copernicus GmbH Server: http://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/papers_in_open_discussion.html AC : JN-0250 Abbrev: Biogerontology Title : Biogerontology ISSN : 1389-5729 e-ISSN: 1573-6768 CODEN : BIOGCN Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1573-6768 AC : JN-4504 Abbrev: Bioinf. Biol. Insights Title : Bioinformatics and Biology Insights ISSN : 1177-9322 CODEN : BBIIGM Publis: Libertas Academica Ltd. Server: http://la-press.com/journal.php?pa=about&journal_id=39 AC : JN-0251 Abbrev: Bioinformatics Title : Bioinformatics ISSN : 1367-4803 e-ISSN: 1460-2059 CODEN : BOINFP Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Comput. Appl. Biosci., starts with vol. 14 in 1998. Server: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4039 Abbrev: Bioinformation Title : Bioinformation [Discovery at the Interface of Physical and Biological Sciences] ISSN : 0973-8894 e-ISSN: 0973-2063 Publis: Biomedical Informatics Publishing Group Server: http://www.bioinformation.net/ AC : JN-4213 Abbrev: Bioinorg. Chem. Appl. Title : Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications ISSN : 1565-3633 e-ISSN: 1687-479X Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bca/ AC : JN-4292 Abbrev: Biointerphases Title : Biointerphases ISSN : 1934-8630 e-ISSN: 1559-4106 Publis: AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing Server: http://scitation.aip.org/content/avs/journal/bip AC : JN-2770 Abbrev: Biokemistri Title : Biokemistri ISSN : 0795-8080 Publis: Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology Server: http://www.bioline.org.br/bk AC : JN-0252 Abbrev: Biokhimiia Title : Biokhimiia ISSN : 0320-9725 CODEN : BIOHAO Publis: NAUKA International Academic Publishing Company Note : Alternative transliteration: Biokhimiya. Parallel language title: Biochemistry (Mosc.) (ISSN 0006-2979). Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=biochmsc&page=main AC : JN-0253 Abbrev: Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant. Title : Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation [The Official Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation] ISSN : 1083-8791 e-ISSN: 1523-6536 CODEN : BBMTF6 Short : BB & MT Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.bbmt.org/ http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10838791 AC : JN-0254 Abbrev: Biol. Bull. Title : Biological Bulletin ISSN : 0006-3185 e-ISSN: 1939-8697 CODEN : BIBUBX Publis: Marine Biological Laboratory Server: http://www.mbl.edu/BiologicalBulletin/ AC : JN-2101 Abbrev: Biol. Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Title : Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences ISSN : 1062-3590 e-ISSN: 1608-3059 CODEN : BRASEK Publis: Pleiades Publishing Note : Parallel language title: Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk - Seriya Biologicheskaya. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=biobull&lang=eng AC : JN-0255 Abbrev: Biol. Cell Title : Biology of the Cell ISSN : 0248-4900 e-ISSN: 1768-322X CODEN : BCELDF Publis: Portland Press Note : Replaces Biol. Cell., starts with vol. ? in 1982. Server: http://www.biolcell.org/ AC : JN-2676 Abbrev: Biol. Cell. Title : Biologie Cellulaire ISSN : 0399-0311 CODEN : BICEDQ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biol. Cell, ends with vol. ? in 1981. AC : JN-0256 Abbrev: Biol. Chem. Title : Biological Chemistry ISSN : 1431-6730 e-ISSN: 1437-4315 CODEN : BICHF3 Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Note : Replaces Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler, starts with vol. 377 in 1996. Server: http://www.degruyter.de/journals/bc/ AC : JN-0257 Abbrev: Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler Title : Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler ISSN : 0177-3593 CODEN : BCHSEI Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Biol. Chem. Hoppe Seyler. Replaces Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem., starts with vol. 366 in 1985. Replaced by Biol. Chem., ends with vol. 375 in 1995. AC : JN-4489 Abbrev: Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler. Suppl. Title : Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. Supplement. ISSN : 0942-0231 Publis: De Gruyter AC : JN-0258 Abbrev: Biol. Conserv. Title : Biological Conservation ISSN : 0006-3207 e-ISSN: 1873-2917 CODEN : BICOBK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00063207 AC : JN-3065 Abbrev: Biol. Control Title : Biological Control ISSN : 1049-9644 e-ISSN: 1090-2112 CODEN : BCIOEB Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1049-9644 AC : JN-2649 Abbrev: Biol. Direct Title : Biology Direct e-ISSN: 1745-6150 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biology-direct.com/ AC : JN-2455 Abbrev: Biol. Fertil. Soils Title : Biology and Fertility of Soils ISSN : 0178-2762 e-ISSN: 1432-0789 CODEN : BFSOEE Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0178-2762 AC : JN-0259 Abbrev: Biol. Invasions Title : Biological Invasions ISSN : 1387-3547 e-ISSN: 1573-1464 CODEN : BLINF4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1387-3547 AC : JN-0260 Abbrev: Biol. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Title : Biological Journal of the Linnean Society of London [A Journal of Evolution] ISSN : 0024-4066 e-ISSN: 1095-8312 CODEN : BJLSBG Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0024-4066 AC : JN-2037 Abbrev: Biol. Lett. Title : Biology Letters ISSN : 1744-9561 e-ISSN: 1744-957X Publis: The Royal Society Publishing Server: http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/ AC : JN-2490 Abbrev: Biol. Membrany Title : Biologicheskie Membrany ISSN : 0233-4755 CODEN : BIMEE9 Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Server: http://www.maik.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?lang=eng&name=biomem AC : JN-4357 Abbrev: Biol. Mood Anxiety Disord. Title : Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders ISSN : 2045-5380 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biolmoodanxietydisord.com/ AC : JN-4322 Abbrev: Biol. Open Title : Biology Open ISSN : 2046-6390 CODEN : BOIPBR Publis: Company of Biologists Server: http://bio.biologists.org/ AC : JN-0261 Abbrev: Biol. Pharm. Bull. Title : Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin ISSN : 0918-6158 e-ISSN: 1347-5215 CODEN : BPBLEO Short : BPB Publis: Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Note : Replaces J. Pharmacobio-Dyn., starts with vol. 16 in 1993. Server: http://bpb.pharm.or.jp/ AC : JN-2054 Abbrev: Biol. Plant. Title : Biologia Plantarum [Journal for Experimental Botany] ISSN : 0006-3134 e-ISSN: 1573-8264 CODEN : BPABAJ Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0006-3134 AC : JN-3316 Abbrev: Biol. Proced. Online Title : Biological Procedures Online e-ISSN: 1480-9222 CODEN : BLPOF8 Publis: Biological Procedures Online Server: http://www.springer.com/biomed/journal/12575 AC : JN-0262 Abbrev: Biol. Psychiatry Title : Biological Psychiatry ISSN : 0006-3223 e-ISSN: 1873-2402 CODEN : BIPCBF Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00063223 AC : JN-0263 Abbrev: Biol. Reprod. Title : Biology of Reproduction ISSN : 0006-3363 e-ISSN: 1529-7268 CODEN : BIREBV Short : BOR Publis: Society for the Study of Reproduction Server: http://www.biolreprod.org/ AC : JN-0264 Abbrev: Biol. Res. Title : Biological Research ISSN : 0716-9760 e-ISSN: 0717-6287 CODEN : ABMXA2 Publis: Sociedad de Biologia de Chile Server: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0716-9760&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-0265 Abbrev: Biol. Res. Nurs. Title : Biological Research for Nursing ISSN : 1099-8004 e-ISSN: 1552-4175 Short : BRN Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://brn.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-2847 Abbrev: Biol. Sci. Space Title : Biological Sciences in Space ISSN : 0914-9201 e-ISSN: 1349-967X Publis: Nihon Uchu Seibutsu Kagakkai Note : Parallel language title: Uchu Seibutsu Kagaku. Server: http://www.jsbss.jp/journal/ AC : JN-4570 Abbrev: Biol. Sex Differ. Title : Biology of Sex Differences e-ISSN: 2042-6410 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://bsd.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-0266 Abbrev: Biol. Signals Title : Biological Signals ISSN : 1016-0922 CODEN : BISIEH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biol. Signals Recept., ends with vol. 7 in 1998. AC : JN-0267 Abbrev: Biol. Signals Recept. Title : Biological Signals and Receptors ISSN : 1422-4933 CODEN : BSREF3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Neurosignals, ends with vol. 10 in 2001. Replaces Biol. Signals, starts with vol. 7 in 1998. AC : JN-4496 Abbrev: Biol. Trace Elem. Res. Title : Biological Trace Element Research ISSN : 0163-4984 e-ISSN: 1559-0720 CODEN : BTERDG Publis: Springer Note : Published under the auspices of the International Association of Bioinorganic Scientists. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12011 AC : JN-2069 Abbrev: Biol. Zentralbl. Title : Biologisches Zentralblatt ISSN : 0006-3304 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Theory Biosci., ends with vol. 115 in 1996. AC : JN-3457 Abbrev: Biologia Title : Biologia [Botany, Zoology and Cellular and Molecular Biology] ISSN : 0006-3088 e-ISSN: 1336-9563 CODEN : BILGA6 Publis: Versita Server: http://www.versita.com/b/ AC : JN-3066 Abbrev: Biologicals Title : Biologicals ISSN : 1045-1056 e-ISSN: 1095-8320 CODEN : BILSEC Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1045-1056 AC : JN-3287 Abbrev: Biologija Title : Biologija ISSN : 1392-0146 e-ISSN: 2029-0578 CODEN : BOLOE8 Publis: Lietuvos Mokslu Akademijos Leidykla Server: http://www.lmaleidykla.lt/biologija/2009/3-4/ AC : JN-4852 Abbrev: Biology Title : Biology (Basel) ISSN : 2079-7737 e-ISSN: 2079-7737 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/biology AC : JN-0268 Abbrev: Biomacromolecules Title : Biomacromolecules ISSN : 1525-7797 e-ISSN: 1526-4602 CODEN : BOMAF6 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/bomaf6 AC : JN-4514 Abbrev: Biomark. Res. Title : Biomarker Research e-ISSN: 2050-7771 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://biomarkerres.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3243 Abbrev: Biomarkers Title : Biomarkers ISSN : 1354-750X e-ISSN: 1366-5804 CODEN : BIOMFA Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/bmk AC : JN-3478 Abbrev: Biomaterials Title : Biomaterials ISSN : 0142-9612 CODEN : BIMADU Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01429612 AC : JN-0269 Abbrev: Biomed. Biochim. Acta Title : Biomedica Biochimica Acta ISSN : 0232-766X CODEN : BBIADT Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 50 in 1991. AC : JN-2828 Abbrev: Biomed. Chromatogr. Title : Biomedical Chromatography ISSN : 0269-3879 e-ISSN: 1099-0801 CODEN : BICHE2 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0801 AC : JN-0270 Abbrev: Biomed. Environ. Mass Spectrom. Title : Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 0887-6134 CODEN : BEMSEN Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Biomed. Mass. Spectrom., starts with vol. 13 in 1986. Replaced by Biol. Mass Spectrom., ends with vol. 19 in 1990. AC : JN-0271 Abbrev: Biomed. Environ. Sci. Title : Biomedical and Environmental Sciences ISSN : 0895-3988 CODEN : BESCE5 Short : BES Publis: Zhongguo Yufang Yixue Kexueyuan Server: http://www.besjournal.com/n3236760/n3237176/n3237177/ AC : JN-4534 Abbrev: Biomed. Khim. Title : Biomeditsinskaia Khimiia ISSN : 2310-6972 e-ISSN: 2310-6905 Publis: Rossiiskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk Note : Replaces Vopr. Med. Khim., starts with vol. 49(1) in 2003. Server: http://pbmc.ibmc.msk.ru/index.php/en/ AC : JN-0272 Abbrev: Biomed. Mass Spectrom. Title : Biomedical Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 0306-042X CODEN : BMSYAL Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biomed. Environ. Mass. Spectrom., ends with vol. 12 in 1985. AC : JN-0274 Abbrev: Biomed. Pept. Proteins Nucleic Acids Title : Biomedical Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids ISSN : 1353-8616 CODEN : BPPAFS Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 2 in 1997. AC : JN-0273 Abbrev: Biomed. Pharmacother. Title : Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy ISSN : 0753-3322 e-ISSN: 1950-6007 CODEN : BIPHEX Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07533322 AC : JN-4318 Abbrev: Biomed. Rep. Title : Biomedical Reports ISSN : 2049-9434 e-ISSN: 2049-9442 Publis: Spandidos Publications Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/br AC : JN-0275 Abbrev: Biomed. Res. Title : Biomedical Research ISSN : 0388-6107 e-ISSN: 1880-313X CODEN : BRESD5 Publis: Biomedical Research Press Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/biomedres AC : JN-4264 Abbrev: Biomed. Res. Int. Title : BioMed Research International ISSN : 2314-6133 e-ISSN: 2314-6141 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/ AC : JN-2405 Abbrev: Biomedica Title : Biomedica [Revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud] ISSN : 0120-4157 Publis: Instituto Nacional de Salud Server: http://www.ins.gov.co/?idcategoria=1159 AC : JN-4706 Abbrev: Biomedicines Title : Biomedicines e-ISSN: 2227-9059 CODEN : BIOMID Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicines AC : JN-0276 Abbrev: BioMetals Title : BioMetals [An International Journal on the Role of Metal Ions in Biology, Biochemistry and Medicine] ISSN : 0966-0844 e-ISSN: 1572-8773 CODEN : BOMEEH Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Biometals. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0966-0844 AC : JN-0277 Abbrev: Biomol. Eng. Title : Biomolecular Engineering ISSN : 1389-0344 CODEN : BIENFV Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Genet. Anal., starts with vol. 16 in 1999. Replaced by New Biotechnol., ends with vol. 24 in 2007. AC : JN-3822 Abbrev: Biomol. NMR. Assign. Title : Biomolecular NMR Assignments ISSN : 1874-2718 e-ISSN: 1874-270X Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1874-2718 AC : JN-4772 Abbrev: Biomol. Ther. Title : Biomolecules and Therapeutics ISSN : 1976-9148 e-ISSN: 2005-4483 CODEN : BTIHA3 Publis: Seoul : Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology Server: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/2034/ AC : JN-4268 Abbrev: Biomolecules Title : Biomolecules e-ISSN: 2218-273X CODEN : BIOMHC Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules AC : JN-0278 Abbrev: Bioorg. Chem. Title : Bioorganic Chemistry ISSN : 0045-2068 e-ISSN: 1090-2120 CODEN : BOCMBM Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00452068 AC : JN-0279 Abbrev: Bioorg. Khim. Title : Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia ISSN : 0132-3423 CODEN : BIKHD7 Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Note : This journal is available in an English translation first under the title 'Soviet Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry' (ISSN: 0360-4497; CODEN: SJBCD5) and currently under the title 'Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry' (ISSN: 1068-1620; CODEN: RJBCET). Server: http://www.maik.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?lang=rus&name=biokhim AC : JN-0280 Abbrev: Bioorg. Med. Chem. Title : Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 0968-0896 e-ISSN: 1464-3391 CODEN : BMECEP Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09680896 AC : JN-0281 Abbrev: Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Title : Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters ISSN : 0960-894X e-ISSN: 1464-3405 CODEN : BMCLE8 Short : BMCL Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0960894X AC : JN-4695 Abbrev: Biopharm. Drug Dispos. Title : Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition e-ISSN: 1099-081X Publis: Chichester [Eng.] Wiley Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-081X AC : JN-0282 Abbrev: Biophys. Chem. Title : Biophysical Chemistry [An International Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Biological Phenomena] ISSN : 0301-4622 e-ISSN: 1873-4200 CODEN : BICIAZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03014622 AC : JN-0283 Abbrev: Biophys. J. Title : Biophysical Journal ISSN : 0006-3495 e-ISSN: 1542-0086 CODEN : BIOJAU Publis: Biophysical Society Server: http://www.cell.com/biophysj/ AC : JN-0284 Abbrev: Biophys. Struct. Mech. Title : Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism ISSN : 0340-1057 CODEN : BSMHBH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. Biophys. J., ends with vol. 10 in 1984. AC : JN-0285 Abbrev: Biopolim. Kletka Title : Biopolimery i Kletka ISSN : 0233-7657 CODEN : BIKLEK Publis: NAN Ukrainy Note : Parallel language title: Biopolymers and Cell. AC : JN-0286 Abbrev: Biopolymers Title : Biopolymers [Peptide Science] ISSN : 0006-3525 e-ISSN: 1079-0282 CODEN : BIPMAA Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0282a AC : JN-4302 Abbrev: Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng. Title : Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering ISSN : 1615-7591 e-ISSN: 1615-7605 CODEN : BBEIBV Publis: Springer Server: http://www.springer.com/chemistry/biotechnology/journal/449 AC : JN-3344 Abbrev: BioProcessing Title : BioProcessing [Trends and Developments in BioProcess Technology] ISSN : 1538-8786 Publis: The Williamsburg Bioprocessing Foundation Server: http://www.bioprocessingjournal.com/ AC : JN-3408 Abbrev: Bioremediat., Biodivers. Bioavailab. Title : Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability ISSN : 1749-0596 Short : BBB Publis: Global Science Books Server: http://www.globalsciencebooks.info/Journals/BBB.html AC : JN-2897 Abbrev: Bioresour. Technol. Title : Bioresource Technology ISSN : 0960-8524 e-ISSN: 1873-2976 CODEN : BIRTEB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09608524 AC : JN-2630 Abbrev: Bios Title : Bios ISSN : 0366-2284 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Bios Boissons, ends with vol. ? in ?1993. AC : JN-0287 Abbrev: Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. Title : Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry ISSN : 0916-8451 e-ISSN: 1347-6947 CODEN : BBBIEJ Short : BBB Publis: Japanese Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry Note : Replaces Agric. Biol. Chem., starts with vol. 56 in 1992. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsbba/index-e.html AC : JN-4040 Abbrev: Biosci. Biotechnol. Res. Asia Title : Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia [An International Research Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology] ISSN : 0973-1245 Publis: Oriental Scientific Publishing Company Server: http://www.biotech-asia.org/ AC : JN-3207 Abbrev: Biosci. Microflora Title : Bioscience and Microflora ISSN : 1342-1441 e-ISSN: 1349-8355 CODEN : BIMIFM Publis: Nihon Bifizusukin Senta Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/bifidus/_vols AC : JN-0288 Abbrev: Biosci. Rep. Title : Bioscience Reports [Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Cell Surface] ISSN : 0144-8463 e-ISSN: 1573-4935 CODEN : BRPTDT Publis: Portland Press Server: http://www.bioscirep.org/ AC : JN-3827 Abbrev: Biosci. Trends Title : Bioscience Trends ISSN : 1881-7815 e-ISSN: 1881-7823 CODEN : BTIRCZ Publis: International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio and Socio-Sciences Advancement Server: http://www.biosciencetrends.com/ AC : JN-4027 Abbrev: Biosens. Bioelectron. Title : Biosensors and Bioelectronics ISSN : 0956-5663 e-ISSN: 1873-4235 CODEN : BBIOE4 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09565663 AC : JN-4540 Abbrev: Biosensors Title : Biosensors ISSN : 2079-6374 CODEN : BIOSHU Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/biosensors AC : JN-0289 Abbrev: BIOspektrum Title : BIOspektrum ISSN : 0947-0867 CODEN : BOSPFD Publis: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Server: http://www.spektrumverlag.de/ AC : JN-2575 Abbrev: BioSystems Title : BioSystems ISSN : 0303-2647 e-ISSN: 1872-8324 CODEN : BSYMBO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03032647 AC : JN-0290 Abbrev: BioTechniques Title : BioTechniques [The International Journal of Life Science Methods] ISSN : 0736-6205 e-ISSN: 1940-9818 CODEN : BTNQDO Publis: Eaton Publishing Co. Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Biotechniques. Server: http://www.biotechniques.com/home/ AC : JN-0291 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Adv. Title : Biotechnology Advances ISSN : 0734-9750 e-ISSN: 1873-1899 CODEN : BIADDD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07349750 AC : JN-0293 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. Title : Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry ISSN : 0885-4513 e-ISSN: 1470-8744 CODEN : BABIEC Publis: Portland Press Server: http://www.portlandpress.co.uk/bab/ AC : JN-0294 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Bioeng. Title : Biotechnology and Bioengineering ISSN : 0006-3592 e-ISSN: 1097-0290 CODEN : BIBIAU Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0290 AC : JN-0295 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Bioeng. Symp. Title : Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium ISSN : 0572-6565 CODEN : BIBSBR Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1986. AC : JN-4266 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Biofuels Title : Biotechnology for Biofuels e-ISSN: 1754-6834 CODEN : BBIIFL Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/ AC : JN-4937 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Biofuels Bioprod. Title : Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts e-ISSN: 2731-3654 CODEN : BBBIDI Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://biotechnologyforbiofuels.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3179 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. Title : Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering ISSN : 1226-8372 e-ISSN: 1976-3816 CODEN : BBEIAU Short : BBE Publis: Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Server: http://bbe.or.kr/home/journal/ AC : JN-3195 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Biotechnol. Equip. Title : Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment [International Scientific-Theoretical and Applied Publication] ISSN : 1310-2818 Publis: Diagnosis Press Ltd. Server: http://www.diagnosisp.com/ AC : JN-2522 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Genet. Eng. Rev. Title : Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews ISSN : 0264-8725 CODEN : BGERES Publis: Intercept Ltd. Server: http://www.intercept.co.uk/gb/rechrev.html AC : JN-3434 Abbrev: Biotechnol. J. Title : Biotechnology Journal ISSN : 1860-6768 e-ISSN: 1860-7314 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://www.biotechnology-journal.com AC : JN-0296 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Lett. Title : Biotechnology Letters ISSN : 0141-5492 e-ISSN: 1573-6776 CODEN : BILED3 Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Incorporates Biotechnol. Tech. in 1999. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0141-5492 AC : JN-0297 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Prog. Title : Biotechnology Progress ISSN : 8756-7938 e-ISSN: 1520-6033 CODEN : BIPRET Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/bipret/ AC : JN-4428 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Res. Int. Title : Biotechnology Research International ISSN : 2090-3138 e-ISSN: 2090-3146 CODEN : BRIICS Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/btri/ AC : JN-2885 Abbrev: Biotechnol. Tech. Title : Biotechnology Techniques ISSN : 0951-208X e-ISSN: 1573-6784 CODEN : BTECE6 Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Biotechnol. Lett., ends with vol. 13 in 1999. AC : JN-2771 Abbrev: Biotechnology Title : Biotechnology ISSN : 0740-7378 CODEN : BTGYDD Publis: Butterworth - Heinemann AC : JN-0292 Abbrev: Biotechnology (N.Y.) Title : Bio/Technology ISSN : 0733-222X CODEN : BTCHDA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Nat. Biotechnol., ends with vol. 13 in 1995. AC : JN-2788 Abbrev: Biotecnol. Apl. Title : Biotecnologia Aplicada ISSN : 0864-4551 e-ISSN: 1027-2852 CODEN : BTAPEP Publis: Elfos Scientiae Server: http://elfosscientiae.cigb.edu.cu/Biotecnologia.asp AC : JN-3695 Abbrev: Biotecnol. Cienc. Desenvolv. Title : Biotecnologia: Ciencia e Desenvolvimento ISSN : 1414-4522 Publis: KL3 Comunicacao Server: http://www.biotecnologia.com.br/ AC : JN-0298 Abbrev: Biotekhnologiya Title : Biotekhnologiya ISSN : 0234-2758 CODEN : BTKNEZ Publis: Izdatel'stvo Nauka Note : Parallel language title: Russian Journal of Biotechnology. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-bin/journal.pl?name=biotech&page=main AC : JN-1991 Abbrev: Bipolar Disord. Title : Bipolar Disorders ISSN : 1398-5647 e-ISSN: 1399-5618 CODEN : BDIIAU Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1398-5647 AC : JN-0299 Abbrev: Bird Conserv. Int. Title : Bird Conservation International ISSN : 0959-2709 e-ISSN: 1474-0001 CODEN : BCOIEN Short : BCI Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=BCI AC : JN-0300 Abbrev: Birth Defects Res. A Clin. Mol. Teratol. Title : Birth Defects Research. Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology ISSN : 1542-0752 e-ISSN: 1542-0760 CODEN : BDRPBT Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Teratology, starts with vol. 67 in 2003. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1542-0760 AC : JN-2020 Abbrev: Birth Defects Res. B Dev. Reprod. Toxicol. Title : Birth Defects Research. Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology ISSN : 1542-9733 e-ISSN: 1542-9741 CODEN : BDRPCU Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1542-9741 AC : JN-4920 Abbrev: BJOG Title : BJOG : an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. ISSN : 1470-0328 e-ISSN: 1471-0528 CODEN : BIOGFQ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1471-0528 AC : JN-3300 Abbrev: BJU Int. Title : BJU International ISSN : 1464-4096 e-ISSN: 1464-410X CODEN : BJINFO Short : BJUI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1464-4096 AC : JN-0301 Abbrev: Blood Title : Blood ISSN : 0006-4971 e-ISSN: 1528-0020 CODEN : BLOOAW Publis: American Society of Hematology Server: http://bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org/ AC : JN-4648 Abbrev: Blood Adv. Title : Blood Advances ISSN : 2473-9529 e-ISSN: 2473-9537 Publis: American Society of Hematology Server: http://www.bloodadvances.org/ AC : JN-4659 Abbrev: Blood Cancer J. Title : Blood Cancer Journal e-ISSN: 2044-5385 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/bcj AC : JN-0302 Abbrev: Blood Cells Title : Blood Cells ISSN : 0340-4684 CODEN : BLCEDD Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Blood Cells Mol. Dis., ends with vol. 20 in 1994. AC : JN-0303 Abbrev: Blood Cells Mol. Dis. Title : Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases ISSN : 1079-9796 e-ISSN: 1096-0961 CODEN : BCMDFX Short : BCMD Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces Blood Cells, starts with vol. 21 in 1995. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10799796 AC : JN-0304 Abbrev: Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis Title : Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis [An International Journal in Haemostasis and Thrombosis] ISSN : 0957-5235 e-ISSN: 1473-5733 CODEN : BLFIE7 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/bloodcoagulation/ AC : JN-2772 Abbrev: Blood Press. Title : Blood Pressure [For the Advancement of Hypertension Research] ISSN : 0803-7051 e-ISSN: 1651-1999 CODEN : BLPREG Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/blo AC : JN-4806 Abbrev: Blood Rev. Title : Blood Reviews e-ISSN: 0268-960X CODEN : BLOREB Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/blood-reviews AC : JN-2084 Abbrev: Blumea Title : Blumea [Journal of Plant-Taxonomy and Plant-Geography] ISSN : 0006-5196 CODEN : BLMAAE Publis: National Herbarium Nederland/Leiden Branch Server: http://www.nationaalherbarium.nl/pubs/index.htm#blumea AC : JN-0305 Abbrev: Blut Title : Blut ISSN : 0006-5242 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ann. Hematol., ends with vol. 61 in 1990. AC : JN-2620 Abbrev: BMB Rep. Title : BMB Reports ISSN : 1976-6696 e-ISSN: 1976-670X Publis: Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Note : Replaces Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem., starts with vol. 41 in 2008. Server: http://bmbreports.org/ AC : JN-0306 Abbrev: BMC Biochem. Title : BMC Biochemistry [BioMed Central Biochemistry] e-ISSN: 1471-2091 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2091/ AC : JN-0307 Abbrev: BMC Bioinformatics Title : BMC Bioinformatics [BioMed Central Bioinformatics] e-ISSN: 1471-2105 CODEN : BBMIC4 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/ AC : JN-0308 Abbrev: BMC Biol. Title : BMC Biology [BioMed Central Biology] e-ISSN: 1741-7007 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/ AC : JN-4862 Abbrev: BMC Biophys Title : BMC Biophysics [BioMed Central Biophysics] e-ISSN: 2046-1682 Publis: London : BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/2046-1682/ AC : JN-0309 Abbrev: BMC Biotechnol. Title : BMC Biotechnology [BioMed Central Biotechnology] e-ISSN: 1472-6750 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6750/ AC : JN-0310 Abbrev: BMC Cancer Title : BMC Cancer [BioMed Central Cancer] e-ISSN: 1471-2407 CODEN : BCMACL Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/ AC : JN-0311 Abbrev: BMC Cardiovasc. Disord. Title : BMC Cardiovascular Disorders [BioMed Central Cardiovascular Disorders] e-ISSN: 1471-2261 CODEN : BCDMBB Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2261/ AC : JN-0312 Abbrev: BMC Cell Biol. Title : BMC Cell Biology [BioMed Central Cell Biology] e-ISSN: 1471-2121 CODEN : BCBMAY Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2121/ AC : JN-4092 Abbrev: BMC Chem. Biol. Title : BMC Chemical Biology [BioMed Central Chemical Biology] e-ISSN: 1472-6769 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6769/ AC : JN-0313 Abbrev: BMC Clin. Pathol. Title : BMC Clinical Pathology [BioMed Central Clinical Pathology] e-ISSN: 1472-6890 CODEN : BCPMB3 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6890/ AC : JN-4901 Abbrev: BMC Complement. Med. Ther. Title : BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies ISSN : 2662-7671 e-ISSN: 2662-7671 CODEN : BCMTA8 Publis: BioMed Central Note : Replaces BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, starts with vol. 20 in 2020. Server: https://bmccomplementalternmed.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3301 Abbrev: BMC Dermatol. Title : BMC Dermatology [BioMed Central Dermatology] e-ISSN: 1471-5945 CODEN : BDMEC6 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-5945/ AC : JN-0314 Abbrev: BMC Dev. Biol. Title : BMC Developmental Biology [BioMed Central Developmental Biology] e-ISSN: 1471-213X CODEN : BDBMA7 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-213X/ AC : JN-3302 Abbrev: BMC Ecol. Title : BMC Ecology [BioMed Central Ecology] e-ISSN: 1472-6785 CODEN : BEMCB6 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6785/ AC : JN-3820 Abbrev: BMC Endocr. Disord. Title : BMC Endocrine Disorders [BioMed Central Endocrine Disorders] e-ISSN: 1472-6823 CODEN : BEDMAO Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6823/ AC : JN-0315 Abbrev: BMC Evol. Biol. Title : BMC Evolutionary Biology [BioMed Central Evolutionary Biology] e-ISSN: 1471-2148 CODEN : BEBMCG Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/ AC : JN-4203 Abbrev: BMC Gastroenterol. Title : BMC Gastroenterology [BioMed Central Gastroenterology] e-ISSN: 1471-230X CODEN : BGMABE Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-230X/ AC : JN-0316 Abbrev: BMC Genet. Title : BMC Genetics [BioMed Central Genetics] e-ISSN: 1471-2156 CODEN : BGMEDS Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/ AC : JN-0317 Abbrev: BMC Genomics Title : BMC Genomics [BioMed Central Genomics] e-ISSN: 1471-2164 CODEN : BGMEET Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/ AC : JN-0318 Abbrev: BMC Immunol. Title : BMC Immunology [BioMed Central Immunology] e-ISSN: 1471-2172 CODEN : BIMMCV Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2172/ AC : JN-0319 Abbrev: BMC Infect. Dis. Title : BMC Infectious Diseases [BioMed Central Infectious Diseases] e-ISSN: 1471-2334 CODEN : BIDMBJ Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/ AC : JN-0320 Abbrev: BMC Med. Title : BMC Medicine [BioMed Central Medicine] e-ISSN: 1741-7015 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/ AC : JN-0321 Abbrev: BMC Med. Genet. Title : BMC Medical Genetics [BioMed Central Medical Genetics] e-ISSN: 1471-2350 CODEN : BMGMAR Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2350/ AC : JN-3796 Abbrev: BMC Med. Genomics Title : BMC Medical Genomics [BioMed Central Medical Genomics] e-ISSN: 1755-8794 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcmedgenomics/ AC : JN-0322 Abbrev: BMC Microbiol. Title : BMC Microbiology [BioMed Central Microbiology] e-ISSN: 1471-2180 CODEN : BMMIBC Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/ AC : JN-0323 Abbrev: BMC Mol. Biol. Title : BMC Molecular Biology [BioMed Central Molecular Biology] e-ISSN: 1471-2199 CODEN : BMBMC4 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/ AC : JN-4787 Abbrev: BMC Mol. Cell Biol. Title : BMC Molecular and Cell Biology [BioMed Central Molecular and Cell Biology] ISSN : 2661-8850 Publis: BioMed Central Note : Publication Start Year: 2019. Absorbed: BMC biochemistry (ISSN 1471-2091), BMC molecular biology (ISSN 1471-2199) and BMC structural biology (ISSN 1472-6807) Server: https://bmcmolcellbiol.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-4363 Abbrev: BMC Musculoskelet. Disord. Title : BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders [BioMed Central Musculoskeletal Disorders] e-ISSN: 1471-2474 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2474/ AC : JN-4239 Abbrev: BMC Nephrol. Title : BMC Nephrology [BioMed Central Nephrology] e-ISSN: 1471-2369 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2369/ AC : JN-0324 Abbrev: BMC Neurol. Title : BMC Neurology [BioMed Central Neurology] e-ISSN: 1471-2377 CODEN : BNMEC8 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/ AC : JN-0325 Abbrev: BMC Neurosci. Title : BMC Neuroscience [BioMed Central Neuroscience] e-ISSN: 1471-2202 CODEN : BNMEA6 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/ AC : JN-4377 Abbrev: BMC Oral Health Title : BMC Oral Health [BioMed Central Oral Health] e-ISSN: 1472-6831 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcoralhealth/ AC : JN-0326 Abbrev: BMC Pediatr. Title : BMC Pediatrics [BioMed Central Pediatrics] e-ISSN: 1471-2431 CODEN : BPMEBL Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2431 AC : JN-3303 Abbrev: BMC Pharmacol. Title : BMC Pharmacology [BioMed Central Pharmacology] e-ISSN: 1471-2210 CODEN : BPMHBU Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2210/ AC : JN-0327 Abbrev: BMC Physiol. Title : BMC Physiology [BioMed Central Physiology] e-ISSN: 1472-6793 CODEN : BPMHCV Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/ AC : JN-0328 Abbrev: BMC Plant Biol. Title : BMC Plant Biology [BioMed Central Plant Biology] e-ISSN: 1471-2229 CODEN : BPBMAN Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/ AC : JN-4916 Abbrev: BMC Pregnancy Childbirth Title : BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth e-ISSN: 1471-2393 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3816 Abbrev: BMC Proc. Title : BMC Proceedings e-ISSN: 1753-6561 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1753-6561/ AC : JN-1998 Abbrev: BMC Psychiatry Title : BMC Psychiatry e-ISSN: 1471-244X CODEN : BPMSCU Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/ AC : JN-4851 Abbrev: BMC Pulm Med Title : BMC Pulmonary Medicine ISSN : 1471-2466 e-ISSN: 1471-2466 Publis: London : BioMed Central Server: https://bmcpulmmed.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-2134 Abbrev: BMC Res. Notes Title : BMC Research Notes e-ISSN: 1756-0500 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/ AC : JN-0329 Abbrev: BMC Struct. Biol. Title : BMC Structural Biology [BioMed Central Structural Biology] e-ISSN: 1472-6807 CODEN : BSBMBB Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6807/ AC : JN-3806 Abbrev: BMC Syst. Biol. Title : BMC Systems Biology [BioMed Central Systems Biology] e-ISSN: 1752-0509 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/ AC : JN-2653 Abbrev: BMC Vet. Res. Title : BMC Veterinary Research [BioMed Central Veterinary Research] e-ISSN: 1746-6148 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1746-6148/ AC : JN-0330 Abbrev: BMJ Title : BMJ [British Medical Journal] ISSN : 0959-8138 e-ISSN: 1468-5833 CODEN : BMJOAE Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Note : Replaces Br. Med. J., starts with vol. ? in 1981. Server: http://www.bmj.com/ AC : JN-4621 Abbrev: BMJ Case Rep. Title : BMJ Case Reports e-ISSN: 1757-790X Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://casereports.bmj.com AC : JN-4650 Abbrev: BMJ Open Title : BMJ Open e-ISSN: 2044-6055 Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/ AC : JN-4275 Abbrev: BMMS Title : Biomacromolecular Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 1936-444X Publis: Nova Science Publishers AC : JN-3583 Abbrev: Bol. Biotecnol. Title : Boletim de Biotecnologia ISSN : 0103-6548 Publis: Secretaria de Estado da Saude, Coordenacao dos Institutos de Pesquisa, Instituto Butantan AC : JN-2335 Abbrev: Bol. Inst. Bot. Title : Boletim do Instituto de Botanica ISSN : 0074-0055 Publis: Instituto de Botanica AC : JN-2481 Abbrev: Bol. Sanid. Veg. Plagas Title : Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal - Plagas ISSN : 0213-6910 Publis: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino - Secretaria General Tecnica - Centro de Publicaciones Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Bol. Sanid. Veg., Plagas. Server: http://www.mapa.es/es/ministerio/pags/publicaciones/periodicas/sanidadvegetal/boletin.htm AC : JN-3161 Abbrev: Bol. SEA Title : Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa ISSN : 1134-6094 Publis: Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa Server: http://entomologia.rediris.es/sea/bol/ AC : JN-2480 Abbrev: Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid Title : Boletin de la Sociedad Micologica de Madrid ISSN : 0214-140X Publis: Sociedad Micologica de Madrid AC : JN-2690 Abbrev: Boll. Malacol. Title : Bollettino Malacologico ISSN : 0394-7149 Publis: Societa Italiana di Malacologia Server: http://www.sim-online.it/area.php?idarea=2&idbiblio=6&lang=en AC : JN-2618 Abbrev: Boll. Mus. Ist. Biol. Univ. Genova Title : Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell'Universita degli Studi di Genova ISSN : 0373-4110 Publis: Universita degli Studi di Genova, Istituto di Zoologia AC : JN-0331 Abbrev: Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. Title : Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale ISSN : 0037-8771 CODEN : BSIBAC Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 77 in 2001. AC : JN-2639 Abbrev: Boll. Zool. Title : Il Bollettino di Zoologia ISSN : 0373-4137 CODEN : BZOOAS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ital. J. Zool., ends with vol. ? in 1995. AC : JN-0332 Abbrev: Bone Title : Bone ISSN : 8756-3282 CODEN : BONEDL Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/87563282 AC : JN-4611 Abbrev: Bone Joint Res. Title : Bone and Joint Research e-ISSN: 2046-3758 Publis: The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery Server: https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/journal/bjr AC : JN-2523 Abbrev: Bone Marrow Transplant. Title : Bone Marrow Transplantation ISSN : 0268-3369 e-ISSN: 1476-5365 CODEN : BMTRE9 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/bmt AC : JN-4928 Abbrev: Bone Rep. Title : Bone Reports e-ISSN: 2352-1872 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/bone-reports AC : JN-4678 Abbrev: Bone Res. Title : Bone Research ISSN : 2095-4700 e-ISSN: 2095-6231 Publis: Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China : Sichuan University Press Server: https://www.nature.com/boneres/ AC : JN-2067 Abbrev: Bonn. Zool. Beitr. Title : Bonner Zoologische Beitraege ISSN : 0006-7172 CODEN : BZOBAN Publis: Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig AC : JN-3196 Abbrev: Boreal Environ. Res. Title : Boreal Environment Research ISSN : 1239-6095 CODEN : BEREF7 Publis: Suomen Ymparistokeskus Server: http://www.borenv.net/ AC : JN-3896 Abbrev: Boreas Title : Boreas [An International Journal of Quaternary Research] ISSN : 0300-9483 e-ISSN: 1502-3885 CODEN : BRESB3 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0300-9483 AC : JN-0333 Abbrev: Bot. Acta Title : Botanica Acta ISSN : 0932-8629 CODEN : BOACEJ Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 111 in 1998. AC : JN-3554 Abbrev: Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. Title : Botanical Bulletin of the Academia Sinica ISSN : 0006-8063 CODEN : BBASA6 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan Zhiwuxue Huikan. Replaced by Bot. Stud., ends with vol. 46 in 2005. AC : JN-0334 Abbrev: Bot. J. Linn. Soc. Title : Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ISSN : 0024-4074 e-ISSN: 1095-8339 CODEN : BJLSAF Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0024-4074 AC : JN-3251 Abbrev: Bot. J. Scotl. Title : Botanical Journal of Scotland ISSN : 1359-4869 CODEN : BJSCE6 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Plant Ecol. Divers., ends with vol. ? in 2007. AC : JN-2071 Abbrev: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. Pflanzengesch. Pflanzengeogr. Title : Botanische Jahrbuecher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie ISSN : 0006-8152 CODEN : BJPPAQ Publis: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/ AC : JN-0335 Abbrev: Bot. Mag. Tokyo Title : The Botanical Magazine, Tokyo ISSN : 0006-808X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Plant Res., ends with vol. ? in 19??. AC : JN-0336 Abbrev: Bot. Marina Title : Botanica Marina ISSN : 0006-8055 e-ISSN: 1437-4323 CODEN : BOTNA7 Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Server: http://www.degruyter.de/journals/bm/ AC : JN-0337 Abbrev: Bot. Rev. Title : The Botanical Review ISSN : 0006-8101 e-ISSN: 1874-9372 CODEN : BOREA4 Publis: The New York Botanical Garden Press Server: http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/BotanicalReview.asp AC : JN-2046 Abbrev: Bot. Stud. Title : Botanical Studies ISSN : 1817-406X Publis: Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica Note : Replaces Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., starts with vol. 47 in 2006. Server: http://ejournal.sinica.edu.tw/bbas/ AC : JN-2102 Abbrev: Bot. Z. Title : Botanicheskii Zhurnal ISSN : 0006-8136 CODEN : BOTZA9 Publis: Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Sankt-Peterburgskoe Otdelenie AC : JN-4641 Abbrev: Botany Title : Botany ISSN : 1916-2790 e-ISSN: 1916-2804 Publis: NRC Research Press Server: https://www.nrcresearchpress.com/loi/cjb AC : JN-2096 Abbrev: Br. Birds Title : British Birds ISSN : 0007-0335 CODEN : BRBIAP Short : BB Publis: British Birds Server: http://www.britishbirds.co.uk AC : JN-0338 Abbrev: Br. Heart J. Title : British Heart Journal ISSN : 0007-0769 CODEN : BHJUAV Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Heart, ends with vol. 74 in 1995. AC : JN-0339 Abbrev: Br. J. Anaesth. Title : British Journal of Anaesthesia ISSN : 0007-0912 e-ISSN: 1471-6771 CODEN : BJANAD Short : BJA Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://bja.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2898 Abbrev: Br. J. Biomed. Sci. Title : British Journal of Biomedical Science ISSN : 0967-4845 CODEN : BJMSEO Publis: Step Communications Ltd. Server: http://www.bjbs-online.org/ AC : JN-0340 Abbrev: Br. J. Cancer Title : British Journal of Cancer [The Clinical and Scientific Journal of the Cancer Research Campaign] ISSN : 0007-0920 e-ISSN: 1532-1827 CODEN : BJCAAI Short : BJC Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/bjc/ AC : JN-2594 Abbrev: Br. J. Cancer Suppl. Title : British Journal of Cancer. Supplement ISSN : 0306-9443 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-0341 Abbrev: Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Title : British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology ISSN : 0306-5251 e-ISSN: 1365-2125 CODEN : BCPHBM Short : BJCP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0306-5251 AC : JN-0342 Abbrev: Br. J. Dermatol. Title : British Journal of Dermatology ISSN : 0007-0963 e-ISSN: 1365-2133 CODEN : BJDEAZ Short : BJD Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0007-0963 AC : JN-0343 Abbrev: Br. J. Haematol. Title : British Journal of Haematology ISSN : 0007-1048 e-ISSN: 1365-2141 CODEN : BJHEAL Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2141 AC : JN-2115 Abbrev: Br. J. Nutr. Title : The British Journal of Nutrition ISSN : 0007-1145 e-ISSN: 1475-2662 CODEN : BJNUAV Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=BJN AC : JN-0344 Abbrev: Br. J. Ophthalmol. Title : British Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 0007-1161 e-ISSN: 1468-2079 CODEN : BJOPAL Short : BJO Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://bjo.bmj.com/ AC : JN-0345 Abbrev: Br. J. Pharmacol. Title : British Journal of Pharmacology ISSN : 0007-1188 e-ISSN: 1476-5381 CODEN : BJPCBM Short : BJP Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: http://www.brjpharmacol.org/ AC : JN-2097 Abbrev: Br. Med. Bull. Title : British Medical Bulletin ISSN : 0007-1420 e-ISSN: 1471-8391 CODEN : BMBUAQ Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://bmb.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2132 Abbrev: Br. Med. J. Title : British Medical Journal ISSN : 0007-1447 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by BMJ, ends with vol. 281 in 1980. AC : JN-0346 Abbrev: Br. Poult. Sci. Title : British Poultry Science ISSN : 0007-1668 e-ISSN: 1466-1799 CODEN : BPOSA4 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713408216 AC : JN-0347 Abbrev: Br. Vet. J. Title : British Veterinary Journal ISSN : 0007-1935 CODEN : BVJOA9 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Vet. J., ends with vol. 152 in 1996. AC : JN-0348 Abbrev: Brain Title : Brain [A Journal of Neurology] ISSN : 0006-8950 e-ISSN: 1460-2156 CODEN : BRAIA Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2114 Abbrev: Brain Behav. Evol. Title : Brain, Behavior and Evolution ISSN : 0006-8977 e-ISSN: 1421-9743 CODEN : BRBEBE Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/BBE AC : JN-2794 Abbrev: Brain Behav. Immun. Title : Brain, Behavior, and Immunity ISSN : 0889-1591 e-ISSN: 1090-2139 CODEN : BBIMEW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0889-1591 AC : JN-4768 Abbrev: Brain Commun. Title : Brain Communications ISSN : 2632-1297 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/braincomms AC : JN-0349 Abbrev: Brain Dev. Title : Brain and Development ISSN : 0387-7604 e-ISSN: 1872-7131 CODEN : NTHAA7 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03877604 AC : JN-0350 Abbrev: Brain Pathol. Title : Brain Pathology ISSN : 1015-6305 e-ISSN: 1750-3639 CODEN : BRPAE7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1015-6305 AC : JN-0351 Abbrev: Brain Res. Title : Brain Research ISSN : 0006-8993 e-ISSN: 1872-6240 CODEN : BRREAP Publis: Elsevier Note : Incorporates Brain Res. Brain Res. Protoc., Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. and Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. in 2006. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00068993 AC : JN-2655 Abbrev: Brain Res. Brain Res. Protoc. Title : Brain Research. Brain Research Protocols ISSN : 1385-299X e-ISSN: 1872-809X CODEN : BRPRFP Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Brain Res., ends with vol. 16 in 2005. AC : JN-0352 Abbrev: Brain Res. Brain Res. Rev. Title : Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews ISSN : 0165-0173 e-ISSN: 1872-6321 CODEN : BRERD2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01650173 AC : JN-0353 Abbrev: Brain Res. Bull. Title : Brain Research Bulletin ISSN : 0361-9230 e-ISSN: 1873-2747 CODEN : BRBUDU Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03619230 AC : JN-0354 Abbrev: Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. Title : Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research ISSN : 0165-3806 e-ISSN: 1872-6755 CODEN : DBRRDB Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Brain Res., ends with vol. 160 in 2005. AC : JN-0355 Abbrev: Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. Title : Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research ISSN : 0169-328X e-ISSN: 1872-6941 CODEN : MBREE4 Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Brain Res., ends with vol. 142 in 2005. AC : JN-4386 Abbrev: Brain Struct. Funct. Title : Brain Structure and Function ISSN : 1863-2653 e-ISSN: 1863-2661 Publis: Springer Note : Replaces Anat. Embryol. (Berl.), starts with vol. 212 in 2007. Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/429 AC : JN-3317 Abbrev: Braz. J. Biol. Title : Brazilian Journal of Biology ISSN : 1519-6984 e-ISSN: 1678-4375 CODEN : RBBIAL Publis: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1519-6984 AC : JN-3288 Abbrev: Braz. J. Infect. Dis. Title : The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases ISSN : 1413-8670 CODEN : BJIDAN Publis: Contexto Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1413-8670 AC : JN-0356 Abbrev: Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. Title : Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research ISSN : 0100-879X e-ISSN: 1678-4510 CODEN : BJMRDK Publis: Associacao Brasileira de Divulgacao Cientifica Note : Replaces Rev. Bras. Pesqui. Med. Biol., starts with vol. 14 in 1981. Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-879X AC : JN-3318 Abbrev: Braz. J. Microbiol. Title : Brazilian Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 1517-8382 e-ISSN: 1678-4405 CODEN : BJMRAH Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1517-8382 AC : JN-0357 Abbrev: Braz. J. Plant Physiol. Title : Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology ISSN : 1677-0420 e-ISSN: 1677-9452 CODEN : RBFVEG Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal Note : Replaces Rev. Bras. Fis. Veg., starts with vol. 14 in 2002. Server: http://www.scielo.br/revistas/bjpp/iaboutj.htm AC : JN-4527 Abbrev: Breast Title : The Breast ISSN : 0960-9776 e-ISSN: 1532-3080 CODEN : BREAEK Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-breast/ AC : JN-0358 Abbrev: Breast Cancer Title : Breast Cancer ISSN : 1340-6868 e-ISSN: 1880-4233 Publis: The Japanese Breast Cancer Society Server: http://www.jbcs.gr.jp/ AC : JN-0359 Abbrev: Breast Cancer Res. Title : Breast Cancer Research ISSN : 1465-5411 e-ISSN: 1465-542X CODEN : BCRRCT Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://breast-cancer-research.com/ AC : JN-0360 Abbrev: Breast Cancer Res. Treat. Title : Breast Cancer Research and Treatment ISSN : 0167-6806 e-ISSN: 1573-7217 CODEN : BCTRD6 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-6806 AC : JN-0361 Abbrev: Breed. Sci. Title : Breeding Science ISSN : 1344-7610 e-ISSN: 1347-3735 CODEN : BRSCES Publis: Nihon Ikushu Gakkai Note : Replaces Ikushugaku Zasshi, starts with vol. 44 in 1994. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jsbbs/_vols AC : JN-3830 Abbrev: Breviora Title : Breviora ISSN : 0006-9698 CODEN : BRVRAG Publis: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology Server: http://www.bioone.org/loi/brvo AC : JN-0362 Abbrev: Brief. Bioinform. Title : Briefings in Bioinformatics ISSN : 1467-5463 e-ISSN: 1477-4054 CODEN : BBIMFX Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://bib.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2116 Abbrev: Brittonia Title : Brittonia ISSN : 0007-196X e-ISSN: 1938-436X CODEN : BRTAAN Publis: Springer New York Server: http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/Brittonia.asp http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0007-196X AC : JN-2336 Abbrev: Brookhaven Symp. Biol. Title : Brookhaven Symposia in Biology ISSN : 0068-2799 CODEN : BSBIAW Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 36 in 1990. AC : JN-0363 Abbrev: Bryologist Title : The Bryologist ISSN : 0007-2745 e-ISSN: 1938-4378 CODEN : BRYOAM Publis: American Bryological and Lichenological Society Server: https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/jpbennet/web/abls/bryologist.html AC : JN-4019 Abbrev: Bryonora Title : Bryonora ISSN : 0862-8904 Publis: Ceska Botanicka Spolecnost Server: http://botanika.bf.jcu.cz/bls/english/bryonora_en.php AC : JN-2524 Abbrev: Bryophyt. Bibl. Title : Bryophytorum Bibliotheca ISSN : 0258-3348 CODEN : BRBIDS Publis: J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/list/series/bryobibl AC : JN-2466 Abbrev: Bull. Ala. Mus. Nat. Hist. Title : Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural History ISSN : 0196-1039 Publis: University of Alabama Museums Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Bulletin (Ala. Mus. Nat. Hist.). AC : JN-1939 Abbrev: Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Title : Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History ISSN : 0003-0090 e-ISSN: 1937-3546 CODEN : BUMNAE Publis: American Museum Of Natural History Server: http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace/handle/2246/7 AC : JN-2337 Abbrev: Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jpn. Title : Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan ISSN : 0067-8716 e-ISSN: 1880-8093 Publis: Biogeographical Society of Japan Note : Parallel language title: Nihon Seibutsu Chiri Gakkai Kaiho. AC : JN-2389 Abbrev: Bull. Biol. Soc. Wash. Title : Bulletin Biological Society of Washington ISSN : 0097-0298 CODEN : BBSWA6 Publis: Biological Society of Washington Server: http://www.biolsocwash.org AC : JN-2715 Abbrev: Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. Title : Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society ISSN : 0524-4994 CODEN : BACBBR Publis: British Arachnological Society Server: http://www.britishspiders.org.uk/html/bas.php?page=bultn&menu=publ AC : JN-2099 Abbrev: Bull. Br. Ornithol. Club Title : Bulletin British Ornithologists' Club ISSN : 0007-1595 CODEN : BBOCAS Publis: British Ornithologists' Club AC : JN-0364 Abbrev: Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Title : Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan ISSN : 0009-2673 e-ISSN: 1348-0634 CODEN : BCSJA8 Short : BCSJ Publis: Chemical Society of Japan Server: http://www.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/csj/journals/bcsj/index-e.html AC : JN-2100 Abbrev: Bull. Entomol. Res. Title : Bulletin of Entomological Research ISSN : 0007-4853 e-ISSN: 1475-2670 CODEN : BEREA2 Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=BER AC : JN-3139 Abbrev: Bull. Entomol. Soc. Egypt Econ. Ser. Title : Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt. Economic Series ISSN : 1110-0885 CODEN : BEGEBG Publis: Entomological Society of Egypt Server: http://www.ees.eg.net/publication.html AC : JN-3831 Abbrev: Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Title : Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ISSN : 0007-4861 e-ISSN: 1432-0800 CODEN : BECTA6 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0007-4861 AC : JN-2407 Abbrev: Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Pathol. Title : Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists ISSN : 0108-0288 Short : EAFP Bulletin Publis: European Association of Fish Pathologists Server: http://eafp.squarespace.com/bulletin-archive/ AC : JN-2117 Abbrev: Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. Title : Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0007-4888 e-ISSN: 1573-8221 CODEN : BEXBAN Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0007-4888 AC : JN-3740 Abbrev: Bull. Fish Biol. Title : Bulletin of Fish Biology ISSN : 1867-5417 Publis: Verlag Natur and Wissenschaft Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0007-4888 AC : JN-3684 Abbrev: Bull. Hoshizaki Green Found. Title : Bulletin of the Hoshizaki Green Foundation ISSN : 1343-0807 Publis: Hoshizaki Green Foundation Server: http://www.green-f.or.jp/kenhou.html AC : JN-3397 Abbrev: Bull. Insectology Title : Bulletin of Insectology ISSN : 1721-8861 Publis: Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technologies Server: http://www.bulletinofinsectology.org/ AC : JN-0365 Abbrev: Bull. Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. Title : Bulletin of the Institute of Chemical Research, Kyoto University ISSN : 0023-6071 CODEN : BICRAS Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Bull. Inst. Chem. Res. Kyoto Univ. Publication ceased with vol. 73 in 1995. AC : JN-3546 Abbrev: Bull. Inst. Zool. Acad. Sin. Title : Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica ISSN : 0001-3943 CODEN : BIZYAS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Zool. Stud., ends with vol. 32 in 1993. AC : JN-3887 Abbrev: Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Title : Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society ISSN : 0253-2964 e-ISSN: 1229-5949 CODEN : BKCSDE Publis: Korean Chemical Society Server: http://newjournal.kcsnet.or.kr/main/j_bkcs/information.htm?qpage=bkcs&spage=information AC : JN-0366 Abbrev: Bull. Mar. Sci. Title : Bulletin of Marine Science ISSN : 0007-4977 e-ISSN: 1553-6955 CODEN : BMRSAW Publis: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami Server: http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/bms/ AC : JN-2634 Abbrev: Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon Title : Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon ISSN : 0366-1326 CODEN : BMSLAG Publis: Societe Linneenne de Lyon Server: http://www.linneenne-lyon.org/ AC : JN-2394 Abbrev: Bull. Mt. Desert Isl. Biol. Lab. Title : The Bulletin. Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory ISSN : 0097-0883 CODEN : BMDIAY Short : MDIBL Bulletin Publis: Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory Server: http://www.mdibl.org/bulletin.php AC : JN-3496 Abbrev: Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Ser. A Zool. Title : Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A: Zoology ISSN : 0385-2423 CODEN : BMAZD5 Publis: Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan Server: http://research.kahaku.go.jp/publication/zoology.html AC : JN-2669 Abbrev: Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Ser. B Bot. Title : Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B: Botany ISSN : 0385-2431 CODEN : BMBBD6 Publis: Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan Server: http://research.kahaku.go.jp/publication/botany.html AC : JN-2491 Abbrev: Bull. OEPP Title : Bulletin OEPP - EPPO Buletin [A Journal of Regulatory Plant Protection] ISSN : 0250-8052 e-ISSN: 1365-2338 CODEN : OEPBAO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0250-8052 AC : JN-3600 Abbrev: Bull. Off. Int. Epizoot. Title : Bulletin - Office International des Epizooties ISSN : 0300-9823 CODEN : OTEBA6 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Stat. Off. Int. Epizoot., ends with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-3683 Abbrev: Bull. Osaka Prefect. Univ. Ser. B Agric. Life Sci. Title : Bulletin of Osaka Prefecture University. Series B, Agriculture and Life Sciences ISSN : 1342-3266 CODEN : BOPBFO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sci. Rep. Coll. Agric., Osaka Prefect. Univ., ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-3475 Abbrev: Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist. Title : Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History ISSN : 0079-032X CODEN : YUPBA8 Publis: Peabody Museum of Natural History Server: http://www.peabody.yale.edu/scipubs/scipubs_bulletin.html AC : JN-2497 Abbrev: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Chem. Title : Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Chemistry ISSN : 0239-7285 CODEN : BPACEQ Publis: Polska Akademia Nauk, Centrum Upowszechniania Nauki AC : JN-3476 Abbrev: Bull. Shikoku Natl. Agric. Exp. Station Title : Bulletin of the Shikoku National Agricultural Experiment Station ISSN : 0037-3702 CODEN : SNSKA3 Publis: Shikoku National Agricultural Experiment Station Note : Parallel language title: Shikoku Nogyo Shikenjo. AC : JN-0367 Abbrev: Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. Title : Bulletin de la Societe de Chimie Biologique ISSN : 0037-9042 CODEN : BSCIA3 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. (Paris). Publication ceased with vol. 52 in 1970. AC : JN-3545 Abbrev: Bull. Soc. Entomol. France Title : Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France ISSN : 0000-1111 Publis: Societe Entomologique de France (SEF) Server: http://www.lasef.org/publications/publications.htm AC : JN-2646 Abbrev: Bull. Soc. Linn. Provence Title : Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Provence ISSN : 0373-0875 Publis: Societe Linneenne de Provence, Lycee Victor Hugo Server: http://slprovence.olympe-network.com/ AC : JN-3851 Abbrev: Bull. South Calif. Acad. Sci. Title : The Bulletin / Southern California Academy of Sciences ISSN : 0038-3872 CODEN : BCASAD Publis: Southern California Academy of Sciences Server: http://scas.jsd.claremont.edu/publicat/ AC : JN-3694 Abbrev: Bull. Sri Lanka Coll. Microbiol. Title : The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists ISSN : 1391-930X Publis: Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists Server: http://slmicrobiology.org/publications/publications.asp AC : JN-2283 Abbrev: Bull. Tokyo Dent. Coll. Title : The Bulletin of the Tokyo Dental College ISSN : 0040-8891 CODEN : BTDCAV Publis: Tokyo Shika Daigaku Gakkai Server: http://www.tdc.ac.jp/bulletinoftdc/ AC : JN-0368 Abbrev: Bull. Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ. Title : Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University ISSN : 0040-8921 CODEN : BTMDAB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Med. Dent. Sci., ends with vol. 43 in 1996. AC : JN-2285 Abbrev: Bull. Torrey Bot. Soc. Title : Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club ISSN : 0040-9618 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Torrey Bot. Soc., ends with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-2691 Abbrev: Bull. Trimest. Soc. Mycol. Fr. Title : Bulletin Trimestriel de la Societe Mycologique de France ISSN : 0395-7527 Publis: Societe Mycologique de France Server: http://www.mycofrance.org/ AC : JN-3544 Abbrev: Bull. Univ. Agric. Sci. Vet. Med. Cluj-Napoca Anim. Breed. Biotechnol. Title : Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Breeding and Biotechnology ISSN : 1843-5262 e-ISSN: 1843-536X Publis: Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Cluj-Napoca Server: http://journals.usamvcj.ro/zootehnie AC : JN-0369 Abbrev: Bull. World Health Organ. Title : Bulletin of the World Health Organization ISSN : 0042-9686 e-ISSN: 1564-0604 CODEN : BWHOA6 Publis: WHO Server: http://www.who.int/bulletin/ AC : JN-3687 Abbrev: Bunrui Title : Bunrui ISSN : 1346-6852 Publis: Japanese Society for Plant Systematics Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/cgi-bin/jsps/wiki/wiki.cgi?page=FrontPageEnglish AC : JN-2832 Abbrev: Byogen Biseibutsu Kenshutsu Joho Geppo Title : Byogen Biseibutsu Kenshutsu Joho Geppo ISSN : 0915-5813 Publis: Kokuritsu Kansensho Kenkyujo Note : Parallel language title: Infectious Agents Surveillance Report. Server: http://idsc.nih.go.jp/iasr/ AC : JN-0523 Abbrev: C. R. Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie Title : Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie III, Sciences de la Vie ISSN : 0764-4469 CODEN : CRASEV Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: C. R. Acad. Sci. III. Replaced by C. R. Biol., ends with vol. 324 in 2001. Replaces C. R. Seances Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie, starts with vol. 298 in 1984. AC : JN-0524 Abbrev: C. R. Biol. Title : Comptes Rendus Biologies ISSN : 1631-0691 e-ISSN: 1768-3238 CODEN : CRBOCM Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces C. R. Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie, starts with vol. 325 in 2002. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/16310691 AC : JN-0522 Abbrev: C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., D, Sci. Nat. Title : Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie D, Sciences Naturelles ISSN : 0567-655X CODEN : CHDDAT Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by C. R. Seances Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie, ends with vol. ? in 1980. AC : JN-2514 Abbrev: C. R. Seances Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie Title : Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie III, Sciences de la Vie ISSN : 0249-6313 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: C. R. Seances Acad. Sci. III. Replaced by C. R. Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie, ends with vol. 297? in 1983. Replaces C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., D, Sci. Nat., starts with vol. 292? in 1981. AC : JN-2277 Abbrev: C. R. Seances Soc. Biol. Fil. Title : Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales ISSN : 0037-9026 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Soc. Biol., ends with vol. 192? in 1998. AC : JN-2059 Abbrev: Cah. Biol. Mar. Title : Cahiers de Biologie Marine ISSN : 0007-9723 CODEN : CBIMA5 Short : CBM Publis: Station Biologique de Roscoff Server: http://application.sb-roscoff.fr/cbm/issue.htm AC : JN-0370 Abbrev: Calcif. Tissue Int. Title : Calcified Tissue International ISSN : 0171-967X e-ISSN: 1432-0827 CODEN : CTINDZ Short : CTI Publis: Springer New York Note : Replaces Calc. Tissue Res., starts with vol. 27 in 1979. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0171-967X AC : JN-2118 Abbrev: Calif. Fish Game Title : California Fish and Game ISSN : 0008-1078 CODEN : CAFGAX Publis: Department of Fish and Game Server: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/publications/journal/ AC : JN-0381 Abbrev: Can Ye Ke Xue Title : Can Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 0257-4799 CODEN : CAKEEM Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Canye Kexue. Parallel language title: Acta Sericologica Sinica. AC : JN-3150 Abbrev: Can. Commun. Dis. Rep. Title : Canada Communicable Disease Report ISSN : 1188-4169 e-ISSN: 1481-8531 CODEN : CDWSE9 Short : CCDR Publis: Public Health Agency of Canada Server: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/ AC : JN-2049 Abbrev: Can. Entomol. Title : Canadian Entomologist ISSN : 0008-347X CODEN : CAENAF Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.esc-sec.ca/journal.html AC : JN-2050 Abbrev: Can. J. Anim. Sci. Title : Canadian Journal of Animal Science ISSN : 0008-3984 CODEN : CNJNAT Publis: Agricultural Institute of Canada Server: http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/aic-journals/cjas.html AC : JN-3538 Abbrev: Can. J. Arthropod Identif. Title : Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification ISSN : 1911-2173 Publis: Biological Survey of Canada Server: http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/bsc/ejournal/ejournal.html AC : JN-0371 Abbrev: Can. J. Biochem. Title : Canadian Journal of Biochemistry ISSN : 0008-4018 CODEN : CJBIAE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., ends with vol. 60 in 1982. AC : JN-0372 Abbrev: Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. Title : Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology ISSN : 0714-7511 CODEN : CJBBDU Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biochem. Cell Biol., ends with vol. 63 in 1985. Replaces Can. J. Biochem., starts with vol. 61 in 1983. AC : JN-0373 Abbrev: Can. J. Bot. Title : Canadian Journal of Botany ISSN : 0008-4026 e-ISSN: 1480-3305 CODEN : CJBOAW Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjb AC : JN-0374 Abbrev: Can. J. Cardiol. Title : The Canadian Journal of Cardiology ISSN : 0828-282X CODEN : CJCAEX Publis: Pulsus Group Inc Server: http://www.pulsus.com/journals/journalHome.jsp?sCurrPg=journal&jnlKy=1&fold=Home AC : JN-2030 Abbrev: Can. J. Chem. Title : Canadian Journal of Chemistry ISSN : 0008-4042 e-ISSN: 1480-3291 CODEN : CJCHAG Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/rp-ps/journalDetail.jsp?jcode=cjc&lang=eng AC : JN-3555 Abbrev: Can. J. Comp. Med. Title : Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine ISSN : 0008-4050 CODEN : CJCMAV Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Revue Canadienne de Medecine Comparee. Replaced by Can. J. Vet. Res., ends with vol. ? in 1985. AC : JN-0375 Abbrev: Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Title : Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ISSN : 0706-652X e-ISSN: 1205-7533 CODEN : CJFSDX Short : CJFAS Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjfas http://www.uoguelph.ca/~cjfas/ AC : JN-0376 Abbrev: Can. J. For. Res. Title : Canadian Journal of Forest Research ISSN : 0045-5067 e-ISSN: 1208-6037 CODEN : CJFRAR Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjfr AC : JN-2789 Abbrev: Can. J. Gastroenterol. Title : Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 0835-7900 Publis: Pulsus Group Inc. Server: http://www.pulsus.com/journals/journalHome.jsp?sCurrPg=journal&jnlKy=2&fold=Home AC : JN-0377 Abbrev: Can. J. Microbiol. Title : Canadian Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 0008-4166 e-ISSN: 1480-3275 CODEN : CJMIAZ Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjm AC : JN-3483 Abbrev: Can. J. Neurol. Sci. Title : Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences ISSN : 0317-1671 CODEN : CJNSA2 Publis: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Inc. Server: http://www.cjns.org/ AC : JN-0378 Abbrev: Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Title : Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology ISSN : 0008-4212 e-ISSN: 1205-7541 CODEN : CJPPA3 Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjpp AC : JN-2750 Abbrev: Can. J. Plant Pathol. Title : Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology ISSN : 0706-0661 CODEN : CJPPD6 Publis: Canadian Phytopathological Society Note : Parallel language title: Revue Canadienne de phytopathologie. Server: http://www.cps-scp.ca/cjppeng.shtml AC : JN-2051 Abbrev: Can. J. Plant Sci. Title : Canadian Journal of Plant Science ISSN : 0008-4220 CODEN : CPLSAY Publis: Agricultural Institute of Canada Note : Parallel language title: Revue Canadienne de Phytotechnie. Server: http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/aic-journals/cjps.html AC : JN-0379 Abbrev: Can. J. Vet. Res. Title : Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research ISSN : 0830-9000 CODEN : CJVRE9 Publis: Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Note : Parallel language title: Revue Canadienne de Recherche Veterinaire. Replaces Can. J. Comp. Med., starts with vol. ? in 1986. Server: http://canadianveterinarians.net/publications-journal-issue.aspx AC : JN-0380 Abbrev: Can. J. Zool. Title : Canadian Journal of Zoology ISSN : 0008-4301 e-ISSN: 1480-3283 CODEN : CJZOAG Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjz AC : JN-2052 Abbrev: Can. Vet. J. Title : Canadian Veterinary Journal ISSN : 0008-5286 CODEN : CNVJA9 Publis: Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Note : Parallel language title: La Revue Veterinaire Canadienne. Server: http://canadianveterinarians.net/publications-journal-issue.aspx AC : JN-0382 Abbrev: Cancer Title : Cancer ISSN : 0008-543X e-ISSN: 1097-0142 CODEN : CANCAR Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0142 AC : JN-2595 Abbrev: Cancer Biochem. Biophys. Title : Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics ISSN : 0305-7232 CODEN : CABCD4 Publis: Gordon and Breach - Harwood Academic AC : JN-0383 Abbrev: Cancer Biol. Ther. Title : Cancer Biology and Therapy ISSN : 1538-4047 e-ISSN: 1555-8576 CODEN : CBTAAO Short : CB&T Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cbt/ AC : JN-3664 Abbrev: Cancer Biother. Title : Cancer Biotherapy ISSN : 1062-8401 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Antibody Immunoconjug. Radiopharm. into Cancer Biother. Radiopharm., ends with vol. 10 in 1995. AC : JN-3084 Abbrev: Cancer Biother. Radiopharm. Title : Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals ISSN : 1084-9785 e-ISSN: 1557-8852 CODEN : CBRAFJ Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Formed by the merge of Cancer Biother. and Antibody Immunoconjug. Radiopharm., starts with vol. 11 1996. Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/cbr AC : JN-2886 Abbrev: Cancer Causes Control Title : Cancer Causes and Control [An International Journal of Studies of Cancer in Human Populations] ISSN : 0957-5243 e-ISSN: 1573-7225 CODEN : CCCNEN Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0957-5243 AC : JN-0384 Abbrev: Cancer Cell Title : Cancer Cell ISSN : 1535-6108 CODEN : CCAECI Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cancercell.org AC : JN-3067 Abbrev: Cancer Cells Title : Cancer Cells ISSN : 1042-2196 CODEN : CCELER Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 3 in 1991. AC : JN-0385 Abbrev: Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. Title : Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology ISSN : 0344-5704 e-ISSN: 1432-0843 CODEN : CCPHDZ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0344-5704 AC : JN-0386 Abbrev: Cancer Commun. Title : Cancer Communications ISSN : 0955-3541 CODEN : CNCMET Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Oncol. Res., ends with vol. 3 in 1991. AC : JN-4778 Abbrev: Cancer Commun. (Lond) Title : Cancer Communications (London, England) e-ISSN: 2523-3548 Publis: BioMed Central Note : ***Abbrev: Cancer Commun. (Lond) ***Title : Cancer communications (London, England) ***ISSN : 2523-3548 ***e-ISSN: 2523-3548 ***CODEN : ***Publis: [London] : BioMed Central, [2018]- ***Note : Continues the Chinese journal of cancer ISSN 1000-467X: Vols. 30 to 37; 2011. Affiliated with Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association. ***Server: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/3437/ Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/25233548 AC : JN-0387 Abbrev: Cancer Detect. Prev. Title : Cancer Detection and Prevention ISSN : 0361-090X e-ISSN: 1525-1500 CODEN : CDPRD4 Publis: International Society for Preventive Oncology Server: http://www.cancerprev.org/Journal/ AC : JN-4276 Abbrev: Cancer Discov. Title : Cancer Discovery ISSN : 2159-8274 e-ISSN: 2159-8290 Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: http://cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org AC : JN-0388 Abbrev: Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. Title : Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention ISSN : 1055-9965 e-ISSN: 1538-7755 CODEN : CEBPE4 Short : CEBP Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/ AC : JN-0389 Abbrev: Cancer Gene Ther. Title : Cancer Gene Therapy ISSN : 0929-1903 e-ISSN: 1476-5500 CODEN : CGTHEG Short : CGT Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/cgt/ AC : JN-4375 Abbrev: Cancer Genet. Title : Cancer Genetics ISSN : 2210-7762 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, starts with vol. ? in 2011 Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/cancer-genetics AC : JN-0390 Abbrev: Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. Title : Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics ISSN : 0165-4608 e-ISSN: 1873-4456 CODEN : CGCYDF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cancer Genetics, ends with vol ? in 2010. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01654608 AC : JN-3824 Abbrev: Cancer Genomics Proteomics Title : Cancer Genomics and Proteomics ISSN : 1109-6535 e-ISSN: 1790-6295 Publis: International Institute of Anticancer Research Server: http://www.iiar-anticancer.org/main.php?id=4 AC : JN-0391 Abbrev: Cancer Immun. Title : Cancer Immunity [A Journal of the Academy of Cancer Immunology] e-ISSN: 1424-9634 Publis: Academy of Cancer Immunology Server: http://www.cancerimmunity.org/ AC : JN-0392 Abbrev: Cancer Immunol. Immunother. Title : Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy ISSN : 0340-7004 e-ISSN: 1432-0851 CODEN : CIIMDN Short : CII Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-7004 AC : JN-4752 Abbrev: Cancer Immunol. Res. Title : Cancer Immunology Research ISSN : 2326-6066 e-ISSN: 2326-6074 Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: https://cancerimmunolres.aacrjournals.org/ AC : JN-0393 Abbrev: Cancer Lett. Title : Cancer Letters ISSN : 0304-3835 e-ISSN: 1872-7980 CODEN : CALEDQ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03043835 AC : JN-4775 Abbrev: Cancer Med. Title : Cancer Medicine e-ISSN: 2045-7634 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2045-7634 AC : JN-0394 Abbrev: Cancer Metastasis Rev. Title : Cancer and Metastasis Reviews ISSN : 0167-7659 e-ISSN: 1573-7233 CODEN : CMRED4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-7659 AC : JN-0395 Abbrev: Cancer Res. Title : Cancer Research ISSN : 0008-5472 e-ISSN: 1538-7445 CODEN : CNREA8 Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/ AC : JN-0396 Abbrev: Cancer Sci. Title : Cancer Science ISSN : 1347-9032 e-ISSN: 1349-7006 CODEN : CSACCM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Jpn. J. Cancer Res., starts with vol. 94 in 2003. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1347-9032 AC : JN-0397 Abbrev: Cancer Surv. Title : Cancer Surveys ISSN : 0261-2429 CODEN : CASUD7 AC : JN-4786 Abbrev: Cancers Title : Cancers (Basel) ISSN : 2072-6694 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/2105/ AC : JN-4274 Abbrev: Carbohydr. Polym. Title : Carbohydrate Polymers ISSN : 0144-8617 e-ISSN: 1879-1344 CODEN : CAPOD8 Publis: Applied Science Publishers Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01448617 AC : JN-0398 Abbrev: Carbohydr. Res. Title : Carbohydrate Research ISSN : 0008-6215 e-ISSN: 1873-426X CODEN : CRBRAT Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00086215 AC : JN-0399 Abbrev: Carcinogenesis Title : Carcinogenesis ISSN : 0143-3334 e-ISSN: 1460-2180 CODEN : CRNGDP Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://carcin.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4537 Abbrev: Cardiol. J. Title : Cardiology Journal ISSN : 1897-5593 e-ISSN: 1898-018X Publis: Via Medica, Gdansk, Poland Server: https://journals.viamedica.pl/cardiology_journal/index AC : JN-2091 Abbrev: Cardiology Title : Cardiology [International Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, Surgery and Pathology] ISSN : 0008-6312 e-ISSN: 1421-9751 CODEN : CAGYAO Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/CRD AC : JN-4747 Abbrev: Cardiorenal Med. Title : Cardiorenal Medicine ISSN : 1664-3828 e-ISSN: 1664-5502 Publis: Karger AG Server: https://www.karger.com/CRM AC : JN-3123 Abbrev: Cardiovasc. Pathobiol. Title : Cardiovascular Pathobiology ISSN : 1088-7180 CODEN : CPATFL Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-4160 Abbrev: Cardiovasc. Pathol. Title : Cardiovascular Pathology ISSN : 1054-8807 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10548807 AC : JN-0400 Abbrev: Cardiovasc. Res. Title : Cardiovascular Research ISSN : 0008-6363 e-ISSN: 1755-3245 CODEN : CVREAU Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://cardiovascres.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2130 Abbrev: Caribb. J. Sci. Title : Caribbean Journal of Science ISSN : 0008-6452 CODEN : CRJSA4 Short : CJS Publis: Universidad de Puerto Rico a Mayaguez, College of Arts and Sciences Server: http://www.caribjsci.org/ AC : JN-2092 Abbrev: Caries Res. Title : Caries Research ISSN : 0008-6568 e-ISSN: 1421-976X CODEN : CAREBK Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/CRE AC : JN-0401 Abbrev: Carlsberg Res. Commun. Title : Carlsberg Research Communications ISSN : 0105-1938 CODEN : CRCODS Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 54 in 1989. AC : JN-2075 Abbrev: Caryologia Title : Caryologia [Giornale di Citologia, Citosistematica e Citogenetica] ISSN : 0008-7114 CODEN : CARYAB Publis: Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale Note : Parallel language title: Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics. AC : JN-4898 Abbrev: Case Rep. Dermatol. Title : Case Reports in Dermatology ISSN : 1662-6567 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/239060 AC : JN-4807 Abbrev: Case Rep. Gastroenterol. Title : Case Reports in Gastroenterology ISSN : 1662-0631 Publis: Karger AG Server: https://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/232833 AC : JN-4444 Abbrev: Case Rep. Genet. Title : Case Reports in Genetics ISSN : 2090-6544 e-ISSN: 2090-6552 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/crig/ AC : JN-4826 Abbrev: Case Rep. Immunol. Title : Case Reports in Immunology e-ISSN: 2090-6617 Publis: Hindawi Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/crii AC : JN-4676 Abbrev: Case Rep. Med. Title : Case Reports in Medicine ISSN : 1687-9627 e-ISSN: 1687-9635 Publis: Hindawi Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/crim/ AC : JN-4320 Abbrev: Case Rep. Nephrol. Dial. Title : Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis e-ISSN: 1664-5510 Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Case Rep. Nephrol. Urol., starts with vol. 5 in 2015. Server: http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/254804 AC : JN-4321 Abbrev: Case Rep. Nephrol. Urol. Title : Case Reports in Nephrology and Urology Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Case Rep. Nephrol. Dial., ends with vol. 4 in 2014. Server: http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/261934 AC : JN-4860 Abbrev: Case Rep. Pediatr. Title : Case Reports in Pediatrics e-ISSN: 2090-6811 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/cripe/ AC : JN-4370 Abbrev: Case Rep. Rheumatol. Title : Case Reports in Rheumatology ISSN : 2090-6889 e-ISSN: 2090-6897 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/crirh/ AC : JN-2119 Abbrev: Castanea Title : Castanea ISSN : 0008-7475 e-ISSN: 1938-4386 CODEN : CSTNAC Publis: Southern Appalachian Botanical Society Server: http://www.sabs.appstate.edu/Castanea/Index.htm AC : JN-4548 Abbrev: Catal. Sci. Technol. Title : Catalysis Science & Technology ISSN : 2044-4753 e-ISSN: 2044-4761 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/cy AC : JN-4679 Abbrev: Catalysts Title : Catalysts ISSN : 2073-4344 CODEN : CATACJ Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts AC : JN-0402 Abbrev: Cell Title : Cell ISSN : 0092-8674 e-ISSN: 1097-4172 CODEN : CELLB5 Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/ AC : JN-4155 Abbrev: Cell Adh. Migr. Title : Cell Adhesion and Migration ISSN : 1933-6918 e-ISSN: 1933-6926 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://landesbioscience.com/journals/celladhesion AC : JN-0403 Abbrev: Cell Adhes. Commun. Title : Cell Adhesion and Communication ISSN : 1061-5385 CODEN : CADCEF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cell Commun. Adhes., ends with vol. 7 in 2000. AC : JN-0404 Abbrev: Cell Biochem. Biophys. Title : Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN : 1085-9195 e-ISSN: 1559-0283 CODEN : CBBIFV Publis: Springer Note : Replaces Cell Biophys., starts with vol. 27(2) in 1995. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12013 AC : JN-0405 Abbrev: Cell Biochem. Funct. Title : Cell Biochemistry and Function ISSN : 0263-6484 e-ISSN: 1099-0844 CODEN : CBFUDH Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0844 AC : JN-0406 Abbrev: Cell Biol. Int. Title : Cell Biology International ISSN : 1065-6995 e-ISSN: 1095-8355 CODEN : CBIIEV Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10656995 AC : JN-3500 Abbrev: Cell Biol. Toxicol. Title : Cell Biology and Toxicology [An International Journal Devoted to Research at the Cellular Level] ISSN : 0742-2091 e-ISSN: 1573-6822 CODEN : CBTOE2 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0742-2091 AC : JN-2437 Abbrev: Cell Biophys. Title : Cell Biophysics ISSN : 0163-4992 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cell Biochem. Biophys., ends with vol. 27(1) in 1995. AC : JN-4317 Abbrev: Cell Biosci. Title : Cell & Bioscience ISSN : 2045-3701 CODEN : CBEIB8 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.cellandbioscience.com AC : JN-0407 Abbrev: Cell Calcium Title : Cell Calcium ISSN : 0143-4160 e-ISSN: 1532-1991 CODEN : CECADV Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01434160 AC : JN-4506 Abbrev: Cell Chem. Biol. Title : Cell Chemical Biology ISSN : 2451-9456 e-ISSN: 2451-9448 CODEN : CCBEBM Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/24519456 AC : JN-0408 Abbrev: Cell Chromosome Title : Cell and Chromosome e-ISSN: 1475-9268 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.cellandchromosome.com/ AC : JN-0409 Abbrev: Cell Commun. Adhes. Title : Cell Communication and Adhesion ISSN : 1541-9061 e-ISSN: 1543-5180 CODEN : CCAEBH Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces Cell Adhes. Commun., starts with vol. 8 in 2001. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/cac AC : JN-2912 Abbrev: Cell Commun. Signal. Title : Cell Communication and Signaling e-ISSN: 1478-811X Short : CCS Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biosignaling.com/ AC : JN-0410 Abbrev: Cell Cycle Title : Cell Cycle ISSN : 1538-4101 e-ISSN: 1551-4005 CODEN : CCEYAS Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cc/ AC : JN-0411 Abbrev: Cell Death Differ. Title : Cell Death and Differentiation ISSN : 1350-9047 e-ISSN: 1476-5403 CODEN : CDDIEK Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/cdd/ AC : JN-4136 Abbrev: Cell Death Dis. Title : Cell Death and Disease e-ISSN: 2041-4889 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/cddis/ AC : JN-0412 Abbrev: Cell Differ. Title : Cell Differentiation ISSN : 0045-6039 CODEN : CLDFAT Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cell Differ. Dev., ends with vol. 24 in 1988. AC : JN-0413 Abbrev: Cell Differ. Dev. Title : Cell Differentiation and Development ISSN : 0922-3371 CODEN : CDDEE8 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mech. Dev., ends with vol. 32 in 1990. Replaces Cell Differ., starts with vol. 25 in 1988. AC : JN-4482 Abbrev: Cell Discov. Title : Cell Discovery e-ISSN: 2056-5968 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/celldisc/ AC : JN-0414 Abbrev: Cell Div. Title : Cell Division e-ISSN: 1747-1028 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.celldiv.com/ AC : JN-0415 Abbrev: Cell Growth Differ. Title : Cell Growth and Differentiation ISSN : 1044-9523 CODEN : CGDIE7 Short : CG&D Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Cancer Res., ends with vol. 13 in 2002. AC : JN-1924 Abbrev: Cell Host Microbe Title : Cell Host and Microbe ISSN : 1931-3128 e-ISSN: 1934-6069 CODEN : CHMECB Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/home AC : JN-0416 Abbrev: Cell Metab. Title : Cell Metabolism ISSN : 1550-4131 e-ISSN: 1932-7420 CODEN : CMEEB5 Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/home AC : JN-0417 Abbrev: Cell Motil. Title : Cell Motility ISSN : 0271-6585 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton, ends with vol.5 in 1985. AC : JN-0418 Abbrev: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton Title : Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton ISSN : 0886-1544 e-ISSN: 1097-0169 CODEN : CMCYEO Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Cell Motil., starts with vol. 6 in 1986. Replaced by Cytoskeleton, ends with vol. 66 in 2009. AC : JN-0419 Abbrev: Cell Muscle Motil. Title : Cell and Muscle Motility ISSN : 0730-9554 CODEN : CMUMD9 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 6 in 1985. AC : JN-0421 Abbrev: Cell Prolif. Title : Cell Proliferation ISSN : 0960-7722 e-ISSN: 1365-2184 CODEN : CPROEM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2184 AC : JN-0422 Abbrev: Cell Regul. Title : Cell Regulation ISSN : 1044-2030 CODEN : CELREQ Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1989 and ceased with vol. 2 in 1991. AC : JN-4215 Abbrev: Cell Rep. Title : Cell Reports ISSN : 2211-1247 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://cellreports.cell.com/ AC : JN-4523 Abbrev: Cell Reprogram. Title : Cellular Reprogramming ISSN : 2152-4971 e-ISSN: 2152-4998 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/loi/cell AC : JN-0423 Abbrev: Cell Res. Title : Cell Research ISSN : 1001-0602 e-ISSN: 1748-7838 CODEN : CREEB6 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/cr/ AC : JN-3744 Abbrev: Cell Stem Cell Title : Cell Stem Cell ISSN : 1934-5909 e-ISSN: 1875-9777 CODEN : CSCEC4 Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/home AC : JN-0434 Abbrev: Cell Stress Chaperones Title : Cell Stress and Chaperones [A Comprehensive Journal of Stress Response Biology] ISSN : 1355-8145 e-ISSN: 1466-1268 CODEN : CSCHFG Publis: Cell Stress Society International Server: http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~hightowe/ AC : JN-0435 Abbrev: Cell Struct. Funct. Title : Cell Structure and Function ISSN : 0386-7196 e-ISSN: 1347-3700 CODEN : CSFUDY Publis: Japan Society for Cell Biology Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/csf/-char/en AC : JN-4703 Abbrev: Cell Surf. Title : The Cell Surface e-ISSN: 2468-2330 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-cell-surface AC : JN-4560 Abbrev: Cell Syst. Title : Cell Systems ISSN : 2405-4712 Publis: Cell Press Server: https://www.cell.com/cell-systems/home AC : JN-0436 Abbrev: Cell Tissue Res. Title : Cell and Tissue Research ISSN : 0302-766X e-ISSN: 1432-0878 CODEN : CTSRCS Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0302-766X AC : JN-2468 Abbrev: Cell. Biol. Rev. Title : Cell Biology Reviews ISSN : 1131-7108 Short : CBR Publis: Universidad del Pais Vasco, Facultad de Medicina AC : JN-4566 Abbrev: Cell. Death. Discov. Title : Cell Death Discovery e-ISSN: 2058-7716 CODEN : CDDEB5 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/cddiscovery/ AC : JN-0424 Abbrev: Cell. Immunol. Title : Cellular Immunology ISSN : 0008-8749 e-ISSN: 1090-2163 CODEN : CLIMB8 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00088749 AC : JN-0425 Abbrev: Cell. Microbiol. Title : Cellular Microbiology ISSN : 1462-5814 e-ISSN: 1462-5822 CODEN : CEMIF5 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1462-5814 AC : JN-0426 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Biol. Title : Cellular and Molecular Biology ISSN : 0145-5680 e-ISSN: 1165-158X CODEN : CMBID4 Publis: C.M.B. Association Server: http://www.cellmolbiol.com/ AC : JN-0427 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Biol. Lett. Title : Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters ISSN : 1425-8153 e-ISSN: 1689-1392 CODEN : CMBLFF Publis: Polish Society for Cell Biology and University of Wroclaw Server: http://www.cmbl.org.pl AC : JN-0428 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Biol. Res. Title : Cellular and Molecular Biology Research ISSN : 0968-8773 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces in part Cell. Mol. Biol., starts with volume 39 in 1993, ends with volume 41 in 1995. AC : JN-4413 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Title : Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology e-ISSN: 2352-345X Publis: Elsevier Server: http://cmghjournal.org/ AC : JN-0429 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Immunol. Title : Cellular and Molecular Immunology ISSN : 1672-7681 Publis: Chinese Society of Immunology Server: http://www.cmi.ustc.edu.cn AC : JN-0430 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Title : Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences ISSN : 1420-682X e-ISSN: 1420-9071 CODEN : CMLSFI Short : CMLS Publis: Birkhauser Basel Note : Replaces Experientia, starts with vol. 53 in 1997. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1420-682X AC : JN-0431 Abbrev: Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. Title : Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology ISSN : 0272-4340 e-ISSN: 1573-6830 CODEN : CMNEDI Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0272-4340 AC : JN-0420 Abbrev: Cell. Oncol. Title : Cellular Oncology ISSN : 1570-5870 CODEN : ACPAER Publis: IOS Press Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=15705870 AC : JN-3244 Abbrev: Cell. Pharmacol. Title : Cellular Pharmacology ISSN : 1351-3214 CODEN : CEPHEG Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-0432 Abbrev: Cell. Physiol. Biochem. Title : Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry [International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cellular Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology] ISSN : 1015-8987 e-ISSN: 1421-9778 CODEN : CEPBEW Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/CPB AC : JN-0433 Abbrev: Cell. Signal. Title : Cellular Signalling ISSN : 0898-6568 e-ISSN: 1873-3913 CODEN : CESIEY Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08986568 AC : JN-4328 Abbrev: Cells Title : Cells ISSN : 2073-4409 CODEN : CELLC6 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/cells AC : JN-4899 Abbrev: Cells Dev. Title : Cells and Development e-ISSN: 2667-2901 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/cells-and-development AC : JN-0437 Abbrev: Cells Tissues Organs Title : Cells Tissues Organs ISSN : 1422-6405 e-ISSN: 1422-6421 CODEN : CTORFB Short : CTO Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces former title Acta Anatomica, starts with vol. 164 in 1999 Server: http://www.karger.com/CTO AC : JN-2899 Abbrev: Cellulose Title : Cellulose ISSN : 0969-0239 e-ISSN: 1572-882X CODEN : CELLE8 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0969-0239 AC : JN-3501 Abbrev: Cellulose Chem. Technol. Title : Cellulose Chemistry and Technology [International Journal for Physics, Chemistry and Technology of Cellulose and Lignin] ISSN : 0576-9787 CODEN : CECTAH Publis: Editura Academiei Romane Server: http://www.ear.ro/3brevist/rv45/aim.html AC : JN-3435 Abbrev: Cent. Eur. J. Biol. Title : Central European Journal of Biology ISSN : 1895-104X e-ISSN: 1644-3632 Publis: Versita Server: http://www.versita.com/science/lifesciences/cejb.html AC : JN-3162 Abbrev: Cent. Eur. J. Public Health Title : Central European Journal of Public Health ISSN : 1210-7778 CODEN : CEJHEK Publis: Statni Zdravotni Ustav Server: http://www1.szu.cz/svi/cejph/ AC : JN-4129 Abbrev: Cent. Nerv. Syst. Agents Med. Chem. Title : Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. ISSN : 1871-5249 e-ISSN: 1875-6166 Short : CNSAMC Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Note : Replaces Current medicinal chemistry. Central nervous system agents. Server: http://www.bentham.org/cnsamc/ AC : JN-4245 Abbrev: Cephalalgia Title : Cephalalgia: an International Journal of Headache ISSN : 0333-1024 e-ISSN: 1468-2982 CODEN : CEPHDF Publis: Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Server: http://cep.sagepub.com AC : JN-0438 Abbrev: Cereal Chem. Title : Cereal Chemistry ISSN : 0009-0352 CODEN : CECHAF Publis: American Association of Cereal Chemists Server: http://www.aaccnet.org/cerealchemistry/ AC : JN-2406 Abbrev: Cereal Res. Commun. Title : Cereal Research Communications ISSN : 0133-3720 e-ISSN: 1788-9170 CODEN : CRCMCL Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://www.akademiai.com/content/120427 AC : JN-0439 Abbrev: Cereb. Cortex Title : Cerebral Cortex ISSN : 1047-3211 e-ISSN: 1460-2199 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0440 Abbrev: Cerebellum Title : The Cerebellum ISSN : 1473-4222 e-ISSN: 1473-4230 CODEN : CERECF Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springer.com/biomed/neuroscience/journal/12311 AC : JN-4417 Abbrev: Cerebellum Ataxias Title : Cerebellum & Ataxias e-ISSN: 2053-8871 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://cerebellumandataxias.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3856 Abbrev: Ceylon J. Sci. Biol. Sci. Title : Ceylon Journal of Science. Biological Sciences ISSN : 0069-2379 CODEN : CYJBA2 Short : CJSBS Publis: University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Server: http://www.sljol.info/index.php/CJSBS AC : JN-3617 Abbrev: CFBS Newsl. Title : CFBS Newsletter ISSN : 0714-9956 Publis: Tong Hoi Y Duoc Hoc Viet Nam Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin de nouvelles de la Federation Canadienne des Societes de Biologie. Server: http://www.cfbs.org/ AC : JN-4047 Abbrev: Cha Ye Ke Xue Title : Cha Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 1000-369X CODEN : CHKEF4 Publis: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tea Research Institute Note : Alternative transliteration: Journal of Tea Science. Parallel language title: Chaye Kexue. Server: http://www.tea-science.com/ AC : JN-4193 Abbrev: Chang Gung Med. J. Title : Chang Gung Medical Journal e-ISSN: 2072-0939 Publis: Chau-Xiong Zhang (Taipei) Note : Replaces Changgeng yi xue za zhi, starts with vol. 23(1) in 2000. Server: http://memo.cgu.edu.tw/cgmj/ AC : JN-2652 Abbrev: Channels Title : Channels ISSN : 1933-6950 e-ISSN: 1933-6969 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/channels/ AC : JN-3101 Abbrev: Chelonian Conserv. Biol. Title : Chelonian Conservation Biology [International Journal of Turtle and Tortoise Research] ISSN : 1071-8443 e-ISSN: 1943-3956 CODEN : CCOBED Publis: Chelonian Research Foundation Server: http://www.chelonian.org/ccb/ AC : JN-4689 Abbrev: Chem. Asian J. Title : Chemistry-An Asian Journal ISSN : 1861-4728 e-ISSN: 1861-471X CODEN : CAAJBI Publis: Wiley Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1861471x AC : JN-0441 Abbrev: Chem. Ber. Title : Chemische Berichte ISSN : 0009-2940 CODEN : CHBEAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. and Eur. J. Org. Chem. AC : JN-2023 Abbrev: Chem. Biodivers. Title : Chemistry and Biodiversity ISSN : 1612-1872 e-ISSN: 1612-1880 Publis: Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG, Zurich Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1612-1880 AC : JN-0444 Abbrev: Chem. Biol. Title : Chemistry and Biology ISSN : 1074-5521 CODEN : CBOLE2 Publis: Current Biology Publishing Server: http://www.cell.com/chemistry-biology/home AC : JN-0445 Abbrev: Chem. Biol. Drug Des. Title : Chemical Biology and Drug Design ISSN : 1747-0277 e-ISSN: 1747-0285 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces J. Pept. Res., starts with vol. 67 in 2006. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1747-0277 AC : JN-0446 Abbrev: Chem. Biol. Interact. Title : Chemico-Biological Interactions [A Journal of Molecular, Cellular and Biochemical Toxicology] ISSN : 0009-2797 e-ISSN: 1872-7786 CODEN : CBINA8 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00092797 AC : JN-0447 Abbrev: Chem. Commun. (Camb.) Title : Chemical Communications ISSN : 1359-7345 e-ISSN: 1364-548X CODEN : CHCOFS Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Note : Replaces J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., starts with vol. 1 in 1996. Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/CC AC : JN-3821 Abbrev: Chem. Eng. Technol. Title : Chemical Engineering and Technology ISSN : 0930-7516 e-ISSN: 1521-4125 CODEN : CETEER Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4125 AC : JN-2063 Abbrev: Chem. Erde Title : Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry ISSN : 0009-2819 CODEN : CERDAA Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00092819 AC : JN-2085 Abbrev: Chem. Geol. Title : Chemical Geology ISSN : 0009-2541 e-ISSN: 1872-6836 CODEN : CHGEAD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00092541 AC : JN-3789 Abbrev: Chem. Immunol. Title : Chemical Immunology ISSN : 1015-0145 Publis: Not published Note : This is a book series. Replaced by Chem. Immunol. Allergy, ends with vol. ? in 2002. AC : JN-0448 Abbrev: Chem. Ind. Title : Chemistry and Industry ISSN : 0009-3068 CODEN : CHINAG Publis: Society of Chemical Industry Server: http://www.soci.org/Chemistry-and-Industry/ AC : JN-1930 Abbrev: Chem. Lett. Title : Chemistry Letters ISSN : 0366-7022 e-ISSN: 1348-0715 CODEN : CMLTAG Publis: Chemical Society of Japan Server: http://www.csj.jp/journals/chem-lett/ AC : JN-4750 Abbrev: Chem. Nat. Comp. Title : Chemistry of Natural Compounds ISSN : 0009-3130 e-ISSN: 1573-8388 Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10600 AC : JN-2623 Abbrev: Chem. Pap. Title : Chemical Papers ISSN : 0366-6352 e-ISSN: 1336-9075 CODEN : CHZVAN Publis: Versita Server: http://www.versita.com/cp/ AC : JN-0449 Abbrev: Chem. Pharm. Bull. Title : Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin ISSN : 0009-2363 e-ISSN: 1347-5223 CODEN : CBPTAR Short : CPB Publis: Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo). Server: http://cpb.pharm.or.jp/ AC : JN-0450 Abbrev: Chem. Phys. Lipids Title : Chemistry and Physics of Lipids ISSN : 0009-3084 e-ISSN: 1873-2941 CODEN : CPLIA4 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00093084 AC : JN-0451 Abbrev: Chem. Res. Toxicol. Title : Chemical Research in Toxicology ISSN : 0893-228X e-ISSN: 1520-5010 CODEN : CRTOEC Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/crtoec/ AC : JN-0452 Abbrev: Chem. Rev. Title : Chemical Reviews ISSN : 0009-2665 e-ISSN: 1520-6890 CODEN : CHREAY Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/chreay/ AC : JN-4507 Abbrev: Chem. Sci. Title : Chemical Science ISSN : 2041-6520 CODEN : CSHCCN Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/sc AC : JN-0454 Abbrev: Chem. Scr. Title : Chemica Scripta ISSN : 0004-2056 CODEN : CSRPB9 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 29 in 1989. AC : JN-0453 Abbrev: Chem. Senses Title : Chemical Senses ISSN : 0379-864X e-ISSN: 1464-3553 CODEN : CHSED8 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://chemse.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0455 Abbrev: Chem. Soc. Rev. Title : Chemical Society Reviews ISSN : 0306-0012 e-ISSN: 1460-4744 CODEN : CSRVBR Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/CS AC : JN-0442 Abbrev: ChemBioChem Title : ChemBioChem [A European Journal of Chemical Biology] ISSN : 1439-4227 e-ISSN: 1439-7633 CODEN : CBCHFX Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Chembiochem. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1439-7633 AC : JN-4423 Abbrev: ChemCatChem Title : Chemical Catalysis Catalytical Chemistry ISSN : 1867-3880 e-ISSN: 1867-3899 CODEN : CHEMK3 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1867-3899 AC : JN-0443 Abbrev: Chemistry Title : Chemistry [A European Journal] ISSN : 0947-6539 e-ISSN: 1521-3765 CODEN : CEUJED Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-3765 AC : JN-4671 Abbrev: ChemistrySelect Title : ChemistrySelect e-ISSN: 2365-6549 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/23656549 AC : JN-1974 Abbrev: ChemMedChem Title : ChemMedChem [Chemistry Enabling Drug Discovery] ISSN : 1860-7179 e-ISSN: 1860-7187 CODEN : CHEMGX Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Farmaco, starts with vol. 1 in 2006. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1860-7187 AC : JN-2865 Abbrev: Chemoecology Title : Chemoecology [Evolutionary, Mechanistic and Environmental Approaches to Chemically-Mediated Interaction] ISSN : 0937-7409 e-ISSN: 1423-0445 CODEN : CHMOE9 Publis: Birkhauser Basel Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0937-7409 AC : JN-2293 Abbrev: Chemosphere Title : Chemosphere ISSN : 0045-6535 CODEN : CMSHAF Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00456535 AC : JN-4478 Abbrev: ChemPhysChem Title : ChemPhysChem ISSN : 1439-4235 CODEN : CPCHFT Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291439-7641 AC : JN-3809 Abbrev: Chest Title : Chest [The Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Journal] ISSN : 0012-3692 e-ISSN: 1931-3543 CODEN : CHETBF Publis: American College of Chest Physicians Server: http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/ AC : JN-3688 Abbrev: Chikusan Sochi Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Chikusan Sochi Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 1347-0825 CODEN : CSKKCS Publis: Nogyo Seibutsukei Tokutei Sangyo Gijutsu Kenkyu Kiko Chikusan Sochi Kenkyujo Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science. Server: http://rms1.agsearch.agropedia.affrc.go.jp/contents/library/jnr/nilgs.html AC : JN-4866 Abbrev: Children (Basel) Title : Children (Basel) e-ISSN: 2227-9067 Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI AG Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/children AC : JN-0456 Abbrev: Childs Nerv. Syst. Title : Child's Nervous System ISSN : 0256-7040 e-ISSN: 1433-0350 CODEN : CNSYE9 Short : ChNS Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0256-7040 AC : JN-0457 Abbrev: Chimia Title : Chimia [International Journal for Chemistry] ISSN : 0009-4293 CODEN : CHIMAD Publis: New Swiss Chemical Society Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Chimia (Aarau). Server: http://www.chimia.ch/ AC : JN-4739 Abbrev: Chin. Chem. Lett. Title : Chinese Chemical Letters ISSN : 1001-8417 e-ISSN: 1878-5964 CODEN : CCLEE7 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/chinese-chemical-letters AC : JN-3319 Abbrev: Chin. J. Agric. Biotechnol. Title : Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology ISSN : 1479-2362 e-ISSN: 1479-2370 CODEN : CJABBN Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=CJA AC : JN-2814 Abbrev: Chin. J. Biochem. Biophys. Title : Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN : 0898-512X Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in ?1997. AC : JN-0458 Abbrev: Chin. J. Biotechnol. Title : Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 1042-749X Short : CJBE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao, ends with vol. 15 in 1999. AC : JN-0459 Abbrev: Chin. J. Bot. Title : Chinese Journal of Botany ISSN : 1001-0718 CODEN : CJBOE2 AC : JN-2949 Abbrev: Chin. J. Cancer Res. Title : Chinese Journal of Cancer Research ISSN : 1000-9604 e-ISSN: 1993-0631 CODEN : CJCRFH Publis: China Anti-Cancer Association Note : Parallel language title: Chung-kuo Yen Cheng Yen Chiu. Server: http://zgazyj.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2982 Abbrev: Chin. J. Chem. Eng. Title : Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ISSN : 1004-9541 CODEN : CJCEEB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10049541 AC : JN-2815 Abbrev: Chin. J. Genet. Title : Chinese Journal of Genetics ISSN : 0898-5138 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in ?1999. AC : JN-2505 Abbrev: Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol. Title : Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology ISSN : 0254-4059 e-ISSN: 1993-5005 CODEN : CJOLEO Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Haiyang Yanjiusuo Server: http://zghyhzxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0460 Abbrev: Chin. Med. J. Title : Chinese Medical Journal ISSN : 0366-6999 CODEN : CMJODS Publis: Chinese Medical Association Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Chin. Med. J. (Engl.). Server: http://www.cmj.org/ http://zhcmj.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0461 Abbrev: Chin. Med. Sci. J. Title : Chinese Medical Sciences Journal ISSN : 1001-9294 CODEN : CMSJEP Publis: Elsevier Note : Parallel language title: Chung-Kuo I Hsueh K'o Hsueh Tsa Chih. Replaces Proc. Chin. Acad. Med. Sci. Peking Union Med. Coll., starts with vol. 6 in 1991. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.authors/722893/description#description AC : JN-0462 Abbrev: Chin. Sci. Bull. Title : Chinese Science Bulletin ISSN : 1001-6538 e-ISSN: 1861-9541 CODEN : CSBUEF Publis: Springer and Science in China Press Note : Replaces Kexue Tongbao, starts with vol. ? in 1989. Replaced by Science bulletin in 2015 Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1001-6538 AC : JN-2967 Abbrev: China Environ. Sci. Title : Chinese Environmental Science ISSN : 1003-1189 CODEN : CEVSEB Publis: Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Xuehui AC : JN-3651 Abbrev: China Natl. J. New Gastroenterol. Title : China National Journal of New Gastroenterology ISSN : 1006-9100 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Zhongguo Xin Xiao Hua Bing Xue Za Zhi. Replaced by World J. Gastroenterol., ends with vol. ? 1997. AC : JN-3570 Abbrev: Cho to Ga Title : Cho to Ga ISSN : 0024-0974 Publis: Nihon Rinshi Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. AC : JN-0463 Abbrev: Chonnam Med. J. Title : Chonnam Medical Journal ISSN : 0377-9564 Publis: Chonnam Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu Note : Alternative transliteration: Chonnam Uidae Chapchi. AC : JN-0464 Abbrev: Chromosoma Title : Chromosoma [Biology of the Nucleus] ISSN : 0009-5915 e-ISSN: 1432-0886 CODEN : CHROAU Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0009-5915 AC : JN-0465 Abbrev: Chromosome Res. Title : Chromosome Research [Cytogenetics, Genomics, Chromatin and the Nucleus] ISSN : 0967-3849 e-ISSN: 1573-6849 CODEN : CRRSEE Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0967-3849 AC : JN-3222 Abbrev: Chromosome Sci. Title : Chromosome Science ISSN : 1344-1051 CODEN : CHSCF4 Publis: Senshokutai AC : JN-2773 Abbrev: Chronobiol. Int. Title : Chronobiology International [The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research] ISSN : 0742-0528 e-ISSN: 1525-6073 CODEN : CHBIE4 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/cbi AC : JN-3691 Abbrev: Chugokugakuen J. Title : Chugokugakuen Journal ISSN : 1348-1452 Publis: Chugokugakuen University AC : JN-2833 Abbrev: Chuo Suisan Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Chuo Suisan Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 0915-8014 CODEN : CSKHEL Publis: Suisan-cho Chuo Suisan Kenkyujo AC : JN-0466 Abbrev: Ciba Found. Symp. Title : Ciba Foundation Symposium ISSN : 0300-5208 CODEN : CIBSA3 Publis: Not published Note : This is a book series. Replaced by Novartis Found. Symp., ends with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-3868 Abbrev: CICIMAR Oceanides Title : CICIMAR Oceanides ISSN : 1870-0713 Publis: Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas Server: http://www.cicimar.ipn.mx/oacis/revista.php AC : JN-2659 Abbrev: Cienc. Biol. Title : Ciencia Biologica ISSN : 0378-875X CODEN : CBMBEU Publis: Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Zoologia AC : JN-2456 Abbrev: Cienc. Mar. Title : Ciencias Marinas ISSN : 0185-3880 CODEN : CIMAD7 Publis: Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas AC : JN-4228 Abbrev: Cilia Title : Cilia e-ISSN: 2046-2530 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.ciliajournal.com/ AC : JN-0467 Abbrev: Cimbebasia Title : Cimbebasia ISSN : 1012-4926 CODEN : CIMBEB Publis: National Museum of Namibia AC : JN-3808 Abbrev: Circ. Arrhythm. Electrophysiol. Title : Circulation. Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology ISSN : 1941-3149 e-ISSN: 1941-3084 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://circep.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-3813 Abbrev: Circ. Cardiovasc. Genet. Title : Circulation. Cardiovascular Genetics ISSN : 1942-325X e-ISSN: 1942-3268 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://circgenetics.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-4698 Abbrev: Circ. Genom. Precis. Med. Title : Circulation. Genomic and Precision Medicine e-ISSN: 2574-8300 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Publication started in 2018. Continues Circulation. Cardiovascular Genetics. Server: https://www.ahajournals.org/journal/circgen AC : JN-3451 Abbrev: Circ. Heart Fail. Title : Circulation: Heart Failure ISSN : 1941-3289 e-ISSN: 1941-3297 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-4157 Abbrev: Circ. J. Title : Circulation Journal ISSN : 1346-9843 e-ISSN: 1347-4820 Publis: Japanese Circulation Society Note : Replaces Japanese circulation journal, starts with vol. 66 in 2002. Server: http://www.j-circ.or.jp/english/circulation_journal/circulation_journal.html AC : JN-0469 Abbrev: Circ. Res. Title : Circulation Research ISSN : 0009-7330 e-ISSN: 1524-4571 CODEN : CIRUAL Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://circres.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-0468 Abbrev: Circ. Shock Title : Circulatory Shock ISSN : 0092-6213 CODEN : CRSHAG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Inflamm., ends with vol. 44 in 1994. AC : JN-0470 Abbrev: Circulation Title : Circulation ISSN : 0009-7322 e-ISSN: 1524-4539 CODEN : CIRCAZ Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://circ.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-4855 Abbrev: CJC Open Title : CJC Open e-ISSN: 2589-790X Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/cjc-open AC : JN-0471 Abbrev: Cladistics Title : Cladistics [The International Journal of the Willi Hennig Society] ISSN : 0748-3007 e-ISSN: 1096-0031 CODEN : CLADEC Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0748-3007 http://www.cladistics.org/journal.html AC : JN-0472 Abbrev: Cleft Palate Craniofac. J. Title : The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal ISSN : 1055-6656 e-ISSN: 1545-1569 CODEN : CPJOEG Publis: Allen Press, Inc Note : Replaces Cleft Palate J., starts with vol. 27 in 1990. Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/cpc AC : JN-0473 Abbrev: Cleft Palate J. Title : The Cleft Palate Journal ISSN : 0009-8701 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cleft Palate Craniofac. J., ends with vol. 26 in 1989. AC : JN-4368 Abbrev: Clin. Appl. Thromb. Hemost. Title : Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/hemostasis [Official Journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis] ISSN : 1076-0296 e-ISSN: 1938-2723 CODEN : CATHF9 Publis: New York, Raven Press Note : Parallel title: Clinical and Applied Thrombosis Hemostasis Server: http://cat.sagepub.com AC : JN-0474 Abbrev: Clin. Biochem. Title : Clinical Biochemistry ISSN : 0009-9120 e-ISSN: 1873-2933 CODEN : CLBIAS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00099120 AC : JN-0475 Abbrev: Clin. Cancer Res. Title : Clinical Cancer Research ISSN : 1078-0432 e-ISSN: 1557-3265 CODEN : CCREF4 Short : CCR Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/ AC : JN-4394 Abbrev: Clin. Case Rep. Title : Clinical Case Reports e-ISSN: 2050-0904 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2050-0904 AC : JN-0476 Abbrev: Clin. Chem. Title : Clinical Chemistry [International Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics] ISSN : 0009-9147 e-ISSN: 1530-8561 CODEN : CLCHAU Publis: American Association for Clinical Chemistry Server: http://www.clinchem.org/ AC : JN-0477 Abbrev: Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. Title : Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine ISSN : 1434-6621 e-ISSN: 1437-4331 CODEN : CCLMFW Short : CCLM Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Note : Replaces Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem., starts with vol. in 1998. Server: http://www.degruyter.de/journals/cclm/ AC : JN-0478 Abbrev: Clin. Chim. Acta Title : Clinica Chimica Acta [International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine] ISSN : 0009-8981 e-ISSN: 1873-3492 CODEN : CCATAR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00098981 AC : JN-2774 Abbrev: Clin. Dermatol. Title : Clinics in Dermatology ISSN : 0738-081X Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0738081X AC : JN-0479 Abbrev: Clin. Dev. Immunol. Title : Clinical and Developmental Immunology ISSN : 1740-2522 e-ISSN: 1740-2530 CODEN : CDILBH Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Note : Replaces Dev. Immunol., starts with vol. 10 in 2003. Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/cdi/ AC : JN-0480 Abbrev: Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. Title : Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology ISSN : 1071-412X e-ISSN: 1098-6588 CODEN : CDIMEN Short : CDLI Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Clin. Vaccine Immunol., ends with vol. 12 in 2005. AC : JN-2854 Abbrev: Clin. Diagn. Virol. Title : Clinical and Diagnostic Virology ISSN : 0928-0197 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Clin. Virol., ends with vol. 10 in 1998. AC : JN-1927 Abbrev: Clin. Dysmorphol. Title : Clinical Dysmorphology ISSN : 0962-8827 e-ISSN: 1473-5717 CODEN : CDYSEJ Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/clindysmorphol/ AC : JN-0481 Abbrev: Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf.) Title : Clinical Endocrinology ISSN : 0300-0664 e-ISSN: 1365-2265 CODEN : CLECAP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0300-0664 AC : JN-4734 Abbrev: Clin. Epigenetics Title : Clinical Epigenetics e-ISSN: 1868-7083 Publis: Springer-Verlag Berlin Server: https://clinicalepigeneticsjournal.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-0482 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Allergy Title : Clinical and Experimental Allergy ISSN : 0954-7894 e-ISSN: 1365-2222 CODEN : CLEAEN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0954-7894 AC : JN-0483 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Dermatol. Title : Clinical and Experimental Dermatology ISSN : 0307-6938 e-ISSN: 1365-2230 CODEN : CEDEDE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0307-6938 AC : JN-0484 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Hypertens. Title : Clinical and Experimental Hypertension ISSN : 1064-1963 e-ISSN: 1525-6006 CODEN : CEHYER Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces Clin. Exp. Hypertens. A, starts with vol. 15 in 1993. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/ceh AC : JN-2826 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Hypertens. A Title : Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A: Theory and Practice ISSN : 0730-0077 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Clin. Exp. Hypertens., ends with vol. 14 in 1992. AC : JN-0485 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Immunol. Title : Clinical and Experimental Immunology ISSN : 0009-9104 e-ISSN: 1365-2249 CODEN : CEXIAL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0009-9104 AC : JN-4075 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Med. Title : Clinical and Experimental Medecine ISSN : 1591-8890 e-ISSN: 1591-9528 CODEN : CEMLBA Publis: Springer Italia Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1591-8890 AC : JN-0486 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Metastasis Title : Clinical and Experimental Metastasis ISSN : 0262-0898 e-ISSN: 1573-7276 CODEN : CEXMD2 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0262-0898 AC : JN-0487 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. Title : Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology ISSN : 1442-6404 e-ISSN: 1442-9071 CODEN : CEOPBW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Clin. Experiment. Ophthalmol. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1442-6404 AC : JN-4395 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Optom. Title : Clinical & Experimental Optometry ISSN : 0816-4622 e-ISSN: 1444-0938 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1444-0938 AC : JN-0488 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. Title : Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology ISSN : 0305-1870 e-ISSN: 1440-1681 CODEN : CEXPB9 Short : CEPP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0305-1870 AC : JN-4902 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Reprod. Med. Title : Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine ISSN : 2233-8233 e-ISSN: 2233-8241 Publis: Korean Society for Reproductive Medicine Server: https://ecerm.org/ AC : JN-0489 Abbrev: Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. Title : Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology ISSN : 1593-098X e-ISSN: 0392-856X CODEN : CERHDP Publis: Pacini Editore SpA Server: http://www.clinexprheumatol.org AC : JN-0490 Abbrev: Clin. Genet. Title : Clinical Genetics [An International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Medicine] ISSN : 0009-9163 e-ISSN: 1399-0004 CODEN : CLGNAY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0009-9163 AC : JN-0491 Abbrev: Clin. Hemorheol. Microcirc. Title : Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation ISSN : 1386-0291 CODEN : CHMIFQ Publis: IOS Press Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=13860291 AC : JN-0492 Abbrev: Clin. Immunol. Title : Clinical Immunology ISSN : 1521-6616 e-ISSN: 1521-7035 CODEN : CLIIFY Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol., starts with vol. 90 in 1999. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15216616 AC : JN-0493 Abbrev: Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. Title : Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology ISSN : 0090-1229 CODEN : CLIIAT Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Clin. Immunol., ends with vol. 89 in 1998. AC : JN-0494 Abbrev: Clin. Infect. Dis. Title : Clinical Infectious Diseases ISSN : 1058-4838 e-ISSN: 1537-6591 CODEN : CIDIEL Short : CID Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Rev. Infect. Dis., starts with vol. 14 in 1992. Server: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4668 Abbrev: Clin. Interv. Aging Title : Clinical Interventions in Aging ISSN : 1176-9092 e-ISSN: 1178-1998 Publis: Auckland : Dove Medical Press Server: http://www.dovepress.com/articles.php?journal_id=4 AC : JN-0495 Abbrev: Clin. Invest. Med. Title : Clinical and Investigative Medicine ISSN : 0147-958X e-ISSN: 1488-2353 CODEN : CNVMDL Short : CIM Publis: Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation Server: http://cimonline.ca/index.php/cim AC : JN-4164 Abbrev: Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. Title : Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ISSN : 1555-9041 e-ISSN: 1555-905X Publis: The American Society of Nephrology Server: http://www.cjasn.org AC : JN-4769 Abbrev: Clin. J. Gastroenterol. Title : Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 1865-7257 e-ISSN: 1865-7265 Publis: Springer Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/12328 AC : JN-4598 Abbrev: Clin. Kidney J. Title : Clinical Kidney Journal ISSN : 2048-8505 e-ISSN: 2048-8513 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/ckj AC : JN-0496 Abbrev: Clin. Lab. Title : Clinical Laboratory ISSN : 1433-6510 CODEN : KLLAEA Publis: Clinical Laboratory Publications Server: http://www.clin-lab-publications.com/ AC : JN-0497 Abbrev: Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Title : Clinical Microbiology and Infection ISSN : 1198-743X e-ISSN: 1469-0691 CODEN : CMINFM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1198-743X AC : JN-2469 Abbrev: Clin. Microbiol. Newsl. Title : Clinical Microbiology Newsletter ISSN : 0196-4399 e-ISSN: 1873-4391 CODEN : CMNEEJ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01964399 AC : JN-2816 Abbrev: Clin. Microbiol. Rev. Title : Clinical Microbiology Reviews ISSN : 0893-8512 e-ISSN: 1098-6618 CODEN : CMIREX Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://cmr.asm.org/ AC : JN-0498 Abbrev: Clin. Mol. Allergy Title : Clinical and Molecular Allergy e-ISSN: 1476-7961 Short : CMA Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.clinicalmolecularallergy.com/ AC : JN-1018 Abbrev: Clin. Mol. Pathol. Title : Clinical Molecular Pathology ISSN : 1355-2910 Publis: Not published Note : Starts with vol. 48 in 1995. Replaced by Mol. Pathol., ends with vol. 49 in 1996. AC : JN-0499 Abbrev: Clin. Nephrol. Title : Clinical Nephrology ISSN : 0301-0430 CODEN : CLNHBI Publis: Dustri Verlag Server: http://dustri-verlag.de/nc/journals-in-english.html?magId=20&mode=sc AC : JN-4596 Abbrev: Clin. Neurol. Neurosurg. Title : Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery ISSN : 0303-8467 e-ISSN: 1872-6968 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/clinical-neurology-and-neurosurgery AC : JN-0500 Abbrev: Clin. Neuropathol. Title : Clinical Neuropathology ISSN : 0722-5091 CODEN : CLNPDA Publis: Dustri Verlag Server: http://dustri-verlag.de/nc/journals-in-english.html?magId=22&mode=sc AC : JN-2606 Abbrev: Clin. Neuropharmacol. Title : Clinical Neuropharmacology ISSN : 0362-5664 e-ISSN: 1537-162X CODEN : CLNEDB Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/clinicalneuropharm/ AC : JN-4530 Abbrev: Clin. Neurophysiol. Title : Clinical Neurophysiology ISSN : 1388-2457 e-ISSN: 1872-8952 CODEN : CNEUFU Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13882457 AC : JN-0501 Abbrev: Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. Title : Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ISSN : 0009-921X e-ISSN: 1528-1132 CODEN : CORTBR Short : CORR Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Clin. Orthop. Replaces Clin. Orthop., starts with vol. 26 in 1963. Server: http://www.corronline.com/ AC : JN-4528 Abbrev: Clin. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Title : Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology ISSN : 0918-5739 e-ISSN: 1347-7358 CODEN : CPENF Publis: Tokyo, Japa, Jeff Corporation Co Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/cpe/ AC : JN-0502 Abbrev: Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. Title : Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ISSN : 0009-9236 e-ISSN: 1532-6535 CODEN : CLPTAT Short : CPT Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/clpt/ AC : JN-0503 Abbrev: Clin. Proteomics Title : Clinical Proteomics [The Journal of Translational Molecular Medicine] ISSN : 1542-6416 e-ISSN: 1559-0275 CODEN : CPLRCX Publis: Springer Server: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-0716-1936-0 AC : JN-0504 Abbrev: Clin. Res. Title : Clinical Research ISSN : 0009-9279 CODEN : CLREAS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Invest. Med., ends with vol. 41 in 1993. AC : JN-4108 Abbrev: Clin. Res. Hepatol. Gastroenterol. Title : Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology ISSN : 2210-7401 e-ISSN: 2210-741X Publis: Masson Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/22107401 AC : JN-4066 Abbrev: Clin. Rev. Allergy Immunol. Title : Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology ISSN : 1080-0549 e-ISSN: 1559-0267 CODEN : CRVADD Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1080-0549 AC : JN-1917 Abbrev: Clin. Rheumatol. Title : Clinical Rheumatology ISSN : 0770-3198 e-ISSN: 1434-9949 CODEN : CLRHD6 Publis: Springer London Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0770-3198 AC : JN-0505 Abbrev: Clin. Sci. Title : Clinical Science [An International Journal of Clinical and Molecular Investigation] ISSN : 0143-5221 e-ISSN: 1470-8736 CODEN : CSCIAE Publis: Portland Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Clin. Sci. (Lond.). Server: http://www.clinsci.org/cs/default.htm AC : JN-4696 Abbrev: Clin. Transl. Allergy Title : Clinical and Translational Allergy ISSN : 2045-7022 Publis: Biomed Central Server: http://www.ctajournal.com/ AC : JN-4352 Abbrev: Clin. Transl. Gastroenterol. Title : Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology e-ISSN: 2155-384X Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ctg AC : JN-4849 Abbrev: Clin. Transl. Med. Title : Clinical and Translational Medicine e-ISSN: 2001-1326 Publis: Springer-Verlag/Heidelberg Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20011326 AC : JN-4200 Abbrev: Clin. Transl. Sci. Title : Clinical and Translational Science ISSN : 1752-8054 e-ISSN: 1752-8062 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1752-8062 AC : JN-2817 Abbrev: Clin. Transplant. Title : Clinical Transplantation ISSN : 0902-0063 e-ISSN: 1399-0012 CODEN : CLTRED Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0902-0063 AC : JN-0506 Abbrev: Clin. Vaccine Immunol. Title : Clinical and Vaccine Immunology ISSN : 1556-6811 e-ISSN: 1556-679X CODEN : CVILA6 Short : CVI Publis: American Society for Microbiology Note : Replaces Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol., starts with vol. 13 in 2006. Server: http://cvi.asm.org/ AC : JN-4372 Abbrev: Clinics (Sao Paulo) Title : Clinics (Sao Paulo) ISSN : 1807-5932 e-ISSN: 1980-5322 Publis: Sao Paulo, SP : Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1807-5932&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-0507 Abbrev: Cloning Title : Cloning ISSN : 1520-4553 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cloning Stem Cells, end with vol. 3 in 2001. AC : JN-3330 Abbrev: Cloning Stem Cells Title : Cloning and Stem Cells ISSN : 1536-2302 e-ISSN: 1557-7457 CODEN : CSCLBO Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/products/product.aspx?pid=9 AC : JN-4313 Abbrev: CNS Neurosci. Ther. Title : CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics ISSN : 1755-5930 e-ISSN: 1755-5949 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1755-5949 AC : JN-2734 Abbrev: Coast. Eng. J. Title : Coastal Engineering Journal ISSN : 0578-5634 e-ISSN: 1793-6292 CODEN : CENJA8 Publis: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Server: http://www.worldscinet.com/cej/ AC : JN-3245 Abbrev: Coast. Mar. Sci. Title : Coastal Marine Science ISSN : 1349-3000 Publis: University of Tokyo, Ocean Research Institute, International Coastal Research Center Server: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AA11957899_jp.html AC : JN-4426 Abbrev: Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. Title : The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ISSN : 1465-1858 e-ISSN: 1469-493X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://www.thecochranelibrary.com AC : JN-4512 Abbrev: Cold Spring Harb. Mol. Case Stud. Title : Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies ISSN : 2373-2873 e-ISSN: 2373-2873 Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press AC : JN-4151 Abbrev: Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. Title : Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology e-ISSN: 1943-0264 Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Server: http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ AC : JN-0508 Abbrev: Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol. Title : Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology ISSN : 0091-7451 CODEN : CSHSAZ Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://symposium.cshlp.org/ AC : JN-2120 Abbrev: Coleopt. Bull. Title : The Coleopterists Bulletin ISSN : 0010-065X e-ISSN: 1938-4394 CODEN : COBLAO Publis: The Coleopterists Society Server: http://www.coleopsoc.org/default.asp?Action=Show_ColeopBull AC : JN-0509 Abbrev: Coll. Relat. Res. Title : Collagen and Related Research ISSN : 0174-173X CODEN : CREXDV Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Matrix, ends with vol. 8 in 1988. AC : JN-0510 Abbrev: Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. Title : Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications ISSN : 0010-0765 CODEN : CCCCAK Short : CCCC Publis: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Server: http://cccc.uochb.cas.cz/ AC : JN-2849 Abbrev: Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces Title : Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces ISSN : 0927-7765 e-ISSN: 1873-4367 CODEN : CSBBEQ Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09277765 AC : JN-2779 Abbrev: Colloq. INSERM Title : Colloques de l'Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale ISSN : 0768-3154 Publis: Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale AC : JN-2072 Abbrev: Colomb. Med. Title : Colombia Medica ISSN : 0120-8322 e-ISSN: 1657-9534 Publis: Corporacion Editora Medica del Valle Server: http://colombiamedica.univalle.edu.co AC : JN-0511 Abbrev: Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. Title : Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening ISSN : 1386-2073 e-ISSN: 1875-5402 CODEN : CCHSFU Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cchts/ AC : JN-3261 Abbrev: Commun. Agric. Appl. Biol. Sci. Title : Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences ISSN : 1379-1176 CODEN : MFLRA3 Publis: Universiteit Gent, Faculteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen AC : JN-4603 Abbrev: Commun. Biol. Title : Communications Biology e-ISSN: 2399-3642 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/commsbio/ AC : JN-2752 Abbrev: Commun. Dis. Intell. Q. Rep. Title : Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report ISSN : 0725-3141 e-ISSN: 1445-4866 Publis: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Office of Health Protection, Surveillance Branch Server: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/cda-pubs-cdi-cdiintro.htm AC : JN-4161 Abbrev: Commun. Integr. Biol. Title : Communicative & Integrative Biology ISSN : 1942-0889 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cib AC : JN-2121 Abbrev: Community Ment. Health J. Title : Community Mental Health Journal ISSN : 0010-3853 e-ISSN: 1573-2789 CODEN : CMHJAY Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0010-3853 AC : JN-0512 Abbrev: Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Title : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology ISSN : 0010-406X CODEN : CBCPAI Publis: Elsevier Note : This journal consists of 4 different series. The volume numbers are postfixed by a letter corresponding to a specific series: A=Molecular and Integrative Physiology (ISSN=1095-6433, e-ISSN=1531-4332) which replaces Physiology (ISSN=1096-4940) which replaces Comparative Physiology (ISSN=0300-9629), starts with vol. 119 in 1998 / B=Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ISSN=1096-4959) which replaces Comparative Biochemistry (ISSN=0305-0491), starts with vol. ? in 1995 / C=Toxicology and Pharmacology (ISSN=1532-0456) which replaces Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology (ISSN=1367-8280) which replaces Pharmacology and Toxicology (ISSN=0742-8413) which replaces Comparative Pharmacology (ISSN=0306-4492), starts with vol. 128 in 2001 / D=Genomics and Proteomics (ISSN=1744-117X), starts with vol. 1 in 2006. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10956433 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10964959 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15320456 http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1744117X AC : JN-3383 Abbrev: Comp. Clin. Path. Title : Comparative Clinical Pathology ISSN : 1618-5641 e-ISSN: 1618-565X CODEN : CCPOAJ Publis: Springer London Note : Replaces Comp. Haematol. Intern., starts with vol. 11 in 2002. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1618-5641 AC : JN-0514 Abbrev: Comp. Funct. Genomics Title : Comparative and Functional Genomics ISSN : 1531-6912 e-ISSN: 1532-6268 CODEN : CFGOAT Short : CFG Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1532-6268 AC : JN-4053 Abbrev: Comp. Haematol. Intern. Title : Comparative Haematology International ISSN : 0938-7714 e-ISSN: 1433-2973 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Comp. Clin. Path., ends with vol. 10 in 2001. AC : JN-0515 Abbrev: Comp. Immunol. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. Title : Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases [The International Journal for Medical and Veterinary Researchers and Practitioners] ISSN : 0147-9571 CODEN : CIMIDV Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01479571 AC : JN-0516 Abbrev: Comp. Med. Title : Comparative Medicine ISSN : 1532-0820 CODEN : COMEFT Short : CM Publis: American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Note : Replaces Lab. Anim. Sci., starts with vol. 50 in 2000. Server: http://www.aalas.org/publications/index.asp#CM AC : JN-3331 Abbrev: Comp. Parasitol. Title : Comparative Parasitology ISSN : 1525-2647 e-ISSN: 1938-2952 CODEN : JHSWE4 Publis: Helminthological Society of Washington Server: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~shendrix/helmsoc.html#comparative AC : JN-0517 Abbrev: Complement Title : Complement ISSN : 0253-5076 CODEN : CMPLDF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Complement. Inflamm., ends with vol. 5 in 1988. AC : JN-3102 Abbrev: Compost Sci. Util. Title : Compost Science and Utilization ISSN : 1065-657X CODEN : CSUTE5 Publis: JG Press Server: http://www.jgpress.com/compostscience/ AC : JN-0513 Abbrev: Comput. Biol. Chem. Title : Computational Biology and Chemistry ISSN : 1476-9271 CODEN : CBCOCH Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Comp. Chem., starts with vol. 27 in 2003. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14769271 AC : JN-2122 Abbrev: Comput. Biol. Med. Title : Computers in Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0010-4825 CODEN : CBMDAW Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00104825 AC : JN-4885 Abbrev: Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. Title : Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal e-ISSN: 2001-0370 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/20010370 AC : JN-0518 Abbrev: Condor Title : The Condor ISSN : 0010-5422 e-ISSN: 1938-5129 CODEN : CNDRAB Publis: Cooper Ornithological Society Server: http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Condor/ http://www.cooper.org/publications/Condor.htm AC : JN-4790 Abbrev: Congenit. Anom. (Kyoto) Title : Congenital Anomalies ISSN : 0914-3505 e-ISSN: 1741-4520 Publis: Japanese Teratology Society Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1741-4520 AC : JN-4440 Abbrev: Congenit. Heart Dis. Title : Congenital Heart Disease ISSN : 1747-079X e-ISSN: 1747-0803 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1747-0803 AC : JN-0519 Abbrev: Connect. Tissue Res. Title : Connective Tissue Research ISSN : 0300-8207 e-ISSN: 1607-8438 CODEN : CVTRBC Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/cts AC : JN-2795 Abbrev: Conserv. Biol. Title : Conservation Biology ISSN : 0888-8892 e-ISSN: 1523-1739 CODEN : CBIOEF Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0888-8892 AC : JN-1940 Abbrev: Conserv. Genet. Title : Conservation Genetics ISSN : 1566-0621 e-ISSN: 1572-9737 CODEN : CGOEAC Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1566-0621 AC : JN-3442 Abbrev: Constancea Title : Constancea ISSN : 1559-4041 CODEN : UCPBA8 Publis: University of California Press, Book Series Server: http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/constancea/ AC : JN-4187 Abbrev: Contact Derm. Title : Contact Dermatitis ISSN : 0105-1873 e-ISSN: 1600-0536 CODEN : CODEDG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by AAPS J., ends with vol. 6 in 2004. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1600-0536 AC : JN-4859 Abbrev: Contemp. Clin. Trials. Commun. Title : Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications ISSN : 2451-8654 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/24518654 AC : JN-2123 Abbrev: Contraception Title : Contraception ISSN : 0010-7824 CODEN : CCPTAY Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00107824 AC : JN-2369 Abbrev: Contrib. Mar. Sci. Title : Contributions in Marine Science ISSN : 0082-3449 CODEN : CMSCAY Publis: University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute Server: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/msl/research_guides/bibliographies/contributions_marine_science AC : JN-2556 Abbrev: Contrib. Microbiol. Immunol. Title : Contributions to Microbiology and Immunology ISSN : 0301-3081 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Concepts Immunopathol. into Contrib. Microbiol., ends with vol. ?13 in 1995. Replaces Bibl. Microbiol., starts with vol. 1 in 1973. AC : JN-2383 Abbrev: Contrib. Univ. Mich. Herb. Title : Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium ISSN : 0091-1860 CODEN : CUMHDA Publis: University of Michigan, Herbarium Server: http://www.herbarium.lsa.umich.edu/contributions.html AC : JN-3262 Abbrev: Contrib. Zool. Title : Contributions to Zoology ISSN : 1383-4517 e-ISSN: 1875-9866 Publis: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Commissie voor de Artis Bibliotheek Server: http://dpc.uba.uva.nl/ctz/ AC : JN-0520 Abbrev: Copeia Title : Copeia ISSN : 0045-8511 e-ISSN: 1938-5110 CODEN : COPAAR Publis: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Server: http://www.asihcopeiaonline.org/perlserv/?request=get-archive&ct=1 AC : JN-2753 Abbrev: Coral Reefs Title : Coral Reefs ISSN : 0722-4028 e-ISSN: 1432-0975 CODEN : CORFDL Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0722-4028 AC : JN-0521 Abbrev: Cornea Title : Cornea [The Journal of Cornea and External Disease] ISSN : 0277-3740 e-ISSN: 1536-4798 CODEN : CORNDB Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/corneajrnl/ AC : JN-4311 Abbrev: Cortex Title : Cortex ISSN : 0010-9452 e-ISSN: 1973-8102 CODEN : CRTXAX Publis: Milan : Masson Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00109452 AC : JN-4652 Abbrev: Cough Title : Cough ISSN : 1745-9974 Publis: Biomed Central Note : Publication ceased with vol. 10 in 2014. Server: https://coughjournal.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-0525 Abbrev: CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem. Title : CRC Critical Reviews in Biochemistry ISSN : 0045-6411 CODEN : CRBCAI Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 23 in 1988. AC : JN-0526 Abbrev: CRC Crit. Rev. Microbiol. Title : CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology ISSN : 0045-6454 CODEN : CRVMAC Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Crit. Rev. Microbiol., ends with vol. 7 in 1979. AC : JN-2001 Abbrev: Crit. Care Med. Title : Critical Care Medicine ISSN : 0090-3493 e-ISSN: 1530-0293 CODEN : CCMDC7 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/ AC : JN-0527 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Title : Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1040-9238 e-ISSN: 1549-7798 CODEN : CRBBEJ Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem., starts with vol. 24 in 1989. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/bmg AC : JN-0528 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. Title : Critical Reviews in Biotechnology ISSN : 0738-8551 e-ISSN: 1549-7801 CODEN : CRBTE5 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/bty AC : JN-0529 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Eukaryot. Gene Expr. Title : Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression ISSN : 1045-4403 CODEN : CRGEEJ Publis: Begell House Inc. Server: http://www.begellhouse.com/journals/6dbf508d3b17c437.html AC : JN-4608 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. Title : Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition ISSN : 1040-8398 e-ISSN: 1549-7852 Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (1975-1988) and CRC Critical Reviews in Food Technology (1970-1975), starts with vol. 27 in 1988. Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/bfsn20/current AC : JN-4169 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Immunol. Title : Critical Reviews in Immunology ISSN : 1040-8401 e-ISSN: 2162-6472 Publis: Begell House Inc. Server: http://www.begellhouse.com/journals/2ff21abf44b19838 AC : JN-0530 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Microbiol. Title : Critical Reviews in Microbiology ISSN : 1040-841X e-ISSN: 1549-7828 CODEN : CRUMAC Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces CRC Crit. Rev. Microbiol., starts with vol. 8 in 1980. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/mby AC : JN-2818 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Oncog. Title : Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis ISSN : 0893-9675 CODEN : CRONEI Publis: Begell House Inc. Server: http://www.begellhouse.com/cron/ AC : JN-0531 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Med. Title : Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine ISSN : 1045-4411 e-ISSN: 1544-1113 CODEN : CROMEF Publis: International Association for Dental Research Server: http://cro.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-4072 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. Title : Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences ISSN : 0735-2689 e-ISSN: 1549-7836 CODEN : CRPSD3 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/07352689.asp AC : JN-0532 Abbrev: Crit. Rev. Toxicol. Title : Critical Reviews in Toxicology ISSN : 1040-8444 e-ISSN: 1547-6898 CODEN : CRTXB2 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/txc AC : JN-0533 Abbrev: Croat. Med. J. Title : Croatian Medical Journal ISSN : 0353-9504 e-ISSN: 1332-8166 CODEN : CMEJEN Short : CMJ Publis: Medicinska Naklada Server: http://www.cmj.hr/ AC : JN-2525 Abbrev: Crop Prot. Title : Crop Protection ISSN : 0261-2194 e-ISSN: 1873-6904 CODEN : CRPTD6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02612194 AC : JN-2048 Abbrev: Crop Sci. Title : Crop Science [A Journal Serving the International Community of Crop Scientists] ISSN : 0011-183X e-ISSN: 1435-0653 CODEN : CRPSAY Publis: Crop Science Society of America Server: http://crop.scijournals.org AC : JN-2457 Abbrev: Crustac. Issues Title : Crustacean Issues ISSN : 0168-6356 CODEN : CRISD2 Publis: Balkema AC : JN-2086 Abbrev: Crustaceana Title : Crustaceana [International Journal of Crustacean Research] ISSN : 0011-216X e-ISSN: 1568-5403 CODEN : CRUSAP Publis: Brill Server: http://www.brill.nl/cr AC : JN-0535 Abbrev: Cryo Lett. Title : CryoLetters ISSN : 0143-2044 e-ISSN: 1742-0644 CODEN : CRLED9 Publis: CryoLetters Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Cryo Letters. Server: http://www.cryoletters.org/ AC : JN-0534 Abbrev: Cryobiology Title : Cryobiology [International Journal of Low Temperature Biology and Medicine] ISSN : 0011-2240 e-ISSN: 1090-2392 CODEN : CRYBAS Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00112240 AC : JN-2483 Abbrev: Cryptogam. Algol. Title : Cryptogamie, Algologie ISSN : 0181-1568 e-ISSN: 1776-0984 CODEN : CRALD9 Publis: Association des Amis des Cryptogames - ADAC Server: http://www.cryptogamie.com/pagint_en/editeur/revues.php AC : JN-0536 Abbrev: Cryptogam. Bryol. Title : Cryptogamie, Bryologie ISSN : 1290-0796 e-ISSN: 1776-0992 CODEN : CRBRFY Publis: Association des Amis des Cryptogames - ADAC Note : Replaces Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol., starts with vol. 20 in 1999. Server: http://www.cryptogamie.com/pagint_en/editeur/revue_bryo.php AC : JN-3588 Abbrev: Cryptogam. Bryol. Lichenol. Title : Cryptogamie, Bryologie-Lichenologie ISSN : 0181-1576 CODEN : CBLIDB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cryptogam. Bryol., ends with vol. 19 in 1998. AC : JN-2458 Abbrev: Cryptogam. Mycol. Title : Cryptogamie, Mycologie ISSN : 0181-1584 e-ISSN: 1776-100X CODEN : CRMYD6 Publis: Association des Amis des Cryptogames - ADAC Server: http://www.cryptogamie.com/pagint_en/editeur/revue_myco.php AC : JN-4784 Abbrev: Cryst. Growth Des. Title : Crystal Growth and Design ISSN : 1528-7483 e-ISSN: 1528-7505 CODEN : CGDEFU Publis: Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, c2001 Note : Not currently indexed for MEDLINE Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journals/cgdefu/index.html AC : JN-4407 Abbrev: Crystallogr. Rep. Title : Crystallography Reports ISSN : 1063-7745 e-ISSN: 1562-689X CODEN : CYSTE3 Publis: SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, Pleiades Publishing Note : Parallel language title: Kristallografiya (ISSN 0023-4761). Replaces Soviet Physics - Crystallography, starts with vol. 38 Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/11445 AC : JN-4882 Abbrev: Crystals Title : Crystals e-ISSN: 2073-4352 CODEN : CRYSBC Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/crystals AC : JN-2927 Abbrev: Cuni Sci. Title : Cuni - Sciences ISSN : 0984-7847 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Appl. Rabbit Res., ends with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-4602 Abbrev: Curr. Alzheimer Res. Title : Current Alzheimer Research ISSN : 1567-2050 e-ISSN: 1875-5828 Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.eurekaselect.com/643/journal/current-alzheimer-research AC : JN-0537 Abbrev: Curr. Biol. Title : Current Biology ISSN : 0960-9822 e-ISSN: 1879-0445 CODEN : CUBLE2 Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/current-biology/home AC : JN-2900 Abbrev: Curr. Biotechnol. Title : Current Biotechnology ISSN : 0960-5037 CODEN : CUBIER Publis: DECHEMA e.V. AC : JN-0538 Abbrev: Curr. Cancer Drug Targets Title : Current Cancer Drug Targets ISSN : 1568-0096 CODEN : CCDTB9 Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/ccdt/ AC : JN-0539 Abbrev: Curr. Commun. Cell Mol. Biol. Title : Current Communications in Cell and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1063-8806 CODEN : CCCBEL Publis: Not published Note : This is a book series. Publication ceased with vol. 8 in 1994. AC : JN-3693 Abbrev: Curr. Drug Metab. Title : Current Drug Metabolism ISSN : 1389-2000 e-ISSN: 1875-5453 CODEN : CDMUBU Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cdm/ AC : JN-0540 Abbrev: Curr. Eye Res. Title : Current Eye Research ISSN : 0271-3683 e-ISSN: 1460-2202 CODEN : CEYRDM Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/cey AC : JN-4099 Abbrev: Curr. Gene Ther. Title : Current Gene Therapy ISSN : 1566-5232 CODEN : CGTUAH Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cgt/ AC : JN-0541 Abbrev: Curr. Genet. Title : Current Genetics ISSN : 0172-8083 e-ISSN: 1432-0983 CODEN : CUGEDS Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0172-8083 AC : JN-0542 Abbrev: Curr. Genomics Title : Current Genomics ISSN : 1389-2029 e-ISSN: 1875-5488 CODEN : CGUEA8 Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cg/ AC : JN-3233 Abbrev: Curr. Herpetol. Title : Current Herpetology ISSN : 1345-5834 CODEN : HRYZAJ Publis: Nihon Hachu Ryoseirui Gakkai Server: http://zoo.zool.kyoto-u.ac.jp/herp/CurrHerp/ AC : JN-1941 Abbrev: Curr. HIV Res. Title : Current HIV Research ISSN : 1570-162X e-ISSN: 1873-4251 CODEN : CHRUBF Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/chivr/ AC : JN-0543 Abbrev: Curr. Med. Chem. Title : Current Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 0929-8673 e-ISSN: 1875-533X CODEN : CMCHE7 Short : CMC Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cmc/ AC : JN-4660 Abbrev: Curr. Med. Mycol. Title : Current Medical Mycology ISSN : 2423-3439 e-ISSN: 2423-3420 Publis: Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Server: http://cmm.mazums.ac.ir/ AC : JN-0544 Abbrev: Curr. Microbiol. Title : Current Microbiology ISSN : 0343-8651 e-ISSN: 1432-0991 CODEN : CUMIDD Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0343-8651 AC : JN-0545 Abbrev: Curr. Mol. Med. Title : Current Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1566-5240 e-ISSN: 1875-5666 CODEN : CMMUBP Short : CMM Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cmm/ AC : JN-4279 Abbrev: Curr. Mol. Pharmacol. Title : Current Molecular Pharmacology ISSN : 1874-4672 e-ISSN: 1874-4702 Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://benthamscience.com/journal/index.php?journalID=cmp AC : JN-0546 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. Title : Current Opinion in Biotechnology ISSN : 0958-1669 CODEN : CUOBE3 Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09581669 AC : JN-0547 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. Title : Current Opinion in Cell Biology ISSN : 0955-0674 CODEN : COCBE3 Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09550674 AC : JN-0548 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. Title : Current Opinion in Chemical Biology ISSN : 1367-5931 CODEN : COCBF4 Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13675931 AC : JN-4670 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. Title : Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science ISSN : 1359-0294 CODEN : COCSFL Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/current-opinion-in-colloid-and-interface-science AC : JN-3263 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Drug Discov. Devel. Title : Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development ISSN : 1367-6733 CODEN : CODDFF Publis: Thomson Scientific Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1367-6733/ AC : JN-0549 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. Title : Current Opinion in Genetics and Development ISSN : 0959-437X CODEN : COGDET Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0959437X AC : JN-0550 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Immunol. Title : Current Opinion in Immunoloy ISSN : 0952-7915 CODEN : COPIEL Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09527915 AC : JN-4216 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Infect. Dis. Title : Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases ISSN : 0951-7375 e-ISSN: 1473-6527 CODEN : COIDE5 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.co-infectiousdiseases.com AC : JN-0551 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Lipidol. Title : Current Opinion in Lipidology ISSN : 0957-9672 e-ISSN: 1473-6535 CODEN : COPLEU Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/co-lipidology/ AC : JN-0552 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Microbiol. Title : Current Opinion in Microbiology ISSN : 1369-5274 CODEN : COMIF7 Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13695274 AC : JN-0553 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. Title : Current Opinion in Neurobiology ISSN : 0959-4388 e-ISSN: 1873-6882 CODEN : COPUEN Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09594388 AC : JN-0554 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Pharmacol. Title : Current Opinion in Pharmacology ISSN : 1471-4892 CODEN : COPUBK Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14714892 AC : JN-0555 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. Title : Current Opinion in Plant Biology ISSN : 1369-5266 CODEN : COPBFZ Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13695266 AC : JN-0556 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. Title : Current Opinion in Structural Biology ISSN : 0959-440X CODEN : COSBEF Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0959440X AC : JN-4211 Abbrev: Curr. Opin. Virol. Title : Current Opinion in Virology ISSN : 1879-6257 e-ISSN: 1879-6265 Publis: Current Opinion Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/18796257 AC : JN-3264 Abbrev: Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol. Title : Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ISSN : 1389-2010 e-ISSN: 1873-4316 CODEN : CPBUBP Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cpb/ AC : JN-2235 Abbrev: Curr. Pharm. Des. Title : Current Pharmaceutical Design ISSN : 1381-6128 e-ISSN: 1873-4286 CODEN : CPDEFP Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cpd/ AC : JN-4571 Abbrev: Curr. Plant Biol. Title : Current Plant Biology ISSN : 2214-6628 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/current-plant-biology AC : JN-2850 Abbrev: Curr. Plant Sci. Biotechnol. Agric. Title : Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture ISSN : 0924-1949 CODEN : CPBAE2 Publis: Springer Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0924-1949 AC : JN-2338 Abbrev: Curr. Probl. Dermatol. Title : Current Problems in Dermatology ISSN : 1421-5721 e-ISSN: 1662-2944 CODEN : APDEBX Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/CUPDE AC : JN-3289 Abbrev: Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. Title : Current Protein and Peptide Science ISSN : 1389-2037 e-ISSN: 1875-5550 CODEN : CPPSCM Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/cpps/ AC : JN-4780 Abbrev: Curr. Res. Struct. Biol. Title : Current Research in Structural Biology e-ISSN: 2665-928X Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/current-research-in-structural-biology/2665-928x/open-access-journal AC : JN-2073 Abbrev: Curr. Sci. Title : Current Science ISSN : 0011-3891 CODEN : CUSCAM Publis: Indian Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/ AC : JN-0557 Abbrev: Curr. Top. Bioenerg. Title : Current Topics in Bioenergetics ISSN : 0070-2129 CODEN : CUTBAO Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 17 in 1994. AC : JN-0558 Abbrev: Curr. Top. Cell. Regul. Title : Current Topics in Cellular Regulation ISSN : 0070-2137 CODEN : CTCRAE Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 36 in 2000. AC : JN-0559 Abbrev: Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. Title : Current Topics in Developmental Biology ISSN : 0070-2153 e-ISSN: 1557-8933 CODEN : CTDBA5 Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00702153 AC : JN-4453 Abbrev: Curr. Top. Med. Chem. Title : Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 1568-0266 e-ISSN: 1873-4294 CODEN : CTMCCL Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Server: http://www.eurekaselect.com/615/journal/current-topics-medicinal-chemistry AC : JN-0560 Abbrev: Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. Title : Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology ISSN : 0070-217X CODEN : CTMIA3 Short : CTMI Publis: Springer Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0070-217X AC : JN-3085 Abbrev: Curr. Top. Plant Physiol. Title : Current Topics in Plant Physiology ISSN : 1057-6576 Publis: American Society of Plant Biologists AC : JN-4041 Abbrev: Curr. Trends Biotechnol. Pharm. Title : Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy ISSN : 0973-8916 Publis: Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy Server: http://abap.co.in/ AC : JN-2677 Abbrev: Cybium Title : Cybium [Revue Internationale d'Ichtyologie] ISSN : 0399-0974 CODEN : CYBIDK Publis: Societe Francaise d'Ichtyologie Server: http://www.mnhn.fr/sfi/cybium/ AC : JN-0561 Abbrev: Cyt. Genet. Title : Cytology and Genetics ISSN : 0095-4527 e-ISSN: 1934-9440 CODEN : CYGEDX Publis: Allerton Press Note : Parallel language title: Tsitologiya i Genetika (ISSN 0564-3783). Server: http://www.allertonpress.com/journals/cyt.htm http://www.cytgen.com/ AC : JN-0562 Abbrev: Cytogenet. Cell Genet. Title : Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics ISSN : 0301-0171 CODEN : CGCGBR Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Cytogenetics, starts with vol. 12 in 1973. Replaced by Cytogenet. Genome Res., ends with vol. 96 in 2001. AC : JN-0563 Abbrev: Cytogenet. Genome Res. Title : Cytogenetics and Genome Research ISSN : 1424-8581 e-ISSN: 1424-859X CODEN : CGRYAJ Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Cytogenet. Cell Genet., starts with vol. 97 in 2002. Server: http://www.karger.com/CGR AC : JN-0564 Abbrev: Cytokine Title : Cytokine ISSN : 1043-4666 e-ISSN: 1096-0023 CODEN : CYTIE9 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10434666 AC : JN-0566 Abbrev: Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. Title : Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews ISSN : 1359-6101 CODEN : CGFRFB Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Prog. Growth Factor Res., starts with vol. 7 in 1996. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13596101 AC : JN-0565 Abbrev: Cytokines Cell. Mol. Ther. Title : Cytokines, Cellular and Molecular Therapy ISSN : 1368-4736 CODEN : CCMTFO Short : CCMT Publis: Not published Note : Merged in 2005 with Cytotherapy. AC : JN-2126 Abbrev: Cytologia Title : Cytologia [International Journal of Cytogenetics and Cell Biology] ISSN : 0011-4545 e-ISSN: 1348-7019 CODEN : CYTOAN Publis: The Japan Mendel Society Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Cytologia (Tokyo). Server: http://square.umin.ac.jp/mendel/CYTOLOGIA.htm AC : JN-0567 Abbrev: Cytometry Title : Cytometry ISSN : 0196-4763 e-ISSN: 1097-0320 Publis: Not published Note : Split into Cytometry A and Cytometry B Clin. Cytom., ends with vol. 49 in 2002. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0320 AC : JN-3345 Abbrev: Cytometry A Title : Cytometry. Part A ISSN : 1552-4922 e-ISSN: 1552-4930 CODEN : CYTODQ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces in part Cytometry, starts with vol. 51A in 2003. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-4930 AC : JN-2887 Abbrev: Cytopathology Title : Cytopathology ISSN : 0956-5507 e-ISSN: 1365-2303 CODEN : CYTPEU Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0956-5507 AC : JN-4083 Abbrev: Cytoskeleton Title : Cytoskeleton ISSN : 1949-3584 e-ISSN: 1949-3592 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). Replaces Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton, starts with vol. 67 in 2010. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1949-3592 AC : JN-0568 Abbrev: Cytotechnology Title : Cytotechnology [International Journal of Cell Culture and Biotechnology] ISSN : 0920-9069 e-ISSN: 1573-0778 CODEN : CYTOER Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0920-9069 AC : JN-2088 Abbrev: Czas. Stomatol. Title : Czasopismo Stomatologiczne ISSN : 0011-4553 CODEN : CZSTA6 Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne Server: http://czas.stomat.net/ AC : JN-3163 Abbrev: Czech J. Anim. Sci. Title : Czech Journal of Animal Science ISSN : 1212-1819 CODEN : ZIVYAY Publis: Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych Ved, Ustav Zemedelskych a Potravinarskych Informaci Server: http://www.szu.cz/publications-and-products/central-european-journal-of-public-health-1 AC : JN-3164 Abbrev: Czech Mycol. Title : Czech Mycology ISSN : 1211-0981 Publis: Ceska Vedecka Spolecnost pro Mykologii Server: http://www.natur.cuni.cz/cvsm/czmycang.htm AC : JN-4288 Abbrev: Dalton Trans. Title : Dalton Transactions ISSN : 1477-9226 e-ISSN: 1477-9234 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/DT AC : JN-4497 Abbrev: Data Brief Title : Data in Brief e-ISSN: 2352-3409 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/23523409 AC : JN-4255 Abbrev: Database Title : Database ISSN : 1758-0463 CODEN : DATAFX Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://database.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2901 Abbrev: Deep Sea Res. Part I Oceanogr. Res. Pap. Title : Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers ISSN : 0967-0637 CODEN : DRORE7 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09670637 AC : JN-2902 Abbrev: Deep Sea Res. Part II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. Title : Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography ISSN : 0967-0645 CODEN : DSROEK Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09670645 AC : JN-2697 Abbrev: Delpinoa Title : Delpinoa ISSN : 0416-928X CODEN : DLPNAM Publis: Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Orto Botanico di Napoli Server: http://www.biologiavegetale.unina.it/delpinoa.html AC : JN-3051 Abbrev: Dengue Bull. Title : Dengue Bulletin ISSN : 1020-895X Publis: World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia AC : JN-3368 Abbrev: Denisia Title : Denisia ISSN : 1608-8700 Publis: Oberoesterreichisches Landesmuseum, Biologiezentrum Server: http://www.landesmuseum.at/biophp/denisia.php AC : JN-0569 Abbrev: Denpun Kagaku Title : Denpun Kagaku ISSN : 0021-5406 CODEN : DPNKAV Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Japanese Society of Starch Science. Replaced by Oyo Toshitsu Kagaku, ends with vol. ? in 1994. AC : JN-2136 Abbrev: Dent. Econ. Title : Dental Economics ISSN : 0011-8583 Publis: PennWell Corporation Server: http://www.dentaleconomics.com/index.html AC : JN-4794 Abbrev: Dermatol. Pract. Concept. Title : Dermatology Practical and Conceptual e-ISSN: 2160-9381 Publis: New York : Derm101.com Server: https://www.dpcj.org/index.php/dpc AC : JN-3034 Abbrev: Dermatology Title : Dermatology [International Journal for Clinical and Investigative Dermatology] ISSN : 1018-8665 e-ISSN: 1421-9832 CODEN : DERAEG Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/DRM AC : JN-3290 Abbrev: Descr. Ectomycorrhizae Title : Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae ISSN : 1431-4819 Publis: Einhorn Verlag GmbH Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-0570 Abbrev: Dev. Biol. Title : Developmental Biology ISSN : 0012-1606 e-ISSN: 1095-564X CODEN : DEBIAO Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00121606 AC : JN-3291 Abbrev: Dev. Biol. (Basel) Title : Developments in Biologicals ISSN : 1424-6074 e-ISSN: 1662-2960 CODEN : DBEIAI Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/DEBIS AC : JN-0571 Abbrev: Dev. Biol. Stand. Title : Developments in Biological Standardization ISSN : 0301-5149 CODEN : DVBSA3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Dev. Biol. (Basel), ends with vol. 100 in 1999. AC : JN-0572 Abbrev: Dev. Cell Title : Developmental Cell ISSN : 1534-5807 e-ISSN: 1878-1551 CODEN : DCEEBE Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/home AC : JN-0573 Abbrev: Dev. Comp. Immunol. Title : Developmental and Comparative Immunology ISSN : 0145-305X CODEN : DCIMDQ Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0145305X AC : JN-0574 Abbrev: Dev. Dyn. Title : Developmental Dynamics ISSN : 1058-8388 e-ISSN: 1097-0177 CODEN : DEDYEI Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0177 AC : JN-0575 Abbrev: Dev. Genes Evol. Title : Development Genes and Evolution ISSN : 0949-944X e-ISSN: 1432-041X CODEN : DGEVFT Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., starts with vol. 208 in 1998. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0949-944X AC : JN-0576 Abbrev: Dev. Genet. Title : Developmental Genetics ISSN : 0192-253X CODEN : DGNTDW Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Genesis, ends with vol. 25 in 1999. AC : JN-0577 Abbrev: Dev. Growth Differ. Title : Development, Growth and Differentiation ISSN : 0012-1592 e-ISSN: 1440-169X CODEN : DGDFA5 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0012-1592 AC : JN-0578 Abbrev: Dev. Immunol. Title : Developmental Immunology ISSN : 1044-6672 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Clin. Dev. Immunol., ends with vol. 9 in 2002. AC : JN-4331 Abbrev: Dev. Med. Child. Neurol. Title : Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology ISSN : 0012-1622 e-ISSN: 1469-8749 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291469-8749 AC : JN-2000 Abbrev: Dev. Neurobiol. Title : Developmental Neurobiology ISSN : 1932-8451 e-ISSN: 1932-846X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces J. Neurobiol., starts with vol. 67 in 2007. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1932-846X AC : JN-0579 Abbrev: Dev. Neurosci. Title : Developmental Neuroscience ISSN : 0378-5866 e-ISSN: 1421-9859 CODEN : DENED7 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/DNE AC : JN-0580 Abbrev: Development Title : Development ISSN : 0950-1991 e-ISSN: 1477-9129 CODEN : DEVPED Publis: Company of Biologists Server: http://dev.biologists.org/ AC : JN-4492 Abbrev: Development Suppl. Title : Development. Supplement. Publis: Company of Biologists AC : JN-2932 Abbrev: Di 3 Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Di 3 Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-5404 CODEN : DYXUE8 Publis: Di-San Junyi Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Di-San Junyi Daxue Xuebao. Alternative transliteration: Disanjunyidaxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Academiae Medicinae Militaris Tertiae. Server: http://dsjydxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0581 Abbrev: Di 4 Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Di 4 Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2790 CODEN : DJDXEG Publis: Ti 4 Chun I Ta Hsueh Note : Alternative transliteration: Di Si Junyi Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University. AC : JN-2526 Abbrev: Di Er Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Di Er Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 0258-879X Publis: Di-Er Jun-Yi Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Di-Er Jun-Yi Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Academic Journal of Second Military Medical College. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2226 AC : JN-2933 Abbrev: Di Fang Bing Tong Bao Title : Di Fang Bing Tong Bao ISSN : 1000-3711 Publis: Difangbing Tongbao Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Difangbing Tongbao. Parallel language title: Endemic Diseases Bulletin. Server: http://dfbtb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2931 Abbrev: Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2588 CODEN : DJUXEX Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Di-yi Junyi Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Academic Journal of the First Medical College of PLA. Replaced by Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao, ends with vol. 25 in 2005. AC : JN-0584 Abbrev: Diabet. Med. Title : Diabetic Medicine ISSN : 0742-3071 e-ISSN: 1464-5491 CODEN : DIMEEV Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0742-3071 AC : JN-0582 Abbrev: Diabetes Title : Diabetes ISSN : 0012-1797 e-ISSN: 0070-4652 CODEN : DIAEAZ Publis: American Diabetes Association Server: http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/ AC : JN-3726 Abbrev: Diabetes Care Title : Diabetes Care ISSN : 0149-5992 e-ISSN: 1935-5548 CODEN : DICAD2 Publis: American Diabetes Association Server: http://care.diabetesjournals.org/ AC : JN-4335 Abbrev: Diabetes Metab. Title : Diabetes & Metabolism ISSN : 1262-3636 e-ISSN: 1878-1780 CODEN : DIMEFW Publis: Paris: Masson Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/12623636 AC : JN-3756 Abbrev: Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev. Title : Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews ISSN : 1520-7552 e-ISSN: 1520-7560 CODEN : DMRRFM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-7560 AC : JN-4336 Abbrev: Diabetes Metab. Syndr. Obes. Title : Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity : Targets and Therapy e-ISSN: 1178-7007 Publis: DovePress Server: http://www.dovepress.com/diabetes-metabolic-syndrome-and-obesity-targets-and-therapy-journal AC : JN-4474 Abbrev: Diabetes Obes. Metab. Title : Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism ISSN : 1462-8902 CODEN : DOMEF6 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291463-1326 AC : JN-4480 Abbrev: Diabetes Obes. Metab. Suppl. Title : Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Supplement e-ISSN: 1463-1326 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1463-1326 AC : JN-0583 Abbrev: Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. Title : Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice ISSN : 0168-8227 e-ISSN: 1872-8227 CODEN : DRCPE9 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01688227 AC : JN-0585 Abbrev: Diabetologia Title : Diabetologia [Clinical and Experimental Diabetes and Metabolism] ISSN : 0012-186X e-ISSN: 1432-0428 CODEN : DBTGAJ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0012-186X AC : JN-0586 Abbrev: Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. Title : Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease ISSN : 0732-8893 CODEN : DMIDDZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07328893 AC : JN-0587 Abbrev: Diagn. Mol. Pathol. Title : Diagnostic Molecular Pathology [The American Journal of Surgical Pathology] ISSN : 1052-9551 e-ISSN: 1533-4066 CODEN : DMPAES Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/molecularpathology/ AC : JN-2527 Abbrev: Diatom Res. Title : Diatom Research ISSN : 0269-249X CODEN : DIRSEU Publis: Biopress Ltd. Server: http://www.isdr.org/index.php/publications/diatom-research/ AC : JN-0588 Abbrev: Differentiation Title : Differentiation ISSN : 0301-4681 e-ISSN: 1432-0436 CODEN : DFFNAW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0301-4681 AC : JN-0590 Abbrev: Dig. Dis. Sci. Title : Digestive Diseases and Sciences ISSN : 0163-2116 e-ISSN: 1573-2568 CODEN : DDSCDJ Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces Am. J. Dig. Dis., starts with vol. 24 in 1979. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0163-2116 AC : JN-4028 Abbrev: Dig. Endosc. Title : Digestive Endoscopy [Journal for Gastroenterologists and Endoscopic Surgeons] ISSN : 0915-5635 e-ISSN: 1443-1661 CODEN : BIRSE8 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0915-5635 AC : JN-4393 Abbrev: Dig. Liver Dis. Title : Digestive and Liver Disease ISSN : 1590-8658 e-ISSN: 1878-3562 CODEN : DLDIFK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15908658 AC : JN-0589 Abbrev: Digestion Title : Digestion ISSN : 0012-2823 e-ISSN: 1421-9867 CODEN : DIGEBW Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Gastroenterologia, starts with vol. 1 in 1968. Server: http://www.karger.com/DIG AC : JN-0591 Abbrev: Dis. Aquat. Organ. Title : Diseases of Aquatic Organisms ISSN : 0177-5103 e-ISSN: 1616-1580 CODEN : DAOREO Short : DAO Publis: Inter-Research Server: http://www.int-res.com/journals/dao/ AC : JN-0592 Abbrev: Dis. Colon Rectum Title : Diseases of the Colon and Rectum ISSN : 0012-3706 e-ISSN: 1530-0358 CODEN : DICRAG Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.discolrect.com/ AC : JN-0593 Abbrev: Dis. Markers Title : Disease Markers ISSN : 0278-0240 CODEN : DMARD3 Publis: IOS Press Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=02780240 AC : JN-3814 Abbrev: Dis. Model. Mech. Title : Disease Models and Mechanisms [The Use of Model Organisms to Advance Human Health] ISSN : 1754-8403 e-ISSN: 1754-8411 Short : DMM Publis: Company of Biologists Server: http://dmm.biologists.org/ AC : JN-3035 Abbrev: Discov. Innov. Title : Discovery and Innovation ISSN : 1015-079X CODEN : DIINE4 Publis: Academy Science Publishers Server: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/dai AC : JN-4122 Abbrev: Discov. Med. Title : Discovery Medicine ISSN : 1539-6509 e-ISSN: 1944-7930 Publis: Timonium, MD: Discovery medicine Server: http://www.discoverymedicine.com/ AC : JN-2438 Abbrev: Discrete Appl. Math. Title : Discrete Applied Mathematics [The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational Sciences] ISSN : 0166-218X e-ISSN: 1872-6771 CODEN : DAMADU Publis: North-Holland Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0166218X AC : JN-2339 Abbrev: Diss. Bot. Title : Dissertationes Botanicae ISSN : 0070-6728 CODEN : DIBOD5 Publis: J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/list/series/dissbot AC : JN-3265 Abbrev: Divers. Distrib. Title : Diversity and Distributions [A Journal of Conservation Biogeography] ISSN : 1366-9516 e-ISSN: 1472-4642 CODEN : DIDIFX Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1366-9516 AC : JN-0594 Abbrev: DNA Title : DNA ISSN : 0198-0238 CODEN : DNAADR Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by DNA Cell Biol., ends with vol. 8 in 1989. AC : JN-0595 Abbrev: DNA Cell Biol. Title : DNA and Cell Biology ISSN : 1044-5498 e-ISSN: 1557-7430 CODEN : DCEBE8 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces DNA, starts with vol. 9 in 1990. Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=13 AC : JN-0596 Abbrev: DNA Repair Title : DNA Repair ISSN : 1568-7864 e-ISSN: 1568-7856 CODEN : DRNEAR Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: DNA Repair (Amst.). Replaces Mutat. Res. - DNA Repair (ISSN 0921-8777), starts with vol. 1 in 2002. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15687864 AC : JN-0597 Abbrev: DNA Res. Title : DNA Research ISSN : 1340-2838 e-ISSN: 1875-6190 CODEN : DARSE8 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://dnaresearch.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0598 Abbrev: DNA Seq. Title : DNA Sequence [The Journal of DNA Mapping, Sequencing and Analysis] ISSN : 1042-5179 e-ISSN: 1029-2365 CODEN : DNAEES Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713640135 AC : JN-3234 Abbrev: Dobutsu Iden Ikushu Kenkyu Title : Dobutsu Iden Ikushu Kenkyu ISSN : 1345-9961 Publis: Nihon Dobutsu Iden Ikushu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Animal Genetics. AC : JN-2681 Abbrev: Doc. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol. Title : Documenta dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia ISSN : 0393-8395 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol. into J. Limnol., ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-4690 Abbrev: Doc. Ophthalmol. Title : Documenta Ophthalmologica ISSN : 0012-4486 e-ISSN: 1573-2622 CODEN : DOOPAA Publis: Springer Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/10633 AC : JN-2007 Abbrev: Dokl. Akad. Nauk Title : Doklady Akademii Nauk ISSN : 0869-5652 CODEN : DAKNEQ Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Note : Replaces Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, starts with vol. 326 in 1992. Also known as Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Doklady: Svodnyi Vypusk. Parallel language title: Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Server: http://www.maik.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?lang=eng&name=dan AC : JN-0599 Abbrev: Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Title : Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR ISSN : 0002-3264 CODEN : DANKAS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Dokl. Akad. Nauk, ends with vol. 325 in 1992. AC : JN-0600 Abbrev: Dokl. Biochem. Title : Doklady Biochemistry ISSN : 0012-4958 CODEN : DBIOAM Publis: Not published Note : This is an English translation of part of 'Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR'. Replaced by Dokl. Biochem. Biophys., ends with vol. 375 in 2000. AC : JN-0601 Abbrev: Dokl. Biochem. Biophys. Title : Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN : 1607-6729 e-ISSN: 1608-3091 CODEN : DBBOAL Publis: Pleiades Publishing Note : This is an English translation of part of 'Dokl. Akad. Nauk'. Replaces Dokl. Biochem., starts with vol. 376 in 2001. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=danbcbp&page=main http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1607-6729 AC : JN-0602 Abbrev: Dokl. Biol. Sci. Title : Doklady Biological Sciences ISSN : 0012-4966 e-ISSN: 1608-3105 CODEN : DKBSAS Publis: Pleiades Publishing Note : This is an English translation of part of 'Dokl. Akad. Nauk'. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=danbio&page=main http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0012-4966 AC : JN-3863 Abbrev: Dokl. Ross. Akad. Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk Title : Doklady Rossiiskaya Akademiya Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk ISSN : 0869-6128 CODEN : DRASE8 Publis: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk AC : JN-0603 Abbrev: Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. Title : Domestic Animal Endocrinology ISSN : 0739-7240 CODEN : DANEEE Short : DAE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07397240 AC : JN-2914 Abbrev: Dong Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao Title : Dong Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-0739 CODEN : DFXUEB Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongwu Fenlei Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica. Server: http://dwfl.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2045 Abbrev: Dong Wu Xue Bao Title : Dong Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 0001-7302 CODEN : TWHPA3 Publis: Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Zoologica Sinica. Server: http://www.actazool.org/ AC : JN-1898 Abbrev: Dong Wu Xue Yan Jiu Title : Dong Wu Xue Yan Jiu ISSN : 0254-5853 e-ISSN: 1007-8010 CODEN : DOYADI Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Kunming Dongwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongwuxue Yanjiu. Parallel language title: Zoological Research. Server: http://www.bioline.org.br/zr AC : JN-1933 Abbrev: Dong Wu Xue Za Zhi Title : Dong Wu Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0250-3263 CODEN : TWHCDZ Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongwuxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Zoology. Server: http://dwxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2999 Abbrev: Dong Wu Yi Xue Jin Zhan Title : Dong Wu Yi Xue Jin Zhan ISSN : 1007-5038 Publis: Xibei Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongwu Yixue Jinzhan. Parallel language title: Progress in Veterinary Medicine. Server: http://dwyxjz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4042 Abbrev: Dongbei Lin Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Dongbei Lin Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-5382 CODEN : DLDXEU Publis: Dongbei Linye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongbei Linye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Northeast Forestry University. Server: http://dblydxxb.periodicals.net.cn AC : JN-4004 Abbrev: Doriana Title : Doriana ISSN : 0417-9927 CODEN : DRNAAF Publis: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" Server: http://www.museidigenova.it/spip.php?article214 AC : JN-0604 Abbrev: Dros. Info. Service Title : Drosophila Information Service ISSN : 0070-7333 CODEN : DRISAA Short : DIS Publis: Ed. James N Thompson Jr. Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Drosoph. Inf. Serv. Server: http://www.ou.edu/journals/dis/ AC : JN-4544 Abbrev: Drug Alcohol Depend. Title : Drug and Alcohol Dependence ISSN : 0376-8716 e-ISSN: 1879-0046 CODEN : DADEDV Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/drug-and-alcohol-dependence AC : JN-4774 Abbrev: Drug Deliv. Title : Drug Delivery ISSN : 1071-7544 e-ISSN: 1521-0464 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/idrd20 AC : JN-4764 Abbrev: Drug Des. Dev. Ther. Title : Drug Design, Development and Therapy ISSN : 1177-8881 Publis: DovePress Server: https://www.dovepress.com/drug-design-development-and-therapy-journal AC : JN-0605 Abbrev: Drug Des. Discov. Title : Drug Design and Discovery ISSN : 1055-9612 e-ISSN: 1029-2322 CODEN : DDDIEV Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm., ends with vol. 4 in 2003. AC : JN-0606 Abbrev: Drug Dev. Res. Title : Drug Development Research ISSN : 0272-4391 e-ISSN: 1098-2299 CODEN : DDREDK Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2299 AC : JN-4455 Abbrev: Drug Discov. Ther. Title : Drug Discoveries and Therapeutics ISSN : 1881-7831 e-ISSN: 1881-784X CODEN : DDTRBX Publis: International Advancement Center for Medicine & Health Research Server: http://www.ddtjournal.com/ AC : JN-4469 Abbrev: Drug Discov. Today Title : Drug Discovery Today ISSN : 1359-6446 e-ISSN: 1878-5832 CODEN : DDTOFS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/drug-discovery-today AC : JN-0607 Abbrev: Drug Metab. Dispos. Title : Drug Metabolism and Disposition [The Biological Fate of Chemicals] ISSN : 0090-9556 e-ISSN: 1521-009X CODEN : DMDSAI Short : DMD Publis: ASPET Server: http://dmd.aspetjournals.org/ AC : JN-0608 Abbrev: Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. Title : Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics ISSN : 1347-4367 e-ISSN: 1880-0920 CODEN : DMPRB8 Short : DMPK Publis: Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics Note : Replaces Xenob. Metab. Dispos., starts with vol. 17 in 2002. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/dmpk AC : JN-2608 Abbrev: Drug Metab. Rev. Title : Drug Metabolism Reviews ISSN : 0360-2532 e-ISSN: 1097-9883 CODEN : DMTRAR Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/dmr AC : JN-0609 Abbrev: Drug News Perspect. Title : Drug News and Perspectives ISSN : 0214-0934 CODEN : DNPEED Publis: Prous Science Server: http://journals.prous.com/journals/servlet/xmlxsl/pk_journals.xml_journal_home_pr?p_JournalId=3 AC : JN-0610 Abbrev: Drug Resist. Updat. Title : Drug Resistance Updates ISSN : 1368-7646 e-ISSN: 1532-2084 CODEN : DRUPFW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13687646 AC : JN-0611 Abbrev: Drugs Title : Drugs ISSN : 0012-6667 CODEN : DRUGAY Publis: Adis International Server: http://adisonline.com/drugs/ AC : JN-0612 Abbrev: Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr. Title : Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift ISSN : 0341-6593 CODEN : DDTWDG Short : DTW Publis: Media-Daten Verlag AC : JN-4348 Abbrev: Ear Hear. Title : Ear and Hearing e-ISSN: 1538-4667 Note : Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/ear-hearing AC : JN-4222 Abbrev: Early Hum. Dev. Title : Early Human Development ISSN : 0378-3782 e-ISSN: 1872-6232 CODEN : EHDEDN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03783782 AC : JN-3537 Abbrev: Earth Environ. Sci. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. Title : Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ISSN : 1755-6910 e-ISSN: 1755-6929 CODEN : TRSSDZ Publis: The RSE Scotland Foundation Server: http://www.royalsoced.org.uk/rse_publications/volumes/trans.htm AC : JN-2137 Abbrev: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. Title : Earth and Planetary Science Letters ISSN : 0012-821X e-ISSN: 1385-013X CODEN : EPSLA2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0012821X AC : JN-3036 Abbrev: East. Mediterr. Health J. Title : Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal ISSN : 1020-3397 e-ISSN: 1687-1634 CODEN : EMHJAM Short : EMHJ Publis: World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Server: http://www.emro.who.int/EMHJ.htm AC : JN-4451 Abbrev: EBioMedicine Title : EBioMedicine ISSN : 2352-3964 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/23523964 AC : JN-2819 Abbrev: Ecography Title : Ecography [Pattern and Diversity in Ecology] ISSN : 0906-7590 e-ISSN: 1600-0587 CODEN : ECOGEG Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0906-7590 AC : JN-3369 Abbrev: EcoHealth Title : EcoHealth ISSN : 1612-9202 e-ISSN: 1612-9210 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1612-9202 AC : JN-2596 Abbrev: Ecol. Entomol. Title : Ecological Entomology ISSN : 0307-6946 e-ISSN: 1365-2311 CODEN : EENTDT Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0307-6946 AC : JN-4623 Abbrev: Ecol. Evol. Title : Ecology and Evolution e-ISSN: 2045-7758 Publis: Wiley Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20457758 AC : JN-3506 Abbrev: Ecol. Freshw. Fish Title : Ecology of Freshwater Fish ISSN : 0906-6691 e-ISSN: 1600-0633 CODEN : EFFIEW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0906-6691 AC : JN-3274 Abbrev: Ecol. Lett. Title : Ecology Letters ISSN : 1461-023X e-ISSN: 1461-0248 CODEN : ECLEFU Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1461-023X AC : JN-3832 Abbrev: Ecol. Monogr. Title : Ecological Monographs ISSN : 0012-9615 e-ISSN: 1557-7015 CODEN : ECMOAQ Publis: Ecological Society of America Server: http://esapubs.org/esapubs/journals/monographs.htm AC : JN-2834 Abbrev: Ecol. Res. Title : Ecological Research ISSN : 0912-3814 e-ISSN: 1440-1703 CODEN : ECRSEX Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0912-3814 AC : JN-3653 Abbrev: Ecol. Sci. Title : Ecologic Science ISSN : 1008-8873 Publis: Zhongguo Shiyan Zhenduanxue Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengtai Kexue. Parallel language title: Sheng Tai Ke Xue. AC : JN-2138 Abbrev: Ecology Title : Ecology ISSN : 0012-9658 e-ISSN: 1939-9170 CODEN : ECOLAR Publis: Ecological Society of America Server: http://www.esapubs.org/esapubs/journals/ecology.htm AC : JN-2139 Abbrev: Econ. Bot. Title : Economic Botany ISSN : 0013-0001 e-ISSN: 1874-9364 CODEN : ECBOA5 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0013-0001 AC : JN-2419 Abbrev: Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. Title : Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ISSN : 0147-6513 e-ISSN: 1090-2414 CODEN : EESADV Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01476513 AC : JN-0613 Abbrev: Ecotoxicology Title : Ecotoxicology ISSN : 0963-9292 e-ISSN: 1573-3017 CODEN : ECOTEL Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0963-9292 AC : JN-2903 Abbrev: Edinb. J. Bot. Title : Edinburgh Journal of Botany [An International Journal of Plant Systematics and Biodiversity] ISSN : 0960-4286 e-ISSN: 1474-0036 CODEN : NRYBAD Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=EJB AC : JN-4820 Abbrev: Egypt Heart J. Title : The Egyptian Heart Journal ISSN : 1110-2608 e-ISSN: 2090-911X Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/11102608 AC : JN-3138 Abbrev: Egypt. J. Biotechnol. Title : Egyptian Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 1110-6093 CODEN : EJBIF7 Publis: The Egyptian Society of Bio-Medical Sciencese Server: http://derp.sti.sci.eg/ AC : JN-2318 Abbrev: Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. Title : Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology ISSN : 0046-161X CODEN : EJGCA9 Publis: Egyptian Society of Genetics and Cytology Server: http://derp.sti.sci.eg/ AC : JN-3715 Abbrev: Egypt. J. Virol. Title : Egyptian Journal of Virology ISSN : 1687-1685 Publis: Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture AC : JN-0614 Abbrev: Eisei Dobutsu Title : Eisei Dobutsu ISSN : 0424-7086 CODEN : ESDBAK Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology. AC : JN-3590 Abbrev: Eksp. Onkol. Title : Eksperimentalnaya Onkologiya ISSN : 0204-3564 CODEN : EKSODD Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Exp. Oncol., ends with vol. 23 in 2001. AC : JN-2140 Abbrev: Electrochim. Acta Title : Electrochimica Acta ISSN : 0013-4686 e-ISSN: 1873-3859 CODEN : ELCAAV Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00134686 AC : JN-2754 Abbrev: Electron. J. Biotechnol. Title : Electronic Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 0717-3458 CODEN : EEBIF6 Publis: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso Server: http://www.ejbiotechnology.info/ AC : JN-0615 Abbrev: Electrophoresis Title : Electrophoresis ISSN : 0173-0835 e-ISSN: 1522-2683 CODEN : ELCTDN Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-2683 AC : JN-4221 Abbrev: Elife Title : Elife e-ISSN: 2050-084X Publis: eLife Sciences Publications Server: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1894/ AC : JN-2660 Abbrev: Elytra Title : Elytra ISSN : 0387-5733 Publis: Japanese Society of Coleopterology Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsc2/ AC : JN-0616 Abbrev: EMBO J. Title : The EMBO Journal ISSN : 0261-4189 e-ISSN: 1460-2075 CODEN : EMJODG Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/emboj/ AC : JN-4082 Abbrev: EMBO Mol. Med. Title : EMBO Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1757-4676 e-ISSN: 1757-4684 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1757-4676 AC : JN-0617 Abbrev: EMBO Rep. Title : EMBO Reports ISSN : 1469-221X e-ISSN: 1469-3178 CODEN : ERMEAX Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/embor/ AC : JN-0618 Abbrev: Emerg. Infect. Dis. Title : Emerging Infectious Diseases ISSN : 1080-6040 e-ISSN: 1080-6059 CODEN : EIDIFA Publis: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Server: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/ AC : JN-4378 Abbrev: Emerg. Microbes Infect. Title : Emerging Microbes & Infections e-ISSN: 2222-1751 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/emi/index.html AC : JN-0619 Abbrev: Emu Title : Emu [Austral Ornithology] ISSN : 0158-4197 e-ISSN: 1448-5540 CODEN : EMUUAI Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=96 AC : JN-3741 Abbrev: Endanger. Species Res. Title : Endangered Species Research ISSN : 1863-5407 e-ISSN: 1613-4796 Publis: Inter-Research Server: http://www.int-res.com/journals/esr/esr-home/ AC : JN-0620 Abbrev: Endocr. J. Title : Endocrine Journal ISSN : 0918-8959 e-ISSN: 1348-4540 CODEN : ENJOEO Publis: Japan Endocrine Society Note : Replaces Endocrinol. Jpn., starts with vol. 40 in 1993. AC : JN-4856 Abbrev: Endocr. Pract. Title : Endocrine Practice : Official Journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists ISSN : 1530-891X e-ISSN: 1934-2403 CODEN : EPNRAT Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/endocrine-practice AC : JN-0621 Abbrev: Endocr. Relat. Cancer Title : Endocrine-Related Cancer ISSN : 1351-0088 e-ISSN: 1479-6821 CODEN : ERCAE9 Publis: Society for Endocrinology Server: http://www.endocrinology.org/sfe/journals.htm#erc AC : JN-0622 Abbrev: Endocr. Res. Title : Endocrine Research ISSN : 0743-5800 e-ISSN: 1532-4206 CODEN : ENRSE8 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/erc AC : JN-0623 Abbrev: Endocr. Rev. Title : Endocrine Reviews ISSN : 0163-769X CODEN : ERVIDP Publis: The Endocrine Society Note : Incorporates Recent Prog. Horm. Res. in 2005. Server: http://edrv.endojournals.org/ AC : JN-0624 Abbrev: Endocrine Title : Endocrine ISSN : 0969-711X e-ISSN: 1559-0100 CODEN : EOCRE5 Publis: Humana Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0969-711X AC : JN-4520 Abbrev: Endocrinol. Diabetes Metab. Case Rep. Title : Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports e-ISSN: 2052-0573 Publis: Bioscientifica Server: https://www.edmcasereports.com AC : JN-0625 Abbrev: Endocrinol. Exp. Title : Endocrinologia Experimentalis ISSN : 0013-7200 CODEN : ENEXAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Endocr. Regul., ends with vol. 24 in 1990. AC : JN-0626 Abbrev: Endocrinol. Jpn. Title : Endocrinologia Japonica ISSN : 0013-7219 CODEN : ECJPAE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Endocr. J., ends with vol. 39 in 1992. AC : JN-4341 Abbrev: Endocrinol. Metab. Title : Endocrinology and Metabolism (Seoul, Korea) ISSN : 2093-596X e-ISSN: 2093-5978 Publis: Seoul Korean Endocrine Society Server: http://synapse.koreamed.org/search.php?where=jvolume&id=2008&code=2008ENM AC : JN-0627 Abbrev: Endocrinology Title : Endocrinology ISSN : 0013-7227 CODEN : ENDOAO Publis: The Endocrine Society Server: http://endo.endojournals.org/ AC : JN-0628 Abbrev: Endocyt. Cell Res. Title : Endocytobiosis and Cell Research ISSN : 0256-1514 Publis: International Society of Endocytobiology Server: http://zs.thulb.uni-jena.de/content/main/journals/ecb.xml?lang=en AC : JN-4323 Abbrev: Endoscopy Title : Endoscopy ISSN : 0013-726X e-ISSN: 1438-8812 Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: https://www.thieme-connect.de/products/ejournals/journal/10.1055/s-00000012 AC : JN-0629 Abbrev: Endothelium Title : Endothelium [Journal of Endothelial Cell Research] ISSN : 1062-3329 e-ISSN: 1029-2373 CODEN : ENDTE9 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/gend AC : JN-4740 Abbrev: Energy Environ. Sci. Title : Energy and Environmental Science ISSN : 1754-5692 e-ISSN: 1754-5706 CODEN : EESNBY Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases/about-journals/energy-environmental-science/ AC : JN-4020 Abbrev: Energy Fuels Title : Energy and Fuels ISSN : 0887-0624 e-ISSN: 1520-5029 CODEN : ENFUEM Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/enfuem AC : JN-4516 Abbrev: ENeuro Title : ENeuro e-ISSN: 2373-2822 Publis: Society for Neuroscience Server: http://www.eneuro.sfn.org AC : JN-0630 Abbrev: Eng. Life Sci. Title : Engineering in Life Sciences ISSN : 1618-0240 e-ISSN: 1618-2863 CODEN : ELSNAE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1618-2863 AC : JN-2183 Abbrev: Engei Gakkai Zasshi Title : Engei Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0013-7626 e-ISSN: 1880-358X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Jpn. Soc. Hortic. Sci., ends with vol. 76(3) in 2007. AC : JN-2636 Abbrev: Entomol. Abh. Title : Entomol. Abh. ISSN : 0373-8981 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Arthropod Syst. Phylogeny., ends with vol. 63 in 2005. AC : JN-3458 Abbrev: Entomol. Ber. Title : Entomologische Berichten ISSN : 0013-8827 CODEN : ETBRAV Short : BE Publis: Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging Server: http://www.nev.nl/eb/ AC : JN-2141 Abbrev: Entomol. Exp. Appl. Title : Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata ISSN : 0013-8703 e-ISSN: 1570-7458 CODEN : ETEAAT Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0013-8703 AC : JN-2775 Abbrev: Entomol. Fenn. Title : Entomologica Fennica ISSN : 0785-8760 CODEN : ENFEE8 Publis: Entomologica Fennica Server: http://www.entomologicafennica.org/ AC : JN-2142 Abbrev: Entomol. News Title : Entomological News ISSN : 0013-872X CODEN : ETMNA6 Publis: American Entomological Society Server: http://www.ansp.org/hosted/aes/1_home-entnews.html AC : JN-3016 Abbrev: Entomol. Res. Title : Entomological Research ISSN : 1738-2297 e-ISSN: 1748-5967 CODEN : KJETAE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Korean J. Entomology, starts with vol. ? in ?2004. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1738-2297 AC : JN-3223 Abbrev: Entomol. Sci. Title : Entomological Science ISSN : 1343-8786 e-ISSN: 1479-8298 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1343-8786 AC : JN-2983 Abbrev: Entomol. Sin. Title : Entomologia Sinica ISSN : 1005-295X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Insect Sci., ends with vol. 11 in 2004. AC : JN-2143 Abbrev: Entomol. Z. Insektenborse Title : Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenboerse ISSN : 0013-8843 Publis: Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH AC : JN-4485 Abbrev: Entomotech Title : Entomotech e-ISSN: 1882-5028 Server: http://www.agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp/sanshi-kyushu/entomo_contents.html AC : JN-2661 Abbrev: Environ. Biol. Fishes Title : Environmental Biology of Fishes ISSN : 0378-1909 e-ISSN: 1573-5133 CODEN : EBFID3 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0378-1909 AC : JN-3275 Abbrev: Environ. Chem. Title : Environmental Chemistry ISSN : 1448-2517 e-ISSN: 1449-8979 Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/188.htm AC : JN-4029 Abbrev: Environ. Earth Sci. Title : Environmental Earth Sciences ISSN : 1866-6280 e-ISSN: 1866-6299 CODEN : ENGOE9 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1866-6280 AC : JN-3680 Abbrev: Environ. Eng. Res. Title : Environmental Engineering Research ISSN : 1341-5115 Publis: Committee on Environmental Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineers Note : Parallel language title: Kankyo Kogaku Kenkyu Ronbunshu. AC : JN-3124 Abbrev: Environ. Eng. Sci. Title : Environmental Engineering Science ISSN : 1092-8758 e-ISSN: 1557-9018 CODEN : EESCF5 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/products/product.aspx?pid=15 AC : JN-2319 Abbrev: Environ. Entomol. Title : Environmental Entomology ISSN : 0046-225X CODEN : EVETBX Publis: Entomological Society of America Server: http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/periodicals/ee/ AC : JN-2390 Abbrev: Environ. Exp. Bot. Title : Environmental and Experimental Botany ISSN : 0098-8472 e-ISSN: 1873-7307 CODEN : EEBODM Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00988472 AC : JN-0631 Abbrev: Environ. Health Perspect. Title : Environmental Health Perspectives ISSN : 0091-6765 e-ISSN: 1552-9924 CODEN : EVHPAZ Short : EHP Publis: NIH Server: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/journals.html AC : JN-0632 Abbrev: Environ. Microbiol. Title : Environmental Microbiology ISSN : 1462-2912 e-ISSN: 1462-2920 CODEN : ENMIFM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1462-2912 AC : JN-4379 Abbrev: Environ. Microbiol. Rep. Title : Environmental Microbiology Reports ISSN : 1758-2229 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1758-2229 AC : JN-0633 Abbrev: Environ. Mol. Mutagen. Title : Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis ISSN : 0893-6692 e-ISSN: 1098-2280 CODEN : EMMUEG Short : EMM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2280 AC : JN-3869 Abbrev: Environ. Monit. Assess. Title : Environmental Monitoring and Assessment [An International Journal Devoted to Progress in the Use of Monitoring Data in Assessing Environmental Risks to Man and the Environment] ISSN : 0167-6369 e-ISSN: 1573-2959 CODEN : EMASDH Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-6369 AC : JN-0634 Abbrev: Environ. Pollut. Title : Environmental Pollution ISSN : 0269-7491 e-ISSN: 1873-6424 CODEN : ENPOEK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02697491 AC : JN-2144 Abbrev: Environ. Res. Title : Environmental Research ISSN : 0013-9351 e-ISSN: 1096-0953 CODEN : ENVRAL Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00139351 AC : JN-2835 Abbrev: Environ. Sci. Title : Environmental Sciences ISSN : 0915-955X CODEN : ESCIE6 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 14 in 2007. AC : JN-4030 Abbrev: Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. Title : Environmental Science and Pollution Research ISSN : 0944-1344 e-ISSN: 1614-7499 CODEN : ESPLEC Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0944-1344 AC : JN-0635 Abbrev: Environ. Sci. Technol. Title : Environmental Science and Technology ISSN : 0013-936X e-ISSN: 1520-5851 CODEN : ESTHAG Short : ES&T Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/esthag/ AC : JN-2888 Abbrev: Environ. Technol. Title : Environmental Technology ISSN : 0959-3330 e-ISSN: 1479-487X CODEN : ENVTEV Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t791546829 AC : JN-3086 Abbrev: Environ. Toxicol. Title : Environmental Toxicology ISSN : 1520-4081 e-ISSN: 1522-7278 CODEN : ETOXFH Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual., starts with vol. 14 in 1999. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-7278 AC : JN-2755 Abbrev: Environ. Toxicol. Chem. Title : Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry ISSN : 0730-7268 e-ISSN: 1552-8618 CODEN : ETOCDK Publis: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-8618 AC : JN-0636 Abbrev: Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Title : Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology ISSN : 1382-6689 e-ISSN: 1872-7077 CODEN : ETOPFR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13826689 AC : JN-3087 Abbrev: Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. Title : Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality ISSN : 1053-4725 CODEN : ETWQEZ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Environ. Toxicol., ends with vol. 13 in 1998. AC : JN-0637 Abbrev: Enzyme Title : Enzyme ISSN : 0013-9432 CODEN : ENZYBT Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Enzyme Protein, ends with vol. 46 in 1992. AC : JN-0639 Abbrev: Enzyme Microb. Technol. Title : Enzyme and Microbial Technology ISSN : 0141-0229 CODEN : EMTED2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01410229 AC : JN-0638 Abbrev: Enzyme Protein Title : Enzyme and Protein ISSN : 1019-6773 CODEN : EPROEA Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Enzyme, starts with vol. 47 in 1993. Publication ceased with vol. 49 in 1996. AC : JN-4398 Abbrev: Enzyme Res. Title : Enzyme Research ISSN : 2090-0406 e-ISSN: 2090-0414 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/er/ AC : JN-0640 Abbrev: Epidemiol. Infect. Title : Epidemiology and Infection ISSN : 0950-2688 e-ISSN: 1469-4409 CODEN : EPINEU Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=HYG AC : JN-3750 Abbrev: Epigenetics Title : Epigenetics [Official Journal of the DNA Methylation Society] ISSN : 1559-2294 e-ISSN: 1559-2308 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/epigenetics AC : JN-4184 Abbrev: Epigenetics Chromatin Title : Epigenetics & Chromatin e-ISSN: 1756-8935 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.epigeneticsandchromatin.com/ AC : JN-4360 Abbrev: Epigenomics Title : Epigenomics ISSN : 1750-192X CODEN : EPIGC7 Publis: Future Medicine Ltd. Server: http://www.futuremedicine.com/loi/epi AC : JN-0641 Abbrev: Epilepsia Title : Epilepsia ISSN : 0013-9580 e-ISSN: 1528-1167 CODEN : EPILAK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0013-9580 AC : JN-4741 Abbrev: Epilepsia Open Title : Epilepsia Open e-ISSN: 2470-9239 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/24709239 AC : JN-0642 Abbrev: Epilepsy Res. Title : Epilepsy Research ISSN : 0920-1211 e-ISSN: 1872-6844 CODEN : EPIRE8 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09201211 AC : JN-0643 Abbrev: Epilepsy Res. Suppl. Title : Epilepsy Research Supplement ISSN : 0922-9833 AC : JN-4366 Abbrev: Epileptic Disord. Title : Epileptic Disorders [International Epilepsy Journal with Videotape] ISSN : 1294-9361 e-ISSN: 1950-6945 CODEN : EPDIFP Publis: John Libbey Eurotext Server: http://www.epilepticdisorders.com AC : JN-0644 Abbrev: Epithelial Cell Biol. Title : Epithelial Cell Biology ISSN : 0940-9912 CODEN : ECBIEP Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 4 in 1994. AC : JN-4879 Abbrev: EPMA J. Title : The EPMA Journal ISSN : 1878-5077 e-ISSN: 1878-5085 Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/13167/ AC : JN-0645 Abbrev: Equine Vet. J. Title : Equine Veterinary Journal ISSN : 0425-1644 CODEN : EQVJAI Publis: British Veterinary Association Server: http://www.evj.co.uk/ AC : JN-3507 Abbrev: Ernst Schering Res. Found. Workshop Title : Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop ISSN : 0947-6075 CODEN : ESRWEL Publis: Springer Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0947-6075 AC : JN-2340 Abbrev: Esakia Title : Esakia ISSN : 0071-1268 Publis: Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Server: https://qir.kyushu-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2324/25 AC : JN-0646 Abbrev: Essays Biochem. Title : Essays in Biochemistry ISSN : 0071-1365 e-ISSN: 1744-1358 CODEN : ESBIAV Publis: Portland Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://essays.biochemistry.org/bsessays/ AC : JN-2537 Abbrev: Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. Title : Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ISSN : 0272-7714 e-ISSN: 1096-0015 CODEN : ECSSD3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02727714 AC : JN-2145 Abbrev: Ethiop. Med. J. Title : Ethiopian Medical Journal ISSN : 0014-1755 CODEN : EMDJA2 Publis: Ethiopian Medical Association AC : JN-3068 Abbrev: Ethn. Dis. Title : Ethnicity and Disease ISSN : 1049-510X e-ISSN: 1945-0826 CODEN : ETDIEI Publis: International Society on Hypertension in Blacks Server: http://www.ishib.org/ AC : JN-0647 Abbrev: Eukaryot. Cell Title : Eukaryotic Cell ISSN : 1535-9778 e-ISSN: 1535-9786 CODEN : ECUEA2 Short : EC Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by mSphere., ends with vol. ? in 2015. Server: http://ec.asm.org/ AC : JN-4388 Abbrev: EuPA Open Proteomics Title : EuPA Open Proteomics ISSN : 2212-9685 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22129685 AC : JN-0648 Abbrev: Euphytica Title : Euphytica [Netherlands Journal of Plant Breeding] ISSN : 0014-2336 e-ISSN: 1573-5060 CODEN : EUPHAA Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0014-2336 AC : JN-0649 Abbrev: Eur. Biophys. J. Title : European Biophysics Journal ISSN : 0175-7571 e-ISSN: 1432-1017 CODEN : EBJOE8 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Biophys. Struct. Mech., starts with vol. 11 in 1984. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0175-7571 AC : JN-0650 Abbrev: Eur. Congr. Biotechnol. Title : European Congress in Biotechnology AC : JN-0651 Abbrev: Eur. Cytokine Netw. Title : European Cytokine Network ISSN : 1148-5493 e-ISSN: 1952-4005 CODEN : ECYNEJ Short : ECN Publis: John Libbey Eurotext Server: http://www.europeancytokinenetwork.com/ AC : JN-3276 Abbrev: Eur. Food Res. Technol. Title : European Food Research and Technology ISSN : 1438-2377 e-ISSN: 1438-2385 CODEN : EFRTFO Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1438-2377 AC : JN-0652 Abbrev: Eur. Heart J. Title : European Heart Journal ISSN : 0195-668X e-ISSN: 1522-9645 CODEN : EHJODF Short : EHJ Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0653 Abbrev: Eur. J. Biochem. Title : European Journal of Biochemistry ISSN : 0014-2956 CODEN : EJBCAI Short : EJB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by FEBS J., ends with vol. 271 in 2004. AC : JN-0654 Abbrev: Eur. J. Cancer Title : European Journal of Cancer ISSN : 0959-8049 CODEN : EJCAEL Short : EJC Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09598049 AC : JN-2911 Abbrev: Eur. J. Cancer B Oral Oncol. Title : European Journal of Cancer. Part B: Oral Oncology ISSN : 0964-1955 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Oral Oncol., ends with vol. 32 in 1996. AC : JN-2889 Abbrev: Eur. J. Cancer Prev. Title : European Journal of Cancer Prevention ISSN : 0959-8278 e-ISSN: 1473-5709 CODEN : EJUPEK Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.eurjcancerprev.com AC : JN-0655 Abbrev: Eur. J. Cell Biol. Title : European Journal of Cell Biology ISSN : 0171-9335 e-ISSN: 1618-1298 CODEN : EJCBDN Short : EJCB Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Replaces Cytobiologie, starts with vol. 19 in 1979. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01719335 AC : JN-4493 Abbrev: Eur. J. Cell Biol. Suppl. Title : European Journal of Cell Biology. Supplement. ISSN : 0724-5130 Publis: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft AC : JN-0656 Abbrev: Eur. J. Clin. Invest. Title : European Journal of Clinical Investigation ISSN : 0014-2972 e-ISSN: 1365-2362 CODEN : EJCIB8 Short : EJCI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0014-2972 AC : JN-2866 Abbrev: Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. Title : European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ISSN : 0934-9723 e-ISSN: 1435-4373 CODEN : EJCDEU Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0934-9723 AC : JN-2027 Abbrev: Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Title : European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology ISSN : 0031-6970 e-ISSN: 1432-1041 CODEN : EJCPAS Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0031-6970 AC : JN-0657 Abbrev: Eur. J. Dermatol. Title : European Journal of Dermatology ISSN : 1167-1122 e-ISSN: 1952-4013 CODEN : EJDEE4 Short : EJD Publis: John Libbey Eurotext Server: http://www.europeanjournalofdermatology.com/ AC : JN-0658 Abbrev: Eur. J. Endocrinol. Title : European Journal of Endocrinology ISSN : 0804-4643 e-ISSN: 1479-683X CODEN : EJOEEP Publis: Bioscientifica Note : Replaces Acta Endocrinol., starts with vol. 130 in 1994. Server: http://www.eje-online.org/ AC : JN-0659 Abbrev: Eur. J. Entomol. Title : European Journal of Entomology ISSN : 1210-5759 CODEN : EJENE2 Publis: Czech Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.eje.cz/ AC : JN-0660 Abbrev: Eur. J. Epidemiol. Title : European Journal of Epidemiology ISSN : 0393-2990 e-ISSN: 1573-7284 CODEN : EJEPE8 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0393-2990 AC : JN-4319 Abbrev: Eur. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Title : European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ISSN : 0954-691X e-ISSN: 1473-5687 CODEN : EJGHES Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/eurojgh AC : JN-3790 Abbrev: Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol. Title : European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology ISSN : 0392-2936 CODEN : EJGODE Publis: I.R.O.G. Canada Inc. Server: http://www.irog.net/en-CA/index.aspx?CatID=4 AC : JN-0661 Abbrev: Eur. J. Haematol. Title : European Journal of Haematology ISSN : 0902-4441 e-ISSN: 1600-0609 CODEN : EJHAEC Short : EJH Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0902-4441 AC : JN-0662 Abbrev: Eur. J. Heart Fail. Title : European Journal of Heart Failure [Journal of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology] ISSN : 1388-9842 e-ISSN: 1567-4215 CODEN : EJHFFS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13889842 AC : JN-1985 Abbrev: Eur. J. Histochem. Title : European Journal of Histochemistry ISSN : 1121-760X e-ISSN: 2038-8306 CODEN : EJHIE2 Short : EJH Publis: Luigi Ponzio e Figlio Editori Server: http://www.ejh.it/index.php/ejh AC : JN-3370 Abbrev: Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. Title : European Journal of Horticultural Science ISSN : 1611-4426 e-ISSN: 1611-4434 CODEN : EJHSAS Publis: Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH Server: http://www.ejhs.de/ AC : JN-0663 Abbrev: Eur. J. Hum. Genet. Title : European Journal of Human Genetics ISSN : 1018-4813 CODEN : EJHGEU Short : EJHG Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ejhg/ AC : JN-0664 Abbrev: Eur. J. Immunogenet. Title : European Journal of Immunogenetics ISSN : 0960-7420 e-ISSN: 1365-2370 CODEN : EJOIE3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces J. Immunogenet., starts with vol. 18 in 1991. Replaced by Int. J. Immunogenet., end with vol. 31 in 2004. AC : JN-0665 Abbrev: Eur. J. Immunol. Title : European Journal of Immunology ISSN : 0014-2980 e-ISSN: 1521-4141 CODEN : EJIMAF Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4141 AC : JN-3492 Abbrev: Eur. J. Inflamm. Title : European Journal of Inflammation ISSN : 1721-727X Publis: BIOLIFE Server: http://www.biolifesas.org/contentsblu.htm AC : JN-4793 Abbrev: Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. Title : European Journal of Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 1469-0667 e-ISSN: 1751-6838 CODEN : EJMSCL Publis: Sage Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ems AC : JN-4081 Abbrev: Eur. J. Med. Chem. Title : European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 0223-5234 e-ISSN: 1768-3254 CODEN : EJMCA5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02235234 AC : JN-0666 Abbrev: Eur. J. Med. Genet. Title : European Journal of Medical Genetics ISSN : 1769-7212 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Ann. Genet., starts with vol. 48 in 2005. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/17697212 AC : JN-0667 Abbrev: Eur. J. Med. Res. Title : European Journal of Medical Research ISSN : 0949-2321 CODEN : EJMRFL Publis: I. Holzapfel Publishers Server: http://www.holzapfel-verlag.de/ AC : JN-4438 Abbrev: Eur. J. Microbiol. Immunol. Title : European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology ISSN : 2062-509X e-ISSN: 2062-8633 Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://www.akademiai.com/loi/1886 AC : JN-3728 Abbrev: Eur. J. Neurol. Title : European Journal of Neurology [The Official Journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies] ISSN : 1351-5101 e-ISSN: 1468-1331 CODEN : EJNEFL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1351-5101 AC : JN-0668 Abbrev: Eur. J. Neurosci. Title : European Journal of Neuroscience ISSN : 0953-816X e-ISSN: 1460-9568 CODEN : EJONEI Short : EJN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0953-816X AC : JN-4133 Abbrev: Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging Title : European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging ISSN : 1619-7070 e-ISSN: 1619-7089 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1619-7070 AC : JN-0669 Abbrev: Eur. J. Nutr. Title : European Journal of Nutrition ISSN : 1436-6207 e-ISSN: 1436-6215 CODEN : EJNUFZ Publis: Steinkopff Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1436-6207 AC : JN-4069 Abbrev: Eur. J. Ophthalmol. Title : European Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 1120-6721 e-ISSN: 1724-6016 CODEN : EJOOEL Publis: Wichtig Editore Server: http://www.eur-j-ophthalmol.com/public/ejo/ AC : JN-0670 Abbrev: Eur. J. Oral Sci. Title : European Journal of Oral Sciences ISSN : 0909-8836 e-ISSN: 1600-0722 CODEN : EJOSFY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0909-8836 AC : JN-4767 Abbrev: Eur. J. Orthod. Title : European Orthodontic Society ISSN : 0141-5387 e-ISSN: 1460-2210 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/ejo AC : JN-0671 Abbrev: Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol. Title : European Journal of Paediatric Neurology ISSN : 1090-3798 e-ISSN: 1532-2130 CODEN : EJPNFO Short : EJPN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10903798 AC : JN-4248 Abbrev: Eur. J. Pain Title : European Journal of Pain ISSN : 1090-3801 e-ISSN: 1532-2149 CODEN : EJPAFJ Short : EJP Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291532-2149 AC : JN-0672 Abbrev: Eur. J. Pediatr. Title : European Journal of Pediatrics ISSN : 0340-6199 e-ISSN: 1432-1076 CODEN : EJPEDT Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-6199 AC : JN-2013 Abbrev: Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. Title : European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN : 0928-0987 CODEN : EPSCED Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09280987 AC : JN-0673 Abbrev: Eur. J. Pharmacol. Title : European Journal of Pharmacology ISSN : 0014-2999 CODEN : EJPHAZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00142999 AC : JN-0674 Abbrev: Eur. J. Phycol. Title : European Journal of Phycology ISSN : 0967-0262 e-ISSN: 1469-4433 CODEN : EJPHE5 Short : EJP Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=EJP AC : JN-0675 Abbrev: Eur. J. Plant Pathol. Title : European Journal of Plant Pathology ISSN : 0929-1873 e-ISSN: 1573-8469 CODEN : EPLPEH Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces Neth. J. Plant Pathol. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0929-1873 AC : JN-0676 Abbrev: Eur. J. Protist. Title : European Journal of Protistology ISSN : 0932-4739 CODEN : EJPREZ Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Eur. J. Protistol. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09324739 AC : JN-3151 Abbrev: Eur. J. Soil Biol. Title : European Journal of Soil Biology ISSN : 1164-5563 e-ISSN: 1778-3615 CODEN : EJSBE2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/11645563 AC : JN-3371 Abbrev: Eur. J. Wildl. Res. Title : European Journal of Wildlife Research ISSN : 1612-4642 e-ISSN: 1439-0574 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1612-4642 AC : JN-3277 Abbrev: Eur. Mosq. Bull. Title : European Mosquito Bulletin ISSN : 1460-6127 Short : EMB Publis: University of East London Server: http://e-m-b.org/ AC : JN-0677 Abbrev: Eur. Neurol. Title : European Neurology ISSN : 0014-3022 e-ISSN: 1421-9913 CODEN : EUNEAP Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/ENE AC : JN-4483 Abbrev: Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. Title : European Neuropsychopharmacology ISSN : 0924-977X CODEN : EURNE8 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/european-neuropsychopharmacology AC : JN-0678 Abbrev: Eur. Respir. J. Title : European Respiratory Journal ISSN : 0903-1936 e-ISSN: 1399-3003 CODEN : ERJOEI Short : ERJ Publis: European Respiratory Society Server: http://erj.ersjournals.com/ http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=380 AC : JN-4748 Abbrev: Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. Title : European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences ISSN : 1128-3602 e-ISSN: 2284-0729 Publis: Verduci Editore Server: https://www.europeanreview.org/ AC : JN-4891 Abbrev: Eur. Thyroid J. Title : European Thyroid Journal ISSN : 2235-0640 e-ISSN: 2235-0802 Publis: Karger AG Server: https://etj.bioscientifica.com/ AC : JN-3495 Abbrev: Eurocancer Title : Eurocancer (Year) ISSN : 1253-0727 Publis: John Libbey Eurotext Server: http://www.eurocancer.com/ AC : JN-4121 Abbrev: Europace Title : European Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Electrophysiology : [The European Journal of Pacing, Arrhythmias and Cardiac Electrophysiology] ISSN : 1099-5129 e-ISSN: 1532-2092 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://europace.oxfordjournals.org/ http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10995129 AC : JN-3052 Abbrev: Eurosurveillance Title : Eurosurveillance ISSN : 1025-496X e-ISSN: 1560-7917 Publis: Centre Europeen pour la Surveillance Epidemiologique du SIDA Server: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ AC : JN-4567 Abbrev: Evid. Based Complement Alternat. Med. Title : Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine ISSN : 1741-427X e-ISSN: 1741-4288 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/ AC : JN-4904 Abbrev: Evodevo Title : Evodevo e-ISSN: 2041-9139 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://evodevojournal.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3088 Abbrev: Evol. Anthropol. Title : Evolutionary Anthropology [Issues, News, and Reviews] ISSN : 1060-1538 e-ISSN: 1520-6505 CODEN : EVANEW Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6505 AC : JN-4605 Abbrev: Evol. Appl. Title : Evolutionary Applications ISSN : 1752-4571 CODEN : EAVPAQ Publis: Wiley-Blackwell Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17524571 AC : JN-4358 Abbrev: Evol. Bioinform. Online Title : Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online e-ISSN: 1176-9343 Publis: Libertas Academia Server: http://www.la-press.com/journal-evolutionary-bioinformatics-j17 AC : JN-0680 Abbrev: Evol. Dev. Title : Evolution and Development ISSN : 1520-541X e-ISSN: 1525-142X CODEN : ELDMF9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1520-541X AC : JN-2538 Abbrev: Evol. Ecol. Title : Evolutionary Ecology ISSN : 0269-7653 e-ISSN: 1573-8477 CODEN : EVECEJ Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0269-7653 AC : JN-3320 Abbrev: Evol. Ecol. Res. Title : Evolutionary Ecology Research ISSN : 1522-0613 e-ISSN: 1937-3791 CODEN : EERVBJ Publis: Evolutionary Ecology Ltd. Server: http://www.evolutionary-ecology.com/ AC : JN-4578 Abbrev: Evol. Lett. Title : Evolution Letters e-ISSN: 2056-3744 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20563744 AC : JN-2371 Abbrev: Evol. Theory Title : Evolutionary Theory ISSN : 0093-4755 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Evol. Theory Rev., ends with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-2370 Abbrev: Evol. Theory Rev. Title : Evolutionary Theory and Review [An International Journal of Fact and Interpretation] ISSN : 1528-2619 CODEN : EVTHB4 Publis: University of Chicago, Department of Ecology and Evolution Note : Replaces Evol. Theory, starts with vol. ? in ?1992. This is a book series. AC : JN-0679 Abbrev: Evolution Title : Evolution [International Journal of Organic Evolution] ISSN : 0014-3820 e-ISSN: 1558-5646 CODEN : EVOLAO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Evolution Int. J. Org. Evolution. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0014-3820 AC : JN-0681 Abbrev: Exp. Anim. Title : Experimental Animals ISSN : 1341-1357 CODEN : JIDOAA Publis: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/expanim AC : JN-0682 Abbrev: Exp. Appl. Acarol. Title : Experimental and Applied Acarology ISSN : 0168-8162 e-ISSN: 1572-9702 CODEN : EAACEM Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0168-8162 AC : JN-0683 Abbrev: Exp. Biol. Med. Title : Experimental Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0071-3384 CODEN : EXBMAA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Issues in Biomed., ends with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-4269 Abbrev: Exp. Biol. Med. (Maywood) Title : Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.) ISSN : 1535-3702 e-ISSN: 1535-3699 CODEN : EBMMBE Publis: Sage Publications Note : Note : Replaces Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. Server: http://ebm.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-0684 Abbrev: Exp. Brain Res. Title : Experimental Brain Research ISSN : 0014-4819 e-ISSN: 1432-1106 CODEN : EXBRAP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0014-4819 AC : JN-2583 Abbrev: Exp. Cell Biol. Title : Experimental Cell Biology ISSN : 0304-3568 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Pathol. Immunopathol. Res. into Pathobiology, ends with vol. 57 in 1989. AC : JN-0685 Abbrev: Exp. Cell Res. Title : Experimental Cell Research ISSN : 0014-4827 e-ISSN: 1090-2422 CODEN : ECREAL Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00144827 AC : JN-0686 Abbrev: Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Title : Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology ISSN : 0232-7384 CODEN : EXCEDS Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Endokrinologie, starts with vol. 81 in 1983. Replaced by Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes, ends with vol. 102 in 1994. AC : JN-0687 Abbrev: Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes Title : Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes ISSN : 0947-7349 e-ISSN: 1439-3646 CODEN : ECEDFQ Publis: Johann Ambrosius Barth Note : Replaces Exp. Clin. Endocrinol., starts with vol. 103 in 1995. Server: http://www.thieme.de/fz/eced/ AC : JN-0688 Abbrev: Exp. Clin. Immunogenet. Title : Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics ISSN : 0254-9670 CODEN : ECIME4 Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1984 and ceased with vol. 18 in 2001. AC : JN-0689 Abbrev: Exp. Dermatol. Title : Experimental Dermatology ISSN : 0906-6705 e-ISSN: 1600-0625 CODEN : EXDEEY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0906-6705 AC : JN-0690 Abbrev: Exp. Diabesity Res. Title : Experimental Diabesity Research ISSN : 1543-8600 e-ISSN: 1543-8619 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Note : Replaces Int. J. Exp. Diabetes Res., starts with vol. 4 in 2003. Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/edr/ AC : JN-4243 Abbrev: Exp. Diabetes Res. Title : Experimental Diabetes Research ISSN : 1687-5214 e-ISSN: 1687-5303 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Diabetes Res., ends with vol. ? in 2012. Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jdr/ AC : JN-0691 Abbrev: Exp. Eye Res. Title : Experimental Eye Research ISSN : 0014-4835 e-ISSN: 1096-0007 CODEN : EXERA6 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00144835 AC : JN-0692 Abbrev: Exp. Gerontol. Title : Experimental Gerontology ISSN : 0531-5565 e-ISSN: 1873-6815 CODEN : EXGEAB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/05315565 AC : JN-0693 Abbrev: Exp. Hematol. Title : Experimental Hematology ISSN : 0301-472X e-ISSN: 1873-2399 CODEN : EXHMA6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0301472X AC : JN-0694 Abbrev: Exp. Lung Res. Title : Experimental Lung Research ISSN : 0190-2148 e-ISSN: 1521-0499 CODEN : EXLRDA Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/elu AC : JN-0695 Abbrev: Exp. Mol. Med. Title : Experimental and Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1226-3613 CODEN : EMMEF3 Short : EMM Publis: Korean Society for Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Note : Replaces Korean J. Biochem., starts with vol. 28 in 1996. Server: http://www.e-emm.org/ AC : JN-0696 Abbrev: Exp. Mol. Pathol. Title : Experimental and Molecular Pathology ISSN : 0014-4800 e-ISSN: 1096-0945 CODEN : EXMPA6 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00144800 AC : JN-0697 Abbrev: Exp. Mycol. Title : Experimental Mycology ISSN : 0147-5975 CODEN : EXMYD2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Fungal Genet. Biol., ends with vol. 19 in 1995. AC : JN-0698 Abbrev: Exp. Nephrol. Title : Experimental Nephrology ISSN : 1018-7782 e-ISSN: 1421-9956 CODEN : EXNEEG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Nephron Exp. Nephrol., ends with vol. 10 in 2002. AC : JN-4731 Abbrev: Exp. Neurobiol. Title : Experimental Neurobiology ISSN : 1226-2560 e-ISSN: 2093-8144 Publis: Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science Server: https://www.en-journal.org/main.html AC : JN-0699 Abbrev: Exp. Neurol. Title : Experimental Neurology [A Journal of Neuroscience Research] ISSN : 0014-4886 e-ISSN: 1090-2430 CODEN : EXNEAC Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00144886 AC : JN-2470 Abbrev: Exp. Oncol. Title : Experimental Oncology ISSN : 1812-9269 Publis: Morion LLC. Note : Parallel language title: Nauchno-tekhnicheskii Zhurnal. Replaces Eksp. Onkol., starts with vol. 24 in 2002. Server: http://www.exp-oncology.com.ua/en/archives/18/index.html AC : JN-0700 Abbrev: Exp. Parasitol. Title : Experimental Parasitology ISSN : 0014-4894 e-ISSN: 1090-2449 CODEN : EXPAAA Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00144894 AC : JN-0701 Abbrev: Exp. Physiol. Title : Experimental Physiology ISSN : 0958-0670 e-ISSN: 1469-445X CODEN : EXPHEZ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0958-0670 AC : JN-4382 Abbrev: Exp. Ther. Med. Title : Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine ISSN : 1792-0981 e-ISSN: 1792-1015 CODEN : ETMXA2 Publis: Spandidos Publications Ltd. Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/etm AC : JN-2868 Abbrev: Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. Title : Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology ISSN : 0940-2993 CODEN : ETPAEK Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09402993 AC : JN-0702 Abbrev: Experientia Title : Experientia ISSN : 0014-4754 CODEN : EXPEAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cell. Mol. Life Sci., ends with vol. 52 in 1996. AC : JN-2341 Abbrev: Experientia Suppl. Title : Experientia Supplementum ISSN : 0071-335X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by EXS, ends with vol. 56 in 1989. AC : JN-4434 Abbrev: Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. Title : Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy ISSN : 1471-2598 e-ISSN: 1744-7682 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iebt20 AC : JN-4267 Abbrev: Expert Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. Title : Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology ISSN : 1742-5255 e-ISSN: 1744-7607 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/loi/emt AC : JN-4249 Abbrev: Expert Opin. Invest. Drugs Title : Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs ISSN : 1354-3784 e-ISSN: 1744-7658 CODEN : EOIDER Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Expert Opin. Investig. Drugs Publication started in 1994. Continues Current opinion in investigational drugs Server: http://informahealthcare.com/loi/eid AC : JN-4142 Abbrev: Expert Opin. Ther. Targets Title : Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets ISSN : 1472-8222 e-ISSN: 1744-7631 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/ett AC : JN-1965 Abbrev: Expert Rev. Anti Infect. Ther. Title : Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy ISSN : 1478-7210 e-ISSN: 1744-8336 Publis: Future Drugs Server: http://www.expert-reviews.com/loi/eri AC : JN-4166 Abbrev: Expert Rev. Proteomics Title : Expert Review of Proteomics ISSN : 1478-9450 e-ISSN: 1744-8387 CODEN : ERPXA3 Publis: Expert Reviews Ltd. Server: http://www.expert-reviews.com/loi/epr AC : JN-4464 Abbrev: Expert Rev. Vaccines Title : Expert Review of Vaccines ISSN : 1476-0584 e-ISSN: 1744-8395 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ierv20 AC : JN-2342 Abbrev: EXS Title : EXS ISSN : 1023-294X CODEN : EXPSAU Publis: Birkhauser Basel Note : Replaces Experientia Suppl., starts with vol. 57 in 1989. AC : JN-0703 Abbrev: Extremophiles Title : Extremophiles [Life Under Extreme Conditions] ISSN : 1431-0651 e-ISSN: 1433-4909 CODEN : EXTRFI Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1431-0651 AC : JN-4061 Abbrev: Eye Title : Eye ISSN : 0950-222X e-ISSN: 1476-5454 CODEN : EYEEEC Publis: Nature Publishing Group Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Eye (Lond). Server: https://www.nature.com/eye/ AC : JN-4118 Abbrev: F1000 Biol. Rep. Title : F1000 Biology Reports ISSN : 1757-594X Publis: Faculty of 1000 Ltd Server: http://f1000.com/reports AC : JN-4524 Abbrev: F1000Research Title : F1000Research ISSN : 2046-1402 CODEN : FRESJL Publis: F1000 Research Ltd Server: https://f1000research.com AC : JN-0704 Abbrev: Fagopyrum Title : Fagopyrum [Scientific Journal on Buckwheat Research] ISSN : 0352-3032 Publis: International Buckwheat Research Association Server: http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/Fagopyrum/ AC : JN-4096 Abbrev: Fam. Cancer Title : Familial Cancer ISSN : 1389-9600 e-ISSN: 1573-7292 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1389-9600 AC : JN-0705 Abbrev: Faraday Discuss. Title : Faraday Discussions [Chemical Society Reviews] ISSN : 1359-6640 e-ISSN: 1364-5498 CODEN : FDISE6 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/FD AC : JN-2146 Abbrev: Farm. Vestn. Title : Farmacevtski Vestnik ISSN : 0014-8229 CODEN : FMVTAV Publis: Slovensko Farmacevtsko Drustvo Server: http://www.sfd.si/?viewPage=19 AC : JN-4762 Abbrev: FASEB Bioadv. Title : FASEB BioAdvances e-ISSN: 2573-9832 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/25739832 AC : JN-0706 Abbrev: FASEB J. Title : The FASEB Journal ISSN : 0892-6638 e-ISSN: 1530-6860 CODEN : FAJOEC Publis: FASEB Note : Replaces Fed. Proc., starts with vol. 1 in 1987. Server: http://www.fasebj.org/ AC : JN-0708 Abbrev: FEBS J. Title : The FEBS Journal ISSN : 1742-464X e-ISSN: 1742-4658 CODEN : FJEOAC Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Eur. J. Biochem., starts with vol. 272 in 2005. Server: http://www.febsjournal.org/ AC : JN-0707 Abbrev: FEBS Lett. Title : FEBS Letters ISSN : 0014-5793 e-ISSN: 1873-3468 CODEN : FEBLAL Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00145793 AC : JN-4202 Abbrev: FEBS Open Bio Title : FEBS Open Bio ISSN : 2211-5463 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/febsopenbio AC : JN-0709 Abbrev: Fed. Proc. Title : Federation Proceedings ISSN : 0014-9446 CODEN : FEPRA7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by FASEB J., ends with vol. 45 in 1986. AC : JN-2147 Abbrev: Feddes Repert. Title : Feddes Repertorium [Journal of Botanical Taxonomy and Geobotany] ISSN : 0014-8962 e-ISSN: 1522-239X CODEN : FRZBAW Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-239X AC : JN-0710 Abbrev: FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. Title : FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology ISSN : 0928-8244 e-ISSN: 1574-695X CODEN : FIMIEV Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pathog. Dis., ends with vol. 66 in 2012. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0928-8244 AC : JN-1942 Abbrev: FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. Title : FEMS Microbiology Ecology ISSN : 0168-6496 e-ISSN: 1574-6941 CODEN : FMECEZ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0168-6496 AC : JN-0711 Abbrev: FEMS Microbiol. Lett. Title : FEMS Microbiology Letters ISSN : 0378-1097 e-ISSN: 1574-6968 CODEN : FMLED7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : There were two editions of this journal: US and European. The volume number of the European edition was 16 to 21 units higher than that of the US edition. As the US edition is used by Medline, we also use it in Swiss-Prot. Since 1993 (vol. 106) both editions use the same numbering. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0378-1097 AC : JN-0712 Abbrev: FEMS Microbiol. Rev. Title : FEMS Microbiology Reviews ISSN : 0168-6445 e-ISSN: 1574-6976 CODEN : FMREE4 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0168-6445 AC : JN-0713 Abbrev: FEMS Symp. Title : FEMS Symposium ISSN : 0163-9188 CODEN : FEMSDW Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 75 in 1995. AC : JN-0714 Abbrev: FEMS Yeast Res. Title : FEMS Yeast Research ISSN : 1567-1356 e-ISSN: 1567-1364 CODEN : FYREAG Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1567-1356 AC : JN-3399 Abbrev: Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1673-520X CODEN : FXSXA3 Publis: Shanghai Kexue Jishu Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Fenzi Xiabao Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. Server: http://syswxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2597 Abbrev: Fern Gaz. Title : The Fern Gazette ISSN : 0308-0838 CODEN : FEGADG Publis: British Pteridological Society Server: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/bps/gazette.htm AC : JN-0715 Abbrev: Fertil. Steril. Title : Fertility and Sterility ISSN : 0015-0282 e-ISSN: 1556-5653 CODEN : FESTAS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00150282 AC : JN-0716 Abbrev: Fetal Diagn. Ther. Title : Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy ISSN : 1015-3837 e-ISSN: 1421-9964 CODEN : FDTHES Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/FDT AC : JN-2867 Abbrev: Fett Wiss. Technol. Title : Fett Wissenschaft Technologie ISSN : 0931-5985 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Fett, ends with vol. ? in 1995. Parallel language title: Fat Science. AC : JN-0717 Abbrev: Fibrinolysis Title : Fibrinolysis ISSN : 0268-9499 CODEN : FBPRFP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Fibrinolysis Proteolysis, ends with vol. 10 in 1996. AC : JN-0718 Abbrev: Fibrinolysis Proteolysis Title : Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis ISSN : 1369-0191 CODEN : FBRIE7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Fibrinolysis, starts with vol. 11 in 1997. Publication ceased with vol. 15 in 2001. AC : JN-4717 Abbrev: Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair Title : Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair ISSN : 1755-1536 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://fibrogenesis.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-0719 Abbrev: Field Crops Res. Title : Field Crops Research ISSN : 0378-4290 e-ISSN: 1872-6852 CODEN : FCREDZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03784290 AC : JN-3833 Abbrev: Fieldiana Bot. Title : Fieldiana: Botany ISSN : 0015-0746 CODEN : FLDBAG Publis: Chicago Natural History Museum Server: http://www.fieldmuseum.org/research_collections/fieldiana/ AC : JN-3460 Abbrev: Fieldiana Zool. Title : Fieldiana Zoology ISSN : 0015-0754 CODEN : FLDZAK Publis: Field Museum of Natural History Server: http://www.bioone.org/loi/fzoo AC : JN-0720 Abbrev: Fish Pathol. Title : Fish Pathology ISSN : 0388-788X CODEN : GYKEDT Publis: The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology Note : Parallel language title: Gyobyo Kenkyu. Server: http://www.fish-pathology.com/ AC : JN-0721 Abbrev: Fish Physiol. Biochem. Title : Fish Physiology and Biochemistry ISSN : 0920-1742 e-ISSN: 1573-5168 CODEN : FPBIEP Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0920-1742 AC : JN-0722 Abbrev: Fish Shellfish Immunol. Title : Fish and Shellfish Immunology ISSN : 1050-4648 e-ISSN: 1095-9947 CODEN : FSIMEP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10504648 AC : JN-2372 Abbrev: Fish. Bull. Title : Fishery Bulletin ISSN : 0090-0656 e-ISSN: 1937-4518 CODEN : FSYBAY Publis: U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, Scientific Publications Office Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Fish. Bull. (Wash. D. C.). Server: http://fishbull.noaa.gov/index.html AC : JN-2904 Abbrev: Fish. Manag. Ecol. Title : Fisheries Management and Ecology ISSN : 0969-997X e-ISSN: 1365-2400 CODEN : FMAEEL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0969-997X AC : JN-3089 Abbrev: Fish. Oceanogr. Title : Fisheries Oceanography ISSN : 1054-6006 e-ISSN: 1365-2419 CODEN : FIOCEN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1054-6006 AC : JN-2439 Abbrev: Fish. Res. Title : Fisheries Research ISSN : 0165-7836 e-ISSN: 1872-6763 CODEN : FISRDJ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01657836 AC : JN-2776 Abbrev: Fish. Sahul Title : Fishes of Sahul ISSN : 0813-3778 Publis: Australia New Guinea Fishes Association Server: http://www.angfa.org.au/publicat.html AC : JN-0723 Abbrev: Fish. Sci. Title : Fisheries Science ISSN : 0919-9268 e-ISSN: 1444-2906 CODEN : FSCIEH Short : FS Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : See also the Japanese edition: Nippon Suisan Gakkai Shi (ISSN 0021-5392). Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0919-9268 AC : JN-3582 Abbrev: Fitopatol. Bras. Title : Fitopatologia Brasileira ISSN : 0100-4158 CODEN : FIBRD2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Trop. Plant Pathol., ends with vol. 32 in 2007. AC : JN-2408 Abbrev: Fitopatol. Colomb. Title : Fitopatologia Colombiana ISSN : 0120-0143 Publis: Asociacion Colombiana de Fitopatologia y Ciencias Afines AC : JN-4585 Abbrev: Fitoterapia Title : Fitoterapia ISSN : 0367-326X e-ISSN: 1873-6971 CODEN : FTRPAE Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/fitoterapia AC : JN-2148 Abbrev: Fla. Entomol. Title : Florida Entomologist [An International Journal for the Americas] ISSN : 0015-4040 e-ISSN: 1938-5102 CODEN : FETMAC Publis: Florida Entomological Society Server: http://www.fcla.edu/FlaEnt/ AC : JN-4306 Abbrev: Fluids Barriers CNS Title : Fluids and Barriers of the CNS e-ISSN: 2045-8118 Publis: Biomed Central Server: http://www.fluidsbarrierscns.com/ AC : JN-3450 Abbrev: Fly Title : Fly ISSN : 1933-6934 e-ISSN: 1933-6942 Publis: Landes Bioscience Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Fly (Austin). Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/fly/ AC : JN-0724 Abbrev: Fold. Des. Title : Folding and Design ISSN : 1359-0278 CODEN : FODEFH Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Structure, ends with vol. 3 in 1998. AC : JN-2149 Abbrev: Folia Biol. (Krakow) Title : Folia Biologica (Krakow) [International Journal of Biological Research] ISSN : 0015-5497 e-ISSN: 1734-9168 CODEN : FOBGA8 Publis: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierzat Server: http://www.isez.pan.krakow.pl/journals/folia.htm AC : JN-0725 Abbrev: Folia Biol. (Praha) Title : Folia Biologica (Praha) ISSN : 0015-5500 CODEN : FOBLAN Publis: 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague Server: http://www.img.cas.cz/fb/ AC : JN-2637 Abbrev: Folia Entomol. Hung. Title : Folia Entomologica Hungarica ISSN : 0373-9465 CODEN : ROKOA5 Publis: Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum Server: http://www.nhmus.hu/modules/Kiadvanyok/folia/ AC : JN-3165 Abbrev: Folia Geobot. Title : Folia Geobotanica ISSN : 1211-9520 e-ISSN: 1874-9348 CODEN : FGPBA7 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1211-9520 AC : JN-2492 Abbrev: Folia Histochem. Cytobiol. Title : Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica ISSN : 0239-8508 e-ISSN: 1897-5631 CODEN : FHCYEM Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Histochemikow i Cytochemikow Server: http://fhc.amb.edu.pl/ AC : JN-3502 Abbrev: Folia Malacol. Title : Folia Malacologica ISSN : 1506-7629 Publis: Stowarzyszenie Malakologow Polskich Note : Replaces Folia Malacol. Zesz. Nauk. Akad. Gor. Hut. Im. Stanislawa Staszica, starts with vol. 6 in 1998. Server: http://www.foliamalacologica.com/ AC : JN-3630 Abbrev: Folia Malacol. Sci. Bull. Stanislaw Staszic Acad. Min. Metall. Title : Folia Malacologica. Scientific Bulletins of Stanislaw Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy ISSN : 0860-6307 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Folia Malacol. Zesz. Nauk. Akad. Gor. Hut. Im. Stanislawa Staszica, starts with vol. 4 in 1990. AC : JN-0726 Abbrev: Folia Microbiol. (Praha) Title : Folia Microbiologica (Praha) [International Journal for General, Environmental and Applied Micobiology, and Immunology] ISSN : 0015-5632 e-ISSN: 1874-9356 CODEN : FOMIAZ Publis: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Server: http://www.biomed.cas.cz/mbu/folia/ AC : JN-4326 Abbrev: Folia Neuropathol. Title : Folia Neuropathologica ISSN : 1641-4640 Publis: Termedia Publishing House Server: http://www.termedia.pl/Journal/Folia_Neuropathologica-20 AC : JN-2150 Abbrev: Folia Parasitol. Title : Folia Parasitologica ISSN : 0015-5683 CODEN : FPARA9 Publis: Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky, Parazitologicky Ustav Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Folia Parasitol (Praha). Server: http://www.paru.cas.cz/folia/ AC : JN-0727 Abbrev: Folia Primatol. Title : Folia Primatologica ISSN : 0015-5713 e-ISSN: 1421-9980 CODEN : FPRMAB Publis: Karger AG Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Folia Primatol. (Basel). Server: http://www.karger.com/FPR AC : JN-2409 Abbrev: Folia Zool. Title : Folia Zoologica ISSN : 0139-7893 CODEN : FOZODJ Publis: Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky, Ustav Biologie Obratlovcu Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Folia Zool. Brno. Server: http://www.ivb.cz/pubser_en.htm AC : JN-4077 Abbrev: Food Addit. Contam. Part A Chem. Anal. Control Expo. Risk Assess. Title : Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A - Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment ISSN : 1944-0049 e-ISSN: 1944-0057 CODEN : FACOEB Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t713599661 AC : JN-2598 Abbrev: Food Chem. Title : Food Chemistry ISSN : 0308-8146 e-ISSN: 1873-7072 CODEN : FOCHDJ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03088146 AC : JN-0728 Abbrev: Food Chem. Toxicol. Title : Food and Chemical Toxicology ISSN : 0278-6915 e-ISSN: 1873-6351 CODEN : FCTOD7 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02786915 AC : JN-3508 Abbrev: Food Control Title : Food Control ISSN : 0956-7135 e-ISSN: 1873-7129 CODEN : FOOCEV Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09567135 AC : JN-4584 Abbrev: Food Funct. Title : Food and Function ISSN : 2042-6496 e-ISSN: 2042-650X Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/fo AC : JN-2008 Abbrev: Food Microbiol. Title : Food Microbiology ISSN : 0740-0020 e-ISSN: 1095-9998 CODEN : FOMIE5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07400020 AC : JN-4632 Abbrev: Food Nutr. Sci. Title : Food and Nutrition Sciences ISSN : 2157-9458 Publis: Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Server: https://www.scirp.org/journal/FNS/ AC : JN-2905 Abbrev: Food Res. Intern. Title : Food Research International ISSN : 0963-9969 e-ISSN: 1873-7145 CODEN : FORIEU Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09639969 AC : JN-3346 Abbrev: Food Sci. Agric. Chem. Title : Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry ISSN : 1560-4152 CODEN : FSACFO Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Huaxuihui Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=557 AC : JN-3180 Abbrev: Food Sci. Biotechnol. Title : Food Science and Biotechnology ISSN : 1226-7708 CODEN : FSBOBR Publis: Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST) Server: http://fsnb.or.kr/ AC : JN-0729 Abbrev: Food Sci. Technol. Res. Title : Food Science and Technology Research ISSN : 1344-6606 CODEN : FSTRFS Short : FSTR Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/FST AC : JN-0730 Abbrev: Food Technol. Biotechnol. Title : Food Technology and Biotechnology ISSN : 1330-9862 e-ISSN: 1334-2606 CODEN : FTBRFD Short : FTB Publis: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology; University of Zagreb Server: http://www.ftb.com.hr/ AC : JN-3332 Abbrev: Foodborne Pathog. Dis. Title : Foodborne Pathogens and Disease ISSN : 1535-3141 e-ISSN: 1556-7125 CODEN : FPDOAF Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/products/product.aspx?pid=108 AC : JN-2663 Abbrev: For. Ecol. Manage. Title : Forest Ecology and Management ISSN : 0378-1127 e-ISSN: 1872-7042 CODEN : FECMDW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03781127 AC : JN-3208 Abbrev: For. Genet. Title : Forest Genetics ISSN : 1335-048X Publis: Arbora Publishers spol. s r.o. AC : JN-2557 Abbrev: For. Pathol. Title : Forest Pathology ISSN : 1437-4781 e-ISSN: 1439-0329 CODEN : FOPAFV Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1437-4781 AC : JN-3018 Abbrev: For. Stud. China Title : Forestry Studies in China ISSN : 1008-1321 e-ISSN: 1993-0372 CODEN : FSCOAV Publis: Springer and Beijing Forestry University Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1008-1321 AC : JN-2662 Abbrev: Forensic Sci. Int. Title : Forensic Science International [An International Journal Dedicated to the Applications of Genetics in the Administration of Justice] ISSN : 0379-0738 e-ISSN: 1872-6283 CODEN : FSINDR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03790738 AC : JN-3436 Abbrev: Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. Title : Forensic Science International: Genetics [An International Journal Dedicated to the Applications of Genetics in the Administration of Justice] ISSN : 1872-4973 e-ISSN: 1878-0326 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/18724973 AC : JN-4913 Abbrev: Forests Title : Forests e-ISSN: 1999-4907 CODEN : FOREGK Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests AC : JN-3697 Abbrev: Forschungsberichte ATB Title : Forschungsberichte des ATB ISSN : 1430-9742 Publis: Leibriz-Institut fur Agrartechnik Bornim Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2004. AC : JN-3882 Abbrev: Fragrance J. Title : Fragrance Journal ISSN : 0288-9803 CODEN : FUJAD7 Publis: Fureguransu Janarusha AC : JN-0731 Abbrev: Free Radic. Biol. Med. Title : Free Radical Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0891-5849 e-ISSN: 1873-4596 CODEN : FRBMEH Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08915849 AC : JN-0732 Abbrev: Free Radic. Res. Title : Free Radical Research ISSN : 1071-5762 e-ISSN: 1029-2470 CODEN : FRARER Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/fra AC : JN-0733 Abbrev: Free Radic. Res. Commun. Title : Free Radical Research Communications ISSN : 8755-0199 CODEN : FRRCEX Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 19(?) in 1993. AC : JN-2320 Abbrev: Freshw. Biol. Title : Freshwater Biology ISSN : 0046-5070 e-ISSN: 1365-2427 CODEN : FWBLAB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0046-5070 AC : JN-4420 Abbrev: Front. Aging Neurosci. Title : Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1663-4365 Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/neuroscience/agingneuroscience/ AC : JN-4154 Abbrev: Front. Behav. Neurosci. Title : Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1662-5153 Short : FNBEH Publis: Frontiers Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/behavioral_neuroscience AC : JN-4709 Abbrev: Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. Title : Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology e-ISSN: 2296-4185 Publis: Frontiers Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/bioengineering-and-biotechnology# AC : JN-4259 Abbrev: Front. Biol. Title : Frontiers in Biology ISSN : 1674-7984 e-ISSN: 1674-7992 CODEN : FBRIA3 Publis: Beijing : Higher Education Press ; Heidelberg : Springer Note : Publication started in 2011. Formerly (until 2010): Frontiers of Biology in China Server: http://www.springer.com/life+sci/journal/11515 AC : JN-0734 Abbrev: Front. Biosci. Title : Frontiers in Bioscience ISSN : 1093-4715 e-ISSN: 1093-4715 CODEN : FRBIF6 Short : FBS Publis: Frontiers in Bioscience Server: http://www.bioscience.org/current/currissu.htm AC : JN-4773 Abbrev: Front. Cardiovasc. Med. Title : Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine e-ISSN: 2297-055X Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/cardiovascular-medicine# AC : JN-4505 Abbrev: Front. Cell Dev. Biol. Title : Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology e-ISSN: 2296-634X Publis: Frontiers Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/Cell_and_Developmental_Biology AC : JN-4247 Abbrev: Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. Title : Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology e-ISSN: 2235-2988 Publis: Frontiers Note : Another abbreviation: FCIMB Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/cellular_and_infection_microbiology AC : JN-4273 Abbrev: Front. Cell. Neurosci. Title : Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1662-5102 CODEN : FCNRAH Publis: Frontiers Server: http://frontiersin.org/cellular_neuroscience AC : JN-4677 Abbrev: Front. Chem. Title : Frontiers in Chemistry e-ISSN: 2296-2646 CODEN : FCLSAA Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/chemistry# AC : JN-4403 Abbrev: Front. Endocrinol. Title : Frontiers in Endocrinology e-ISSN: 1664-2392 Short : FENDO Publis: Frontiers Server: http://journal.frontiersin.org/journal/endocrinology AC : JN-4878 Abbrev: Front. Fungal Biol. Title : Frontiers in Fungal Biology e-ISSN: 2673-6128 Publis: Frontiers Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/fungal-biology AC : JN-4364 Abbrev: Front. Genet. Title : Frontiers in Genetics e-ISSN: 1664-8021 Publis: Frontiers Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/genetics AC : JN-4877 Abbrev: Front. Genome Ed. Title : Frontiers in Genome Editing e-ISSN: 2673-3439 Publis: Frontiers Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/genome-editing AC : JN-4146 Abbrev: Front. Horm. Res. Title : Frontiers of Hormone Research ISSN : 0301-3073 e-ISSN: 1662-3762 CODEN : FHRSA7 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/fhore AC : JN-4253 Abbrev: Front. Immunol. Title : Frontiers in Immunology e-ISSN: 1664-3224 Short : FIMMU Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/immunology AC : JN-4876 Abbrev: Front. Mar. Sci. Title : Frontiers in Marine Science e-ISSN: 2296-7745 Publis: Frontiers Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/marine-science AC : JN-4139 Abbrev: Front. Med. Title : Frontiers of Medicine ISSN : 2095-0217 e-ISSN: 2095-0225 Publis: Beijing : Higher Education Press ; Heidelberg : Springer Note : Publication started in 2011. Formerly (until 2010): Frontiers of Medicine in China Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/2095-0217/ AC : JN-4189 Abbrev: Front. Microbiol. Title : Frontiers in Microbiology e-ISSN: 1664-302X Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/microbiology/ AC : JN-4470 Abbrev: Front. Mol. Biosci. Title : Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences e-ISSN: 2296-889X Publis: Frontiers Server: http://journal.frontiersin.org/journal/molecular-biosciences AC : JN-4472 Abbrev: Front. Mol. Neurosci. Title : Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1662-5099 Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/molecularneuroscience AC : JN-4579 Abbrev: Front. Neural Circuits Title : Frontiers in Neural Circuits ISSN : 1662-5110 CODEN : FNCRA5 Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://frontiersin.org/neural_circuits AC : JN-4452 Abbrev: Front. Neuroanat. Title : Frontiers in Neuroanatomy ISSN : 1662-5129 e-ISSN: 1662-5129 Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/neuroanatomy/ AC : JN-0735 Abbrev: Front. Neuroendocrinol. Title : Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology ISSN : 0091-3022 e-ISSN: 1095-6808 CODEN : FNEDA7 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00913022 AC : JN-4592 Abbrev: Front. Neurol. Title : Frontiers in Neurology e-ISSN: 1664-2295 Publis: Frontiers Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/neurology AC : JN-4583 Abbrev: Front. Neurosci. Title : Frontiers in Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1662-453X Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/neuroscience# AC : JN-4223 Abbrev: Front. Oncol. Title : Frontiers in Oncology e-ISSN: 2234-943X Publis: Frontiers Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/oncology AC : JN-4569 Abbrev: Front. Pediatr. Title : Frontiers in Pediatrics e-ISSN: 2296-2360 Publis: Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pediatrics AC : JN-4418 Abbrev: Front. Pharmacol. Title : Frontiers in Pharmacology e-ISSN: 1663-9812 CODEN : FPRHAU Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/pharmacology AC : JN-4244 Abbrev: Front. Physiol. Title : Frontiers in Physiology e-ISSN: 1664-042X Publis: Frontiers Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/physiology AC : JN-4201 Abbrev: Front. Plant Sci. Title : Frontiers in Plant Science e-ISSN: 1664-462X Publis: Frontiers Note : Electronic publication only, started with Vol. 1 in June 2010. Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/plant_science AC : JN-4912 Abbrev: Front. Psychiatry Title : Frontiers in Psychiatry e-ISSN: 1664-0640 Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation Server: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry AC : JN-4513 Abbrev: Front. Synaptic Neurosci. Title : Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1663-3563 Publis: Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne Server: http://www.frontiersin.org/synaptic_neuroscience/archive AC : JN-2024 Abbrev: Front. Zool. Title : Frontiers in Zoology e-ISSN: 1742-9994 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.frontiersinzoology.com/home/ AC : JN-0736 Abbrev: Fu Dan Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Fu Dan Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 0427-7104 CODEN : FHPTAY Publis: Shanghai Ke Xue Ji Shu Chu Ban She Note : Alternative transliteration: Fudan Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Alternative transliteration: Fudan Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science). AC : JN-2968 Abbrev: Fu Jian Yi Yao Za Zhi Title : Fu Jian Yi Yao Za Zhi ISSN : 1002-2600 CODEN : FYZUA2 Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui, Fujian Fenhui Note : Alternative transliteration: Fujian Yiyao Zazhi. Parallel language title: Fujian Medical Journal. Server: http://fjyyzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2716 Abbrev: Fujian Xumu Shouyi Title : Fujian Xumu Shouyi ISSN : 1003-4331 Publis: Fujina Xumu Shouyi Bianjibu Note : Parallel language title: Fujian Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary. Replaces Xumu Yu Shouyi, starts with vol. ? in ?. Server: http://fjxmsy.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0737 Abbrev: Fukui-ken Nogyo Shikenjo Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Fukui-ken Nogyo Shikenjo Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 1341-2345 Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of the Fukui Agricultural Experimental Station. Also abbreviated as: Bull. Fukui Agric. Exp. Sta. AC : JN-0738 Abbrev: Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi Title : Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi ISSN : 0016-254X CODEN : FKIZA4 Publis: Fukuoka Medical Society Note : Parallel language title: Fukuoka Acta Medica. AC : JN-0739 Abbrev: Fukuoka Univ. Sci. Rep. Title : Fukuoka University Science Reports ISSN : 0386-118X CODEN : FDRSDG Publis: Central Research Institute, Fukuoka University Note : Parallel language title: Fukuoka Daigaku Rigaku Shuho. Server: http://www.adm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/fu844/home2/Ronso/Ronso-top/Ronso-top.htm AC : JN-3883 Abbrev: Funct. Ecol. Title : Functional Ecology ISSN : 0269-8463 e-ISSN: 1365-2435 CODEN : FECOE5 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2435 AC : JN-0740 Abbrev: Funct. Integr. Genomics Title : Functional and Integrative Genomics ISSN : 1438-793X e-ISSN: 1438-7948 CODEN : FIGUBY Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1438-793X AC : JN-0741 Abbrev: Funct. Plant Biol. Title : Functional Plant Biology [An International Journal of Plant Function] ISSN : 1445-4408 CODEN : FPBUCP Short : FPB Publis: CSIRO Publishing Note : Replaces Aust. J. Plant Physiol., starts with vol. 29 in 2002. Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=102 AC : JN-3757 Abbrev: Funct. Plant Sci. Biotechnol. Title : Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology ISSN : 1749-0472 Publis: Global Science Books Server: http://www.globalsciencebooks.info/Journals/FDE.html AC : JN-2064 Abbrev: Fundam. Appl. Limnol. Title : Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv fur Hydrobiologie [Official Journal of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology] ISSN : 1863-9135 Publis: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : Replaces Arch. Hydrobiol., starts with vol. 168 in 2007. Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/journals/fal AC : JN-3671 Abbrev: Fundam. Appl. Nematol. Title : Fundamental and Applied Nematology ISSN : 1164-5571 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Nematologica into Nematology, ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-1973 Abbrev: Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. Title : Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology ISSN : 0767-3981 e-ISSN: 1472-8206 CODEN : FCPHEZ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Incorporates Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. in 1997. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0767-3981 AC : JN-4308 Abbrev: Fungal Biol. Title : Fungal Biology ISSN : 1878-6146 CODEN : FBUIAI Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18786146 AC : JN-4552 Abbrev: Fungal Biol. Biotechnol. Title : Fungal Biology and Biotechnology e-ISSN: 2054-3085 Publis: BioMed Central Note : Replaces Mycology Journal Server: https://fungalbiolbiotech.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3347 Abbrev: Fungal Divers. Title : Fungal Diversity ISSN : 1560-2745 Publis: Fungal Diversity Press Server: http://www.fungaldiversity.org/fdp/journal.html AC : JN-0742 Abbrev: Fungal Genet. Biol. Title : Fungal Genetics and Biology ISSN : 1087-1845 e-ISSN: 1096-0937 CODEN : FGBIF Short : FG&B Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces Exp. Mycol., starts with vol. 20 in 1996. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10871845 AC : JN-0743 Abbrev: Fungal Genet. Newsl. Title : Fungal Genetics Newsletter ISSN : 0895-1942 e-ISSN: 1556-1275 CODEN : FGNEEA Short : FGN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Fungal Genet. Rep., ends with vol. 54 in 2007. AC : JN-4699 Abbrev: Future Microbiol. Title : Future Microbiology ISSN : 1746-0913 e-ISSN: 1746-0921 Publis: Future Science Group Server: https://www.futuremedicine.com/journal/fmb AC : JN-2185 Abbrev: G. Bot. Ital. Title : Giornale Botanico Italiano ISSN : 0017-0070 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: G. Bot. Ital. (Florence, Italy). Replaced by Plant Biosyst., ends with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-4162 Abbrev: G3 (Bethesda) Title : G3: Genes - Genomes - Genetics e-ISSN: 2160-1836 Publis: Genetics Society of America Server: http://www.g3journal.org/ AC : JN-0744 Abbrev: Gansu Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Gansu Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1003-4315 Publis: Gansu Agricultural University Note : Alternative transliteration: Gansu Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Gansu Agricultural University. Server: http://gsnydxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2969 Abbrev: Gao Ji Shu Tong Xun Title : Gao Ji Shu Tong Xun ISSN : 1002-0470 CODEN : GTONE8 Publis: Gaojishu Tongxun Note : Alternative transliteration: Gaojishu Tongxun. Parallel language title: Chinese High Technology Letters. Server: http://gjstx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0745 Abbrev: Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi Title : Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0257-5655 CODEN : KHHCE2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci., ends with vol. ? in 1995. Alternative transliteration: Kao Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Gaoxiong Yixue Kexue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. AC : JN-3624 Abbrev: Gastroenterol. Jpn. Title : Gastroenterologia Japonica ISSN : 0435-1339 CODEN : GAJABC Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Gastroenterol., ends with vol. 28 in 1993. AC : JN-0746 Abbrev: Gastroenterology Title : Gastroenterology ISSN : 0016-5085 e-ISSN: 1528-0012 CODEN : GASTAB Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00165085 AC : JN-4770 Abbrev: Gastrointest. Endosc. Title : Gastrointestinal Endoscopy ISSN : 0016-5107 e-ISSN: 1097-6779 CODEN : GAENBQ Publis: Denver Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00165107 AC : JN-4022 Abbrev: Gayana Bot. Title : Gayana Botanica [International Journal of Biodiversity, Oceanology and Conservation] ISSN : 0016-5301 e-ISSN: 0717-6643 CODEN : GBCBAK Publis: Universidad de Concepcion, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanograficas Server: http://www2.udec.cl/gayana/ AC : JN-4031 Abbrev: Gefahrst. Reinhalt. Luft Title : Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft [Air Quality Control] ISSN : 0949-8036 e-ISSN: 1436-4891 CODEN : GRLUFZ Publis: Springer Server: http://www.technikwissen.de/gest/ AC : JN-0747 Abbrev: Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. Title : General and Comparative Endocrinology ISSN : 0016-6480 e-ISSN: 1095-6840 CODEN : GCENA5 Short : GCE Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00166480 AC : JN-2603 Abbrev: Gen. Pharmacol. Title : General Pharmacology [The Vascular System] ISSN : 0306-3623 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Vascul. Pharmacol., ends with vol. 37 in 2001. AC : JN-2493 Abbrev: Gen. Physiol. Biophys. Title : General Physiology and Biophysics ISSN : 0231-5882 CODEN : GPBIE2 Publis: Slovenska Akademia Vied, Ustav Molekularnej Fyziologie a Genetiky Server: http://www.gpb.sav.sk/ AC : JN-0748 Abbrev: Gene Title : Gene [An International Journal on Genes, Genomes and Evolution] ISSN : 0378-1119 CODEN : GENED6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03781119 AC : JN-0749 Abbrev: Gene Anal. Tech. Title : Gene Analysis Techniques ISSN : 0735-0651 CODEN : GANTDN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Genet. Anal., ends with vol. 6 in 1989. AC : JN-0750 Abbrev: Gene Expr. Title : Gene Expression [International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Science] ISSN : 1052-2166 e-ISSN: 1555-3884 CODEN : GEEXEJ Publis: Cognizant Communication Corp. Server: http://www.cognizantcommunication.com/filecabinet/Gene/genesub.htm AC : JN-0751 Abbrev: Gene Expr. Patterns Title : Gene Expression Patterns ISSN : 1567-133X e-ISSN: 1872-7298 CODEN : GEPEAD Short : GEP Publis: Elsevier Note : A section of Mechanisms of Development. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1567133X AC : JN-0752 Abbrev: Gene Funct. Dis. Title : Gene Function and Disease ISSN : 1438-7506 e-ISSN: 1438-826X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1438-826X AC : JN-0760 Abbrev: Gene Ther. Title : Gene Therapy ISSN : 0969-7128 e-ISSN: 1476-5462 CODEN : GETHEC Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/gt/ AC : JN-3333 Abbrev: Gene Ther. Mol. Biol. Title : Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology [From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Application] ISSN : 1529-9120 Publis: Cancer Therapy Server: http://gtmb.org/ AC : JN-4282 Abbrev: Genes (Basel) Title : Genes (Basel) e-ISSN: 2073-4425 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/genes AC : JN-0753 Abbrev: Genes Brain Behav. Title : Genes, Brain, and Behavior ISSN : 1601-1848 e-ISSN: 1601-183X CODEN : GBBEAO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1601-1848 AC : JN-4119 Abbrev: Genes Cancer Title : Genes and Cancer ISSN : 1947-6019 e-ISSN: 1947-6027 Publis: Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications Server: http://gan.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-0754 Abbrev: Genes Cells Title : Genes to Cells ISSN : 1356-9597 e-ISSN: 1365-2443 CODEN : GECEFL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1356-9597 AC : JN-0755 Abbrev: Genes Chromosomes Cancer Title : Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer ISSN : 1045-2257 e-ISSN: 1098-2264 CODEN : GCCAES Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2264 AC : JN-0756 Abbrev: Genes Dev. Title : Genes and Development ISSN : 0890-9369 e-ISSN: 1549-5477 CODEN : GEDEEP Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Server: http://genesdev.cshlp.org/ AC : JN-4667 Abbrev: Genes Dis. Title : Genes & Diseases ISSN : 2352-4820 e-ISSN: 2352-3042 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/genes-and-diseases AC : JN-0757 Abbrev: Genes Funct. Title : Genes and Function ISSN : 1360-7413 e-ISSN: 1365-4624 CODEN : GEFUFG Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1997 and ceased with vol. 1 in 1997. AC : JN-0758 Abbrev: Genes Genet. Syst. Title : Genes and Genetic Systems ISSN : 1341-7568 e-ISSN: 1880-5779 CODEN : GGSYF5 Publis: Genetics Society of Japan Note : Replaces Jpn. J. Genet., starts with vol. 71 in 1996. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ggs/_vols/-char/en AC : JN-4408 Abbrev: Genes Genomics Title : Genes and Genomics ISSN : 1976-9571 e-ISSN: 2092-9293 Publis: The Genetics Society of Korea Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/13258 AC : JN-0759 Abbrev: Genes Immun. Title : Genes and Immunity [Genetics, Genomics and Function] ISSN : 1466-4879 e-ISSN: 1476-5470 CODEN : GEIMA2 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/gene/ AC : JN-3727 Abbrev: Genes Nutr. Title : Genes and Nutrition [A Journal Devoted to Study of Relationship Between Genetics and Nutrition for Improvement of Human Health] ISSN : 1555-8932 e-ISSN: 1865-3499 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1555-8932 AC : JN-0761 Abbrev: GeneScreen Title : GeneScreen [An International Journal of Medical Genomics] ISSN : 1466-920X e-ISSN: 1466-9218 CODEN : GENEC5 Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 2000 and ceased with vol. ? in 2002. AC : JN-0762 Abbrev: Genesis Title : Genesis [The Journal of Genetics and Development] ISSN : 1526-954X e-ISSN: 1526-968X CODEN : GNESFY Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Dev. Genet., starts with vol. 26 in 2000. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1526-968X AC : JN-0763 Abbrev: Genet. Anal. Title : Genetic Analysis [Biomolecular Engineering] ISSN : 1050-3862 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biomol. Eng., ends with vol. 15 in 1999. AC : JN-4285 Abbrev: Genet. Couns. Title : Genetic Counseling ISSN : 1015-8146 Publis: Geneva : Edition Medecine Et Hygiene AC : JN-2471 Abbrev: Genet. Eng. Title : Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods ISSN : 0196-3716 CODEN : GENGDC Publis: Springer New York LLC Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Genet. Eng. (N.Y.). This is a book series. AC : JN-0764 Abbrev: Genet. Epidemiol. Title : Genetic Epidemiology ISSN : 0741-0395 e-ISSN: 1098-2272 CODEN : GENYEX Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2272 AC : JN-0771 Abbrev: Genet. Med. Title : Genetics in Medicine ISSN : 1098-3600 e-ISSN: 1530-0366 CODEN : GEMEF3 Short : GIM Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/geneticsinmedicine/ AC : JN-4933 Abbrev: Genet. Med. Open Title : Genetics in Medicine Open e-ISSN: 2949-7744 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/genetics-in-medicine-open AC : JN-0765 Abbrev: Genet. Mol. Biol. Title : Genetics and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1415-4757 e-ISSN: 1678-4685 CODEN : GMBIFG Short : GMB Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Genetica Note : Replaces Rev. Bras. Genet., starts with vol. 21 in 1998. Server: http://www.gmb.org.br/ AC : JN-0766 Abbrev: Genet. Mol. Res. Title : Genetics and Molecular Research e-ISSN: 1676-5680 CODEN : GGMRBI Short : GMR Publis: FUNPEC (Ribeirao Preto foundation for research) Server: http://funpecrp.com.br/gmr/ AC : JN-0767 Abbrev: Genet. Res. Title : Genetical Research ISSN : 0016-6723 e-ISSN: 1469-5073 CODEN : GENRA8 Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=GRH AC : JN-4246 Abbrev: Genet. Res. Int. Title : Genetics Research International ISSN : 2090-3154 e-ISSN: 2090-3162 CODEN : GRIEC3 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/gri/ AC : JN-2343 Abbrev: Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. Title : Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution ISSN : 0925-9864 e-ISSN: 1573-5109 CODEN : GRCEE9 Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces Kulturpflanze, starts with vol. 39 in 1992. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0925-9864 AC : JN-0768 Abbrev: Genet. Sel. Evol. Title : Genetics, Selection, Evolution [An International Journal in Animal and Evolutionary Genetics] ISSN : 0999-193X e-ISSN: 1297-9686 CODEN : GSEVE9 Short : GSE Publis: EDP Sciences Server: http://www.gse-journal.org/ AC : JN-0772 Abbrev: Genet. Test. Title : Genetic Testing ISSN : 1090-6576 e-ISSN: 1557-7473 CODEN : GETEF4 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=18 AC : JN-4182 Abbrev: Genet. Test. Mol. Biomarkers Title : Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers ISSN : 1945-0265 e-ISSN: 1945-0257 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Publication started in 2009. Continues Genetic Testing. Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/gte AC : JN-0769 Abbrev: Genetica Title : Genetica [An International Journal of Genetics and Evolution] ISSN : 0016-6707 e-ISSN: 1573-6857 CODEN : GENEA3 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0016-6707 AC : JN-0770 Abbrev: Genetics Title : Genetics ISSN : 0016-6731 CODEN : GENTAE Publis: Genetics Society of America Server: http://www.genetics.org/ AC : JN-0773 Abbrev: Genetika Title : Genetika ISSN : 0016-6758 CODEN : GNKAA5 Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Note : Parallel language title: Russian Journal of Genetics. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-bin/list.pl?page=genrus AC : JN-4461 Abbrev: Genom Data Title : Genomics Data e-ISSN: 2213-5960 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/genomics-data/ AC : JN-0774 Abbrev: Genome Title : Genome ISSN : 0831-2796 e-ISSN: 1480-3321 CODEN : GENOE3 Publis: NRC Research Press Server: http://www.nrc.ca/cgi-bin/cisti/journals/rp/rp2_desc_e?gen AC : JN-4227 Abbrev: Genome Announc. Title : Genome Announcements e-ISSN: 2169-8287 Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://genomea.asm.org/ AC : JN-0775 Abbrev: Genome Biol. Title : Genome Biology ISSN : 1474-7596 e-ISSN: 1474-760X Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://genomebiology.com/ AC : JN-4071 Abbrev: Genome Biol. Evol. Title : Genome Biology and Evolution e-ISSN: 1759-6653 Short : GBE Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://gbe.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2026 Abbrev: Genome Inform. Title : Genome Informatics [International Conference on Genome Informatics] ISSN : 0919-9454 CODEN : GINSE9 Publis: Universal Academy Press Server: http://www.jsbi.org/en/journal1/ AC : JN-0776 Abbrev: Genome Lett. Title : Genome Letters ISSN : 1537-3053 e-ISSN: 1537-3061 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Genome Sci. Technol, ends with vol. 2 in 2003. AC : JN-4284 Abbrev: Genome Med. Title : Genome Medicine e-ISSN: 1756-994X Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.genomemedicine.com AC : JN-0777 Abbrev: Genome Res. Title : Genome Research ISSN : 1088-9051 e-ISSN: 1549-5469 CODEN : GEREFS Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Note : Replaces PCR Methods Appl., starts with vol. 5 in 1995. Server: http://genome.cshlp.org/ AC : JN-0778 Abbrev: Genome Sci. Technol. Title : Genome Science and Technology ISSN : 1070-2830 CODEN : GSTEFY Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Microb. Comp. Genomics., ends with vol. ? in 1995. AC : JN-0779 Abbrev: Genomics Title : Genomics ISSN : 0888-7543 e-ISSN: 1089-8646 CODEN : GNMCEP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08887543 AC : JN-0780 Abbrev: Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics Title : Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics ISSN : 1672-0229 CODEN : GPBEBL Short : GPB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/16720229 AC : JN-2678 Abbrev: Gensei Dobutsugaku Zasshi Title : Gensei Dobutsugaku Zasshi ISSN : 0388-3752 Publis: Nihon Gensei Dobutsu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: The Japanese Journal of Protozoology. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsproto/journal/ AC : JN-2151 Abbrev: Genus Title : Genus ISSN : 0016-6987 CODEN : GNUSA7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Genus J. Popul. Stud., ends with vol. 64 in 2008. AC : JN-3304 Abbrev: Geobiology Title : Geobiology ISSN : 1472-4677 e-ISSN: 1472-4669 CODEN : GEOBCZ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1472-4677 AC : JN-3305 Abbrev: Geochem. Trans. Title : Geochemical Transactions e-ISSN: 1467-4866 CODEN : GETRF9 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.geochemicaltransactions.com/ AC : JN-2152 Abbrev: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Title : Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ISSN : 0016-7037 e-ISSN: 1872-9533 CODEN : GCACAK Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00167037 AC : JN-2153 Abbrev: Geoderma Title : Geoderma [A Global Journal of Soil Science] ISSN : 0016-7061 e-ISSN: 1872-6259 CODEN : GEDMAB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00167061 AC : JN-3753 Abbrev: Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. Title : Geological Society Special Publication ISSN : 0305-8719 CODEN : GSSPDQ Publis: Geological Society Publishing House Server: http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/gsl/publications/books/sp AC : JN-2344 Abbrev: Geol. Ultraiectina Title : Geologica Ultraiectina ISSN : 0072-1026 e-ISSN: 1872-8405 CODEN : GEULAP Publis: Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Aardwetenschappen AC : JN-0781 Abbrev: Geology Title : Geology ISSN : 0091-7613 CODEN : GLGYBA Publis: Geological Society of America Server: http://www.gsajournals.org/perlserv/?request=index-html&issn=0091-7613 AC : JN-2420 Abbrev: Geomicrobiol. J. Title : Geomicrobiology Journal [An International Journal of Geomicrobiology and Microbial Biogeochemistry] ISSN : 0149-0451 e-ISSN: 1521-0529 CODEN : GEJODG Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713722957 AC : JN-0782 Abbrev: Ger. J. Ophthalmol. Title : German Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 0941-2921 CODEN : GJOPEC Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. (?) in 1997. AC : JN-0783 Abbrev: Gerontology Title : Gerontology ISSN : 0304-324X e-ISSN: 1423-0003 CODEN : GERNDJ Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/GER AC : JN-2778 Abbrev: Gibier Faune Sauvage Title : Gibier, Faune Sauvage ISSN : 0761-9243 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Game Wildl. Sci., ends with vol. ? in ?1999. AC : JN-4533 Abbrev: Gigascience Title : Gigascience e-ISSN: 2047-217X Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/gigascience AC : JN-3696 Abbrev: Glaucoma Update Title : Glaucoma Update ISSN : 1430-631X Publis: Kaden Verlag (Heidelberg) AC : JN-0784 Abbrev: Glia Title : Glia ISSN : 0894-1491 e-ISSN: 1098-1136 CODEN : GLIAEJ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-1136 AC : JN-3246 Abbrev: Glob. Chang. Biol. Title : Global Change Biology ISSN : 1354-1013 e-ISSN: 1365-2486 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1354-1013 AC : JN-3306 Abbrev: Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. Title : Global Ecology and Biogeography [A Journal of Macroecology] ISSN : 1466-822X e-ISSN: 1466-8238 CODEN : GEBIFS Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1466-822X AC : JN-0785 Abbrev: Glycobiology Title : Glycobiology ISSN : 0959-6658 e-ISSN: 1460-2423 CODEN : GLYCE3 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://glycob.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0786 Abbrev: Glycoconj. J. Title : Glycoconjugate Journal ISSN : 0282-0080 e-ISSN: 1573-4986 CODEN : GLJOEW Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0282-0080 AC : JN-2970 Abbrev: Gong Ye Wei Sheng Wu Title : Gong Ye Wei Sheng Wu ISSN : 1001-6678 CODEN : GOWEEK Publis: Shanghai Gongye Weishengwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Gongye Weishengwu. Parallel language title: Industrial Microbiology. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=1238 AC : JN-3835 Abbrev: Gorteria Title : Gorteria [Tijdschrift voor Onderzoek aan de Wilde Flora] ISSN : 0017-2294 Publis: Nationaal Herbarium Nederland/Leiden Branch Server: http://www.nationaalherbarium.nl/Gorteriaweb/ AC : JN-0787 Abbrev: Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. Title : Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology ISSN : 0721-832X e-ISSN: 1435-702X CODEN : GACODL Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1435-702X AC : JN-2624 Abbrev: Graellsia Title : Graellsia ISSN : 0367-5041 CODEN : GRAEAT Publis: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Server: http://www.mncn.csic.es/revistas/ AC : JN-2154 Abbrev: Grana Title : Grana [International Journal of Palynology and Aerobiology] ISSN : 0017-3134 e-ISSN: 1651-2049 CODEN : GRNABF Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713648917 AC : JN-2421 Abbrev: Grass Forage Sci. Title : Grass and Forage Science ISSN : 0142-5242 e-ISSN: 1365-2494 CODEN : GFSCDW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0142-5242 AC : JN-2698 Abbrev: Grassl. Sci. Title : Grassland Science ISSN : 1744-6961 CODEN : NPSGAI Publis: Japanese Society of Grassland Science Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1744-6961 AC : JN-3802 Abbrev: Gravit. Space Biol. Bull. Title : Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin ISSN : 1089-988X Publis: American Society of Gravitational and Space Biology Note : Alternative name: Gravitational and Space Biology. Server: http://gravitationalandspacebiology.org/index.php/journal AC : JN-2186 Abbrev: Great Basin Nat. Title : Great Basin Naturalist ISSN : 0017-3614 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by West. N. Am. Nat., ends with vol. 59 in 1999. AC : JN-4929 Abbrev: Green Chem. Title : Green Chemistry ISSN : 1463-9262 e-ISSN: 1463-9270 CODEN : GRCHFJ Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/gc AC : JN-4091 Abbrev: Green Farming Title : Green Farming - International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences Server: http://www.greenfarming.in/ AC : JN-0788 Abbrev: Growth Factors Title : Growth Factors ISSN : 0897-7194 e-ISSN: 1029-2292 CODEN : GRFAEC Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/grf AC : JN-0789 Abbrev: Growth Horm. IGF Res. Title : Growth Hormone and IGF Research ISSN : 1096-6374 e-ISSN: 1532-2238 CODEN : GHIRF9 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10966374 AC : JN-0790 Abbrev: Growth Regul. Title : Growth Regulation ISSN : 0956-523X Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Endocrinol. Metab. into Growth Horm. IGF Res., ends with vol. 7 in 1997. AC : JN-2129 Abbrev: Gu Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Gu Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 0001-6616 CODEN : KSWHAT Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Gu Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta palaeontologica Sinica. Server: http://gswx.chinajournal.net.cn/ AC : JN-2971 Abbrev: Guangdong Yi Xue Title : Guangdong Yi Xue ISSN : 1001-9448 CODEN : GUYIEG Publis: Guangdong Yixue Qingbao Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Guangdong Yixue. Parallel language title: Guangdong Medical Journal. Server: http://gdyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3019 Abbrev: Guangxi Nong Ye Sheng Wu Ke Xue Title : Guangxi Nong Ye Sheng Wu Ke Xue ISSN : 1008-3464 CODEN : GNSKB8 Publis: Guangxi Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Guangxi Nongye Shengwu Kexue. Parallel language title: Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science. Server: http://gxnyswkx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3645 Abbrev: Guangxi Xu Mu Shou Yi Title : Guangxi Xu Mu Shou Yi ISSN : 1002-5235 Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Ha'erbin Shouyi Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Guangxi Xumu Shouyi. Parallel language title: Guangxi Journal of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine. Server: http://ckrd85.cnki.net/kns50/Navi/list.aspx?NaviID=1&Field=issn&Value=%3f1002-5235 AC : JN-2934 Abbrev: Guangxi Zhi Wu Title : Guangxi Zhi Wu ISSN : 1000-3142 CODEN : GUZHEI Publis: Guangxi Zhiwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Guangxi Zhiwu. Parallel language title: Guihaia. Server: http://gxzw.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3672 Abbrev: Guelph Ichthyol. Rev. Title : Guelph Ichthyology Reviews ISSN : 1181-8549 Publis: Institute of Ichthyology, University of Guelph Server: http://gir.uoguelph.ca/issue/current AC : JN-3739 Abbrev: Guizhou Nong Ye Ke Xue Title : Guizhou Nong Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 1001-3601 CODEN : GNKUAV Publis: Guizhou Sheng Nong Ye Ke Xue Yuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Guizhou Nongye Kexue. Parallel language title: Guizhou Agricultural Science. Server: http://gznykx.periodicals.net.cn/default.html AC : JN-3125 Abbrev: Gulf Mex. Sci. Title : Gulf of Mexico Science ISSN : 1087-688X CODEN : NGSCDE Publis: Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium of Alabama Server: http://goms.disl.org/ AC : JN-3020 Abbrev: Guo Shu Xue Bao Title : Guo Shu Xue Bao ISSN : 1009-9980 CODEN : GXUUBG Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Zhengzhou Guoshu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Guoshu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Fruit Science. Server: http://gskx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0791 Abbrev: Gut Title : Gut ISSN : 0017-5749 e-ISSN: 1458-3288 CODEN : GUTTAK Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://gut.bmj.com/ AC : JN-4761 Abbrev: Gut Microbes Title : Gut Microbes ISSN : 1949-0976 e-ISSN: 1949-0984 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/kgmi20/current AC : JN-4881 Abbrev: Gut Pathog. Title : Gut Pathogens e-ISSN: 1757-4749 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://gutpathogens.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-0792 Abbrev: Gynecol. Endocrinol. Title : Gynecological Endocrinology ISSN : 0951-3590 e-ISSN: 1473-0766 CODEN : GYENER Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/gye AC : JN-4572 Abbrev: Gynecol. Obstet. Invest. Title : Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation ISSN : 0378-7346 e-ISSN: 1423-002X CODEN : GOBIDS Publis: Karger AG Server: https://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/223845 AC : JN-0793 Abbrev: Gynecol. Oncol. Title : Gynecologic Oncology ISSN : 0090-8258 e-ISSN: 1095-6859 CODEN : GYNOA3 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00908258 AC : JN-3563 Abbrev: Gyoruigaku Zasshi Title : Gyoruigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0021-5090 CODEN : GYOZA7 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. Replaced in part by Ichthyol. Res. in 1996. AC : JN-3235 Abbrev: Hachu Ryoseirui Gakkaiho Title : Hachu Ryoseirui Gakkaiho ISSN : 1345-5826 Publis: Nihon Hachu Ryoseirui Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan. Server: http://zoo.zool.kyoto-u.ac.jp/herp/publications/ AC : JN-2699 Abbrev: Haematol. Blood Transfus. Title : Haematology and Blood Transfusion ISSN : 0171-7111 CODEN : HBTRDV Publis: Springer Note : Replaces Haematol. Bluttransfus., starts with vol. 20 in 1977. AC : JN-3623 Abbrev: Haematol. Bluttransfus. Title : Hamatologie und Bluttransfusion ISSN : 0440-0607 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Haematol. Blood Transfus., ends with vol. 19 in 1976. AC : JN-0797 Abbrev: Haematologica Title : Haematologica [The Hematology Journal] ISSN : 0390-6078 e-ISSN: 1592-8721 CODEN : HAEMAX Publis: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore Server: http://www.haematologica-thj.org/ AC : JN-0794 Abbrev: Haemophilia Title : Haemophilia ISSN : 1351-8216 e-ISSN: 1365-2516 CODEN : HAEMF4 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291365-2516 AC : JN-0795 Abbrev: Haemostasis Title : Haemostasis [International Journal on Haemostasis and Thrombosis Research] ISSN : 0301-0147 CODEN : HMTSB7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pathophysiol. Haemost. Thromb., ends with vol. 31 in 2001. AC : JN-0798 Abbrev: Haerbin Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Ha'erbin Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-1905 CODEN : HYDAES Note : Alternative transliteration: Ha'erbin Yike Daxue Xuebao. Alternative transliteration: Harbin Yike Daxue Xue Bao. Parallel language title: Journal of Harbin Medical University. Server: http://hebykdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2935 Abbrev: Hai Yang Ke Xue Title : Hai Yang Ke Xue ISSN : 1000-3096 CODEN : HAKEE9 Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Haiyang Kexue. Parallel language title: Marine Sciences. Server: http://hykx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2915 Abbrev: Hamadryad Title : Hamadryad [Journal of the Centre for Herpetology] ISSN : 0972-205X CODEN : HAMAE7 Publis: Centre for Herpetology, Madras Crocodile Bank Trust Server: http://www.madrascrocodilebank.org/cms/publications/ AC : JN-3166 Abbrev: Han-gug Yangsig Hag-hoeji Title : Han-gug Yangsig Hag-hoeji ISSN : 1226-0193 Publis: Han-gug Yangsig Hag-hoe AC : JN-3800 Abbrev: Handb. Exp. Pharmacol. Title : Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology ISSN : 0171-2004 e-ISSN: 1865-0325 CODEN : HEPHD2 Publis: Springer Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0171-2004 AC : JN-3173 Abbrev: Hangug Haeyang Haghoeji Title : Hangug Haeyang Haghoeji ISSN : 1225-1283 CODEN : HHHCAX Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Han'gug Haeyang Haghoeji. Parallel language title: Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography. Replaced by Ocean Sci. J., ends with vol. ? in 2004. AC : JN-2706 Abbrev: Hangug Nimhag Hoi Ji Title : Hangug Nimhag Hoi Ji ISSN : 0445-4650 CODEN : HALIEQ Publis: Korean Forestry Society Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Korean Forestry Society. AC : JN-0799 Abbrev: Hangug Nonghwahag Hoeji Title : Han'gug Nonghwahag Hoeji ISSN : 0368-2897 CODEN : JKACA7 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Hanguk Nonghwa Hakhoe Chi. Alternative transliteration: Han'guk Nonghwa Hakhoe Chi. Alternative transliteration: Hanguk Nonghwa Hakhoe Chi. Alternative transliteration: Hanguk Nonghwahakhoechi. Alternative transliteration: Hangug Nonghwahag Hoeji. Replaced by Han'gug Eung'yong Saengmyeong hwa Haghoeji, ends with vol. ? in 2004. Server: http://www.ksabc.or.kr/ AC : JN-2625 Abbrev: Hanguk Chuksan Hakhoe Chi Title : Hanguk Chuksan Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 0367-5807 CODEN : HGCHAG Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Han'guk Ch'uksan Hakhoe Chi. Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Animal Science. Replaced by J. Anim. Sci. Technol., ends with vol. ? in ?2000. AC : JN-2507 Abbrev: Hanguk Kyun Hakoe Chi Title : Hanguk Kyun Hakoe Chi ISSN : 0253-651X CODEN : HKCHDD Publis: Korean Society of Mycology Note : Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Mycology. AC : JN-3780 Abbrev: Hanguk Misaengmul Saengmyong Konghakhoe Chi Title : Hanguk Misaengmul Saengmyong Konghakhoe Chi ISSN : 1598-642X Publis: Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology AC : JN-2622 Abbrev: Hanguk Saenghwahakhoe Chi Title : Hanguk Saenghwahakhoe Chi ISSN : 0368-4881 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Korean Biochemical Journal. Replaced by J. Biochem. Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 27 in 1994. AC : JN-3170 Abbrev: Hanguk Ungyong Konchung Hakhoe Chi Title : Hanguk Ungyong Konchung Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 1225-0171 Publis: Korean Society of Applied Entomology Note : Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Applied Entomology. AC : JN-3358 Abbrev: Harmful Algae Title : Harmful Algae ISSN : 1568-9883 e-ISSN: 1878-1470 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15689883 AC : JN-0800 Abbrev: Harv. Pap. Bot. Title : Harvard Papers in Botany ISSN : 1043-4534 Publis: Harvard University Server: http://www.huh.harvard.edu/publications/ AC : JN-3700 Abbrev: Havemeyer Found. Monogr. Ser. Title : Havemeyer Foundation Monograph Series ISSN : 1472-3158 Publis: Newmarket R & W Publications Server: http://www.havemeyerfoundation.org/monograph.htm AC : JN-3627 Abbrev: Hayati Title : Hayati [Journal of Biosciences] ISSN : 1978-3019 e-ISSN: 2086-4094 Publis: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Institut Pertanian Bogor Server: http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/hayati AC : JN-4060 Abbrev: Headache Title : Headache ISSN : 0017-8748 e-ISSN: 1526-4610 CODEN : HEADAE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1526-4610 AC : JN-0801 Abbrev: Hear. Res. Title : Hearing Research ISSN : 0378-5955 e-ISSN: 1878-5891 CODEN : HERED3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03785955 AC : JN-0802 Abbrev: Heart Title : Heart ISSN : 1355-6037 e-ISSN: 1468-201X CODEN : HEARFR Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Note : Replaces Br. Heart J., starts with vol. 75 in 1996. Server: http://heart.bmj.com/ AC : JN-2011 Abbrev: Heart Rhythm Title : Heart Rhythm ISSN : 1547-5271 e-ISSN: 1556-3871 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15475271 AC : JN-4863 Abbrev: HeartRhythm Case Rep. Title : HeartRhythm Case Reports e-ISSN: 2214-0271 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/heartrhythm-case-reports AC : JN-3649 Abbrev: Heilongjiang Xu Mu Shou Yi Title : Heilongjiang Xu Mu Shou Yi ISSN : 1004-7034 CODEN : HXSHEF Publis: Ha'erbin: Heilongjiang Xumu Shouyi Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Heilongjiang Xumu Shouyi. Parallel language title: Heilongjiang Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. AC : JN-0803 Abbrev: Helicobacter Title : Helicobacter ISSN : 1083-4389 e-ISSN: 1523-5378 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1083-4389 AC : JN-4715 Abbrev: Heliyon Title : Heliyon e-ISSN: 2405-8440 Publis: Cell Press Server: https://www.cell.com/heliyon AC : JN-2700 Abbrev: Helminthologia Title : Helminthologia ISSN : 0440-6605 e-ISSN: 1336-9083 CODEN : HMTGA4 Publis: Versita Server: http://www.versita.com/h/ AC : JN-0804 Abbrev: Helv. Chim. Acta Title : Helvetica Chimica Acta ISSN : 0018-019X e-ISSN: 1522-2675 CODEN : HCACAV Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-2675 AC : JN-0805 Abbrev: Hematol. J. Title : The Hematology Journal ISSN : 1466-4860 Publis: Not published. Note : Merged in Haematologica, ends with vol. 5 in 2005. AC : JN-4085 Abbrev: Hematol. Oncol. Stem Cell Ther. Title : Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy ISSN : 1658-3876 Publis: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Server: http://www.hemoncstem.net/ AC : JN-3126 Abbrev: Hematopathol. Mol. Hematol. Title : Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology ISSN : 1082-8893 CODEN : HMHEFB Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 11 in 1998. AC : JN-0806 Abbrev: Hemoglobin Title : Hemoglobin [International Journal for Hemoglobin Research] ISSN : 0363-0269 e-ISSN: 1532-432X CODEN : HEMOD8 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/hem AC : JN-2936 Abbrev: Henan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Henan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2340 CODEN : HNDAEJ Publis: Henan Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Henan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Henan Agricultural University. Server: http://ckrd85.cnki.net/kns50/Navi/list.aspx?NaviID=1&Field=issn&Value=%3f1000-2340&NaviLink=%E6%A3%80%E7%B4%A2%3a1000-2340 AC : JN-3647 Abbrev: Henan Nong Ye Ke Xue Title : Henan Nong Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 1004-3268 Publis: Gai-Kan Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Henan Nongye Kexue. Parallel language title: Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences. Server: http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=HNNY AC : JN-2928 Abbrev: Henan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : He'nan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-1069 CODEN : HEYDE2 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: He'nan Yike Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica. Replaced by Zheng Zhou Da Xue Xue Bao, ends with vol. ? in ?2000. AC : JN-3711 Abbrev: Hengyang Shi Fan Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Hengyang Shi Fan Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1673-0313 Publis: Hengyang Shi Fan Xue Yuan Xue Bao Qi Kan She Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Xinxixue. Parallel language title: Journal of Hengyang Normal University. AC : JN-2459 Abbrev: Hepato-Gastroenterol. Title : Hepato-Gastroenterology [Current Medical and Surgical Trends] ISSN : 0172-6390 CODEN : HEGAD4 Publis: Hepato-Gastroenterology Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Hepatogastroenterology. Server: http://www.thieme.de/hepato/ AC : JN-0807 Abbrev: Hepatobiliary Pancreat. Dis. Int. Title : Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International ISSN : 1499-3872 CODEN : HPDIAJ Short : HBPD INT Publis: First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine Server: http://www.hbpdint.com/ AC : JN-4828 Abbrev: Hepatol. Commun. Title : Hepatology Communications Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://aasldpubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2471-254X/ AC : JN-0809 Abbrev: Hepatol. Res. Title : Hepatology Research ISSN : 1386-6346 e-ISSN: 1872-034X CODEN : HPRSFM Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Int. Hepatol. Commun. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13866346 AC : JN-0808 Abbrev: Hepatology Title : Hepatology ISSN : 0270-9139 e-ISSN: 1527-3350 CODEN : HPTLD9 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1527-3350 AC : JN-4120 Abbrev: Hered. Cancer Clin. Pract. Title : Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice ISSN : 1731-2302 e-ISSN: 1897-4287 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.hccpjournal.com/ AC : JN-0810 Abbrev: Hereditas Title : Hereditas ISSN : 0018-0661 e-ISSN: 1601-5223 CODEN : HEREAY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0018-0661 AC : JN-0811 Abbrev: Heredity Title : Heredity ISSN : 0018-067X e-ISSN: 1365-2540 CODEN : HDTYAT Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/hdy/ AC : JN-2528 Abbrev: Herpetol. J. Title : Herpetological Journal ISSN : 0268-0130 CODEN : HEJOES Publis: British Herpetological Society Server: http://www.thebhs.org/pubs_journal.html AC : JN-2756 Abbrev: Herpetol. Monogr. Title : Herpetological Monographs ISSN : 0733-1347 e-ISSN: 1938-5137 CODEN : HEMOE9 Publis: Herpetologists' League Server: http://www.hljournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-moreinfo&issn=0733-1347 AC : JN-2155 Abbrev: Herpetol. Rev. Title : Herpetological Review ISSN : 0018-084X CODEN : HEPRBU Publis: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Server: http://www.ssarherps.org/pages/HRinfo.php AC : JN-1943 Abbrev: Herpetologica Title : Herpetologica ISSN : 0018-0831 e-ISSN: 1938-5099 CODEN : HPTGAP Publis: Herpetologists' League Server: http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-journals-list&issn=0018-0831 AC : JN-3021 Abbrev: Herpetozoa Title : Herpetozoa ISSN : 1013-4425 CODEN : HRTZEW Publis: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Herpetologie Server: http://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/nhm/herpet/hpogh06e.htm AC : JN-2757 Abbrev: Heteroc. Sumatr. Title : Heterocera Sumatrana ISSN : 0724-1348 Publis: Heterocera Sumatrana Society e.V. Server: http://www.saturnia.de/Research/Heterocera-Sumatrana-Society.html AC : JN-4089 Abbrev: HFSP J. Title : HFSP Journal ISSN : 1955-2068 e-ISSN: 1955-205X CODEN : HFSPJX Publis: HFSP Publishing Server: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/811/ AC : JN-4819 Abbrev: HGG Adv. Title : HGG Advances e-ISSN: 2666-2477 Publis: Elsevier Note : Parallel title: Human Genetics and Genomics Advances. Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/human-genetics-and-genomics-advances AC : JN-0812 Abbrev: Hikobia Title : Hikobia ISSN : 0046-7413 CODEN : HKBAAI Publis: Hiroshima University Server: http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/hikobia/ AC : JN-2156 Abbrev: Hindustan Antibiot. Bull. Title : Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin ISSN : 0018-1935 CODEN : HINAAU Publis: Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Editorial and Advertisement Office AC : JN-0813 Abbrev: Hippocampus Title : Hippocampus ISSN : 1050-9631 e-ISSN: 1098-1063 CODEN : HIPPEL Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-1063 AC : JN-3470 Abbrev: Hirosaki Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Title : Hirosaki Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku ISSN : 0073-229X CODEN : HIROAO Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of the Hirosaki University, Faculty of Agriculture. Replaced by Hirosaki Daigaku Nogaku Seimei Kagakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku, ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-0814 Abbrev: Hiroshima J. Med. Sci. Title : Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 0018-2052 CODEN : HIJMAC Publis: Hiroshima University Medical Press Server: http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/joka/HJMS-HP/Welcome-e.html AC : JN-0816 Abbrev: Histochem. Cell Biol. Title : Histochemistry and Cell Biology ISSN : 0948-6143 e-ISSN: 1432-119X CODEN : HCBIFP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Histochemistry, starts with vol. 103 in 1995. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0948-6143 AC : JN-0817 Abbrev: Histochem. J. Title : The Histochemical Journal ISSN : 0018-2214 e-ISSN: 1573-6865 CODEN : HISJAE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Mol. Histol., ends with vol. 34 in 2002. AC : JN-0815 Abbrev: Histochemistry Title : Histochemistry ISSN : 0301-5564 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Histochem. Cell Biol., ends with vol. 102 in 1994. AC : JN-0818 Abbrev: Histol. Histopathol. Title : Histology and Histopathology [Cellular and Molecular Biology] ISSN : 0213-3911 e-ISSN: 1699-5848 CODEN : HIHIES Publis: Jimenez-Godoy Server: http://www.hh.um.es/ AC : JN-0819 Abbrev: Histopathology Title : Histopathology ISSN : 0309-0167 e-ISSN: 1365-2559 CODEN : HISTDD Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0309-0167 AC : JN-1944 Abbrev: HIV Med. Title : HIV Medicine ISSN : 1464-2662 e-ISSN: 1468-1293 CODEN : HMIEAB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1464-2662 AC : JN-4576 Abbrev: HLA Title : HLA ISSN : 2059-2302 e-ISSN: 2059-2310 Publis: Wiley Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20592310 AC : JN-3610 Abbrev: Ho Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukai Title : Ho Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukai ISSN : 0385-6410 Publis: Kyushu Byogaichu Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu. AC : JN-0820 Abbrev: Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi Title : Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi ISSN : 0367-6102 CODEN : HOIZAK Publis: Hokkaido Igakkai Note : Parallel language title: Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science. AC : JN-2701 Abbrev: Hokkaidoritsu Eisei Kenkyushoho Title : Hokkaidoritsu Eisei Kenkyushoho ISSN : 0441-0793 CODEN : HOEKAN Publis: Hokkaidoritsu Eisei Kenkyusho Note : Parallel language title: Report of the Hokkaido Institute of Public Health. Server: http://www.iph.pref.hokkaido.jp/ AC : JN-2157 Abbrev: Holzforschung Title : Holzforschung [International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Wood] ISSN : 0018-3830 e-ISSN: 1437-434X CODEN : HOLZAZ Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Server: http://www.degruyter.de/journals/holz/ AC : JN-2664 Abbrev: Honyurui Kagaku Title : Honyurui Kagaku ISSN : 0385-437X e-ISSN: 1881-526X CODEN : HONKE4 Publis: Nihon Honyurui Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Mammalian Science. Server: http://www.mammalogy.jp/journals/MammalianScience_e.html AC : JN-0821 Abbrev: Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. Title : Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie ISSN : 0018-4888 CODEN : HSZPAZ Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Hoppe Seylers Z. Physiol. Chem. Replaced by Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler, ends with vol. 365 in 1984. AC : JN-2609 Abbrev: Hoppea Title : Hoppea ISSN : 0340-4196 Publis: Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft AC : JN-3462 Abbrev: Horm. Behav. Title : Hormones and Behavior ISSN : 0018-506X e-ISSN: 1095-6867 CODEN : HOBEAO Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0018506X AC : JN-0822 Abbrev: Horm. Metab. Res. Title : Hormone and Metabolic Research ISSN : 0018-5043 e-ISSN: 1439-4286 CODEN : HMMRA2 Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: http://www.thieme.de/hmr/ AC : JN-4755 Abbrev: Horm. Mol. Bio. Clin. Investig. Title : Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation ISSN : 1868-1883 e-ISSN: 1868-1891 CODEN : HMBCA4 Publis: Berlin : De Gruyter Server: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/hmbci?recentIssue=true AC : JN-0823 Abbrev: Horm. Res. Title : Hormone Research ISSN : 0301-0163 e-ISSN: 1423-0046 CODEN : HRMRA3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Horm. Res. Paediatr., ends with vol. 72 in 2009. Replaces Hormones, starts with vol. 4 in 1973. Server: http://www.karger.com/HRE AC : JN-4350 Abbrev: Horm. Res. Paediatr. Title : Hormone Research in Paediatrics ISSN : 1663-2818 e-ISSN: 1663-2826 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/hrp AC : JN-4656 Abbrev: Hort. J. Title : The Horticulture Journal ISSN : 2189-0102 e-ISSN: 2189-0110 Publis: Kyoto: The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science Note : Publication started in 2015. Continues Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science ISSN 1882-3351 Server: https://www.pubhort.org/jjshs/ AC : JN-2506 Abbrev: Horticult. Environ. Biotechnol. Title : Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology ISSN : 0253-6498 CODEN : HWHCD5 Short : HEB Publis: Korean Society for Horticultural Science Server: http://jheb.org/info.html AC : JN-2158 Abbrev: HortScience Title : HortScience ISSN : 0018-5345 CODEN : HJHSAR Publis: American Society for Horticultural Science Server: http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/ AC : JN-3224 Abbrev: Hozen Seitaigaku Kenkyu Title : Hozen Seitaigaku Kenkyu ISSN : 1342-4327 Publis: Nihon Seitai Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology. AC : JN-2950 Abbrev: Hua Dong Shi Fan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Hua Dong Shi Fan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1000-5641 CODEN : HSZKEO Publis: Huadong Shifan Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Huadong Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Parallel language title: Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science). Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=1617 AC : JN-2951 Abbrev: Hua Gong Jin Zhan Title : Hua Gong Jin Zhan ISSN : 1000-6613 CODEN : HUJIEK Publis: Chemical Industry Press Note : Alternative transliteration: Huagong Jinzhan. Parallel language title: Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=861 AC : JN-2952 Abbrev: Hua Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Hua Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1001-411X CODEN : HNXUE9 Publis: Huanan Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Huanan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Alternative transliteration: Huanan NongxueYUAN Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of South China Agricultural University. Server: http://hnnydxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3644 Abbrev: Hua Sheng Xue Bao Title : Hua Sheng Xue Bao ISSN : 1002-4093 Publis: Huasheng Xuebao Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Huasheng Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Peanut Science. AC : JN-0824 Abbrev: Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 0257-7712 CODEN : HYDXET Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao. Alternative transliteration: Huaxi Yike Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences. Replaced by Sichuan Daxue Xuebao. Yixue Ban, ends with vol. ? in 2002. Server: http://hxykdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3484 Abbrev: Hua Zhong Ke Ji Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban Title : Hua Zhong Ke Ji Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban ISSN : 1672-0741 CODEN : HKDXBU Publis: Huazhong Keji Daxue, Tongji Yixueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao. Yixue Ban. Parallel language title: Acta Medicinae Universitatis Science of Technologiae Huazhong. Replaces Tong Ji Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao, starts with vol. ? in 2001. Server: http://tjykdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2937 Abbrev: Hua Zhong Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Hua Zhong Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2421 CODEN : HNDXEK Publis: Huazhong Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Huazhong Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University. Server: http://hznydx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2916 Abbrev: Hua Zhong Shi Fan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Hua Zhong Shi Fan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1000-1190 CODEN : HDZKEL Publis: Huazhong Shifan Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Huazhong Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Parallel language title: Journal of Central China Normal University (Natural Sciences). Server: http://hzsfdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2494 Abbrev: Huan Jing Ke Xue Title : Huan Jing Ke Xue ISSN : 0250-3301 CODEN : HCKHDV Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Huanjing Kexue. Server: http://hjkx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3022 Abbrev: Huan Jing Wu Ran Zhi Li Ji Shu Yu She Bei Title : Huan Jing Wu Ran Zhi Li Ji Shu Yu She Bei ISSN : 1008-9241 CODEN : HWZJAB Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Shengtai Huanjing Yanjiu Zhongxin Note : Alternative transliteration: Huanjing Wuran Zhili Jishu Yu Shebei. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering. Server: http://hjwrzljsysb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0825 Abbrev: Hum. Antibodies Title : Human Antibodies ISSN : 1093-2607 CODEN : HUANFP Publis: IOS Press Note : Replaces Hum. Antibodies Hybridomas, starts with vol. 8 in 1997. Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=10932607 AC : JN-0826 Abbrev: Hum. Antibodies Hybridomas Title : Human Antibodies and Hybridomas ISSN : 0956-960X CODEN : HANHE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Hum. Antibodies, ends with vol. 7 in 1996. AC : JN-2159 Abbrev: Hum. Biol. Title : Human Biology [The International Journal of Population Biology and Genetics] ISSN : 0018-7143 e-ISSN: 1534-6617 CODEN : HUBIAA Publis: Wayne State University Press Server: http://wsupress.wayne.edu/journals/humanbio/humanbiologyj.html AC : JN-3793 Abbrev: Hum. Cell Title : Human Cell [The Official Journal of Human Cell Research Society] ISSN : 0914-7470 e-ISSN: 1749-0774 CODEN : HUCEE7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0914-7470 AC : JN-0827 Abbrev: Hum. Gene Ther. Title : Human Gene Therapy ISSN : 1043-0342 e-ISSN: 1557-7422 CODEN : HGTHE3 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=19 AC : JN-0828 Abbrev: Hum. Genet. Title : Human Genetics ISSN : 0340-6717 e-ISSN: 1432-1203 CODEN : HUGEDQ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-6717 AC : JN-4471 Abbrev: Hum. Genome Var. Title : Human Genome Variation e-ISSN: 2054-345X Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/hgv/ AC : JN-0829 Abbrev: Hum. Genomics Title : Human Genomics ISSN : 1473-9542 e-ISSN: 1479-7364 Publis: Henry Stewart Server: http://www.henrystewart.com/human_genomics/ AC : JN-0830 Abbrev: Hum. Hered. Title : Human Heredity [International Journal of Human and Medical Genetics] ISSN : 0001-5652 e-ISSN: 1423-0062 CODEN : HUHEAS Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Acta Genetica and Statistica Medica, starts with vol. 19 in 1969. Server: http://www.karger.com/HHE AC : JN-0831 Abbrev: Hum. Immunol. Title : Human Immunology ISSN : 0198-8859 CODEN : HUIMDQ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01988859 AC : JN-0832 Abbrev: Hum. Mol. Genet. Title : Human Molecular Genetics ISSN : 0964-6906 e-ISSN: 1460-2083 CODEN : HMGEE5 Short : HMG Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0833 Abbrev: Hum. Mutat. Title : Human Mutation ISSN : 1059-7794 e-ISSN: 1098-1004 CODEN : HUMUE3 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-1004 AC : JN-0834 Abbrev: Hum. Pathol. Title : Human Pathology ISSN : 0046-8177 e-ISSN: 1532-8392 CODEN : HPCQA4 Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00468177 AC : JN-0835 Abbrev: Hum. Reprod. Title : Human Reproduction ISSN : 0268-1161 e-ISSN: 1460-2350 CODEN : HUREEE Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0836 Abbrev: Hum. Reprod. Update Title : Human Reproduction Update ISSN : 1355-4786 e-ISSN: 1460-2369 CODEN : HRUPF8 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://humupd.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1909 Abbrev: Hum. Vaccin. Title : Human Vaccines ISSN : 1554-8600 e-ISSN: 1554-8619 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/vaccines/ AC : JN-4448 Abbrev: Hum. Vaccin. Immunother. Title : Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics ISSN : 2164-5515 e-ISSN: 2164-554X Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces Human Vaccines, starts in 2012. Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/khvi20 AC : JN-3712 Abbrev: Hunan Ke Ji Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Hunan Ke Ji Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1673-2219 Publis: Gai-Kan Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Hunan Keji Xueyuan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering. AC : JN-3000 Abbrev: Hunan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Hunan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1007-1032 CODEN : HNDXFL Publis: Hunan Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Hunan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Natural Sciences). Server: http://hunannydx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0837 Abbrev: Hunan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Hunan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-5625 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of Hunan Medical University. Replaced by Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban, ends with vol. 28 in 2003. AC : JN-0839 Abbrev: Hybrid. Hybridomics Title : Hybridoma and Hybridomics [A Journal of Molecular Immunology and Experimental and Clinical Immunology] ISSN : 1536-8599 CODEN : HHYYBF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Hybridoma, ends with vol. 23 in 2004. Replaces Hybridoma, starts with vol. 20 in 2001. AC : JN-0838 Abbrev: Hybridoma Title : Hybridoma [A Journal of Molecular Immunology and Experimental and Clinical Immunology] ISSN : 1554-0014 e-ISSN: 1557-8348 CODEN : HYBRDY Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Hybrid. Hybridomics, ends with vol. 20 in 2001. Replaces Hybrid. Hybridomics, start with vol. 24 in 2005. This journal was first published under the name Hybridoma (ISSN=0272-457X). It then briefly became Hybridoma and Hybridomics (ISSN=1536-8599) and then reverted back to Hybridoma (ISSN=1554-0014). Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=20 AC : JN-2161 Abbrev: Hydrobiol. J. Title : Hydrobiological Journal ISSN : 0018-8166 CODEN : HYBJA Publis: Begell House Inc. Server: http://www.begellhouse.com/hj/ AC : JN-2160 Abbrev: Hydrobiologia Title : Hydrobiologia [The International Journal on Limnology and Marine Sciences] ISSN : 0018-8158 e-ISSN: 1573-5117 CODEN : HYDRB8 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0018-8158 AC : JN-2576 Abbrev: Hydrometallurgy Title : Hydrometallurgy ISSN : 0304-386X e-ISSN: 1879-1158 CODEN : HYDRDA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0304386X AC : JN-0840 Abbrev: Hyperfine Interact. Title : Hyperfine Interactions ISSN : 0304-3843 e-ISSN: 1572-9540 CODEN : HYINDN Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0304-3843 AC : JN-2033 Abbrev: Hypertens. Res. Title : Hypertension Research ISSN : 0916-9636 e-ISSN: 1348-4214 CODEN : HRESE4 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: http://www.jpnsh.org/hypertensionres.html AC : JN-0841 Abbrev: Hypertension Title : Hypertension ISSN : 0194-911X e-ISSN: 1524-4563 CODEN : HPRTDN Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://hyper.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-0842 Abbrev: Ibis Title : Ibis [The International Journal of Avian Science] ISSN : 0019-1019 e-ISSN: 1474-919X CODEN : IBISAL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0019-1019 AC : JN-2162 Abbrev: Icarus Title : Icarus ISSN : 0019-1035 e-ISSN: 1090-2643 CODEN : ICRSA5 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00191035 AC : JN-3090 Abbrev: ICES J. Mar. Sci. Title : ICES Journal of Marine Science ISSN : 1054-3139 e-ISSN: 1095-9289 CODEN : ICESEC Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/icesjms/ AC : JN-2869 Abbrev: Ichthyol. Explor. Freshw. Title : Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters [International Journal for Field-orientated Ichthyology] ISSN : 0936-9902 CODEN : IEFRES Publis: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil Server: http://www.pfeil-verlag.de/04biol/e9902.php AC : JN-1945 Abbrev: Ichthyol. Res. Title : Ichthyological Research ISSN : 1341-8998 e-ISSN: 1616-3915 Publis: Springer Japan Note : Replaces in part Gyoruigaku Zasshi, starts with vol. 43 in 1996. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1341-8998 AC : JN-2558 Abbrev: ICMR Ann. Title : ICMR Annals ISSN : 0287-1785 CODEN : ICMRDE Publis: International Center for Medical Research AC : JN-0843 Abbrev: ICN UCLA Symp. Mol. Cell. Biol. Title : ICN UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology ISSN : 0097-9023 CODEN : IUSMDJ AC : JN-3674 Abbrev: Ihag Nonjib Title : Ihag Nonjib ISSN : 1225-5807 Publis: Konkuk Daehaggyo Gico Gwahag Yeon'guso AC : JN-2735 Abbrev: Ikushugaku Kenkyu Title : Ikushugaku Kenkyu ISSN : 1344-7629 e-ISSN: 1348-1290 Publis: Nihon Ikushu Gakkai Server: http://www.nacos.com/jsb/ikushu.html#ikuzatsu AC : JN-3614 Abbrev: Ikushugaku Zasshi Title : Ikushugaku Zasshi ISSN : 0536-3683 CODEN : IKZAAD Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Breeding. Replaced by Breed. Sci., ends with vol. 43 in 1993. AC : JN-4749 Abbrev: IMA Fungus Title : IMA Fungus ISSN : 2210-6340 e-ISSN: 2210-6340 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://imafungus.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-4490 Abbrev: Immun. Ageing Title : Immunity & Ageing ISSN : 1742-4933 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.immunityageing.com/ AC : JN-4383 Abbrev: Immun. Inflammation. Dis. Title : Immunity, Inflammation and Disease e-ISSN: 2050-4527 CODEN : IIDMAR Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%292050-4527 AC : JN-4880 Abbrev: Immune Netw. Title : Immune Network ISSN : 1598-2629 e-ISSN: 2092-6685 Publis: Korean Association of Immunologists Server: http://immunenetwork.org/ AC : JN-0844 Abbrev: Immunity Title : Immunity ISSN : 1074-7613 e-ISSN: 1097-4180 CODEN : IUNIEH Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/immunity/home AC : JN-0845 Abbrev: Immunobiology Title : Immunobiology ISSN : 0171-2985 CODEN : IMMND4 Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01712985 AC : JN-0846 Abbrev: Immunochemistry Title : Immunochemistry ISSN : 0019-2791 CODEN : IMCHAZ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Immunol., ends with vol. 15 in 1978. AC : JN-3103 Abbrev: Immunodeficiency Title : Immunodeficiency ISSN : 1067-795X CODEN : IUNOEZ Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 5 in 1995. AC : JN-0847 Abbrev: Immunogenetics Title : Immunogenetics ISSN : 0093-7711 e-ISSN: 1432-1211 CODEN : IMNGBK Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0093-7711 AC : JN-4737 Abbrev: Immunohorizons Title : ImmunoHorizons e-ISSN: 2573-7732 Publis: American Association of Immunologists Server: http://www.immunohorizons.org/ AC : JN-0848 Abbrev: Immunol. Cell Biol. Title : Immunology and Cell Biology ISSN : 0818-9641 e-ISSN: 1440-1711 CODEN : ICBIEZ Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/icb/ AC : JN-2890 Abbrev: Immunol. Infect. Dis. Title : Immunology and Infectious Diseases ISSN : 0959-4957 CODEN : IINDEK Publis: Rapid Science Publishers AC : JN-0849 Abbrev: Immunol. Invest. Title : Immunological Investigations [Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology] ISSN : 0882-0139 e-ISSN: 1532-4311 CODEN : IMINEJ Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/imm AC : JN-0850 Abbrev: Immunol. Lett. Title : Immunology Letters ISSN : 0165-2478 e-ISSN: 1879-0542 CODEN : IMLED6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01652478 AC : JN-0851 Abbrev: Immunol. Res. Title : Immunologic Research ISSN : 0257-277X e-ISSN: 1559-0755 CODEN : IMRSEB Publis: Humana Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0257-277X AC : JN-0852 Abbrev: Immunol. Rev. Title : Immunological Reviews ISSN : 0105-2896 e-ISSN: 1600-065X CODEN : IMRED2 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0105-2896 AC : JN-0853 Abbrev: Immunol. Ser. Title : Immunology Series ISSN : 0092-6019 CODEN : IMSED7 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 60(?) in 1994. AC : JN-0854 Abbrev: Immunol. Today Title : Immunology Today ISSN : 0167-5699 CODEN : IMTOD8 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaced by Trends Immunol., ends with vol. 21 in 1999. AC : JN-0855 Abbrev: Immunology Title : Immunology ISSN : 0019-2805 e-ISSN: 1365-2567 CODEN : IMMUAM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0019-2805 AC : JN-3663 Abbrev: Immunomethods Title : Immunomethods ISSN : 1058-6687 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Methods - Immunomethods, ends with vol. 5 in 1994. AC : JN-3787 Abbrev: Immunopharmacol. Immunotoxicol. Title : Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology ISSN : 0892-3973 e-ISSN: 1532-2513 CODEN : IITOEF Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/ipi AC : JN-0856 Abbrev: Immunopharmacology Title : Immunopharmacology ISSN : 0162-3109 CODEN : IMMUDP Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1978 and ceased with vol. 49 in 2000. AC : JN-0857 Abbrev: Immunotechnology Title : Immunotechnology [An International Journal of Immunological Engineering] ISSN : 1380-2933 CODEN : IOTEER Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into J. Immunol. Methods, ends with vol. 4 in 1999. AC : JN-3632 Abbrev: Important Adv. Oncol. Title : Important Advances in Oncology ISSN : 0883-5896 CODEN : IAONEX Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-0870 Abbrev: In Silico Biol. Title : In Silico Biology ISSN : 1386-6338 e-ISSN: 1434-3207 CODEN : ISBIFC Short : ISB Publis: IOS Press Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=13866338 AC : JN-0918 Abbrev: In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Title : In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology ISSN : 0883-8364 CODEN : ICDBEO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. and In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant, ends with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-0919 Abbrev: In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. Title : In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Animal ISSN : 1071-2690 e-ISSN: 1543-706X CODEN : IVCAED Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces in part In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol., starts with vol. 27 in 1991. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1071-2690 AC : JN-3091 Abbrev: In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant Title : In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant ISSN : 1054-5476 e-ISSN: 1475-2689 CODEN : IVCPEO Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces in part In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol., starts with vol. 27P in 1991. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1054-5476 AC : JN-0858 Abbrev: In Vivo Title : In Vivo ISSN : 0258-851X CODEN : IVIVE4 Publis: International Institute of Anticancer Research Server: http://www.iiar-anticancer.org/main.php?id=3 AC : JN-4431 Abbrev: Ind. Biotechnol. Title : Industrial Biotechnology ISSN : 1550-9087 e-ISSN: 1931-8421 CODEN : IBNIDJ Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://online.liebertpub.com/loi/IND AC : JN-4744 Abbrev: Ind. Crops Prod. Title : Industrial Crops and Products ISSN : 0926-6690 CODEN : ICRDEW Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/industrial-crops-and-products AC : JN-3897 Abbrev: Indian J. Anim. Sci. Title : Indian Journal of Animal Sciences ISSN : 0367-8318 CODEN : IJLAA4 Publis: Indian Council of Agricultural Research Server: http://www.icar.org.in/node/208 AC : JN-0859 Abbrev: Indian J. Biochem. Biophys. Title : Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN : 0301-1208 CODEN : IJBBBQ Short : IJBB Publis: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources Server: http://www.niscair.res.in/ScienceCommunication/ResearchJournals/rejour/ijbb/ijbb0.asp AC : JN-2917 Abbrev: Indian J. Biotechnol. Title : Indian Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 0972-5849 e-ISSN: 0975-0967 CODEN : IJBNAR Short : IJBT Publis: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources Server: http://www.niscair.res.in/ScienceCommunication/ResearchJournals/rejour/ijbt/ijbt0.asp AC : JN-4043 Abbrev: Indian J. Clin. Biochem. Title : Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry ISSN : 0970-1915 e-ISSN: 0974-0422 CODEN : IJCBEY Publis: Springer India Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0970-1915 AC : JN-4405 Abbrev: Indian J. Dermatol. Title : Indian Journal of Dermatology ISSN : 0019-5154 e-ISSN: 1998-3611 CODEN : IJDEAA Publis: Medknow Publications Server: http://www.e-ijd.org/ AC : JN-4644 Abbrev: Indian J. Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol. Title : Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology ISSN : 0378-6323 e-ISSN: 0973-3922 CODEN : IJDLDY Publis: Medknow Publications Server: http://www.ijdvl.com AC : JN-0860 Abbrev: Indian J. Exp. Biol. Title : Indian Journal of Experimental Biology ISSN : 0019-5189 CODEN : IJEBA6 Short : IJEB Publis: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources Server: http://www.niscair.res.in/ScienceCommunication/ResearchJournals/rejour/ijeb/ijeb0.asp AC : JN-4631 Abbrev: Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus. Title : Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion ISSN : 0971-4502 e-ISSN: 0974-0449 Publis: Springer India Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/12288 AC : JN-4044 Abbrev: Indian J. Hum. Genet. Title : Indian Journal of Human Genetics ISSN : 0971-6866 e-ISSN: 1998-362X Short : IJHG Publis: Medknow Publications Server: http://www.ijhg.com/ AC : JN-4005 Abbrev: Indian J. Mar. Sci. Title : Indian Journal of Marine Sciences ISSN : 0379-5136 e-ISSN: 0975-1033 CODEN : IJMNBF Publis: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (N I S C A I R) Server: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/handle/123456789/3 AC : JN-2918 Abbrev: Indian J. Med. Res. Title : The Indian Journal of Medical Research ISSN : 0971-5916 CODEN : IMIREV Short : IJMR Publis: Indian Council of Medical Research Server: http://icmr.nic.in/ijmr/ijmr.htm AC : JN-2321 Abbrev: Indian J. Microbiol. Title : Indian Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 0046-8991 e-ISSN: 0973-7715 CODEN : IJMBAC Publis: Springer India Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0046-8991 AC : JN-2577 Abbrev: Indian J. Nematol. Title : Indian Journal of Nematology ISSN : 0303-6960 CODEN : IJNEDT Publis: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Nematological Society of India Server: http://www.nemaindia.com/ AC : JN-4694 Abbrev: Indian J. Pharm. Sci. Title : Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN : 0250-474X e-ISSN: 1998-3743 Publis: Indian Pharmaceutical Association Server: https://www.ijpsonline.com/ AC : JN-2702 Abbrev: Indian J. Sericulture Title : Indian Journal of Sericulture ISSN : 0445-7722 CODEN : IJSEAH Publis: Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute AC : JN-3836 Abbrev: Indian J. Tuberc. Title : The Indian Journal of Tuberculosis ISSN : 0019-5707 CODEN : IJTBAD Publis: Tuberculosis Association of India Server: http://medind.nic.in/ibr/ibraj.shtml AC : JN-3884 Abbrev: Indian J. Vet. Pathol. Title : Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology ISSN : 0250-4758 e-ISSN: 0873-970X CODEN : IJVPDY Publis: Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists Server: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijvp&type=home AC : JN-2906 Abbrev: Indian J. Virol. Title : Indian Journal of Virology ISSN : 0970-2822 e-ISSN: 0974-0120 CODEN : IJVIEE Publis: Indian Virological Society Server: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijv&type=home AC : JN-4649 Abbrev: Indian Pediatr. Title : Indian Pediatrics ISSN : 0019-6061 e-ISSN: 0974-7559 Publis: Springer India Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/13312 AC : JN-2163 Abbrev: Indian Vet. J. Title : Indian Veterinary Journal ISSN : 0019-6479 CODEN : IVEJAC Publis: Indian Veterinary Association Server: http://www.indvetjournal.com/ivj.htm AC : JN-4023 Abbrev: Indoor Air Title : Indoor Air [International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health] ISSN : 0905-6947 e-ISSN: 1600-0668 CODEN : INAIE5 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0905-6947 AC : JN-3463 Abbrev: Inf. Fitopatol. Title : Informatore Fitopatologico ISSN : 0020-0735 CODEN : INFTAP Publis: Gruppo Editoriale Il Sole 24 Ore Server: http://www.edagricole.it/ AC : JN-3409 Abbrev: Infect. Agents Cancer Title : Infectious Agents and Cancer e-ISSN: 1750-9378 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.infectagentscancer.com/home AC : JN-0861 Abbrev: Infect. Genet. Evol. Title : Infection, Genetics and Evolution [Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics in Infectious Diseases] ISSN : 1567-1348 e-ISSN: 1567-7257 Short : MEEGID Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15671348 AC : JN-0862 Abbrev: Infect. Immun. Title : Infection and Immunity ISSN : 0019-9567 e-ISSN: 1098-5522 CODEN : INFIBR Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://iai.asm.org/ AC : JN-2559 Abbrev: Infection Title : Infection ISSN : 0300-8126 e-ISSN: 1439-0973 CODEN : IFTNAL Publis: Urban and Vogel Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0300-8126 AC : JN-3152 Abbrev: Infez. Med. Title : Le Infezioni in Medicina [Rivista Periodica di Eziologia, Epidemiologia, Diagnostica, Clinica e Terapia delle Patologie Infettive] ISSN : 1124-9390 Publis: Edizioni Medico Scientifiche (EDIMES) Server: http://www.infezmed.it/ AC : JN-3104 Abbrev: Inflamm. Bowel Dis. Title : Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ISSN : 1078-0998 e-ISSN: 1536-4844 CODEN : IBDNBG Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1536-4844 AC : JN-0865 Abbrev: Inflamm. Res. Title : Inflammation Research ISSN : 1023-3830 e-ISSN: 1420-908X CODEN : INREFB Short : IR Publis: Birkhauser Basel Note : Replaces Agents Actions, starts with vol. 44 in 1995. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1023-3830 AC : JN-0863 Abbrev: Inflammation Title : Inflammation ISSN : 0360-3997 e-ISSN: 1573-2576 CODEN : INFLD4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0360-3997 AC : JN-0864 Abbrev: Inflammopharmacology Title : Inflammopharmacology ISSN : 0925-4692 e-ISSN: 1568-5608 CODEN : IAOAES Publis: Birkhauser Basel Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0925-4692 AC : JN-3530 Abbrev: Influenza Other Respir. Viruses Title : Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses ISSN : 1750-2640 e-ISSN: 1750-2659 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1750-2640 AC : JN-4190 Abbrev: Inn. Immun. Title : Innate Immunity ISSN : 1753-4259 e-ISSN: 1753-4267 CODEN : IINMCB Publis: Sage Publications Note : Replaces J. Endotoxin Res., starts with vol. 14 in 2008. Server: http://ini.sagepub.com AC : JN-4609 Abbrev: Innovative Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. Title : Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies ISSN : 1466-8564 Publis: Elsevier Note : Official scientific journal of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/innovative-food-science-and-emerging-technologies AC : JN-0866 Abbrev: Inorg. Chem. Title : Inorganic Chemistry ISSN : 0020-1669 e-ISSN: 1520-510X CODEN : INOCAJ Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/inocaj/ AC : JN-0867 Abbrev: Insect Biochem. Title : Insect Biochemistry ISSN : 0020-1790 CODEN : ISBCAN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 21 in 1991. AC : JN-0868 Abbrev: Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. Title : Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ISSN : 0965-1748 CODEN : IBMBES Publis: Pergamon Note : Replaces Insect Biochem., starts with vol. 22 in 1992. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09651748 AC : JN-3749 Abbrev: Insect Conserv. Divers. Title : Insect Conservation and Diversity ISSN : 1752-458X Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1752-458X AC : JN-0869 Abbrev: Insect Mol. Biol. Title : Insect Molecular Biology ISSN : 0962-1075 e-ISSN: 1365-2583 CODEN : IMBIE3 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0962-1075 AC : JN-3410 Abbrev: Insect Sci. Title : Insect Science ISSN : 1672-9609 e-ISSN: 1744-7917 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Entomol. Sin., starts with vol. 12 in 2005. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1672-9609 AC : JN-1946 Abbrev: Insect Syst. Evol. Title : Insect Systematics and Evolution ISSN : 1399-560X e-ISSN: 1876-312X CODEN : ENTSBF Publis: Brill Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Insect syst. evol. Server: http://www.brill.nl/ise AC : JN-3837 Abbrev: Insecta Matsumurana Title : Insecta Matsumurana ISSN : 0020-1804 CODEN : IMATAR Publis: Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Agriculture Server: http://www.sustain.hokudai.ac.jp/2007/07/journal_insecta_matsumurana.php AC : JN-2164 Abbrev: Insectes Soc. Title : Insectes Sociaux ISSN : 0020-1812 e-ISSN: 1420-9098 CODEN : INSOA7 Publis: Birkhauser Basel Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0020-1812 AC : JN-4600 Abbrev: Insects Title : Insects ISSN : 2075-4450 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/insects/ AC : JN-4771 Abbrev: Int J Nanomedicine Title : International Journal of Nanomedicine ISSN : 1176-9114 e-ISSN: 1178-2013 Publis: Auckland : DOVE Medical Press Server: https://www.dovepress.com/international-journal-of-nanomedicine-journal AC : JN-0871 Abbrev: Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. Title : International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology ISSN : 0020-5915 CODEN : IAAAAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol., ends with vol. 99 in 1992. AC : JN-0872 Abbrev: Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. Title : International Archives of Allergy and Immunology ISSN : 1018-2438 e-ISSN: 1423-0097 CODEN : IAAIEG Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol., starts with vol. 100 in 1993. Server: http://www.karger.com/IAA AC : JN-2907 Abbrev: Int. Biodeterior. Biodegradation Title : International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation ISSN : 0964-8305 CODEN : IBBIES Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09648305 AC : JN-0873 Abbrev: Int. Congr. Ser. Title : International Congress Series ISSN : 0531-5131 e-ISSN: 1873-6157 CODEN : EXMDA4 Publis: Elsevier Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/05315131 AC : JN-0874 Abbrev: Int. Dairy J. Title : International Dairy Journal ISSN : 0958-6946 CODEN : IDAJE6 Publis: Elsevier Note : Incorporates Neth. Milk Dairy J. in 1997. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09586946 AC : JN-4830 Abbrev: Int. Dent. J. Title : International Dental Journal ISSN : 0020-6539 e-ISSN: 1875-595X CODEN : IDJOAS Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-dental-journal AC : JN-4792 Abbrev: Int. Endod. J. Title : International Endodontic Journal ISSN : 0143-2885 e-ISSN: 1365-2591 CODEN : IENJEA Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2591 AC : JN-4100 Abbrev: Int. Heart J. Title : International Heart Journal ISSN : 1349-2365 e-ISSN: 1349-3299 Publis: International Heart Journal Association Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ihj/ AC : JN-0875 Abbrev: Int. Hepatol. Commun. Title : International Hepatology Communications ISSN : 0928-4346 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Hepatol. Res. AC : JN-0876 Abbrev: Int. Immunol. Title : International Immunology ISSN : 0953-8178 e-ISSN: 1460-2377 CODEN : INIMEN Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://intimm.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0877 Abbrev: Int. Immunopharmacol. Title : International Immunopharmacology ISSN : 1567-5769 CODEN : IINMBA Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Int. J. Immunopharmacol., starts with vol. 1 in 2001. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15675769 AC : JN-3870 Abbrev: Int. J. Acarology Title : International Journal of Acarology ISSN : 0164-7954 e-ISSN: 1945-3892 CODEN : IJOADM Publis: Indira Publishing House Server: http://pw2.netcom.com/~v.prasad/IJA_Web_Pages/ AC : JN-0878 Abbrev: Int. J. Androl. Title : International Journal of Andrology ISSN : 0105-6263 e-ISSN: 1365-2605 CODEN : IJANDP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0105-6263 AC : JN-0879 Abbrev: Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents Title : International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents ISSN : 0924-8579 e-ISSN: 1872-7913 CODEN : IAAGEA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09248579 AC : JN-3307 Abbrev: Int. J. Astrobiology Title : International Journal of Astrobiology ISSN : 1473-5504 e-ISSN: 1475-3006 CODEN : IJANFR Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=IJA AC : JN-3105 Abbrev: Int. J. Bio-Chromatogr. Title : International Journal of Bio-Chromatography ISSN : 1068-0659 CODEN : IJOBEQ Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-0880 Abbrev: Int. J. Biochem. Title : International Journal of Biochemistry ISSN : 0020-711X CODEN : IJBOBV Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., ends with vol. 26 in 1994. AC : JN-0881 Abbrev: Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. Title : The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology ISSN : 1357-2725 CODEN : IJBBFU Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Int. J. Biochem., starts with vol. 27 in 1995. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13572725 AC : JN-4233 Abbrev: Int. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Title : International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ISSN : 2152-4114 Publis: e-Century Publishing Corporation Server: http://ijbmb.org/ AC : JN-0882 Abbrev: Int. J. Biol. Macromol. Title : International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ISSN : 0141-8130 CODEN : IJBMDR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01418130 AC : JN-4073 Abbrev: Int. J. Biol. Markers Title : The International Journal of Biological Markers ISSN : 0393-6155 e-ISSN: 1724-6008 CODEN : IBMAEP Publis: Wichtig Editore Server: http://www.biological-markers.com/ AC : JN-1999 Abbrev: Int. J. Biol. Sci. Title : International Journal of Biological Sciences e-ISSN: 1449-2288 Publis: Ivyspring International Publisher Server: http://www.biolsci.org/ AC : JN-4640 Abbrev: Int. J. Biometeorol. Title : International Journal of Biometeorology ISSN : 0020-7128 e-ISSN: 1432-1254 CODEN : IJBMAO Publis: Springer Berlin Heidelberg Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/484 AC : JN-3422 Abbrev: Int. J. Botany Title : International Journal of Botany ISSN : 1811-9700 e-ISSN: 1811-9719 Publis: Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET) Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1811-9700 AC : JN-0883 Abbrev: Int. J. Cancer Title : International Journal of Cancer ISSN : 0020-7136 e-ISSN: 1097-0215 CODEN : IJCNAW Short : IJC Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0215 AC : JN-4176 Abbrev: Int. J. Cardiol. Title : International Journal of Cardiology ISSN : 0167-5273 e-ISSN: 1874-1754 CODEN : IJCDD5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01675273 AC : JN-4186 Abbrev: Int. J. Cell Biol. Title : International Journal of Cell Biology ISSN : 1687-8876 e-ISSN: 1687-8884 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijcb/ AC : JN-0884 Abbrev: Int. J. Cell Cloning Title : International Journal of Cell Cloning ISSN : 0737-1454 CODEN : IJCCE3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Stem Cells, ends with vol. 10 in 1992. AC : JN-4518 Abbrev: Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. Title : International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine e-ISSN: 1940-5901 Publis: Madison, WI : e-Century Pub. Corp Server: http://www.ijcem.com AC : JN-4103 Abbrev: Int. J. Clin. Exp. Pathol. Title : International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology ISSN : 1936-2625 Publis: e-Century Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.ijcep.com AC : JN-0885 Abbrev: Int. J. Clin. Lab. Res. Title : International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research ISSN : 0940-5437 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Res. Exp. Med. into Clin. Exp. Med., ends with vol. 30 in 2000. AC : JN-4325 Abbrev: Int. J. Clin. Pract. Title : International Journal of Clinical Practice ISSN : 1742-1241 CODEN : IJCPF9 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Former titles (until 1997): British Journal of Clinical Practice (ISSN=0007-0947), (until 1956): Medicine Illustrated (ISSN=0266-982X), (until 1949): Medical Bookman and Historian Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291742-1241 AC : JN-4503 Abbrev: Int. J. Colorectal Dis. Title : International Journal of Colorectal Disease ISSN : 0179-1958 e-ISSN: 1432-1262 CODEN : IJCDE6 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/384 AC : JN-4685 Abbrev: Int. J. Cosmet. Sci. Title : International Journal of Cosmetic Science ISSN : 0142-5463 e-ISSN: 1468-2494 CODEN : IJCMDW Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14682494 AC : JN-1913 Abbrev: Int. J. Dermatol. Title : International Journal of Dermatology [The Official Journal of the International Society of Dermatology] ISSN : 0011-9059 e-ISSN: 1365-4362 CODEN : IJDEBB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0011-9059 AC : JN-0886 Abbrev: Int. J. Dev. Biol. Title : International Journal of Developmental Biology ISSN : 0214-6282 e-ISSN: 1696-3547 CODEN : IJDBE5 Publis: The International Journal of Developmental Biology Server: http://www.ijdb.ehu.es/web/ AC : JN-0887 Abbrev: Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. Title : International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience ISSN : 0736-5748 e-ISSN: 1873-474X CODEN : IJDND6 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07365748 AC : JN-4342 Abbrev: Int. J. Endocrinol. Title : International Journal of Endocrinology ISSN : 1687-8337 e-ISSN: 1687-8345 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije AC : JN-2908 Abbrev: Int. J. Environ. Health Res. Title : International Journal of Environmental Health Research ISSN : 0960-3123 e-ISSN: 1369-1619 CODEN : IJEREO Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713425582 AC : JN-4445 Abbrev: Int. J. Epidemiol. Title : International Journal of Epidemiology ISSN : 0300-5771 e-ISSN: 1464-3685 CODEN : IJEPBF Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0888 Abbrev: Int. J. Exp. Diabetes Res. Title : International Journal of Experimental Diabetes Research ISSN : 1560-4284 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by: Exp. Diabetes Res., ends with vol. 3 in 2002. AC : JN-3804 Abbrev: Int. J. Exp. Pathol. Title : International Journal of Experimental Pathology [Mechanisms and Models of Disease] ISSN : 0959-9673 e-ISSN: 1365-2613 CODEN : IJEPEI Short : IJEP Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces J. Exp. Pathol. starts with vol. 71 in 1990. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2613 AC : JN-0889 Abbrev: Int. J. Food Microbiol. Title : International Journal of Food Microbiology ISSN : 0168-1605 CODEN : IJFMDD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01681605 AC : JN-4712 Abbrev: Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. Title : International Journal of Food Science and Technology ISSN : 1365-2621 Publis: Institute of Food Science and Technology Server: https://ifst.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/13652621 AC : JN-4887 Abbrev: Int. J. Gen. Med. Title : International Journal of General Medicine e-ISSN: 1178-7074 Publis: Dovepress Server: https://www.dovepress.com/international-journal-of-general-medicine-journal AC : JN-0890 Abbrev: Int. J. Gynecol. Obstet. Title : International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics ISSN : 0020-7292 CODEN : IJGOAL Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00207292 AC : JN-1979 Abbrev: Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol. Title : International Journal of Gynecological Pathology ISSN : 0277-1691 e-ISSN: 1538-7151 CODEN : IJGPDR Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/intjgynpathology/ AC : JN-0891 Abbrev: Int. J. Hematol. Title : International Journal of Hematology ISSN : 0925-5710 e-ISSN: 1865-3774 CODEN : IJHEEY Short : IJH Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0925-5710 AC : JN-3359 Abbrev: Int. J. Hortic. Sci. Title : International Journal of Horticultural Science ISSN : 1585-0404 Publis: Agroinform Kft. Server: http://www.agroinform.com/szaklap.php?act=showFolder&id=6 AC : JN-2611 Abbrev: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy Title : International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ISSN : 0360-3199 CODEN : IJHEDX Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03603199 AC : JN-0892 Abbrev: Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health Title : International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health ISSN : 1438-4639 e-ISSN: 1618-131X CODEN : IJEHFT Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14384639 AC : JN-2530 Abbrev: Int. J. Hyperthermia Title : International Journal of Hyperthermia ISSN : 0265-6736 e-ISSN: 1464-5157 CODEN : IJHYEQ Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/hth AC : JN-0893 Abbrev: Int. J. Immunogenet. Title : International Journal of Immunogenetics ISSN : 1744-3121 e-ISSN: 1744-313X CODEN : IJINCU Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Eur. J. Immunogenet., starts with vol. 32 in 2005. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1744-3121 AC : JN-4563 Abbrev: Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. Title : International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology ISSN : 0394-6320 e-ISSN: 2058-7384 Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://journals.sagepub.com/home/iji AC : JN-2472 Abbrev: Int. J. Immunopharmacol. Title : International Journal of Immunopharmacology ISSN : 0192-0561 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. Immunopharmacol., ends with vol. 22 in 2000. AC : JN-0894 Abbrev: Int. J. Impot. Res. Title : International Journal of Impotence Research ISSN : 0955-9930 e-ISSN: 1476-5489 CODEN : IJIRFB Short : IJIR Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ijir/ AC : JN-0895 Abbrev: Int. J. Ind. Entomol. Title : International Journal of Industrial Entomology ISSN : 1598-3579 Short : IJIE Publis: Korean Society of Sericultural Science Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Int. J. Indust. Entomol. Server: http://ijie.or.kr/ AC : JN-4411 Abbrev: Int. J. Ind. Med. Plants Title : International Journal of Indigenous Medicinal Plants ISSN : 2051-4263 Publis: Recent Science Publications Server: http://recentscience.org/ijimp-international-journal-of-indigenous-medicinal-plants/ AC : JN-3153 Abbrev: Int. J. Infect. Dis. Title : International Journal of Infectious Diseases ISSN : 1201-9712 CODEN : IJIDF3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/12019712 AC : JN-4199 Abbrev: Int. J. Inflamm. Title : International Journal of Inflammation ISSN : 2090-8040 e-ISSN: 2042-0099 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/iji/ AC : JN-4479 Abbrev: Int. J. Lab. Hematol. Title : International Journal of Laboratory Hematology ISSN : 1751-5521 e-ISSN: 1751-553X Publis: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1751-553X AC : JN-0896 Abbrev: Int. J. Legal Med. Title : International Journal of Legal Medicine ISSN : 0937-9827 e-ISSN: 1437-1596 CODEN : IJLMEA Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0937-9827 AC : JN-2422 Abbrev: Int. J. Lepr. Other Mycobact. Dis. Title : International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases ISSN : 0148-916X e-ISSN: 1544-581X CODEN : IJLEAG Publis: International Leprosy Association Server: http://www.leprosyjournal.org/lepronline/ AC : JN-0897 Abbrev: Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Process. Title : International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes ISSN : 0168-1176 CODEN : IJMPDN Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1983 and ceased with vol. 193 in 1999. AC : JN-0898 Abbrev: Int. J. Med. Microbiol. Title : International Journal of Medical Microbiology ISSN : 1438-4221 e-ISSN: 1618-0607 CODEN : IMEMFV Short : IJMM Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Replaces Zentralbl. Bakteriol., starts with vol. 290 in 2001. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14384221 AC : JN-3321 Abbrev: Int. J. Med. Mushrooms Title : International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms ISSN : 1521-9437 e-ISSN: 1940-4344 CODEN : IMMUFR Publis: Begell House Inc. Server: http://www.begellhouse.com/ijmm/ AC : JN-3518 Abbrev: Int. J. Med. Sci. Title : International Journal of Medical Sciences e-ISSN: 1449-1907 Publis: Ivyspring International Publisher Server: http://www.medsci.org/ AC : JN-4636 Abbrev: Int. J. Microbiol. Title : International Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 1687-918X e-ISSN: 1687-9198 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijmicro/ AC : JN-0899 Abbrev: Int. J. Mol. Med. Title : International Journal of Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1107-3756 e-ISSN: 1791-244X CODEN : IJMMFG Publis: Spandidos Publications Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/ijmm/ AC : JN-3754 Abbrev: Int. J. Mol. Sci. Title : International Journal of Molecular Sciences ISSN : 1424-6783 e-ISSN: 1422-0067 CODEN : IJMCFK Short : IJMS Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms AC : JN-3503 Abbrev: Int. J. Morphol. Title : International Journal of Morphology ISSN : 0717-9367 e-ISSN: 0717-9502 Publis: Sociedad Chilena de Anatomia Note : Parallel language title: Revista internacional de morfologia. Server: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?nrm=iso&script=sci_issues&pid=0717-9502&lng=en AC : JN-4903 Abbrev: Int. J. Neonatal Screen. Title : International Journal of Neonatal Screening e-ISSN: 2409-515X Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI AG Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/IJNS AC : JN-0900 Abbrev: Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. Title : The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology ISSN : 1461-1457 e-ISSN: 1469-5111 CODEN : IJNUFB Short : IJNP Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PNP AC : JN-2165 Abbrev: Int. J. Neurosci. Title : International Journal of Neuroscience ISSN : 0020-7454 e-ISSN: 1543-5245 CODEN : IJNUB7 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/nes AC : JN-0901 Abbrev: Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord. Title : International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders ISSN : 0307-0565 e-ISSN: 1476-5497 CODEN : IJOBDP Publis: Nature Publishing Group Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Int. J. Obes. Server: https://www.nature.com/ijo/ AC : JN-3266 Abbrev: Int. J. Odonatol. Title : International Journal of Odonatology ISSN : 1388-7890 Publis: Worldwide Dragonfly Association Server: http://www.euronet.nl/users/backhuys/ijo.htm AC : JN-0902 Abbrev: Int. J. Oncol. Title : International Journal of Oncology ISSN : 1019-6439 e-ISSN: 1791-2423 CODEN : IJONES Publis: Spandidos Publications Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/ijo/ AC : JN-4707 Abbrev: Int. J. Ophthalmol. Title : International Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 2222-3959 e-ISSN: 2227-4898 Publis: International Journal of Ophthalmology Press Server: http://www.ijo.cn/ AC : JN-3181 Abbrev: Int. J. Oral Biol. Title : International Journal of Oral Biology ISSN : 1226-7155 Publis: Seoul National University, College of Dentistry AC : JN-3794 Abbrev: Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. Title : International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ISSN : 0901-5027 e-ISSN: 1399-0020 CODEN : IJOSE9 Publis: Churchill Livingstone Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09015027 http://www.ijoms.com/ AC : JN-4361 Abbrev: Int. J. Oral Sci. Title : International Journal of Oral Science ISSN : 1674-2818 e-ISSN: 2049-3169 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ijos/index.html AC : JN-0903 Abbrev: Int. J. Parasitol. Title : International Journal for Parasitology ISSN : 0020-7519 CODEN : IJPYBT Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00207519 AC : JN-4484 Abbrev: Int. J. Parasitol. Drugs Drug Resist. Title : International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance ISSN : 2211-3207 CODEN : IJPDAX Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/22113207 AC : JN-4550 Abbrev: Int. J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Title : International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology e-ISSN: 1687-9856 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://ijpeonline.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-2440 Abbrev: Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. Title : International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology ISSN : 0165-5876 e-ISSN: 1872-8464 CODEN : IPOTDJ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01655876 AC : JN-4134 Abbrev: Int. J. Pept. Title : International Journal of Peptides ISSN : 1687-9767 e-ISSN: 1687-9775 Publis: Hindawi Pub. Corp. New York, NY Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijpep/contents.html AC : JN-0904 Abbrev: Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. Title : International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research ISSN : 0367-8377 CODEN : IJPPC3 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Pept. Res. into J. Pept. Res., ends with vol. 9 in 1996. Replaces Int. J. Prot. Res., starts with vol. 5 in 1973. AC : JN-4208 Abbrev: Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther. Title : International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics ISSN : 1573-3149 e-ISSN: 1573-3904 Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces Lett. Pept. Sci. AC : JN-2014 Abbrev: Int. J. Pharm. Title : International Journal of Pharmaceutics ISSN : 0378-5173 e-ISSN: 1873-3476 CODEN : IJPHDE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03785173 AC : JN-4575 Abbrev: Int. J. Philipp. Sci. Technol. Title : International Journal of Philippine Science and Technology e-ISSN: 2094-2818 Publis: Philippine Science Letters Note : Formerly: Philippine Science Letters Changed name back to Philippine Science Letters. Replaced by Philippine Science Letters starting January 2017 Server: http://philsciletters.org AC : JN-0905 Abbrev: Int. J. Plant Sci. Title : International Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN : 1058-5893 e-ISSN: 1537-5315 CODEN : IPLSE2 Short : IJPS Publis: University of Chicago Press Server: http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=intejplanscie AC : JN-3400 Abbrev: Int. J. Poult. Sci. Title : International Journal of Poultry Science ISSN : 1682-8356 Publis: Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET) Server: http://www.pjbs.org/ijps/ijps.htm AC : JN-0906 Abbrev: Int. J. Primatol. Title : International Journal of Primatology ISSN : 0164-0291 e-ISSN: 1573-8604 CODEN : IJPRDA Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10764 AC : JN-0907 Abbrev: Int. J. Protein Res. Title : International Journal of Protein Research ISSN : 0020-7551 CODEN : IPRRBQ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Pept. Prot. Res., ends with vol. 4 in 1972. AC : JN-0908 Abbrev: Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Title : International Journal of Radiation Biology ISSN : 0955-3002 e-ISSN: 1362-3095 CODEN : IJRBE7 Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Relat. Stud. Phys. Chem. Med., starts with vol. ?54 in 1988. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/rab AC : JN-3558 Abbrev: Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Relat. Stud. Phys. Chem. Med. Title : International Journal of Radiation Biology and Related Studies in Physics, Chemistry, and Medicine ISSN : 0020-7616 CODEN : IJRBA3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Radiat. Biol., ends with vol. ?53 in 1988. AC : JN-0909 Abbrev: Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. Title : International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics ISSN : 0360-3016 CODEN : IOBPD3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03603016 AC : JN-3069 Abbrev: Int. J. Salt Lake Res. Title : International Journal of Salt Lake Research ISSN : 1037-0544 e-ISSN: 1573-8590 CODEN : IJSRFR Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Hydrobiologia, ends with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-4007 Abbrev: Int. J. Speleol. Title : International Journal of Speleology ISSN : 0392-6672 e-ISSN: 1827-806X CODEN : ISPEAV Publis: Societa Speleologica Italiana Server: http://www.ijs.speleo.it AC : JN-4422 Abbrev: Int. J. Stroke Title : International Journal of Stroke ISSN : 1747-4930 e-ISSN: 1747-4949 Publis: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1747-4949 AC : JN-0910 Abbrev: Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. Title : International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology ISSN : 0020-7713 CODEN : IJSBA8 Short : IJSB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., ends with vol. 49 in 1999. AC : JN-0911 Abbrev: Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. Title : International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology ISSN : 1466-5026 e-ISSN: 1466-5034 CODEN : ISEMF5 Short : IJSEM Publis: Society for General Microbiology Note : Replaces Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., starts with vol. 50 in 2000. Server: http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/ AC : JN-4551 Abbrev: Int. J. Toxicol. Title : International Journal of Toxicology ISSN : 1091-5818 e-ISSN: 1092-874X Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://journals.sagepub.com/home/ijt AC : JN-0912 Abbrev: Int. J. Urol. Title : International Journal of Urology ISSN : 0919-8172 e-ISSN: 1442-2042 CODEN : IJURF3 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0919-8172 AC : JN-3423 Abbrev: Int. J. Virol. Title : International Journal of Virology ISSN : 1816-4900 Publis: Academic Journals Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1816-4900 AC : JN-3678 Abbrev: Int. J. Wild Silkmoth Silk Title : International Journal of Wild Silkmoth and Silk ISSN : 1340-4725 Publis: International Society for Wild Silkmoths AC : JN-0913 Abbrev: Int. Microbiol. Title : International Microbiology ISSN : 1139-6709 e-ISSN: 1618-1905 Publis: Viguera Editores Note : Replaces Microbiologia, starts with vol. 1 in 1998. Server: http://www.im.microbios.org/ AC : JN-2796 Abbrev: Int. Pediatr. Title : International Pediatrics ISSN : 0885-6265 CODEN : INPDEV Publis: Miami Children's Hospital Server: http://www.int-pediatrics.org AC : JN-4141 Abbrev: Int. Rev. Cell Mol. Biol. Title : International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1937-6448 Publis: Elsevier Note : This is a book series. Replaces Int. Rev. Cytol., starts with vol. 266 in 2008. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/19376448 AC : JN-0914 Abbrev: Int. Rev. Cytol. Title : International Review of Cytology ISSN : 0074-7696 CODEN : IRCYAJ Publis: Not published Note : This is a book series. Replaced by Int. Rev. Cell Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 265 in 2008. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00747696 AC : JN-2797 Abbrev: Int. Rev. Immunol. Title : International Reviews of Immunology ISSN : 0883-0185 e-ISSN: 1563-5244 CODEN : IRIMEH Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/iri AC : JN-2345 Abbrev: Int. Rev. Neurobiol. Title : International Review of Neurobiology ISSN : 0074-7742 CODEN : IRNEAE Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00747742 AC : JN-0915 Abbrev: Int. Symp. Reprod. Physiol. Fish Title : International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-4628 Abbrev: Integr. Biol. (Camb.) Title : Integrative Biology ISSN : 1757-9694 e-ISSN: 1757-9708 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/ib AC : JN-2110 Abbrev: Integr. Comp. Biol. Title : Integrative and Comparative Biology ISSN : 1540-7063 e-ISSN: 1557-7023 CODEN : AMZOAF Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Am. Zool., starts with vol. 42 in 2002. Server: http://icb.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4301 Abbrev: Interdiscip. Toxicol. Title : Interdisciplinary Toxicology [The Journal of Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Slovak Academy of Sciences] ISSN : 1337-6853 e-ISSN: 1337-9569 Publis: Versita Server: http://versita.metapress.com/content/121432/ AC : JN-0916 Abbrev: Intern. Med. Title : Internal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) ISSN : 0918-2918 e-ISSN: 1349-7235 CODEN : IEDIEP Publis: Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/internalmedicine AC : JN-3799 Abbrev: Intern. Med. J. Title : Internal Medicine Journal ISSN : 1444-0903 e-ISSN: 1445-5994 CODEN : IMJNAK Short : IMJ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1444-0903 AC : JN-3539 Abbrev: Internet J. Microbiol. Title : The Internet Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 1937-8289 Publis: Internet Scientific Publications Server: http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijmb/front.xml AC : JN-3293 Abbrev: Internist Title : Der Internist ISSN : 0020-9554 e-ISSN: 1432-1289 CODEN : INTEAG Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/108 AC : JN-0917 Abbrev: Intervirology Title : Intervirology [International Journal of Basic and Medical Virology] ISSN : 0300-5526 e-ISSN: 1423-0100 CODEN : IVRYAK Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/INT AC : JN-3106 Abbrev: Invertebr. Biol. Title : Invertebrate Biology ISSN : 1077-8306 e-ISSN: 1744-7410 CODEN : TAMSAJ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1077-8306 AC : JN-0920 Abbrev: Invertebr. Neurosci. Title : Invertebrate Neuroscience ISSN : 1354-2516 e-ISSN: 1439-1104 CODEN : INNEFP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Invert. Neurosci. Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/10158 AC : JN-0921 Abbrev: Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. Title : Invertebrate Reproduction and Development ISSN : 0792-4259 CODEN : IRDEE2 Publis: Balaban Publishers Note : Replaces Int. J. Inv. Reprod. Dev., starts with vol. 15 in 1989. Server: http://www.invertebrate-reproduction-development.com/ AC : JN-1947 Abbrev: Invertebr. Syst. Title : Invertebrate Systematics ISSN : 1445-5226 CODEN : ISNYAD Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=120 AC : JN-2736 Abbrev: Invest. Clin. Title : Investigacion Clinica ISSN : 0535-5133 CODEN : ICLIAD Publis: Universidad del Zulia, Instituto de Investigaciones Clinicas Server: http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/lng_en/pid_0535-5133/nrm_iso AC : JN-4549 Abbrev: Invest. New Drugs Title : Investigational New Drugs ISSN : 0167-6997 e-ISSN: 1573-0646 CODEN : INNDDK Publis: Springer New York Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/10637 AC : JN-3559 Abbrev: Invest. Ophthalmol. Title : Investigative Ophthalmology ISSN : 0020-9988 CODEN : INOPAO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., ends with vol. ? in 1976. AC : JN-0922 Abbrev: Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. Title : Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science ISSN : 0146-0404 e-ISSN: 1552-5783 CODEN : IOVSDA Short : IOVS Publis: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Note : Replaces Invest. Ophthalmol., starts with vol. ? in 1977. Server: http://www.iovs.org/ AC : JN-3660 Abbrev: IOBC/WPRS Bull. Title : IOBC/WPRS Bulletin ISSN : 1027-3115 Publis: International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control for Noxious Animals and Plants, West Palearctic Regional Section AC : JN-4757 Abbrev: IOSR J. Pharm. Biol. Sci. Title : IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences ISSN : 2278-3008 CODEN : IJPBM5 Publis: International Organization of Scientific Research Server: https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jpbs.html AC : JN-2166 Abbrev: Ir. Nat. J. Title : The Irish Naturalists' Journal ISSN : 0021-1311 CODEN : INAJA4 Publis: Irish Naturalists' Journal Ltd. Server: http://www.habitas.org.uk/inj/ AC : JN-3070 Abbrev: Iran. Biomed. J. Title : Iranian Biomedical Journal ISSN : 1028-852X CODEN : IBJRAN Publis: Pasteur Institute of Iran Server: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/ AC : JN-4262 Abbrev: Iran. J. Allergy Asthma Immunol. Title : Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology ISSN : 1735-1502 e-ISSN: 1735-5249 Publis: Tehran University of Medical Sciences Server: http://ijaai.tums.ac.ir/index.php/ijaai/index AC : JN-3527 Abbrev: Iran. J. Arthropod-Borne Dis. Title : Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases ISSN : 1735-7179 e-ISSN: 2008-2517 Publis: Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) Publications Server: http://journals.tums.ac.ir/about.aspx?org_id=59&culture_var=en&journal_id=20&segment=en&issue_id=1872 AC : JN-3412 Abbrev: Iran. J. Biotechnol. Title : Iranian Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 1728-3043 Publis: National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Server: http://ijb.nigeb.ac.ir/index.php/ijb AC : JN-3413 Abbrev: Iran. J. Immunol. Title : Iranian Journal of Immunology ISSN : 1735-1383 e-ISSN: 1735-367X Publis: Iranian Society for Immunology & Allergy Server: http://iji.sums.ac.ir/ AC : JN-4337 Abbrev: Iran. J. Kidney Dis. Title : Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases ISSN : 1735-8582 e-ISSN: 1735-8604 Short : IJKD Publis: Iranian Society of Nephrology Server: http://www.ijkd.org/index.php/ijkd AC : JN-3738 Abbrev: Iran. J. Med. Microbiol. Title : Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology ISSN : 1735-8612 Publis: Iranian Society of Microbiology Server: http://www.iranmedex.com/english/issues.asp?journalID=235 AC : JN-4697 Abbrev: Iran. J. Med. Sci. Title : Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 0253-0716 e-ISSN: 1735-3688 CODEN : IJMSDW Publis: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Server: https://ijms.sums.ac.ir/ AC : JN-3560 Abbrev: Iran. J. Plant Pathol. Title : Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology ISSN : 0021-0838 Publis: Iranian Phytopathological Society Note : Parallel language title: Bimarihaye Guiahi. AC : JN-2578 Abbrev: Iran. J. Public Health Title : Iranian Journal of Public Health ISSN : 0304-4556 CODEN : IJPHCD Publis: Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) Publications Server: http://journals.tums.ac.ir/about.aspx?org_id=59&culture_var=en&journal_id=5&segment=en&issue_id=975 AC : JN-4825 Abbrev: Iran. J. Toxicol. Title : Iranian Journal of Toxicology ISSN : 2008-2967 e-ISSN: 2251-9459 Publis: Iranian Society of Toxicology Server: http://ijt.arakmu.ac.ir AC : JN-3401 Abbrev: Iran. J. Vet. Res. Title : Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research ISSN : 1728-1997 Publis: Shiraz University, School of Veterinary Medicine Note : Parallel language title: Majallahi Tahqiqati Dampizishkii Iran. Server: http://www.shirazu.ac.ir/en/index.php?page_id=26 AC : JN-4291 Abbrev: Iran. Red Crescent Med. J. Title : Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal ISSN : 2074-1804 e-ISSN: 2074-1812 Short : IRCMJ Publis: Kowsar Corporation Note : Electronic only, print ceased 2011 Server: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1742/ AC : JN-0923 Abbrev: IRCS Med. Sci. Title : IRCS Medical Science ISSN : 0268-8220 CODEN : IMSCE2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Med. Sci. Res., ends with vol. ? in 1986. AC : JN-4595 Abbrev: IScience Title : IScience ISSN : 2589-0042 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/iscience AC : JN-4111 Abbrev: Islets Title : Islets e-ISSN: 1938-2022 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/islets AC : JN-1948 Abbrev: ISME J. Title : The ISME Journal [Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology] ISSN : 1751-7362 e-ISSN: 1751-7370 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ismej/ AC : JN-0924 Abbrev: Isozyme Bull. Title : Isozyme Bulletin ISSN : 0197-887X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Gene Fam. Isozyme Bull., ends with vol. 29 in 1996. AC : JN-0925 Abbrev: Isozymes Curr. Top. Biol. Med. Res. Title : Isozymes: Current Topics in Biological Medical Research ISSN : 0160-3787 CODEN : ICTRDF Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 16 in 1987. AC : JN-0926 Abbrev: Isr. J. Chem. Title : Israel Journal of Chemistry ISSN : 0021-2148 CODEN : ISJCAT Publis: Science from Israel Ltd. Server: http://www.israelsciencejournals.com/chem.htm AC : JN-3838 Abbrev: Isr. J. Ecol. Evol. Title : Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution ISSN : 1565-9801 CODEN : IJZOAE Publis: Science from Israel Ltd. Server: http://www.israelsciencejournals.com/eco.htm AC : JN-0927 Abbrev: Isr. J. Med. Sci. Title : Israel Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 0021-2180 CODEN : IJMDAI Publis: Israel Medical Association Server: http://www.ima.org.il/imaj/ AC : JN-0928 Abbrev: Isr. J. Plant Sci. Title : Israel Journal of Plant Sciences ISSN : 0792-9978 CODEN : IJUPEU Publis: Science from Israel Ltd. Server: http://www.israelsciencejournals.com/plants.htm AC : JN-4629 Abbrev: ISRN Bioinform. Title : ISRN Bioinformatics ISSN : 2090-7338 e-ISSN: 2090-7346 Publis: International Scholarly Research Network Server: http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/bioinformatics/ AC : JN-4889 Abbrev: ISRN Mol. Biol. Title : ISRN Molecular Biology e-ISSN: 2090-7907 Publis: International Scholarly Research Network Note : Replaced by Int. Sch. Res. Notices, ends in 2014. AC : JN-2074 Abbrev: Ital. J. Anat. Embryol. Title : Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology ISSN : 1122-6714 CODEN : AIAEA2 Publis: Editrice Il Sedicesimo Note : Replaces Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., starts with vol. 97 in 1992. Server: http://www.siai.unifi.it/itj.html AC : JN-3360 Abbrev: Ital. J. Anim. Sci. Title : Italian Journal of Animal Science ISSN : 1594-4077 CODEN : ZNAND2 Publis: Avenue Media Server: http://www.aspajournal.it/index.php/ijas AC : JN-0929 Abbrev: Ital. J. Biochem. Title : Italian Journal of Biochemistry ISSN : 0021-2938 CODEN : IJBIAC Publis: Biomedia srl Server: http://www.biomedia.net/main/editoria/ijb.html AC : JN-3140 Abbrev: Ital. J. Food Sci. Title : Italian Journal of Food Science ISSN : 1120-1770 CODEN : ITFSEY Publis: Chiriotti Editori S p A Server: http://www.chiriotti.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=146&Itemid=14&lang=en AC : JN-4839 Abbrev: Ital. J. Pediatr. Title : Italian Journal of Pediatrics ISSN : 1720-8424 e-ISSN: 1824-7288 CODEN : IJPTBE Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://ijponline.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-2638 Abbrev: Ital. J. Zool. Title : Italian Journal of Zoology ISSN : 1125-0003 e-ISSN: 1748-5851 Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Ital. J. Zool. (Modena). Replaces Boll. Zool., starts with vol. ? in 1996. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t741771159 AC : JN-3703 Abbrev: ITE Lett. Batteries New Technol. Med. Title : ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies and Medicine ISSN : 1531-2046 CODEN : ILBMF9 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by ITE - IBA Lett. Batteries New Technol. Med., ends with vol. ? in 2008. AC : JN-0930 Abbrev: IUBMB Life Title : IUBMB Life ISSN : 1521-6543 e-ISSN: 1521-6551 CODEN : IULIF8 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., starts with vol. 48 in 1999. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291521-6551 AC : JN-4389 Abbrev: IUCrJ Title : IUCrJ ISSN : 2052-2525 Publis: International Union of Crystallography Server: http://journals.iucr.org/m/ AC : JN-3550 Abbrev: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Biol. Title : Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Biologicheskaya ISSN : 0002-3329 CODEN : IANBAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pathol. Int., ends with vol. ? in 1992. Alternative transliteration: Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaia. AC : JN-0931 Abbrev: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim. Title : Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriia Khimicheskaia ISSN : 0002-3353 CODEN : IASKA6 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR [Khim.]. Replaced by Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk., Ser. Khim., ends with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-3058 Abbrev: Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Biol. Title : Izvestiya Rossiiskaya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Biologicheskaya ISSN : 1026-3470 Publis: Izdatel'stvo Nauka Note : Replaces Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Biol., starts with vol. ? in 1992. Alternative transliteration: Izvestiya RAN. Seriya biologicheskaya. Alternative Medline abbreviation: Izv. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Biol.. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=izvbio&lang=eng AC : JN-4495 Abbrev: J. AAPOS Title : Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus [Journal of AAPOS: the Official Publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus] ISSN : 1091-8531 e-ISSN: 1528-3933 Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10918531 AC : JN-0934 Abbrev: J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. Title : Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes ISSN : 0894-9255 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. Hum. Retrovirol., ends with vol. 7 in 1994. AC : JN-0935 Abbrev: J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. Hum. Retrovirol. Title : Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology ISSN : 1077-9450 CODEN : JDSRET Publis: Not published Note : Replaces J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr., starts with vol. 8 in 1995. Replaced by JAIDS, ends with vol. 20 in 1999. AC : JN-4743 Abbrev: J. Adv. Res. Title : Journal of Advanced Research ISSN : 2090-1232 e-ISSN: 2090-1224 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-advanced-research AC : JN-0936 Abbrev: J. Affect. Disord. Title : Journal of Affective Disorders ISSN : 0165-0327 e-ISSN: 1573-2517 CODEN : JADID7 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01650327 AC : JN-0937 Abbrev: J. Agric. Food Chem. Title : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ISSN : 0021-8561 e-ISSN: 1520-5118 CODEN : JAFCAU Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jafcau/ AC : JN-3402 Abbrev: J. Agric. Sci. Technol. Title : Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology ISSN : 1680-7073 Short : JAST Publis: University of Tarbiat Modarres, Faculty of Agriculture Server: http://www.jast.ir/ AC : JN-4265 Abbrev: J. Agric. Sci. Technol. (Beijing) Title : Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Beijing) ISSN : 1008-0864 Publis: Zhong Guo Nong Ye Ke Ji Dao Bao Bian Ji Bu Note : Parallel language title: Review of China Agricultural Science and Technology. Server: http://www.oriprobe.com/journals/zgnykjdb.html AC : JN-3737 Abbrev: J. Agric. Urban Entomol. Title : Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology ISSN : 1523-5475 CODEN : JAENES Publis: South Carolina Entomological Society Server: http://entweb.clemson.edu/scesweb/jaue.htm AC : JN-2103 Abbrev: J. Ala. Acad. Sci. Title : Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science ISSN : 0002-4112 CODEN : JAASAJ Publis: Auburn University Press AC : JN-0938 Abbrev: J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Title : The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ISSN : 0091-6749 e-ISSN: 1097-6825 CODEN : JACIBY Short : JACI Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00916749 AC : JN-4564 Abbrev: J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Pract. Title : The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: in Practice ISSN : 2213-2198 e-ISSN: 2213-2201 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22132198 AC : JN-0939 Abbrev: J. Alzheimers Dis. Title : Journal of Alzheimer's Disease ISSN : 1387-2877 CODEN : JADIF9 Publis: IOS Press Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=13872877 AC : JN-0940 Abbrev: J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. Title : Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ISSN : 0190-9622 e-ISSN: 1097-6787 CODEN : JAADDB Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01909622 AC : JN-3343 Abbrev: J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. Sci. Title : Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science ISSN : 1559-6109 CODEN : CTLAA8 Short : JAALAS Publis: American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Server: http://www.aalas.org/publications/index.aspx#CT AC : JN-0941 Abbrev: J. Am. Chem. Soc. Title : Journal of the American Chemical Society ISSN : 0002-7863 e-ISSN: 1520-5126 CODEN : JACSAT Short : JACS Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jacsat/ AC : JN-0942 Abbrev: J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. Title : Journal of the American College of Cardiology ISSN : 0735-1097 e-ISSN: 1558-3597 CODEN : JACCDI Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07351097 AC : JN-3199 Abbrev: J. Am. Coll. Surg. Title : Journal of the American College of Surgeons ISSN : 1072-7515 CODEN : JACSEX Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10727515 AC : JN-4399 Abbrev: J. Am. Heart Assoc. Title : Journal of the American Heart Association e-ISSN: 2047-9980 Publis: Wiley-Blackwell Server: http://jaha.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-3431 Abbrev: J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. Title : Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association ISSN : 8756-971X e-ISSN: 1943-6270 CODEN : JAMAET Publis: American Mosquito Control Association Server: http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-journals-list&issn=8756-971X AC : JN-2108 Abbrev: J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. Title : Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society ISSN : 0003-021X e-ISSN: 1558-9331 CODEN : JAOCA7 Short : JAOCS Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/11746 AC : JN-2035 Abbrev: J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. Title : Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists ISSN : 0361-0470 CODEN : JSBCD3 Publis: American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) Server: http://www.asbcnet.org/journal/ AC : JN-0943 Abbrev: J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. Title : Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science ISSN : 0003-1062 CODEN : JOSHB5 Publis: American Society for Horticultural Science Server: http://journal.ashspublications.org/ AC : JN-0944 Abbrev: J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. Title : Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 1044-0305 CODEN : JAMSEF Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10440305 AC : JN-0945 Abbrev: J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. Title : Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ISSN : 1046-6673 e-ISSN: 1533-3450 CODEN : JASNEU Short : JASN Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://jasn.asnjournals.org/ AC : JN-3100 Abbrev: J. Am. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Title : Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists ISSN : 1075-6302 Publis: American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Server: http://www.assct.org/ AC : JN-2109 Abbrev: J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. Title : Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association ISSN : 0003-1488 CODEN : JAVMA4 Short : JAVMA Publis: American Veterinary Medical Association Server: http://avmajournals.avma.org/loi/javma AC : JN-4214 Abbrev: J. Amino Acids Title : Journal of Amino Acids ISSN : 2090-0104 e-ISSN: 2090-0112 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jaa/ AC : JN-0946 Abbrev: J. Anat. Title : Journal of Anatomy ISSN : 0021-8782 e-ISSN: 1469-7580 CODEN : JOANAY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0021-8782 AC : JN-0947 Abbrev: J. Androl. Title : Journal of Andrology ISSN : 0196-3635 e-ISSN: 1939-4640 CODEN : JOAND3 Publis: American Society of Andrology Server: http://www.andrologyjournal.org/ AC : JN-4421 Abbrev: J. Anesth. Title : Journal of Anesthesia ISSN : 0913-8668 e-ISSN: 1438-8359 CODEN : JANEEC Publis: Springer International for the Japan Society of Anesthesiology Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/540 AC : JN-4283 Abbrev: J. Angiog. Res. Title : Journal of Angiogenesis Research e-ISSN: 2040-2384 CODEN : JARODR Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.jangiogenesis.com/ AC : JN-0948 Abbrev: J. Anim. Breed. Genet. Title : Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics ISSN : 0931-2668 e-ISSN: 1439-0388 CODEN : JABAE8 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0931-2668 AC : JN-3182 Abbrev: J. Anim. Feed Sci. Title : Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences ISSN : 1230-1388 CODEN : JFESEA Publis: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Fizjologii i Zywienia Zwierzat im. Jana Kielanowskiego Server: http://www.ifzz.pl/en/publications/journal-of-animal-and-feed-sciences/about-us AC : JN-3686 Abbrev: J. Anim. Genet. Title : Journal of Animal Genetics ISSN : 1344-9265 Publis: Japanese Society of Animal Breeding and Genetics Server: http://bre.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~jsabg/ AC : JN-0949 Abbrev: J. Anim. Sci. Title : Journal of Animal Science ISSN : 0021-8812 e-ISSN: 1525-3163 CODEN : JANSAG Short : JAS Publis: American Society of Animal Science Server: http://jas.fass.org/ AC : JN-0950 Abbrev: J. Antibiot. Title : Journal of Antibiotics ISSN : 0021-8820 e-ISSN: 1881-1469 CODEN : JANTAJ Publis: Japan Antibiotics Research Association Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Antibiot. (Tokyo). Server: http://www.antibiotics.or.jp/journal/ja-top.htm AC : JN-0951 Abbrev: J. Antimicrob. Chemother. Title : Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy ISSN : 0305-7453 e-ISSN: 1460-2091 CODEN : JACHDX Short : JAC Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-3083 Abbrev: J. AOAC Int. Title : Journal of AOAC International [Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists International] ISSN : 1060-3271 CODEN : JAINEE Publis: AOAC International Server: http://www.aoac.org/pubs/jaoac.htm AC : JN-0952 Abbrev: J. Apic. Res. Title : Journal of Apicultural Research ISSN : 0021-8839 CODEN : JACRAQ Publis: International Bee Research Association Server: http://www.ibra.org.uk/categories/jar AC : JN-2919 Abbrev: J. Appl. Anim. Res. Title : Journal of Applied Animal Research ISSN : 0971-2119 e-ISSN: 0974-1844 CODEN : JANREH Short : JAAR Publis: Garuda Scientific Publications Server: http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/jaar/ AC : JN-0953 Abbrev: J. Appl. Bacteriol. Title : Journal of Applied Bacteriology ISSN : 0021-8847 CODEN : JABAA4 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Appl. Microbiol., ends with vol. 81 in 1996. AC : JN-4823 Abbrev: J. Appl. Biomed. Title : Journal of Applied Biomedicine ISSN : 1214-021X e-ISSN: 1214-0287 Publis: University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Server: https://jab.zsf.jcu.cz/ AC : JN-3372 Abbrev: J. Appl. Bot. Food Qual. Title : Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality ISSN : 1613-9216 e-ISSN: 1439-040X CODEN : JABOFH Publis: Vereinigung fur Angewandte Botanik Note : Parallel language title: Angewandte Botanik. Server: http://www.angewandtebotanik.de/zeitschrift.htm AC : JN-4339 Abbrev: J. Appl. Crystallogr. Title : Journal of Applied Crystallography ISSN : 0021-8898 e-ISSN: 1600-5767 CODEN : JACGAR Publis: International Union of Crystallography Server: http://journals.iucr.org/j/ AC : JN-2169 Abbrev: J. Appl. Ecol. Title : Journal of Applied Ecology ISSN : 0021-8901 e-ISSN: 1365-2664 CODEN : JAPEAI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0021-8901 AC : JN-2853 Abbrev: J. Appl. Entomol. Title : Journal of Applied Entomology ISSN : 0931-2048 e-ISSN: 1439-0418 CODEN : JOAEEB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0931-2048 AC : JN-2003 Abbrev: J. Appl. Genet. Title : Journal of Applied Genetics ISSN : 1234-1983 CODEN : JAGEFC Publis: Polish Academy of Sciences Server: http://jag.igr.poznan.pl/ AC : JN-3225 Abbrev: J. Appl. Glycosci. Title : Journal of Applied Glycoscience ISSN : 1344-7882 CODEN : OTKAE3 Short : JAD Publis: Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jag AC : JN-0954 Abbrev: J. Appl. Ichthyol. Title : Journal of Applied Ichthyology ISSN : 0175-8659 e-ISSN: 1439-0426 CODEN : ZAICEL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0175-8659 AC : JN-0955 Abbrev: J. Appl. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN : 1364-5072 e-ISSN: 1365-2672 CODEN : JAMIFK Short : JAM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces J. Appl. Bacteriol., starts with vol. 82 in 1997. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1364-5072 AC : JN-0956 Abbrev: J. Appl. Phycol. Title : Journal of Applied Phycology ISSN : 0921-8971 e-ISSN: 1573-5176 CODEN : JAPPEL Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10811 AC : JN-1978 Abbrev: J. Appl. Physiol. Title : Journal of Applied Physiology ISSN : 8750-7587 e-ISSN: 1522-1601 CODEN : JAPHEV Short : JAP Publis: American Physiological Society Server: http://jap.physiology.org/ AC : JN-3424 Abbrev: J. Appl. Sci. Res. Title : Journal of Applied Sciences Research ISSN : 1816-157X e-ISSN: 1819-544X Publis: INSInet Publications AC : JN-3037 Abbrev: J. Appl. Sci. South. Afr. Title : Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa ISSN : 1019-7788 Short : JASSA Publis: University of Zimbabwe Publications Server: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jassa AC : JN-4206 Abbrev: J. Appl. Toxicol. Title : Journal of Applied Toxicology ISSN : 0260-437X e-ISSN: 1099-1263 CODEN : JJATDK Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1263 AC : JN-2820 Abbrev: J. Aquat. Anim. Health Title : Journal of Aquatic Animal Health ISSN : 0899-7659 e-ISSN: 1548-8667 CODEN : JAAHEO Publis: American Fisheries Society Server: http://afsjournals.org/page/aqah/information.html AC : JN-2423 Abbrev: J. Aquat. Plant Manag. Title : Journal of Aquatic Plant Management ISSN : 0146-6623 CODEN : JAPMDB Publis: Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. Server: http://www.apms.org/japm.htm AC : JN-2441 Abbrev: J. Arachnol. Title : Journal of Arachnology ISSN : 0161-8202 e-ISSN: 1937-2396 CODEN : JARCDP Publis: American Arachnological Society Server: http://www.americanarachnology.org/JOA.html AC : JN-2579 Abbrev: J. Archaeol. Sci. Title : Journal of Archaeological Science ISSN : 0305-4403 e-ISSN: 1095-9238 CODEN : JASCDU Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03054403 AC : JN-2424 Abbrev: J. Arid Environ. Title : Journal of Arid Environments ISSN : 0140-1963 e-ISSN: 1095-922X CODEN : JAENDR Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01401963 AC : JN-3636 Abbrev: J. Arid Land Stud. Title : Journal of Arid Land Studies ISSN : 0917-6985 Publis: Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies Note : Parallel language title: Sabaku Kenkyu. AC : JN-4783 Abbrev: J. Arrhythm. Title : Journal of Arrhythmia ISSN : 1880-4276 e-ISSN: 1883-2148 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1883-2148 AC : JN-3183 Abbrev: J. Asia-Pac. Entomol. Title : Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology ISSN : 1226-8615 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/12268615 AC : JN-0957 Abbrev: J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. Title : Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics ISSN : 1058-0468 e-ISSN: 1573-7330 CODEN : JARGE4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10815 AC : JN-0958 Abbrev: J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Title : Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology ISSN : 1525-3961 e-ISSN: 1438-7573 CODEN : JJARBC Short : JARO Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10162 AC : JN-0959 Abbrev: J. Atheroscler. Thromb. Title : Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis ISSN : 1340-3478 e-ISSN: 1880-3873 CODEN : JATHEH Publis: Japan Atherosclerosis Society Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jat AC : JN-3553 Abbrev: J. Aust. Entomol. Soc. Title : Journal of the Australian Entomological Society ISSN : 0004-9050 CODEN : AESJBC Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Aust. J. Entomol., ends with vol. 34 in 1995. AC : JN-4446 Abbrev: J. Autism Dev. Disord. Title : Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ISSN : 0162-3257 e-ISSN: 1573-3432 CODEN : JADDDQ Publis: Springer New York Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/10803 AC : JN-0960 Abbrev: J. Autoimmun. Title : Journal of Autoimmunity ISSN : 0896-8411 e-ISSN: 1095-9157 CODEN : JOAUE Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08968411 AC : JN-2012 Abbrev: J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. Title : Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System ISSN : 0165-1838 CODEN : JASYDS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Auton. Neurosci., ends with vol. 81 in 2000. AC : JN-1949 Abbrev: J. Avian Biol. Title : Journal of Avian Biology ISSN : 0908-8857 e-ISSN: 1600-048X CODEN : JAVBE9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0908-8857 AC : JN-3127 Abbrev: J. Avian Med. Surg. Title : Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery ISSN : 1082-6742 e-ISSN: 1938-2871 Publis: Association of Avian Veterinarians Server: http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-journals-list&issn=1082-6742 AC : JN-0961 Abbrev: J. Bacteriol. Title : Journal of Bacteriology ISSN : 0021-9193 e-ISSN: 1098-5530 CODEN : JOBAAY Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://jb.asm.org/ AC : JN-0962 Abbrev: J. Basic Microbiol. Title : Journal of Basic Microbiology [An International Journal on Biochemistry, Physiology, Genetics, Morphology and Ecology of Microorganisms] ISSN : 0233-111X e-ISSN: 1521-4028 CODEN : JBMIEQ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4028 AC : JN-0963 Abbrev: J. Basic Sci. Eng. Title : Journal of Basic Science and Engineering ISSN : 1005-0930 Publis: Zhongguo Guanli Kexue Yanjiuyuan, Yingyong Jichu Yu Gongcheng Kexue Yanjiusuo Note : Parallel language title: Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao. Server: http://yyjcygckxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0964 Abbrev: J. Biochem. Title : Journal of Biochemistry ISSN : 0021-924X CODEN : JOBIAO Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Biochem. (Tokyo). Server: http://jb.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-0965 Abbrev: J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods Title : Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods ISSN : 0165-022X e-ISSN: 1872-857X CODEN : JBBMDG Short : JBBM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Proteomics, ends with vol. 70 in 2007. AC : JN-0966 Abbrev: J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Title : Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1225-8687 e-ISSN: 0219-1024 CODEN : JBMBE5 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Hanguk Saenghwahakhoe Chi., starts with vol. 28 in 1995. Replaced by BMB Rep., ends with vol. 40 in 2007. AC : JN-0967 Abbrev: J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys. Title : Journal of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics ISSN : 1025-8140 CODEN : JBMBF6 Short : JBMBB Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1997 and ceased with vol. 6 in 2002. AC : JN-0968 Abbrev: J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol. Title : Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology ISSN : 1095-6670 e-ISSN: 1099-0461 CODEN : JBMTFQ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces J. Biochem. Toxicol., starts with vol. 12 in 1998. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0461 AC : JN-0969 Abbrev: J. Biochem. Toxicol. Title : Journal of Biochemical Toxicology ISSN : 0887-2082 CODEN : JBTOEB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol., ends with vol. 11 in 1996. AC : JN-0970 Abbrev: J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. Title : Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes ISSN : 0145-479X e-ISSN: 1573-6881 CODEN : JBBID4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10863 AC : JN-0971 Abbrev: J. Biogeogr. Title : Journal of Biogeography ISSN : 0305-0270 e-ISSN: 1365-2699 CODEN : JBIODN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0305-0270 AC : JN-4093 Abbrev: J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. Title : Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ISSN : 0219-7200 e-ISSN: 1757-6334 Publis: Imperial College Press Server: http://www.worldscinet.com/jbcb/ AC : JN-0972 Abbrev: J. Biol. Title : Journal of Biology ISSN : 1478-5854 e-ISSN: 1475-4924 CODEN : JBOIAW Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://jbiol.com/ AC : JN-0973 Abbrev: J. Biol. Chem. Title : Journal of Biological Chemistry ISSN : 0021-9258 e-ISSN: 1083-351X CODEN : JBCHA3 Short : JBC Publis: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Server: http://www.jbc.org/ AC : JN-3775 Abbrev: J. Biol. Eng. Title : Journal of Biological Engineering e-ISSN: 1754-1611 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.jbioleng.org/ AC : JN-0974 Abbrev: J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. Title : Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry ISSN : 0949-8257 e-ISSN: 1432-1327 CODEN : JJBCFA Short : JBIC Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/775 AC : JN-2679 Abbrev: J. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents Title : Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents ISSN : 0393-974X CODEN : JBRAER Publis: Biolife Server: http://www.biolifesas.org/jbrha.htm AC : JN-0975 Abbrev: J. Biol. Rhythms Title : Journal of Biological Rhythms ISSN : 0748-7304 e-ISSN: 1552-4531 CODEN : JBRHEE Short : JBR Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://jbr.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-4074 Abbrev: J. Biol. Sci. (Bombay) Title : The Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 0021-9282 CODEN : JBSBAV Publis: Bombay Biological Association Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Chem. Sci. AC : JN-0976 Abbrev: J. Biol. Sci. (Faisalabad) Title : Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 1727-3048 e-ISSN: 1812-5719 Short : JBS Publis: Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET) Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1727-3048 AC : JN-0977 Abbrev: J. Biolumin. Chemilumin. Title : Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence ISSN : 0884-3996 CODEN : JBCHE7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Luminescence, ends with vol. 13 in 1998. AC : JN-0978 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology ISSN : 1110-7243 e-ISSN: 1110-7251 CODEN : JBBOAJ Short : JBB Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jbb/ AC : JN-3452 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Inform. Title : Journal of Biomedical Informatics ISSN : 1532-0464 e-ISSN: 1532-0480 CODEN : JBIOBL Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15320464 AC : JN-0979 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Lab. Sci. Title : Journal of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences ISSN : 1013-7653 Publis: Chinese Association for Clinical Biochemistry Note : Parallel language title: Sheng Wu Yi Xue Ji Jian Yan Ke Xue Za Zhi. Parallel language title: Shengwu Yixue Ji Jianyan Kexue Zazhi. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=730 AC : JN-2182 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Title : Journal of Biomedical Materials Research ISSN : 0021-9304 e-ISSN: 1097-4636 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A and J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater., ends with vol. 63 in 2002. AC : JN-2170 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A Title : Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A ISSN : 1549-3296 e-ISSN: 1552-4965 CODEN : JBMRBG Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces in part J. Biomed. Mater. Res., starts with vol. 64A in 2003. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-4965 AC : JN-2171 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. Title : Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B: Applied Biomaterials ISSN : 1552-4973 e-ISSN: 1552-4981 CODEN : JBMRGL Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces in part J. Biomed. Mater. Res., starts with vol. 64B in 2003. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-4981 AC : JN-4477 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Opt. Title : Journal of Biomedical Optics ISSN : 1083-3668 CODEN : JBOPFO Publis: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Server: http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/journal.aspx AC : JN-4662 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Res. Title : Journal of Biomedical Research ISSN : 1674-8301 e-ISSN: 2352-4685 CODEN : JBROEZ Publis: Editorial Department of the Journals of Nanjing Medical University Note : Replaces Journal of Nanjing Medical University, starts with vol. 24(1) in 2010. Server: http://www.jbr-pub.org.cn/ AC : JN-0980 Abbrev: J. Biomed. Sci. Title : Journal of Biomedical Science ISSN : 1021-7770 e-ISSN: 1423-0127 CODEN : JBCIEA Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.jbiomedsci.com/ AC : JN-0981 Abbrev: J. Biomol. NMR Title : Journal of Biomolecular NMR ISSN : 0925-2738 e-ISSN: 1573-5001 CODEN : JBNME9 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10858 AC : JN-0982 Abbrev: J. Biomol. Screen. Title : Journal of Biomolecular Screening ISSN : 1087-0571 e-ISSN: 1552-454X CODEN : JBISF3 Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://jbx.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-0983 Abbrev: J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. Title : Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics ISSN : 0739-1102 e-ISSN: 1538-0254 CODEN : JBSDD6 Short : JBSD Publis: Adenine Press Server: http://www.jbsdonline.com/ AC : JN-0984 Abbrev: J. Biomol. Tech. Title : Journal of Biomolecular Techniques ISSN : 1524-0215 Publis: Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Server: http://jbt.abrf.org AC : JN-0985 Abbrev: J. Biopharm. Sci. Title : Journal of Biopharmaceutical Sciences ISSN : 0957-7548 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pharm. Sci. Commun., ends with vol. 3 in 1992. AC : JN-3791 Abbrev: J. Biophotonics Title : Journal of Biophotonics ISSN : 1864-063X e-ISSN: 1864-0648 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1864-0648 AC : JN-4735 Abbrev: J. Bioprocess. Biotech. Title : Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques e-ISSN: 2155-9821 Publis: Hilaris Server: https://www.hilarispublisher.com/bioprocessing-biotechniques.html AC : JN-0986 Abbrev: J. Biosci. Title : Journal of Biosciences ISSN : 0250-4774 CODEN : JOBSDN Publis: Indian Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci/ AC : JN-0987 Abbrev: J. Biosci. Bioeng. Title : Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering ISSN : 1389-1723 e-ISSN: 1347-4421 CODEN : JBBIF6 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces J. Ferment. Bioeng., starts with vol. 87 in 1999. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13891723 AC : JN-0988 Abbrev: J. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Biotechnology ISSN : 0168-1656 e-ISSN: 1873-4863 CODEN : JBITD4 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01681656 AC : JN-4457 Abbrev: J. Bioterror. Biodef. Title : Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense e-ISSN: 2157-2526 Publis: OMICS International Server: http://www.omicsonline.org/bioterrorism-biodefense.php AC : JN-4230 Abbrev: J. Bone Joint Surg. Title : Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery ISSN : 0021-9355 e-ISSN: 1535-1386 Publis: British Orthopaedic Association Server: http://jbjs.org/ AC : JN-0989 Abbrev: J. Bone Miner. Metab. Title : Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism ISSN : 0914-8779 e-ISSN: 1435-5604 CODEN : JBMME4 Publis: Springer Japan Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/774 AC : JN-0990 Abbrev: J. Bone Miner. Res. Title : Journal of Bone and Mineral Research ISSN : 0884-0431 e-ISSN: 1523-4681 CODEN : JBMREJ Publis: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Server: http://www.jbmr-online.org/ AC : JN-2251 Abbrev: J. Bot. Res. Inst. Tex. Title : Journal Botanical Research Institute of Texas ISSN : 1934-5259 CODEN : SCBTA4 Publis: Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Inc. Note : Replaces SIDA Contrib. Bot., starts with vol. 1 in 2007. Server: http://www.brit.org/brit-press/jbrit/ AC : JN-2641 Abbrev: J. Bryol. Title : Journal of Bryology ISSN : 0373-6687 e-ISSN: 1743-2820 CODEN : JBRYAR Publis: Maney Publishing Server: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=177 AC : JN-4776 Abbrev: J. Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle Title : Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle ISSN : 2190-5991 e-ISSN: 2190-6009 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1353921906009 AC : JN-2460 Abbrev: J. Calif. Gt. Basin Anthropol. Title : Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology ISSN : 0191-3557 CODEN : JGBAEG Publis: Malki Museum Press Server: http://www.malkimuseumstore.org/CategoryProductList.jsp?cat=Journal+of+California+and+Great+Basin+Anthropology AC : JN-4858 Abbrev: J. Cancer Title : Journal of Cancer ISSN : 1837-9664 CODEN : JCWAAL Publis: Ivyspring International Publisher Server: http://www.jcancer.org AC : JN-4380 Abbrev: J. Cancer Biol. Res. Title : Journal of Cancer Biology and Research e-ISSN: 2373-9436 Publis: JSciMed Central Server: http://www.jscimedcentral.com/CancerBiology/allissues.php AC : JN-0991 Abbrev: J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. Title : Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology ISSN : 0171-5216 e-ISSN: 1432-1335 CODEN : JCROD7 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/432 AC : JN-4624 Abbrev: J. Cancer Sci. Ther. Title : Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy e-ISSN: 1948-5956 Publis: OMICS International Server: https://www.omicsonline.org/cancer-science-therapy.php AC : JN-4226 Abbrev: J. Carbohydr. Chem. Title : Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry ISSN : 0732-8303 e-ISSN: 1532-2327 CODEN : JCACDM Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/lcar20 AC : JN-1993 Abbrev: J. Card. Fail. Title : Journal of Cardiac Failure ISSN : 1071-9164 e-ISSN: 1532-8414 CODEN : JCFAF9 Publis: Churchill Livingstone Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10719164 http://www.hfsa.org/journal.asp AC : JN-4867 Abbrev: J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis. Title : Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease e-ISSN: 2308-3425 CODEN : JCDDB4 Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI AG Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcdd AC : JN-0992 Abbrev: J. Cardiovasc. Electrophysiol. Title : Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology ISSN : 1045-3873 e-ISSN: 1540-8167 CODEN : JCELE2 Short : JCE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1045-3873 AC : JN-0993 Abbrev: J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. Title : Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology ISSN : 0160-2446 e-ISSN: 1533-4023 CODEN : JCPCDT Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/cardiovascularpharm/ AC : JN-3348 Abbrev: J. Caribb. Ornithol. Title : The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology ISSN : 1544-4953 Publis: Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds Server: http://web2.puc.edu/Faculty/Floyd_Hayes/jco/ AC : JN-0994 Abbrev: J. Cell Biol. Title : Journal of Cell Biology ISSN : 0021-9525 e-ISSN: 1540-8140 CODEN : JCLBA3 Short : JCB Publis: Rockfeller University Press Server: http://jcb.rupress.org/ AC : JN-4086 Abbrev: J. Cell Commun. Signal. Title : Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling ISSN : 1873-9601 e-ISSN: 1873-961X Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12079 AC : JN-0997 Abbrev: J. Cell Sci. Title : Journal of Cell Science ISSN : 0021-9533 e-ISSN: 1477-9137 CODEN : JNCSAI Short : JCS Publis: Company of Biologists Server: http://jcs.biologists.org/ AC : JN-2565 Abbrev: J. Cell Sci. Suppl. Title : Journal of Cell Science. Supplement ISSN : 0269-3518 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1995. AC : JN-0998 Abbrev: J. Cell. Biochem. Title : Journal of Cellular Biochemistry ISSN : 0730-2312 e-ISSN: 1097-4644 CODEN : JCEBD5 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4644 AC : JN-0995 Abbrev: J. Cell. Mol. Med. Title : Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1582-1838 e-ISSN: 1582-4934 CODEN : JCMMC9 Short : JCMM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1582-1838 AC : JN-0996 Abbrev: J. Cell. Physiol. Title : Journal of Cellular Physiology ISSN : 0021-9541 e-ISSN: 1097-4652 CODEN : JCLLAX Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4652 AC : JN-4724 Abbrev: J. Cent. Nerv. Syst. Dis. Title : Journal of Central Nervous System Disease e-ISSN: 1179-5735 Publis: SAGE Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/cns AC : JN-0999 Abbrev: J. Cereal Sci. Title : Journal of Cereal Science ISSN : 0733-5210 e-ISSN: 1095-9963 CODEN : JCSCDA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07335210 AC : JN-1000 Abbrev: J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. Title : Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism ISSN : 0271-678X e-ISSN: 1559-7016 CODEN : JCBMDN Short : JCBFM Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/jcbfm/ AC : JN-3349 Abbrev: J. Cetacean Res. Manag. Title : The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management ISSN : 1561-0713 Publis: International Whaling Commission Server: http://www.iwcoffice.org/publications/JCRM.htm AC : JN-4845 Abbrev: J. Chem. Cryst. Title : Journal of Chemical Crystallography ISSN : 1074-1542 e-ISSN: 1572-8854 Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10870 AC : JN-1001 Abbrev: J. Chem. Ecol. Title : Journal of Chemical Ecology ISSN : 0098-0331 e-ISSN: 1573-1561 CODEN : JCECD8 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10886 AC : JN-4720 Abbrev: J. Chem. Inf. Model. Title : Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling ISSN : 1549-9596 e-ISSN: 1549-960X Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/jcim AC : JN-1002 Abbrev: J. Chem. Neuroanat. Title : Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy ISSN : 0891-0618 e-ISSN: 1873-6300 CODEN : JCNAEE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08910618 AC : JN-1003 Abbrev: J. Chem. Res. Title : Journal of Chemical Research ISSN : 0308-2342 CODEN : JRPSDC Publis: Science Reviews Ltd. Server: http://www.sciencereviews2000.co.uk/view/journal/journal-of-chemical-research AC : JN-1004 Abbrev: J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. Title : Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications ISSN : 0022-4936 CODEN : JCCCAT Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Chem. Commun. (Camb.), ends with vol. 24 in 1995. AC : JN-1005 Abbrev: J. Chem. Soc. Pak. Title : Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan ISSN : 0253-5106 CODEN : JCSPDF Publis: Chemical Society of Pakistan AC : JN-1006 Abbrev: J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I Title : Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 1 ISSN : 0300-922X CODEN : JCPRB4 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Chem. Soc. [Perkin 1]. Publication started in 1972 and ceased with vol. 24 in 1999. AC : JN-1007 Abbrev: J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ISSN : 0268-2575 e-ISSN: 1097-4660 CODEN : JCTBED Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4660 AC : JN-4721 Abbrev: J. Chem. Theory Comput. Title : Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation ISSN : 1549-9618 e-ISSN: 1549-9626 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/jcim AC : JN-4256 Abbrev: J. Chemother. Title : Journal of Chemotherapy ISSN : 1120-009X e-ISSN: 1973-9478 Publis: Maney Publishing Server: http://www.maneypublishing.com/index.php/journals/joc/ AC : JN-1008 Abbrev: J. Child Neurol. Title : Journal of Child Neurology ISSN : 0883-0738 e-ISSN: 1708-8283 CODEN : JOCNEE Short : JCN Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://jcn.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-1009 Abbrev: J. China Univ. Sci. Tech. Title : Journal of China University of Science and Technology ISSN : 0253-2778 CODEN : CKHPD7 Publis: Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue Note : Parallel language title: Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue Xuebao. Server: http://just.ustc.edu.cn/ AC : JN-1010 Abbrev: J. Chromatogr. A Title : Journal of Chromatography A [Including Electrophoresis, Mass Spectrometry and Other Separation and Detection Methods] ISSN : 0021-9673 e-ISSN: 1873-3778 CODEN : JCRAEY Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00219673 AC : JN-1011 Abbrev: J. Chromatogr. B Title : Journal of Chromatography B [Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences] ISSN : 1570-0232 e-ISSN: 1873-376X CODEN : JCBBEP Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Chromatogr. B Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. ISSN was 0378-4347 from vol. 1 (1977) to vol. 687 (1996). ISSN was 1387-2273 from vol. 688 (1997) to vol. 768 (2002). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15700232 AC : JN-3840 Abbrev: J. Chromatogr. Sci. Title : Journal of Chromatographic Science ISSN : 0021-9665 e-ISSN: 1945-239X CODEN : JCHSBZ Publis: Preston Publications Server: http://www.j-chrom-sci.com AC : JN-3092 Abbrev: J. Chronic Fatigue Syndr. Title : Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [Multidisciplinary Innovations in Research, Theory and Clinical Practice] ISSN : 1057-3321 e-ISSN: 1547-0660 CODEN : JFSYEU Publis: The Haworth Medical Press Server: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp AC : JN-4344 Abbrev: J. Circadian. Rhythms. Title : Journal of Circadian Rhythms e-ISSN: 1740-3391 CODEN : JCROB5 Publis: Ubiquity Press Ltd Server: http://www.jcircadianrhythms.com/ AC : JN-2836 Abbrev: J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. Title : Journal of Clinical Biochemical and Nutrition ISSN : 0912-0009 CODEN : JCBNER Short : JCBN Publis: Institute of Applied Biochemistry Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jcbn/ AC : JN-4711 Abbrev: J. Clin. Bioinforma. Title : Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics ISSN : 2043-9113 Publis: Biomed Central Server: http://www.jclinbioinformatics.com/ AC : JN-2605 Abbrev: J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. Title : Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry ISSN : 0340-076X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem., ends with vol. 28 in 1990. Parallel language title: Zeitschrift fur klinische Chemie und klinische Biochemie. AC : JN-1012 Abbrev: J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. Title : The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism ISSN : 0021-972X CODEN : JCEMAZ Short : JCEM Publis: The Endocrine Society Server: http://jcem.endojournals.org/ AC : JN-2474 Abbrev: J. Clin. Gastroenterol. Title : Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology ISSN : 0192-0790 e-ISSN: 1539-2031 CODEN : JCGADC Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jcge/ AC : JN-1013 Abbrev: J. Clin. Immunol. Title : Journal of Clinical Immunology ISSN : 0271-9142 e-ISSN: 1573-2592 CODEN : JCIMDO Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10875 AC : JN-1014 Abbrev: J. Clin. Invest. Title : Journal of Clinical Investigation ISSN : 0021-9738 e-ISSN: 1558-8238 CODEN : JCINAO Publis: Rockfeller University Press Server: http://www.jci.org/ AC : JN-2798 Abbrev: J. Clin. Lab. Anal. Title : Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis ISSN : 0887-8013 e-ISSN: 1098-2825 CODEN : JCANEM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2825 AC : JN-4277 Abbrev: J. Clin. Lipidol. Title : Journal of Clinical Lipidology ISSN : 1933-2874 e-ISSN: 1876-4789 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/19332874 AC : JN-4753 Abbrev: J. Clin. Med. Title : Journal of Clinical Medicine e-ISSN: 2077-0383 Publis: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm AC : JN-1015 Abbrev: J. Clin. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Clinical Microbiology ISSN : 0095-1137 e-ISSN: 1098-660X CODEN : JCMIDW Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://jcm.asm.org/ AC : JN-4095 Abbrev: J. Clin. Neurol. Title : Journal of Clinical Neurology ISSN : 1738-6586 e-ISSN: 2005-5013 Short : JCN Publis: Korean Neurological Association Server: http://thejcn.com/ AC : JN-4925 Abbrev: J. Clin. Neuromuscul. Dis. Title : Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease ISSN : 1522-0443 e-ISSN: 1537-1611 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: https://journals.lww.com/jcnmd/pages/default.aspx AC : JN-4565 Abbrev: J. Clin. Neurosci. Title : Journal of Clinical Neuroscience ISSN : 0967-5868 e-ISSN: 1532-2653 CODEN : JCNUE6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09675868 AC : JN-1016 Abbrev: J. Clin. Oncol. Title : Journal of Clinical Oncology ISSN : 0732-183X e-ISSN: 1527-7755 CODEN : JCONDN Short : JCO Publis: American Society of Clinical Oncology Server: http://jco.ascopubs.org/ AC : JN-1017 Abbrev: J. Clin. Pathol. Title : Journal of Clinical Pathology ISSN : 0021-9746 e-ISSN: 1472-4146 CODEN : JCPAAK Short : JCP Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Note : Incorporates Mol. Pathol. in 2004. Server: http://jcp.bmj.com/ AC : JN-1019 Abbrev: J. Clin. Pharm. Ther. Title : Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics ISSN : 0269-4727 e-ISSN: 1365-2710 CODEN : JCPTED Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0269-4727 AC : JN-4799 Abbrev: J. Clin. Res. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Title : Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology ISSN : 1308-5727 e-ISSN: 1308-5735 Publis: Istanbul : Turkish Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society Server: https://www.jcrpe.org/ AC : JN-1020 Abbrev: J. Clin. Virol. Title : Journal of Clinical Virology ISSN : 1386-6532 e-ISSN: 1873-5967 CODEN : JCVIFB Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Clin. Diagn. Virol., starts with vol. 11 in 1998. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13866532 AC : JN-4893 Abbrev: J. Colloid Interface Sci. Title : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ISSN : 0021-9797 e-ISSN: 1095-7103 CODEN : JCISA5 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-colloid-and-interface-science AC : JN-1021 Abbrev: J. Comp. Neurol. Title : The Journal of Comparative Neurology ISSN : 0021-9967 e-ISSN: 1096-9861 CODEN : JCNEAM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-9861 AC : JN-1022 Abbrev: J. Comp. Pathol. Title : Journal of Comparative Pathology ISSN : 0021-9975 CODEN : JCVPAR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00219975 AC : JN-1023 Abbrev: J. Comp. Physiol. A Title : Journal of Comparative Physiology. Series A [Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology] ISSN : 0340-7594 e-ISSN: 1432-1351 CODEN : JCPADN Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Continues J. Comp. Physiol. A Sens. Neural Behav. Physiol. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/359 AC : JN-1024 Abbrev: J. Comp. Physiol. B Title : Journal of Comparative Physiology. Series B [Biochemical, Systemic and Environmental Physiology] ISSN : 0174-1578 e-ISSN: 1432-136X CODEN : JPBPDL Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Comp. Physiol. [B]. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/360 AC : JN-1025 Abbrev: J. Comp. Toxicol. Physiol. Title : Journal of Comparative Toxicology and Physiology ISSN : 0972-8651 Publis: Shivneri Publisher AC : JN-4057 Abbrev: J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. Title : Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design ISSN : 0920-654X e-ISSN: 1573-4951 CODEN : JCADEQ Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10822 AC : JN-3107 Abbrev: J. Comput. Biol. Title : Journal of Computational Biology [A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology] ISSN : 1066-5277 e-ISSN: 1557-8666 CODEN : JCOBEM Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/products/product.aspx?pid=31 AC : JN-4278 Abbrev: J. Comput. Neurosci. Title : Journal of Computational Neuroscience ISSN : 0929-5313 e-ISSN: 1573-6873 Publis: Springer Netherland Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/10827 AC : JN-2461 Abbrev: J. Contam. Hydrol. Title : Journal of Contaminant Hydrology ISSN : 0169-7722 e-ISSN: 1873-6009 CODEN : JCOHE6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01697722 AC : JN-4873 Abbrev: J. Coord. Chem. Title : Journal of Coordination Chemistry e-ISSN: 1029-0389 CODEN : JCCMBQ Publis: Gordon and Breach - Harwood Academic Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/gcoo20 AC : JN-1026 Abbrev: J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. Biol. Title : Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology ISSN : 0270-4145 CODEN : JCGBDF Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1981 and ceased with vol. 20 in 2000. AC : JN-1027 Abbrev: J. Craniofac. Surg. Title : Journal of Craniofacial Surgery ISSN : 1049-2275 e-ISSN: 1536-3732 CODEN : JSURE8 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jcraniofacialsurgery/ AC : JN-4846 Abbrev: J. Crohns. Colitis. Title : J. Crohns. Colitis. ISSN : 1873-9946 e-ISSN: 1876-4479 Publis: Amsterdam : Elsevier Science AC : JN-1950 Abbrev: J. Crust. Biol. Title : Journal of Crustacean Biology ISSN : 0278-0372 e-ISSN: 1937-240X CODEN : JCBIDB Publis: Crustacean Society Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Crustacean Biol. Server: http://www.vims.edu/tcs/ AC : JN-3168 Abbrev: J. Cutan. Med. Surg. Title : Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery [Incorporating Medical and Surgical Dermatology] ISSN : 1203-4754 e-ISSN: 1615-7109 CODEN : JCMSFU Publis: Springer Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/10227 AC : JN-4736 Abbrev: J. Cutan. Pathol. Title : Journal of Cutaneous Pathology ISSN : 0303-6987 e-ISSN: 1600-0560 CODEN : JCUPBN Publis: Copenhagen : Munksgaard Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1600-0560 AC : JN-3455 Abbrev: J. Cyst. Fibros. Title : Journal of Cystic Fibrosis [The Official Journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society] ISSN : 1569-1993 e-ISSN: 1873-5010 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15691993 AC : JN-1028 Abbrev: J. Dairy Res. Title : Journal of Dairy Research ISSN : 0022-0299 e-ISSN: 1469-7629 CODEN : JDRSAN Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=DAR AC : JN-1029 Abbrev: J. Dairy Sci. Title : Journal of Dairy Science ISSN : 0022-0302 e-ISSN: 1525-3198 CODEN : JDSCAE Short : JDS Publis: American Dairy Science Association Server: http://jds.fass.org/ AC : JN-4303 Abbrev: J. Dent. Health Title : Journal of Dental Health ISSN : 0023-2831 Publis: The Japanese Society for Dental Health Note : Note : Parallel language title: Koku Eisei Gakkai Zasshi. Server: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AN00081407_en.html AC : JN-1030 Abbrev: J. Dent. Res. Title : Journal of Dental Research ISSN : 0022-0345 e-ISSN: 1544-0591 CODEN : JDREAF Short : JDR Publis: International Association for Dental Research Server: http://jdr.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-1031 Abbrev: J. Dermatol. Title : Journal of Dermatology ISSN : 0385-2407 e-ISSN: 1346-8138 CODEN : JDMYAG Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0385-2407 AC : JN-1032 Abbrev: J. Dermatol. Sci. Title : Journal of Dermatological Science ISSN : 0923-1811 CODEN : JDSCEI Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09231811 AC : JN-4655 Abbrev: J. Dev. Biol. Title : Journal of Developmental Biology e-ISSN: 2221-3759 CODEN : JDBOAX Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI AG Note : http://www.mdpi.com/journal/jdb AC : JN-4723 Abbrev: J. Diabetes Title : Journal of Diabetes ISSN : 1753-0407 Publis: Richmond, Vic. : Blackwell Publishing Asia Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17530407 AC : JN-2034 Abbrev: J. Diabetes Complications Title : Journal of Diabetes and its Complications ISSN : 1056-8727 e-ISSN: 1873-460X Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10568727 AC : JN-4397 Abbrev: J. Diabetes Investig. Title : Journal of Diabetes Investigation e-ISSN: 2040-1124 Publis: John Wiley & Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%292040-1124 AC : JN-4459 Abbrev: J. Drug Des. Res. Title : Journal of Drug Design and Research ISSN : 2379-089X Publis: Henderson, NV : JSciMed Central Server: http://www.jscimedcentral.com/DrugDesign/ AC : JN-4240 Abbrev: J. Drug. Target. Title : Journal of Drug Targeting ISSN : 1061-186X e-ISSN: 1029-2330 CODEN : JDTAEH Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/drt AC : JN-3053 Abbrev: J. East Afr. Nat. Hist. Title : Journal of East Africa Natural History ISSN : 1026-1613 Publis: East Africa Natural History Society Server: http://www.naturekenya.org/Publications/Journal%20of%20EA AC : JN-2187 Abbrev: J. Ecol. Title : Journal of Ecology ISSN : 0022-0477 e-ISSN: 1365-2745 CODEN : JECOAB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-0477 AC : JN-2188 Abbrev: J. Econ. Entomol. Title : Journal of Economic Entomology ISSN : 0022-0493 Publis: Entomological Society of America Server: http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/periodicals/JEE/ AC : JN-2913 Abbrev: J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. C Histol. Histochem. Title : Journal of Egyptian German Society for Zoology. Section C: Histology and Histochemistry ISSN : 1110-5348 Publis: Cairo University, Faculty of Science - Egyptian German Society for Zoology Server: http://www.egsz.org/ AC : JN-1034 Abbrev: J. Endocr. Genet. Title : Journal of Endocrine Genetics ISSN : 1565-012X CODEN : JEGEF6 Short : JEG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Disabil. Hum. Dev., ends with vol. ? in 2005. AC : JN-4627 Abbrev: J. Endocr. Soc. Title : Journal of the Endocrine Society e-ISSN: 2472-1972 Publis: The Endocrine Society Server: https://academic.oup.com/jes AC : JN-1033 Abbrev: J. Endocrinol. Title : Journal of Endocrinology ISSN : 0022-0795 e-ISSN: 1479-6805 CODEN : JOENAK Publis: Society for Endocrinology Server: http://joe.endocrinology-journals.org/ AC : JN-1035 Abbrev: J. Endocrinol. Invest. Title : Journal of Endocrinological Investigation ISSN : 0391-4097 e-ISSN: 1720-8386 CODEN : JEIND7 Publis: Editrice Kurtis Server: http://www.jendocrinolinvest.it/ AC : JN-4454 Abbrev: J. Endod. Title : Journal of Endodontics ISSN : 0099-2399 e-ISSN: 1878-3554 CODEN : JOENDN Publis: Chicago, American Dental Assocation Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00992399 AC : JN-1036 Abbrev: J. Endotoxin Res. Title : Journal of Endotoxin Research ISSN : 0968-0519 e-ISSN: 1743-2839 CODEN : JENREB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Inn. immun., ends with vol. 13 in 2008. Server: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=178 AC : JN-3425 Abbrev: J. Entomol. Title : Journal of Entomology ISSN : 1812-5670 e-ISSN: 1812-5689 Publis: Academic Journals Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1812-5670 AC : JN-3398 Abbrev: J. Entomol. Soc. Ont. Title : Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario [Annual Publication of Entomological Research] ISSN : 1713-7845 CODEN : PESOAL Publis: Entomological Society of Ontario AC : JN-3885 Abbrev: J. Environ. Biol. Title : Journal of Environmental Biology [An International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences and Toxicology] ISSN : 0254-8704 CODEN : JEBIDP Publis: Journal of Environmental Biology Server: http://www.jeb.co.in/ AC : JN-2580 Abbrev: J. Environ. Manage. Title : Journal of Environmental Management ISSN : 0301-4797 e-ISSN: 1095-8630 CODEN : JEVMAW Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03014797 AC : JN-3308 Abbrev: J. Environ. Monit. Title : Journal of Environmental Monitoring ISSN : 1464-0325 e-ISSN: 1464-0333 CODEN : JEMOFW Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/EM AC : JN-3112 Abbrev: J. Environ. Polym. Degrad. Title : Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation ISSN : 1064-7546 CODEN : JEPDED Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Polym. Environ., ends with vol. 7 in 1999. AC : JN-2323 Abbrev: J. Environ. Qual. Title : Journal of Environmental Quality ISSN : 0047-2425 e-ISSN: 1537-2537 CODEN : JEVQAA Short : JEQ Publis: American Society of Agronomy, CSSA, and SSSA. Server: https://www.crops.org/publications/jeq AC : JN-2954 Abbrev: J. Environ. Sci. Title : Journal of Environmental Sciences ISSN : 1001-0742 CODEN : JENSEE Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Environ. Sci. (China). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10010742 AC : JN-3999 Abbrev: J. Environ. Sci. Health B Title : Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B [Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes] ISSN : 0360-1234 e-ISSN: 1532-4109 CODEN : JPFCD2 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597269 AC : JN-1037 Abbrev: J. Enzym. Inhib. Title : Journal of Enzyme Inhibition ISSN : 8755-5093 CODEN : ENINEG Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Enzyme Inhib. Replaced by J. Enzym. Inhib. Med. Chem., ends with vol. 16 in 2001. AC : JN-1038 Abbrev: J. Enzym. Inhib. Med. Chem. Title : Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 1475-6366 e-ISSN: 1475-6374 CODEN : JEIMAZ Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Enzyme Inhib. Med. Chem. Replaces J. Enzym. Inhib., starts with vol. 17 in 2002. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/enz AC : JN-1039 Abbrev: J. Equine Sci. Title : Journal of Equine Science ISSN : 1340-3516 e-ISSN: 1347-7501 Publis: Japanese Society of Equine Science Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jes/_vols/-char/en AC : JN-2758 Abbrev: J. Equine Vet. Sci. Title : The Journal of Equine Veterinary Science ISSN : 0737-0806 e-ISSN: 1542-7412 CODEN : JEVSCI Short : JEVS Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07370806 AC : JN-4666 Abbrev: J. Ethnopharmacol. Title : Journal of Ethnopharmacology ISSN : 0378-8741 CODEN : JOETD7 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-ethnopharmacology AC : JN-1040 Abbrev: J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology ISSN : 1066-5234 e-ISSN: 1550-7408 CODEN : JEMIED Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces J. Protozool., starts with vol. 40 in 1993. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1066-5234 AC : JN-4271 Abbrev: J. Eur. Acad. Dermatol. Venereol. Title : Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology ISSN : 0926-9959 e-ISSN: 1468-3083 CODEN : JEAVEQ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291468-3083 AC : JN-1041 Abbrev: J. Evol. Biol. Title : Journal of Evolutionary Biology ISSN : 1010-061X e-ISSN: 1420-9101 CODEN : JEBIEQ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1010-061X AC : JN-2870 Abbrev: J. Exp. Anim. Sci. Title : Journal of Experimental Animal Science ISSN : 0939-8600 CODEN : JEXSEU Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09398600 AC : JN-1042 Abbrev: J. Exp. Biol. Title : Journal of Experimental Biology ISSN : 0022-0949 e-ISSN: 1477-9145 CODEN : JEBIAM Short : JEB Publis: Company of Biologists Server: http://jeb.biologists.org/ AC : JN-1043 Abbrev: J. Exp. Bot. Title : Journal of Experimental Botany ISSN : 0022-0957 e-ISSN: 1460-2431 CODEN : JEBOA6 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1044 Abbrev: J. Exp. Clin. Assist. Reprod. Title : Journal of Experimental and Clinical Assisted Reproduction e-ISSN: 1743-1050 Short : JECAR Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.sims.ie/Sims_Research/Sims_Research.798.html AC : JN-4617 Abbrev: J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. Title : Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research ISSN : 0392-9078 e-ISSN: 1756-9966 Publis: Biomed Central Server: https://jeccr.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-2189 Abbrev: J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. Title : Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ISSN : 0022-0981 CODEN : JEMBAM Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00220981 AC : JN-1045 Abbrev: J. Exp. Med. Title : The Journal of Experimental Medicine ISSN : 0022-1007 e-ISSN: 1540-9538 CODEN : JEMEAV Short : JEM Publis: Rockfeller University Press Server: http://jem.rupress.org/ AC : JN-4932 Abbrev: J. Exp. Neurosci. Title : Journal of Experimental Neuroscience e-ISSN: 1179-0695 Publis: Sage Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/exn AC : JN-1046 Abbrev: J. Exp. Pathol. Title : Journal of Experimental Pathology ISSN : 0730-8485 CODEN : JEPAD3 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-1047 Abbrev: J. Exp. Zool. Title : The Journal of Experimental Zoology ISSN : 0022-104X e-ISSN: 1097-010X CODEN : JEZOAO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Exp. Zool. A Comp. Exp. Biol. and J. Exp. Zool. B Mol. Dev. Evol., ends with vol. 294 in 2002. AC : JN-1048 Abbrev: J. Exp. Zool. A Comp. Exp. Biol. Title : The Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology ISSN : 1548-8969 e-ISSN: 1552-499X CODEN : JEZPAR Publis: Not published Note : Replaces in part J. Exp. Zool., starts with vol. 295 in 2003. Replaced by J. Exp. Zool. A Comp. Ecol. Genet. Physiol., ends with vol. 305 in 2006. AC : JN-1049 Abbrev: J. Exp. Zool. B Mol. Dev. Evol. Title : The Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution ISSN : 1552-5007 e-ISSN: 1552-5015 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1552-5015 AC : JN-3437 Abbrev: J. Exp. Zool. Part A Ecol. Genet. Physiol. Title : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology ISSN : 1932-5223 e-ISSN: 1932-5231 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces J. Exp. Zool. A Comp. Exp. Biol., starts with vol. 307 in 2007. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1932-5231 AC : JN-4365 Abbrev: J. Extracell. Vesicles Title : Journal of Extracellular Vesicles ISSN : 2001-3078 CODEN : JEVOA4 Publis: Co-Action Publishing Server: http://www.journalofextracellularvesicles.net/index.php/jev/index AC : JN-3557 Abbrev: J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. Title : Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University ISSN : 0018-344X CODEN : JFAGAI Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Grad. Sch. Agric. Hokkaido Univ., ends with vol. 69 in 1999. Parallel language title: Hokkaido Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo. AC : JN-3468 Abbrev: J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. Title : Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University ISSN : 0023-6152 CODEN : JFAKAU Publis: Kyushu University, Faculty of Agriculture Server: https://www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/publications_kyushu/jagri AC : JN-1050 Abbrev: J. Fac. Med. Baghdad Title : Journal of the Faculty of Medicine, Baghdad ISSN : 0041-9419 CODEN : JFAQAE Publis: University of Baghdad, Medical College AC : JN-3141 Abbrev: J. Feline Med. Surg. Title : Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery ISSN : 1098-612X e-ISSN: 1532-2750 Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1098612X AC : JN-1051 Abbrev: J. Ferment. Bioeng. Title : Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering ISSN : 0922-338X CODEN : JFBIEX Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Biosci. Bioeng., ends with vol. 86 in 1998. AC : JN-3486 Abbrev: J. Field Ornithol. Title : Journal of Field Ornithology ISSN : 0273-8570 e-ISSN: 1557-9263 CODEN : JFORDM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0273-8570 AC : JN-1052 Abbrev: J. Fish Biol. Title : Journal of Fish Biology ISSN : 0022-1112 e-ISSN: 1095-8649 CODEN : JFIBA9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-1112 AC : JN-2425 Abbrev: J. Fish Dis. Title : Journal of Fish Diseases ISSN : 0140-7775 e-ISSN: 1365-2761 CODEN : JFIDDI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0140-7775 AC : JN-3184 Abbrev: J. Fish. Sci. Technol. Title : Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology ISSN : 1226-9204 CODEN : JFITFY Publis: Korean Fisheries Society Note : Parallel language title: Han'guk Susan Hakhoe. AC : JN-4147 Abbrev: J. Fluoresc. Title : Journal of Fluorescence ISSN : 1053-0509 e-ISSN: 1573-4994 CODEN : JOFLEN Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10895 AC : JN-1053 Abbrev: J. Food Biochem. Title : Journal of Food Biochemistry ISSN : 0145-8884 e-ISSN: 1745-4514 CODEN : JFBIDW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0145-8884 AC : JN-2612 Abbrev: J. Food Prot. Title : Journal of Food Protection ISSN : 0362-028X CODEN : JFPRDR Short : JFP Publis: International Association for Food Protection Server: http://www.foodprotection.org/publications/journal-of-food-protection/ AC : JN-3871 Abbrev: J. Food Saf. Title : Journal of Food Safety ISSN : 0149-6085 e-ISSN: 1745-4565 CODEN : JFSADP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0149-6085 AC : JN-2190 Abbrev: J. Food Sci. Title : Journal of Food Science ISSN : 0022-1147 e-ISSN: 1750-3841 CODEN : JFDSAZ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-1147 AC : JN-4704 Abbrev: J. Food Sci. Technol. Title : Journal of Food Science and Technology e-ISSN: 0975-8402 Publis: Springer New Delhi Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/13197 AC : JN-3211 Abbrev: J. For. Res. Title : Journal of Forest Research ISSN : 1341-6979 e-ISSN: 1610-7403 CODEN : JFREFY Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tjfr20 AC : JN-2374 Abbrev: J. Foraminiferal Res. Title : Journal of Foraminiferal Research ISSN : 0096-1191 e-ISSN: 1943-264X CODEN : JFARAH Publis: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Server: http://jfr.geoscienceworld.org/ AC : JN-1054 Abbrev: J. Forensic Sci. Title : Journal of Forensic Sciences ISSN : 0022-1198 e-ISSN: 1556-4029 CODEN : JFSCAS Short : JOFS Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-1198 AC : JN-4087 Abbrev: J. Forest. Res. Title : Journal of Forestry Research ISSN : 1007-662X e-ISSN: 1993-0607 CODEN : JFREAT Publis: Northeast Forestry University, co-published with Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/11676 AC : JN-1055 Abbrev: J. Formos. Med. Assoc. Title : Journal of the Formosan Medical Association ISSN : 0929-6646 CODEN : JFASEO Short : JFMA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09296646 AC : JN-4684 Abbrev: J. Fungi Title : Journal of Fungi ISSN : 2309-608X CODEN : JFOUCU Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI AG Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/jof AC : JN-1056 Abbrev: J. Gastroenterol. Title : Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 0944-1174 e-ISSN: 1435-5922 CODEN : JOGAET Publis: Springer Japan Note : Replaces Gastroenterol. Jpn., starts with vol. 29 in 1994. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/535 AC : JN-1057 Abbrev: J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Title : Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ISSN : 0815-9319 e-ISSN: 1440-1746 CODEN : JGHEEO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0815-9319 AC : JN-1058 Abbrev: J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. Title : Journal of General and Applied Microbiology ISSN : 0022-1260 e-ISSN: 1349-8037 CODEN : JGAMA9 Publis: Microbiology Research Foundation Server: http://www.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGAM/general.html AC : JN-1061 Abbrev: J. Gen. Microbiol. Title : Journal of General Microbiology ISSN : 0022-1287 CODEN : JGMIAN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Microbiology, ends with vol. 139 in 1993. AC : JN-1063 Abbrev: J. Gen. Physiol. Title : Journal of General Physiology ISSN : 0022-1295 e-ISSN: 1540-7748 CODEN : JGPLAD Short : JGP Publis: Rockfeller University Press Server: http://jgp.rupress.org/ AC : JN-1064 Abbrev: J. Gen. Plant Pathol. Title : Journal of General Plant Pathology ISSN : 1345-2630 e-ISSN: 1610-739X CODEN : JGPPBQ Short : JGPP Publis: Springer Japan Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10327 AC : JN-1065 Abbrev: J. Gen. Virol. Title : Journal of General Virology ISSN : 0022-1317 e-ISSN: 1465-2099 CODEN : JGVIAY Publis: Society for General Microbiology Server: http://vir.sgmjournals.org/ AC : JN-4210 Abbrev: J. Gene Med. Title : The Journal of Gene Medicine ISSN : 1099-498X e-ISSN: 1521-2254 CODEN : JGMEFG Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291521-2254 AC : JN-1066 Abbrev: J. Genet. Title : Journal of Genetics ISSN : 0022-1333 e-ISSN: 0973-7731 CODEN : JOGNAU Publis: Springer India Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12041 AC : JN-1059 Abbrev: J. Genet. Breed. Title : Journal of Genetics and Breeding ISSN : 0394-9257 CODEN : JGBREX Publis: Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura Server: http://www.cerealicoltura.it/EDITORIA/Editoria.htm AC : JN-4643 Abbrev: J. Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. Title : Journal, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ISSN : 1687-157X e-ISSN: 2090-5920 Publis: Academy of Scientific Research & Technology and National Research Center, Egypt Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-genetic-engineering-and-biotechnology AC : JN-1060 Abbrev: J. Genet. Genomics Title : Journal of Genetics and Genomics ISSN : 1673-8527 CODEN : JGGOAB Short : JGG Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Yi Chuan Xue Bao, starts with vol. 34 in 2007. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/16738527 AC : JN-1062 Abbrev: J. Genet. Mol. Biol. Title : Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1016-6203 Publis: Chinese Society of Genetics AC : JN-1067 Abbrev: J. Genome Sci. Technol. Title : Journal of Genome Science and Technology ISSN : 1551-7551 e-ISSN: 1551-756X CODEN : GLEEA7 Publis: American Scientific Publishers Note : Replaces Genome Lett., starts with vol. 3 in 2004. Server: http://www.aspbs.com/genomelett/ AC : JN-3834 Abbrev: J. Geol. Soc. Title : Journal of the Geological Society ISSN : 0016-7649 e-ISSN: 2041-479X CODEN : JGSLAS Publis: Geological Society Publishing House Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Geol. Soc. London. Server: http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/jgs AC : JN-3872 Abbrev: J. Geophys. Res. Title : Journal of Geophysical Research ISSN : 0148-0227 CODEN : JGRDE3 Publis: American Geophysical Union Server: http://www.agu.org/journals/jgr/ AC : JN-1068 Abbrev: J. Gerontol. Title : Journals of Gerontology e-ISSN: 1079-5006 CODEN : JGASFW Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://biomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4604 Abbrev: J. Ginseng Res. Title : Journal of Ginseng Research ISSN : 1226-8453 e-ISSN: 2093-4947 Publis: Korean Society of Ginseng Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-ginseng-research AC : JN-1069 Abbrev: J. Glaucoma Title : Journal of Glaucoma ISSN : 1057-0829 e-ISSN: 1536-481X CODEN : JOGLES Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/glaucomajournal/ AC : JN-4692 Abbrev: J. Glycobiol. Title : Journal of Glycobiology ISSN : 2168-958X Publis: Los Angeles, CA : OMICS Publishing Group, [2012] Note : Not currently indexed for MEDLINE Server: https://www.longdom.org/glycobiology.html AC : JN-3461 Abbrev: J. Grad. Sch. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. Title : Journal of the Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University ISSN : 1345-6601 Publis: Hokkaido University, Faculty of Agriculture Note : Replaces J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ., starts with vol. 70 in 2001. Server: http://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/bulletin/agre AC : JN-2665 Abbrev: J. Great Lakes Res. Title : Journal of Great Lakes Research [Devoted to Research on Large Lakes of the World] ISSN : 0380-1330 CODEN : JGLRDE Publis: International Association for Great Lakes Research Server: http://www.iaglr.org/jglr/journal.php AC : JN-4543 Abbrev: J. Hand Surg. Am. Title : The Journal of Hand Surgery ISSN : 0363-5023 e-ISSN: 1531-6564 Publis: Elsevier Note : Incorporated the Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand in Jan 2006. Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-journal-of-hand-surgery AC : JN-1070 Abbrev: J. Hard Tissue Biol. Title : Journal of Hard Tissue Biology ISSN : 1341-7649 CODEN : JHTBFF Publis: Japanese Society of Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology Note : Replaces Nihon Kososhiki Kenkyu Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi, starts with vol. 4 in 1995. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jhtb AC : JN-2346 Abbrev: J. Hattori Bot. Lab. Title : Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory ISSN : 0073-0912 CODEN : JHBLAI Publis: Hattori Botanical Laboratory Note : Parallel language title: Hattori Shokubutsu Kenkyujo Hokoku. Server: http://hattori-bot-lab.com/journal.html AC : JN-2581 Abbrev: J. Hazard. Mater. Title : Journal of Hazardous Materials ISSN : 0304-3894 e-ISSN: 1873-3336 CODEN : JHMAD9 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03043894 AC : JN-1071 Abbrev: J. Health Sci. Title : Journal of Health Science ISSN : 1344-9702 e-ISSN: 1347-5207 CODEN : JJTHEC Short : JHS Publis: Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Server: http://jhs.pharm.or.jp/ AC : JN-3108 Abbrev: J. Heart Fail. Title : Journal of Heart Failure ISSN : 1070-3837 Publis: K.L.I. Medical Communications, Inc. AC : JN-3093 Abbrev: J. Heart Lung Transplant. Title : The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation ISSN : 1053-2498 e-ISSN: 1557-3117 CODEN : JHLTES Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10532498 AC : JN-2019 Abbrev: J. Helminthol. Title : Journal of Helminthology ISSN : 0022-149X e-ISSN: 1475-2697 CODEN : JOHLAT Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=JHL AC : JN-4616 Abbrev: J. Hematol. Oncol. Title : Journal of Hematology & Oncology e-ISSN: 1756-8722 Publis: Biomed Central Server: https://jhoonline.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3702 Abbrev: J. Hematother. Stem Cell Res. Title : Journal of Hematotherapy and Stem Cell Research ISSN : 1525-8165 CODEN : JHERFM Publis: Not published Note : Replaces J. Hematother., starts with vol. 8 in 1999. Replaced by Stem Cells Dev., ends with vol. 12 in 2003. AC : JN-1072 Abbrev: J. Hepatol. Title : Journal of Hepatology ISSN : 0168-8278 e-ISSN: 1600-0641 CODEN : JOHEEC Short : JHEP Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01688278 AC : JN-1073 Abbrev: J. Hered. Title : The Journal of Heredity ISSN : 0022-1503 e-ISSN: 1471-8505 CODEN : JOHEA8 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2191 Abbrev: J. Herpetol. Title : Journal of Herpetology ISSN : 0022-1511 e-ISSN: 1937-2418 CODEN : JHERAH Publis: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Server: http://www.ssarherps.org/pages/JHinstr.php AC : JN-3334 Abbrev: J. Herpetol. Med. Surg. Title : Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery ISSN : 1529-9651 Publis: Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians Server: http://www.arav.org/ECOMARAV//timssnet/arav_publications/arav_publications.cfm AC : JN-2920 Abbrev: J. Hill Res. Title : Journal of Hill Research ISSN : 0970-7050 Publis: Sikkim Science Society AC : JN-1074 Abbrev: J. Histochem. Cytochem. Title : Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry ISSN : 0022-1554 e-ISSN: 1551-5044 CODEN : JHCYAS Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://jhc.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-3567 Abbrev: J. Hortic. Sci. Title : The Journal of Horticultural Science ISSN : 0022-1589 CODEN : JHSCA8 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol., ends with vol. 72 in 1997. AC : JN-2192 Abbrev: J. Hortic. Sci. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology ISSN : 1462-0316 CODEN : JHSBFA Publis: Headley Bros. Ltd. Note : Replaces J. Hortic. Sci., starts with vol. 73 in 1998. Server: http://www.jhortscib.com/ AC : JN-2475 Abbrev: J. Hosp. Infect. Title : Journal of Hospital Infection ISSN : 0195-6701 e-ISSN: 1532-2939 CODEN : JHINDS Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01956701 AC : JN-3384 Abbrev: J. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Technol. Med. Sci. Title : Journal of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical Sciences ISSN : 1672-0733 e-ISSN: 1993-1352 CODEN : JHUSAW Publis: Huazhong Keji Daxue, Tongji Yixueyuan Note : Parallel language title: Hua Zhong Ke Ji Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ying De Wen Ban. Replaces J. Tongji Med. Univ., starts with vol. 22 in 2002. Server: http://tjykdxxb-e.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1075 Abbrev: J. Hubei Univ. Title : Journal of Hubei University ISSN : 1000-2375 Publis: Hubei Daxue Note : Parallel language title: Hubei Daxue Xuebao. Server: http://hbdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1076 Abbrev: J. Hum. Evol. Title : Journal of Human Evolution ISSN : 0047-2484 e-ISSN: 1095-8606 CODEN : JHEVAT Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00472484 AC : JN-1077 Abbrev: J. Hum. Genet. Title : Journal of Human Genetics ISSN : 1434-5161 e-ISSN: 1435-232X CODEN : JHGEFR Publis: Springer Japan Note : Replaces Jpn. J. Hum. Genet., starts with vol. 43 in 1998. Server: https://www.nature.com/jhg/ AC : JN-4519 Abbrev: J. Hum. Hypertens. Title : Journal of Human Hypertension ISSN : 0950-9240 e-ISSN: 1476-5527 CODEN : JHHYE Publis: Springer Nature Server: https://www.nature.com/jhh/archive/index.html AC : JN-1951 Abbrev: J. Hum. Virol. Title : Journal of Human Virology ISSN : 1090-9508 e-ISSN: 1537-4491 CODEN : JHVIFC Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 5(?) in 2002. AC : JN-3109 Abbrev: J. Hymenopt. Res. Title : Journal of Hymenoptera Research ISSN : 1070-9428 CODEN : JHYREJ Publis: International Society of Hymenopterists Server: http://www.hymenopterists.org/journal.php AC : JN-1078 Abbrev: J. Hypertens. Title : Journal of Hypertension ISSN : 0263-6352 e-ISSN: 1473-5598 CODEN : JOHYD3 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jhypertension/ AC : JN-2255 Abbrev: J. Ichthyol. Title : Journal of Ichthyology ISSN : 0032-9452 e-ISSN: 1531-8486 CODEN : JITHAZ Publis: Pleiades Publishing Note : Parallel language title: Voprosy Ikhtiologii. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/ichth.htm AC : JN-1079 Abbrev: J. Immunogenet. Title : Journal of Immunogenetics ISSN : 0305-1811 CODEN : JIMGAV Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. J. Immunogenet., ends with vol. 17 in 1990. AC : JN-1080 Abbrev: J. Immunol. Title : Journal of Immunology ISSN : 0022-1767 e-ISSN: 1550-6606 CODEN : JOIMA3 Publis: American Association of Immunologists Server: http://www.jimmunol.org/ AC : JN-1081 Abbrev: J. Immunol. Methods Title : Journal of Immunological Methods ISSN : 0022-1759 e-ISSN: 1872-7905 CODEN : JIMMBG Short : JIM Publis: Elsevier Note : Incorporates Immunotechnology in 1999. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00221759 AC : JN-3142 Abbrev: J. Immunol. Res. Title : Journal of Immunological Research ISSN : 2314-8861 e-ISSN: 2314-7156 Publis: Cairo, Egypt : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Note : Replaces Clin. Dev. Immunol., starts with vol. 2014 in 2014 Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jir/contents/ AC : JN-1082 Abbrev: J. Immunother. Title : Journal of Immunotherapy ISSN : 1524-9557 e-ISSN: 1537-4513 CODEN : JIEIEZ Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/immunotherapy-journal/ AC : JN-4930 Abbrev: J. Immunother. Cancer Title : Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer e-ISSN: 2051-1426 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://jitc.bmj.com/ AC : JN-1083 Abbrev: J. Ind. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Industrial Microbiology ISSN : 0169-4146 CODEN : JIMIE7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., ends with vol. 17 in 1996. AC : JN-1084 Abbrev: J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology ISSN : 1367-5435 e-ISSN: 1476-5535 CODEN : JIMBFL Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces J. Ind. Microbiol., starts with vol. 18 in 1997. Server: https://academic.oup.com/jimb AC : JN-2442 Abbrev: J. Infect. Title : Journal of Infection ISSN : 0163-4453 e-ISSN: 1532-2742 CODEN : JINFD2 Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01634453 AC : JN-3212 Abbrev: J. Infect. Chemother. Title : Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy ISSN : 1341-321X e-ISSN: 1437-7780 CODEN : JICHFN Publis: Springer Japan Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-infection-and-chemotherapy AC : JN-3743 Abbrev: J. Infect. Dev. Ctries Title : The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries e-ISSN: 1972-2680 Short : JIDC Publis: Open Learning on Enteric Pathogens Server: http://www.jidc.org/index.php/journal AC : JN-1085 Abbrev: J. Infect. Dis. Title : The Journal of Infectious Diseases ISSN : 0022-1899 e-ISSN: 1537-6613 CODEN : JIDIAQ Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4468 Abbrev: J. Infect. Dis. Med. Title : Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medicine Publis: OMICS International Server: http://www.omicsonline.org/infectious-diseases-and-medicine.php AC : JN-1086 Abbrev: J. Inflamm. Title : Journal of Inflammation ISSN : 1078-7852 CODEN : JOINF Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Circ. Shock, starts with vol. 45 in 1995. Publication ceased with vol. 48 in 1998. AC : JN-3520 Abbrev: J. Inflamm. (Lond.) Title : Journal of Inflammation (London) e-ISSN: 1476-9255 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.journal-inflammation.com/home/ AC : JN-1087 Abbrev: J. Inherit. Metab. Dis. Title : Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease ISSN : 0141-8955 e-ISSN: 1573-2665 CODEN : JIMDDP Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15732665 AC : JN-4196 Abbrev: J. Innate Immun. Title : Journal of Innate Immunity ISSN : 1662-811X e-ISSN: 1662-8128 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/JIN AC : JN-1088 Abbrev: J. Inorg. Biochem. Title : Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry ISSN : 0162-0134 e-ISSN: 1873-3344 CODEN : JIBIDJ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01620134 AC : JN-1092 Abbrev: J. Insect Biotechnol. Sericology Title : Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology ISSN : 1346-8073 Short : JIBS Publis: The Japanese Society of Sericultural Science Note : Replaces Nihon Sanshigaku Zasshi, starts with vol. 70 in 2001. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jibs AC : JN-3267 Abbrev: J. Insect Conserv. Title : Journal of Insect Conservation ISSN : 1366-638X e-ISSN: 1572-9753 CODEN : JICOFA Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10841 AC : JN-3579 Abbrev: J. Insect Pathol. Title : Journal of Insect Pathology ISSN : 0095-9049 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Invertebr. Pathol., ends with vol. ? in 1964. AC : JN-1093 Abbrev: J. Insect Physiol. Title : Journal of Insect Physiology ISSN : 0022-1910 CODEN : JIPHAF Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00221910 AC : JN-3335 Abbrev: J. Insect Sci. Title : Journal of Insect Science e-ISSN: 1536-2442 CODEN : JISTCY Publis: Library of the University of Arizona Server: http://www.insectscience.org/ AC : JN-2322 Abbrev: J. Inst. Brew. Title : Journal of the Institute of Brewing ISSN : 0046-9750 CODEN : JINBAL Publis: Institute of Brewing & Distilling Server: http://www.scientificsocieties.org/jib/ AC : JN-4842 Abbrev: J. Int. Med. Res. Title : The Journal of International Medical Research ISSN : 0300-0605 e-ISSN: 1473-2300 CODEN : JIMRBV Publis: Northampton, Eng., Cambridge Medical Publications ltd. Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/imr AC : JN-2495 Abbrev: J. Integr. Neurosci. Title : Journal of Integrative Neuroscience ISSN : 0219-6352 e-ISSN: 1757-448X CODEN : JINODT Publis: Imperial College Press Server: http://www.worldscinet.com/jin/ AC : JN-3385 Abbrev: J. Integr. Plant Biol. Title : Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ISSN : 1672-9072 e-ISSN: 1744-7909 CODEN : JIPBAV Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1672-9072 AC : JN-1090 Abbrev: J. Interferon Cytokine Res. Title : Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research ISSN : 1079-9907 e-ISSN: 1557-7465 CODEN : JICRFJ Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Formed by the merge of J. Interferon Res. and Lymphokine Cytokine Res., starts with vol. 15 1995. Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=35 AC : JN-1089 Abbrev: J. Interferon Res. Title : Journal of Interferon Research ISSN : 0197-8357 CODEN : JIREDJ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Interferon Cytokine Res., ends with vol. 14 in 1994. AC : JN-1091 Abbrev: J. Intern. Med. Title : Journal of Internal Medicine ISSN : 0954-6820 e-ISSN: 1365-2796 CODEN : JINMEO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Acta Med. Scand., starts with vol. 225 in 1989. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0954-6820 AC : JN-4135 Abbrev: J. Interv. Card. Electrophysiol. Title : Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology : an International Journal of Arrhythmias and Pacing ISSN : 1383-875X e-ISSN: 1572-8595 CODEN : JICEFE Publis: Springer Amsterdam Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10840 AC : JN-1094 Abbrev: J. Invertebr. Pathol. Title : Journal of Invertebrate Pathology ISSN : 0022-2011 e-ISSN: 1096-0805 CODEN : JIVPAZ Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces J. Insect Pathol., starts with vol. ?20 in 1965. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00222011 AC : JN-1095 Abbrev: J. Invest. Dermatol. Title : Journal of Investigative Dermatology [An International Journal for Research in Cutaneous Biology] ISSN : 0022-202X e-ISSN: 1523-1747 CODEN : JIDEAE Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/jid/ AC : JN-1096 Abbrev: J. Invest. Med. Title : Journal of Investigative Medicine ISSN : 1081-5589 e-ISSN: 1708-8267 CODEN : JINVFI Short : JIM Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Investig. Med. Replaces Clin. Res., starts with vol. 42 in 1994. Server: http://journals.lww.com/jinvestigativemed/ AC : JN-4065 Abbrev: J. Investig. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. Title : Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology [An International Journal for Research in Cutaneous Biology] ISSN : 1018-9068 Short : JIACI Publis: Esmon Publicidad Server: http://www.jiaci.org/ AC : JN-4280 Abbrev: J. Investig. Clin. Dent. Title : Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry ISSN : 2041-1618 e-ISSN: 2041-1626 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2041-1626 AC : JN-3128 Abbrev: J. Investig. Dermatol. Symp. Proc. Title : The Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings ISSN : 1087-0024 e-ISSN: 1529-1774 CODEN : JDSPFO Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/jidsp/ AC : JN-4536 Abbrev: J. Investig. Med. High Impact Case Rep. Title : Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports e-ISSN: 2324-7096 Publis: American Federation for Medical Research Server: http://hic.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-2172 Abbrev: J. Ir. Dent. Assoc. Title : Journal of the Irish Dental Association ISSN : 0021-1133 Publis: Irish Dental Association AC : JN-3629 Abbrev: J. ISSAAS Title : Journal of International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences ISSN : 0859-3132 Publis: International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences Server: http://www.issaas.org/journal/ AC : JN-3634 Abbrev: J. Jpn. Ass. Food Preserv. Sci. Title : Journal of Japan Association of Food Preservation Scientists ISSN : 0914-7675 Publis: Japan Association of Food Preservation Scientists Note : Parallel language title: Nihon Shokuhin Hozo Gakkaishi. AC : JN-2173 Abbrev: J. Jpn. Soc. Hortic. Sci. Title : Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science ISSN : 1882-3351 e-ISSN: 1882-336X CODEN : EGKZA9 Publis: Engei Gakkai Note : Replaces Engei Gakkai Zasshi, starts with vol. 76(4) in 2007. Server: http://www.jshs.jp/modules/tinyd13/index.php?id=2 AC : JN-3731 Abbrev: J. Jpn. Soc. Poult. Dis. Title : Journal of the Japanese Society on Poultry Diseases. ISSN : 0285-709X Publis: Japanese Society on Poultry Diseases AC : JN-1097 Abbrev: J. Jpn. Vet. Med. Assoc. Title : Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association ISSN : 0446-6454 CODEN : NIPJAV Publis: Japan Veterinary Medical Association Note : Parallel language title: Nippon Juishikai Zasshi. AC : JN-2193 Abbrev: J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. Title : Journal Kansas Entomological Society ISSN : 0022-8567 e-ISSN: 1937-2353 CODEN : JKESA7 Publis: Allen Press, Inc Server: http://www.k-state.edu/kes/ AC : JN-3764 Abbrev: J. Kitakyushu Med. Eng. Coop. Assoc. Title : Journal of Kitakyushu Medical and Engineering Cooperative Association ISSN : 0917-0677 Publis: Kitakyushu Medical and Engineering Cooperative Association AC : JN-2017 Abbrev: J. Korean Med. Sci. Title : Journal of Korean Medical Science ISSN : 1011-8934 e-ISSN: 1598-6357 CODEN : JKMSEH Publis: Korean Academy of Medical Science Server: http://jkms.kams.or.kr/ AC : JN-3839 Abbrev: J. Kulturpflanzen Title : Journal fur Kulturpflanzen ISSN : 1867-0911 e-ISSN: 1867-0938 Publis: Julius Kuhn-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut fur Kulturpflanzen (JKI) Server: http://www.journal-kulturpflanzen.de AC : JN-1098 Abbrev: J. Lab. Clin. Med. Title : Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine ISSN : 0022-2143 CODEN : JLCMAK Short : JLCM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Transl. Res., ends with vol. 47 in 2006. AC : JN-3841 Abbrev: J. Lepid. Soc. Title : Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society ISSN : 0024-0966 CODEN : JLPSAZ Publis: The Lepidopterists' Society Server: http://research.yale.edu/peabody/jls/ AC : JN-1099 Abbrev: J. Leukoc. Biol. Title : Journal of Leukocyte Biology ISSN : 0741-5400 CODEN : JLBIE7 Publis: Society for Leukocyte Biology Server: http://www.jleukbio.org/ AC : JN-3677 Abbrev: J. Life Sci. Title : Journal of Life Science ISSN : 1229-1552 Publis: Korean Society of Life Science Server: http://www.jls.or.kr/ AC : JN-3716 Abbrev: J. Limnol. Title : Journal of Limnology ISSN : 1723-8633 Publis: CNR Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi Server: http://www.jlimnol.it/ AC : JN-1100 Abbrev: J. Lipid Res. Title : Journal of Lipid Research ISSN : 0022-2275 e-ISSN: 1539-7262 CODEN : JLPRAW Short : JLR Publis: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Server: http://www.jlr.org/ AC : JN-3110 Abbrev: J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. Title : Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies ISSN : 1082-6076 e-ISSN: 1520-572X CODEN : JLCTFC Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10826076.asp AC : JN-1101 Abbrev: J. Magn. Reson. Title : Journal of Magnetic Resonance ISSN : 1090-7807 e-ISSN: 1096-0856 CODEN : JMARF3 Short : JMR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10907807 AC : JN-1102 Abbrev: J. Mammal. Title : Journal of Mammalogy ISSN : 0022-2372 e-ISSN: 1545-1542 CODEN : JOMAAL Publis: American Society of Mammalogists Server: http://www.mammalsociety.org/pubjom/ AC : JN-1103 Abbrev: J. Mammal. Evol. Title : Journal of Mammalian Evolution ISSN : 1064-7554 e-ISSN: 1573-7055 CODEN : JMEVEY Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Mamm. Evol. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10914 AC : JN-2838 Abbrev: J. Mammal. Soc. Jpn. Title : Journal of Mammalogical Society of Japan ISSN : 0914-1855 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mammal Study, ends with vol. ?20 in 1995. AC : JN-1104 Abbrev: J. Mammary Gland Biol. Neoplasia Title : Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia ISSN : 1083-3021 e-ISSN: 1573-7039 CODEN : JMBNFU Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10911 AC : JN-2194 Abbrev: J. Mar. Biolog. Assoc. U.K. Title : Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ISSN : 0025-3154 e-ISSN: 1469-7769 CODEN : JMBAAK Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=MBI AC : JN-1105 Abbrev: J. Mar. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Marine Biotechnology ISSN : 0941-2905 e-ISSN: 1432-1408 CODEN : JMBOEW Publis: Springer New York AC : JN-2195 Abbrev: J. Mar. Res. Title : Journal of Marine Research ISSN : 0022-2402 e-ISSN: 1543-9542 CODEN : JMMRAO Publis: Sears Foundation for Marine Research Server: http://www.yale.edu/jmr/ AC : JN-4032 Abbrev: J. Mar. Syst. Title : Journal of Marine Systems ISSN : 0924-7963 CODEN : JMASE5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09247963 AC : JN-1106 Abbrev: J. Mass Spectrom. Title : Journal of Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 1076-5174 e-ISSN: 1096-9888 CODEN : JMSPFJ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Org. Mass Spectrom., starts with vol. 30 in 1995. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-9888 AC : JN-4766 Abbrev: J. Mater. Chem. B Title : Journal of Materials Chemistry B ISSN : 2050-750X e-ISSN: 2050-7518 CODEN : JMCBDV Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/tb#!recentarticles&adv AC : JN-4843 Abbrev: J. Med. Case Rep. Title : Journal of Medical Case Reports e-ISSN: 1752-1947 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-1107 Abbrev: J. Med. Chem. Title : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 0022-2623 e-ISSN: 1520-4804 CODEN : JMCMAR Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jmcmar/ AC : JN-2025 Abbrev: J. Med. Dent. Sci. Title : Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences ISSN : 1342-8810 Publis: Tokyo Medical and Dental University Note : Replaces Bull. Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ., starts with vol. 44 in 1997. Server: http://lib.tmd.ac.jp/jmd/ AC : JN-1108 Abbrev: J. Med. Entomol. Title : Journal of Medical Entomology ISSN : 0022-2585 CODEN : JMENA6 Short : JME Publis: Entomological Society of America Server: http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/periodicals/jme/ AC : JN-1109 Abbrev: J. Med. Genet. Title : Journal of Medical Genetics ISSN : 0022-2593 e-ISSN: 1468-6244 CODEN : JMDGAE Short : JMG Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://jmg.bmj.com/ AC : JN-2272 Abbrev: J. Med. Invest. Title : The Journal of Medical Investigation ISSN : 1343-1420 e-ISSN: 1349-6867 CODEN : JMIVFL Short : JMI Publis: Tokushima Daigaku, Igakubu Note : Replaces Tokushima J. Exp. Med., starts with vol. 44 in 1997. Server: http://medical.med.tokushima-u.ac.jp/jmi/index.html AC : JN-1110 Abbrev: J. Med. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Medical Microbiology ISSN : 0022-2615 e-ISSN: 1473-5644 CODEN : JMMIAV Short : JMM Publis: Society for General Microbiology Server: http://jmm.sgmjournals.org/ AC : JN-4006 Abbrev: J. Med. Plant Res. Title : Journal of Medicinal Plant Research ISSN : 1996-0875 Publis: Academic Journals Server: http://www.academicjournals.org/jmpr/ AC : JN-1111 Abbrev: J. Med. Primatol. Title : Journal of Medical Primatology ISSN : 0047-2565 e-ISSN: 1600-0684 CODEN : JMPMAO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0047-2565 AC : JN-3426 Abbrev: J. Med. Sci. Title : Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 1682-4474 e-ISSN: 1812-5727 Publis: Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET) Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1682-4474 AC : JN-3111 Abbrev: J. Med. Speech Lang. Pathol. Title : Journal of Medical Speech - Language Pathology ISSN : 1065-1438 CODEN : JSLPEP Publis: Delmar Cengage Learning Server: http://cengagesites.com/academic/?site=3802 AC : JN-1112 Abbrev: J. Med. Vet. Mycol. Title : Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology ISSN : 0268-1218 e-ISSN: 1365-280X CODEN : JMVMEO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Med. Mycol., ends with vol. 35 in 1997. AC : JN-1113 Abbrev: J. Med. Virol. Title : Journal of Medical Virology ISSN : 0146-6615 e-ISSN: 1096-9071 CODEN : JMVIDB Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-9071 AC : JN-1114 Abbrev: J. Membr. Biol. Title : The Journal of Membrane Biology [An International Journal for Studies on the Structure, Function, and Genesis of Biomembranes] ISSN : 0022-2631 e-ISSN: 1432-1424 CODEN : JMBBBO Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/232 AC : JN-1115 Abbrev: J. Microbiol. Title : The Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 1225-8873 e-ISSN: 1976-3794 CODEN : JOMIFG Publis: Microbiological Society of Korea Note : Replaces Misainmurhag Hoiji, starts with vol. 33 in 1995. Server: http://www.msk.or.kr/jsp/about_jm.jsp AC : JN-1116 Abbrev: J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology ISSN : 1017-7825 e-ISSN: 1738-8872 CODEN : JOMBES Short : JMB Publis: Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Server: http://www.jmb.or.kr/ AC : JN-2047 Abbrev: J. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect. Title : Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection ISSN : 1684-1182 CODEN : CKWCD9 Publis: Elsevier Note : Parallel language title: Weimian yu Ganran Zazhi. Replaces Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi, starts with vol. ? in ?1998. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/16841182 AC : JN-1117 Abbrev: J. Microbiol. Methods Title : Journal of Microbiological Methods ISSN : 0167-7012 e-ISSN: 1872-8359 CODEN : JMIMDQ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01677012 AC : JN-3886 Abbrev: J. Microencapsul. Title : Journal of Microencapsulation ISSN : 0265-2048 e-ISSN: 1464-5246 CODEN : JOMIEF Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/loi/mnc AC : JN-3443 Abbrev: J. Micropalaeontology Title : Journal of Micropalaeontology ISSN : 0262-821X Publis: Geological Society Publishing House Server: http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/gsl/publications/journals/jm AC : JN-4179 Abbrev: J. Microsc. Title : Journal of Microscopy ISSN : 0022-2720 e-ISSN: 1365-2818 CODEN : JMICAR Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2818 AC : JN-1118 Abbrev: J. Minn. Acad. Sci. Title : Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science ISSN : 0026-539X CODEN : JMNAAC Publis: Minnesota Academy of Science Server: http://www.journal.mnmas.org/ AC : JN-1119 Abbrev: J. Mol. Appl. Genet. Title : Journal of Molecular and Applied Genetics ISSN : 0271-6801 CODEN : JMAGD2 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 3 in 1985. AC : JN-1120 Abbrev: J. Mol. Biol. Title : Journal of Molecular Biology ISSN : 0022-2836 e-ISSN: 1089-8638 CODEN : JMOBAK Short : JMB Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00222836 AC : JN-1121 Abbrev: J. Mol. Catal., B Enzym. Title : Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic ISSN : 1381-1177 e-ISSN: 1873-3158 CODEN : JMCEF8 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13811177 AC : JN-4163 Abbrev: J. Mol. Cell Biol. Title : Journal of Molecular Cell Biology ISSN : 1674-2788 e-ISSN: 1759-4685 Short : JMCB Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jmcb.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1122 Abbrev: J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. Title : Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology ISSN : 0022-2828 e-ISSN: 1095-8584 CODEN : JMCDAY Short : JMCC Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00222828 AC : JN-1123 Abbrev: J. Mol. Cell. Immunol. Title : The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology ISSN : 0724-6803 CODEN : JMCIDI Short : JMCI Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 4 in 1990. AC : JN-1124 Abbrev: J. Mol. Diagn. Title : The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics ISSN : 1525-1578 CODEN : JMDIFP Short : JMD Publis: American Society for Investigative Pathology Server: http://jmd.amjpathol.org/ AC : JN-1125 Abbrev: J. Mol. Endocrinol. Title : Journal of Molecular Endocrinology ISSN : 0952-5041 e-ISSN: 1479-6813 CODEN : JMLEEI Short : JME Publis: Society for Endocrinology Server: http://jme.endocrinology-journals.org/ AC : JN-1126 Abbrev: J. Mol. Evol. Title : Journal of Molecular Evolution ISSN : 0022-2844 e-ISSN: 1432-1432 CODEN : JMEVAU Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/239 AC : JN-3755 Abbrev: J. Mol. Genet. Med. Title : Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine e-ISSN: 1747-0862 Short : JMGM Publis: Library Publishing Media Server: http://www.libpubmedia.co.uk/MedJ/MedJHome.htm AC : JN-1127 Abbrev: J. Mol. Graph. Title : Journal of Molecular Graphics ISSN : 0263-7855 Short : JMG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Mol. Graph. Model., ends with vol. 14 in 1996. AC : JN-1128 Abbrev: J. Mol. Graph. Model. Title : Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling ISSN : 1093-3263 e-ISSN: 1873-4243 CODEN : JMGMFI Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces J. Mol. Graph., starts with vol. 15 in 1997. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10933263 AC : JN-1129 Abbrev: J. Mol. Histol. Title : Journal of Molecular Histology ISSN : 1567-2379 e-ISSN: 1567-2387 Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces Histochem. J., starts with vol. 35 in 2004. Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10735 AC : JN-1130 Abbrev: J. Mol. Med. Title : Journal of Molecular Medicine ISSN : 0946-2716 e-ISSN: 1432-1440 CODEN : JMLME8 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/109 AC : JN-1131 Abbrev: J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology ISSN : 1464-1801 e-ISSN: 1660-2412 CODEN : JMMBFF Short : JMMB Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/MMB AC : JN-1132 Abbrev: J. Mol. Model. Title : Journal of Molecular Modeling ISSN : 1610-2940 e-ISSN: 0948-5023 CODEN : JMMOFK Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/894 AC : JN-1133 Abbrev: J. Mol. Neurosci. Title : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience ISSN : 0895-8696 e-ISSN: 1559-1166 CODEN : JMNEES Short : JMN Publis: Humana Press Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12031 AC : JN-1134 Abbrev: J. Mol. Recognit. Title : Journal of Molecular Recognition ISSN : 0952-3499 e-ISSN: 1099-1352 CODEN : JMORE4 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1352 AC : JN-1922 Abbrev: J. Mol. Signal. Title : Journal of Molecular Signaling e-ISSN: 1750-2187 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.jmolecularsignaling.com/ AC : JN-4746 Abbrev: J. Mol. Struct. Title : Journal of Molecular Structure ISSN : 0022-2860 e-ISSN: 1872-8014 CODEN : JMOSB4 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-molecular-structure AC : JN-1135 Abbrev: J. Molluscan Stud. Title : The Journal of Molluscan Studies ISSN : 0260-1230 e-ISSN: 1464-3766 CODEN : JMSTDT Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://mollus.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1136 Abbrev: J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. Title : Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility ISSN : 0142-4319 e-ISSN: 1573-2657 CODEN : JMRMD3 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/10974 AC : JN-4406 Abbrev: J. Musculoskelet. Neuronal Interact. Title : Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions ISSN : 1108-7161 Publis: International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions (ISMNI) Server: http://www.ismni.org/jmni/ AC : JN-4738 Abbrev: J. Mycol. Med. Title : Journal of Medical Mycology ISSN : 1156-5233 e-ISSN: 1773-0449 Publis: Masson Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/11565233 AC : JN-4625 Abbrev: J. Nanomater. Title : Journal of Nanomaterials ISSN : 1687-4110 e-ISSN: 1687-4129 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/ AC : JN-1967 Abbrev: J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Title : Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ISSN : 1533-4880 e-ISSN: 1533-4899 CODEN : JNNOAR Publis: American Scientific Publishers Server: http://aspbs.com/jnn/ AC : JN-2196 Abbrev: J. Nat. Hist. Title : Journal of Natural History ISSN : 0022-2933 e-ISSN: 1464-5262 CODEN : JNAHA9 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713192031 AC : JN-4838 Abbrev: J. Nat. Med. Title : Journal of Natural Medicines ISSN : 1861-0293 CODEN : JNMOBN Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/11418 AC : JN-1138 Abbrev: J. Nat. Prod. Title : Journal of Natural Products ISSN : 0163-3864 e-ISSN: 1520-6025 CODEN : JNPRDF Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jnprdf/ AC : JN-1139 Abbrev: J. Nat. Toxins Title : Journal of Natural Toxins ISSN : 1058-8108 CODEN : JNTOER Short : JNT Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 11 in 2002. AC : JN-1137 Abbrev: J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Title : Journal of the National Cancer Institute ISSN : 0027-8874 e-ISSN: 1460-2105 CODEN : JNCIEQ Short : JNCI Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-3072 Abbrev: J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr. Title : Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs ISSN : 1052-6773 e-ISSN: 1745-6614 CODEN : JNCME4 Short : JNCI Monographs Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jncimono.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-3154 Abbrev: J. Nematode Morphol. System. Title : Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics ISSN : 1139-5192 Publis: Universidad de Jaen, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal y Ecologia Server: http://www3.ujaen.es/servpub/b_datos/untiprevist.asp?ISSN=1139-5192 AC : JN-2197 Abbrev: J. Nematol. Title : Journal of Nematology ISSN : 0022-300X CODEN : JONEB5 Publis: Society of Nematologists Server: http://www.pngg.org/jon_style/ AC : JN-1983 Abbrev: J. Nephrol. Title : Journal of Nephrology ISSN : 1121-8428 e-ISSN: 1724-6059 CODEN : JLNEEL Short : JN Publis: Wichtig Editore Server: http://www.jnephrol.com/ AC : JN-1140 Abbrev: J. Neural Transm. Title : Journal of Neural Transmission ISSN : 0300-9564 e-ISSN: 1435-1463 CODEN : JNTMAH Publis: Springer Wien Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/702 AC : JN-1141 Abbrev: J. Neurobiol. Title : Journal of Neurobiology ISSN : 0022-3034 e-ISSN: 1097-4695 CODEN : JNEUBZ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Dev. Neurobiol., ends with vol. 66 in 2006. AC : JN-1142 Abbrev: J. Neurochem. Title : Journal of Neurochemistry ISSN : 0022-3042 e-ISSN: 1471-4159 CODEN : JONRA9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-3042 AC : JN-1143 Abbrev: J. Neurocytol. Title : Journal of Neurocytology ISSN : 0300-4864 e-ISSN: 1573-7381 CODEN : JNCYA2 Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2005, Continued by Brain Cell Biology (1559-7105). AC : JN-4501 Abbrev: J. Neurodegener. Dis. Title : Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases ISSN : 2090-858X e-ISSN: 2090-8601 CODEN : JNDOAB Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnd/ AC : JN-4919 Abbrev: J. Neurodev. Disord. Title : Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders ISSN : 1866-1947 e-ISSN: 1866-1955 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://jneurodevdisorders.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-1144 Abbrev: J. Neuroendocrinol. Title : Journal of Neuroendocrinology ISSN : 0953-8194 e-ISSN: 1365-2826 CODEN : JOUNE2 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0953-8194 AC : JN-1145 Abbrev: J. Neurogenet. Title : Journal of Neurogenetics ISSN : 0167-7063 e-ISSN: 1563-5260 CODEN : JLNEDK Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/neg AC : JN-4192 Abbrev: J. Neuroimmun. Pharmacol. Title : Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology ISSN : 1557-1890 e-ISSN: 1557-1904 Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/11481 AC : JN-1146 Abbrev: J. Neuroimmunol. Title : Journal of Neuroimmunology ISSN : 0165-5728 e-ISSN: 1872-8421 CODEN : JNRIDW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01655728 AC : JN-4376 Abbrev: J. Neuroinflamm. Title : Journal of Neuroinflammation e-ISSN: 1742-2094 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.jneuroinflammation.com/ AC : JN-1147 Abbrev: J. Neurol. Title : Journal of Neurology ISSN : 0340-5354 e-ISSN: 1432-1459 CODEN : JNRYA9 Publis: Steinkopff Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-5354 AC : JN-1148 Abbrev: J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psych. Title : Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry ISSN : 0022-3050 e-ISSN: 1468-330X CODEN : JNNPAU Short : JNNP Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. Server: http://jnnp.bmj.com/ AC : JN-1149 Abbrev: J. Neurol. Sci. Title : Journal of the Neurological Sciences ISSN : 0022-510X CODEN : JNSCAG Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0022510X AC : JN-4612 Abbrev: J. Neuromuscul. Dis. Title : Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases ISSN : 2214-3599 e-ISSN: 2214-3602 Publis: IOS Press Server: https://content.iospress.com/journals/journal-of-neuromuscular-diseases AC : JN-1150 Abbrev: J. Neurooncol. Title : Journal of Neuro-Oncology ISSN : 0167-594X e-ISSN: 1573-7373 CODEN : JNODD2 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-594X AC : JN-3782 Abbrev: J. Neuroophthalmol. Title : Journal of Neuro-Opthalmology [The Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society] ISSN : 1070-8022 e-ISSN: 1536-5166 CODEN : JNEOEK Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jneuro-ophthalmology/ AC : JN-1151 Abbrev: J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. Title : Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology ISSN : 0022-3069 e-ISSN: 1554-6578 CODEN : JNENAD Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jneuropath/ AC : JN-1152 Abbrev: J. Neurophysiol. Title : Journal of Neurophysiology ISSN : 0022-3077 e-ISSN: 1522-1598 CODEN : JONEA4 Publis: American Physiological Society Server: http://jn.physiology.org/ AC : JN-1153 Abbrev: J. Neurosci. Title : Journal of Neuroscience ISSN : 0270-6474 e-ISSN: 1529-2401 CODEN : JNRSDS Publis: Society for Neuroscience Server: http://www.jneurosci.org/ AC : JN-1154 Abbrev: J. Neurosci. Methods Title : Journal of Neuroscience Methods ISSN : 0165-0270 e-ISSN: 1872-678X CODEN : JNMEDT Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01650270 AC : JN-1155 Abbrev: J. Neurosci. Res. Title : Journal of Neuroscience Research ISSN : 0360-4012 e-ISSN: 1097-4547 CODEN : JNREDK Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4547 AC : JN-4763 Abbrev: J. Neurosurg. Sci. Title : Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences ISSN : 0390-5616 e-ISSN: 1827-1855 CODEN : JNSSBV Publis: Turin, Minerva medica Server: http://www.minervamedica.it/en/journals/neurosurgical-sciences/archive.php AC : JN-4589 Abbrev: J. Neurotrauma Title : Journal of Neurotrauma ISSN : 0897-7151 e-ISSN: 1557-9042 CODEN : JNEUE4 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces Central Nervous System Trauma, starts with vol. ? in 1988. Server: https://www.liebertpub.com/loi/neu AC : JN-1156 Abbrev: J. Neurovirol. Title : Journal of NeuroVirology ISSN : 1355-0284 e-ISSN: 1538-2443 CODEN : JNVIFK Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/jnv AC : JN-2804 Abbrev: J. North Am. Benthol. Soc. Title : Journal North American Benthological Society ISSN : 0887-3593 e-ISSN: 1937-237X CODEN : JNASEC Short : J-NABS Publis: North American Benthological Society Server: http://www.bioone.org/loi/jnbs?cookieSet=1 AC : JN-4067 Abbrev: J. Nucleic Acids Title : Journal of Nucleic Acids ISSN : 2090-0201 e-ISSN: 2090-021X Publis: Sage - Hindawi Access to Research Server: http://www.sage-hindawi.com/journals/jna/ AC : JN-1157 Abbrev: J. Nutr. Title : Journal of Nutrition ISSN : 0022-3166 e-ISSN: 1541-6100 CODEN : JONUAI Publis: American Society for Nutritional Sciences Server: http://jn.nutrition.org/ AC : JN-1158 Abbrev: J. Nutr. Biochem. Title : Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry ISSN : 0955-2863 e-ISSN: 1873-4847 CODEN : JNBIEL Short : JNB Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Nutr. Rep. Int., starts with vol. 1 in 1990. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09552863 AC : JN-1159 Abbrev: J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. Title : Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology ISSN : 0301-4800 CODEN : JNSVA5 Publis: Center for Academic Publications Japan Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. (Tokyo). Server: http://editors.capj.or.jp/~jnsv_web/ AC : JN-4252 Abbrev: J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Title : Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ISSN : 0144-3615 e-ISSN: 1364-6893 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/jog AC : JN-1160 Abbrev: J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. Title : The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research ISSN : 1341-8076 e-ISSN: 1447-0756 CODEN : JOGRFD Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1341-8076 AC : JN-3776 Abbrev: J. Ocean Sci. Found. Title : Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation e-ISSN: 1937-7835 Publis: Ocean Science Foundation Server: http://www.oceansciencefoundation.org/josf.html AC : JN-3388 Abbrev: J. Ocean Univ. China Title : Journal of the Ocean University of China ISSN : 1672-5182 e-ISSN: 1993-5021 CODEN : JOUCBY Publis: Zhongguo Haiyang Daxue Server: http://www2.ouc.edu.cn/xbywb/ AC : JN-2837 Abbrev: J. Oceanogr. Title : Journal of Oceanography ISSN : 0916-8370 e-ISSN: 1573-868X CODEN : JOOCE7 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0916-8370 AC : JN-4782 Abbrev: J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther. Title : Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics ISSN : 1080-7683 e-ISSN: 1557-7732 CODEN : JOPTFU Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: https://www.liebertpub.com/loi/jop AC : JN-3322 Abbrev: J. Oil Palm Res. Title : Journal of Oil Palm Research ISSN : 1511-2780 CODEN : JOPRFO Publis: Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia AC : JN-4045 Abbrev: J. Oilseeds Res. Title : Journal of Oilseeds Research ISSN : 0970-2776 CODEN : JOREES Publis: HPC Publishers AC : JN-4586 Abbrev: J. Ophthalmol. Title : Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 2090-004X e-ISSN: 2090-0058 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jop AC : JN-3247 Abbrev: J. Oral Biosci. Title : Journal of Oral Biosciences ISSN : 1349-0079 e-ISSN: 1880-3865 Publis: Japanese Association for Oral Biology Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/joralbiosci/_vols AC : JN-2541 Abbrev: J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. Title : Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ISSN : 0278-2391 e-ISSN: 1531-5053 CODEN : JOMSDA Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02782391 AC : JN-4682 Abbrev: J. Oral Microbiol. Title : Journal of Oral Microbiology ISSN : 2000-2297 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/zjom20/current AC : JN-2821 Abbrev: J. Oral Pathol. Med. Title : Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine ISSN : 0904-2512 e-ISSN: 1600-0714 CODEN : JPMEEA Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0904-2512 AC : JN-1161 Abbrev: J. Org. Chem. Title : The Journal of Organic Chemistry ISSN : 0022-3263 e-ISSN: 1520-6904 CODEN : JOCEAH Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/joceah/ AC : JN-2174 Abbrev: J. Ornithol. Title : Journal of Ornithology ISSN : 0021-8375 e-ISSN: 1439-0361 CODEN : JORNAH Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0021-8375 AC : JN-1162 Abbrev: J. Orthop. Res. Title : Journal of Orthopaedic Research ISSN : 0736-0266 e-ISSN: 1554-527X CODEN : JOREDR Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1554-527X AC : JN-3129 Abbrev: J. Orthoptera Res. Title : Journal of Orthoptera Research ISSN : 1082-6467 e-ISSN: 1937-2426 CODEN : DLMAF7 Publis: The Orthopterists' Society Server: http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-archive&issn=1082-6467 AC : JN-4522 Abbrev: J. Ovarian Res. Title : Journal of Ovarian Research e-ISSN: 1757-2215 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://ovarianresearch.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-3515 Abbrev: J. Paediatr. Child Health Title : Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health ISSN : 1034-4810 e-ISSN: 1440-1754 CODEN : JPCHE3 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1034-4810 AC : JN-4531 Abbrev: J. Pain Res. Title : Journal of Pain Research e-ISSN: 1178-7090 Publis: DovePress Server: https://www.dovepress.com/journal-of-pain-research-journal AC : JN-1163 Abbrev: J. Pancreas Title : Journal of the Pancreas e-ISSN: 1590-8577 Short : JOP Publis: E.S. Burioni ricerche bibliografiche Server: http://www.joplink.net AC : JN-1164 Abbrev: J. Parasitol. Title : Journal of Parasitology ISSN : 0022-3395 e-ISSN: 1937-2345 CODEN : JOPAA2 Publis: American Society of Parasitologists Server: http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-archive&issn=0022-3395 AC : JN-4371 Abbrev: J. Parkinson's Dis. Title : Journal of Parkinson's Disease ISSN : 1877-7171 e-ISSN: 1877-718X CODEN : JPDOAP Publis: IOS Press Server: http://iospress.metapress.com/content/1877-7171 AC : JN-1165 Abbrev: J. Pathol. Title : The Journal of Pathology ISSN : 0022-3417 e-ISSN: 1096-9896 CODEN : JPTLAS Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1096-9896 AC : JN-1166 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Title : Journal of Pediatrics ISSN : 0022-3476 e-ISSN: 1097-6833 CODEN : JOPDAB Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00223476 AC : JN-1167 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab. Title : Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism ISSN : 0334-018X CODEN : JPENEV Short : JPEM Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Server: http://www.degruyter.com/journals/jpem/ AC : JN-2542 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. Title : Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition ISSN : 0277-2116 e-ISSN: 1536-4801 CODEN : JPGND6 Short : JPGN Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jpgn/ AC : JN-1168 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. Title : Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology ISSN : 1077-4114 e-ISSN: 1536-3678 CODEN : JPHOFG Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/jpho-online/ AC : JN-4798 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Intensive Care Title : Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care ISSN : 2146-4618 e-ISSN: 2146-4626 Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/journal/10.1055/s-00029029 AC : JN-4070 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Ophthalmol. Strabismus Title : Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus ISSN : 0191-3913 e-ISSN: 1938-2405 CODEN : JPOSDR Publis: Slack Server: http://www.journalofpediatricophthalmology.com/ AC : JN-1169 Abbrev: J. Pediatr. Surg. Title : Journal of Pediatric Surgery ISSN : 0022-3468 e-ISSN: 1531-5037 CODEN : JPDSA3 Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00223468 AC : JN-4813 Abbrev: J. Penelit. Tanam. Ind. Title : Journal Penelitian Tanaman Industry ISSN : 0853-8212 e-ISSN: 2528-6870 Publis: Indonesia Center for Estate Crops Research and Development (ICECRD) Note : In Indonesia, original title Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri (Industrial Crops Research Journal). Server: http://ejurnal.litbang.pertanian.go.id/index.php/jptip AC : JN-1170 Abbrev: J. Pept. Res. Title : Journal of Peptide Research ISSN : 1397-002X e-ISSN: 1399-3011 CODEN : JPERFA Publis: Not published Note : Formed by the merge of Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. and Pept. Res., starts with vol. 49 in 1997. Replaced by Chem. Biol. Drug Des., ends with vol. 66 in 2005. AC : JN-1171 Abbrev: J. Pept. Sci. Title : Journal of Peptide Science ISSN : 1075-2617 e-ISSN: 1099-1387 CODEN : JPSIEL Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1387 AC : JN-4727 Abbrev: J. Perinatol. Title : Journal of Perinatology e-ISSN: 1476-5543 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/jp/ AC : JN-2198 Abbrev: J. Periodont. Res. Title : Journal of Periodontal Research ISSN : 0022-3484 e-ISSN: 1600-0765 CODEN : JPDRAY Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-3484 AC : JN-4384 Abbrev: J. Periodontology Title : Journal of Periodontology ISSN : 0022-3492 Publis: American Academy of Periodontology Server: https://www.perio.org/journal.html AC : JN-2569 Abbrev: J. Peripher. Nerv. Syst. Title : Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System ISSN : 1085-9489 e-ISSN: 1529-8027 CODEN : JPNSFO Short : JPNS Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1085-9489 AC : JN-2199 Abbrev: J. Pers. Assess. Title : Journal of Personality Assessment ISSN : 0022-3891 e-ISSN: 1532-7752 CODEN : JNPABU Short : JPA Publis: Routledge Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t775653663 AC : JN-4614 Abbrev: J. Pest Sci. Title : Journal of Pest Science ISSN : 1612-4758 e-ISSN: 1612-4766 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1612-4766 https://link.springer.com/journal/10340 AC : JN-3768 Abbrev: J. Pestic. Sci. Title : Journal of Pesticide Science ISSN : 1348-589X e-ISSN: 1349-0923 CODEN : NNGADV Publis: Pesticide Science Society of Japan Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jpestics AC : JN-1172 Abbrev: J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. Title : Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis ISSN : 0731-7085 e-ISSN: 1873-264X CODEN : JPBADA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07317085 AC : JN-1173 Abbrev: J. Pharm. Pharmacol. Title : Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology ISSN : 0022-3573 CODEN : JPPMAB Publis: Pharmaceutical Press Server: http://journals.medicinescomplete.com/journals/jpp/current/ AC : JN-1174 Abbrev: J. Pharm. Sci. Title : Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN : 0022-3549 e-ISSN: 1520-6017 CODEN : JPMSAE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6017 AC : JN-2830 Abbrev: J. Pharmacobio-Dyn. Title : Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics ISSN : 0386-846X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biol. Pharm. Bull., ends with vol. 15 in 1992. Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Pharmacobiodyn. AC : JN-1175 Abbrev: J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. Title : Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics ISSN : 0022-3565 e-ISSN: 1521-0103 CODEN : JPETAB Short : JPET Publis: ASPET Server: http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/ AC : JN-2829 Abbrev: J. Pharmacol. Sci. Title : Journal of Pharmacological Sciences ISSN : 1347-8613 e-ISSN: 1347-8648 CODEN : JPSTGJ Publis: Japanese Pharmacological Society Server: http://plaza.umin.ac.jp/JPS1927/jps/ AC : JN-3094 Abbrev: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods Title : Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods ISSN : 1056-8719 e-ISSN: 1873-488X CODEN : JPTMEZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10568719 AC : JN-1176 Abbrev: J. Photochem. Photobiol. B Title : Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Series B: Biology ISSN : 1011-1344 e-ISSN: 1873-2682 CODEN : JPPBEG Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10111344 AC : JN-1177 Abbrev: J. Photosci. Title : Journal of Photoscience ISSN : 1225-8555 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2005. AC : JN-1178 Abbrev: J. Phycol. Title : Journal of Phycology ISSN : 0022-3646 e-ISSN: 1529-8817 CODEN : JPYLAJ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-3646 AC : JN-3817 Abbrev: J. Phys. Chem. B Title : The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ISSN : 1520-6106 e-ISSN: 1520-5207 CODEN : JPCBFK Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jpcbfk/ AC : JN-4633 Abbrev: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Title : The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters e-ISSN: 1948-7185 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/jpclcd AC : JN-4290 Abbrev: J. Phys. Condens. Matter. Title : Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ISSN : 0953-8984 e-ISSN: 1361-648X Publis: IOP Publishing Server: http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984 AC : JN-1180 Abbrev: J. Physiol. (Lond.) Title : The Journal of Physiology ISSN : 0022-3751 e-ISSN: 1469-7793 CODEN : JPHYA7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Physiol. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0022-3751 AC : JN-3566 Abbrev: J. Physiol. (Paris) Title : Journal de Physiologie ISSN : 0021-7948 CODEN : JOPHAN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Physiol. Paris, ends with vol. 85 in 1991. AC : JN-4385 Abbrev: J. Physiol. Biochem. Title : Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry ISSN : 1138-7548 e-ISSN: 1877-8755 Publis: Springer Server: http://www.springer.com/biomed/journal/13105 AC : JN-1179 Abbrev: J. Physiol. Paris Title : Journal of Physiology - Paris [An International Review Journal for the Neurosciences] ISSN : 0928-4257 e-ISSN: 1769-7115 CODEN : JHYSEM Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces J. Physiol. (Paris), starts with vol. 86 in 1992. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09284257 AC : JN-3453 Abbrev: J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Title : Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology ISSN : 0867-5910 e-ISSN: 1899-1505 CODEN : JPHPEI Publis: Polish Physiological Society Server: http://www.jpp.krakow.pl/ AC : JN-2015 Abbrev: J. Physiol. Sci. Title : Journal of Physiological Sciences ISSN : 1880-6546 e-ISSN: 1880-6562 CODEN : JPSOE2 Short : JPS Publis: Physiological Society of Japan Note : Replaces Jpn. J. Physiol., starts with vol. 56 in 2006. Server: http://jps.physiology.jp/ AC : JN-1181 Abbrev: J. Phytopathol. Title : Journal of Phytopathology ISSN : 0931-1785 e-ISSN: 1439-0434 CODEN : JPHYEB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Parallel language title: Phytopathologische Zeitschrift. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0931-1785 AC : JN-1182 Abbrev: J. Pineal Res. Title : Journal of Pineal Research [Molecular, Biological, Physiological and Clinical Aspects of Melatonin] ISSN : 0742-3098 e-ISSN: 1600-079X CODEN : JPRSE9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0742-3098 AC : JN-2426 Abbrev: J. Plankton Res. Title : Journal of Plankton Research ISSN : 0142-7873 e-ISSN: 1464-3774 CODEN : JPLRD9 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://plankt.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1183 Abbrev: J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. Title : Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology ISSN : 0971-7811 CODEN : JPBBEE AC : JN-1184 Abbrev: J. Plant Biol. Title : Journal of Plant Biology ISSN : 1226-9239 e-ISSN: 1867-0725 Short : JPB Publis: Springer New York Note : Replaces Singmul Hakhoe Chi (Korean J. Bot.), starts with vol. 37 in 1994. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1226-9239 AC : JN-1185 Abbrev: J. Plant Growth Regul. Title : Journal of Plant Growth Regulation ISSN : 0721-7595 e-ISSN: 1435-8107 CODEN : JPGRDI Short : JPGR Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0721-7595 AC : JN-1186 Abbrev: J. Plant Pathol. Title : Journal of Plant Pathology ISSN : 1125-4653 CODEN : RPVGA9 Short : JPP Publis: Italian Phytopathological Society Server: http://www.agr.unipi.it/sipav/jpp/ AC : JN-4675 Abbrev: J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology ISSN : 2157-7471 CODEN : JPPMCD Publis: OMICS International Server: https://www.longdom.org/plant-pathology-microbiology.html AC : JN-1187 Abbrev: J. Plant Physiol. Title : Journal of Plant Physiology [Biochemistry, Physiology, Molecular Biology and Functional Biotechnology of Plants] ISSN : 0176-1617 e-ISSN: 1618-1328 CODEN : JPPHEY Short : JPP Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01761617 AC : JN-1188 Abbrev: J. Plant Res. Title : Journal of Plant Research ISSN : 0918-9440 e-ISSN: 1618-0860 CODEN : JPLREA Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0918-9440 AC : JN-3113 Abbrev: J. Polym. Environ. Title : Journal of Polymers and the Environment ISSN : 1566-2543 e-ISSN: 1572-8900 CODEN : JPENFW Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces J. Environ. Polym. Degrad., starts with vol. 8 in 2000. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1566-2543 AC : JN-4795 Abbrev: J. Polym. Sci. Title : Journal of Polymer Science e-ISSN: 2642-4169 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/26424169 AC : JN-2215 Abbrev: J. Poult. Sci. Title : Journal of Poultry Science ISSN : 1346-7395 e-ISSN: 1349-0486 Publis: Nihon Kakin Gakkai Note : Replaces Nihon Kakin Gakkaishi, starts with vol. 39? in 2002?. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jpsa/ AC : JN-4008 Abbrev: J. Power Sources Title : Journal of Power Sources [The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Electrochemical Energy Systems] ISSN : 0378-7753 e-ISSN: 1873-2755 CODEN : JPSODZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03787753 AC : JN-1189 Abbrev: J. Prakt. Chem. Title : Journal fur Praktische Chemie ISSN : 1436-9966 CODEN : JPCEAO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Adv. Synthesis Catalysis, ends with vol. 342 in 2000. AC : JN-3155 Abbrev: J. Prev. Med. Hyg. Title : Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene ISSN : 1121-2233 CODEN : JPMHE Publis: Pacini Editore SpA Server: http://www.pacinimedicina.it/gimpi AC : JN-1190 Abbrev: J. Proc. Royal Soc. N.S. Wales Title : Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales ISSN : 0035-9173 CODEN : JPRSA5 Publis: Royal Society of New South Wales Server: http://nsw.royalsoc.org.au/publications.html AC : JN-1191 Abbrev: J. Protein Chem. Title : Journal of Protein Chemistry ISSN : 0277-8033 CODEN : JPCHD2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Protein J., ends with vol. 22 in 2003. AC : JN-4872 Abbrev: J. Proteins Proteom. Title : Journal of Proteins and Proteomics ISSN : 0975-8151 e-ISSN: 2524-4663 Publis: 2524-4663 Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/42485 AC : JN-1192 Abbrev: J. Proteome Res. Title : Journal of Proteome Research ISSN : 1535-3893 e-ISSN: 1535-3907 CODEN : JPROBS Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jprobs/ AC : JN-2485 Abbrev: J. Proteomics Title : Journal of Proteomics ISSN : 1874-3919 e-ISSN: 1876-7737 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods, starts with vol. 71 in 2008. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/18743919 AC : JN-4374 Abbrev: J. Proteomics Bioinform. Title : Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics e-ISSN: 0974-276X CODEN : JPBOBG Short : JPB Publis: OMICS Publishing Group Server: http://www.omicsonline.com/jpbhome.php AC : JN-1193 Abbrev: J. Protozool. Title : Journal of Protozoology ISSN : 0022-3921 CODEN : JPROAR Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., ends with vol. 39 in 1992. AC : JN-2855 Abbrev: J. Protozool. Res. Title : Journal of Protozoology Research ISSN : 0917-4427 Publis: National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases Server: http://www.obihiro.ac.jp/~protozoa/ AC : JN-1194 Abbrev: J. Psychiatr. Res. Title : Journal of Psychiatric Research ISSN : 0022-3956 CODEN : JPYRA3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00223956 AC : JN-4847 Abbrev: J. Psychopharmacol. Title : Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England) ISSN : 0269-8811 e-ISSN: 1461-7285 CODEN : JOPSEQ Publis: Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications. Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jop AC : JN-4046 Abbrev: J. Pure Appl. Microbiol. Title : Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology [An International Research Journal of Microbiology] ISSN : 0973-7510 Short : JPAM Publis: Oriental Scientific Publishing Company Server: http://www.microbiologyjournal.org/ AC : JN-4254 Abbrev: J. R. Soc. Interface Title : Journal of the Royal Society Interface e-ISSN: 1742-5662 Publis: Royal Society Server: http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org/ AC : JN-2584 Abbrev: J. R. Soc. N. Z. Title : Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand ISSN : 0303-6758 e-ISSN: 1175-8899 CODEN : JRNZAK Publis: RSNZ Publishing Server: http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/site/publish/journals/jrsnz/ AC : JN-3850 Abbrev: J. R. Soc. West. Aust. Title : Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia ISSN : 0035-922X CODEN : JRSUAU Publis: Royal Society of Western Australia Server: http://www.rswa.org.au/content/The_Journal.htm AC : JN-2703 Abbrev: J. Radiat. Res. Title : Journal of Radiation Research ISSN : 0449-3060 e-ISSN: 1349-9157 CODEN : JRARAX Publis: Japan Radiation Research Society Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jrr/ AC : JN-2799 Abbrev: J. Raptor Res. Title : Journal of Raptor Research ISSN : 0892-1016 CODEN : JRREEF Publis: Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Server: http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-archive&issn=0892-1016 AC : JN-4305 Abbrev: J. Recept. Lig. Chann. Res. Title : Journal of Receptor, Ligand and Channel Research ISSN : 1178-699X Publis: Dovepress Server: https://www.dovepress.com/journal-of-receptor-ligand-and-channel-research-journal AC : JN-1195 Abbrev: J. Recept. Res. Title : Journal of Receptor Research ISSN : 0197-5110 CODEN : JRERDM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Recept. Signal Transduct., ends with vol. 14 in 1994. AC : JN-1196 Abbrev: J. Recept. Signal Transduct. Title : Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction ISSN : 1079-9893 e-ISSN: 1532-4281 CODEN : JRETET Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces J. Recept. Res., starts with vol. 15 in 1995. Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Recept. Signal Transduct. Res. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/rst AC : JN-1197 Abbrev: J. Reprod. Dev. Title : The Journal of Reproduction and Development [Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction] ISSN : 0916-8818 e-ISSN: 1348-4400 CODEN : JREDEF Publis: Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsar/jrd/jrdtop.html AC : JN-1198 Abbrev: J. Reprod. Fertil. Title : Journal of Reproduction and Fertility ISSN : 0022-4251 CODEN : JRPFA4 Short : JRF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Reproduction, ends with vol. 120 in 2000. AC : JN-1199 Abbrev: J. Reprod. Fertil. Abstr. Ser. Title : Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Abstract Series ISSN : 0954-0725 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Reprod. Abstr. Ser., ends with vol. 26 in 2002. AC : JN-1200 Abbrev: J. Reprod. Immunol. Title : Journal of Reproductive Immunology [The International Journal for Experimental and Clinical Reproductive Immunobiology] ISSN : 0165-0378 e-ISSN: 1872-7603 CODEN : JRIMDR Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01650378 AC : JN-1201 Abbrev: J. Reprod. Med. Title : Journal of Reproductive Medicine ISSN : 0024-7758 CODEN : JRPMAP Publis: Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Inc Server: http://www.jreprodmed.com/ AC : JN-3690 Abbrev: J. Res. Inst. Meijo Univ. Title : Journal of Research Institute of Meijo University ISSN : 1347-6149 Publis: Research Institute, Meijo University Note : Parallel language title: Meijo Daigaku Sogo Kenkyujo Sogo Gakujutsu Kenkyu Ronbunshu. AC : JN-1202 Abbrev: J. Rheumatol. Title : The Journal of Rheumatology ISSN : 0315-162X e-ISSN: 1499-2752 CODEN : JRHUA9 Publis: Journal of Rheumatology Publishing Company Ltd. Server: http://www.jrheum.org/ AC : JN-1203 Abbrev: J. Rubber Res. Title : Journal of Rubber Research ISSN : 1511-1768 CODEN : JRREFG Publis: Malaysian Rubber Board Server: http://www.lgm.gov.my/PublicationsNJournals/latestpub.aspx AC : JN-3706 Abbrev: J. Russ. Phytopathol. Soc. Title : Journal of Russian Phytopathological Society ISSN : 1563-3683 Publis: Russian Phytopathological Society Server: http://herba.msu.ru/journals/jrps/ AC : JN-1204 Abbrev: J. S. Afr. Chem. Inst. Title : Journal of the South African Chemical Institute ISSN : 0038-2078 AC : JN-3639 Abbrev: J. Sci. Title : Journal of Science ISSN : 0950-5709 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1885. AC : JN-1205 Abbrev: J. Sci. Food Agric. Title : Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture ISSN : 0022-5142 CODEN : JSFAAE AC : JN-1206 Abbrev: J. Sci. Res. Chulalongkorn Univ. Title : Journal of Scientific Research, Chulalongkorn University ISSN : 0125-6335 Publis: Faculty of Sciences, Chulalongkorn University Server: http://www.sc.chula.ac.th/ AC : JN-2586 Abbrev: J. Sci. Soc. Thailand Title : Journal of the Science Society of Thailand ISSN : 0303-8122 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sci. Asia, ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-3721 Abbrev: J. Sci. Technol. Tropics Title : Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics ISSN : 1823-5034 Publis: The Confederation of Scientific and Technological Associations in Malaysia Server: http://www.akademisains.gov.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=330&Itemid=336 AC : JN-3268 Abbrev: J. Sea Res. Title : Journal of Sea Research ISSN : 1385-1101 e-ISSN: 1873-1414 CODEN : JSREFN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13851101 AC : JN-1207 Abbrev: J. Sep. Sci. Title : Journal of Separation Science ISSN : 1615-9306 e-ISSN: 1615-9314 CODEN : JSSCCJ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1615-9314 AC : JN-4557 Abbrev: J. Sex. Med. Title : The Journal of Sexual Medicine ISSN : 1743-6095 e-ISSN: 1743-6109 CODEN : JSMOAN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/17436095 AC : JN-1208 Abbrev: J. Shellfish Res. Title : Journal of Shellfish Research ISSN : 0730-8000 CODEN : JSHRDA Publis: National Shellfisheries Association Server: http://shellfish.org/pubs/jsrtoc/toc.htm/ AC : JN-4396 Abbrev: J. Signal Transduct. Title : Journal of Signal Transduction ISSN : 2090-1739 e-ISSN: 2090-1747 CODEN : JSTOBP Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jst/ AC : JN-1209 Abbrev: J. Smooth Muscle Res. Title : Journal of Smooth Muscle Research ISSN : 0916-8737 CODEN : JSMRE2 Short : JSMR Publis: Japanese Society of Smooth Muscle Research Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsmr/jsmr1/jsmr1.html AC : JN-3204 Abbrev: J. Soc. Biol. Title : Journal de la Societe de Biologie ISSN : 1295-0661 e-ISSN: 1760-6128 CODEN : JDSBFG Publis: EDP Sciences Server: http://www.biologie-journal.org/ AC : JN-1210 Abbrev: J. Soc. Gynecol. Invest. Title : Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation ISSN : 1071-5576 CODEN : JSGIED Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Soc. Gynecol. Investig. Replaced by Reprod. Sci., ends with vol. 13 in 2006. AC : JN-3278 Abbrev: J. Soils Sediments Title : Journal of Soils and Sediments [Protection, Risk Assessment and Remediation] ISSN : 1439-0108 e-ISSN: 1614-7480 CODEN : JSSOAJ Short : JSSS Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1439-0108 AC : JN-1211 Abbrev: J. South. Calif. Dent. Assoc. Title : Journal of the Southern California Dental Association ISSN : 0098-843X CODEN : JSDCAA AC : JN-1212 Abbrev: J. Steroid Biochem. Title : Journal of Steroid Biochemistry ISSN : 0022-4731 CODEN : JSTBBK Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 36 in 1990. AC : JN-1213 Abbrev: J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. Title : The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ISSN : 0960-0760 CODEN : JSBBEZ Publis: Pergamon Note : Replaces J. Steroid Biochem., starts with vol. 37 in 1990. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09600760 AC : JN-2200 Abbrev: J. Stored Prod. Res. Title : Journal of Stored Products Research ISSN : 0022-474X CODEN : JSTPAR Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0022474X AC : JN-4425 Abbrev: J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Dis. Title : Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases ISSN : 1052-3057 e-ISSN: 1532-8511 Publis: New York, NY : Demos Publications Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10523057 AC : JN-1214 Abbrev: J. Struct. Biol. Title : Journal of Structural Biology ISSN : 1047-8477 e-ISSN: 1095-8657 CODEN : JUMREG Short : JSB Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10478477 AC : JN-4906 Abbrev: J. Struct. Biol. X Title : Journal of Structural Biology: X ISSN : 2590-1524 e-ISSN: 2590-1524 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-structural-biology-x AC : JN-1215 Abbrev: J. Struct. Funct. Genomics Title : Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics ISSN : 1345-711X e-ISSN: 1570-0267 CODEN : JSFGAW Short : JSFG Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1345-711X AC : JN-1216 Abbrev: J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. Title : Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology ISSN : 1122-9497 CODEN : JSCPEE Publis: Editrice Compositori Note : Replaces J. Submicrosc. Cytol., starts with vol. 20 in 1988. AC : JN-2822 Abbrev: J. Sugar Beet Res. Title : Journal of Sugar Beet Research ISSN : 0899-1502 CODEN : JSBREF Publis: American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists Server: http://www.bsdf-assbt.org/assbt/assbtjsbr.htm AC : JN-1217 Abbrev: J. Supramol. Struct. Title : Journal of Supramolecular Structure ISSN : 0091-7419 CODEN : JSPMAW AC : JN-2201 Abbrev: J. Surg. Res. Title : Journal of Surgical Research ISSN : 0022-4804 e-ISSN: 1095-8673 CODEN : JSGRA2 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00224804 AC : JN-4058 Abbrev: J. Synchrotron Radiat. Title : Journal of Synchrotron Radiation ISSN : 0909-0495 e-ISSN: 1600-5775 CODEN : JSYRES Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://journals.iucr.org/s/journalhomepage.html http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0909-0495 AC : JN-1218 Abbrev: J. Theor. Biol. Title : Journal of Theoretical Biology ISSN : 0022-5193 CODEN : JTBIAP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00225193 AC : JN-3269 Abbrev: J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. Title : Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ISSN : 1388-6150 e-ISSN: 1572-8943 CODEN : JTACF7 Publis: Akademiai Kiado Server: http://www.akademiai.com/content/102948 AC : JN-2599 Abbrev: J. Therm. Biol. Title : Journal of Thermal Biology ISSN : 0306-4565 CODEN : JTBIDS Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03064565 AC : JN-4175 Abbrev: J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. Title : The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ISSN : 0022-5223 e-ISSN: 1097-685X Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00225223 AC : JN-4107 Abbrev: J. Thorac. Oncol. Title : Journal of Thoracic Oncology ISSN : 1556-0864 e-ISSN: 1556-1380 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.jto.org AC : JN-1219 Abbrev: J. Thromb. Haemost. Title : Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis ISSN : 1538-7933 e-ISSN: 1538-7836 CODEN : JTHOA5 Short : JTH Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1538-7836 AC : JN-1220 Abbrev: J. Tongji Med. Univ. Title : Journal of Tongji Medical University ISSN : 0257-716X CODEN : JTMUEI Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Technol. Med. Sci., ends with vol. 21 in 2001. AC : JN-2284 Abbrev: J. Torrey Bot. Soc. Title : Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society ISSN : 1095-5674 e-ISSN: 1940-0616 CODEN : BTBCAL Publis: Torrey Botanical Society Note : Replaces Bull. Torrey Bot. Soc., starts with vol. ? in 1997. Server: http://www.torreybotanical.org/journal.html AC : JN-4281 Abbrev: J. Toxicol. Title : Journal of Toxicology ISSN : 1687-8191 e-ISSN: 1687-8205 Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jt/ AC : JN-4546 Abbrev: J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. Title : Journal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology ISSN : 0731-3810 CODEN : JTCTDW Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ictx20/current AC : JN-3336 Abbrev: J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Part A Title : Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A ISSN : 1528-7394 e-ISSN: 1087-2620 CODEN : JTEHF8 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713667303 AC : JN-2682 Abbrev: J. Toxicol. Sci. Title : Journal of Toxicological Sciences ISSN : 0388-1350 e-ISSN: 1880-3989 CODEN : JTSCDR Publis: Japanese Society of Toxicological Sciences Server: http://www.jtoxsci.org/ AC : JN-1221 Abbrev: J. Toxicol. Toxin Rev. Title : Journal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews ISSN : 0731-3837 e-ISSN: 1525-6057 CODEN : JTTRD9 Short : JTTRD Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Toxin Rev., ends with vol. 23 in 2004. AC : JN-4131 Abbrev: J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. Title : Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) ISSN : 0946-672X e-ISSN: 1878-3252 CODEN : JTEBF Publis: Gustav Fisher Stuttgart Note : Replaces Journal of trace elements and electrolytes in health and disease, starts with vol. 14(1) in 2000. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0946672X AC : JN-4289 Abbrev: J. Transl. Med. Title : Journal of Translational Medicine e-ISSN: 1479-5876 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.translational-medicine.com/ AC : JN-3156 Abbrev: J. Travel Med. Title : Journal of Travel Medicine ISSN : 1195-1982 e-ISSN: 1708-8305 CODEN : JTRMFK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1195-1982 AC : JN-3294 Abbrev: J. Trop. Agric. Food Sci. Title : Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science ISSN : 1394-9829 Short : JTAFS Publis: Malaysian Agricultural Research & Development Institute AC : JN-3723 Abbrev: J. Trop. Biol. Conserv. Title : Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation ISSN : 1832-3902 Publis: Universiti Malaysia Sabah AC : JN-2531 Abbrev: J. Trop. Ecol. Title : Journal of Tropical Ecology ISSN : 0266-4674 e-ISSN: 1469-7831 CODEN : JTECEQ Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=TRO AC : JN-2427 Abbrev: J. Trop. Pediatr. Title : Journal of Tropical Pediatrics ISSN : 0142-6338 e-ISSN: 1465-3664 CODEN : JTRPAO Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://tropej.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2800 Abbrev: J. Tumor Marker Oncol. Title : Journal of Tumor Marker Oncology ISSN : 0886-3849 CODEN : JTMOEY Publis: International Academy of Tumor Marker Oncology AC : JN-4294 Abbrev: J. Ultrastruct. Res. Title : Journal of Ultrastructure Research ISSN : 0022-5320 CODEN : JULRA7 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00225320 AC : JN-2674 Abbrev: J. UOEH Title : Journal of UOEH [Journal of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health] ISSN : 0387-821X CODEN : JOUOD4 Publis: University of Occupational and Environmental Health Japan, Association of Health Sciences Note : Parallel language title: Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi. Server: http://www.uoeh-u.ac.jp/kouza/journal/intro_j.html AC : JN-1222 Abbrev: J. Urol. Title : The Journal of Urology ISSN : 0022-5347 CODEN : JOURAA Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.jurology.com/ AC : JN-1223 Abbrev: J. Vasc. Res. Title : Journal of Vascular Research ISSN : 1018-1172 e-ISSN: 1423-0135 CODEN : JVREE9 Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Blood Vessels, starts with vol. 29 in 1992. Server: http://www.karger.com/JVR AC : JN-1224 Abbrev: J. Vasc. Surg. Title : Journal of Vascular Surgery ISSN : 0741-5214 e-ISSN: 1097-6809 Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07415214 AC : JN-3114 Abbrev: J. Vector Ecol. Title : Journal of Vector Ecology ISSN : 1081-1710 CODEN : BSVEDL Publis: Society for Vector Ecology Server: http://www.sove.org/Journal/Journal.html AC : JN-3143 Abbrev: J. Veg. Sci. Title : Journal of Vegetation Science [Official Organ of the International Association for Vegetation Science] ISSN : 1100-9233 e-ISSN: 1654-1103 CODEN : JVESEK Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=1100-9233 AC : JN-4183 Abbrev: J. Venom Res. Title : Journal of Venom Research e-ISSN: 2044-0324 Short : JVR Publis: Library Publishing Media Server: http://www.libpubmedia.co.uk/JVR/JVRHome.htm AC : JN-3812 Abbrev: J. Venom. Anim. Toxins Incl. Trop. Dis. Title : Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases e-ISSN: 1678-9199 Publis: Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peconhentos - CEVAP, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1678-9199&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-1225 Abbrev: J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. Title : Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ISSN : 1040-6387 Short : JVDI Publis: AAVLD Server: http://www.jvdi.org/ AC : JN-1226 Abbrev: J. Vet. Intern. Med. Title : Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine ISSN : 0891-6640 CODEN : JVIMEM Short : JVIM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0891-6640 AC : JN-1227 Abbrev: J. Vet. Med. B Title : Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B [Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Medicine] ISSN : 0931-1793 e-ISSN: 1439-0450 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Vet. Med. B Infect. Dis. Vet. Public Health. Replaced by Zoonoses Public Health, ends with vol. 53 in 2006. Replaces Zentralbl. Veterinarmedizin Reihe B, starts with vol. 47 in 2000. AC : JN-1228 Abbrev: J. Vet. Med. Sci. Title : Journal of Veterinary Medical Science ISSN : 0916-7250 e-ISSN: 1347-7439 CODEN : JVMSEQ Publis: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science Note : Replaces Nippon Juigaku Zasshi, starts with vol. 53 in 1991. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jvms/-char/en http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsvs/ AC : JN-2428 Abbrev: J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther. Title : Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ISSN : 0140-7783 e-ISSN: 1365-2885 CODEN : JVPTD9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0140-7783 AC : JN-3185 Abbrev: J. Vet. Sci. Title : Journal of Veterinary Science ISSN : 1229-845X Publis: Korean Society of Veterinary Science Server: http://www.vetsci.org/ AC : JN-3668 Abbrev: J. Viral Dis. Title : The Journal of Viral Diseases ISSN : 1105-7149 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1993. AC : JN-1229 Abbrev: J. Viral Hepat. Title : Journal of Viral Hepatitis ISSN : 1352-0504 e-ISSN: 1365-2893 CODEN : JVHEER Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1352-0504 AC : JN-1230 Abbrev: J. Virol. Title : Journal of Virology ISSN : 0022-538X e-ISSN: 1098-5514 CODEN : JOVIAM Short : JVI Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://jvi.asm.org/ AC : JN-1231 Abbrev: J. Virol. Methods Title : Journal of Virological Methods ISSN : 0166-0934 CODEN : JVMEDH Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01660934 AC : JN-3524 Abbrev: J. Vis. Title : Journal of Vision e-ISSN: 1534-7362 Publis: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Server: http://www.journalofvision.org/ AC : JN-4333 Abbrev: J. Vis. Exp. Title : Journal of Visualized Experiments e-ISSN: 1940-087X Publis: MyJove Corp. Server: http://www.jove.com/ AC : JN-3373 Abbrev: J. Water Supply Title : Journal of Water Supply [Research and Technology - AQUA] ISSN : 1606-9935 e-ISSN: 1605-3974 CODEN : AQUAAA Publis: IWA Publishing Server: http://www.iwaponline.com/jws/ AC : JN-1232 Abbrev: J. Wildl. Dis. Title : Journal of Wildlife Diseases ISSN : 0090-3558 CODEN : JWIDAW Publis: Wildlife Disease Association Server: http://www.jwildlifedis.org/ AC : JN-2202 Abbrev: J. Wildl. Manage. Title : The Journal of Wildlife Management ISSN : 0022-541X e-ISSN: 1937-2817 CODEN : JWMAA9 Short : JWM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1937-2817 AC : JN-2175 Abbrev: J. Wood Sci. Title : Journal of Wood Science ISSN : 1435-0211 e-ISSN: 1611-4663 CODEN : JWSCFG Publis: Springer Japan Note : Replaces in part Mokuzai Gakkaishi, starts with vol. 44 in 1998. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1435-0211 AC : JN-4026 Abbrev: J. World Aquac. Soc. Title : Journal of the World Aquaculture Society ISSN : 0893-8849 e-ISSN: 1749-7345 CODEN : JWASE7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0893-8849 AC : JN-4542 Abbrev: J. Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. Title : Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing ISSN : 1071-5754 e-ISSN: 1528-3976 Publis: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Server: http://journals.lww.com/jwocnonline/pages/default.aspx AC : JN-3027 Abbrev: J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. Title : Journal of Zhejiang University, Science ISSN : 1009-3095 CODEN : JZUSFR Publis: Not published Note : Split into J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A, and J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B, ends with vol. 5 in 2004. AC : JN-3028 Abbrev: J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B Title : Journal of Zhejiang University, Science, B ISSN : 1673-1581 e-ISSN: 1862-1783 CODEN : JZUSAM Short : JZUS-B Publis: Zheijiang University Press Note : Replaces in part J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci., starts with volume 6 in 2005. Server: http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/ AC : JN-1233 Abbrev: J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. Ed. Title : Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition) ISSN : 1008-9497 Short : JZU Publis: Zhejiang University Press Server: http://www.journals.zju.edu.cn/sci/ AC : JN-3071 Abbrev: J. Zoo Wildl. Med. Title : Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine ISSN : 1042-7260 e-ISSN: 1937-2825 CODEN : JZWMEI Short : JZWM Publis: American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Server: http://jzwm.allentrack.net/cgi-bin/main.plex AC : JN-3568 Abbrev: J. Zool. Title : Journal of Zoology ISSN : 0022-5460 CODEN : JZOOAE Publis: Not published Note : Split into J. Zool. Ser. A and J. Zool. Ser., ends with vol. 204 in 1984. AC : JN-1234 Abbrev: J. Zool. (Lond.) Title : Journal of Zoology (London) ISSN : 0952-8369 e-ISSN: 1469-7998 CODEN : JOZOEU Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Formed by the merge of J. Zool. Ser A and J. Zool. Ser. B, starts with vol. ? 1987. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0952-8369 AC : JN-1235 Abbrev: J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. Title : Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research ISSN : 0947-5745 e-ISSN: 1439-0469 CODEN : JZSEF9 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0947-5745 AC : JN-4591 Abbrev: JACC Basic Transl. Sci. Title : JACC Basic to Translational Science ISSN : 2452-302X Publis: Elsevier Server: http://basictranslational.onlinejacc.org/ AC : JN-0932 Abbrev: JAIDS Title : JAIDS [Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes] ISSN : 1525-4135 e-ISSN: 1077-9450 CODEN : JJASFJ Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. Replaces J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. Hum. Retrovirol., starts with vol. 21 in 1999. Server: http://journals.lww.com/jaids/ AC : JN-0933 Abbrev: JAMA Title : JAMA [Journal of the American Medical Association] ISSN : 0098-7484 e-ISSN: 1538-3598 CODEN : JAMAAP Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://jama.ama-assn.org/ AC : JN-4508 Abbrev: JAMA Dermatol. Title : JAMA Dermatology [Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology] ISSN : 2168-6068 e-ISSN: 2168-6084 Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology AC : JN-4340 Abbrev: JAMA Neurol. Title : JAMA Neurology [Journal of the American Medical Association Neurology] ISSN : 2168-6149 e-ISSN: 2168-6157 Publis: American Medical Association Note : Replaces Arch. Neurol., starts with vol. 70 in 2013. Server: http://archneur.jamanetwork.com/issues.aspx AC : JN-4491 Abbrev: JAMA Oncol. Title : JAMA Oncology ISSN : 2374-2437 e-ISSN: 2374-2445 Publis: American Medical Association Server: http://www.jamaoncology.com/ AC : JN-4329 Abbrev: JAMA Ophthalmol. Title : JAMA Ophthalmology [Journal of the American Medical Association Ophthalmology] ISSN : 2168-6165 e-ISSN: 2168-6173 Publis: American Medical Association Note : Replaces Arch. Ophthalmol., starts with vol. 131 in 2013. Server: http://archopht.jamanetwork.com/issues.aspx AC : JN-4553 Abbrev: JAMA Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. Title : JAMA Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery [Journal of the American Medical Association Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery] ISSN : 2168-6181 e-ISSN: 2168-619X Publis: American Medical Association Server: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/ AC : JN-4574 Abbrev: JAMA Psychiatry Title : JAMA Psychiatry [Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry] ISSN : 2168-622X e-ISSN: 2168-6238 Publis: American Medical Association Server: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/ AC : JN-3572 Abbrev: Japan. J. Pharmacogn. Title : Japanese Journal of Pharmacognosy ISSN : 0037-4377 CODEN : SHZAAY Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Shoyakugaku Zasshi. Replaced by Nat. Med. (Tokyo), ends with vol. ? in 1994. AC : JN-4515 Abbrev: JCI Insight Title : JCI Insight e-ISSN: 2379-3708 Publis: American Society for Clinical Investigation Server: https://insight.jci.org/ AC : JN-4861 Abbrev: JCO Precis. Oncol. Title : JCO Precision Oncology e-ISSN: 2473-4284 Publis: American Society of Clinical Oncology Server: https://ascopubs.org/journal/po AC : JN-1236 Abbrev: Ji Chu Yi Xue Yu Lin Chuang Title : Ji Chu Yi Xue Yu Lin Chuang ISSN : 1001-6325 Publis: Beijing Sheng Li Ke Xue Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Jichu Yixue Yu Linchuang. Parallel language title: Basic and Clinical Medicine. Server: http://jcyxylc.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2985 Abbrev: Ji Sheng Chong Yu Yi Xue Kun Chong Xue Bao Title : Ji Sheng Chong Yu Yi Xue Kun Chong Xue Bao ISSN : 1005-0507 CODEN : JYYKAB Publis: Jishengchong yu Yixue Kunchong Xuebao Note : Alternative transliteration: Jishengchong Yu Yixue Kunchong Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Parasitology et Medica Entomologica Sinica. Server: http://jscyyxkcxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2972 Abbrev: Jiang Su Nong Ye Ke Xue Title : Jiang Su Nong Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 1002-1302 Publis: Jiangsu Nongye Kexue Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Jiangsu Nongye Kexue. Parallel language title: Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=3915 AC : JN-2938 Abbrev: Jiangxi Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Jiangxi Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2294 CODEN : JYIXE8 Publis: Jiangxi Yixueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Jiangxi Yixueyuan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Academiae Medicinae Jiangxi. Server: http://jxyxyxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2738 Abbrev: Jie Fang Jun Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Jie Fang Jun Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0577-7402 CODEN : CFCHBN Publis: Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun, Zonghouqinbu, Weishengbu, Yaopin Yiqi Jianyansuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Jiefangjun Yixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army. Server: http://jfjyxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2984 Abbrev: Jiguang Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Jiguang Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1007-7146 CODEN : JSXUFX Publis: Hunan Shifan Daxue, Shengming Kexue Xueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Jiguang Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Laser Biology Sinica. Server: http://jgswxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2167 Abbrev: Jikeikai Med. J. Title : Jikeikai Medical Journal ISSN : 0021-6968 CODEN : JMEJAS Publis: Jikei University School of Medicine Note : This journal is available in an Japanese version under the title 'Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku Zasshi' (ISSN: 0375-9172). Server: http://www.jikei.ac.jp/academic/micer/ AC : JN-2953 Abbrev: Jilin Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Jilin Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-5684 CODEN : JNDXE8 Publis: Jilin Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Jilin Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Jilin Agricultural University. Server: http://jlnydxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4231 Abbrev: JIMD Rep. Title : Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disorders Reports ISSN : 2192-8304 e-ISSN: 2192-8312 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springer.com/medicine/internal/journal/10545 AC : JN-3210 Abbrev: JIRCAS J. Sci. Pap. Title : JIRCAS Journal for Scientific Papers ISSN : 1340-7686 Publis: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Server: http://www.jircas.affrc.go.jp/ AC : JN-2168 Abbrev: Johns Hopkins Med. J. Title : Johns Hopkins Medical Journal ISSN : 0021-7263 CODEN : JHMJAX Publis: The Johns Hopkins University Press AC : JN-1237 Abbrev: Johns Hopkins Med. J. Suppl. Title : Johns Hopkins Medical Journal. Supplement ISSN : 0091-7400 CODEN : JHMSAQ Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1976. AC : JN-4642 Abbrev: Joint Bone Spine Title : Joint Bone Spine e-ISSN: 1297-319X CODEN : JBSPFA Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/joint-bone-spine AC : JN-2560 Abbrev: Joshi Eiyo Daigaku Kiyo Title : Joshi Eiyo Daigaku Kiyo ISSN : 0286-0511 CODEN : JEDKD7 Publis: Joshi Eiyo Daigaku Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Kagawa Nutrition University. Server: http://www.eiyo.ac.jp/bulletin/ AC : JN-4890 Abbrev: Joule Title : Joule ISSN : 2542-4785 e-ISSN: 2542-4351 Publis: Cell Press Server: https://www.cell.com/joule/home AC : JN-1238 Abbrev: Jpn. Agric. Res. Q. Title : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly ISSN : 0021-3551 CODEN : JARJA9 Short : JARQ Publis: Tropical Agricultural Research Center Server: http://www.jircas.affrc.go.jp/english/publication/jarq/ AC : JN-1239 Abbrev: Jpn. Circ. J. Title : Japanese Circulation Journal ISSN : 0047-1828 CODEN : JCIRA2 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Nippon Junkankigakushi. Replaced by Circ. J., ends with vol. 65 in 2001. Server: http://www.j-circ.or.jp/english/publications/ AC : JN-4304 Abbrev: Jpn. Clin. Med. Title : Japanese Clinical Medicine e-ISSN: 1179-6707 Publis: Not published Server: http://la-press.com/japanese-clinical-medicine-journal-j172 AC : JN-1240 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Antibiot. Title : Japanese Journal of Antibiotics ISSN : 0368-2781 CODEN : JJANAX Publis: Japan Antibiotics Research Association Server: http://www.antibiotics.or.jp/jara/journal/JJA_contents.htm AC : JN-1241 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Cancer Res. Title : Japanese Journal of Cancer Research ISSN : 0910-5050 CODEN : JJCREP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cancer Sci., ends with vol. 93 in 2002. AC : JN-1242 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. Title : Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology ISSN : 0368-2811 e-ISSN: 1465-3621 CODEN : JJCOAC Short : JJCO Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://jjco.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-3637 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Comp. Clin. Hematol. Title : Japanese Journal of Comparative Clinical Hematology ISSN : 0917-8384 Publis: Japanese Association of Comparative Clinical Hematology Note : Parallel language title: Nihon Hikaku Rinsho Ketsueki Gakkaishi. AC : JN-3562 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Exp. Med. Title : The Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine ISSN : 0021-5031 CODEN : JJEMAG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Annu. Rep. Inst. Med. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, ends with vol. 60 in 1990. AC : JN-3609 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Gastroenterol. Title : Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 0369-4259 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1943. AC : JN-1243 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Genet. Title : Japanese Journal of Genetics ISSN : 0021-504X e-ISSN: 1880-5787 CODEN : IDZAAW Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Idengaku Zasshi. Replaced by Genes Genet. Syst., ends with vol. 70 in 1995. AC : JN-1244 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Hum. Genet. Title : Japanese Journal of Human Genetics ISSN : 0916-8478 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Hum. Genet., ends with vol. 42 in 1997. Replaces Jinrui Idengaku Zasshi, starts with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-1952 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Infect. Dis. Title : Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases ISSN : 1344-6304 CODEN : JJIDFE Publis: National Institute of Infectious Diseases Server: http://www.nih.go.jp/JJID/jjid.html AC : JN-4580 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Med. Title : Japanese Journal of Medicine ISSN : 0021-5120 e-ISSN: 1881-123X CODEN : JJMDAT Publis: Tokyo : Japanese Society Of Internal Medicine Server: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/ AC : JN-1245 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Med. Sci. Biol. Title : Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology ISSN : 0021-5112 CODEN : JJMCAQ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-1246 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Microbiol. Title : Japanese Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 0021-5139 CODEN : JJMBAN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Microbiol. Immunol., ends with vol. 20 in 1976. AC : JN-1247 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Ophthalmol. Title : Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 0021-5155 e-ISSN: 1613-2246 CODEN : JJOPA7 Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0021-5155 AC : JN-2843 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Ornithol. Title : Japanese Journal of Ornithology ISSN : 0913-400X e-ISSN: 1881-9710 CODEN : JJOREH Publis: Ornithological Society of Japan Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/osj/japanese/katsudo/Journal_E/Ornithol_Sci_top.html AC : JN-1248 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Pharmacol. Title : The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology ISSN : 0021-5198 e-ISSN: 1347-3506 CODEN : JJPAAZ Short : JJP Publis: Japanese Pharmacological Society Server: http://plaza.umin.ac.jp/JPS1927/jjp/ AC : JN-3564 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Physiol. Title : The Japanese Journal of Physiology ISSN : 0021-521X CODEN : JJPHAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Physiol. Sci., ends with vol. 55 in 2005. AC : JN-1249 Abbrev: Jpn. J. Vet. Res. Title : Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research ISSN : 0047-1917 CODEN : JJVRAE Publis: Hokkaido University. Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine Server: http://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2115/865 AC : JN-2077 Abbrev: Jpn. Med. Assoc. J. Title : Japan Medical Association Journal ISSN : 1346-8650 CODEN : ASMJAB Short : JMAJ Publis: Japan Medical Association Note : Replaces Asian Med. J., starts with vol. 44 in 2001. Server: http://www.med.or.jp/english/journal/ AC : JN-1250 Abbrev: Jui Seikagaku Title : Jui Seikagaku ISSN : 1345-921X CODEN : KCSIE6 Publis: Japanese Society of Veterinary Biochemistry Note : Parallel language title: Veterinary Biochemistry. AC : JN-2955 Abbrev: Jun Shi Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Yuan Kan Title : Jun Shi Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Yuan Kan ISSN : 1000-5501 CODEN : JYKYEL Publis: Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Junshi Yixue Kexueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Junshi Yixue Kexueyuan Yuankan. Alternative transliteration: Chun Shih I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Yuan Kan. Parallel language title: Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Server: http://jsyxkxyyk.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3001 Abbrev: Jun Wu Xi Tong Title : Jun Wu Xi Tong ISSN : 1007-3515 CODEN : JUXIFB Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Junwu Xitong. Replaced by Jun Wu Xue Bao, ends with vol. ? in ?2004. AC : JN-3386 Abbrev: Jun Wu Yan Jiu Title : Jun Wu Yan Jiu ISSN : 1672-3538 CODEN : JYUAAJ Publis: Jilin Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Junwu Yanjiu. Parallel language title: Journal of Fungal Research. Server: http://jwyj.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1251 Abbrev: Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. Title : Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie ISSN : 0075-4617 CODEN : JLACBF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. J. Org. Chem., ends with vol. ? in 1978. AC : JN-1252 Abbrev: Kagoshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi Title : Kagoshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi ISSN : 0368-5063 CODEN : KDIZAA Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Med. J. Kagoshima Univ. Parallel language title: Medical Journal of Kagoshima University. AC : JN-2683 Abbrev: Kagoshima Daigaku Shigakubu Kiyo Title : Kagoshima Daigaku Shigakubu Kiyo ISSN : 0389-7834 Publis: Kagoshima Daigaku, Shigakubu Note : Parallel language title: Annals of Kagoshima University Dental School. AC : JN-3574 Abbrev: Kairuigaku Zasshi Title : Kairuigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0042-3580 CODEN : KRZSA2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Venus, ends with vol. ? in 2000. AC : JN-3236 Abbrev: Kaju Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Kaju Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 1347-3549 CODEN : KSHOED Publis: Nougyo Seibutsukei Tokutei Sangyo Gijutsu Kenkyu Kiko Kaju Kenkyusho AC : JN-2666 Abbrev: Kanazawa Ika Daigaku Zasshi Title : Kanazawa Ika Daigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0385-5759 CODEN : KIDZDN Publis: Kanazawa Ika Daigaku Igakkai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Kanazawa Medical University. AC : JN-1253 Abbrev: Kansenshogaku Zasshi Title : Kansenshogaku Zasshi ISSN : 0387-5911 CODEN : KSSZAT Publis: Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. Server: http://journal.kansensho.or.jp/index?lang=EN AC : JN-3689 Abbrev: Kantou Tousan Byougaichuu Kenkyuukaihou Title : Kantou Tousan Byougaichuu Kenkyuukaihou ISSN : 1347-1899 Publis: Kantou Tousan Byougaichuu Kenkyuukai Note : Alternative transliteration: Kanto Tosan Byogaichu Kenkyukaiho. Parallel language title: Annual Report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society. AC : JN-2704 Abbrev: Kanzo Title : Kanzo ISSN : 0451-4203 e-ISSN: 1881-3593 CODEN : KNZOA Publis: Nihon Kanzo Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Acta Hepatologica Japonica. AC : JN-2705 Abbrev: Karstenia Title : Karstenia [The Mycological Journal] ISSN : 0453-3402 CODEN : KRSTA4 Publis: Societas Mycologica Fennica AC : JN-3465 Abbrev: Kaseki Title : Kaseki ISSN : 0022-9202 CODEN : KASKAS Publis: The Paleontological Society of Japan Note : Parallel language title: Fossil. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/psj5/fossil_list.html AC : JN-2365 Abbrev: Kasetsart Univ. J. Title : Kasetsart University Journal ISSN : 0075-5192 CODEN : KASJAP Short : KU Journal Publis: Kasetsart University Note : Parallel language title: Witthayasan Kasetsat. Server: http://kasetsartjournal.ku.ac.th/ AC : JN-2871 Abbrev: Kaupia Title : Kaupia [Darmstaedter Beitraege zur Naturgeschichte] ISSN : 0941-8482 Publis: Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt Server: http://www.hlmd.de/w3.php?nodeId=366 AC : JN-3531 Abbrev: Kavk. Entomol. Bjul. Title : Kavkazskij Entomologicheskij Bjulleten ISSN : 1814-3326 Publis: KMK Scientific Press Server: http://www.zin.ru/ANIMALIA/Coleoptera/rus/caucenbu.htm AC : JN-1254 Abbrev: Kawasaki Igakkaishi Title : Kawasaki Igakkaishi ISSN : 0386-5924 CODEN : KAIGD3 Publis: Kawasaki Igakkai AC : JN-2203 Abbrev: Kekkaku Title : Kekkaku ISSN : 0022-9776 CODEN : KEKKAG Publis: Japanese Society for Tuberculosis Note : Parallel language title: Tuberculosis. AC : JN-3466 Abbrev: Kertesz. Szolesz. Title : Kerteszet es Szoleszet ISSN : 0023-0677 CODEN : SZBODH Publis: Magyar Mezogazdasag Kft. Note : Parallel language title: Horticulture and Viticulture. Server: http://www.kerteszetesszoleszet.hu/ AC : JN-1256 Abbrev: Kew Bull. Title : Kew Bulletin ISSN : 0075-5974 e-ISSN: 1874-933X CODEN : KEWBAF Publis: Royal Botanic Garden Server: http://www.kew.org/about-kew/kew-publishing/journals/kew-bulletin/ AC : JN-1255 Abbrev: Kexue Tongbao Title : Kexue Tongbao ISSN : 0250-7862 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Chin. Sci. Bull., ends with vol. ? in 1988. AC : JN-3039 Abbrev: Key Eng. Mater. Title : Key Engineering Materials ISSN : 1013-9826 CODEN : KEMAEY Short : KEM Publis: Trans Tech Publications Ltd. Server: http://www.scientific.net/KEM AC : JN-1257 Abbrev: Khim. Prirod. Soedin. Title : Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii ISSN : 0023-1150 CODEN : KPSUAR Publis: O'zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Him. Prir. Soedin. AC : JN-1258 Abbrev: Kichin Kitosan Kenkyu Title : Kichin, Kitosan Kenkyu ISSN : 1340-9778 Publis: Nihon Kichin Kitosan Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Chitin and Chitosan Research. AC : JN-1988 Abbrev: Kidney Blood Press. Res. Title : Kidney and Blood Pressure Research ISSN : 1420-4096 e-ISSN: 1423-0143 CODEN : KBPRFC Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/KBR AC : JN-1259 Abbrev: Kidney Int. Title : Kidney International ISSN : 0085-2538 e-ISSN: 1523-1755 CODEN : KDYIA5 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ki/ AC : JN-4865 Abbrev: Kidney360 Title : Kidney360 e-ISSN: 2641-7650 Publis: American Society of Nephrology Server: https://kidney360.asnjournals.org/ AC : JN-4663 Abbrev: Kinetoplastid Biol. Dis. Title : Kinetoplastid Biology and Disease ISSN : 1475-9292 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Parasites & Vectors, ends with vol. 6 in 2007. Server: https://kinetoplastids.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-4009 Abbrev: Kinjin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Kinjin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 0388-8266 CODEN : KJKKAH Publis: Nihon Kinoko Senta, Kinjin Kenkyujo Note : Alternative transliteration: Kinjin Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku. Parallel language title: Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute. AC : JN-2256 Abbrev: Kinki Chuugoku Shikoku Nougyou Kenkyuu Senta Kenkyuu Houkoku Title : Kinki Chuugoku Shikoku Nougyou Kenkyuu Senta Kenkyuu Houkoku ISSN : 1347-1244 Publis: Nougyou Gijutsu Kenkyuu Kikou, Kinki Chuugoku Shikoku Nougyou Kenkyuu Senta Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region. AC : JN-1260 Abbrev: Kisechugaku Zasshi Title : Kisechugaku Zasshi ISSN : 0021-5171 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Parasitology. Replaced by Parasitol. Int., ends with vol. 45 in 1996. Server: http://www.tmd.ac.jp/med/mzoo/parasites/Cover-inside.html AC : JN-2627 Abbrev: Kita Nihon Byogaichu Kenkyukaiho Title : Kita Nihon Byogaichu Kenkyukaiho ISSN : 0368-623X CODEN : KNBKAY Publis: Kita Nihon Byogaichu Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan. Server: http://njp.ac.affrc.go.jp/contents.html AC : JN-3213 Abbrev: Klin. Imunol. Alergol. Title : Klinicka Imunologia a Alergologia ISSN : 1335-0013 Publis: Bonus C.C.S. s.r.o. AC : JN-2204 Abbrev: Klin. Med. (Mosk.) Title : Klinicheskaya Meditsina ISSN : 0023-2149 CODEN : KLMIAZ Publis: Izdatel'stvo Meditsina Note : Parallel language title: Clinical Medicine. Server: http://www.medlit.ru/medeng/klinm5.htm AC : JN-3169 Abbrev: Klin. Mikrobiol. Infekc. Lek. Title : Klinicka Mikrobiologie a Infekcni Lekarstvi ISSN : 1211-264X Publis: Trios s.r.o. Server: http://kmil.trios.cz/ AC : JN-3197 Abbrev: Knowl. Manage. Aquat. Ecosyst. Title : Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems [An International Journal on Aquatic Ecosystems] ISSN : 1961-9502 Publis: EDP Sciences Note : Replaces BFPP Bull. Fr. Peche Prot. Milieux Aquat., starts with vol. ? in 200?. Server: http://www.kmae-journal.org/ AC : JN-1261 Abbrev: Kobe J. Med. Sci. Title : Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 0023-2513 CODEN : KJMDA6 Publis: Kobe University School of Medicine Server: http://www.med.kobe-u.ac.jp/journal/ AC : JN-1262 Abbrev: Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi Title : Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0300-9149 CODEN : KOGZA9 Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Japan Stomatological Society. AC : JN-3471 Abbrev: Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan Senpo Title : Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan Senpo ISSN : 0082-4755 Publis: Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan Note : Parallel language title: Memoirs of the National Science Museum. Server: http://research.kahaku.go.jp/publication/memoir.html AC : JN-2347 Abbrev: Koleopterol. Rundsch. Title : Koleopterologische Rundschau ISSN : 0075-6547 CODEN : KLRUAS Publis: Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Oesterreich Note : Parallel language title: Coleopterological Review. Server: http://www.coleoptera.at/koleopterologische_rundschau.php AC : JN-2561 Abbrev: Konchugaku Hyoron Title : Konchugaku Hyoron ISSN : 0286-9810 Publis: Nihon Kochu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: The Entomological Review of Japan. AC : JN-1263 Abbrev: Korean J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Title : Korean Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Publis: Korean Society for Applied Microbiology AC : JN-1265 Abbrev: Korean J. Biochem. Title : Korean Journal of Biochemistry ISSN : 0378-8512 CODEN : KJBID3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Exp. Mol. Med., ends with vol. 27 in 1995. AC : JN-1264 Abbrev: Korean J. Biol. Sci. Title : Korean Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 1226-5071 CODEN : KJBSFZ Short : KJBS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Integrative Biosci., ends with vol. 8 in 2004. Replaces Tongmul Hakhoe Chi (Korean J. Zool.), starts with vol. 1 in 1997. AC : JN-3656 Abbrev: Korean J. Clin. Pathol. Title : Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology ISSN : 1015-6445 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Taehan Imsang Pyongni Hakhoe Chi. Replaced by Korean J. Lab. Med., ends with vol. 2 in 2002. AC : JN-3017 Abbrev: Korean J. Entomology Title : Korean Journal of Entomology ISSN : 1011-9493 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Acta Arachnologica Sinica. Replaced by Entomol. Res., ends with vol. ? in ?2003. AC : JN-1266 Abbrev: Korean J. Genet. Title : Korean Journal of Genetics ISSN : 0254-5934 CODEN : KJGEDG Publis: Genetics Society of Korea Note : Parallel language title: Hanguk Yujon Hakhoe Chi. Parallel language title: Han'gug Yujeon Haghoeji. Server: http://kgenetics.or.kr/ AC : JN-4286 Abbrev: Korean J. Hematol. Title : Korean Journal of Hematology ISSN : 1738-7949 e-ISSN: 2092-9129 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Blood Research, ends with Vol 47 in 2012. Server: http://synapse.koreamed.org/search.php?where=jvolume&id=72&code=0072KJH AC : JN-3657 Abbrev: Korean J. Immunol. Title : Korean Journal of Immunology ISSN : 1015-6453 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Immune Ntw., ends with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-4094 Abbrev: Korean J. Lab. Med. Title : Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine ISSN : 1598-6535 Short : KJLM Publis: Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine Server: http://www.kslm.org/english/catalog.php?CatNo=9 AC : JN-2998 Abbrev: Korean J. Ophthalmol. Title : Korean Journal of Ophthalmology ISSN : 1011-8942 Short : KJO Publis: Kjo Server: http://www.ophthalmology.org/ AC : JN-2205 Abbrev: Korean J. Parasitol. Title : The Korean Journal of Parasitology ISSN : 0023-4001 e-ISSN: 1738-0006 CODEN : KSCHAV Publis: Korean Society for Parasitology Server: http://www.parasitol.or.kr/kjp/ AC : JN-4236 Abbrev: Korean J. Pathol. Title : Korean Journal of Pathology ISSN : 1738-1843 e-ISSN: 2092-8920 Publis: The Korean Society of Pathologists and the Korean Society for Cytopathology Server: http://www.koreanjpathol.org AC : JN-4144 Abbrev: Korean J. Pediatr. Title : Korean Journal of Pediatrics ISSN : 1738-1061 e-ISSN: 2092-7258 Short : KJO Publis: Korean Pediatric Society Server: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1387/ AC : JN-3186 Abbrev: Korean J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Title : Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology ISSN : 1226-4512 CODEN : KJPPFS Publis: Korean Society of Pharmacology Server: http://www.kosphar.org/journal/rules.html AC : JN-3654 Abbrev: Korean J. Sericult. Sci. Title : The Korean Journal of Sericultural Science ISSN : 1010-1624 Publis: Korean Society of Sericultural Science Server: http://society.kisti.re.kr/ AC : JN-3040 Abbrev: Korean J. Syst. Zool. Title : The Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology ISSN : 1018-192X Publis: Korean Society of Systematic Zoology Note : Parallel language title: Hanguk Tongmul Pullyu Hakhoe Chi. Server: http://society.kisti.re.kr/sv/SV_svjscj03L.do?method=list&poid=kssyz&kojic=DMBRBT&sVnc=v13n4 AC : JN-3038 Abbrev: Koryo Insam Hakhoe Chi Title : Koryo Insam Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 1016-2615 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Ginseng Res., ends with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-3577 Abbrev: Kulturpflanze Title : Die Kulturpflanze ISSN : 0075-7209 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., ends with vol. 38 in 1990. AC : JN-2956 Abbrev: Kun Chong Fen Lei Xue Bao Title : Kun Chong Fen Lei Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-7482 Publis: Xibei Nong-Lin Keji Daxue, Kunchong Bowuguan Note : Alternative transliteration: Kunchong Fenlei Xuebao. Parallel language title: Entomotaxonomia. Server: http://kcflxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2707 Abbrev: Kun Chong Xue Bao Title : Kun Chong Xue Bao ISSN : 0454-6296 CODEN : KCHPA2 Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Kunchong Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Entomologica Sinica. Server: http://zss.ioz.ac.cn/kcxb/kcxbc.htm AC : JN-2708 Abbrev: Kun Chong Zhi Shi Title : Kun Chong Zhi Shi ISSN : 0452-8255 CODEN : KCCSAK Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Kunchong Zhishi. Parallel language title: Chinese Bulletin of Entomology. Server: http://www.cqvip.com/qk/94734X/ AC : JN-1914 Abbrev: Kurume Med. J. Title : The Kurume Medical Journal ISSN : 0023-5679 e-ISSN: 1881-2090 CODEN : KRMJAC Publis: Kurume University School of Medicine Server: http://www.med.kurume-u.ac.jp/med/kmjedit/ AC : JN-2628 Abbrev: Kyorin Igakkai Zasshi Title : Kyorin Igakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0368-5829 e-ISSN: 1349-886X CODEN : KIZSB8 Publis: Kyorin Medical Society, Kyorin University Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Kyorin Medical Society. AC : JN-3467 Abbrev: Kyoto Furitsu Ika Daigaku Zasshi Title : Kyoto Furitsu Ika Daigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0023-6012 CODEN : KFIZAO Publis: Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto Foundations for the Promotion of Medical Science Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. AC : JN-2206 Abbrev: Lab. Anim. Title : Laboratory Animals ISSN : 0023-6772 e-ISSN: 1758-1117 CODEN : LBANAX Publis: Royal Society of Medicine Press Server: http://la.rsmjournals.com/ AC : JN-1267 Abbrev: Lab. Anim. Sci. Title : Laboratory Animal Science ISSN : 0023-6764 CODEN : LBASAE Short : LAS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Comp. Med., ends with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-4127 Abbrev: Lab. Chip Title : Lab on a Chip ISSN : 1473-0197 e-ISSN: 1473-0189 CODEN : LCAHAM Short : Lab Chip Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/lc AC : JN-1268 Abbrev: Lab. Invest. Title : Laboratory Investigation [International Journal of Comparative and Experimental Medicine] ISSN : 0023-6837 e-ISSN: 1530-0307 CODEN : LAINAW Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/labinvest/ AC : JN-3374 Abbrev: Laimburg J. Title : Laimburg Journal ISSN : 1616-8577 Publis: Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH AC : JN-1269 Abbrev: Lait Title : Le Lait [Dairy Science and Technology] [Revue Generale des Questions Laitieres] ISSN : 0023-7302 e-ISSN: 1297-9694 CODEN : LAITAG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Dairy Sci. Technol., ends with vol. 87 in 2007. AC : JN-1270 Abbrev: Lancet Title : The Lancet ISSN : 0140-6736 e-ISSN: 1474-547X CODEN : LANCAO Publis: The Lancet Publishing Group Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01406736 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet AC : JN-3569 Abbrev: Lancet (Lond.) Title : Lancet ISSN : 0023-7507 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by The Lancet, ends with vol. ?340 in 1992. AC : JN-4400 Abbrev: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. Title : He Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology ISSN : 2213-8587 e-ISSN: 2213-8595 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22138587 AC : JN-4063 Abbrev: Lancet Infect. Dis. Title : The Lancet Infectious Diseases ISSN : 1473-3099 e-ISSN: 1474-4457 CODEN : LIDABP Publis: The Lancet Publishing Group Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14733099 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/issue/current AC : JN-2031 Abbrev: Lancet Neurol. Title : The Lancet Neurology ISSN : 1474-4422 e-ISSN: 1474-4465 CODEN : LNAEAM Publis: The Lancet Publishing Group Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14744422 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur AC : JN-1271 Abbrev: Lancet Oncol. Title : The Lancet Oncology ISSN : 1470-2045 e-ISSN: 1474-5488 CODEN : LOANBN Publis: The Lancet Publishing Group Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14702045 http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc AC : JN-1272 Abbrev: Langenbecks Arch. Surg. Title : Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery ISSN : 1435-2443 e-ISSN: 1435-2451 CODEN : LASUF6 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Langenbecks Archiv. Chir., starts with vol. 383 in 1998. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1435-2443 AC : JN-3490 Abbrev: Langmuir Title : Langmuir [The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids] ISSN : 0743-7463 e-ISSN: 1520-5827 CODEN : LANGD5 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/langd5 AC : JN-1273 Abbrev: Laryngoscope Title : The Laryngoscope ISSN : 0023-852X e-ISSN: 1531-4995 CODEN : LARYA8 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.laryngoscope.com/ AC : JN-4686 Abbrev: Lasers. Surg. Med. Title : Lasers in Surgery and Medicine ISSN : 0196-8092 e-ISSN: 1096-9101 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10969101 AC : JN-3403 Abbrev: Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Mamm. Title : The Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals ISSN : 1676-7497 Short : LAJAM Publis: Sociedade Latinoamericana de Especialistas em Mamiferos Aquaticos Server: http://solamac.org/LAJAM/lajam_IA.htm AC : JN-1274 Abbrev: Learn. Memory Title : Learning and Memory ISSN : 1072-0502 e-ISSN: 1549-5485 CODEN : LEMEFO Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Learn. Mem. Server: http://learnmem.cshlp.org/ AC : JN-2324 Abbrev: Leg. Med. Title : Legal Medicine ISSN : 1344-6223 e-ISSN: 1873-4162 Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Leg. Med. (Tokyo). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13446223 AC : JN-3375 Abbrev: Lemur News Title : Lemur News ISSN : 1608-1439 Publis: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Server: http://dpz.eu/index.php?id=53 AC : JN-1275 Abbrev: Lett. Appl. Microbiol. Title : Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN : 0266-8254 e-ISSN: 1472-765X CODEN : LAMIE7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0266-8254 AC : JN-1276 Abbrev: Lett. Pept. Sci. Title : Letters in Peptide Science ISSN : 0929-5666 e-ISSN: 1573-496X CODEN : LPSCEM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0929-5666 AC : JN-1278 Abbrev: Leuk. Lymphoma Title : Leukemia and Lymphoma ISSN : 1042-8194 e-ISSN: 1029-2403 CODEN : LELYEA Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/lal AC : JN-1279 Abbrev: Leuk. Res. Title : Leukemia Research ISSN : 0145-2126 e-ISSN: 1873-5835 CODEN : LEREDD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01452126 AC : JN-1277 Abbrev: Leukemia Title : Leukemia [Normal and Malignant Hemopoiesis] ISSN : 0887-6924 e-ISSN: 1476-5551 CODEN : LEUKED Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/leu/ AC : JN-2207 Abbrev: Lichenologist Title : The Lichenologist ISSN : 0024-2829 e-ISSN: 1096-1135 CODEN : LCHNB8 Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=LIC AC : JN-4714 Abbrev: Life Title : Life (Basel) e-ISSN: 2075-1729 CODEN : LBSIB7 Publis: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) AC : JN-1280 Abbrev: Life Sci. Title : Life Sciences ISSN : 0024-3205 CODEN : LIFSAK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00243205 AC : JN-3596 Abbrev: Life Sci. Adv. Title : Life Science Advances ISSN : 0255-6642 Publis: Not published Note : Split into Life Sci. Adv. Biochem., Life Sci. Adv. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol., Life Sci. Adv. Gen. Endocrinol., Life Sci. Adv. Mol. Genet., Life Sci. Adv. and Life Sci. Adv. Plant Physiol. Genet., ends with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-1281 Abbrev: Life Sci. Adv. (Genet.) Title : Life Science Advances (Genetics) Publis: Compilers International Note : Replaces in part Life Sci. Adv., starts with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-1282 Abbrev: Life Sci. Adv. (Mol. Biol.) Title : Life Science Advances (Molecular Biology) ISSN : 0971-5126 Publis: S.G. Pandalai AC : JN-3640 Abbrev: Life Sci. Adv. (Plant Physiol.) Title : Life Science Advances (Plant Physiology) [A Journal of the Council of Scientific Research Integration] ISSN : 0971-5118 Publis: Compilers International AC : JN-4435 Abbrev: Life Support Biosph. Sci. Title : Life Support and Biosphere Science : International Journal of Earth Space ISSN : 1069-9422 Publis: Elmsford, N.Y. : Cognizant Communication Corp. Note : Replaced by Habitation in 2002. AC : JN-4619 Abbrev: Life. Sci Alliance Title : Life Science Alliance ISSN : 2575-1077 e-ISSN: 2575-1077 Publis: Life Science Alliance LLC Server: http://www.life-science-alliance.org/ AC : JN-1954 Abbrev: Limnol. Oceanogr. Title : Limnology and Oceanography ISSN : 0024-3590 e-ISSN: 1939-5590 CODEN : LIOCAH Publis: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Server: http://aslo.org/lo/ AC : JN-3732 Abbrev: Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods Title : Limnology and Oceanography, , Methods e-ISSN: 1541-5856 Publis: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Server: http://aslo.org/lomethods/ AC : JN-3730 Abbrev: Limnologica Title : Limnologica ISSN : 0075-9511 e-ISSN: 1873-5851 CODEN : LMNOA8 Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00759511 AC : JN-3279 Abbrev: Limnology Title : Limnology ISSN : 1439-8621 e-ISSN: 1439-863X CODEN : LIMNC8 Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1439-8621 AC : JN-2973 Abbrev: Lin Chuang Gan Dan Bing Za Zhi Title : Lin Chuang Gan Dan Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-5256 Publis: Jilin Daxue, Baiqiuen Yixuebu Note : Alternative transliteration: Linchuang Gandanbing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Clinical Hepatology. Server: http://lcgdbzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3510 Abbrev: Lin Chuang Jian Yan Za Zhi Title : Lin Chuang Jian Yan Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-764X CODEN : LJZNAA Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui, Jiangsu Fenhui Note : Alternative transliteration: Linchuang Jianyan Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science. Server: http://lcjyzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4048 Abbrev: Lin Ye Ke Xue Title : Lin Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 1001-7488 CODEN : LYKSAL Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Scientia Silvae Sinicae. Parallel language title: Linye Kexue. Server: http://lykx.periodicals.net.cn/default.html AC : JN-2801 Abbrev: Lindleyana Title : Lindleyana ISSN : 0889-258X CODEN : LNDLES Publis: American Orchid Society Server: http://orchidweb.org AC : JN-3472 Abbrev: Linneana Belg. Title : Linneana Belgica [Revue Belge d'Entomologie] ISSN : 0024-4090 CODEN : LBRBAE Publis: Linneana Belgica AC : JN-2508 Abbrev: Linz. Biol. Beitr. Title : Linzer Biologische Beitraege ISSN : 0253-116X Publis: Oberoesterreichisches Landesmuseum, Biologiezentrum Server: http://www.landesmuseum.at/biophp/lbb.php AC : JN-1283 Abbrev: Lipids Title : Lipids ISSN : 0024-4201 e-ISSN: 1558-9307 CODEN : LPDSAP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0024-4201 AC : JN-2028 Abbrev: Lipids Health Dis. Title : Lipids in Health and Disease e-ISSN: 1476-511X Short : LHD Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.lipidworld.com/ AC : JN-1284 Abbrev: Liver Title : Liver ISSN : 0106-9543 e-ISSN: 1600-0676 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Liver Int., ends with vol. 22 in 2002. AC : JN-4055 Abbrev: Liver Int. Title : Liver International ISSN : 1478-3223 e-ISSN: 1478-3231 CODEN : LIINCM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1478-3223 AC : JN-3337 Abbrev: Liver Transpl. Title : Liver Transplantation ISSN : 1527-6465 e-ISSN: 1527-6473 CODEN : LITRFO Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1527-6473 AC : JN-4777 Abbrev: Longev. Healthspan Title : Longevity & Healthspan. e-ISSN: 2046-2395 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.longevityandhealthspan.com/ AC : JN-1285 Abbrev: Luminescence Title : Luminescence ISSN : 1522-7235 e-ISSN: 1522-7243 CODEN : LUMIFC Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces J. Biolumin. Chemilumin., starts with vol. 14 in 1999. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-7243 AC : JN-3144 Abbrev: Lundellia Title : Lundellia ISSN : 1097-993X CODEN : WRGHA6 Publis: University of Texas, Plant Resources Center Server: http://www.biosci.utexas.edu/prc/publications.html AC : JN-1286 Abbrev: Lung Title : Lung [An International Journal on Lungs, Airways, and Breathing] ISSN : 0341-2040 e-ISSN: 1432-1750 CODEN : LUNGD9 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0341-2040 AC : JN-1287 Abbrev: Lung Cancer Title : Lung Cancer ISSN : 0169-5002 e-ISSN: 1872-8332 CODEN : LUCAE5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01695002 AC : JN-1288 Abbrev: Lupus Title : Lupus ISSN : 0961-2033 e-ISSN: 1477-0962 CODEN : LUPUES Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://lup.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-2208 Abbrev: LWT Food Sci. Technol. Title : LWT - Food Science and Technology [Lebensmittel - Wissenschaft und Technologie - Food Science and Technology] ISSN : 0023-6438 e-ISSN: 1096-1127 CODEN : LBWTAP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00236438 AC : JN-4381 Abbrev: Lymphat. Res. Biol. Title : Lymphatic Research and Biology ISSN : 1539-6851 e-ISSN: 1557-8585 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/loi/lrb AC : JN-1289 Abbrev: Lymphokine Cytokine Res. Title : Lymphokine and Cytokine Research ISSN : 1056-5477 CODEN : LCREEY Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Lymphokine Res. into J. Interferon Cytokine Res., ends with vol. 10 in 1994. Replaces Lymphokine Res., starts with vol. 10 in 1991. AC : JN-1290 Abbrev: Lymphokine Res. Title : Lymphokine Research ISSN : 0277-6766 CODEN : LYREDH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Lymphokine Cytokine Res., ends with vol. 9 in 1990. AC : JN-4510 Abbrev: MAbs Title : Monoclonal Antibodies ISSN : 1942-0862 e-ISSN: 1942-0870 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=kmab20 http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/kmab20/current AC : JN-2209 Abbrev: Macromolecules Title : Macromolecules ISSN : 0024-9297 e-ISSN: 1520-5835 CODEN : MAMOBX Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/mamobx AC : JN-2210 Abbrev: Madrono Title : Madrono [A West American Journal of Botany] ISSN : 0024-9637 CODEN : MADRAU Publis: California Botanical Society Server: http://www.calbotsoc.org/madrono.html AC : JN-4173 Abbrev: Magn. Reson. Chem. Title : Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry ISSN : 0749-1581 e-ISSN: 1097-458X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-458Xa AC : JN-4730 Abbrev: Magn. Reson. Imaging Title : Magnetic Resonance Imaging ISSN : 0730-725X e-ISSN: 1873-5894 CODEN : MRIMDQ Publis: Pergamon Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/magnetic-resonance-imaging AC : JN-3842 Abbrev: Magy. Allatorvosok Lapja Title : Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja ISSN : 0025-004X CODEN : MGALA5 Publis: Magyar Mezogazdasag Ltd. Note : Parallel language title: Hungarian Veterinary Journal. Server: http://www.univet.hu/mal/ AC : JN-2543 Abbrev: Maikotokishin Title : Maikotokishin ISSN : 0285-1466 e-ISSN: 1881-0128 CODEN : MAIKD3 Publis: Maikotokishin Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Mycotoxins. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/myco/-char/en/ AC : JN-3665 Abbrev: Maize Genet. Coop. Newslett. Title : Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter ISSN : 1090-4573 Publis: University of Missouri, Columbia Server: http://www.maizegdb.org/mnl.php#3 AC : JN-3054 Abbrev: Maj Danishkadahi Dampizishki Title : Majallah-i Danishkadah-i Dampizishki ISSN : 1022-646X CODEN : JVFTDR Publis: University of Tehran, Printing and Publishing Institute AC : JN-2348 Abbrev: Malacologia Title : Malacologia [International Journal of Malacology] ISSN : 0076-2997 CODEN : MALAAJ Publis: Institute of Malacology Server: http://malacologia.fmnh.org/ AC : JN-3309 Abbrev: Malar. J. Title : Malaria Journal e-ISSN: 1475-2875 CODEN : MJAOAZ Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.malariajournal.com/ AC : JN-1291 Abbrev: Mamm. Biol. Title : Mammalian Biology [Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde] ISSN : 1616-5047 e-ISSN: 1618-1476 CODEN : MBAICV Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Replaces Z. Saugetierkd, starts with vol. 66 in 2001. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/16165047 AC : JN-1292 Abbrev: Mamm. Genome Title : Mammalian Genome [Incorporating Mouse Genome] ISSN : 0938-8990 e-ISSN: 1432-1777 CODEN : MAMGEC Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0938-8990 AC : JN-1293 Abbrev: Mammal Study Title : Mammal Study ISSN : 1343-4152 e-ISSN: 1348-6160 Publis: Mammalogical Society of Japan Note : Replaces J. Mammal. Soc. Jpn., starts with vol. 21 in 1996. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/mammalstudy/_vols AC : JN-1294 Abbrev: Mammalia Title : Mammalia ISSN : 0025-1461 e-ISSN: 1864-1547 CODEN : MAMLAN Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Server: http://www.degruyter.com/journals/mammalia/ AC : JN-1295 Abbrev: Mar. Biol. Title : Marine Biology ISSN : 0025-3162 e-ISSN: 1432-1793 CODEN : MBIOAJ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0025-3162 AC : JN-2257 Abbrev: Mar. Biol. Res. Title : Marine Biology Research ISSN : 1745-1000 e-ISSN: 1745-1019 Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Formed by the merge of Sarsia and Ophelia, starts with vol. 1 2005. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713735885 AC : JN-1296 Abbrev: Mar. Biotechnol. Title : Marine Biotechnology [An International Journal of the Molecular and Cellular Biology of Marine Life and its Technological Applications] ISSN : 1436-2228 e-ISSN: 1436-2236 CODEN : MABIFW Publis: Springer New York Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Mar. Biotechnol. (NY). Formed by the merge of J. Mar. Biotechnol. and Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol., starts with vol. 1 in 1999. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1436-2228 AC : JN-3387 Abbrev: Mar. Drugs Title : Marine Drugs ISSN : 1660-3397 CODEN : MDARE6 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/marinedrugs AC : JN-2462 Abbrev: Mar. Ecol. Title : Marine Ecology ISSN : 0173-9565 e-ISSN: 1439-0485 CODEN : MAECDR Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0173-9565 AC : JN-1297 Abbrev: Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. Title : Marine Ecology Progress Series ISSN : 0171-8630 e-ISSN: 1616-1599 CODEN : MESEDT Short : MEPS Publis: Inter-Research Server: http://www.int-res.com/journals/meps/ AC : JN-1298 Abbrev: Mar. Environ. Res. Title : Marine Environmental Research ISSN : 0141-1136 CODEN : MERSDW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01411136 AC : JN-3099 Abbrev: Mar. Freshw. Res. Title : Marine and Freshwater Research ISSN : 1323-1650 e-ISSN: 1448-6059 CODEN : MFREFX Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=126 AC : JN-3540 Abbrev: Mar. Genomics Title : Marine Genomics ISSN : 1874-7787 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/18747787 AC : JN-2211 Abbrev: Mar. Geol. Title : Marine Geology ISSN : 0025-3227 e-ISSN: 1872-6151 CODEN : MAGEA6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00253227 AC : JN-4827 Abbrev: Mar. Life Sci. Technol. Title : Marine Life Science & Technology ISSN : 2662-1746 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/42995/ AC : JN-1299 Abbrev: Mar. Mamm. Sci. Title : Marine Mammal Science ISSN : 0824-0469 e-ISSN: 1748-7692 CODEN : MMSCEC Short : MMS Publis: The Society for Marine Mammalogy Server: http://www.marinemammalscience.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=65&Itemid=75 AC : JN-2642 Abbrev: Mar. Micropaleontol. Title : Marine Micropaleontology ISSN : 0377-8398 e-ISSN: 1872-6186 CODEN : MAMIDH Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03778398 AC : JN-1300 Abbrev: Mar. Pollut. Bull. Title : Marine Pollution Bulletin ISSN : 0025-326X CODEN : MPNBAZ Short : MPB Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0025326X AC : JN-2039 Abbrev: Mass Spectrom. Title : Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 1817-969X e-ISSN: 1817-9746 Publis: Russian Society for Mass Specrometry Server: http://www.vmso.ru/en/info/journal/ AC : JN-1301 Abbrev: Master Brew. Assoc. Am. Tech. Q. Title : Master Brewers Association of America. Technical Quarterly ISSN : 0743-9407 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Tech. Q. MBAA Comm., ends with vol. ? in 2003. AC : JN-2667 Abbrev: Masui to Sosei Title : Masui to Sosei ISSN : 0385-1664 CODEN : MASODV Publis: Hiroshima Masui Igakkai Note : Parallel language title: Anesthesia and Resuscitation. Server: http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/anesth/JAR/matoso.htm AC : JN-2295 Abbrev: Mater. Corros. Title : Materials and Corrosion [Werkstoffe und Korrosion] ISSN : 0947-5117 e-ISSN: 1521-4176 CODEN : MTCREQ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Werkst. Korros., starts with vol. 47? in 1996. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4176 AC : JN-1302 Abbrev: Matrix Title : Matrix ISSN : 0934-8832 CODEN : MTRXEN Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Matrix Biology, ends with vol. 13 in 1993. Replaces Coll. Relat. Res., starts with vol. 9 in 1989. AC : JN-1303 Abbrev: Matrix Biol. Title : Matrix Biology ISSN : 0945-053X e-ISSN: 1569-1802 CODEN : MTBOEC Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Matrix, starts with vol. 14 in 1994. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0945053X AC : JN-1304 Abbrev: Maydica Title : Maydica ISSN : 0025-6153 CODEN : MYDCAH Publis: Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura, Sezione di Bergamo Server: http://www.cerealicoltura.it/EDITORIA/maidica/maydica.htm AC : JN-1305 Abbrev: Mayo Clin. Proc. Title : Mayo Clinic Proceedings ISSN : 0025-6196 CODEN : MACPAJ Publis: Mayo Medical Ventures Server: http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/ AC : JN-4090 Abbrev: MBio Title : MBio e-ISSN: 2150-7511 Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://mbio.asm.org/ AC : JN-1306 Abbrev: Meat Sci. Title : Meat Science ISSN : 0309-1740 e-ISSN: 1873-4138 CODEN : MESCDN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03091740 AC : JN-1307 Abbrev: Mech. Ageing Dev. Title : Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ISSN : 0047-6374 e-ISSN: 1872-6216 CODEN : MAGDA3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00476374 AC : JN-1308 Abbrev: Mech. Dev. Title : Mechanisms of Development ISSN : 0925-4773 e-ISSN: 1872-6356 CODEN : MEDVE6 Short : MOD Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Cell Differ. Dev., starts with vol. 33 in 1990. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09254773 AC : JN-1311 Abbrev: Med. Biochem. Title : Medical Biochemistry ISSN : 1027-0256 e-ISSN: 1607-8543 Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1998 and ceased with vol. 1 in 2001. AC : JN-2573 Abbrev: Med. Biol. Title : Medical Biology ISSN : 0302-2137 CODEN : MDBYAS Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Ann. Clin. Res. into Ann. Med., ends with vol. 65 in 1987. AC : JN-4918 Abbrev: Med. Chem. Title : Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 1573-4064 e-ISSN: 1875-6638 Publis: Sharjah, U.A.E.; San Francisco, CA : Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.eurekaselect.com/627/journal/medicinal-chemistry AC : JN-4330 Abbrev: Med. Chem. Commun. Title : Medicinal Chemical Communications ISSN : 2040-2503 CODEN : MCCEAY Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Note : Replaced by RSC Med. Chem. AC : JN-1312 Abbrev: Med. Electron Microsc. Title : Medical Electron Microscopy ISSN : 0918-4287 e-ISSN: 1437-773X CODEN : MELMEJ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Med. Mol. Morphol., ends with vol. 37 in 2004. AC : JN-2872 Abbrev: Med. Genet. Title : Medizinische Genetik ISSN : 0936-5931 e-ISSN: 1863-5490 CODEN : MGENEZ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0936-5931 AC : JN-2212 Abbrev: Med. J. Aust. Title : Medical Journal of Australia ISSN : 0025-729X e-ISSN: 1326-5377 CODEN : MJAUAJ Short : MJA Publis: Australasian Medical Publishing Company Pty. Ltd. Server: http://www.mja.com.au/ AC : JN-2562 Abbrev: Med. J. Malaysia Title : Medical Journal of Malaysia ISSN : 0300-5283 CODEN : MJMLAI Publis: Malaysian Medical Association Server: http://www.mma.org.my/Publications/MedicalJournalofMalaysia/tabid/69/Default.aspx AC : JN-1313 Abbrev: Med. Microbiol. Immunol. Title : Medical Microbiology and Immunology ISSN : 0300-8584 e-ISSN: 1432-1831 CODEN : MMIYAO Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Med. Microbiol. Immunol. (Berl.). Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0300-8584 AC : JN-3041 Abbrev: Med. Microbiol. Lett. Title : Medical Microbiology Letters ISSN : 1018-4627 CODEN : MMLEEH Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-4079 Abbrev: Med. Mol. Morphol. Title : Medical Molecular Morphology ISSN : 1860-1480 e-ISSN: 1860-1499 CODEN : MMMECK Publis: Springer Japan Note : Replaces Med. Electron Microsc., starts with vol. 38 in 2005. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1860-1480 AC : JN-1314 Abbrev: Med. Mycol. Title : Medical Mycology ISSN : 1369-3786 e-ISSN: 1460-2709 CODEN : MEMYFR Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces J. Med. Vet. Mycol., starts with vol. 36 in 1998. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/mmy AC : JN-3248 Abbrev: Med. Oncol. Title : Medical Oncology ISSN : 1357-0560 e-ISSN: 1559-131X CODEN : MOTPE2 Publis: Humana Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1357-0560 AC : JN-4812 Abbrev: Med. Oral Patol. Oral Cir. Bucal. Title : Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal e-ISSN: 1698-6946 Publis: Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal Server AC : JN-3474 Abbrev: Med. Parazitol. Title : Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni ISSN : 0025-8326 CODEN : MPPBAB Publis: Izdatel'stvo S-Info Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Med. Parazitol. (Mosk.). Parallel language title: Medical Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. AC : JN-2397 Abbrev: Med. Pediatr. Oncol. Title : Medical and Pediatric Oncology ISSN : 0098-1532 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pediatr. Blood Cancer, ends with vol. 41 in 2003. AC : JN-3473 Abbrev: Med. Pregl. Title : Medicinski Pregled ISSN : 0025-8105 CODEN : MEPEAB Publis: Serbian Chemical Society Server: http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/journal.aspx?issn=0025-8105&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 AC : JN-2476 Abbrev: Med. Res. Rev. Title : Medicinal Research Reviews ISSN : 0198-6325 e-ISSN: 1098-1128 CODEN : MRREDD Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-1128 AC : JN-1315 Abbrev: Med. Sci. Monit. Title : Medical Science Monitor ISSN : 1234-1010 e-ISSN: 1643-3750 CODEN : MSMOFR Publis: Medical Science International Server: http://www.medscimonit.com/medscimonit/ AC : JN-2544 Abbrev: Med. Vet. Entomol. Title : Medical and Veterinary Entomology ISSN : 0269-283X e-ISSN: 1365-2915 CODEN : MVENE4 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0269-283X AC : JN-2218 Abbrev: Med. Weter. Title : Medycyna Weterynaryjna ISSN : 0025-8628 CODEN : MDWTAG Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych Server: http://medycynawet.edu.pl/homeang.php AC : JN-3734 Abbrev: Med. Zhurnal Title : Meditsinskii Zhurnal ISSN : 1818-426X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Belorusskii Med. Zhurnal, ends with vol. ?5 in 200?. AC : JN-1309 Abbrev: Medecine/Sciences Title : Medecine/Sciences [Revue Internationale de Biologie et de Medecine] ISSN : 0767-0974 e-ISSN: 1958-5381 CODEN : MSMSE4 Short : MS Publis: Editions E D K Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Med. Sci. (Paris). Server: http://www.edk.fr/reserve/revues/ms_papier/e-docs/00/00/04/3F/document_revue.md AC : JN-1316 Abbrev: Mediators Inflamm. Title : Mediators of Inflammation ISSN : 0962-9351 e-ISSN: 1466-1861 CODEN : MNFLEF Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mi/ AC : JN-2217 Abbrev: Medicina (B. Aires) Title : Medicina: Buenos Aires ISSN : 0025-7680 e-ISSN: 1669-9106 CODEN : MEDCAD Publis: Fundacion Revista Medicina Server: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0025-7680&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-1310 Abbrev: Medicine (Baltimore) Title : Medicine ISSN : 0025-7974 e-ISSN: 1536-5964 CODEN : MEDIAV Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/md-journal/ AC : JN-4535 Abbrev: Mediterr. J. Hematol. Infect. Dis. Title : Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases e-ISSN: 2035-3006 Publis: Roma, Italy : Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Server: http://www.mjhid.org AC : JN-3666 Abbrev: Meiguo Zhonghua Yi Yao Za Zhi Title : Meiguo Zhonghua Yi Yao Za Zhi ISSN : 1091-9775 Publis: U.S. Chinese Medical Association AC : JN-2710 Abbrev: Meiji Seika Kenkyu Nenpo Title : Meiji Seika Kenkyu Nenpo ISSN : 0465-6105 CODEN : MSKNA9 Publis: Meiji Seika K.K., Yakuhin Sogo Kenkyujo AC : JN-1317 Abbrev: Melanoma Res. Title : Melanoma Research [An International Journal for Rapid Communication of Basic and Clinical Research in Melanoma] ISSN : 0960-8931 e-ISSN: 1473-5636 CODEN : MREEEH Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/melanomaresearch/ AC : JN-4742 Abbrev: Melatonin Res. Title : Melatonin Research ISSN : 2641-0281 e-ISSN: 2641-0281 Publis: San Antonio, TX Server: https://www.melatonin-research.net/index.php/MR/index AC : JN-1318 Abbrev: Mem. Fac. Sci. Kochi Univ. D Biol. Title : Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kochi University, Series D, Biology ISSN : 0389-0287 CODEN : MFSBES Publis: Kochi University Note : Parallel language title: Kochi Daigaku Rigakubu Kiyo, Series D, Seibutsugaku. AC : JN-2709 Abbrev: Mem. Fac. Sci., Kyoto Univ., Ser. Biol. Title : Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Biology ISSN : 0454-7802 CODEN : MFKBBJ Publis: Kyoto University, Faculty of Science AC : JN-1319 Abbrev: Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Title : Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz ISSN : 0074-0276 e-ISSN: 1678-8060 CODEN : MIOCAS Publis: Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz Server: http://www.bioline.org.br/oc AC : JN-3201 Abbrev: Mem. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Title : Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle ISSN : 1243-4442 CODEN : MMNNEK Publis: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Server: http://www.mnhn.fr/museum/foffice/science/science/DocScientifique/publications/presentation/fichePublication.xsp?PUBLICATION_ID=63&idx=21&nav=publication AC : JN-2349 Abbrev: Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. Title : Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden ISSN : 0077-8931 CODEN : MYBGAJ Publis: New York Botanical Garden Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.nybg.org/press/books_memoirs.php AC : JN-2350 Abbrev: Mem. Queensl. Mus. Title : Memoirs of the Queensland Museum ISSN : 0079-8835 CODEN : MQUMA8 Publis: Queensland Museum Server: http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/organisation/publications/journals/ AC : JN-4804 Abbrev: Membr. Biochem. Title : Membrane Biochemistry ISSN : 0149-046X CODEN : MEBIDO Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Membr. Biol., ends in 1993. AC : JN-3055 Abbrev: Membr. Cell Biol. Title : Membrane and Cell Biology ISSN : 1023-6597 CODEN : MCBIEB Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-4316 Abbrev: Membranes Title : Membranes e-ISSN: 2077-0375 CODEN : MBSEB6 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/membranes AC : JN-3792 Abbrev: Menopause Title : Menopause ISSN : 1072-3714 e-ISSN: 1530-0374 CODEN : MENOF2 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/ AC : JN-2873 Abbrev: Mertensiella Title : Mertensiella ISSN : 0934-6643 Publis: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.dght.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=168&Itemid=197 AC : JN-1980 Abbrev: Met. Ions Biol. Syst. Title : Metal Ions in Biological Systems ISSN : 0161-5149 CODEN : MIBSCD Publis: Marcel Dekker Inc. AC : JN-4630 Abbrev: Meta Gene Title : Meta Gene e-ISSN: 2214-5400 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/meta-gene AC : JN-4441 Abbrev: Metab. Brain Dis. Title : Metabolic Brain Disease ISSN : 0885-7490 e-ISSN: 1573-7365 CODEN : MBDIEE Publis: Springer Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/11011 AC : JN-1320 Abbrev: Metab. Eng. Title : Metabolic Engineering ISSN : 1096-7176 e-ISSN: 1096-7184 CODEN : MEENFM Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10967176 AC : JN-4831 Abbrev: Metab. Eng. Commun. Title : Metabolic Engineering Communications ISSN : 2214-0301 e-ISSN: 2214-0301 CODEN : MECECG Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/metabolic-engineering-communications AC : JN-1321 Abbrev: Metabolism Title : Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental ISSN : 0026-0495 e-ISSN: 1532-8600 CODEN : METAAJ Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00260495 AC : JN-4791 Abbrev: Metabolites Title : Metabolites ISSN : 2218-1989 e-ISSN: 2218-1989 Publis: Basel : MDPI Note : Not currently indexed for MEDLINE Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/metabolites/ AC : JN-4402 Abbrev: Metabolomics Title : Metabolomics ISSN : 1573-3882 e-ISSN: 1573-3890 Publis: Springer International Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/11306 AC : JN-3823 Abbrev: Metallomics Title : Metallomics: Integrated Biometal Science ISSN : 1756-5901 e-ISSN: 1756-591X CODEN : METAIR Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/MT AC : JN-1322 Abbrev: Methods Title : Methods ISSN : 1046-2023 e-ISSN: 1095-9130 CODEN : MTHDE9 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10462023 AC : JN-1323 Abbrev: Methods Cell Biol. Title : Methods in Cell Biology ISSN : 0091-679X CODEN : MCBLAG Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/0091679X AC : JN-1324 Abbrev: Methods Enzymol. Title : Methods in Enzymology ISSN : 0076-6879 e-ISSN: 1557-7988 CODEN : MENZAU Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00766879 AC : JN-2668 Abbrev: Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol. Title : Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology ISSN : 0379-0355 CODEN : MFEPDX Publis: Prous Science Server: http://journals.prous.com/journals/servlet/xmlxsl/pk_journals.xml_journal_home_pr?p_JournalId=6 AC : JN-3115 Abbrev: Methods Mol. Biol. Title : Methods in Molecular Biology ISSN : 1064-3745 e-ISSN: 1940-6029 CODEN : MMBIED Publis: Humana Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1064-3745 AC : JN-2823 Abbrev: Methods Mol. Cell. Biol. Title : Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology ISSN : 0898-7750 CODEN : MMCBEV Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in ?1996. AC : JN-2351 Abbrev: Meyniana Title : Meyniana ISSN : 0076-7689 CODEN : MEYNAF Publis: Universitaet Kiel, Institut fur Geowissenschaften Server: http://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/Meyniana/Meyniana_en.html AC : JN-1325 Abbrev: MHC Title : MHC Publis: Japanese Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Server: http://square.umin.ac.jp/JSHI/mhcpaper/mhc_engl.html AC : JN-3772 Abbrev: Mian Hua Xue Bao Title : Mian Hua Xue Bao ISSN : 1002-7807 Publis: Zhongguo Mianhua Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Mianhua Xuebao. Parallel language title: Cotton Science. Server: http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/item.aspx?NaviID=1&BaseID=MHXB&NaviLink=%E6%A3%89%E8%8A%B1%E5%AD%A6%E6%8A%A5 http://mhxb.chinajournal.net.cn/ AC : JN-1326 Abbrev: Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1000-8861 CODEN : MIZAED Publis: Zhongguo Mianyi Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Mianyixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Immunological Journal. Server: http://myxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2219 Abbrev: Mich. Acad. Title : Michigan Academician ISSN : 0026-2005 CODEN : MACDAH Publis: Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Server: http://www.alma.edu/michiganacademy/publications/michigan_academician AC : JN-2684 Abbrev: Micol. Vegetazione Mediterr. Title : Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea ISSN : 0394-2597 Publis: Gruppo Edologista Micologico Abruzzese Server: http://www.gemabruzzo.it/rivista.htm AC : JN-4056 Abbrev: Microb. Biotechnol. Title : Microbial Biotechnology ISSN : 1751-7907 e-ISSN: 1751-7915 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1751-7915 AC : JN-4716 Abbrev: Microb. Cell Title : Microbial Cell e-ISSN: 2311-2638 CODEN : MCIEAU Publis: Shared Science Publishers OG Server: http://microbialcell.com/ AC : JN-3521 Abbrev: Microb. Cell Fact. Title : Microbial Cell Factories e-ISSN: 1475-2859 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.microbialcellfactories.com AC : JN-1327 Abbrev: Microb. Comp. Genomics Title : Microbial and Comparative Genomics ISSN : 1090-6592 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by OMICS, ends with vol. 5 in 2001. AC : JN-1328 Abbrev: Microb. Drug Resist. Title : Microbial Drug Resistance [Mechanism, Epidemiology and Disease] ISSN : 1076-6294 e-ISSN: 1931-8448 CODEN : MDREFJ Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=44 AC : JN-1329 Abbrev: Microb. Ecol. Title : Microbial Ecology ISSN : 0095-3628 e-ISSN: 1432-184X CODEN : MCBEBU Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0095-3628 AC : JN-2802 Abbrev: Microb. Ecol. Health Dis. Title : Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease ISSN : 0891-060X e-ISSN: 1651-2235 CODEN : MEHDE6 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/mdi AC : JN-4683 Abbrev: Microb. Genom. Title : Microbial Genomics e-ISSN: 2057-5858 Publis: Microbiology Society Server: https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/ AC : JN-1330 Abbrev: Microb. Pathog. Title : Microbial Pathogenesis ISSN : 0882-4010 e-ISSN: 1096-1208 CODEN : MIPAEV Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08824010 AC : JN-4829 Abbrev: Microb. Physiol. Title : Microbial Physiology ISSN : 2673-1665 e-ISSN: 2673-1673 Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol., starts with vol. 30 in 2020. Server: https://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/228391 AC : JN-2874 Abbrev: Microb. Releases Title : Microbial Releases [Viruses - Bacteria - Fungi] ISSN : 0940-9653 CODEN : MRELE4 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 2 in 1994. AC : JN-1331 Abbrev: Microbes Environ. Title : Microbes and Environments ISSN : 1342-6311 e-ISSN: 1347-4405 Short : M&E Publis: Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsme2/ME/ME.html AC : JN-1332 Abbrev: Microbes Infect. Title : Microbes and Infection [A Journal on Infectious Agents and Host Defenses] ISSN : 1286-4579 e-ISSN: 1769-714X CODEN : MCINFS Publis: Elsevier Note : Formed by the merge of Bull. Inst. Pasteur, Res. Immunol. and Res. Virol., starts with vol. 1 1999. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/12864579 AC : JN-3214 Abbrev: Microbiol. Aust. Title : Microbiology Australia ISSN : 1324-4272 Publis: The Australian Society for Microbiology Inc. Server: http://www.theasm.org.au/publications/microbiology-australia AC : JN-1333 Abbrev: Microbiol. Immunol. Title : Microbiology and Immunology ISSN : 0385-5600 e-ISSN: 1348-0421 CODEN : MIIMDV Publis: Center for Academic Publications Japan Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/mandi AC : JN-1334 Abbrev: Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. Title : Microbiological and Molecular Biology Reviews ISSN : 1092-2172 e-ISSN: 1098-5557 CODEN : MMBRF7 Short : MMBR Publis: American Society for Microbiology Note : Replaces Microbiol. Rev., starts with vol. 61 in 1997. Server: http://mmbr.asm.org/ AC : JN-1335 Abbrev: Microbiol. Res. Title : Microbiological Research ISSN : 0944-5013 CODEN : MCRSEJ Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Replaces Zentralbl. Mikrobiol., starts with vol. 149 in 1994. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09445013 AC : JN-4722 Abbrev: Microbiol. Resour. Announc. Title : Microbiology Resource Announcements e-ISSN: 2576-098X Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: https://mra.asm.org/ AC : JN-1336 Abbrev: Microbiol. Rev. Title : Microbiological Reviews ISSN : 0146-0749 CODEN : MBRED3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev., ends with vol. 60 in 1996. AC : JN-4392 Abbrev: Microbiol. Spectr. Title : Microbiology Spectrum e-ISSN: 2165-0497 Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://www.asmscience.org/content/journal/microbiolspec AC : JN-1337 Abbrev: Microbiologia Title : Microbiologia ISSN : 0213-4101 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. Microbiol., ends with vol. 13 in 1997. AC : JN-2687 Abbrev: Microbiologica Title : Microbiologica ISSN : 0391-5352 CODEN : MIBLDR Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by New Microbiol., ends with vol. 15 in 1992. AC : JN-1338 Abbrev: Microbiology Title : Microbiology ISSN : 1350-0872 e-ISSN: 1465-2080 CODEN : MROBEO Publis: Society for General Microbiology Note : Replaces J. Gen. Microbiol., starts with vol. 140 in 1994. Server: https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/micro AC : JN-3571 Abbrev: Microbiology (Mosc.) Title : Microbiology (Mosc.) ISSN : 0026-2617 e-ISSN: 1608-3237 CODEN : MIBLAO Publis: NAUKA International Academic Publishing Company Note : Alternative transliteration: Biokhimiya. Parallel language title: Mikrobiologiya (ISSN 0026-3656). Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=micbio&page=main AC : JN-4296 Abbrev: MicrobiologyOpen Title : MicrobiologyOpen e-ISSN: 2045-8827 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2045-8827 AC : JN-4817 Abbrev: Microbiome Title : Microbiome ISSN : 2049-2618 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://microbiomejournal.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-1339 Abbrev: Microbios Title : Microbios ISSN : 0026-2633 CODEN : MCBIA7 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-1340 Abbrev: Microcirculation Title : Microcirculation ISSN : 1073-9688 e-ISSN: 1549-8719 CODEN : MROCER Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1549-8719 AC : JN-4864 Abbrev: MicroLife Title : Microlife e-ISSN: 2633-6693 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/microlife AC : JN-1341 Abbrev: Micron Title : Micron [The International Research and Review Journal for Microscopy] ISSN : 0968-4328 CODEN : MCONEN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09684328 AC : JN-4669 Abbrev: Microorganisms Title : Microorganisms ISSN : 2076-2607 CODEN : MICRKN Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI AG Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/microorganisms AC : JN-2220 Abbrev: Micropaleontology Title : Micropaleontology ISSN : 0026-2803 e-ISSN: 1937-2795 CODEN : MCPLAI Publis: American Museum of Natural History Server: http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-archive&issn=0026-2803 AC : JN-4713 Abbrev: MicroPubl. Biol. Title : MicroPublication Biology e-ISSN: 2578-9430 Publis: Pasadena, CA : Caltech Library Server: https://www.micropublication.org/journals/biology/ AC : JN-4559 Abbrev: Microsc. Microanal. Title : Microscopy and Microanalysis [The Official Journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada] ISSN : 1431-9276 e-ISSN: 1435-8115 CODEN : MIMIF7 Publis: Springer New York Server: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/microscopy-and-microanalysis AC : JN-1342 Abbrev: Microsc. Res. Tech. Title : Microscopy Research and Technique ISSN : 1059-910X e-ISSN: 1097-0029 CODEN : MRTEEO Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0029 AC : JN-2650 Abbrev: Microvasc. Res. Title : Microvascular Research ISSN : 0026-2862 e-ISSN: 1095-9319 CODEN : MIVRA6 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00262862 AC : JN-3843 Abbrev: Mikol. Fitopatol. Title : Mikologiia i Fitopatologiia ISSN : 0026-3648 CODEN : MIFIB2 Publis: Izdatelstvo Nauka Note : Alternative transliteration: Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya. Parallel language title: Mycology and phytopathology. Server: http://herba.msu.ru/journals/mif/ AC : JN-2478 Abbrev: Mikrobiol. Z. Title : Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal ISSN : 1028-0987 CODEN : MZHUDX Publis: Natsional'na Akademiya Nauk Ukrainy, Instytut Mikrobiolohii i Virusolohii im. D.K. Zabolotnoho Note : Replaces Mikrobiol. Z., starts with vol. 55(4) in 1993. AC : JN-2477 Abbrev: Mikrobiol. Zh. Title : Mikrobiologicheskii Zhurnal ISSN : 0201-8462 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mikrobiol. Z., ends with vol. 55(3) in 1993. AC : JN-4000 Abbrev: Mikrobiyol. Bul. Title : Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni ISSN : 0374-9096 CODEN : MIBUBI Publis: Ankara Microbiology Society Server: http://www.ankaramikrobiyoloji.org.tr/Eng/ AC : JN-1343 Abbrev: Milchwissenschaft Title : Milchwissenschaft ISSN : 0026-3788 CODEN : MILCAD Publis: Volkswirtschaftlicher Verlag Note : Parallel language title: Milk Science International. Server: http://www.milk-science-international.com/ AC : JN-2824 Abbrev: Miner. Eng. Title : Minerals Engineering ISSN : 0892-6875 e-ISSN: 1872-9444 CODEN : MENGEB Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08926875 AC : JN-3411 Abbrev: Miner. Process. Extr. Metall. Title : Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy [Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section C] ISSN : 0371-9553 e-ISSN: 1743-2855 CODEN : TMEMAB Publis: Maney Publishing Server: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=188 AC : JN-3427 Abbrev: Minerva Chir. Title : Minerva Chirurgica [A Journal on Surgery] ISSN : 0026-4733 e-ISSN: 1827-1626 Publis: Edizioni Minerva Medica Server: http://www.minervamedica.it/en/journals/minerva-chirurgica/ AC : JN-4170 Abbrev: Minerva Pediatr. Title : Minerva Pediatrica [A Journal on Pediatrics, Neonatology, Adolescent Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry] ISSN : 0026-4946 e-ISSN: 1827-1715 Publis: Edizioni Minerva Medica Server: http://www.minervamedica.it/en/journals/minerva-pediatrica/ AC : JN-4148 Abbrev: Mini Rev. Med. Chem. Title : Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry ISSN : 1389-5575 e-ISSN: 1875-5607 CODEN : MMCIAE Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/mrmc AC : JN-3145 Abbrev: Minia J. Agric. Res. Dev. Title : Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development ISSN : 1110-0257 Publis: Minia University, Faculty of Agriculture AC : JN-1344 Abbrev: Misainmurhag Hoiji Title : Misainmurhag Hoiji ISSN : 0440-2413 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Misaengmul Hakhoe chi. Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Microbiology. Replaced by J. Microbiol., ends with vol. 32? in 1994. AC : JN-3541 Abbrev: Mitochondrial DNA Title : Mitochondrial DNA ISSN : 1940-1736 e-ISSN: 1940-1744 CODEN : DNSEES Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces DNA Sequence, starts with vol. 19(4) in 2008. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/mdn AC : JN-1345 Abbrev: Mitochondrion Title : Mitochondrion ISSN : 1567-7249 e-ISSN: 1872-8278 CODEN : MITOCN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15677249 AC : JN-2607 Abbrev: Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Entomol. Title : Mitteilungen der Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie ISSN : 0344-9084 Publis: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie Server: http://www.dgaae.de/ AC : JN-2610 Abbrev: Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamb. Title : Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg ISSN : 0344-5615 CODEN : MIAHDA Publis: Universitaet Hamburg, Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik und Botanischer Garten AC : JN-3829 Abbrev: Mitt. Klosterneuburg Rebe Wein Obstb. Fruchteverwert. Title : Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg: Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Fruechteverwertung. ISSN : 0007-5922 CODEN : MIKLD4 Publis: Klosterneuburg : Hohere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt fur Wein- und Obstbau Note : Parallel language title: Klosterneuburg communications: Vine and wine, fruit growinng and fruit utilization. Server: http://hbla.weinobstklosterneuburg.at/seiten/index.php/view.84/service.true/ AC : JN-3284 Abbrev: Mitt. Mus. Naturkunde Berl. Zoolog. Reihe Title : Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin. Zoologische Reihe ISSN : 1435-1935 CODEN : MTZMAK Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Zoosyst. Evol., ends with vol. 73 in 1997. AC : JN-2352 Abbrev: Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. Bern Title : Mitteilungen der Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern ISSN : 0077-6130 CODEN : MNGBAK Publis: Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern Server: http://www.ngbe.ch/content/default.asp?mid=4&rid=0 AC : JN-3057 Abbrev: Mitt. Osterr. Ges. Tropmed. Parasitol. Title : Mitteilungen der Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie. ISSN : 1026-4906 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2002. AC : JN-2614 Abbrev: Mitt. Pollichia Title : Mitteilungen der Pollichia ISSN : 0341-9665 CODEN : MIPOD4 Publis: Pollichia Verein fur Naturforschung und Landespflege AC : JN-2856 Abbrev: Mizu Kankyo Gakkaishi Title : Mizu Kankyo Gakkaishi ISSN : 0916-8958 e-ISSN: 1881-3690 Publis: Nihon Mizu Kankyo Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jswe AC : JN-2429 Abbrev: MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. Title : MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ISSN : 0149-2195 e-ISSN: 1545-861X Publis: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Server: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/ AC : JN-4293 Abbrev: Mob. DNA Title : Mobile DNA ISSN : 1759-8753 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.mobilednajournal.com/ AC : JN-4295 Abbrev: Mob. Genet. Elements Title : Mobile Genetic Elements ISSN : 2159-2543 e-ISSN: 2159-256X Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/mge AC : JN-1346 Abbrev: Mod. Pathol. Title : Modern Pathology ISSN : 0893-3952 e-ISSN: 1530-0285 CODEN : MODPEO Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/modpathol/ AC : JN-4178 Abbrev: Mod. Rheumatol. Title : Modern Rheumatology ISSN : 1439-7595 e-ISSN: 1439-7609 CODEN : MROHA4 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/modrhumato/ AC : JN-2184 Abbrev: Mokuzai Gakkaishi Title : Mokuzai Gakkaishi ISSN : 0021-4795 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Mokuzai Gakkai Shi. Replaced in part by J. Wood Sci., ends with vol. 43? in 1997. AC : JN-2393 Abbrev: Mol. Aspects Med. Title : Molecular Aspects of Medicine ISSN : 0098-2997 e-ISSN: 1872-9452 CODEN : MAMED5 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00982997 AC : JN-4263 Abbrev: Mol. Autism Title : Molecular Autism ISSN : 2040-2392 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1282/ AC : JN-1347 Abbrev: Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. Title : Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology ISSN : 0166-6851 e-ISSN: 1872-9428 CODEN : MBIPDP Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01666851 AC : JN-1348 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. (Mosk.) Title : Molekuliarnaia Biologiia ISSN : 0026-8984 CODEN : MOBIBO Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Note : This journal is available in an English translation under the name 'Molecular Biology' (ISSN 0026-8933; e-ISSN 1608-3245). Alternative transliteration: Molekulyarnaya Biologiya. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0026-8933 AC : JN-1349 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Biochem. Biophys. Title : Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics ISSN : 0077-0221 CODEN : MBBBAD Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1987. AC : JN-1350 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Cell Title : Molecular Biology of the Cell ISSN : 1059-1524 e-ISSN: 1939-4586 CODEN : MBCEEV Publis: American Society for Cell Biology Server: http://www.molbiolcell.org/ AC : JN-1351 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Evol. Title : Molecular Biology and Evolution ISSN : 0737-4038 e-ISSN: 1537-1719 CODEN : MBEVEO Short : MBE Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4194 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Int. Title : Molecular Biology International ISSN : 2090-2182 e-ISSN: 2090-2190 Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mbi/ AC : JN-1352 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Med. Title : Molecular Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0735-1313 CODEN : MBIMDG Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 8 in 1991. AC : JN-1353 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Rep. Title : Molecular Biology Reports [An International Journal on Molecular and Cellular Biology] ISSN : 0301-4851 e-ISSN: 1573-4978 CODEN : MLBRBU Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0301-4851 AC : JN-3310 Abbrev: Mol. Biol. Today Title : Molecular Biology Today ISSN : 1468-5698 e-ISSN: 1468-568X Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 3 in 2002. AC : JN-4848 Abbrev: Mol. Biomed. Title : Molecular Biomedicine e-ISSN: 2662-8651 Publis: Singapore : Springer Singapore Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/43556 AC : JN-1915 Abbrev: Mol. Biosyst. Title : Molecular BioSystems ISSN : 1742-206X e-ISSN: 1742-2051 CODEN : MBOIBW Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/MB AC : JN-1354 Abbrev: Mol. Biotechnol. Title : Molecular Biotechnology [The Journal of Molecular Biology Research, Protocols, Reviews and Applications] ISSN : 1073-6085 e-ISSN: 1559-0305 CODEN : MLBOEO Publis: Humana Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1073-6085 AC : JN-2891 Abbrev: Mol. Biother. Title : Molecular Biotherapy [The International Journal for the Application of Biologicals in Clinical or Veterinary Practice] ISSN : 0952-8172 CODEN : MOLBEM Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 4 in 1992. AC : JN-4218 Abbrev: Mol. Brain Title : Molecular Brain ISSN : 1756-6606 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.molecularbrain.com AC : JN-1355 Abbrev: Mol. Breed. Title : Molecular Breeding [New Strategies in Plant Improvement] ISSN : 1380-3743 e-ISSN: 1572-9788 CODEN : MOBRFL Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1380-3743 AC : JN-1906 Abbrev: Mol. Cancer Title : Molecular Cancer e-ISSN: 1476-4598 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.molecular-cancer.com/ AC : JN-1356 Abbrev: Mol. Cancer Res. Title : Molecular Cancer Research ISSN : 1541-7786 e-ISSN: 1557-3125 CODEN : MCROC5 Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Note : Replaces Cell Growth Differ., starts with vol. 1 in 2002. Server: http://mcr.aacrjournals.org/ AC : JN-1357 Abbrev: Mol. Cancer Ther. Title : Molecular Cancer Therapeutics ISSN : 1535-7163 e-ISSN: 1538-8514 CODEN : MCTOCF Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: http://mct.aacrjournals.org/ AC : JN-1358 Abbrev: Mol. Carcinog. Title : Molecular Carcinogenesis ISSN : 0899-1987 e-ISSN: 1098-2744 CODEN : MOCAE8 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2744 AC : JN-1359 Abbrev: Mol. Cell Title : Molecular Cell ISSN : 1097-2765 e-ISSN: 1097-4164 CODEN : MOCEFL Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/home AC : JN-1362 Abbrev: Mol. Cell Biol. Hum. Dis. Ser. Title : Molecular and Cell Biology of Human Diseases Series ISSN : 1470-0573 CODEN : MCBDEU Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 5 in 1995. This is a book series. AC : JN-1363 Abbrev: Mol. Cell Biol. Res. Commun. Title : Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications ISSN : 1522-4724 e-ISSN: 1522-4732 CODEN : MCBCFS Short : MCBRC Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1999 and ceased with vol. 4 in 2001. AC : JN-1360 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Biochem. Title : Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry [An International Journal for Chemical Biology in Health and Disease] ISSN : 0300-8177 e-ISSN: 1573-4919 CODEN : MCBIB8 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0300-8177 AC : JN-1361 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Biol. Title : Molecular and Cellular Biology ISSN : 0270-7306 e-ISSN: 1098-5549 CODEN : MCEBD4 Short : MCB Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: http://mcb.asm.org/ AC : JN-1364 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Differ. Title : Molecular and Cellular Differentiation ISSN : 1065-3074 CODEN : MCDIEL Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1993 and ceased with vol. 4 in 1996. AC : JN-1365 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. Title : Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology ISSN : 0303-7207 e-ISSN: 1872-8057 CODEN : MCEND6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03037207 AC : JN-1366 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Neurosci. Title : Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience ISSN : 1044-7431 e-ISSN: 1095-9327 CODEN : MOCNED Short : MCN Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10447431 AC : JN-4926 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Pediatr. Title : Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics e-ISSN: 2194-7791 Publis: Springer Nature Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/40348 AC : JN-4250 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Pharmacol. Title : Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology e-ISSN: 1938-1247 Publis: Lumitext Publishing, Ellicott City, MD Server: http://www.mcpharmacol.com/index.php/Journals/index AC : JN-1367 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Probes Title : Molecular and Cellular Probes ISSN : 0890-8508 e-ISSN: 1096-1194 CODEN : MCPRE6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08908508 AC : JN-1368 Abbrev: Mol. Cell. Proteomics Title : Molecular and Cellular Proteomics ISSN : 1535-9476 e-ISSN: 1535-9484 CODEN : MCPOBS Short : MCP Publis: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Server: http://www.mcponline.org/ AC : JN-1369 Abbrev: Mol. Cells Title : Molecules and Cells ISSN : 1016-8478 e-ISSN: 0219-1032 CODEN : MOCEEK Publis: The Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1016-8478 AC : JN-1370 Abbrev: Mol. Chem. Neuropathol. Title : Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology ISSN : 1044-7393 CODEN : MCHNEM Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 35 in 1998. AC : JN-3532 Abbrev: Mol. Cytogenet. Title : Molecular Cytogenetics e-ISSN: 1755-8166 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.molecularcytogenetics.org/home AC : JN-1371 Abbrev: Mol. Diagn. Title : Molecular Diagnosis ISSN : 1084-8592 CODEN : MDIAFU Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Mol. Diagn. Ther., ends with vol. 9 in 2005. AC : JN-1372 Abbrev: Mol. Divers. Title : Molecular Diversity ISSN : 1381-1991 e-ISSN: 1573-501X CODEN : MODIF4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.5z.com/moldiv/ http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1381-1991 AC : JN-1373 Abbrev: Mol. Ecol. Title : Molecular Ecology ISSN : 0962-1083 e-ISSN: 1365-294X CODEN : MOECEO Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0962-1083 AC : JN-1374 Abbrev: Mol. Ecol. Notes Title : Molecular Ecology Notes ISSN : 1471-8278 e-ISSN: 1471-8286 CODEN : MENOCX Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Ecol. Resour., ends with vol. ? in 2007. AC : JN-3414 Abbrev: Mol. Ecol. Resour. Title : Molecular Ecology Resources ISSN : 1755-098X e-ISSN: 1755-0998 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1755-098X AC : JN-1375 Abbrev: Mol. Endocrinol. Title : Molecular Endocrinology ISSN : 0888-8809 CODEN : MOENEN Short : MEND Publis: The Endocrine Society Server: http://mend.endojournals.org/ AC : JN-1376 Abbrev: Mol. Gen. Genet. Title : Molecular and General Genetics ISSN : 0026-8925 CODEN : MGGEAE Short : MGG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Genet. Genomics, ends with vol. 264 in 2001. Replaces Z. Vererbungsl., starts with vol. 99 in 1967. AC : JN-4349 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Genomic Med. Title : Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine e-ISSN: 2324-9269 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2324-9269 AC : JN-1377 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Genomics Title : Molecular Genetics and Genomics ISSN : 1617-4615 e-ISSN: 1617-4623 CODEN : MGGOAA Short : MGG Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Mol. Gen. Genet., starts with vol. 265 in 2001. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1617-4615 AC : JN-3082 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Med. Title : Molecular Genetic Medicine ISSN : 1057-2805 CODEN : MGMEEE Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Adv. Genet., ends with vol. 4 in 1994. AC : JN-1378 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Metab. Title : Molecular Genetics and Metabolism ISSN : 1096-7192 e-ISSN: 1096-7206 CODEN : MGMEFF Short : MGM Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces Biochem. Mol. Med., starts with vol. 60 in 1998. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10967192 AC : JN-4521 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Metab. Rep. Title : Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports ISSN : 2214-4269 e-ISSN: 2214-4269 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/22144269 AC : JN-1919 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Microbiol. Virol. Title : Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology ISSN : 0891-4168 e-ISSN: 1934-841X Publis: Allerton Press Server: http://www.allertonpress.com/journals/mgv.htm AC : JN-1379 Abbrev: Mol. Genet. Mikrobiol. Virusol. Title : Molekuliarnaia Genetika, Mikrobiologiia, i Virusologiia ISSN : 0208-0613 CODEN : MGMVDU Publis: Izdatel'stvo Meditsina Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Mol. Gen. Mikrobiol. Virusol. Alternative transliteration: Molekulyarnaya Genetika, Mikrobiologiya i Virusologiya. Parallel language title: Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology (ISSN 0891-4168). AC : JN-1380 Abbrev: Mol. Hum. Reprod. Title : Molecular Human Reproduction ISSN : 1360-9947 e-ISSN: 1460-2407 CODEN : MHREFD Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://molehr.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1381 Abbrev: Mol. Immunol. Title : Molecular Immunology ISSN : 0161-5890 e-ISSN: 1872-9142 CODEN : MOIMD5 Publis: Pergamon Note : Replaces Immunochemistry, starts with vol. 16 in 1979. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01615890 AC : JN-1382 Abbrev: Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol. Title : Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology ISSN : 1053-6426 CODEN : MMBBEQ Publis: Not published Note : Merged with J. Mar. Biotechnol. into Mar. Biotechnol., ends with vol. 7 in 1998. AC : JN-1383 Abbrev: Mol. Med. Title : Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1076-1551 e-ISSN: 1528-3658 CODEN : MOMEF3 Publis: The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Server: http://www.molmed.org/ AC : JN-4152 Abbrev: Mol. Med. Report. Title : Molecular Medicine Reports ISSN : 1791-2997 e-ISSN: 1791-3004 Publis: Spandidos Publications Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/mmr/ AC : JN-1384 Abbrev: Mol. Membr. Biol. Title : Molecular Membrane Biology ISSN : 0968-7688 e-ISSN: 1464-5203 CODEN : MMEBE7 Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces Membr. Biochem., starts with vol. 11 in 1994. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/mbc AC : JN-4387 Abbrev: Mol. Metab. Title : Molecular Metabolism ISSN : 2212-8778 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/molecular-metabolism AC : JN-1385 Abbrev: Mol. Microbiol. Title : Molecular Microbiology ISSN : 0950-382X e-ISSN: 1365-2958 CODEN : MOMIEE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0950-382X AC : JN-1386 Abbrev: Mol. Neurobiol. Title : Molecular Neurobiology ISSN : 0893-7648 e-ISSN: 1559-1182 CODEN : MONBEW Publis: Humana Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0893-7648 AC : JN-3773 Abbrev: Mol. Neurodegener. Title : Molecular Neurodegeneration e-ISSN: 1750-1326 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.molecularneurodegeneration.com/ AC : JN-1907 Abbrev: Mol. Nutr. Food Res. Title : Molecular Nutrition and Food Research ISSN : 1613-4125 e-ISSN: 1613-4133 CODEN : NAHRAR Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Nahrung, starts with vol. 48(4) in 2004. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1613-4133 AC : JN-4232 Abbrev: Mol. Oncol. Title : Molecular Oncology ISSN : 1574-7891 e-ISSN: 1878-0261 CODEN : MOONC3 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15747891 AC : JN-4158 Abbrev: Mol. Oral. Microbiol. Title : Molecular Oral Microbiology ISSN : 2041-1006 e-ISSN: 2041-1014 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Oral Microbiology and Immunology, starts with vol. 25(1) in 2010. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)2041-1014 AC : JN-1387 Abbrev: Mol. Pain Title : Molecular Pain e-ISSN: 1744-8069 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.molecularpain.com/ AC : JN-1388 Abbrev: Mol. Pathol. Title : Molecular Pathology ISSN : 1366-8714 e-ISSN: 1472-4154 CODEN : MOPAF6 Short : MP Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Clin. Mol. Pathol., starts with vol. 50 in 1997. Incorporated into J. Clin. Pathol., ends with vol. 56 in 2003. AC : JN-1389 Abbrev: Mol. Pharm. Title : Molecular Pharmaceutics ISSN : 1543-8384 e-ISSN: 1543-8392 CODEN : MPOHBP Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/mpohbp AC : JN-1390 Abbrev: Mol. Pharmacol. Title : Molecular Pharmacology ISSN : 0026-895X e-ISSN: 1521-0111 CODEN : MOPMA3 Publis: ASPET Server: http://molpharm.aspetjournals.org/ AC : JN-1391 Abbrev: Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. Title : Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ISSN : 1055-7903 e-ISSN: 1095-9513 CODEN : MPEVEK Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10557903 AC : JN-3528 Abbrev: Mol. Plant Title : Molecular Plant ISSN : 1674-2052 e-ISSN: 1752-9867 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://mplant.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-3709 Abbrev: Mol. Plant Breed. Title : Molecular Plant Breeding ISSN : 1672-416X Publis: Hainan Institute of Biotechnology Note : Parallel language title: Fen Zi Zhi Wu Yu Zhong. Server: http://www.airiti.com/CEPS/ec_en/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2386&newIssueiid=57487&jnlcattype=1&jnlptype=5&jnltype=46 AC : JN-1392 Abbrev: Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. Title : Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions ISSN : 0894-0282 CODEN : MPMIEL Short : MPMI Publis: American Phytopathological Society Server: http://www.apsnet.org/publications/mpmi/ AC : JN-1393 Abbrev: Mol. Plant Pathol. Title : Molecular Plant Pathology ISSN : 1464-6722 e-ISSN: 1364-3703 CODEN : MPPAFD Short : MPP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1464-6722 AC : JN-1394 Abbrev: Mol. Psychiatry Title : Molecular Psychiatry ISSN : 1359-4184 e-ISSN: 1476-5578 CODEN : MOPSFQ Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/mp/ AC : JN-1395 Abbrev: Mol. Reprod. Dev. Title : Molecular Reproduction and Development ISSN : 1040-452X e-ISSN: 1098-2795 CODEN : MREDEE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2795 AC : JN-4234 Abbrev: Mol. Syndromol. Title : Molecular Syndromology ISSN : 1661-8769 e-ISSN: 1661-8777 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/247640 AC : JN-1396 Abbrev: Mol. Syst. Biol. Title : Molecular Systems Biology e-ISSN: 1744-4292 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/msb/ AC : JN-1397 Abbrev: Mol. Ther. Title : Molecular Therapy ISSN : 1525-0016 e-ISSN: 1525-0024 CODEN : MTOHCK Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/mt/ AC : JN-4779 Abbrev: Mol. Ther. Methods Clin. Dev. Title : Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development ISSN : 2329-0501 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/molecular-therapy-methods-and-clinical-development AC : JN-4808 Abbrev: Mol. Ther. Nucleic Acids Title : Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids ISSN : 2162-2531 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/molecular-therapy-nucleic-acids AC : JN-4870 Abbrev: Mol. Ther. Oncolytics. Title : Molecular Therapy Oncolytics. ISSN : 2372-7705 e-ISSN: 2372-7705 CODEN : MTOHDL Publis: Elsevier Inc. Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/molecular-therapy-oncolytics AC : JN-1398 Abbrev: Mol. Vis. Title : Molecular Vision ISSN : 1090-0535 CODEN : MVEPFB Publis: Molecular Vision Server: http://www.molvis.org/molvis/ AC : JN-4922 Abbrev: Molecular Catalysis Title : Molecular Catalysis ISSN : 2468-8274 e-ISSN: 2468-8231 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/molecular-catalysis AC : JN-4177 Abbrev: Molecules Title : Molecules ISSN : 1420-3049 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules/ AC : JN-3200 Abbrev: Molluscan Res. Title : Molluscan Research ISSN : 1323-5818 CODEN : JMLAA2 Publis: Magnolia Press Server: http://www.mapress.com/mr/ AC : JN-1399 Abbrev: Monatsh. Chem. Title : Monatshefte fur Chemie ISSN : 0026-9247 e-ISSN: 1434-4475 CODEN : MOCMB7 Publis: Springer Wien Note : Parallel language title: Chemical Monthly. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0026-9247 AC : JN-3857 Abbrev: Moscow Univ. Biol. Sci. Bull. Title : Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin ISSN : 0096-3925 e-ISSN: 1934-791X CODEN : MUBBDD Publis: Allerton Press Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0096-3925 AC : JN-1400 Abbrev: Mouse Genome Title : Mouse Genome ISSN : 0959-0587 Publis: Not published Note : Replaces Mouse News Lett., starts with vol. 86 in 1990. Incorporated into Mamm. Genome, ends with vol 97 in 1997. AC : JN-1401 Abbrev: Mouse News Lett. Title : Mouse News Letter ISSN : 0580-0811 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mouse Genome, ends with vol. 85 in 1989. AC : JN-1402 Abbrev: Mov. Disord. Title : Movement Disorders ISSN : 0885-3185 e-ISSN: 1531-8257 CODEN : MOVDEA Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1531-8257 AC : JN-4824 Abbrev: Mov. Disord. Clin. Pract. Title : Movement Disorders Clinical Practice e-ISSN: 2330-1619 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Official journal of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Server: https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/23301619 AC : JN-4500 Abbrev: MSphere Title : MSphere e-ISSN: 2379-5042 CODEN : MSPHCI Note : Replaces Eukaryotic Cell. Starts January 2016. Server: http://msphere.asm.org/ AC : JN-4907 Abbrev: mSystems Title : mSystems e-ISSN: 2379-5077 CODEN : MSYSBR Publis: American Society for Microbiology Server: https://journals.asm.org/journal/msystems AC : JN-4115 Abbrev: Mucosal Immunol. Title : Mucosal Immunologie ISSN : 1933-0219 e-ISSN: 1935-3456 CODEN : MIUMAK Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/mi/ AC : JN-2353 Abbrev: Muelleria Title : Muelleria ISSN : 0077-1813 CODEN : MAJBAC Publis: Royal Botanic Gardens (Melbourne) Server: http://www.rbg.vic.gov.au/science/information-and-resources/science-publications/muelleria AC : JN-4835 Abbrev: Mult. Scler. Title : Multiple Sclerosis : Clinical and Laboratory Research. ISSN : 1352-4585 e-ISSN: 1477-0970 CODEN : MUSCFZ Publis: Sage Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/msj AC : JN-2496 Abbrev: Munibe Title : Munibe [Ciencias Naturales] ISSN : 0214-7688 Publis: Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi Server: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?tipo_busqueda=CODIGO&clave_revista=5535 AC : JN-3769 Abbrev: Mus. North. Ariz. Bull. Title : Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin ISSN : 0361-9656 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1978. AC : JN-1403 Abbrev: Muscle Nerve Title : Muscle and Nerve ISSN : 0148-639X e-ISSN: 1097-4598 CODEN : MUNEDE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4598 AC : JN-2921 Abbrev: Mushroom Res. Title : Mushroom Research ISSN : 0972-4885 Publis: Mushroom Society of India AC : JN-3692 Abbrev: Mushroom Sci. Biotechnol. Title : Mushroom Science and Biotechnology ISSN : 1348-7388 Publis: Japanese Society of Mushroom Science and Biotechnology AC : JN-1404 Abbrev: Mutagenesis Title : Mutagenesis ISSN : 0267-8357 e-ISSN: 1464-3804 CODEN : MUTAEX Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://mutage.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1405 Abbrev: Mutat. Res. Title : Mutation Research ISSN : 0027-5107 CODEN : MUREAV Publis: Elsevier Note : This journal consists of 3 different sections: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (ISSN=0027-5107) / Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (ISSN=1383-5718) which replaces Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology (ISSN 0165-1218), starts with vol. 388 in 1997 / Reviews in Mutation Research (ISSN=1383-5742) which replaces Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology (ISSN=0165-1110), starts with vol. 386 in 1997. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00275107 AC : JN-3187 Abbrev: Mycobiology Title : Mycobiology ISSN : 1229-8093 CODEN : MYCOBF Publis: Korean Society of Mycology Server: http://www.mycology.or.kr/english/book_pop2.asp AC : JN-3376 Abbrev: Mycol. Prog. Title : Mycological Progress [International Journal of Fungal Sciences] ISSN : 1617-416X e-ISSN: 1861-8952 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1617-416X AC : JN-1406 Abbrev: Mycol. Res. Title : Mycological Research ISSN : 0953-7562 e-ISSN: 1469-8102 CODEN : MYCRER Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09537562 AC : JN-1407 Abbrev: Mycologia Title : Mycologia ISSN : 0027-5514 e-ISSN: 1067-909X CODEN : MYCOAE Publis: Mycological Society of America Server: http://www.mycologia.org/ AC : JN-2539 Abbrev: Mycologist Title : The Mycologist ISSN : 0269-915X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Fungal. Biol. Rev., ends with vol. ? in 2006. AC : JN-1408 Abbrev: Mycopathologia Title : Mycopathologia ISSN : 0301-486X e-ISSN: 1573-0832 CODEN : MYCPAH Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0301-486X AC : JN-2875 Abbrev: Mycorrhiza Title : Mycorrhiza ISSN : 0940-6360 e-ISSN: 1432-1890 CODEN : MCOREZ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0940-6360 AC : JN-1409 Abbrev: Mycoscience Title : Mycoscience ISSN : 1340-3540 e-ISSN: 1618-2545 CODEN : MNCEED Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1340-3540 AC : JN-2876 Abbrev: Mycoses Title : Mycoses [Diagnosis, Therapy and Prophylaxis of Fungal Diseases] ISSN : 0933-7407 e-ISSN: 1439-0507 CODEN : MYCSEU Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0933-7407 AC : JN-2376 Abbrev: Mycotaxon Title : Mycotaxon ISSN : 0093-4666 CODEN : MYXNAE Publis: Mycotaxon Ltd. Server: http://www.mycotaxon.com AC : JN-4465 Abbrev: Mycotoxin Res. Title : Mycotoxin Research ISSN : 0178-7888 e-ISSN: 1867-1632 CODEN : MYREET Publis: Springer Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/12550 AC : JN-2740 Abbrev: Myotis Title : Myotis [International Journal of Bat Research] ISSN : 0580-3896 Publis: Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig AC : JN-3056 Abbrev: Myrmecol. Nachr. Title : Myrmecologische Nachrichten ISSN : 1025-6164 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Myrmecol News, ends with vol. 9 in 2006. AC : JN-1469 Abbrev: N. Engl. J. Med. Title : The New England Journal of Medicine ISSN : 0028-4793 e-ISSN: 1533-4406 CODEN : NEJMAG Short : NEJM Publis: Massachussetts Medical Society Server: http://www.nejm.org/ AC : JN-2354 Abbrev: N. Z. Entomol. Title : New Zealand Entomologist ISSN : 0077-9962 CODEN : NEZEA4 Publis: Entomological Society of New Zealand Server: http://www.ento.org.nz/nzentomologist/ AC : JN-2224 Abbrev: N. Z. J. Bot. Title : New Zealand Journal of Botany ISSN : 0028-825X CODEN : NZJBAS Publis: RSNZ Publishing Server: http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/site/publish/journals/nzjb/ AC : JN-1472 Abbrev: N. Z. J. Crop Hortic. Sci. Title : New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science ISSN : 0114-0671 CODEN : NJZSEF Publis: Royal Society of New Zealand Note : Replaces N. Z. J. of Exp. Agric., starts in 1989. Server: http://www.rsnz.org/publications/journals/nzjc/ AC : JN-2225 Abbrev: N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. Title : New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research ISSN : 0028-8330 CODEN : NZJMBS Publis: RSNZ Publishing Server: http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/site/publish/journals/nzjmfr/ AC : JN-2563 Abbrev: N. Z. J. Zool. Title : New Zealand Journal of Zoology ISSN : 0301-4223 CODEN : NZJZAW Publis: RSNZ Publishing Server: http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/site/publish/journals/nzjz/ AC : JN-2226 Abbrev: N. Z. Med. J. Title : New Zealand Medical Journal ISSN : 0028-8446 e-ISSN: 1175-8716 CODEN : NZMJAX Publis: New Zealand Medical Association Server: http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/ AC : JN-3444 Abbrev: N. Z. Nat. Sci. Title : New Zealand Natural Sciences ISSN : 0113-7492 CODEN : NZNSEZ Publis: University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences Server: http://www.science.canterbury.ac.nz/nzns/ AC : JN-3158 Abbrev: N. Z. Plant Prot. Title : New Zealand Plant Protection ISSN : 1175-9003 Publis: New Zealand Plant Protection Society Server: http://www.nzpps.org/journal.php AC : JN-3858 Abbrev: N. Z. Vet. J. Title : New Zealand Veterinary Journal ISSN : 0048-0169 e-ISSN: 1176-0710 CODEN : NEZTAF Publis: New Zealand Veterinary Association Server: http://www.vetjournal.org.nz AC : JN-4021 Abbrev: Nachr. Entomol. Ver. Apollo Title : Nachrichten des Entomologischer Verein Apollo ISSN : 0723-9912 Publis: Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Server: http://www.apollo-frankfurt.de/NEVA.htm AC : JN-1410 Abbrev: Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi Title : Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0369-3228 CODEN : NAGZAC Publis: Nagasaki Medical Association Note : Parallel language title: Nagasaki Medical Journal. AC : JN-1411 Abbrev: Nagoya Med. J. Title : Nagoya Medical Journal ISSN : 0027-7649 CODEN : NMJOAA Publis: Nagoya City University Medical School Server: http://www.med.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/NMJ/NMJ.html AC : JN-2221 Abbrev: Nahrung Title : Die Nahrung ISSN : 0027-769X e-ISSN: 1521-3803 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Nutr. Food. Res., ends with vol. 48(S1) in 2004. AC : JN-3889 Abbrev: Namahyi Anjumani Hasharahshinasani Iran Title : Namahyi Anjumani Hasharahshinasani Iran ISSN : 0259-9996 Short : JESI Publis: Entomological Society of Iran Note : Alternative transliteration: Namah-yi Anjuman-i Hasharahshinasan-i Iran. Parallel language title: Journal of Entomological Society of Iran. Server: http://www.entsociran.org.ir/jesi.htm AC : JN-2717 Abbrev: Nan Kai Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Nan Kai Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 0465-7942 CODEN : NDXZAG Publis: Nankai Daxue Note : Parallel language title: Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis. Natural Science Edition. Alternative transliteration: Nankai Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Server: http://nkdx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2939 Abbrev: Nanjing Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Nanjing Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2030 CODEN : NNDXEI Publis: Nanjing Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University. Server: http://njnydxxb.periodicals.net.cn/default.html AC : JN-2957 Abbrev: Nanjing Shi Da Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Nanjing Shi Da Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1001-4616 CODEN : NSXZEN Publis: Nanjing Shifan Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Nanjing Shi-Daxue Bao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Alternative transliteration: Nanjing Shida Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Nanjing Normal University. Natural Science. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=1391 AC : JN-3338 Abbrev: Nano Lett. Title : Nano Letters [A Journal Dedicated to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology] ISSN : 1530-6984 e-ISSN: 1530-6992 CODEN : NALEFD Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/nalefd AC : JN-4915 Abbrev: Nanomedicine Title : Nanomedicine : Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. e-ISSN: 1549-9642 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15499634 AC : JN-4700 Abbrev: Nanoscale Title : Nanoscale ISSN : 2040-3364 e-ISSN: 2040-3372 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases/about-journals/nanoscale/ AC : JN-4802 Abbrev: NAR Cancer Title : Nucleic Acids Research Cancer e-ISSN: 2632-8674 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/narcancer/ AC : JN-1413 Abbrev: Nat. Biotechnol. Title : Nature Biotechnology ISSN : 1087-0156 e-ISSN: 1546-1696 CODEN : NABIF9 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Note : Replaces Bio/Technology, starts with vol. 14 in 1996. Server: https://www.nature.com/nbt/ AC : JN-4884 Abbrev: Nat. Cancer Title : Nature Cancer e-ISSN: 2662-1347 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/natcancer/ AC : JN-4871 Abbrev: Nat. Cardiovasc. Res. Title : Nature Cardiovascular Research ISSN : 2731-0590 e-ISSN: 2731-0590 Publis: London : Springer Nature Limited, [2022]- Server: https://www.nature.com/natcardiovascres/ AC : JN-4938 Abbrev: Nat. Catal. Title : Nature Catalysis e-ISSN: 2520-1158 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/natcatal/ AC : JN-1414 Abbrev: Nat. Cell Biol. Title : Nature Cell Biology ISSN : 1465-7392 e-ISSN: 1476-4679 CODEN : NCBIFN Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ncb/ AC : JN-4300 Abbrev: Nat. Chem. Title : Nature Chemistry ISSN : 1755-4330 e-ISSN: 1755-4349 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nchem AC : JN-1415 Abbrev: Nat. Chem. Biol. Title : Nature Chemical Biology ISSN : 1552-4450 e-ISSN: 1552-4469 CODEN : NCBABT Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nchembio/ AC : JN-4123 Abbrev: Nat. Clin. Pract. Cardiovasc. Med. Title : Nature Clinical Practice. Cardiovascular Medicine ISSN : 1743-4297 e-ISSN: 1743-4300 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrcardio/index.html AC : JN-4078 Abbrev: Nat. Commun. Title : Nature Communications e-ISSN: 2041-1723 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ncomms/ AC : JN-3215 Abbrev: Nat. Croat. Title : Natura Croatica [Periodicum Musei Historiae Naturalis Croatici - Casopis Hrvatskoga Prirodslovnog Muzeja] ISSN : 1330-0520 CODEN : NACRE6 Publis: Hrvatski Prirodoslovni Muzej Server: http://www.hpm.hr/ AC : JN-1416 Abbrev: Nat. Cult. Title : Nature and Culture ISSN : 0385-6283 Publis: Fukuoka Shika Daigaku Kyoyo Katei AC : JN-4634 Abbrev: Nat. Ecol. Evol. Title : Nature Ecology & Evolution e-ISSN: 2397-334X Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/natecolevol/ AC : JN-4896 Abbrev: Nat. Food Title : Nature Food e-ISSN: 2662-1355 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/natfood/ AC : JN-1417 Abbrev: Nat. Genet. Title : Nature Genetics ISSN : 1061-4036 e-ISSN: 1546-1718 CODEN : NGENEC Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ng/ AC : JN-3216 Abbrev: Nat. Hum. Activities Title : Nature and Human Activities ISSN : 1342-0054 Publis: Hyogo Kenritsu Hito to Shizen no Hakubutsukan Server: http://www.nat-museum.sanda.hyogo.jp/english/index.html#4 AC : JN-3042 Abbrev: Nat. Immun. Title : Natural Immunity ISSN : 1018-8916 e-ISSN: 1423-0178 CODEN : NAIMEL Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 16 in 1998. AC : JN-1418 Abbrev: Nat. Immun. Cell Growth Regul. Title : Natural Immunity and Cell Growth Regulation ISSN : 0254-7600 CODEN : NICRDR Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Natural Immunity, ends with vol. 10 in 1991. Replaces Stem Cells, starts with vol. 3 in 1983. AC : JN-1419 Abbrev: Nat. Immunol. Title : Nature Immunology ISSN : 1529-2908 e-ISSN: 1529-2916 CODEN : NIAMCZ Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/ni/ AC : JN-4412 Abbrev: Nat. Mater. Title : Nature Materials ISSN : 1476-1122 e-ISSN: 1476-4660 Publis: Nature Publishing group Server: https://www.nature.com/nmat/index.html AC : JN-1422 Abbrev: Nat. Med. Title : Nature Medicine ISSN : 1078-8956 e-ISSN: 1546-170X CODEN : NAMEFI Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nm/ AC : JN-1423 Abbrev: Nat. Medicines Title : Natural Medicines Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Nat. Medicines, ends with vol. 59 in 2005. AC : JN-4719 Abbrev: Nat. Metab. Title : Nature Metabolism ISSN : 2522-5812 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/natmetab/ AC : JN-1420 Abbrev: Nat. Methods Title : Nature Methods ISSN : 1548-7091 e-ISSN: 1548-7105 CODEN : NMAEA3 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nmeth/ AC : JN-4462 Abbrev: Nat. Microbiol. Title : Nature Microbiology e-ISSN: 2058-5276 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nmicrobiol AC : JN-1424 Abbrev: Nat. Neurosci. Title : Nature Neuroscience ISSN : 1097-6256 e-ISSN: 1546-1726 CODEN : NANEFN Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/neuro/ AC : JN-4449 Abbrev: Nat. Plants Title : Nature Plants ISSN : 2055-0278 e-ISSN: 2055-0278 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nplants/ AC : JN-4547 Abbrev: Nat. Prod. Bioprospect. Title : Natural Products and Bioprospecting ISSN : 2192-2209 CODEN : NPBAAH Publis: Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/13659 AC : JN-3080 Abbrev: Nat. Prod. Commun. Title : Natural Product Communications ISSN : 1934-578X e-ISSN: 1555-9475 Short : NPC Publis: Natural Product, Inc. Server: http://naturalproduct.us/ AC : JN-2532 Abbrev: Nat. Prod. Rep. Title : Natural Product Reports ISSN : 0265-0568 e-ISSN: 1460-4752 CODEN : NPRRDF Short : NPR Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/NP AC : JN-3323 Abbrev: Nat. Prod. Res. Title : Natural Product Research ISSN : 1478-6419 e-ISSN: 1478-6427 CODEN : NPRAAT Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713398545 AC : JN-3533 Abbrev: Nat. Protoc. Title : Nature Protocols ISSN : 1754-2189 e-ISSN: 1750-2799 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nprot/index.html AC : JN-3491 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Cancer Title : Nature Reviews: Cancer ISSN : 1474-175X e-ISSN: 1474-1768 CODEN : NRCAC4 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrc/ AC : JN-1425 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. Title : Nature Reviews: Drug Discovery ISSN : 1474-1776 e-ISSN: 1474-1784 CODEN : NRDDAG Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrd/ AC : JN-4688 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. Title : Nature Reviews: Endocrinology ISSN : 1759-5029 e-ISSN: 1759-5037 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrendo/ AC : JN-1426 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Genet. Title : Nature Reviews: Genetics ISSN : 1471-0056 e-ISSN: 1471-0064 CODEN : NRGAAM Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrg/ AC : JN-1427 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Immunol. Title : Nature Reviews: Immunology ISSN : 1474-1733 e-ISSN: 1474-1741 CODEN : NRIABX Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nri/ AC : JN-1968 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Microbiol. Title : Nature Reviews: Microbiology ISSN : 1740-1526 e-ISSN: 1740-1534 CODEN : NRMACK Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrmicro/ AC : JN-1428 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. Title : Nature Reviews: Molecular Cell Biology ISSN : 1471-0072 e-ISSN: 1471-0080 CODEN : NRMCBP Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrm/ AC : JN-3311 Abbrev: Nat. Rev. Neurosci. Title : Nature Reviews: Neuroscience ISSN : 1471-003X e-ISSN: 1471-0048 CODEN : NRNAAN Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nrn/ AC : JN-1429 Abbrev: Nat. Struct. Biol. Title : Nature Structural Biology ISSN : 1072-8368 CODEN : NSBIEW Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 10 in 2003. AC : JN-1430 Abbrev: Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. Title : Nature Structural and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1545-9993 e-ISSN: 1545-9985 CODEN : NSMBCU Publis: Nature Publishing Group Note : Replaces Nat. Struct. Biol., starts with vol. 11 in 2004. Server: https://www.nature.com/nsmb/ AC : JN-1431 Abbrev: Nat. Toxins Title : Natural Toxins ISSN : 1056-9014 e-ISSN: 1522-7189 CODEN : NATOEE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1522-7189 AC : JN-3226 Abbrev: Natl. Sci. Mus. Monogr. Title : National Science Museum Monographs ISSN : 1342-9574 Publis: Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan Server: http://research.kahaku.go.jp/publication/monograph.html AC : JN-3023 Abbrev: NATO ASI Ser. H Cell Biol. Title : NATO Advanced Science Institutes, Series H, Cell Biology ISSN : 1010-8793 CODEN : NASBE4 Publis: Not published Note : This is a book series. Publication ceased with vol. 98 in 1996. AC : JN-3873 Abbrev: NATO Sci. Ser. A Life Sci. Title : NATO Science Series A, Life Sciences ISSN : 1387-6686 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with NATO ASI Ser. D Behav. Soc. Sci. into NATO Sci. Ser. I Life Behav. Sci., ends with vol. ? in 2001. This is a book series. AC : JN-3874 Abbrev: NATO Sci. Ser. I Life Behav. Sci. Title : NATO Science Series I, Life and Behavioural Sciences ISSN : 1566-7693 Publis: IOS Press Note : Formed by the merge of NATO Sci. Ser. A Life Sci. and NATO ASI Ser. D Behav. Soc. Sci., starts with vol. ? in ?1999. This is a book series. Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=nlbs AC : JN-1412 Abbrev: Nature Title : Nature ISSN : 0028-0836 e-ISSN: 1476-4687 CODEN : NATUAS Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nature/ AC : JN-1421 Abbrev: Nature New Biol. Title : Nature. New Biology ISSN : 0090-0028 CODEN : NNBYA7 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Nat. New Biol. Publication ceased with vol. 244 in 1973. AC : JN-1432 Abbrev: Naturwissenschaften Title : Naturwissenschaften ISSN : 0028-1042 e-ISSN: 1432-1904 CODEN : NATWAY Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0028-1042 AC : JN-1433 Abbrev: Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol. Title : Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology ISSN : 0028-1298 e-ISSN: 1432-1912 CODEN : NSAPCC Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0028-1298 AC : JN-2222 Abbrev: Nautilus Title : The Nautilus [A Quarterly Devoted to the Interests of Malacologists] ISSN : 0028-1344 CODEN : NUTLA5 Publis: Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum Server: http://shellmuseum.org/nautilus/ AC : JN-3844 Abbrev: Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. Title : Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde ISSN : 0028-2162 e-ISSN: 1876-8784 CODEN : NETJAN Short : NTvG Publis: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum B.V. Server: http://www.ntvg.nl AC : JN-1434 Abbrev: Nefrologia Title : Nefrologia ISSN : 0211-6995 CODEN : NEFRDE Publis: Aula Medica Ediciones (Grupo Aula Medica) Server: http://www.revistanefrologia.com/ AC : JN-2685 Abbrev: Nematol. Mediterr. Title : Nematologia Mediterranea ISSN : 0391-9749 Publis: Edizioni ETS Server: http://www.inaav.ba.cnr.it/nemmed.html AC : JN-3157 Abbrev: Nematology Title : Nematology [International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Nematological Research] ISSN : 1388-5545 e-ISSN: 1568-5411 CODEN : NMATFJ Publis: Brill Note : Formed by the merge of Fundam. Appl. Nematol. and Nematologica, starts with vol. ? 1999. Server: http://www.brill.nl/nemy AC : JN-2395 Abbrev: Nematropica Title : Nematropica ISSN : 0099-5444 CODEN : NMTPAT Publis: Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America Server: http://www.ontaweb.org/ AC : JN-4168 Abbrev: Neonatology Title : Neonatology ISSN : 1661-7800 e-ISSN: 1661-7819 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/neo AC : JN-1436 Abbrev: Neoplasia Title : Neoplasia [An International Journal of Oncology Research] ISSN : 1522-8002 e-ISSN: 1476-5586 CODEN : NEOPFL Publis: Neoplasia Press Server: http://www.neoplasia.org/ AC : JN-4751 Abbrev: Neoplasma Title : Neoplasma ISSN : 0028-2685 CODEN : NEOLA4 Publis: Slovak Academic Press Server: http://www.elis.sk/index.php?page=shop.browse&category_id=30&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=6 AC : JN-3324 Abbrev: Neotrop. Entomol. Title : Neotropical Entomology ISSN : 1519-566X CODEN : NEENDV Publis: Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1519-566X AC : JN-3529 Abbrev: Neotrop. Ichthyol. Title : Neotropical Ichthyology ISSN : 1679-6225 e-ISSN: 1982-0224 Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1679-6225 AC : JN-3295 Abbrev: Neotrop. Primates Title : Neotropical Primates ISSN : 1413-4705 Publis: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Server: http://www.primate-sg.org/np.htm AC : JN-1435 Abbrev: Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. Title : Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation ISSN : 0931-0509 e-ISSN: 1460-2385 CODEN : NDTREA Short : NDT Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://ndt.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4414 Abbrev: Nephrology Title : Nephrology ISSN : 1320-5358 e-ISSN: 1440-1797 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1440-1797 AC : JN-1437 Abbrev: Nephron Title : Nephron ISSN : 0028-2766 e-ISSN: 1423-0186 CODEN : NPRNAY Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/NEF AC : JN-1438 Abbrev: Nephron Exp. Nephrol. Title : Nephron Experimental Nephrology ISSN : 1660-8151 e-ISSN: 1660-2129 Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Exp. Nephrol., starts with vol. 93 in 2003. Server: http://www.karger.com/NEE AC : JN-4347 Abbrev: Nephron Physiol. Title : Nephron Physiology e-ISSN: 1660-2137 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/NEP AC : JN-4892 Abbrev: Neth. J. Med. Title : The Netherlands Journal of Medicine ISSN : 0300-2977 e-ISSN: 1872-9061 CODEN : NLJMAV Publis: Van Zuiden Communications Server: https://www.njmonline.nl/index.php AC : JN-1439 Abbrev: Neth. Milk Dairy J. Title : Netherlands Milk and Dairy Journal ISSN : 0028-209X Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Int. Dairy J., ends with vol. ? in 1996. AC : JN-3845 Abbrev: Nettai Nogyo Title : Nettai Nogyo ISSN : 0021-5260 CODEN : NENOA8 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture. Replaced by Res. Trop. Agric., ends with vol. 52 in 2007. AC : JN-3788 Abbrev: Neural Dev. Title : Neural Development e-ISSN: 1749-8104 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.neuraldevelopment.com/ AC : JN-4088 Abbrev: Neural Netw. Title : Neural Networks ISSN : 0893-6080 e-ISSN: 1879-2782 CODEN : NNETEB Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08936080 AC : JN-3811 Abbrev: Neural Plast. Title : Neural Plasticity e-ISSN: 1687-5443 CODEN : NEPLFE Publis: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/GetJournal.aspx?journal=NP AC : JN-1453 Abbrev: Neuro-oncol. Title : Neuro-oncology ISSN : 1522-8517 e-ISSN: 1523-5866 CODEN : NEURJR Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://neuro-oncology.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1440 Abbrev: Neurobiol. Aging Title : Neurobiology of Aging ISSN : 0197-4580 e-ISSN: 1558-1497 CODEN : NEAGDO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01974580 AC : JN-1441 Abbrev: Neurobiol. Dis. Title : Neurobiology of Disease [Experimental Neurology Part B] ISSN : 0969-9961 e-ISSN: 1095-953X CODEN : NUDIEM Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09699961 AC : JN-4356 Abbrev: Neurobiol. Learn. Mem. Title : Neurobiology of Learning and Memory ISSN : 1074-7427 e-ISSN: 1095-9564 CODEN : NLMEFR Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10747427 AC : JN-1442 Abbrev: Neurochem. Int. Title : Neurochemistry International ISSN : 0197-0186 e-ISSN: 1872-9754 CODEN : NEUIDS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01970186 AC : JN-1443 Abbrev: Neurochem. Res. Title : Neurochemical Research ISSN : 0364-3190 e-ISSN: 1573-6903 CODEN : NEREDZ Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0364-3190 AC : JN-4110 Abbrev: Neurodegener. Dis. Title : Neurodegenerative Diseases ISSN : 1660-2854 e-ISSN: 1660-2862 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/ndd AC : JN-2021 Abbrev: Neuroendocrinol. Lett. Title : Neuroendocrinology Letters ISSN : 0172-780X CODEN : NLETDU Short : NEL Publis: Maghira & Maas Publications Server: http://www.nel.edu/ AC : JN-1444 Abbrev: Neuroendocrinology Title : Neuroendocrinology ISSN : 0028-3835 e-ISSN: 1423-0194 CODEN : NUNDAJ Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/NEN AC : JN-3249 Abbrev: Neurogastroenterol. Motil. Title : Neurogastroenterology and Motility ISSN : 1350-1925 e-ISSN: 1365-2982 CODEN : NMOTEK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1350-1925 AC : JN-1445 Abbrev: Neurogenetics Title : Neurogenetics ISSN : 1364-6745 e-ISSN: 1364-6753 CODEN : NEROFX Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1364-6745 AC : JN-4610 Abbrev: Neuroimage Title : Neuroimage ISSN : 1053-8119 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/neuroimage AC : JN-1446 Abbrev: Neuroimmunomodulation Title : Neuroimmunomodulation ISSN : 1021-7401 e-ISSN: 1423-0216 CODEN : NROIEM Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/NIM AC : JN-4443 Abbrev: Neurol. Genet. Title : Neurology Genetics e-ISSN: 2376-7839 Note : American Academy of Neurology Server: http://ng.neurology.org/ AC : JN-4760 Abbrev: Neurol. Med. Chir. Title : Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica ISSN : 0470-8105 e-ISSN: 1349-8029 Publis: The Japan Neurosurgical Society Server: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/nmc/ AC : JN-4850 Abbrev: Neurol. Neuroimmunol. Neuroinflamm. Title : Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation e-ISSN: 2332-7812 Publis: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Server: https://nn.neurology.org/ AC : JN-1448 Abbrev: Neurol. Res. Title : Neurological Research ISSN : 0161-6412 e-ISSN: 1743-1328 CODEN : NRESDZ Publis: Maney Publishing Server: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=503 AC : JN-1449 Abbrev: Neurol. Sci. Title : Neurological Sciences ISSN : 1590-1874 e-ISSN: 1590-3478 CODEN : IJNSD3 Publis: Springer Milan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1590-1874 AC : JN-1447 Abbrev: Neurology Title : Neurology ISSN : 0028-3878 e-ISSN: 1526-632X CODEN : NEURAI Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.neurology.org/ AC : JN-1450 Abbrev: NeuroMolecular Med. Title : NeuroMolecular Medicine ISSN : 1535-1084 e-ISSN: 1559-1174 CODEN : NMEEAN Publis: Humana Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Neuromolecular Med. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1535-1084 AC : JN-1451 Abbrev: Neuromuscul. Disord. Title : Neuromuscular Disorders ISSN : 0960-8966 e-ISSN: 1873-2364 CODEN : NEDIEC Short : NMD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09608966 AC : JN-1452 Abbrev: Neuron Title : Neuron ISSN : 0896-6273 e-ISSN: 1097-4199 CODEN : NERNET Publis: Cell Press Server: http://www.cell.com/neuron/home AC : JN-3415 Abbrev: Neuron Glia Biol. Title : Neuron Glia Biology ISSN : 1740-925X e-ISSN: 1741-0533 Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=NGB AC : JN-1454 Abbrev: Neuropathol. Appl. Neurobiol. Title : Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology [Journal of the British Neuropathological Society] ISSN : 0305-1846 e-ISSN: 1365-2990 CODEN : NANEDL Short : NAN Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0305-1846 AC : JN-1455 Abbrev: Neuropathology Title : Neuropathology ISSN : 0919-6544 e-ISSN: 1440-1789 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0919-6544 AC : JN-1457 Abbrev: Neuropediatrics Title : Neuropediatrics [Journal of Pediatric Neurobiology, Neurology and Neurogenetics] ISSN : 0174-304X e-ISSN: 1439-1899 CODEN : NRPDDB Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: http://www.thieme.de/neuropediatrics/ AC : JN-1458 Abbrev: Neuropeptides Title : Neuropeptides ISSN : 0143-4179 e-ISSN: 1532-2785 CODEN : NRPPDD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01434179 AC : JN-1456 Abbrev: Neuropharmacology Title : Neuropharmacology ISSN : 0028-3908 e-ISSN: 1873-7064 CODEN : NEPHBW Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00283908 AC : JN-1459 Abbrev: Neuropsychopharmacology Title : Neuropsychopharmacology ISSN : 0893-133X e-ISSN: 1470-634X CODEN : NEROEW Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/npp/ AC : JN-1460 Abbrev: Neurorehabil. Neural Repair Title : Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair ISSN : 1545-9683 e-ISSN: 1552-6844 CODEN : JNRHFV Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://nnr.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-3095 Abbrev: NeuroRehabilitation Title : NeuroRehabilitation ISSN : 1053-8135 e-ISSN: 1878-6448 CODEN : NRORFG Publis: IOS Press Server: http://www.iospress.nl/loadtop/load.php?isbn=10538135 AC : JN-1461 Abbrev: NeuroReport Title : NeuroReport [An International Journal for the Rapid Communication of Research in Neuroscience] ISSN : 0959-4965 e-ISSN: 1473-558X CODEN : NERPEZ Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Neuroreport. Server: http://journals.lww.com/neuroreport/ AC : JN-4577 Abbrev: Neurosci. Behav. Physiol. Title : Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology ISSN : 0097-0549 e-ISSN: 1573-899X CODEN : NBHPBT Publis: Springer Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/0097-0549 AC : JN-4581 Abbrev: Neurosci. Bull. Title : Neuroscience Bulletin ISSN : 1673-7067 e-ISSN: 1995-8218 CODEN : NBEUAS Publis: Springer Singapore Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/12264 AC : JN-1463 Abbrev: Neurosci. Lett. Title : Neuroscience Letters ISSN : 0304-3940 e-ISSN: 1872-7972 CODEN : NELED5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03043940 AC : JN-1464 Abbrev: Neurosci. Res. Title : Neuroscience Research ISSN : 0168-0102 e-ISSN: 1872-8111 CODEN : NERADN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01680102 AC : JN-1465 Abbrev: Neurosci. Res. Commun. Title : Neuroscience Research Communications ISSN : 0893-6609 e-ISSN: 1520-6769 CODEN : NRCOEE Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6769 AC : JN-1462 Abbrev: Neuroscience Title : Neuroscience ISSN : 0306-4522 CODEN : NRSCDN Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03064522 AC : JN-2680 Abbrev: Neurosciences Title : Neurosciences ISSN : 0388-7448 CODEN : JBSCF5 Publis: PJD Publications Ltd. Note : Parallel language title: No Kenkyukai Kaishi. AC : JN-1466 Abbrev: NeuroSignals Title : NeuroSignals ISSN : 1424-862X e-ISSN: 1424-8638 CODEN : NEURIQ Publis: Karger AG Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Neurosignals. Replaces Biol. Signals Recept., starts with vol. 12 in 2002. Server: http://www.karger.com/NSG AC : JN-1467 Abbrev: Neurosurgery Title : Neurosurgery ISSN : 0148-396X e-ISSN: 1524-4040 CODEN : NRSRDY Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/neurosurgery/ AC : JN-4927 Abbrev: Neurotherapeutics Title : Neurotherapeutics ISSN : 1933-7213 e-ISSN: 1878-7479 Publis: Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics AC : JN-2803 Abbrev: Neurotoxicol. Teratol. Title : Neurotoxicology and Teratology ISSN : 0892-0362 e-ISSN: 1872-9738 CODEN : NETEEC Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08920362 AC : JN-2005 Abbrev: NeuroToxicology Title : NeuroToxicology ISSN : 0161-813X CODEN : NRTXDN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0161813X AC : JN-1468 Abbrev: New Biol. Title : New Biologist ISSN : 1043-4674 CODEN : NEBIE2 Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1989 and ceased with vol. 4 in 1992. AC : JN-4556 Abbrev: New Biotechnol. Title : New Biotechnology e-ISSN: 1876-4347 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Biomol. Eng., starts with vol. 25 in 2008. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18716784 AC : JN-3781 Abbrev: New Dis. Rep. Title : New Disease Reports Publis: British Society for Plant Pathology Server: http://www.ndrs.org.uk/ AC : JN-2223 Abbrev: New Entomol. Title : New Entomologist ISSN : 0028-4955 CODEN : NENTAN Publis: Entomological Society of Shinshu Server: http://www12.plala.or.jp/NewEntomologist/ AC : JN-4419 Abbrev: New J. Chem. Title : New Journal of Chemistry ISSN : 1144-0546 e-ISSN: 1369-9261 CODEN : NJCHE5 Publis: Cambridge, UK : Royal Society of Chemistry; Paris : Centre national de la recherche scientifique Note : Continues Nouveau journal de chimie AC : JN-2686 Abbrev: New Microbiol. Title : New Microbiologica [Quarterly Journal of Basic and Clinical Microbiological Sciences] ISSN : 1121-7138 Publis: Edizioni Medico Scientifiche (EDIMES) Note : Replaces Microbiologica, starts with vol. 16 in 1993. Server: http://www.microbiologica.net/ AC : JN-1471 Abbrev: New Phytol. Title : New Phytologist ISSN : 0028-646X e-ISSN: 1469-8137 CODEN : NEPHAV Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0028-646X AC : JN-1470 Abbrev: News Physiol. Sci. Title : News in Physiological Sciences ISSN : 0886-1714 e-ISSN: 1522-161X Short : NIPS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Physiology (Bethesda), ends with vol. 19 in 2004. AC : JN-1473 Abbrev: Nicotine Tob. Res. Title : Nicotine and Tobacco Research ISSN : 1462-2203 e-ISSN: 1469-994X CODEN : NTREF6 Publis: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Server: http://ntr.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1474 Abbrev: NIDA Res. Monogr. Title : National Institut on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Research Monographs ISSN : 1046-9516 CODEN : MIDAD Publis: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institut on Drug Abuse Server: http://archives.drugabuse.gov/pdf/monographs/ AC : JN-2839 Abbrev: Nihon Biseibutsu Seitai Gakkaiho Title : Nihon Biseibutsu Seitai Gakkaiho ISSN : 0911-7830 CODEN : NBGAEG Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology. Replaced by Microbes Environ., ends with vol. 10 in 1995. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jsme2/_vols/-char/en AC : JN-2857 Abbrev: Nihon Dani Gakkai Shi Title : Nihon Dani Gakkai Shi ISSN : 0918-1067 e-ISSN: 1880-2273 Publis: Nihon Dani Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Nihon Dani Gakkaishi. Parallel language title: Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/acari AC : JN-2227 Abbrev: Nihon Dojo Hiryogaku Zasshi Title : Nihon Dojo Hiryogaku Zasshi ISSN : 0029-0610 CODEN : NIDHAX Publis: Nippon Dojo Hiryo Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Nippon Dojo Hiryogaku Zasshi. Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. AC : JN-1475 Abbrev: Nihon Geka Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Geka Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0301-4894 e-ISSN: 1880-1129 CODEN : NGGZAK Note : Alternative transliteration: Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Parallel language title: Journal of the Japanese Surgical Society. Server: http://journal.jssoc.or.jp/ AC : JN-1476 Abbrev: Nihon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0021-5287 CODEN : NGKZA6 Publis: Japanese Urological Association Note : Alternative transliteration: Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Urology. AC : JN-3826 Abbrev: Nihon Hoigaku Zasshi Title : Nihon Hoigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0047-1887 CODEN : NHOZAX Publis: Japanese Society of Legal Medicine Note : Alternative transliteration: Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi. Parallel language title: The Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine. Server: http://web.sapmed.ac.jp/JSLM/JJLM/index.en.html AC : JN-1477 Abbrev: Nihon Hosenkin Gakkaishi Title : Nihon Hosenkin Gakkaishi [The Official Journal of the Society for Actinomycetes Japan] ISSN : 0914-5818 CODEN : ACTIF4 Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Nihon Hosenkin Gakkai Shi. Alternative Medline abbreviation: Nippon Ho-senkin Gakkaishi. Parallel language title: Actinomycetologica. Server: http://www.nih.go.jp/saj/journal/ AC : JN-2840 Abbrev: Nihon Jusei Chakusho Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Jusei Chakusho Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0914-6776 Publis: Nihon Jusei Chakusho Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Fertilisation and Implantation. Server: http://www.jsfi.jp/journal/index.html AC : JN-2078 Abbrev: Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 1340-7007 CODEN : NKRZE5 Publis: Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy. Replaces Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Zasshi Chemoter., starts with vol. 43 in 1995. Server: http://journal.chemotherapy.or.jp/ AC : JN-2083 Abbrev: Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Zasshi Chemoter. Title : Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Zasshi / Chemotherapy ISSN : 0009-3165 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai Zasshi, ends with vol. 42 in 1994. AC : JN-2216 Abbrev: Nihon Kakin Gakkaishi Title : Nihon Kakin Gakkaishi ISSN : 0029-0254 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Poultry Science. Replaced by J. Poult. Sci., ends with vol. 38? in 2001?. AC : JN-3679 Abbrev: Nihon Kososhiki Kenkyu Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Kososhiki Kenkyu Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 1340-5179 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Hard Tissue Biol., ends with vol. ? in 1994. AC : JN-2564 Abbrev: Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0301-1542 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Thoracic Diseases. Replaced by Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi, ends with vol. 35 in 1997. AC : JN-2841 Abbrev: Nihon Mizushori Seibutsu Gakkaishi Title : Nihon Mizushori Seibutsu Gakkaishi ISSN : 0910-6758 e-ISSN: 1881-0438 Publis: Nihon Mizushori Seibutsu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology. Server: http://env-eng.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp/JSWTB/ AC : JN-2670 Abbrev: Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkai Chugoku Shibu Kaiho Title : Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkai, Chugoku Shibu Kaiho ISSN : 0387-9003 Publis: Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkai, Chugoku Shibu Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, Chugoku-Branch. AC : JN-2176 Abbrev: Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaishi Title : Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaishi ISSN : 0021-4914 e-ISSN: 1347-6068 CODEN : NIPTAR Publis: Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology. Server: http://odokon.org/en/aez.php AC : JN-2673 Abbrev: Nihon Purankuton Gakkaiho Title : Nihon Purankuton Gakkaiho ISSN : 0387-8961 Publis: Plankton Society of Japan Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan. Server: http://www.plankton.jp/sub07.html AC : JN-1478 Abbrev: Nihon Sanshigaku Zasshi Title : Nihon Sanshigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0037-2455 CODEN : NISZAQ Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Nippon Sanshi-gaku Zasshi. Parallel language title: Journal of Sericultural Science of Japan. Replaced by J. Insect Biotechnol. Sericology, ends with vol. 69 in 2000. AC : JN-2858 Abbrev: Nihon Senchu Gakkai Shi Title : Nihon Senchu Gakkai Shi ISSN : 0919-6765 e-ISSN: 1882-3408 Publis: Nihon Senchu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Nematology. Alternative transliteration: Nihon Senchu Gakkaishi. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jjn/_vols AC : JN-1479 Abbrev: Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi Title : Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi ISSN : 1340-2544 Publis: Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakuri Gakka Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Psychopharmacology. AC : JN-1480 Abbrev: Nihon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaiho Title : Nihon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaiho ISSN : 0031-9473 e-ISSN: 1882-0484 CODEN : NSBGAM Publis: Nihon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jjphytopath AC : JN-3217 Abbrev: Nihon Shokuhin Biseibutsu Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nihon Shokuhin Biseibutsu Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 1340-8267 Publis: Nihon Shokuhin Biseibutsu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Food Microbiology. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jsfm/-char/en/ AC : JN-1481 Abbrev: Nihon Shoyu Kenkyujo Zasshi Title : Nihon Shoyu Kenkyujo Zasshi ISSN : 0286-7958 Publis: Do-Kenkyu-jo Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Japan Soy Sauce Research Institute. AC : JN-4033 Abbrev: Nihon Yoton Gakkaishi Title : Nihon Yoton Gakkaishi ISSN : 0913-882X Publis: Nihon Yoton Gakkai Server: http://youton.ac.affrc.go.jp/ AC : JN-3735 Abbrev: NINA Rapp. Title : Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA) Rapport ISSN : 1504-3312 Publis: Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Server: http://www4.nina.no/ninaeng/ AC : JN-3002 Abbrev: Ningxia Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Ningxia Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1005-8486 Publis: Ningxia Yixueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Ningxia Yixueyuan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Ningxia Medical College. Server: http://nxyxyxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2842 Abbrev: Nippon Biseibutsu Kabu Hozon Renmei Kaishi Title : Nippon Biseibutsu Kabu Hozon Renmei Kaishi ISSN : 0911-6788 Publis: Nippon Biseibutsu Kabu Hozon Renmei Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of Japanese Federation for Culture Collections. AC : JN-1482 Abbrev: Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi Title : Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0048-0444 CODEN : NIDZAJ Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Nippon Medical School. Replaced by J. Nippon Med. Sch., ends with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-1483 Abbrev: Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0916-4804 e-ISSN: 1882-0476 CODEN : NIGZE4 Publis: Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Nihon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi. Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Medical Mycology. Server: http://www.jsmm.org/magazine/magazine.html AC : JN-3565 Abbrev: Nippon Juigaku Zasshi Title : Nippon Juigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0021-5295 CODEN : NJUZA9 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Vet. Med. Sci., ends with vol. 52 in 1990. Parallel language title: The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science. AC : JN-2588 Abbrev: Nippon Nettai Igakkai Zasshi Title : Nippon Nettai Igakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0304-2146 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Nihon Nettai Igakkai Zasshi. Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Replaced by Trop. Med. Health, ends with vol. ? in 2003. AC : JN-1484 Abbrev: Nippon Rinsho Title : Nippon Rinsho ISSN : 0047-1852 CODEN : NRINA3 Publis: Nipponrinsho Co. Inc. Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine. Server: http://www.nippon-rinsho.co.jp/ AC : JN-3607 Abbrev: Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0300-9165 CODEN : NISFAY Publis: Japanese Obstetrical And Gynecological Society Note : Alternative transliteration: Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi. Parallel language title: Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica. AC : JN-1485 Abbrev: Nippon Seikeigeka Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nippon Seikeigeka Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0021-5325 CODEN : NSGZA2 Publis: Nippon Suisan Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Nippon Seikei Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Parallel language title: Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. AC : JN-2711 Abbrev: Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi Title : Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi ISSN : 0446-6586 e-ISSN: 1349-7693 CODEN : NIPAA4 Short : JSGE Publis: Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology. Alternative transliteration: Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/nisshoshi AC : JN-1486 Abbrev: Nippon Suisan Gakkai Shi Title : Nippon Suisan Gakkai Shi ISSN : 0021-5392 e-ISSN: 1349-998X CODEN : NSUGAF Publis: Nippon Suisan Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Nihon Suisan Gakkaishi. Parallel language title: Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. See also the English edition: Fisheries Science (ISSN 0919-9268). Server: http://www.miyagi.kopas.co.jp/JSFS/jsfs-english/E-PUB/ AC : JN-1487 Abbrev: Nitric Oxide Title : Nitric Oxide [Biology and Chemistry] ISSN : 1089-8603 e-ISSN: 1089-8611 CODEN : NIOXF5 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10898603 AC : JN-2807 Abbrev: NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Title : U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National Marine Fisheries Service. Technical Report ISSN : 1931-4590 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by NOAA Prof. Pap. NMFS, ends with vol. 154 in 2001. AC : JN-3003 Abbrev: Nong Ye Sheng Wu Ji Shu Xue Bao Title : Nong Ye Sheng Wu Ji Shu Xue Bao ISSN : 1006-1304 CODEN : NSJXAB Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Nongye Shengwu Jishu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. Server: http://nyswjsxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2410 Abbrev: Nord. J. Bot. Title : Nordic Journal of Botany [An International Journal of Botany and Mycology] ISSN : 0107-055X CODEN : NJBODK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0107-055X AC : JN-3146 Abbrev: Nord. J. Freshw. Res. Title : Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research [Journal of Life Sciences in Artic Waters] ISSN : 1100-4096 CODEN : NJFREG Publis: Institute of Freshwater Research AC : JN-3603 Abbrev: North-East. Nat. Title : North-Eastern Naturalist ISSN : 0310-379X Publis: Tasmanian Field Naturalists Club Server: http://www.tasfieldnats.org.au/Publications.html AC : JN-2229 Abbrev: Northwest Sci. Title : Northwest Science ISSN : 0029-344X CODEN : NOSCAX Publis: Washington State University Press Server: http://wsupress.wsu.edu/northwest-science.html AC : JN-3846 Abbrev: Not. Nat. Title : Notulae Naturae ISSN : 0029-4608 CODEN : NONAA2 Publis: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Server: http://www.ansp.org/research/scipubs/catalog.php AC : JN-3779 Abbrev: Nota Lepidop. Title : Nota Lepidopterologica ISSN : 0342-7536 Publis: Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica AC : JN-2230 Abbrev: Notornis Title : Notornis ISSN : 0029-4470 e-ISSN: 1177-7680 CODEN : NTNSAN Publis: Ornithological Society of New Zealand Inc. Server: http://www.notornis.org.nz/ AC : JN-1488 Abbrev: Nouv. Rev. Fr. Hematol. Title : Nouvelle Revue Francaise d'Hematologie ISSN : 0029-4810 CODEN : NRFHA4 Publis: Not published Note : Also known as J. Exp. Clin. Hematol. Replaced by Hematol. Cell Therap., ends with vol. 37 in 1995. AC : JN-2231 Abbrev: Nova Hedwigia Title : Nova Hedwigia [Journal of Cryptogamic Science] ISSN : 0029-5035 CODEN : NOHEAI Publis: J. Cramer in der Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/journals/nova_hedwigia AC : JN-1489 Abbrev: Novartis Found. Symp. Title : Novartis Foundation Symposia ISSN : 1528-2511 e-ISSN: 1935-4657 CODEN : NFSYF7 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Ciba Found. Symp., starts with vol. 213 in 1998. This is a book series. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/bookseries/10.1002/SERIES1767 AC : JN-2411 Abbrev: Novenyvedelem Title : Novenyvedelem ISSN : 0133-0829 CODEN : NVVDAW Publis: Agroinform Kft. Server: http://www.agroinform.com/szaklap.php?act=showFolder&id=2 AC : JN-3096 Abbrev: Novon Title : Novon [A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature] ISSN : 1055-3177 CODEN : NOVOEK Publis: Missouri Botanical Garden Server: http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/publications.shtml AC : JN-4590 Abbrev: NPJ Genom. Med. Title : NPJ Genomic Medicine e-ISSN: 2056-7944 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/npjgenmed AC : JN-4897 Abbrev: NPJ Vaccines Title : NPJ Vaccines e-ISSN: 2059-0105 Publis: Springer Nature Server: https://www.nature.com/npjvaccines/ AC : JN-2909 Abbrev: Nucl. Med. Biol. Title : Nuclear Medicine and Biology ISSN : 0969-8051 e-ISSN: 1872-9614 CODEN : NMBIEO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09698051 AC : JN-3522 Abbrev: Nucl. Recept. Title : Nuclear Receptor e-ISSN: 1478-1336 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.nuclear-receptor.com AC : JN-1493 Abbrev: Nucl. Recept. Signal. Title : Nuclear Receptor Signaling e-ISSN: 1550-7629 Publis: Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas Server: http://www.nursa.org/nrs.cfm AC : JN-4868 Abbrev: Nucleic Acid Ther. Title : Nucleic Acid Therapeutics ISSN : 2159-3337 e-ISSN: 2159-3345 Publis: New Rochelle, N.Y. : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Server: http://online.liebertpub.com/loi/nat AC : JN-1490 Abbrev: Nucleic Acids Res. Title : Nucleic Acids Research ISSN : 0305-1048 e-ISSN: 1362-4962 CODEN : NARHAD Short : NAR Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1491 Abbrev: Nucleic Acids Res. Spec. Publ. Title : Nucleic Acids Research. Special Publication ISSN : 0309-1872 CODEN : NARPD6 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser., ends with vol. 5 in 1978. AC : JN-1492 Abbrev: Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser. Title : Nucleic Acids Symposium Series ISSN : 0261-3166 e-ISSN: 1746-8272 CODEN : NACSD8 Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Nucleic Acids Res. Spec. Publ., starts with vol. 6 in 1979. This is a book series. Server: http://nass.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2751 Abbrev: Nucleosides Nucleotides Title : Nucleosides and Nucleotides ISSN : 0732-8311 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids, ends with vol. 18 in 1999. AC : JN-2759 Abbrev: Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids Title : Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids ISSN : 1525-7770 e-ISSN: 1532-2335 CODEN : NNNAFY Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces Nucleosides Nucleotides, starts with vol. 19 in 2000. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597286 AC : JN-2232 Abbrev: Nucleus Title : Nucleus [International Journal of Cytology and Allied Topics] ISSN : 0029-568X CODEN : NULSAK Publis: University of Calcutta, Department of Botany Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Nucleus (Calcutta). AC : JN-4198 Abbrev: Nutr. Diabetes Title : Nutrition & Diabetes e-ISSN: 2044-4052 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/nutd/ AC : JN-4195 Abbrev: Nutr. Metab. Title : Nutrition and Metabolism ISSN : 1743-7075 e-ISSN: 1743-7075 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/ AC : JN-3819 Abbrev: Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis. Title : Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases ISSN : 0939-4753 e-ISSN: 1590-3729 CODEN : NMCDEE Short : NMCD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09394753 AC : JN-4844 Abbrev: Nutr. Neurosci. Title : Nutritional Neuroscience ISSN : 1028-415X e-ISSN: 1476-8305 CODEN : NNINFE Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ynns20 AC : JN-2545 Abbrev: Nutr. Res. Title : Nutrition Research ISSN : 0271-5317 CODEN : NTRSDC Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02715317 AC : JN-3534 Abbrev: Nutrafoods Title : Nutrafoods ISSN : 1827-8590 Publis: CEC Editore Server: http://www.ceceditore.com/periodici.aspx?id=3 AC : JN-4875 Abbrev: Nutrients Title : Nutrients e-ISSN: 2072-6643 Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI Publishing Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients AC : JN-3758 Abbrev: Nuytsia Title : Nuytsia [WA's Journal of Systematic Botany] ISSN : 0085-4417 CODEN : NUYTDN Publis: Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation Server: http://www.dec.wa.gov.au/science-and-research/publications-and-resources/nuytsia.html AC : JN-4229 Abbrev: O. J. Gen. Title : Open Journal of Genetics ISSN : 2162-4453 e-ISSN: 2162-4461 Publis: Scientific Research Publishing Server: http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojgen/ AC : JN-4582 Abbrev: O. J. Mod. Neurosurg. Title : Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery ISSN : 2163-0569 e-ISSN: 2163-0585 Publis: Scientific Research Publishing Server: https://www.scirp.org/journal/ojmn/ AC : JN-4180 Abbrev: Obes. Facts Title : Obesity Facts ISSN : 1662-4025 e-ISSN: 1662-4033 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/ofa AC : JN-1494 Abbrev: Obes. Res. Title : Obesity Research ISSN : 1071-7323 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Obesity, ends with vol. 13 in 2005. AC : JN-4258 Abbrev: Obes. Rev. Title : Obesity Reviews ISSN : 1467-7881 e-ISSN: 1467-789X CODEN : ORBEBL Short : OBR Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-OBR.html AC : JN-2004 Abbrev: Obesity Title : Obesity ISSN : 1930-7381 e-ISSN: 1930-739X CODEN : OBREFR Publis: Nature Publishing Group Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Obesity (Silver Spring). Replaces Obes. Res, start with vol. 14 in 2006. Server: https://www.nature.com/oby/ AC : JN-4502 Abbrev: Obstet. Gynecol. Title : Obstetrics and Gynecology ISSN : 0029-7844 e-ISSN: 1873-233X Publis: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Server: http://ovidsp.tx.ovid.com/sp-3.24.1b/ovidweb.cgi?&S=HENBFPLALCDDEDFNNCHKBEIBMAIOAA00&Browse=Toc+Children%7CYES%7CS.sh. AC : JN-2434 Abbrev: Occas. Pap. Mus. Tex. Tech Univ. Title : Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University ISSN : 0149-175X CODEN : OPTMDL Publis: Texas Tech University Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Occas. Pap. Tex. Tech Univ. Mus. Server: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/nsrl/publications/opapers.htm AC : JN-2355 Abbrev: Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. Title : Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan ISSN : 0076-8413 CODEN : MUZOAX Publis: University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology Server: http://www.ummz.umich.edu/nav/occasional.html AC : JN-3377 Abbrev: Ocean Polar Res. Title : Ocean and Polar Research ISSN : 1598-141X Publis: Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute AC : JN-3172 Abbrev: Ocean Sci. J. Title : Ocean Science Journal ISSN : 1738-5261 Short : OSJ Publis: Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute Note : Replaces Hangug Haeyang Haghoeji, starts with vol. 40 in 2005. Server: http://osj.kordi.re.kr/ AC : JN-4857 Abbrev: Ocul. Oncol. Pathol. Title : Ocular Oncology and Pathology ISSN : 2296-4681 e-ISSN: 2296-4657 Publis: Karger AG Server: https://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/261183 AC : JN-2643 Abbrev: Odonatologica Title : Odonatologica ISSN : 0375-0183 CODEN : ODTGAI Publis: Societas Internationalis Odonatologica Server: http://odonatologica.eiu.edu/ AC : JN-1495 Abbrev: Odontology Title : Odontology ISSN : 1618-1247 e-ISSN: 1618-1255 Publis: Springer Japan Note : Replaces Shigaku, starts with vol. 89 in 2001. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1618-1247 AC : JN-2233 Abbrev: Oecologia Title : Oecologia ISSN : 0029-8549 e-ISSN: 1432-1939 CODEN : OECOBX Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0029-8549 AC : JN-2718 Abbrev: Okayama Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku Title : Okayama Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku ISSN : 0474-0254 CODEN : ODNGAM Publis: Okayama Daigaku, Nogakubu Note : Parallel language title: Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University. Server: http://ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/journal/srfa/ AC : JN-2249 Abbrev: Oleagineux Title : Oleagineux ISSN : 0030-2082 CODEN : OLEAAF Publis: Societe d'Editions Techniques Continentales AC : JN-1976 Abbrev: Oligonucleotides Title : Oligonucleotides ISSN : 1545-4576 e-ISSN: 1557-8526 CODEN : OLIGAJ Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev., starts with vol. 13 in 2003. Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=121 AC : JN-4367 Abbrev: Oman Med. J. Title : Oman Medical Journal ISSN : 1999-768X e-ISSN: 2070-5204 Publis: Oman Medical Specialty Board Server: http://www.omjournal.org AC : JN-1496 Abbrev: OMICS Title : OMICS [A Journal of Integrative Biology] ISSN : 1536-2310 e-ISSN: 1557-8100 CODEN : OMICAE Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces Microb. Comp. Genomics, starts with vol. 6 in 2002. Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=43 AC : JN-4390 Abbrev: Onco Targets Ther. Title : OncoTargets and Therapy ISSN : 1178-6930 Publis: DovePress Server: http://www.dovepress.com/oncotargets-and-therapy-journal AC : JN-1497 Abbrev: Oncodev. Biol. Med. Title : Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0167-1618 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Tumour Biol., ends with vol. 4 in 1983. AC : JN-1498 Abbrev: Oncogene Title : Oncogene ISSN : 0950-9232 e-ISSN: 1476-5594 CODEN : ONCNES Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/onc/ AC : JN-1499 Abbrev: Oncogene Res. Title : Oncogene Research ISSN : 0890-6467 CODEN : ONCGE7 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 6 in 1991. AC : JN-4473 Abbrev: Oncogenesis Title : Oncogenesis e-ISSN: 2157-9024 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/onc/ AC : JN-4391 Abbrev: OncoImmunology Title : OncoImmunology Journal ISSN : 2162-4011 e-ISSN: 2162-402X Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/oncoimmunology AC : JN-4257 Abbrev: Oncol. Lett. Title : Oncology Letters ISSN : 1792-1074 e-ISSN: 1792-1082 Publis: Spandidos Publications Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/ol/archive.jsp AC : JN-1502 Abbrev: Oncol. Rep. Title : Oncology Reports ISSN : 1021-335X e-ISSN: 1791-2431 CODEN : OCRPEW Publis: Spandidos Publications Server: http://www.spandidos-publications.com/or/ AC : JN-1501 Abbrev: Oncol. Res. Title : Oncology Research ISSN : 0965-0407 e-ISSN: 1555-3906 CODEN : ONREE8 Publis: Cognizant Communication Corp. Note : Replaces Cancer Commun., starts with vol. 4 in 1992. Server: http://www.cognizantcommunication.com/filecabinet/Oncology/onc.htm AC : JN-1500 Abbrev: Oncology Title : Oncology [International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment] ISSN : 0030-2414 e-ISSN: 1423-0232 CODEN : ONCOBS Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Oncologia, starts with vol. 21 in 1967. Server: http://www.karger.com/OCL AC : JN-2805 Abbrev: Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.) Title : Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.) ISSN : 0890-9091 CODEN : OCLGE9 Publis: C M P Healthcare Media AC : JN-4114 Abbrev: Oncotarget Title : Oncotarget e-ISSN: 1949-2553 Publis: Impact Journals Server: http://www.impactjournals.com/oncotarget/ AC : JN-2234 Abbrev: Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. Title : Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research ISSN : 0030-2465 CODEN : OJVRAZ Publis: Agricultural Research Council, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute Server: http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_opvet.html AC : JN-3519 Abbrev: Online J. Bioinform. Title : Online Journal of Bioinformatics e-ISSN: 1443-2250 Short : OJB Publis: Pestsearch International Pty. Ltd. Server: http://users.comcen.com.au/~journals/bioinfo.htm AC : JN-2744 Abbrev: Ontogenez Title : Ontogenez ISSN : 0475-1450 CODEN : ONGZAC Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-bin/list.pl?page=ont AC : JN-3752 Abbrev: Open Allergy J. Title : The Open Allergy Journal e-ISSN: 1874-8384 Publis: Bentham Open Server: http://www.bentham.org/open/toallj/ AC : JN-4526 Abbrev: Open Biochem. J. Title : The Open Biochemistry Journal e-ISSN: 1874-091X Publis: Bentham Open Server: https://benthamopen.com/TOBIOCJ/ AC : JN-4181 Abbrev: Open Biol. Title : Open Biology e-ISSN: 2046-2441 Publis: The Royal Society Publishing Server: http://rsob.royalsocietypublishing.org/ AC : JN-4646 Abbrev: Open Cancer J. Title : The Open Cancer Journal ISSN : 1874-0790 Publis: Bentham Open Server: https://benthamopen.com/TOCJ/home/ AC : JN-4613 Abbrev: Open Forum Infect. Dis. Title : Open Forum Infectious Diseases e-ISSN: 2328-8957 CODEN : OFIDA2 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/ofid AC : JN-3795 Abbrev: Open Microbiol. J. Title : The Open Microbiology Journal e-ISSN: 1874-2858 Publis: Bentham Open Server: http://www.bentham.org/open/tomicroj/ AC : JN-3759 Abbrev: Open Virol. J. Title : The Open Virology Journal e-ISSN: 1874-3579 Publis: Bentham Open Server: http://www.bentham.org/open/tovj/ AC : JN-1503 Abbrev: Opera Bot. Belg. Title : Opera Botanica Belgica ISSN : 0775-9592 Publis: National Botanic Garden of Belgium Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-2356 Abbrev: Ophelia Title : Ophelia [International Journal of Marine Biology] ISSN : 0078-5326 CODEN : OPHLAN Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Sarsia into Mar. Biol. Res., ends with vol. ? in 2004. AC : JN-1504 Abbrev: Ophthalmic Genet. Title : Ophthalmic Genetics ISSN : 1381-6810 e-ISSN: 1744-5094 CODEN : OGENEN Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces Ophthalmic. Paediatr. Genet., starts with vol. 15 in 1994. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/opg AC : JN-2444 Abbrev: Ophthalmic Paediatr. Genet. Title : Ophthalmic Paediatrics and Genetics ISSN : 0167-6784 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Ophthalmic Genet., ends with vol. 14 in 1993. AC : JN-1505 Abbrev: Ophthalmic Res. Title : Ophthalmic Research [Journal for Research in Experimental and Clinical Ophthalmology] ISSN : 0030-3747 e-ISSN: 1423-0259 CODEN : OPRSAQ Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/ORE AC : JN-1506 Abbrev: Ophthalmology Title : Ophthalmology ISSN : 0161-6420 e-ISSN: 1549-4713 CODEN : OPHTDG Publis: American Academy of Ophthalmology Server: http://one.aao.org/CE/EducationalContent/Journals.aspx AC : JN-4362 Abbrev: Optom. Vis. Sci. Title : Optometry and Vision Science [Official Journal of the American Academy of Optometry] ISSN : 1040-5488 e-ISSN: 1538-9235 CODEN : OVSCET Publis: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Note : Publication started in 1989. Continues Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Opt. Server: http://www.optvissci.com/ AC : JN-1507 Abbrev: Oral Dis. Title : Oral Diseases ISSN : 1354-523X e-ISSN: 1601-0825 CODEN : ORDIFD Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1354-523X AC : JN-4529 Abbrev: Oral Health Dent. Manag. Title : Oral Health and Dental Management ISSN : 2247-2452 Server: http://www.oralhealth.ro/volumes/ AC : JN-1508 Abbrev: Oral Microbiol. Immunol. Title : Oral Microbiology and Immunology ISSN : 0902-0055 e-ISSN: 1399-302X CODEN : OMIMEE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0902-0055 AC : JN-2910 Abbrev: Oral Oncol. Title : Oral Oncology ISSN : 1368-8375 e-ISSN: 1741-9409 CODEN : EJCCER Publis: Pergamon Note : Replaces Eur. J. Cancer B Oral Oncol., starts with vol. 33 in 1997. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13688375 AC : JN-1509 Abbrev: Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Title : Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology ISSN : 0030-4220 CODEN : OSOMAE Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., ends with vol. 78 in 1994. AC : JN-4710 Abbrev: Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Title : Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology ISSN : 2212-4403 e-ISSN: 2212-4411 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. which stopped publishing in 2011 Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/oral-surgery-oral-medicine-oral-pathology-and-oral-radiology AC : JN-1510 Abbrev: Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. Title : Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology ISSN : 1079-2104 e-ISSN: 1528-395X CODEN : CACDFE Publis: Mosby Note : Replaces Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol., starts with vol. 79 in 1995. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10792104 AC : JN-3130 Abbrev: Orchids Title : Orchids ISSN : 1087-1950 Publis: American Orchid Society Server: http://www.aos.org//AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home AC : JN-1511 Abbrev: Org. Biomol. Chem. Title : Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry ISSN : 1477-0520 e-ISSN: 1477-0539 CODEN : OBCRAK Short : OBC Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/OB AC : JN-4935 Abbrev: Org. Chem. Front. Title : Organic Chemistry Frontiers e-ISSN: 2052-4129 CODEN : OCFRA8 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/QO#!recentarticles&adv AC : JN-1956 Abbrev: Org. Divers. Evol. Title : Organisms Diversity and Evolution ISSN : 1439-6092 e-ISSN: 1618-1077 CODEN : ODERAA Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14396092 AC : JN-2430 Abbrev: Org. Geochem. Title : Organic Geochemistry ISSN : 0146-6380 e-ISSN: 1873-5290 CODEN : ORGEDE Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01466380 AC : JN-1512 Abbrev: Org. Lett. Title : Organic Letters ISSN : 1523-7060 e-ISSN: 1523-7052 CODEN : ORLEF7 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/orlef7/ AC : JN-1513 Abbrev: Org. Mass Spectrom. Title : Organic Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 0030-493X Short : OMS Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Mass Spectrom., ends with vol. 29 in 1994. AC : JN-3131 Abbrev: Org. Process Res. Dev. Title : Organic Process Research and Development ISSN : 1083-6160 e-ISSN: 1520-586X CODEN : OPRDFK Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/oprdfk AC : JN-4140 Abbrev: Organometallics Title : Organometallics ISSN : 0276-7333 e-ISSN: 1520-6041 CODEN : ORGND7 Publis: American Chemical Society Server: http://pubs.acs.org/journal/orgnd7/ AC : JN-2236 Abbrev: Ornis Fennica Title : Ornis Fennica ISSN : 0030-5685 CODEN : ORFEA6 Publis: BirdLife Suomi Server: http://www.ornisfennica.org/ AC : JN-3147 Abbrev: Ornis Svecica Title : Ornis Svecica ISSN : 1102-6812 Publis: Sveriges Ornitologiska Foerening Server: http://www.sofnet.org/index.asp?lev=116 AC : JN-2357 Abbrev: Ornithol. Monogr. Title : Ornithological Monographs ISSN : 0078-6594 e-ISSN: 1941-2282 CODEN : ORMNBZ Publis: American Ornithologist's Union Server: http://www.aou.org/monographs/ AC : JN-3116 Abbrev: Ornitol. Neotrop. Title : Ornitologia Neotropical ISSN : 1075-4377 Publis: Neotropical Ornithological Society Server: http://www.neotropicalornithology.org/revista/revista.html AC : JN-4097 Abbrev: Orphanet J. Rare Dis. Title : Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases e-ISSN: 1750-1172 Short : OJRD Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1750-1172/ AC : JN-3667 Abbrev: Orthod. Epitheorese Title : Orthodontike Epitheorese ISSN : 1105-204X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Hell. Orthod. Rev., ends with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-3847 Abbrev: Orv. Hetil. Title : Orvosi Hetilap ISSN : 0030-6002 e-ISSN: 1788-6120 CODEN : ORHEAG Publis: Akademiai Kiado Note : Parallel language title: Hungarian Medical Journal. Server: http://www.akkrt.hu/main.php?folderID=1587&articleID=4538&ctag=articlelist&iid=1 AC : JN-2237 Abbrev: Oryx Title : Oryx [Journal of Fauna and Flora International] ISSN : 0030-6053 e-ISSN: 1365-3008 CODEN : ORYXAM Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=ORX AC : JN-1514 Abbrev: Osteoarthritis Cartilage Title : Osteoarthritis and Cartilage ISSN : 1063-4584 e-ISSN: 1522-9653 CODEN : OSCAEO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10634584 AC : JN-4059 Abbrev: Osteoporos. Int. Title : Osteoporosis International [With Other Metabolic Bone Diseases] ISSN : 0937-941X e-ISSN: 1433-2965 CODEN : OSINEP Publis: Springer London Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0937-941X AC : JN-2238 Abbrev: Ostrich Title : Ostrich [Journal of African Ornithology] ISSN : 0030-6525 e-ISSN: 1727-947X CODEN : OSTHAO Publis: National Inquiry Services Centre Server: http://www.nisc.co.za/journals?id=6 AC : JN-1515 Abbrev: Otol. Neurotol. Title : Otology and Neurotology ISSN : 1531-7129 e-ISSN: 1537-4505 CODEN : ONTEAE Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/otology-neurotology/ AC : JN-4272 Abbrev: Oxid. Med. Cell. Longev. Title : Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity ISSN : 1942-0900 e-ISSN: 1942-0994 CODEN : OMCLAB Publis: New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation Server: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/omcl/ AC : JN-3742 Abbrev: Oyo Seitai Kogaku Title : Oyo Seitai Kogaku ISSN : 1344-3755 Publis: Oyo Seitai Kogaku Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Ecology and Civil Engineering. Server: http://www.ecesj.com/E/journal.html AC : JN-3075 Abbrev: Pac. Conserv. Biol. Title : Pacific Conservation Biology ISSN : 1038-2097 CODEN : PCOBEK Publis: Surrey Beatty & Sons Server: http://pcb.murdoch.edu.au/ AC : JN-2239 Abbrev: Pac. Sci. Title : Pacific Science [A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region] ISSN : 0030-8870 e-ISSN: 1534-6188 CODEN : PASCAP Publis: University of Hawaii Press, Journals Department Server: http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/journals/ps/ AC : JN-1516 Abbrev: Pain Title : Pain ISSN : 0304-3959 e-ISSN: 1872-6623 CODEN : PAINDB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03043959 AC : JN-3076 Abbrev: Pak. J. Biol. Sci. Title : Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 1028-8880 e-ISSN: 1812-5735 Short : PJBS Publis: Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET) Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1028-8880 AC : JN-3760 Abbrev: Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. Title : Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences] ISSN : 0031-0182 e-ISSN: 1872-616X CODEN : PPPYAB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00310182 AC : JN-2806 Abbrev: Paleoceanography Title : Paleoceanography ISSN : 0883-8305 e-ISSN: 1944-9186 CODEN : POCGEP Publis: American Geophysical Union Server: http://www.agu.org/journals/pa/ AC : JN-2240 Abbrev: Pan-Pac. Entomol. Title : Pan-Pacific Entomologist ISSN : 0031-0603 CODEN : PPETA9 Publis: Pacific Coast Entomological Society Server: http://www.pcentsoc.org/Pan-Pac.html AC : JN-1517 Abbrev: Pancreas Title : Pancreas ISSN : 0885-3177 e-ISSN: 1536-4828 CODEN : PANCE4 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/pancreasjournal/ AC : JN-1518 Abbrev: Pancreatology Title : Pancreatology ISSN : 1424-3903 e-ISSN: 1424-3911 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/PAN AC : JN-3848 Abbrev: Pap. Avulsos Zool. Title : Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia ISSN : 0031-1049 e-ISSN: 1807-0205 CODEN : PAZOAS Publis: Universidade de Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia Server: http://www.scielo.br/paz.htm AC : JN-2877 Abbrev: Papageien Title : Papageien ISSN : 0934-327X Publis: Arndt-Verlag Server: http://www.papageien.de AC : JN-3280 Abbrev: Papageienkunde Title : Papageienkunde ISSN : 1434-1204 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Parrot Biology. Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1999. This is a book series. AC : JN-3535 Abbrev: Parasit. Vectors Title : Parasites and Vectors e-ISSN: 1756-3305 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/home AC : JN-3203 Abbrev: Parasite Title : Parasite ISSN : 1252-607X e-ISSN: 1776-1042 CODEN : PASIED Publis: Princeps Editions Server: http://www.premiumorange.com/parasite/ AC : JN-1519 Abbrev: Parasite Immunol. Title : Parasite Immunology ISSN : 0141-9838 e-ISSN: 1365-3024 CODEN : PAIMD8 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0141-9838 AC : JN-1521 Abbrev: Parasitol. Int. Title : Parasitology International [The Official, International Journal of the Japanese Society of Parasitology] ISSN : 1383-5769 e-ISSN: 1873-0329 CODEN : PAINFD Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Kisechugaku Zasshi (Jpn. J. Parasitol.), starts with vol. 46 in 1997. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13835769 AC : JN-1522 Abbrev: Parasitol. Res. Title : Parasitology Research ISSN : 0932-0113 e-ISSN: 1432-1955 CODEN : PARREZ Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0932-0113 AC : JN-2465 Abbrev: Parasitol. Today Title : Parasitology Today ISSN : 0169-4758 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Trends Parasitol., ends with vol. 16 in 2000. AC : JN-1520 Abbrev: Parasitology Title : Parasitology ISSN : 0031-1820 e-ISSN: 1469-8161 CODEN : PARAAE Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PAR AC : JN-1523 Abbrev: Parassitologia Title : Parassitologia ISSN : 0048-2951 CODEN : PSSGAR Publis: Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Server: http://users.unimi.it/parassit/rivista.htm AC : JN-2241 Abbrev: Parazitologiya Title : Parazitologiya ISSN : 0031-1847 CODEN : PAZGA4 Publis: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Zoologicheskii Institut Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Parazitologiia. Server: http://www.zin.ru/journals/parazitologiya/index_r.html AC : JN-1524 Abbrev: Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. Title : Parkinsonism and Related Disorders ISSN : 1353-8020 e-ISSN: 1873-5126 CODEN : PRDIFO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13538020 AC : JN-2582 Abbrev: Pathobiology Title : Pathobiology [Exploring the Basis of Disease] ISSN : 1015-2008 e-ISSN: 1423-0291 CODEN : PATHEF Publis: Karger AG Note : Formed by the merge of Exp. Cell Biol. and Pathol. Immunopathol. Res., starts with vol. 65 1990. Server: http://www.karger.com/PAT AC : JN-4463 Abbrev: Pathog. Dis. Title : Pathogens and Disease e-ISSN: 2049-632X Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol., starts with vol. 67 in 2013. Server: http://femspd.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-4620 Abbrev: Pathogens Title : Pathogens e-ISSN: 2076-0817 Publis: Basel, Switzerland Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/pathogens AC : JN-3497 Abbrev: Pathol. Biol. Title : Pathologie et Biologie ISSN : 0369-8114 e-ISSN: 1768-3114 CODEN : PTBIAN Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03698114 AC : JN-1525 Abbrev: Pathol. Int. Title : Pathology International ISSN : 1320-5463 e-ISSN: 1440-1827 CODEN : PITEES Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Acta Pathol. Jpn., starts with vol. 44 in 1994. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1320-5463 AC : JN-3174 Abbrev: Pathol. Oncol. Res. Title : Pathology and Oncology Research ISSN : 1219-4956 e-ISSN: 1532-2807 CODEN : POREFR Short : POR Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1219-4956 AC : JN-1526 Abbrev: Pathol. Res. Pract. Title : Pathology, Research and Practice ISSN : 0344-0338 CODEN : PARPDS Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03440338 AC : JN-1996 Abbrev: Pathology Title : Pathology ISSN : 0031-3025 e-ISSN: 1465-3931 CODEN : PTLGAX Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/pat AC : JN-1527 Abbrev: Pathophysiol. Haemost. Thromb. Title : Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis ISSN : 1424-8832 e-ISSN: 1424-8840 CODEN : PHTAC7 Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Haemostasis, starts with vol. 32 in 2002. Server: http://www.karger.com/PHT AC : JN-1528 Abbrev: PCR Methods Appl. Title : PCR Methods and Applications ISSN : 1054-9803 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Genome Res., ends with vol. 4 in 1995. AC : JN-4167 Abbrev: Pediatr. Allergy Immunol. Title : Pediatric Allergy and Immunology ISSN : 0905-6157 e-ISSN: 1399-3038 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1399-3038 AC : JN-2396 Abbrev: Pediatr. Blood Cancer Title : Pediatric Blood and Cancer ISSN : 1545-5009 e-ISSN: 1545-5017 CODEN : PBCEAQ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Med. Pediatr. Oncol., starts with vol. 42 in 2004. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1545-5017 AC : JN-4174 Abbrev: Pediatr. Cardiol. Title : Pediatric Cardiology ISSN : 0172-0643 e-ISSN: 1432-1971 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/0172-0643 AC : JN-4034 Abbrev: Pediatr. Dent. J. Title : Pediatric Dental Journal ISSN : 0917-2394 e-ISSN: 1880-3997 Publis: Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Oral Health Association Server: http://www.jspd.or.jp/english/02.htm AC : JN-1916 Abbrev: Pediatr. Dermatol. Title : Pediatric Dermatology ISSN : 0736-8046 e-ISSN: 1525-1470 CODEN : TNPEDI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0736-8046 AC : JN-4101 Abbrev: Pediatr. Dev. Pathol. Title : Pediatric and Developmental Pathology ISSN : 1093-5266 e-ISSN: 1615-5742 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1615-5742 AC : JN-4726 Abbrev: Pediatr. Diabetes Title : Pediatric Diabetes ISSN : 1399-543X e-ISSN: 1399-5448 Publis: Copenhagen : Munksgaard Note : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1399-5448 AC : JN-2540 Abbrev: Pediatr. Infect. Dis. Title : Pediatric Infectious Disease ISSN : 0277-9730 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J., ends with vol. 5 in 1986. AC : JN-2546 Abbrev: Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. Title : The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal ISSN : 0891-3668 e-ISSN: 1532-0987 CODEN : PIDJEV Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Replaces Pediatr. Infect. Dis., starts with vol. 6 in 1987. Server: http://journals.lww.com/pidj/ AC : JN-1529 Abbrev: Pediatr. Int. Title : Pediatrics International ISSN : 1328-8067 e-ISSN: 1442-200X CODEN : JAMMFW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces Acta Paediatr. Jpn. Overseas Ed., starts with vol. 41 in 1999. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1328-8067 AC : JN-4822 Abbrev: Pediatr. Investig. Title : Pediatric Investigation ISSN : 2096-3726 e-ISSN: 2574-2272 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/25742272 AC : JN-4124 Abbrev: Pediatr. Neonatol. Title : Pediatrics and Neonatology ISSN : 1875-9572 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18759572 AC : JN-1530 Abbrev: Pediatr. Nephrol. Title : Pediatric Nephrology ISSN : 0931-041X e-ISSN: 1432-198X CODEN : PEDNEF Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0931-041X AC : JN-1531 Abbrev: Pediatr. Neurol. Title : Pediatric Neurology ISSN : 0887-8994 e-ISSN: 1873-5150 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08878994 AC : JN-3438 Abbrev: Pediatr. Pulmonol. Title : Pediatric Pulmonology ISSN : 8755-6863 e-ISSN: 1099-0496 CODEN : PEPUES Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0496 AC : JN-1532 Abbrev: Pediatr. Res. Title : Pediatric Research ISSN : 0031-3998 e-ISSN: 1530-0447 CODEN : PEREBL Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/pedresearch/ AC : JN-4672 Abbrev: Pediatr. Rheumatol. Online J. Title : Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal e-ISSN: 1546-0096 Publis: Biomed Central Server: https://ped-rheum.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-4102 Abbrev: Pediatr. Surg. Int. Title : Pediatric Surgery International ISSN : 0179-0358 e-ISSN: 1437-9813 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1437-9813 AC : JN-1533 Abbrev: Pediatr. Transplant. Title : Pediatric Transplantation ISSN : 1397-3142 e-ISSN: 1399-3046 CODEN : PETRF6 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1397-3142 AC : JN-1534 Abbrev: Pediatrics Title : Pediatrics ISSN : 0031-4005 e-ISSN: 1098-4275 CODEN : PEDIAU Publis: American Academy of Pediatrics Server: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/ AC : JN-2242 Abbrev: Pedobiologia Title : Pedobiologia ISSN : 0031-4056 e-ISSN: 1873-1511 CODEN : PDBLAM Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Pedobiologia (Jena). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00314056 AC : JN-4410 Abbrev: PeerJ Title : PeerJ e-ISSN: 2167-8359 CODEN : PEERDV Publis: PeerJ Inc. Server: https://www.peerj.com AC : JN-1536 Abbrev: Pept. Res. Title : Peptide Research ISSN : 1040-5704 CODEN : PEREEO Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. into J. Pept. Res., ends with vol. 9 in 1996. AC : JN-4653 Abbrev: Pept. Sci. Title : Peptide Science e-ISSN: 2475-8817 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Split From Biopolymers (ISSN 0006-3525) Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/24758817 AC : JN-1535 Abbrev: Peptides Title : Peptides ISSN : 0196-9781 e-ISSN: 1873-5169 CODEN : PPTDD5 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01969781 AC : JN-2243 Abbrev: Period. Biol. Title : Periodicum Biologorum ISSN : 0031-5362 CODEN : PDBIAD Publis: Hrvatsko Prirodoslovno Drustvo Server: http://mcc.irb.hr/instruct.html AC : JN-2825 Abbrev: Periodontol. 2000 Title : Periodontology 2000 ISSN : 0906-6713 e-ISSN: 1600-0757 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0906-6713 AC : JN-2244 Abbrev: Persoonia Title : Persoonia [Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi] ISSN : 0031-5850 Publis: National Herbarium Nederland/Leiden Branch Server: http://www.persoonia.org/ AC : JN-3281 Abbrev: Perspect. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst. Title : Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics ISSN : 1433-8319 Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14338319 AC : JN-3586 Abbrev: Pertanika J. Sci. Technol. Title : Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology ISSN : 0128-7680 CODEN : PERTDY Publis: Universiti Pertanian Malaysia Press Server: http://www.pertanika2.upm.edu.my/jpertanika/index%20-%20JST.htm AC : JN-2398 Abbrev: Pesqui. Agropecu. Bras. Title : Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira ISSN : 0100-204X e-ISSN: 1678-3921 CODEN : PEABBT Publis: Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-204X AC : JN-2399 Abbrev: Pesqui. Vet. Bras. Title : Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira ISSN : 0100-736X CODEN : PVBRDX Publis: Colegio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-736X AC : JN-1537 Abbrev: Pest Manag. Sci. Title : Pest Management Science ISSN : 1526-498X e-ISSN: 1526-4998 CODEN : PMSCFC Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaces Pestic. Sci., starts with vol. 56 in 2000. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1526-4998 AC : JN-2325 Abbrev: Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. Title : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology ISSN : 0048-3575 e-ISSN: 1095-9939 CODEN : PCBPBS Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00483575 AC : JN-1538 Abbrev: Pestic. Sci. Title : Pesticide Science [The International Journal Incorporating all Aspects of Pest Management] ISSN : 0031-613X e-ISSN: 1096-9063 CODEN : PSSCBG Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pest Manag. Sci., ends with vol. 55 in 1999. AC : JN-1539 Abbrev: Pflugers Arch. Title : Pflugers Archiv [European Journal of Physiology] ISSN : 0031-6768 e-ISSN: 1432-2013 CODEN : PFLABK Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0031-6768 AC : JN-4345 Abbrev: Pharm. Biol. Title : Pharmaceutical Biology ISSN : 1388-0209 CODEN : PHBIFC Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/phb AC : JN-1545 Abbrev: Pharm. Res. Title : Pharmaceutical Research ISSN : 0724-8741 e-ISSN: 1573-904X CODEN : PHREEB Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0724-8741 AC : JN-4661 Abbrev: Pharmaceuticals (Basel) Title : Pharmaceuticals ISSN : 1424-8247 CODEN : PHARH2 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/pharmaceuticals AC : JN-4840 Abbrev: Pharmaceutics Title : Pharmaceutics ISSN : 1999-4923 Publis: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/pharmaceutics/ AC : JN-1541 Abbrev: Pharmacogenet. Genomics Title : Pharmacogenetics and Genomics ISSN : 1744-6872 e-ISSN: 1744-6880 CODEN : PHMCEE Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Note : Replaces Pharmacogenetics, starts with vol. 15 in 2005. Server: http://journals.lww.com/jpharmacogenetics/ AC : JN-1540 Abbrev: Pharmacogenetics Title : Pharmacogenetics ISSN : 0960-314X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pharmacogenet. Genomics, ends with vol. 14 in 2004. AC : JN-1542 Abbrev: Pharmacogenomics Title : Pharmacogenomics ISSN : 1462-2416 e-ISSN: 1744-8042 CODEN : PARMFL Publis: Ashley Publications Ltd. Server: http://www.pharmaco-genomics.co.uk AC : JN-1543 Abbrev: Pharmacogenomics J. Title : The Pharmacogenomics Journal ISSN : 1470-269X e-ISSN: 1473-1150 CODEN : PJHOAZ Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/tpj/ AC : JN-4805 Abbrev: Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. Title : Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior ISSN : 0091-3057 e-ISSN: 1873-5177 CODEN : PBBHAU Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/pharmacology-biochemistry-and-behavior AC : JN-1992 Abbrev: Pharmacol. Rep. Title : Pharmacological Reports ISSN : 1734-1140 CODEN : PJPAE3 Short : PR Publis: Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.if-pan.krakow.pl/pjp/ AC : JN-1546 Abbrev: Pharmacol. Res. Title : Pharmacological Research ISSN : 1043-6618 e-ISSN: 1096-1186 CODEN : PHMREP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10436618 AC : JN-4674 Abbrev: Pharmacol. Res. Perspect. Title : Pharmacology Research & Perspectives e-ISSN: 2052-1707 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20521707 AC : JN-4104 Abbrev: Pharmacol. Rev. Title : Pharmacological Reviews ISSN : 0031-6997 e-ISSN: 1521-0081 CODEN : PAREAQ Publis: The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Server: http://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org/ AC : JN-1547 Abbrev: Pharmacol. Ther. Title : Pharmacology and Therapeutics ISSN : 0163-7258 CODEN : PHTHDT Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01637258 AC : JN-1544 Abbrev: Pharmacology Title : Pharmacology [International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology] ISSN : 0031-7012 e-ISSN: 1423-0313 CODEN : PHMGBN Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/PHA AC : JN-3722 Abbrev: Pharmacologyonline Title : Pharmacologyonline e-ISSN: 1827-8620 Publis: University of Salerno Server: http://www.pharmacologyonline.unisa.it/ AC : JN-2245 Abbrev: Pharmazie Title : Pharmazie [An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences] ISSN : 0031-7144 CODEN : PHARAT Publis: Govi Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag GmbH Server: http://www.govi.de/pharmazie.htm AC : JN-1548 Abbrev: Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. Title : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences ISSN : 0962-8436 e-ISSN: 1471-2970 CODEN : PTRBAE Publis: Royal Society Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Philos. Trans. R Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. Server: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/ AC : JN-1550 Abbrev: Photobiochem. Photobiophys. Title : Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics ISSN : 0165-8646 CODEN : PHOPDS Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1979 and ceased with vol. 13 in 1987. AC : JN-1551 Abbrev: Photochem. Photobiol. Title : Photochemistry and Photobiology ISSN : 0031-8655 e-ISSN: 1751-1097 CODEN : PHCBAP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0031-8655 AC : JN-1549 Abbrev: Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. Title : Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences ISSN : 1474-905X e-ISSN: 1474-9092 CODEN : PPSHCB Short : PPS Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/PP AC : JN-1552 Abbrev: Photosyn. Res. Title : Photosynthesis Research ISSN : 0166-8595 e-ISSN: 1573-5079 CODEN : PHRSDI Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Photosynth. Res. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0166-8595 AC : JN-1554 Abbrev: Phycol. Res. Title : Phycological Research ISSN : 1322-0829 e-ISSN: 1440-1835 CODEN : PHREFC Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces in part Sorui, starts with vol. 43 in 1995. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1322-0829 AC : JN-1553 Abbrev: Phycologia Title : Phycologia ISSN : 0031-8884 CODEN : PYCOAD Publis: International Phycological Society Server: http://www.phycologia.org/ AC : JN-4645 Abbrev: Phys. Biol. Title : Physical Biology ISSN : 1478-3967 e-ISSN: 1478-3975 Publis: IOP Publishing Server: https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1478-3975 AC : JN-1555 Abbrev: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Title : Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ISSN : 1463-9076 e-ISSN: 1463-9084 CODEN : PPCPFQ Short : PCCP Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/CP AC : JN-4476 Abbrev: Phys. Med. Title : Physica Medica ISSN : 1120-1797 e-ISSN: 1724-191X Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/physica-medica/ AC : JN-4207 Abbrev: Physiol. Behav. Title : Physiology and Behavior ISSN : 0031-9384 e-ISSN: 1873-507X CODEN : PHBHA4 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://sciencedirect.com/science/journal/ AC : JN-1556 Abbrev: Physiol. Biochem. Zool. Title : Physiological and Biochemical Zoology ISSN : 1522-2152 e-ISSN: 1537-5293 CODEN : PBZOF6 Short : PBZ Publis: University of Chicago Press Server: http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=physbioczool AC : JN-1557 Abbrev: Physiol. Chem. Phys. Title : Physiological Chemistry and Physics ISSN : 0031-9325 CODEN : PLCHB4 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Physiol. Chem. Phys. Med. NMR, ends with vol. 14 in 1982. AC : JN-2600 Abbrev: Physiol. Entomol. Title : Physiological Entomology ISSN : 0307-6962 e-ISSN: 1365-3032 CODEN : PENTDE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0307-6962 AC : JN-1558 Abbrev: Physiol. Genomics Title : Physiological Genomics ISSN : 1094-8341 e-ISSN: 1531-2267 CODEN : PHGEFP Publis: American Physiological Society Server: http://physiolgenomics.physiology.org/ AC : JN-2922 Abbrev: Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants Title : Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants [An International Journal of Functional Plant Biology] ISSN : 0971-5894 e-ISSN: 0974-0430 Publis: Springer India Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0971-5894 AC : JN-1559 Abbrev: Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. Title : Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology ISSN : 0885-5765 e-ISSN: 1096-1178 CODEN : PMPPEZ Short : PMPP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08855765 AC : JN-1560 Abbrev: Physiol. Plantarum Title : Physiologia Plantarum [An International Journal for Experimental Plant Biology] ISSN : 0031-9317 e-ISSN: 1399-3054 CODEN : PHPLAI Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Physiol. Plant. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0031-9317 AC : JN-4299 Abbrev: Physiol. Rep. Title : Physiological Reports e-ISSN: 2051-817X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Published by Wiley on behalf of the American Physiological Society and The Physiological Society Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2051-817X AC : JN-4242 Abbrev: Physiol. Res. Title : Physiological Research ISSN : 0862-8408 e-ISSN: 1802-9973 Publis: Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Server: http://www.biomed.cas.cz/physiolres/index.html AC : JN-1561 Abbrev: Physiol. Rev. Title : Physiological Reviews ISSN : 0031-9333 e-ISSN: 1522-1210 CODEN : PHREA7 Publis: American Physiological Society Server: http://physrev.physiology.org/ AC : JN-1562 Abbrev: Physiol. Veg. Title : Physiologie Vegetale ISSN : 0031-9368 CODEN : PHYVAP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Plant Physiol. Biochem., ends with vol. 24 in 1986. AC : JN-2246 Abbrev: Physiologist Title : The Physiologist ISSN : 0031-9376 e-ISSN: 1522-1202 CODEN : PYSOAP Publis: American Physiological Society Server: http://www.the-aps.org/publications/tphys/ AC : JN-4117 Abbrev: Physiology (Bethesda) Title : Physiology ISSN : 1548-9213 e-ISSN: 1548-9221 Publis: Bethesda, MD : International Union of Physiological Sciences : American Physiological Society. starts in 2004. Note : Replaces News in physiological sciences. Server: http://physiologyonline.physiology.org/ AC : JN-4664 Abbrev: Phytochem. Lett. Title : Phytochemistry Letters ISSN : 1874-3900 CODEN : PLHEBK Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/phytochemistry-letters AC : JN-1563 Abbrev: Phytochemistry Title : Phytochemistry [The International Journal of Plant Chemistry, Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology] ISSN : 0031-9422 e-ISSN: 1873-3700 CODEN : PYTCAS Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00319422 AC : JN-2247 Abbrev: Phytologia Title : Phytologia [An International Journal to Expedite Botanical Publication] ISSN : 0031-9430 CODEN : PYTLAL Publis: Texensis Publishing Server: http://www.phytologia.org/ AC : JN-1908 Abbrev: Phytomedicine Title : Phytomedicine [International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology] ISSN : 0944-7113 e-ISSN: 1618-095X CODEN : APDHB8 Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09447113 AC : JN-1564 Abbrev: Phytoparasitica Title : Phytoparasitica [Israel Journal of Plant Protection Sciences] ISSN : 0334-2123 e-ISSN: 1876-7184 CODEN : PHPRA2 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0334-2123 AC : JN-2248 Abbrev: Phytopathol. Mediterr. Title : Phytopathologia Mediterranea ISSN : 0031-9465 e-ISSN: 1593-2095 CODEN : PYMDAU Publis: Firenze University Press Server: http://www.fupress.com/rivista.asp?ID=10 AC : JN-3188 Abbrev: Phytopathol. Pol. Title : Phytopathologia Polonica ISSN : 1230-0462 Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Fitopatologiczne AC : JN-1565 Abbrev: Phytopathology Title : Phytopathology ISSN : 0031-949X CODEN : PHYTAJ Publis: American Phytopathological Society Server: http://www.apsnet.org/publications/phytopathology/ AC : JN-1566 Abbrev: Phytother. Res. Title : Phytotherapy Research ISSN : 0951-418X e-ISSN: 1099-1573 CODEN : PHYREH Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1573 AC : JN-4241 Abbrev: Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. Title : Pigment Cell Melanoma Research e-ISSN: 1755-148X Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291755-148X AC : JN-1567 Abbrev: Pigment Cell Res. Title : Pigment Cell Research ISSN : 0893-5785 e-ISSN: 1600-0749 CODEN : PCREEA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Pigment Cell Melanoma Res., ends with vol. 20 in 2007. AC : JN-1568 Abbrev: Ping Tu Hsueh Pao Title : Ping Tu Hsueh Pao ISSN : 1000-8721 CODEN : BIXUEA Note : Alternative transliteration: Bingdu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Virology. Server: http://bdxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1569 Abbrev: Pituitary Title : Pituitary ISSN : 1386-341X e-ISSN: 1573-7403 CODEN : PITUF9 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1386-341X AC : JN-3658 Abbrev: Pizhuhish Va Sazandidi Title : Pizhuhish Va Sazandidi ISSN : 1019-9632 Publis: Ministry of Agricultural Jahad Note : Parallel language title: Research & Reconstruction. AC : JN-1570 Abbrev: Placenta Title : Placenta ISSN : 0143-4004 e-ISSN: 1532-3102 CODEN : PLACDF Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01434004 AC : JN-2671 Abbrev: Plankton Benthos Res. Title : Plankton and Benthos Research ISSN : 1880-8247 e-ISSN: 1882-627X Publis: Nihon Bentosu Gakkai Note : Formed by the merge of Benthos Res. and Plankton Biol. Ecol., starts with vol. 1 in 2006. Server: http://www.plankton.jp/PBR/ AC : JN-2672 Abbrev: Plankton Biol. Ecol. Title : Plankton Biology and Ecology ISSN : 1343-0874 CODEN : PBELCP Publis: Nihon Bentosu Gakkai Note : Merged with Benthos Res. into Plankton Benthos Res., ends with vol. 52 in 2005. Replaces Nihon Purankuton Gakkaiho, starts with vol. 44 in 1997. AC : JN-1571 Abbrev: Plant Biol. Title : Plant Biology ISSN : 1435-8603 e-ISSN: 1438-8677 CODEN : PBIOFN Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Plant Biol. (Stuttg.). Server: http://www.thieme.de/plantbiology/ AC : JN-2177 Abbrev: Plant Biosyst. Title : Plant Biosystems [An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology] ISSN : 1126-3504 e-ISSN: 1724-5575 CODEN : GBOIAX Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces G. Bot. Ital., starts with vol. ? in 1997. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713737104 AC : JN-1572 Abbrev: Plant Biotechnol. Title : Plant Biotechnology ISSN : 1342-4580 e-ISSN: 1347-6114 CODEN : PLBIF6 Publis: Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Note : Replaces Shokubutsu Soshiki Baiyo, starts with vol. 14 in 1997. Server: http://www.jspcmb.jp/ AC : JN-3488 Abbrev: Plant Biotechnol. (Sheffield) Title : Plant Biotechnology (Sheffield, England) ISSN : 0260-5902 Publis: SUBIS AC : JN-1573 Abbrev: Plant Biotechnol. J. Title : Plant Biotechnology Journal ISSN : 1467-7644 e-ISSN: 1467-7652 CODEN : PBJLAE Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1467-7644 AC : JN-4424 Abbrev: Plant Biotechnol. Rep. Title : Plant Biotechnology Reports ISSN : 1863-5466 e-ISSN: 1863-5474 Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/11816 AC : JN-2463 Abbrev: Plant Breed. Title : Plant Breeding ISSN : 0179-9541 e-ISSN: 1439-0523 CODEN : PLABED Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0179-9541 AC : JN-1574 Abbrev: Plant Cell Title : The Plant Cell ISSN : 1040-4651 e-ISSN: 1532-298X CODEN : PLCEEW Publis: American Society of Plant Biologists Server: http://www.plantcell.org/ AC : JN-1575 Abbrev: Plant Cell Environ. Title : Plant, Cell and Environment ISSN : 0140-7791 e-ISSN: 1365-3040 CODEN : PLCEDV Short : PC&E Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0140-7791 AC : JN-1576 Abbrev: Plant Cell Physiol. Title : Plant and Cell Physiology ISSN : 0032-0781 e-ISSN: 1471-9053 CODEN : PCPHA5 Short : PCP Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://pcp.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1577 Abbrev: Plant Cell Rep. Title : Plant Cell Reports ISSN : 0721-7714 e-ISSN: 1432-203X CODEN : PCRPD8 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0721-7714 AC : JN-2445 Abbrev: Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. Title : Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture [An International Journal on Biotechnology of Higher Plants] ISSN : 0167-6857 e-ISSN: 1573-5044 CODEN : PTCEDJ Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-6857 AC : JN-4814 Abbrev: Plant Direct Title : Plant Direct ISSN : 2475-4455 Publis: Society for Experimental Biology (Great Britain) Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/24754455 AC : JN-1578 Abbrev: Plant Dis. Title : Plant Disease ISSN : 0191-2917 CODEN : PLDIDE Publis: American Phytopathological Society Server: http://www.apsnet.org/publications/plantdisease/ AC : JN-3250 Abbrev: Plant Ecol. Divers. Title : Plant Ecology and Diversity ISSN : 1755-0874 e-ISSN: 1755-1668 Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces Bot. J. Scotl., starts with vol. 1 in 2008. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t793409773~tab=summary AC : JN-4035 Abbrev: Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. Title : Plant Foods for Human Nutrition ISSN : 0921-9668 e-ISSN: 1573-9104 CODEN : PFHNE8 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0921-9668 AC : JN-4541 Abbrev: Plant Gene Title : Plant Gene ISSN : 2352-4073 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/plant-gene AC : JN-3325 Abbrev: Plant Genet. Resour. Title : Plant Genetic Resources [Characterisation and Utilisation] ISSN : 1479-2621 e-ISSN: 1479-263X CODEN : PVSEEC Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PGR AC : JN-3043 Abbrev: Plant Genet. Resour. Newsl. Title : Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter ISSN : 1020-3362 Short : PGR Newsletter Publis: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Server: http://www2.bioversityinternational.org/publications/pgrnewsletter/ AC : JN-3445 Abbrev: Plant Genome Title : The Plant Genome ISSN : 1940-3372 Publis: Crop Science Society of America Server: http://plantgenome.scijournals.org AC : JN-2446 Abbrev: Plant Growth Regul. Title : Plant Growth Regulation [An International Journal on Plant Growth and Development] ISSN : 0167-6903 e-ISSN: 1573-5087 CODEN : PGRED3 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-6903 AC : JN-3525 Abbrev: Plant Health Prog. Title : Plant Health Progress e-ISSN: 1535-1025 Publis: Plant Management Network Server: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/php/ AC : JN-1579 Abbrev: Plant J. Title : The Plant Journal ISSN : 0960-7412 e-ISSN: 1365-313X CODEN : PLJUED Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0960-7412 AC : JN-3774 Abbrev: Plant Methods Title : Plant Methods e-ISSN: 1746-4811 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.plantmethods.com/ AC : JN-1580 Abbrev: Plant Mol. Biol. Title : Plant Molecular Biology [An International Journal on Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetic Engineering] ISSN : 0167-4412 e-ISSN: 1573-5028 CODEN : PMBIDB Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0167-4412 AC : JN-1581 Abbrev: Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. Title : Plant Molecular Biology Reporter ISSN : 0735-9640 e-ISSN: 1572-9818 CODEN : PMBRD4 Publis: International Society for Plant Molecular Biology Server: http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ispmb/reporter.html AC : JN-1958 Abbrev: Plant Pathol. Title : Plant Pathology [A Record of Current Work on Plant Diseases and Pests] ISSN : 0032-0862 e-ISSN: 1365-3059 CODEN : PLPAAD Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0032-0862 AC : JN-1582 Abbrev: Plant Pathol. J. Title : The Plant Pathology Journal ISSN : 1598-2254 Publis: Han Rim Won Publishing company Note : Replaces Korean J. Plant Path., starts with vol. 15 in 1999. Server: http://www.dbpia.co.kr/view/p_view.asp?pid=926 AC : JN-1583 Abbrev: Plant Physiol. Title : Plant Physiology ISSN : 0032-0889 e-ISSN: 1532-2548 CODEN : PLPHAY Publis: American Society of Plant Biologists Server: http://www.plantphysiol.org/ AC : JN-1584 Abbrev: Plant Physiol. Biochem. Title : Plant Physiology and Biochemistry ISSN : 0981-9428 e-ISSN: 1873-2690 CODEN : PPBIEX Short : PPB Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Physiol. Veg., starts with vol. 25 in 1987. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09819428 AC : JN-3228 Abbrev: Plant Prod. Sci. Title : Plant Production Science ISSN : 1343-943X e-ISSN: 1349-1008 CODEN : PPTSFI Publis: Crop Science Society of Japan Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/pps AC : JN-2792 Abbrev: Plant Prot. Q. Title : Plant Protection Quarterly ISSN : 0815-2195 CODEN : PPQUE8 Publis: Plant Protection Quarterly Server: http://www.weedinfo.com.au/ppq_subs.html AC : JN-3175 Abbrev: Plant Prot. Sci. Title : Plant Protection Science ISSN : 1212-2580 CODEN : SUSRD8 Publis: Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych Ved, Ustav Zemedelskych a Potravinarskych Informaci Server: http://journals.uzpi.cz/web/PPS.htm AC : JN-4437 Abbrev: Plant Reprod. Title : Plant Reproduction ISSN : 2194-7953 e-ISSN: 2194-7961 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Sex. Plant Reprod., starts with vol. 26(1) in 2013. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=2194-7953 AC : JN-1585 Abbrev: Plant Sci. Title : Plant Science [An International Journal of Experimental Plant Biology] ISSN : 0168-9452 e-ISSN: 1873-2259 CODEN : PLSCE4 Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Plant Sci. Lett., starts with vol. 38 in 1985. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01689452 AC : JN-1586 Abbrev: Plant Sci. Lett. Title : Plant Science Letters ISSN : 0304-4211 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Plant Sci., ends with vol. 37 in 1985. AC : JN-3350 Abbrev: Plant Signal. Behav. Title : Plant Signaling and Behavior ISSN : 1559-2316 e-ISSN: 1559-2324 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/psb/ AC : JN-2259 Abbrev: Plant Soil Title : Plant and Soil [International Journal on Plant-Soil Relationships] ISSN : 0032-079X e-ISSN: 1573-5036 CODEN : PLSOA2 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0032-079X AC : JN-3176 Abbrev: Plant Soil Environ. Title : Plant, Soil and Environment ISSN : 1214-1178 CODEN : ROVYAM Short : PSE Publis: Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych Ved, Ustav Zemedelskych a Potravinarskych Informaci Server: http://www.agriculturejournals.cz/web/pse.htm AC : JN-1587 Abbrev: Plant Species Biol. Title : Plant Species Biology ISSN : 0913-557X e-ISSN: 1442-1984 CODEN : PSBIEK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0913-557X AC : JN-1588 Abbrev: Plant Syst. Evol. Title : Plant Systematics and Evolution ISSN : 0378-2697 e-ISSN: 1615-6110 CODEN : ESPFBP Publis: Springer Wien Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0378-2697 AC : JN-3428 Abbrev: Plant Tissue Cult. Biotechnol. Title : Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology ISSN : 1817-3721 Publis: Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture Server: http://www.baptcb.org/ AC : JN-3416 Abbrev: Plant Viruses Title : Plant Viruses ISSN : 1749-6209 Publis: Global Science Books Server: http://www.globalsciencebooks.info/Journals/PV.html AC : JN-1589 Abbrev: Planta Title : Planta [An International Journal of Plant Biology] ISSN : 0032-0935 e-ISSN: 1432-2048 CODEN : PLANAB Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0032-0935 AC : JN-1590 Abbrev: Planta Med. Title : Planta Medica [An International Journal of Natural Products and Medicinal Plant Research] ISSN : 0032-0943 e-ISSN: 1439-0221 CODEN : PLMEAA Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: http://www.thieme.de/fz/plantamedica/ AC : JN-4499 Abbrev: Plants (Basel) Title : Plants (Basel) e-ISSN: 2223-7747 CODEN : PLANCD Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants AC : JN-3701 Abbrev: Plantsman Title : Plantsman ISSN : 1477-5298 Publis: Royal Horticultural Society AC : JN-1591 Abbrev: Plasmid Title : Plasmid [A Journal of Microbial Genomes and Genome Dynamics] ISSN : 0147-619X e-ISSN: 1095-9890 CODEN : PLSMDX Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0147619X AC : JN-1592 Abbrev: Platelets Title : Platelets ISSN : 0953-7104 e-ISSN: 1369-1635 CODEN : PLTEEF Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/plt AC : JN-1593 Abbrev: PLoS Biol. Title : PLoS Biology ISSN : 1544-9173 e-ISSN: 1545-7885 CODEN : PBLIBG Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.plosbiology.org AC : JN-1594 Abbrev: PLoS Comput. Biol. Title : PLoS Computational Biology ISSN : 1553-734X e-ISSN: 1553-7358 CODEN : PCBLBG Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/home.action AC : JN-1595 Abbrev: PLoS Genet. Title : PLoS Genetics ISSN : 1553-7390 e-ISSN: 1553-7404 CODEN : PGLEB5 Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.plosgenetics.org/ AC : JN-1596 Abbrev: PLoS Med. Title : PLoS Medicine ISSN : 1549-1277 e-ISSN: 1549-1676 Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.plosmedicine.org AC : JN-3542 Abbrev: PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. Title : PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases ISSN : 1935-2727 e-ISSN: 1935-2735 Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.plosntds.org/home.action AC : JN-1597 Abbrev: PLoS ONE Title : PLoS ONE e-ISSN: 1932-6203 Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.plosone.org/home.action AC : JN-1598 Abbrev: PLoS Pathog. Title : PLoS Pathogens ISSN : 1553-7366 e-ISSN: 1553-7374 CODEN : PPLACN Publis: Public Library of Science Server: http://www.plospathogens.org/ AC : JN-2791 Abbrev: PMBC Res. Bull. Title : Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin ISSN : 0858-1088 CODEN : RBPCE9 Publis: Phuket Marine Biological Center Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Res. Bull. (Sun Chiwawitthaya thang Thale Phuket). Server: http://www.pmbc.go.th/webpmbc/RE/ AC : JN-4874 Abbrev: PNAS Nexus Title : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nexus e-ISSN: 2752-6542 Publis: [Oxford] : Oxford University Press on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences Server: https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus AC : JN-3707 Abbrev: Podarcis Title : Podarcis ISSN : 1567-3871 Publis: Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam Server: http://www.podarcis.nl/ AC : JN-3417 Abbrev: Pol. J. Microbiol. Title : Polish Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 1733-1331 Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow Note : Replaces Acta Microbiol. Pol., starts with vol. 53 in 2004. Server: http://www.pjm.microbiology.pl AC : JN-4788 Abbrev: Pol. J. Vet. Sci. Title : Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences ISSN : 1505-1773 e-ISSN: 2300-2557 CODEN : PJVSFK Short : PJVS Publis: Polish Academy of Sciences Server: https://journals.pan.pl/pjvs AC : JN-1599 Abbrev: Polar Biol. Title : Polar Biology ISSN : 0722-4060 e-ISSN: 1432-2056 CODEN : POBIDP Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0722-4060 AC : JN-3229 Abbrev: Polar Biosci. Title : Polar Bioscience ISSN : 1344-6231 CODEN : PNSBEF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Polar Sci., ends with vol. ? in 2006. AC : JN-3763 Abbrev: Polarnet Tech. Rep. Title : Polarnet Technical Report ISSN : 1592-5064 e-ISSN: 1592-5072 Publis: CNR/IIA-POLARNET Server: http://www.polarnet.cnr.it/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=34&Itemid=111 AC : JN-2431 Abbrev: Polym. Degrad. Stab. Title : Polymer Degradation and Stability ISSN : 0141-3910 e-ISSN: 1873-2321 CODEN : PDSTDW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01413910 AC : JN-4895 Abbrev: Polymers (Basel) Title : Polymers e-ISSN: 2073-4360 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers/ AC : JN-4010 Abbrev: Port. Acta Biol. Title : Portugalia Acta Biologica ISSN : 0874-9035 Publis: Jardin Botanico de la Universidad de Lisboa Server: http://www.jb.ul.pt AC : JN-4011 Abbrev: Port. Acta Biol. Ser. B Sist. Ecol. Biogeogr. Paleontol. Title : Portugaliae Acta Biologica. Serie B. Sistematica, Ecologia, Biogeografia e Paleontologia ISSN : 0375-0280 CODEN : PABBA5 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Port. Acta Biol. Ser. A Morfol. Fisiol. Genet. Biol. into Port. Acta Biol., ends with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-2859 Abbrev: Postharvest Biol. Technol. Title : Postharvest Biology and Technology ISSN : 0925-5214 e-ISSN: 1873-2356 CODEN : PBTEED Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09255214 AC : JN-3459 Abbrev: Potato Res. Title : Potato Research ISSN : 0014-3065 e-ISSN: 1871-4528 CODEN : PORHBW Publis: Springer Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0014-3065 AC : JN-1600 Abbrev: Poult. Sci. Title : Poultry Science ISSN : 0032-5791 e-ISSN: 1525-3171 CODEN : POSCAL Publis: Poultry Science Association Server: http://ps.fass.org/ AC : JN-4439 Abbrev: PPO Spec. Rep. Title : PPO Special Report ISSN : 1569-321X Publis: Lelystad : Applied Plant Research, AGV Research Unit AC : JN-2632 Abbrev: Praxis Title : Praxis ISSN : 0369-8394 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Schweiz. Rundsch. Med. Prax., ends with vol. ? in 1969. AC : JN-1601 Abbrev: Prenat. Diagn. Title : Prenatal Diagnosis ISSN : 0197-3851 e-ISSN: 1097-0223 CODEN : PRDIDM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0223 AC : JN-1602 Abbrev: Prep. Biochem. Title : Preparative Biochemistry ISSN : 0032-7484 CODEN : PRBCBQ Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Prep. Biochem. Biotechnol., ends with vol. 25 in 1995. AC : JN-1921 Abbrev: Prep. Biochem. Biotechnol. Title : Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology ISSN : 1082-6068 e-ISSN: 1532-2297 CODEN : PBBIF4 Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces Prep. Biochem., starts with vol. 26 in 1996. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597291 AC : JN-2260 Abbrev: Preslia Title : Preslia ISSN : 0032-7786 CODEN : PRESAK Publis: Ceska Botanicka Spolecnost Server: http://www.ibot.cas.cz/preslia/ AC : JN-3748 Abbrev: Presse Med. Title : La Presse Medicale ISSN : 0755-4982 CODEN : PRMEEM Publis: Masson Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07554982 AC : JN-3670 Abbrev: Prev. Oggi Title : Prevenzione Oggi ISSN : 1120-2971 Publis: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato AC : JN-2447 Abbrev: Prev. Vet. Med. Title : Preventive Veterinary Medicine ISSN : 0167-5877 e-ISSN: 1873-1716 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01675877 AC : JN-3761 Abbrev: Prikl. Biokhim. Mikrobiol. Title : Prikladnaia Biokhimiia i Mikrobiologiia ISSN : 0555-1099 CODEN : PBMIAK Publis: Izdatelstvo Nauka Note : Alternative transliteration: Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya. Parallel language title: Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology (ISSN 0003-6838). Server: http://www.maik.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?lang=rus&name=prikbio AC : JN-1603 Abbrev: Prim. Sens. Neuron Title : Primary Sensory Neuron ISSN : 0929-9637 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sens. Neuron, ends with vol. 3 in 2001. AC : JN-1604 Abbrev: Primate Rep. Title : Primate Report ISSN : 0343-3528 Publis: Verlag Erich Goltze Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.dpz.gwdg.de/index.php?id=52 AC : JN-2261 Abbrev: Primates Title : Primates ISSN : 0032-8332 e-ISSN: 1610-7365 CODEN : PRMTBU Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0032-8332 AC : JN-1605 Abbrev: Princess Takamatsu Symp. Title : Princess Takamatsu Symposia Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-4555 Abbrev: Prion Title : Prion ISSN : 1933-6896 e-ISSN: 1933-690X CODEN : PRIOBT Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/kprn AC : JN-4475 Abbrev: Probiotics Antimicrob. Proteins Title : Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins ISSN : 1867-1306 e-ISSN: 1867-1314 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springer.com/chemistry/journal/12602 AC : JN-3615 Abbrev: Probl. Virol. Title : Problems of Virology ISSN : 0555-2621 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1961. AC : JN-2386 Abbrev: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Title : Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ISSN : 0097-3157 e-ISSN: 1938-5293 CODEN : PANPA5 Publis: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Server: http://www.ansp.org/research/scipubs/index.php AC : JN-0064 Abbrev: Proc. Alfred Benzon Symp. Title : Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium ISSN : 0105-3639 CODEN : ABSYB2 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Alfred Benzon Symp., ends with vol. 45(?) in 1998(?). AC : JN-3441 Abbrev: Proc. Annu. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst. Title : Proceedings of the Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute ISSN : 1553-8486 CODEN : UMPGAP Publis: Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Inc. AC : JN-1606 Abbrev: Proc. Annu. Meet. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Title : Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research ISSN : 0197-016X Publis: American Association for Cancer Research Server: http://www.abstractsonline.com/viewer/?mkey=%7BE3F4019C%2D0A43%2D4514%2D8F66%2DB86DC90CD935%7D AC : JN-1607 Abbrev: Proc. Assoc. Am. Physicians Title : Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians ISSN : 1081-650X e-ISSN: 1525-1381 CODEN : PAAPFD Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 111 in 1999. AC : JN-2113 Abbrev: Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. Title : Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington ISSN : 0006-324X CODEN : PBSWAO Publis: Biological Society of Washington Server: http://www.bioone.org/loi/pbsw AC : JN-2358 Abbrev: Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences ISSN : 0068-547X CODEN : PCASAV Publis: California Academy of Sciences AC : JN-3598 Abbrev: Proc. Chin. Acad. Med. Sci. Peking Union Med. Coll. Title : Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College ISSN : 0258-8757 CODEN : PCACEL Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Chin. Med. Sci. J., ends with vol. 5 in 1990. AC : JN-2178 Abbrev: Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. Title : Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington ISSN : 0013-8797 CODEN : PESWAB Publis: Entomological Society of Washington Server: http://www.entsocwash.org/default.asp?Action=Show_Proceedings AC : JN-3292 Abbrev: Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ecol. Title : Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology. Ecology ISSN : 1406-0914 CODEN : PEABFX Publis: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus Note : Parallel language title: Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Server: http://www.kirj.ee/public/va_%20bo/con_u_bio.htm AC : JN-2391 Abbrev: Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Title : Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society ISSN : 0886-7283 Publis: Florida State Horticultural Society Note : Replaces Annu. Meet. Fla. State Hort. Soc., starts with vol. ? in ?1978. Server: http://www.fshs.org/ AC : JN-2359 Abbrev: Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science ISSN : 0073-6767 CODEN : PIACAP Publis: Indiana Academy of Science Server: http://www.indianaacademyofscience.org/Publications/ AC : JN-3516 Abbrev: Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. J J. Eng. Trib. Title : Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology ISSN : 1350-6501 e-ISSN: 2041-305X CODEN : PEJTET Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journals/Journal202023 AC : JN-3599 Abbrev: Proc. Int. Coral Reef Symp. Title : Proceedings of the International Coral Reef Symposium ISSN : 0272-2615 Short : ICRS Proceedings Publis: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Proc. - Int. Coral Reef Symp. Server: http://www.reefbase.org/resource_center/publication/icrs.aspx AC : JN-3561 Abbrev: Proc. Jpn. Acad. Title : Proceedings of the Japan Academy ISSN : 0021-4280 CODEN : PJACAW Publis: Not published Note : Split into Proc. Jpn. Acad., A, Math. Sci. and Proc. Jpn. Acad., B, Phys. Biol. Sci., ends with vol. 53 in 1977. AC : JN-3464 Abbrev: Proc. Jpn. Acad., A, Math. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences ISSN : 0386-2194 CODEN : PJAADT Publis: Nippon Gakushiin Note : Replaces in part Proc. Jpn. Acad., starts with vol. 53A in 1977. Server: http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Journal?authority=euclid.pja AC : JN-1608 Abbrev: Proc. Jpn. Acad., B, Phys. Biol. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences ISSN : 0386-2208 e-ISSN: 1349-2896 CODEN : PJABDW Publis: Nippon Gakushiin Note : Replaces in part Proc. Jpn. Acad., starts with vol. 53 in 1977. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/pjab AC : JN-1609 Abbrev: Proc. Jpn. Conf. Biochem. Lipids Title : Proceedings of Japanese Conference on the Biochemistry on Lipids ISSN : 0285-1520 Publis: Nihon Shishitsu Seikagaku Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Shishitsu Seikagaku Kenkyu. AC : JN-2629 Abbrev: Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. Title : Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales ISSN : 0370-047X CODEN : PLSWAQ Publis: Linnean Society of New South Wales AC : JN-3859 Abbrev: Proc. N. S. Inst. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science ISSN : 0078-2521 CODEN : PNSIAW Publis: Nova Scotian Institute of Science Server: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/NSIS/proceedings.html AC : JN-4001 Abbrev: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Sect. B Biol. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section B. Biological Sciences ISSN : 0369-8211 CODEN : PAIBA6 Publis: National Academy of Sciences Server: http://insa.ac.in/html/home.asp AC : JN-1610 Abbrev: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Title : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. ISSN : 0027-8424 e-ISSN: 1091-6490 CODEN : PNASA6 Short : PNAS Publis: National Academy of Sciences Server: http://www.pnas.org/ AC : JN-3591 Abbrev: Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China Title : Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China ISSN : 0250-1643 CODEN : PSIADU Publis: Not published Note : Split into Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China, A, Appl. Sci. and Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China, B, Life Sci., ends with vol. 204 in 1984. AC : JN-2502 Abbrev: Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China, A, Phys. Sci. Eng. Title : Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China, Part A, Physical Science and Engineering ISSN : 0255-6588 CODEN : PNAEE2 Publis: National Science Council Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-1611 Abbrev: Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China, B, Life Sci. Title : Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China, Part B, Life Sciences ISSN : 0255-6596 CODEN : PNBSEF Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 25 in 2001. Alternative Medline abbreviation: Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. Repub. China B. AC : JN-4116 Abbrev: Proc. Nutr. Soc. Title : The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society ISSN : 0029-6651 e-ISSN: 0029-6651 CODEN : PNUSA4 Publis: [Wallingford, Oxon, UK] : Published on behalf of the Nutrition Society by CABI Publishing Server: http://www.journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PNS AC : JN-3025 Abbrev: Proc. Pak. Congr. Zool. Title : Proceedings of the Pakistan Congress of Zoology ISSN : 1013-3461 CODEN : PKCZEK Publis: Zoological Society of Pakistan Server: http://www.paspk.org/indexa.htm AC : JN-1612 Abbrev: Proc. R. Soc. B Title : Proceedings of the Royal Society B [Biological Sciences] ISSN : 0962-8452 e-ISSN: 1471-2954 Publis: Royal Society Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Proc. Biol. Sci. Replaces Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci., starts with vol. 241 in 1990. Server: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/ AC : JN-3578 Abbrev: Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. Title : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences ISSN : 0080-4649 CODEN : PRLBA4 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Proc. R. Soc. B, ends with vol. 240 in 1990. AC : JN-1613 Abbrev: Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. Title : Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0037-9727 e-ISSN: 1525-1373 CODEN : PSEBAA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Exp. Biol. Med. (Maywood), ends with vol. 225 in 2000. AC : JN-1614 Abbrev: Proc. Sugar Beet Res. Title : Proceedings of Sugar Beet Research ISSN : 0912-1048 Publis: Sugar Beet Research Association Note : Replaced by Proc. Jpn. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol., ends with vol. 29 in 1987. Replaces Bull. of Sugar Beet Res. Suppl., starts with vol. 16 in 1974. AC : JN-1615 Abbrev: Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. Title : Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society ISSN : 0083-8969 CODEN : PWPSA8 Publis: Western Pharmacology Society Server: http://www.medicine.nevada.edu/wps/proceedings.html AC : JN-3252 Abbrev: Process Biochem. Title : Process Biochemistry ISSN : 1359-5113 e-ISSN: 1873-3298 CODEN : PRBCAP Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13595113 AC : JN-1616 Abbrev: Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. Title : Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology ISSN : 0079-6107 e-ISSN: 1873-1732 CODEN : PBIMAC Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00796107 AC : JN-1617 Abbrev: Prog. Brain Res. Title : Progress in Brain Research ISSN : 0079-6123 CODEN : PBRRA4 Publis: Elsevier Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00796123 AC : JN-3132 Abbrev: Prog. Cell Cycle Res. Title : Progress in Cell Cycle Research ISSN : 1087-2957 CODEN : PCCRF9 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2003. This is a book series. AC : JN-1618 Abbrev: Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. Title : Progress in Clinical and Biological Research ISSN : 0361-7742 CODEN : PCBRD2 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 397 in 1988. This is a book series. AC : JN-1619 Abbrev: Prog. Growth Factor Res. Title : Progress in Growth Factor Research ISSN : 0955-2235 CODEN : PGFREH Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Cytokine Growth Factor Rev., ends with vol. 7 in 1996. AC : JN-4012 Abbrev: Prog. Inflamm. Res. Title : Progress in Inflammation Research ISSN : 1422-7746 Publis: Birkhaeuser Boston Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/m62884/ AC : JN-1931 Abbrev: Prog. Inorg. Biochem. Biophys. Title : Progress in Inorganic Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN : 0898-6711 Publis: Not published Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-1621 Abbrev: Prog. Lipid Res. Title : Progress in Lipid Research ISSN : 0163-7827 e-ISSN: 1873-2194 CODEN : PLIRDW Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01637827 AC : JN-2360 Abbrev: Prog. Med. Virol. Title : Progress in Medical Virology ISSN : 0079-645X CODEN : PMVIA6 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://www.karger.com/PRMEV AC : JN-4080 Abbrev: Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci. Title : Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science ISSN : 1877-1173 e-ISSN: 1878-0814 Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces Prog. Nucleic Acid Res. Mol. Biol., starts with vol. 83 in 2008. This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/18771173 AC : JN-1622 Abbrev: Prog. Mol. Subcell. Biol. Title : Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology ISSN : 0079-6484 CODEN : PMSBA4 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0079-6484 AC : JN-1623 Abbrev: Prog. Nat. Sci. Title : Progress in Natural Sciences ISSN : 1002-0071 e-ISSN: 1745-5391 CODEN : PNASEA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10020071 AC : JN-2547 Abbrev: Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry Title : Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry ISSN : 0278-5846 CODEN : PNPPD7 Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02785846 AC : JN-1620 Abbrev: Prog. Neurobiol. Title : Progress in Neurobiology ISSN : 0301-0082 e-ISSN: 1873-5118 CODEN : PGNBA5 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03010082 AC : JN-1624 Abbrev: Prog. Nucleic Acid Res. Mol. Biol. Title : Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology ISSN : 0079-6603 CODEN : PNMBAF Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaced by Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci., ends with vol. 82 in 2008. Replaces Prog. Nucleic Acid Res., starts with vol. 3 in 1964. This is a book series. AC : JN-2361 Abbrev: Prog. Oceanogr. Title : Progress in Oceanography ISSN : 0079-6611 e-ISSN: 1873-4472 CODEN : POCNA8 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00796611 AC : JN-1625 Abbrev: Prog. Photosyn. Res. Title : Progress in Photosynthesis Research AC : JN-1626 Abbrev: Prog. Respir. Res. Title : Progress in Respiration Research ISSN : 0079-6751 CODEN : PCRRB6 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Progr. Respir. Res. Replaced by Progress in Respiratory Research, ends with vol. 27 in 1994. AC : JN-1627 Abbrev: Prostaglandins Title : Prostaglandins ISSN : 0090-6980 CODEN : PRGLBA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat., ends with vol. 53 in 1997. AC : JN-1628 Abbrev: Prostaglandins Leukot. Essent. Fatty Acids Title : Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids ISSN : 0952-3278 e-ISSN: 1532-2823 CODEN : PLEAEV Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09523278 AC : JN-1629 Abbrev: Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. Title : Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators ISSN : 1098-8823 CODEN : POLMFL Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Prostaglandins, starts with vol. 54 in 1998. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10988823 AC : JN-1630 Abbrev: Prostate Title : The Prostate ISSN : 0270-4137 e-ISSN: 1097-0045 CODEN : PRSTDS Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0045 AC : JN-1631 Abbrev: Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. Title : Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases ISSN : 1365-7852 e-ISSN: 1476-5608 CODEN : PCPDFW Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/pcan/ AC : JN-4084 Abbrev: Protein Cell Title : Protein and Cell ISSN : 1674-800X e-ISSN: 1674-8018 Publis: Springer Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1674-800X AC : JN-1632 Abbrev: Protein Eng. Title : Protein Engineering ISSN : 0269-2139 e-ISSN: 1460-213X CODEN : PRENE9 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Protein Eng. Des. Sel., ends with vol. 16 in 2003. AC : JN-1633 Abbrev: Protein Eng. Des. Sel. Title : Protein Engineering, Design and Selection ISSN : 1741-0126 e-ISSN: 1741-0134 CODEN : PEDSBR Short : PEDS Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Protein Eng., starts with vol. 17 in 2004. Server: http://peds.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1634 Abbrev: Protein Expr. Purif. Title : Protein Expression and Purification ISSN : 1046-5928 e-ISSN: 1096-0279 CODEN : PEXPEI Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10465928 AC : JN-1635 Abbrev: Protein J. Title : The Protein Journal ISSN : 1572-3887 e-ISSN: 1573-4943 Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Replaces J. Protein Chem., starts with vol. 24 in 2004. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1572-3887 AC : JN-1636 Abbrev: Protein Nucleic Acid Enz. Title : Protein, Nucleic Acid and Enzyme ISSN : 0371-8565 AC : JN-1637 Abbrev: Protein Pept. Lett. Title : Protein and Peptide Letters ISSN : 0929-8665 e-ISSN: 1875-5305 CODEN : PPELEN Publis: Bentham Science Publishers Server: http://www.bentham.org/ppl/ AC : JN-1638 Abbrev: Protein Prof. Title : Protein Profile ISSN : 1070-3667 CODEN : PPGIEO Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Protein Profile. Publication ceased with vol. 2 in 1995. AC : JN-1639 Abbrev: Protein Sci. Title : Protein Science ISSN : 0961-8368 e-ISSN: 1469-896X CODEN : PRCIEI Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Server: http://www.proteinscience.org/ AC : JN-1640 Abbrev: Protein Seq. Data Anal. Title : Protein Sequences and Data Analysis ISSN : 0931-9506 CODEN : PSDAE6 Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1987 and ceased with vol. 5 in 1993. AC : JN-1641 Abbrev: Proteins Title : Proteins [Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics] ISSN : 0887-3585 e-ISSN: 1097-0134 CODEN : PSFGEY Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0134 AC : JN-4109 Abbrev: Proteome Sci. Title : Proteome Science e-ISSN: 1477-5956 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.proteomesci.com/ AC : JN-1642 Abbrev: Proteomics Title : Proteomics ISSN : 1615-9853 e-ISSN: 1615-9861 CODEN : PROTC7 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1615-9861 AC : JN-4204 Abbrev: Proteomics Clin. Appl. Title : Proteomics Clinical Applications ISSN : 1862-8346 e-ISSN: 1862-8354 CODEN : PCARCU Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1862-8354 AC : JN-1643 Abbrev: Protist Title : Protist ISSN : 1434-4610 CODEN : PROTFA Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Replaces Arch. Protistenkunde, starts with vol. ? in 1998. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14344610 AC : JN-3404 Abbrev: Protistology Title : Protistology ISSN : 1680-0826 Publis: Sankt-Peterburgskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, Biologicheskii Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Server: http://protistology.ifmo.ru/ AC : JN-1644 Abbrev: Protoplasma Title : Protoplasma [An International Journal of Cell Biology] ISSN : 0033-183X e-ISSN: 1615-6102 CODEN : PROTA5 Publis: Springer Wien Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0033-183X AC : JN-1646 Abbrev: Psychiatr. Genet. Title : Psychiatric Genetics ISSN : 0955-8829 e-ISSN: 1473-5873 CODEN : PSGEEX Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/psychgenetics/ AC : JN-1645 Abbrev: Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci. Title : Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences ISSN : 1323-1316 e-ISSN: 1440-1819 CODEN : PCNEFP Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1323-1316 AC : JN-4130 Abbrev: Psychopharmacology Title : Psychopharmacology ISSN : 0033-3158 e-ISSN: 1432-2072 CODEN : PSCHDL Publis: Springer-Verlag Berlin / New York Note : Continues Psychopharmacologia. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/0033-3158 AC : JN-1647 Abbrev: Pure Appl. Chem. Title : Pure and Applied Chemistry ISSN : 0033-4545 e-ISSN: 1365-3075 CODEN : PACHAS Publis: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Server: http://www.iupac.org/publications/pac/ AC : JN-3361 Abbrev: Purinergic Signal. Title : Purinergic Signalling ISSN : 1573-9538 e-ISSN: 1573-9546 CODEN : PSUIA9 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1573-9538 AC : JN-1649 Abbrev: Q. J. Med. Title : Quarterly Journal of Medicine [Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians] ISSN : 0033-5622 CODEN : QJMEA7 Short : QJM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by QJM, ends with vol. 87 in 1994. AC : JN-2262 Abbrev: Q. Rev. Biol. Title : The Quarterly Review of Biology ISSN : 0033-5770 e-ISSN: 1539-7718 CODEN : QRBIAK Publis: University of Chicago Press Server: http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=quarrevibiol AC : JN-1650 Abbrev: Q. Rev. Biophys. Title : Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics [A Review Journal of Biological Function, Structure, and Mechanism] ISSN : 0033-5835 e-ISSN: 1469-8994 CODEN : QURBAW Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=QRB AC : JN-1648 Abbrev: QJM Title : QJM [An International Journal of Medicine] ISSN : 1460-2725 e-ISSN: 1460-2393 CODEN : QMJPFH Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Q. J. Med., starts with vol. 88 in 1995. Server: http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-3818 Abbrev: QSAR Comb. Sci. Title : QSAR and Combinatorial Science ISSN : 1611-020X e-ISSN: 1611-0218 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Note : Replaced by Mol. Inform., ends with vol. 28 in 2009. Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1611-0218 AC : JN-3890 Abbrev: Quat. Sci. Rev. Title : Quaternary Science Reviews ISSN : 0277-3791 e-ISSN: 1873-457X CODEN : QSREDU Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02773791 AC : JN-4486 Abbrev: Radiat. Environ. Biophys. Title : Radiation and Environmental Biophysics ISSN : 0301-634X e-ISSN: 1432-2099 CODEN : REBPAT Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springer.com/physics/biophysics+%26+biological+physics/journal/411 AC : JN-1651 Abbrev: Radiat. Res. Title : Radiation Research ISSN : 0033-7587 e-ISSN: 1938-5404 CODEN : RAREAE Publis: Radiation Research Society Server: http://www.radres.org/ AC : JN-4165 Abbrev: Radiother. Oncol. Title : Radiotherapy and Oncology ISSN : 0167-8140 e-ISSN: 1879-0887 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01678140 AC : JN-2498 Abbrev: Raffles Bull. Zool. Title : Raffles Bulletin of Zoology [An International Journal of Southeast Asian Zoology] ISSN : 0217-2445 CODEN : RBUZEZ Publis: Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research Server: http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/ AC : JN-4013 Abbrev: Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku Kiyo. Shizen Kagaku Hen Title : Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku Kiyo. Shizen Kagaku Hen ISSN : 0388-001X CODEN : JRGSE2 Publis: Rakuno Gakuen Daigaku Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Rakuno Gakuen University, Natural Science. AC : JN-1652 Abbrev: Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. Title : Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry ISSN : 0951-4198 e-ISSN: 1097-0231 CODEN : RCMSEF Short : RCM Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0231 AC : JN-4509 Abbrev: Rare Dis. Title : Rare Diseases e-ISSN: 2167-5511 Publis: Landes Bioscience Note : Description based on: Volume 1, issue 1 (January/February/March 2013); title from PDF caption (publisher's Web site, viewed July 30 , 2013). Latest issue consulted: Volume 4, issue 1 (2016) (viewed February 1, 2017) Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/krad20/current AC : JN-1653 Abbrev: Rat Genome Title : Rat Genome ISSN : 1081-4205 Publis: International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS) and International Rat Genetic Nomenclature Committee AC : JN-3708 Abbrev: Re Dai Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Re Dai Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1672-3619 CODEN : RYZEAI Publis: Re Dai Yi Xue Za Zhi Bian Ji Bu Note : Alternative transliteration: Redai Yixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Tropical Medicine. AC : JN-4049 Abbrev: Re Dai Zuo Wu Xue Bao Title : Re Dai Zuo Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2561 CODEN : RZXUEX Publis: Zhongguo Redai Nongye Kexueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops. Parallel language title: Redai Zuowu Xuebao. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2903 AC : JN-2362 Abbrev: Rec. Aust. Mus. Title : Records of the Australian Museum ISSN : 0067-1975 CODEN : RAUMAJ Publis: Australian Museum Server: http://publications.australianmuseum.net.au/about.htm AC : JN-1654 Abbrev: Recent Prog. Horm. Res. Title : Recent Progress in Hormone Research ISSN : 0079-9963 CODEN : RPHRA6 Short : RPHR Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Endocr. Rev., ends with vol. 59 in 2004. AC : JN-2377 Abbrev: Recent Results Cancer Res. Title : Recent Results in Cancer Research ISSN : 0080-0015 CODEN : RRCRBU Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0080-0015 AC : JN-1656 Abbrev: Recept. Channels Title : Receptors and Channels [The International Journal of Receptors, Channels and Transporters] ISSN : 1060-6823 e-ISSN: 1607-856X CODEN : RCHAE4 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Receptors Channels. Publication ceased with vol. 10 in 2004. AC : JN-1657 Abbrev: Recept. Signal Transduct. Title : Receptors and Signal Transduction ISSN : 1087-8475 CODEN : RSTRFO Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 7 in 1997. Replaces Receptor, starts with vol. 6 in 1996. AC : JN-1655 Abbrev: Receptor Title : Receptor ISSN : 1052-8040 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Recept. Signal Transduct., ends with vol. 5 in 1995. AC : JN-1658 Abbrev: Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas Title : Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas ISSN : 0165-0513 CODEN : RTCPA3 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays Bas. Replaced by Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. and Eur. J. Org. Chem. AC : JN-2633 Abbrev: Redia Title : Redia ISSN : 0370-4327 CODEN : REDIAI Publis: Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Redia (Firenze). Server: http://www.isza.it/REDIA/REDIA.htm AC : JN-4353 Abbrev: Redox Biol. Title : Redox Biology ISSN : 2213-2317 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22132317 AC : JN-1659 Abbrev: Redox Rep. Title : Redox Report ISSN : 1351-0002 e-ISSN: 1743-2928 CODEN : RDRPE4 Publis: Maney Publishing Server: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=show&fwid=209 AC : JN-4718 Abbrev: Regen. Ther. Title : Regenerative Therapy ISSN : 2352-3204 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/regenerative-therapy AC : JN-2378 Abbrev: Regnum Veg. Title : Regnum Vegetabile ISSN : 0080-0694 Publis: Lubrecht and Cramer, Ltd. Server: http://www.lubrechtcramer.com/publishers/koeltz/regnum/regnum.html AC : JN-1660 Abbrev: Regul. Pept. Title : Regulatory Peptides ISSN : 0167-0115 e-ISSN: 1873-1686 CODEN : REPPDY Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01670115 AC : JN-2548 Abbrev: Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Title : Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology ISSN : 0273-2300 e-ISSN: 1096-0295 CODEN : RTOPDW Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02732300 AC : JN-2844 Abbrev: Reichorui Kenkyu Title : Reichorui Kenkyu ISSN : 0912-4047 e-ISSN: 1880-2117 Publis: Nihon Reichorui Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Primate Research. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/psj2/en-reicho/en-reicho.html AC : JN-3351 Abbrev: Rejuvenation Res. Title : Rejuvenation Research ISSN : 1549-1684 e-ISSN: 1557-8577 CODEN : JAMEF8 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/products/product.aspx?pid=127 AC : JN-3134 Abbrev: Rend. Lincei Sci. Fis. Nat. Title : Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali ISSN : 2037-4631 e-ISSN: 1720-0776 CODEN : ANLNEL Publis: Springer Milan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=2037-4631 AC : JN-4594 Abbrev: Rep. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Title : Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ISSN : 2322-3480 Publis: Varastegan Institute for Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran Server: http://rbmb.net/ AC : JN-1661 Abbrev: Rep. Fac. Sci. Shizouka Univ. Title : Reports of Faculty of Sciences of Shizouka University ISSN : 0583-0923 CODEN : RFSSBT AC : JN-3611 Abbrev: Rep. Tomato Genet. Coop. Tomato Genet. Coop. Title : Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative. Tomato Genetics Cooperative ISSN : 0495-8306 Publis: Dept. of Truck Crops, University of California Server: http://tgc.ifas.ufl.edu/ AC : JN-1663 Abbrev: Reprod. Abstr. Ser. Title : Reproduction Abstract Series ISSN : 1476-3990 Publis: Society for Reproduction and Fertility Note : Replaces J. Reprod. Fertil. Abstr. Ser., starts with vol. 27 in 2002. AC : JN-4754 Abbrev: Reprod. Biol. Title : Reproductive Biology e-ISSN: 1642-431X Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/reproductive-biology AC : JN-1664 Abbrev: Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. Title : Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology e-ISSN: 1477-7827 Short : RB&E Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.rbej.com/home/ AC : JN-2006 Abbrev: Reprod. BioMed. Online Title : Reproductive BioMedicine Online ISSN : 1472-6483 e-ISSN: 1472-6491 CODEN : RBOEA6 Publis: Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Reprod. Biomed. Online. Server: http://www.rbmonline.com/ AC : JN-1665 Abbrev: Reprod. Domest. Anim. Title : Reproduction in Domestic Animals ISSN : 0936-6768 e-ISSN: 1439-0531 CODEN : RDANEF Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0936-6768 AC : JN-1666 Abbrev: Reprod. Fertil. Dev. Title : Reproduction, Fertility, and Development ISSN : 1031-3613 CODEN : RFDEEH Publis: CSIRO Publishing Note : Replaces Clin. Reprod. Fertil., starts with vol. 1 in 1989. Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=44 AC : JN-1667 Abbrev: Reprod. Med. Biol. Title : Reproductive Medicine and Biology ISSN : 1445-5781 e-ISSN: 1447-0578 CODEN : RMBEBJ Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1445-5781 AC : JN-1668 Abbrev: Reprod. Nutr. Dev. Title : Reproduction, Nutrition, Development ISSN : 0926-5287 e-ISSN: 1297-9708 CODEN : RNDEE5 Short : RND Publis: EDP Sciences Note : Merged in 2007 with Animal Research and Animal Science in Animal. Server: http://rnd.edpsciences.org/ AC : JN-3439 Abbrev: Reprod. Sci. Title : Reproductive Sciences ISSN : 1933-7191 e-ISSN: 1933-7205 Publis: Sage Publications Note : Replaces J. Soc. Gynecol. Invest., starts with vol. 14 in 2007. Server: http://rsx.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-1669 Abbrev: Reprod. Toxicol. Title : Reproductive Toxicology ISSN : 0890-6238 e-ISSN: 1873-1708 CODEN : REPTED Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08906238 AC : JN-1662 Abbrev: Reproduction Title : Reproduction ISSN : 1470-1626 e-ISSN: 1741-7899 CODEN : RCUKBS Publis: Society for Reproduction and Fertility Note : Replaces J. Reprod. Fertil. and Rev. Reprod., starts with vol. 121 in 2001. Server: http://www.reproduction-online.org/ AC : JN-1670 Abbrev: Res. Commun. Biochem. Cell Mol. Biol. Title : Research Communications in Biochemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology ISSN : 1087-111X CODEN : RCBBFC Publis: PJD Publications Ltd. AC : JN-2363 Abbrev: Res. Commun. Inst. Ferment. Osaka Title : Research Communications - Institute for Fermentation, Osaka ISSN : 0073-8751 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 20 in 2001. AC : JN-1671 Abbrev: Res. Commun. Mol. Pathol. Pharmacol. Title : Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology ISSN : 1078-0297 CODEN : RCMPEG Publis: PJD Publications Ltd. AC : JN-3638 Abbrev: Res. Immunol. Title : Research in Immunology ISSN : 0923-2494 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Res. Virol. into Microbes Infect., ends with vol. 149 in 1998. Replaces Ann. Inst. Pasteur Immunol., starts with vol. 140 1989. AC : JN-4638 Abbrev: Res. J. Biol. Sci. Title : Research Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 1815-8846 e-ISSN: 1993-6087 Publis: Medwell Publications Server: http://www.medwelljournals.com/journalhome.php?jid=1815-8846 AC : JN-3429 Abbrev: Res. J. Environ. Sci. Title : Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ISSN : 1819-3412 Publis: Academic Journals Inc. Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1819-3412 AC : JN-3430 Abbrev: Res. J. Microbiol. Title : Research Journal of Microbiology ISSN : 1816-4935 Publis: Academic Journals Inc. Server: http://scialert.net/jindex.php?issn=1816-4935 AC : JN-1672 Abbrev: Res. Microbiol. Title : Research in Microbiology ISSN : 0923-2508 e-ISSN: 1769-7123 CODEN : RMCREW Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Ann. Inst. Pasteur Microbiol., starts with vol. 140 in 1989. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09232508 AC : JN-4810 Abbrev: Res. Pract. Thromb. Haemost. Title : Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis e-ISSN: 2475-0379 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/24750379 AC : JN-1673 Abbrev: Res. Vet. Sci. Title : Research in Veterinary Science ISSN : 0034-5288 e-ISSN: 1532-2661 CODEN : RVTSA9 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00345288 AC : JN-1674 Abbrev: Res. Virol. Title : Research in Virology ISSN : 0923-2516 CODEN : RESVEY Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Res. Immunol. into Microbes Infect., ends with vol. 149 in 1998. Replaces Ann. Inst. Pasteur Virol., starts with vol. 140 1989. AC : JN-2002 Abbrev: Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. Title : Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology ISSN : 1569-9048 CODEN : RPNEAV Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Respir. Physiol., starts with vol. 130 in 2002. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15699048 AC : JN-3810 Abbrev: Respir. Res. Title : Respiratory Research ISSN : 1465-9921 e-ISSN: 1465-993X CODEN : CCTCB4 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1465-9921/ AC : JN-4532 Abbrev: Respiration Title : Respiration; International Review of Thoracic Diseases ISSN : 0025-7931 e-ISSN: 1423-0356 Server: http://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/224278 AC : JN-3218 Abbrev: Respirology Title : Respirology ISSN : 1323-7799 e-ISSN: 1440-1843 CODEN : RSPIFB Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1323-7799 AC : JN-4188 Abbrev: Results Immunol. Title : Results in Immunology ISSN : 2211-2839 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/2211-2839 AC : JN-4673 Abbrev: Retin. Cases Brief Rep. Title : Retinal Cases and Brief Reports e-ISSN: 1937-1578 Publis: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications Server: https://journals.lww.com/retinalcases/pages/default.aspx AC : JN-3729 Abbrev: Retina Title : Retina [The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases] ISSN : 0275-004X e-ISSN: 1539-2864 CODEN : RETIDX Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/retinajournal/ AC : JN-1675 Abbrev: Retrovirology Title : Retrovirology e-ISSN: 1742-4690 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1742-4690/ AC : JN-2601 Abbrev: Rev. Argent. Microbiol. Title : Revista Argentina de Microbiologia ISSN : 0325-7541 e-ISSN: 1851-7617 CODEN : RAMID4 Publis: Asociacion Argentina de Microbiologia Server: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0325-7541&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-1676 Abbrev: Rev. Biol. Trop. Title : Revista de Biologia Tropical ISSN : 0034-7744 CODEN : RBTCAP Publis: Universidad de Costa Rica Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Tropical Biology. Server: http://www.ots.ac.cr/tropiweb/intpages/home.html AC : JN-2400 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Bot. Title : Revista Brasileira de Botanica ISSN : 0100-8404 e-ISSN: 1806-9959 CODEN : RRBODI Publis: Sociedade Botanica de Sao Paulo Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-8404 AC : JN-3326 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Cienc. Avic. Title : Revista Brasileira de Ciencia Avicola ISSN : 1516-635X e-ISSN: 1806-9061 Publis: Fundacao APINCO de Ciencia e Tecnologia Avicolas Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/pid_1516-635X AC : JN-2401 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Cienc. Solo Title : Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo ISSN : 0100-0683 e-ISSN: 1806-9657 CODEN : RBCSDP Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-0683 AC : JN-3860 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Entomol. Title : Revista Brasileira de Entomologia ISSN : 0085-5626 e-ISSN: 1806-9665 CODEN : RBREAL Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia Server: http://zoo.bio.ufpr.br/sbe/ AC : JN-2402 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. Title : Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia ISSN : 0102-695X CODEN : RBFAEL Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0102-695X AC : JN-3861 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Frutic. Title : Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura ISSN : 0100-2945 e-ISSN: 1806-9967 CODEN : RBFRD3 Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-2945&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-2392 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Genet. Title : Revista Brasileira de Genetica ISSN : 0100-8455 CODEN : RBGED3 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Brazilian Journal of Genetics. Replaced by Genet. Mol. Biol., ends with vol. 20 in 1997. AC : JN-3536 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Hortic. Ornam. Title : Revista Brasileira de Horticultura Ornamental ISSN : 1414-039X e-ISSN: 1809-6093 Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Floricultura e Plantas Ornamentais Server: http://www.sbfpo.com.br/revista/edicoes/12-2/index.php AC : JN-2388 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Ornitol. Title : Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia ISSN : 0103-5657 CODEN : ARAJEG Short : RBO Publis: Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Note : Replaces Ararajuba, starts with vol. 13(2) in 2005. Server: http://www.ararajuba.org.br/sbo/index.htm AC : JN-2412 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. Title : Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinaria ISSN : 0103-846X CODEN : RBPVEW Publis: Colegio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria Server: http://www.rbpv.ufrrj.br/ AC : JN-2253 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Pesqui. Med. Biol. Title : Revista Brasileira de Pesquisas Medicas e Biologicas ISSN : 0034-7310 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., ends with vol. 13 in 1980. AC : JN-3862 Abbrev: Rev. Bras. Sementes Title : Revista Brasileira de Sementes ISSN : 0101-3122 e-ISSN: 1806-9975 Publis: Associacao Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes Note : Parallel language title: Brazilian Seed Journal. Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/pid_0101-3122/lng_en/nrm_iso AC : JN-3159 Abbrev: Rev. Catalana Micol. Title : Revista Catalana de Micologia ISSN : 1135-1225 Publis: Societat Catalana de Micologia Server: http://www.micocat.org/UNCINULA03/index.html AC : JN-2760 Abbrev: Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. Title : Revista Chilena de Historia Natural ISSN : 0716-078X e-ISSN: 0717-6317 CODEN : IMTCE7 Publis: Sociedad de Biologia de Chile Server: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0716-078X AC : JN-4024 Abbrev: Rev. Chil. Infectol. Title : Revista Chilena de Infectologia ISSN : 0716-1018 e-ISSN: 0717-6341 Publis: Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia Server: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0716-1018 AC : JN-2781 Abbrev: Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) Title : Revista Cientifica (Maracaibo) ISSN : 0798-2259 Publis: Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias Server: http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/pid_0798-2259 AC : JN-2413 Abbrev: Rev. Colomb. Biotecnol. Title : Revista Colombiana de Biotecnologia ISSN : 0123-3475 e-ISSN: 1909-8758 Publis: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Instituto de Biotecnologia Server: http://www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/biotecnologia AC : JN-3584 Abbrev: Rev. Corpoica Title : Revista Corpoica - Ciencia y Tecnologia Agropecuarias ISSN : 0122-8706 Publis: Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria AC : JN-4143 Abbrev: Rev. Endocr. Metab. Disord. Title : Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders ISSN : 1389-9155 e-ISSN: 1573-2606 CODEN : REMDCG Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1389-9155/ AC : JN-3362 Abbrev: Rev. Environ. Sci. Biotechnol. Title : Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology ISSN : 1569-1705 e-ISSN: 1572-9826 CODEN : RESBC6 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1569-1705 AC : JN-1995 Abbrev: Rev. Esp. Cardiol. Title : Revista Espanola de Cardiologia ISSN : 0300-8932 e-ISSN: 1579-2242 CODEN : RCDOAM Publis: Ediciones Doyma S.A. Server: http://www.revespcardiol.org/ AC : JN-2479 Abbrev: Rev. Esp. Herpetol. Title : Revista Espanola de Herpetologia ISSN : 0213-6686 Publis: Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola Server: http://www.herpetologica.es/publicaciones/revista-espanola-de-herpetologia AC : JN-2852 Abbrev: Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. Title : Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries ISSN : 0960-3166 e-ISSN: 1573-5184 CODEN : RFBFEA Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0960-3166 AC : JN-1677 Abbrev: Rev. Fr. Transfus. Immunohematol. Title : Revue Francaise de Transfusion et Immuno-Hematologie ISSN : 0338-4535 CODEN : RFTID6 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Rev. Fr. Transfus. Hemobiol. (1140-4639), ends with vol. 31 in 1988. AC : JN-3363 Abbrev: Rev. Iber. Aracnol. Title : Revista Iberica de Aracnologia ISSN : 1576-9518 Publis: Grupo Iberico de Aracnologia - Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa Server: http://www.sea-entomologia.org/Publicaciones/RevistaIbericaAracnologia/RevistaIbericaAracnologia.htm AC : JN-3797 Abbrev: Rev. Iberoam. Micol. Title : Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia ISSN : 1130-1406 CODEN : RIBMEI Publis: Asociacion Espanola de Micologia Server: http://www.reviberoammicol.com/ AC : JN-1678 Abbrev: Rev. Infect. Dis. Title : Reviews of Infectious Diseases ISSN : 0162-0886 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Clin. Infect. Dis., ends with vol. 13 in 1991. AC : JN-2254 Abbrev: Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo Title : Revista Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo ISSN : 0036-4665 e-ISSN: 1678-9946 CODEN : RMTSAE Publis: Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo, Universidad de Sao Paulo Server: http://www.scielo.br/revistas/rimtsp/iaboutj.htm AC : JN-2499 Abbrev: Rev. Inves. Mar. Title : Revista de Investigaciones Marinas ISSN : 0252-1962 CODEN : RIMAD2 Publis: Ediciones Cubanas Server: http://rim.awardspace.com/ AC : JN-1679 Abbrev: Rev. Latinoam. Microbiol. Title : Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia ISSN : 0187-4640 CODEN : RLMIAA Publis: Asociacion Latinoamericana de Microbiologia Server: http://new.medigraphic.com/cgi-bin/publicacionesI.cgi?IDREVISTA=23 AC : JN-1972 Abbrev: Rev. Med. Virol. Title : Reviews in Medical Virology ISSN : 1052-9276 e-ISSN: 1099-1654 CODEN : RMVIEW Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291099-1654 AC : JN-3440 Abbrev: Rev. Mex. Biodivers. Title : Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad ISSN : 1870-3453 Publis: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Biologia Server: http://www.ibiologia.unam.mx/barra/publicaciones/frame.htm AC : JN-2464 Abbrev: Rev. Mex. Fitopatol. Title : Revista Mexicana de Fitopatologia ISSN : 0185-3309 Publis: Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatologia Server: http://www.sociedadmexicanadefitopatologia.org/ AC : JN-3877 Abbrev: Rev. Mex. Micol. Title : Revista Mexicana de Micologia [Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Mexicana de Micologia] ISSN : 0187-3180 CODEN : RMMIEL Publis: Sociedad Mexicana de Micologia Server: http://www3.inecol.edu.mx/rmm/?lang=en AC : JN-2263 Abbrev: Rev. Micropaleontol. Title : Revue de Micropaleontologie ISSN : 0035-1598 e-ISSN: 1873-4413 CODEN : RMCPAM Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00351598 AC : JN-3849 Abbrev: Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. Title : Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology ISSN : 0034-6667 CODEN : RPPYAX Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00346667 AC : JN-3044 Abbrev: Rev. Panam. Salud Publica Title : Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica ISSN : 1020-4989 e-ISSN: 1680-5348 CODEN : RPSPFQ Publis: Pan American Health Organization Server: http://journal.paho.org AC : JN-3352 Abbrev: Rev. Peru. Biol. Title : Revista Peruana de Biologia ISSN : 1561-0837 e-ISSN: 1727-9933 Publis: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas Server: http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/pid_1727-9933 AC : JN-3253 Abbrev: Rev. Reprod. Title : Reviews of Reproduction ISSN : 1359-6004 CODEN : REREFD Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 5 in 2000. AC : JN-2509 Abbrev: Rev. Sci. Tech. Title : Revue Scientifique et Technique ISSN : 0253-1933 e-ISSN: 1608-0637 CODEN : RTOEDX Publis: World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Note : Parallel language title: Scientific and Technical Review (e-ISSN 1608-0645). AC : JN-2276 Abbrev: Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. Title : Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical ISSN : 0037-8682 e-ISSN: 1678-9849 CODEN : RSBTB4 Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical Server: http://www.scielo.br/revistas/rsbmt/iaboutj.htm AC : JN-2264 Abbrev: Rev. Suisse Zool. Title : Revue Suisse de Zoologie ISSN : 0035-418X CODEN : RSZOA6 Publis: Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de la Ville de Geneve Server: http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/publication03.php AC : JN-2923 Abbrev: Rheedea Title : Rheedea ISSN : 0971-2313 CODEN : RHEEE2 Publis: Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy Server: http://www.iaat.org.in/rheedea.html AC : JN-1680 Abbrev: Rheumatol. Int. Title : Rheumatology International ISSN : 0172-8172 e-ISSN: 1437-160X CODEN : RHINDE Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0172-8172 AC : JN-1681 Abbrev: Rheumatology Title : Rheumatology ISSN : 1462-0324 e-ISSN: 1462-0332 CODEN : RUMAFK Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-2265 Abbrev: Rhodora Title : Rhodora ISSN : 0035-4902 CODEN : RHODAB Publis: New England Botanical Club, Inc. Server: http://www.rhodora.org/ AC : JN-3733 Abbrev: Rice Title : Rice ISSN : 1939-8425 e-ISSN: 1939-8433 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1939-8425 AC : JN-1682 Abbrev: Rice Genet. Newsl. Title : Rice Genetics Newsletter Publis: National Institute of Genetics Server: http://www.gramene.org/newsletters/rice%5Fgenetics/ AC : JN-2179 Abbrev: Rikusui Gaku Zasshi Title : Rikusui Gaku Zasshi ISSN : 0021-5104 CODEN : RIZAAU Publis: Nihon Rikusui Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Rikusuigaku Zasshi. Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Limnology. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jslim/zasshi/ AC : JN-1683 Abbrev: Rinsho Byori Title : Rinsho Byori ISSN : 0047-1860 CODEN : RBYOAI Publis: Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology. Server: http://www.jscp.org/Journal/jscp.htm AC : JN-2720 Abbrev: Rinsho Ketsueki Title : Rinsho Ketsueki ISSN : 0485-1439 e-ISSN: 1882-0824 CODEN : RIKEB2 Publis: Nihon Rinsho Ketsueki Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: The Japanese Journal of Clinical Hematology. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/rinketsu/_vols AC : JN-1684 Abbrev: Rinsho Shinkeigaku Title : Rinsho Shinkeigaku ISSN : 0009-918X Publis: Japanese Society of Neurology Note : Parallel language title: Clinical Neurology. Server: http://www.neurology-jp.org/en/index.html#Journals AC : JN-3601 Abbrev: Rinsho to Uirusu Title : Rinsho to Uirusu ISSN : 0303-8092 CODEN : RIUIDW Publis: Japanese Society of Clinical Virology Note : Parallel language title: Clinical Virology. AC : JN-2549 Abbrev: Risk Anal. Title : Risk Analysis ISSN : 0272-4332 e-ISSN: 1539-6924 CODEN : RIANDF Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0272-4332 AC : JN-2266 Abbrev: Riv. Biol. Title : Rivista di Biologia [Biology Forum] ISSN : 0035-6050 e-ISSN: 1825-6538 CODEN : RBILAV Publis: Tilgher-Genova Server: http://www.tilgher.it/biologiae.html AC : JN-2688 Abbrev: Riv. Micol. Title : Rivista di Micologia ISSN : 0394-9486 Publis: Associazione Micologica Bresadola Server: http://www.ambbresadola.it/ AC : JN-4442 Abbrev: RMD Open Title : RMD Open [Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases] e-ISSN: 2056-5933 Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://rmdopen.bmj.com/ AC : JN-1685 Abbrev: RNA Title : RNA ISSN : 1355-8382 e-ISSN: 1469-9001 CODEN : RNARFU Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Server: http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/ AC : JN-1905 Abbrev: RNA Biol. Title : RNA Biology ISSN : 1547-6286 e-ISSN: 1555-8584 CODEN : RBNIBE Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/rnabiology/ AC : JN-1686 Abbrev: Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol. Title : Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology ISSN : 0930-035X CODEN : RADBE7 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Dev. Genes Evol., ends with vol. 205 in 1996. Replaces Wilhelm Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., starts with vol. 195 in 1986. AC : JN-4416 Abbrev: RSC Adv. Title : RSC Advances e-ISSN: 2046-2069 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/ra#!issueid=ra005127&type=current AC : JN-4924 Abbrev: RSC Chem. Biol. Title : RSC Chemical Biology. e-ISSN: 2633-0679 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Server: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/cb AC : JN-4853 Abbrev: RSC Med. Chem. Title : RSC Medicinal Chemistry e-ISSN: 2632-8682 Publis: Royal Society of Chemistry Note : Publication started in 2020. Continues Med. Chem. Comm. Server: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/md AC : JN-3720 Abbrev: Rus. Zhurnal SPID Rak Obshchestvennoe Zdor. Title : Russkii Zhurnal SPID, Rak i Obshchestvennoe Zdorove ISSN : 1815-154X Publis: Biomeditsinskii Tsentr Note : Parallel language title: Russian Journal AIDS, Cancer, and Public Health. AC : JN-4606 Abbrev: Russ. Agricult. Sci. Title : Russian Agricultural Sciences ISSN : 1068-3674 e-ISSN: 1934-8037 Publis: Pleiades Publishing Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/11978 AC : JN-3117 Abbrev: Russ. Biotechnol. Title : Russian Biotechnology ISSN : 1068-3682 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Biotekhnologiya (ISSN=0234-2758). Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2001. Replaces Sov. Biotechnol., starts with vol. ? in 1986. AC : JN-4917 Abbrev: Russ. Chem. Bull. Title : Russian Chemical Bulletin e-ISSN: 1573-9171 Publis: Springer Nature Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/11172 AC : JN-2414 Abbrev: Russ. Entomol. J. Title : Russian Entomological Journal ISSN : 0132-8069 Publis: KMK Scientific Press Server: http://kmk.entomology.ru/rej.htm AC : JN-1687 Abbrev: Russ. J. Bioorg. Chem. Title : Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry ISSN : 1068-1620 e-ISSN: 1573-9163 CODEN : RJBCET Publis: Pleiades Publishing Note : English translation of Bioorganicheskaya Khimiia. Replaces Sov. J. Bioorg. Chem. Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=biochem&page=main http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1068-1620 AC : JN-1688 Abbrev: Russ. J. Genet. Title : Russian Journal of Genetics ISSN : 1022-7954 e-ISSN: 1608-3369 CODEN : RJGEEQ Publis: Pleiades Publishing Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=geneng&page=main AC : JN-3059 Abbrev: Russ. J. Herpetol. Title : Russian Journal of Herpetology ISSN : 1026-2296 Publis: Izdatel'stvo Folium Server: http://www.folium.ru/en/journals/rjh/ AC : JN-3060 Abbrev: Russ. J. Immunol. Title : Russian Journal of Immunology ISSN : 1028-7221 Publis: Redaktsiya Zhurnala Russian Journal of Immunology AC : JN-3097 Abbrev: Russ. J. Mar. Biol. Title : Russian Journal of Marine Biology ISSN : 1063-0740 e-ISSN: 1608-3377 CODEN : RJMBED Publis: Pleiades Publishing Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1063-0740 AC : JN-2808 Abbrev: Russ. J. Nematol. Title : Russian Journal of Nematology ISSN : 0869-6918 Publis: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Parasitologii Server: http://www.russjnematology.com/ AC : JN-1689 Abbrev: Russ. J. Plant Physiol. Title : Russian Journal of Plant Physiology ISSN : 1021-4437 e-ISSN: 1608-3407 CODEN : RJPPE2 Publis: Pleiades Publishing Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-bin/journal.pl?name=plntphys&page=main http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1021-4437 AC : JN-1690 Abbrev: Russ. J. Theriol. Title : Russian Journal of Theriology ISSN : 1682-3559 Publis: KMK Scientific Press Server: http://kmk.entomology.ru/rjt.htm AC : JN-3378 Abbrev: Rustaniha Title : Rostaniha [Botanical Journal of Iran] ISSN : 1608-4306 Publis: Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute AC : JN-2510 Abbrev: S. Afr. J. Bot. Title : South African Journal of Botany ISSN : 0254-6299 e-ISSN: 1727-9321 CODEN : SAJBDD Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02546299 AC : JN-1691 Abbrev: S. Afr. J. Chem. Title : South African Journal of Chemistry ISSN : 0379-4350 e-ISSN: 1996-840X CODEN : SAJCDG Short : SAJC Publis: Sabinet Note : Parallel language title: Suid Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Chemie. Server: http://journals.sabinet.co.za/ej/ejour_chem.html AC : JN-1692 Abbrev: S. Afr. J. Sci. Title : South African Journal of Science ISSN : 0038-2353 CODEN : SAJSAR Publis: South African Assn. For The Advancement Of Science Note : Parallel language title: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wetenskap. Parallel language title: Suid-Afrikaanse Joernaal van Wetenskap. Server: http://www.sajs.co.za/ AC : JN-4409 Abbrev: S. Afr. Med. J. Title : South African Medical Journal ISSN : 0256-9574 e-ISSN: 2078-5135 CODEN : SAMJEJ Publis: Health & Medical Publishing Group Server: http://www.samj.org.za/index.php/samj/ AC : JN-3077 Abbrev: SAAS Bull. Biochem. Biotechnol. Title : SAAS Bulletin of Biochemistry and Biotechnology ISSN : 1052-6781 Publis: Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Biochemistry and Biotechnology Section Server: http://orgs.tntech.edu/saas/ AC : JN-4708 Abbrev: Saber Title : Saber e-ISSN: 2343-6468 Publis: Cumana: Universidad de Oriente Server: http://www.ojs.udo.edu.ve/index.php/saber AC : JN-4886 Abbrev: SAGE Open Med. Case Rep. Title : SAGE Open Medical Case Reports e-ISSN: 2050-313X Publis: Sage Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/sco AC : JN-2267 Abbrev: Salamandra Title : Salamandra ISSN : 0036-3375 CODEN : SALAAH Publis: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. Server: http://www.dght.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=157&Itemid=182 AC : JN-1693 Abbrev: Saline Syst. Title : Saline Systems e-ISSN: 1746-1448 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.salinesystems.org/ AC : JN-1694 Abbrev: Sanop Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi Title : Sanop Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 0257-2389 CODEN : SMHAEH Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: San'eob Misaengmul Haghoeji. Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Applied Microbiology and Bioengineering. Replaced by Han'gug Mi'saengmul Saengmyeong Gong Haghoeji, ends with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-1695 Abbrev: Sapporo Igaku Zasshi Title : Sapporo Igaku Zasshi ISSN : 0036-472X CODEN : SIZSAR Publis: Sapporo Ika Daigaku Note : Parallel language title: Sapporo Medical Journal. AC : JN-2258 Abbrev: Sarsia Title : Sarsia [North Atlantic Marine Science] ISSN : 0036-4827 e-ISSN: 1503-1128 CODEN : SARIA3 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Ophelia into Mar. Biol. Res., ends with vol. ? in 2004. AC : JN-4626 Abbrev: Saudi J. Biol. Sci. Title : Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN : 1319-562X CODEN : SJBSAG Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/saudi-journal-of-biological-sciences AC : JN-4014 Abbrev: Saudi Med. J. Title : Saudi Medical Journal ISSN : 0379-5284 CODEN : SAMJDI Publis: Saudi Arabian Armed Forces Ministry of Defence and Aviation, Medical Services Department AC : JN-1696 Abbrev: Scand. Cardiovasc. J. Title : Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal ISSN : 1401-7431 e-ISSN: 1651-2006 CODEN : SCJOFY Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/cdv AC : JN-1697 Abbrev: Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation ISSN : 0036-5513 e-ISSN: 1502-7686 CODEN : SJCLAY Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/clb AC : JN-3891 Abbrev: Scand. J. For. Res. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ISSN : 0282-7581 e-ISSN: 1651-1891 CODEN : SJFRE3 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713711862 AC : JN-1698 Abbrev: Scand. J. Gastroenterol. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 0036-5521 e-ISSN: 1502-7708 CODEN : SJGRA4 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/gas AC : JN-2379 Abbrev: Scand. J. Gastroenterol. Suppl. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. Supplement ISSN : 0085-5928 e-ISSN: 1751-1895 CODEN : SJGSB8 Publis: Taylor & Francis AC : JN-1699 Abbrev: Scand. J. Immunol. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Immunology ISSN : 0300-9475 e-ISSN: 1365-3083 CODEN : SJIMAX Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0300-9475 AC : JN-1959 Abbrev: Scand. J. Infect. Dis. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases ISSN : 0036-5548 e-ISSN: 1651-1980 CODEN : SJIDB7 Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/inf AC : JN-1700 Abbrev: Scand. J. Rheumatol. Title : Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology ISSN : 0300-9742 e-ISSN: 1502-7732 CODEN : SJRHAT Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/rhe AC : JN-1701 Abbrev: Schizophr. Res. Title : Schizophrenia Research [An International Multidisciplinary Journal] ISSN : 0920-9964 e-ISSN: 1573-2509 CODEN : SCRSEH Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09209964 AC : JN-4910 Abbrev: Schizophrenia Title : Schizophrenia e-ISSN: 2334-265X Publis: Springer Nature Server: https://www.nature.com/npjschz/ AC : JN-3282 Abbrev: Schlechtendalia Title : Schlechtendalia ISSN : 1436-2317 Publis: Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg, Institut fur Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten Server: http://www.geobotanik.uni-halle.de/publikationen/schlechtendalia/ AC : JN-4036 Abbrev: Schr. Malakozool. Haus Nat. Cismar Title : Schriften zur Malakozoologie aus dem Haus der Natur Cismar ISSN : 0936-2959 Publis: Haus der Natur Cismar Server: http://www.cismar.de/hnc_home/schrdeu.htm AC : JN-2268 Abbrev: Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkd. Title : Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde ISSN : 0036-7281 CODEN : SATHAA Publis: Verlag Hans Huber AG Server: http://www.sat-zeitschrift.ch AC : JN-4427 Abbrev: Sci. Adv. Title : Science Advances ISSN : 2375-2548 Publis: American Association for the Advancement of Science Server: http://advances.sciencemag.org/ AC : JN-3864 Abbrev: Sci. Agric. Title : Scientia Agricola ISSN : 0103-9016 CODEN : SGRIEF Publis: Universidade de Sao Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0103-9016&lng=en&nrm=iso AC : JN-2500 Abbrev: Sci. Aliments Title : Sciences des Aliments [An International Journal for Food Science and Technology] ISSN : 0240-8813 CODEN : SCALDC Publis: Lavoisier Server: http://sda.revuesonline.com/ AC : JN-1702 Abbrev: Sci. Am. Title : Scientific American ISSN : 0036-8733 CODEN : SCAMAC Publis: Scientific American Server: http://www.scientificamerican.com/ AC : JN-2585 Abbrev: Sci. Asia Title : Science Asia ISSN : 1513-1874 CODEN : VKSTDB Publis: Science Society of Thailand Note : Replaces J. Sci. Soc. Thailand, starts with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-4936 Abbrev: Sci. Bull. Title : Science Bulletin ISSN : 2095-9273 e-ISSN: 2095-9281 Publis: Science China Press Note : Replaces Chinese Science Bulletin starting 2015. Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/science-bulletin AC : JN-4098 Abbrev: Sci. China Life Sci. Title : Science China. Life Sciences. ISSN : 1674-7305 e-ISSN: 1869-1889 Publis: Science China Press, co-published with Springer Note : Replaces Sci. China, Ser. C, Life Sci., starts with vol. 53 in 2010. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1674-7305 AC : JN-1703 Abbrev: Sci. China, Ser. B, Chem. Life Sci. Earth Sci. Title : Science in China, Series B, Chemistry, Life Sciences and Earth Sciences ISSN : 1001-652X CODEN : SCBSE5 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Sci. China B. Replaces Sci. Sin., Ser. B Chem. Biol. Agric. Med. Earth Sci., starts with vol. 32 in 1989. Split into Sci. China, Ser. B, Chem., Sci. China, Ser. C, Life Sci. and Sci. China, Ser. D, Earth Sci., ends with vol. 38 in 1995. AC : JN-1704 Abbrev: Sci. China, Ser. C, Life Sci. Title : Science in China, Series C, Life Sciences ISSN : 1006-9305 e-ISSN: 1862-2798 CODEN : SCCLFO Publis: Springer and Science in China Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Sci. China C Life Sci. Replaces in part Sci. China, Ser. B, Chem. Life Sci. Earth Sci., starts with vol. 32 in 1989. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1006-9305 AC : JN-3004 Abbrev: Sci. China, Ser. D, Earth Sci. Title : Science in China, Series D, Earth Sciences ISSN : 1006-9313 e-ISSN: 1862-2801 CODEN : SCDEF8 Publis: Zhongguo Kexue Zazhishe Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1006-9313 AC : JN-3160 Abbrev: Sci. Conserv. Title : Science for Conservation ISSN : 1173-2946 Publis: New Zealand Department of Conservation - Science Publications Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.doc.govt.nz/publications/science-and-technical/products/series/science-for-conservation/ AC : JN-4558 Abbrev: Sci. Data Title : Scientific Data ISSN : 2052-4463 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/sdata/ AC : JN-1705 Abbrev: Sci. Hortic. Title : Scientia Horticulturae ISSN : 0304-4238 CODEN : SHRTAH Publis: Elsevier Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Sci. Hortic. (Amsterdam). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03044238 AC : JN-4545 Abbrev: Sci. Immunol. Title : Science Immunology e-ISSN: 2470-9468 Publis: American Association for the Advancement of Science Server: http://immunology.sciencemag.org/ AC : JN-3254 Abbrev: Sci. Justice Title : Science and Justice ISSN : 1355-0306 CODEN : SJUSFE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13550306 AC : JN-2501 Abbrev: Sci. Mar. Title : Scientia Marina [International Journal on Marine Sciences] ISSN : 0214-8358 e-ISSN: 1886-8134 CODEN : SCIMEM Publis: Institut de Ciencies del Mar de Barcelona (CSIC) Server: http://scientiamarina.revistas.csic.es/index.php/scientiamarina AC : JN-1706 Abbrev: Sci. New Guinea Title : Science in New Guinea ISSN : 0310-4303 Publis: University of Papua New Guinea, AC : JN-3133 Abbrev: Sci. Pap. Univ. Kansas Nat. Hist. Mus. Title : Scientific Papers, University of Kansas. Natural History Museum ISSN : 1094-0782 CODEN : UKSBAB Publis: University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History AC : JN-4153 Abbrev: Sci. Rep. Title : Scientific Reports e-ISSN: 2045-2322 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/srep/ AC : JN-3227 Abbrev: Sci. Rep. Grad. Sch. Agric. Biol. Sci. Osaka Prefect. Univ. Title : Scientific Report of the Graduate School of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University ISSN : 1346-1575 CODEN : BSKBAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sci. Rep. Grad. Sch. Life Environ. Sci. Osaka Prefect. Univ., ends with vol. 57 in 2005. AC : JN-3801 Abbrev: Sci. Signal. Title : Science Signaling ISSN : 1945-0877 e-ISSN: 1937-9145 Publis: American Association for the Advancement of Science Note : Replaces Sci. STKE, starts with vol. 1 in 2008. Server: http://stke.sciencemag.org/ AC : JN-1707 Abbrev: Sci. Sin. Title : Scientia Sinica ISSN : 0250-7870 CODEN : CKKHBU Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Zhongguo Kexue. Replaced by Sci. Sin., Ser B, Chem. Biol. Agric. Med. Earth Sci., ends with vol. 24 in 1981. AC : JN-1708 Abbrev: Sci. Sin., Ser. B Chem. Biol. Agric. Med. Earth Sci. Title : Scientia Sinica, Series B, Chemical, Biological, Agricultural, Medical and Earth Sciences ISSN : 0253-5823 CODEN : SSBSEF Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Chung-kuo K'o Hsueh yuan, Chu Pan. Replaced by Sci. China, Ser. B, Chem. Life Sci. Earth Sci., ends with vol. 31 in 1988. Replaces Sci. Sin., starts with vol. 25 in 1982. AC : JN-1709 Abbrev: Sci. STKE Title : Science Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment ISSN : 1525-8882 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sci. Signal, ends with vol. 2007 in 2007. AC : JN-1710 Abbrev: Sci. Total Environ. Title : The Science of the Total Environment ISSN : 0048-9697 CODEN : STENDL Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00489697 AC : JN-4068 Abbrev: Sci. Transl. Med. Title : Science Translational Medicine ISSN : 1946-6234 e-ISSN: 1946-6242 Publis: American Association for the Advancement of Science Server: http://stm.sciencemag.org/ AC : JN-1711 Abbrev: Science Title : Science ISSN : 0036-8075 e-ISSN: 1095-9203 CODEN : SCIEAS Publis: American Association for the Advancement of Science Server: http://www.sciencemag.org/ AC : JN-4460 Abbrev: Scientifica (Cairo) Title : Scientifica (Cairo) e-ISSN: 2090-908X Publis: Cairo, Egypt : Hindawi Pub. Corp. Note : Server: Server: http://www.scientifica.com/ AC : JN-1712 Abbrev: ScientificWorldJournal Title : The ScientificWorldJournal e-ISSN: 1537-744X Short : TSWJ Publis: TheScientificWorld Server: http://www.thescientificworld.com/ AC : JN-2415 Abbrev: Scientifur Title : Scientifur ISSN : 0105-2403 Publis: International Fur Animal Scientific Association AC : JN-1713 Abbrev: Second Messengers Phosphoproteins Title : Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins ISSN : 0895-7479 CODEN : SMEPED Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Recept. Signal Transduct. Res., ends with vol. 14 in 1992. Replaces J. Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphorylation Res., starts with vol. 12 in 1988. AC : JN-2269 Abbrev: Sediment. Geol. Title : Sedimentary Geology ISSN : 0037-0738 CODEN : SEGEBX Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00370738 AC : JN-2270 Abbrev: Sedimentology Title : Sedimentology ISSN : 0037-0746 e-ISSN: 1365-3091 CODEN : SEDIAT Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0037-0746 AC : JN-2851 Abbrev: Seed Sci. Res. Title : Seed Science Research ISSN : 0960-2585 e-ISSN: 1475-2735 CODEN : SESREX Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=SSR AC : JN-1714 Abbrev: Seibutsu Butsuri Kagaku Title : Seibutsu Butsuri Kagaku ISSN : 0031-9082 e-ISSN: 1349-9785 CODEN : SBBKA4 Publis: Denki Eido Gakkai Note : Alternative transliteration: Seibutsubutsurikagaku. Parallel language title: The Physico-Chemical Biology Journal. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/sbk AC : JN-3682 Abbrev: Seibutsu Seisangaku Kenkyu Title : Seibutsu Seisangaku Kenkyu ISSN : 1341-691X Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science - Hiroshima University. Publication ceased with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-3219 Abbrev: Seibutsuken Kagaku Title : Seibutsuken Kagaku ISSN : 1348-1371 CODEN : HDSKDJ Publis: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Biosphere Science Note : Parallel language title: Biosphere Science. AC : JN-1715 Abbrev: Seikagaku Title : Seikagaku ISSN : 0037-1017 CODEN : SEIKAQ Publis: Japanese Biochemical Society Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Japanese Biochemical Society. Server: http://www.jbsoc.or.jp/jbs_eng/event/journal.html AC : JN-2761 Abbrev: Seikatsu Eisei Title : Seikatsu Eisei ISSN : 0582-4176 CODEN : SEEIAY Publis: Oosaka Seikatsu Eisei Kyokai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Urban Living and Health association. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/seikatsueisei AC : JN-2567 Abbrev: Seimei Kagaku Kenkyujo Kiyo Title : Seimei Kagaku Kenkyujo Kiyo ISSN : 0288-1578 Publis: Jochi Daigaku, Seimei Kagaku Kenkyujo AC : JN-1716 Abbrev: Seizure Title : Seizure [European Journal of Epilepsy] ISSN : 1059-1311 e-ISSN: 1532-2688 CODEN : SEIZE7 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10591311 AC : JN-2615 Abbrev: Selbyana Title : Selbyana [The Journal of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens] ISSN : 0361-185X CODEN : SELBDH Publis: Selby Botanical Gardens Press Server: http://www.selby.org/index.php?submenu=ResearchResources&src=gendocs&link=sbg_press&category=Research AC : JN-4156 Abbrev: Self/Nonself Title : Self/Nonself: Immune Recognition and Signaling ISSN : 1938-2030 e-ISSN: 1938-2049 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/selfnonself/ AC : JN-1717 Abbrev: Semin. Cancer Biol. Title : Seminars in Cancer Biology ISSN : 1044-579X e-ISSN: 1096-3650 CODEN : SECBE7 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1044579X AC : JN-1718 Abbrev: Semin. Cell Biol. Title : Seminars in Cell Biology ISSN : 1043-4682 CODEN : SCEBE3 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Semin. Cell Dev. Biol., ends with vol. 6 in 1995. AC : JN-1719 Abbrev: Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. Title : Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology ISSN : 1084-9521 e-ISSN: 1096-3634 CODEN : SCDBFX Publis: Academic Press Note : Replaces Semin. Cell Biol., starts with vol. 7 in 1996. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10849521 AC : JN-2550 Abbrev: Semin. Dermatol. Title : Seminars in Dermatology ISSN : 0278-145X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Semin. Cutan. Med. Surg., ends with vol. 15(2) in 1996. AC : JN-3078 Abbrev: Semin. Immunol. Title : Seminars in Immunology ISSN : 1044-5323 e-ISSN: 1096-3618 CODEN : SEIME2 Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10445323 AC : JN-4106 Abbrev: Semin. Immunopathol. Title : Seminars in Immunopathology. ISSN : 1863-2297 e-ISSN: 1863-2300 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Springer Semin. Immunopathol., starts in 2006. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1863-2297/ AC : JN-1720 Abbrev: Semin. Liver Dis. Title : Seminars in Liver Disease ISSN : 0272-8087 e-ISSN: 1098-8971 CODEN : SLDIEE Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: http://www.thieme.de/sld/ AC : JN-1721 Abbrev: Semin. Nephrol. Title : Seminars in Nephrology ISSN : 0270-9295 e-ISSN: 1558-4488 CODEN : SNEPDJ Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/02709295 AC : JN-4456 Abbrev: Semin. Pediatr. Neurol. Title : Seminars in Pediatric Neurology ISSN : 1071-9091 e-ISSN: 1558-0776 CODEN : SPNEFD Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.sempedneurjnl.com AC : JN-1722 Abbrev: Semin. Reprod. Endocrinol. Title : Seminars in Reproductive Endocrinology ISSN : 0734-8630 CODEN : SRENE8 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Semin. Reprod. Med., ends with vol. 17 in 1999. AC : JN-2484 Abbrev: Semin. Thromb. Hemost. Title : Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis ISSN : 0094-6176 e-ISSN: 1098-9064 CODEN : STHMBV Publis: Thieme Medical Publishers Server: http://www.thieme.de/fz/sth/ AC : JN-1723 Abbrev: Semin. Virol. Title : Seminars in Virology ISSN : 1044-5773 CODEN : SEVIEL Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 1990 and ceased with vol. 8 in 1998. AC : JN-2271 Abbrev: Senckenb. Biol. Title : Senckenbergiana Biologica [International Journal on Biodiversity] ISSN : 0037-2102 CODEN : SBBOAG Publis: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Server: http://www.schweizerbart.de/series?topic=20200#id193 AC : JN-1724 Abbrev: Sens. Neuron Title : Sensory Neuron ISSN : 1567-5157 e-ISSN: 1568-5659 CODEN : SNEEBI Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 3 in 2004. Replaces Prim. Sens. Neuron, starts with vol. 4 in 2002. AC : JN-4900 Abbrev: Sensors (Basel) Title : Sensors (Basel) e-ISSN: 1424-8220 CODEN : SENSC9 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors AC : JN-3231 Abbrev: Sentairui Kenkyu Title : Sentairui Kenkyu ISSN : 1343-0254 Publis: Nihon Sentairui Gakkai AC : JN-3389 Abbrev: Sex. Dev. Title : Sexual Development ISSN : 1661-5425 e-ISSN: 1661-5433 Publis: Karger AG Server: http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=JournalHome&ProduktNr=231547 AC : JN-1725 Abbrev: Sex. Plant Reprod. Title : Sexual Plant Reproduction ISSN : 0934-0882 e-ISSN: 1432-2145 CODEN : SPLRE7 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaced by Plant Reprod., ends with vol. 25(4) in 2012. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0934-0882 AC : JN-2432 Abbrev: Sex. Transm. Dis. Title : Sexually Transmitted Diseases ISSN : 0148-5717 e-ISSN: 1537-4521 CODEN : STRDDM Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://www.stdjournal.com AC : JN-3390 Abbrev: Shandong Da Xue Xue Bao Li Xue Ban Title : Shandong Da Xue Xue Bao. Li Xue Ban ISSN : 1671-9352 CODEN : SDXKEU Publis: Shandong Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Shandong Daxue Xuebao. Lixue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Shandong University. Natural Science. Server: http://sddxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2961 Abbrev: Shanghai Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Shanghai Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-2478 CODEN : XMIIAT Publis: Shanghai Shi Mianyi Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Xiandai Mianyixue. Alternative transliteration: Shang-hai Mien I Hsueh Tsa Chih. Parallel language title: Current Immunology. Server: http://shmyxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2940 Abbrev: Shanghai Nong Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Shanghai Nong Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-193X Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Shanghai Nongxueyuan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Shanghai Agricultural College. Replaced by Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao (Nongye Kexue Ban), ends with vol.? in ?2000. AC : JN-2958 Abbrev: Shanghai Yi Xue Jian Yan Za Zhi Title : Shanghai Yi Xue Jian Yan Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-2087 Publis: Shanghai Shi Linchuang Jianyan Zhongxin Note : Alternative transliteration: Shanghai Yixue Jianyan Zazhi. Parallel language title: Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences. Server: http://www.cqvip.com/qk/96167X/199101/ AC : JN-1726 Abbrev: She Zhi Title : She Zhi ISSN : 1001-5639 Publis: Snake Research Association of China Note : Alternative transliteration: Shezhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Snake. Server: http://acad.cnki.net/Kns55/oldnavi/n_item.aspx?NaviID=1&BaseID=SZZZ&NaviLink= AC : JN-4054 Abbrev: Sheng Li Xue Bao Title : Sheng Li Xue Bao ISSN : 0371-0874 CODEN : SLHPAH Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengli Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Physiologica Sinica. Server: http://www.actaps.com.cn/ AC : JN-1727 Abbrev: Sheng Ming Ke Xue Yan Jiu Title : Sheng Ming Ke Xue Yan Jiu [Hunan Shi Fan Da Xue Zhu Ban] ISSN : 1007-7847 CODEN : SKYAFL Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengming Kexue Yanjiu. Parallel language title: Life Science Research / Hunan Normal University. Server: http://smkxyj.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4050 Abbrev: Sheng Tai Xue Bao Title : Sheng Tai Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-0933 CODEN : SHEXEZ Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Acta Ecologica Sinica. Parallel language title: Shengtai Xuebao. Server: http://www.ecologica.cn/ AC : JN-2986 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Duo Yang Xing Title : Sheng Wu Duo Yang Xing ISSN : 1005-0094 CODEN : SHDUEM Publis: Shengwu Duoyangxing Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Duoyangxing. Parallel language title: Biodiversity Science. Server: http://www.biodiversity-science.net/ AC : JN-1728 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao Title : Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-3061 CODEN : SGXUED Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Biotechnology. Replaces Chin. J. Biotechnol., starts with vol. 16 in 2000. Server: http://swgcxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1729 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Hua Hsueh Tsa Chih Title : Sheng Wu Hua Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Biochemical Journal] ISSN : 1000-8543 CODEN : SHZAE4 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Huaxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Biotechnology. Replaced by Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuebao, ends with vol. 13 in 1997. AC : JN-1730 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Jin Zhan Title : Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Jin Zhan ISSN : 1000-3282 CODEN : SHYCD4 Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Huaxue Yu Shengwu Wuli Jinzhan. Parallel language title: Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Server: http://swhx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-0005 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao Title : Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao ISSN : 0582-9879 CODEN : SHWPAU Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao (Shanghai). Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Huaxue yu Shengwu Wuli Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sin. Replaced by Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sin., ends with vol. 35 in 2003. AC : JN-2987 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Ji Shu Title : Sheng Wu Ji Shu ISSN : 1004-311X Publis: Shengwu Jishu Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Jishu. Parallel language title: Biotechnology. Server: http://swjs.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3026 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Ji Shu Tong Xun Title : Sheng Wu Ji Shu Tong Xun ISSN : 1009-0002 CODEN : SJTHB6 Publis: Junshi Yixue Kexueyuan, Shengwu Gongcheng Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Jishu Tongxun. Parallel language title: Letters in Biotechnology. Server: http://swjstx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3710 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Xin Xi Xue Title : Sheng Wu Xin Xi Xue ISSN : 1672-5565 Publis: Harbin Gongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Xinxixue. Parallel language title: China Journal of Bioinformatics. Server: http://c.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical-swxxx.aspx AC : JN-2974 Abbrev: Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi Title : Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-5515 CODEN : SYGZF2 Publis: Sichuan Daxue, Huaxi Yiyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Shengwu Yixue Gongchengxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Biomedical Engineering. Server: http://swyxgcx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2941 Abbrev: Shenyang Non Gye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Shenyang Non Gye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-1700 CODEN : SNDBE7 Publis: Shenyang Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Shenyang Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Shenyang Agricultural University. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=1871 AC : JN-3005 Abbrev: Shenyang Yao Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Shenyang Yao Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1006-2858 CODEN : SYXUE3 Publis: Shenyang Yaoke Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Shenyang Yaoke Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. Server: http://syykdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2658 Abbrev: Shi Da Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Shi Da Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 0378-8091 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Shida Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Biological Bulletin of National Taiwan Normal University. Replaced by BioFormosa, ends with vol. 35 in 2000. AC : JN-1732 Abbrev: Shi Jie Hua Ren Xiao Hua Za Zhi Title : Shi Jie Hua Ren Xiao Hua Za Zhi ISSN : 1009-3079 CODEN : SHXZF2 Publis: Shi Jie Wei Chang Bing Xue Za Zhi She. Note : Alternative transliteration: Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi. Parallel language title: World Chinese Journal of Digestology. Server: https://www.wjgnet.com/1009-3079 AC : JN-1733 Abbrev: Shi Yan Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Shi Yan Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 0001-5334 CODEN : SYSWAE Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Shiyan Shengwu Xuebao. Alternative transliteration: Shih Yen Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao. Parallel language title: Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica. Replaced by Fenzi Xiabao Shengwu Xuebao, ends with vol. 38 in 2005. AC : JN-3446 Abbrev: Shi Yong Jun Xue Bao Title : Shi Yong Jun Xue Bao ISSN : 1005-9873 Publis: Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Edible Fungi Research Institute Note : Alternative transliteration: Shiyongjun Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Edulis Fungi. Server: http://www.wanfangdata.com/sci/details.aspx?id=3254267 AC : JN-1731 Abbrev: Shigaku Title : Shigaku ISSN : 0029-8484 CODEN : SHIGAZ Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Odontology. Replaced by Odontology, ends with vol. 88 in 2000. AC : JN-2975 Abbrev: Shipin Ke Xue Title : Shipin Ke Xue ISSN : 1002-6630 CODEN : SPKHD5 Publis: Beijing Shi Shipin Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Shipin Kexue (Beijing). Alternative transliteration: Shipin Kexue. Parallel language title: Food Science. Server: http://spkx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1734 Abbrev: Shock Title : Shock [Injury, Inflammation, and Sepsis: Laboratory and Clinical Approaches] ISSN : 1073-2322 CODEN : SAGUAI Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/shockjournal/ AC : JN-2076 Abbrev: Shokubutsu Bunrui Chiri Title : Shokubutsu Bunrui Chiri ISSN : 0001-6799 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Acta Phytotax. Geobot., ends with vol. ? in 2000. AC : JN-2689 Abbrev: Shokubutsu Chiri Bunrui Kenkyu Title : Shokubutsu Chiri Bunrui Kenkyu ISSN : 0388-6212 Publis: Shokubutsu Chiri Bunrui Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy. AC : JN-1735 Abbrev: Shokubutsu Kenkyu Zasshi Title : Shokubutsu Kenkyu Zasshi ISSN : 0022-2062 CODEN : SHKZAY Publis: Tsumura Laboratory Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Japanese Botany. Server: http://www.tsumura.co.jp/kampo/plant/top/index.html AC : JN-2180 Abbrev: Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi Title : Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0015-6426 e-ISSN: 1882-1006 CODEN : SKEZAP Publis: Nihon Shokuhin Eisei Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/shokueishi/_vols http://www.shokuhineisei.jp/ AC : JN-2587 Abbrev: Shokuhin Sogo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Shokuhin Sogo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 0301-9780 CODEN : SSKKCY Publis: National Food Research Institute Note : Parallel language title: Report of National Food Research Institute. AC : JN-2845 Abbrev: Shokuseishi Kenkyu Title : Shokuseishi Kenkyu ISSN : 0915-003X Publis: Shokuseishi Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Japanese Journal of Historical Botany. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/historbot/english/zassi.html AC : JN-2924 Abbrev: Shou Lei Xue Bao Title : Shou Lei Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-1050 CODEN : SHXUDJ Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Shoulei Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Theriologica Sinica. Server: http://sleixb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2925 Abbrev: Shui Chan Xue Bao Title : Shui Chan Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-0615 CODEN : SHXUEK Publis: Zhongguo Shuichan Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Shuichan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Fisheries of China. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2777 AC : JN-3646 Abbrev: Shui Li Yu Ye Title : Shui Li Yu Ye ISSN : 1003-1278 Publis: Shui Li Yu Ye Bian Ji Bu Note : Alternative transliteration: Shuili Yuye. Parallel language title: Reservoir Fisheries. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2232 AC : JN-2942 Abbrev: Shui Sheng Sheng Wu Hsueh Bao Title : Shui Sheng Sheng Wu Hsueh Bao ISSN : 1000-3207 CODEN : SSXUET Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Shuisheng Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. Server: http://ssswxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1736 Abbrev: Sibirskii Biol. Zh. Title : Sibirskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal ISSN : 0869-1347 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Sibirskii Ekolog. Zh., ends with vol. 3 in 1993. AC : JN-2809 Abbrev: Sibirskii Ekolog. Z. Title : Sibirskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal ISSN : 0869-8627 CODEN : ISBNBN Publis: Izdatel'stvo Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Note : Alternative transliteration: Sibirskiy Ekologicheskiy Zhurnal. Parallel language title: Siberian Journal of Ecology. Server: http://www.sibran.ru/English/secje.htm AC : JN-2645 Abbrev: Sibirskii Vestnik Selskokhoziaistvennoi Nauki Title : Sibirskii Vestnik Selskokhozyaistvennoi Nauki ISSN : 0370-8799 CODEN : SBVSAQ Publis: Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Sibirskoye Otdeleniye Note : Alternative transliteration: Sibirskii Vestnik Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Nauki. AC : JN-3391 Abbrev: Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban Title : Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban ISSN : 1672-173X CODEN : SDXYAY Publis: Huaxi Yike Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Sichuan Daxue Xuebao. Yixue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Sichuan University. Medical Science Edition. Server: http://hxykdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2721 Abbrev: Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 0490-6756 CODEN : SCTHAO Publis: Sichuan Daxue, Xuebao Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Sichuan Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Sichuan University. Natural Science Edition. Server: http://scdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2959 Abbrev: Sichuan Dong Wu Title : Sichuan Dong Wu ISSN : 1000-7083 CODEN : SIDOEB Publis: Sichuan Daxue, Shengming Kexue Xueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Sichuan Dongwu. Parallel language title: Sichuan Journal of Zoology. Server: http://scdw.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2976 Abbrev: Sichuan Shi Fan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Sichuan Shi Fan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1001-8395 CODEN : SDKEEF Publis: Sichuan Shifan Daxue, Xuebao Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Sichuan Shifan Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Sichuan Normal University. Natural Science. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2174 AC : JN-2252 Abbrev: SIDA Contrib. Bot. Title : Sida, Contributions to Botany ISSN : 0036-1488 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Bot. Res. Inst. Tex., ends with vol. 22 in 2006. AC : JN-3177 Abbrev: Sigmul Bunryu Hag-hoeji Title : Sigmul Bunryu Hag-hoeji ISSN : 1225-8318 Publis: Han-gug Sigmul Bunryu Hag-hoe Note : Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy. AC : JN-3379 Abbrev: Sigmul Saengmyeong Gong Haghoeji Title : Sigmul Saengmyeong Gong Haghoeji ISSN : 1598-6365 Publis: Hanguk Singmul Chojik Paeyang Hakhoe Note : Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture. AC : JN-4128 Abbrev: Signal Transduct. Title : Signal Transduction e-ISSN: 1615-4061 Publis: Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291615-4061/ AC : JN-4220 Abbrev: Silence Title : Silence ISSN : 1758-907X Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.silencejournal.com/ AC : JN-2810 Abbrev: Silva Lusit. Title : Silva Lusitana ISSN : 0870-6352 Publis: Estacao Florestal Nacional Server: http://www.scielo.oces.mctes.pt/scielo.php/script_sci_serial/lng_en/pid_0870-6352 AC : JN-1737 Abbrev: Silvae Genet. Title : Silvae Genetica [Zeitschrift fur Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuechtung] ISSN : 0037-5349 CODEN : SIGEAQ Server: http://www.bfafh.de/inst2/silvaege.htm AC : JN-1738 Abbrev: Singmul Hakhoe Chi Title : Singmul Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 0583-421X CODEN : KJBOAT Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: The Korean Journal of Botany. Replaced by J. Plant Biol., ends with vol. 36 in 1993. AC : JN-4251 Abbrev: Skelet. Muscle Title : Skeletal Muscle e-ISSN: 2044-5040 Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.skeletalmusclejournal.com/ AC : JN-3296 Abbrev: Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. Title : Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology ISSN : 1422-2868 e-ISSN: 1422-2906 CODEN : SPAPFF Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Skin Pharmacol. Physiol., ends with vol. 16 in 2003. AC : JN-1920 Abbrev: Skin Pharmacol. Physiol. Title : Skin Pharmacology and Physiology [Journal of Pharmacological and Biophysical Research] ISSN : 1660-5527 e-ISSN: 1660-5535 CODEN : SPPKE6 Publis: Karger AG Note : Replaces Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol., starts with vol. 17 in 2004. Server: http://www.karger.com/SPP AC : JN-4733 Abbrev: SLAS Discovery Title : Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening Discovery ISSN : 2472-5552 e-ISSN: 2472-5560 Publis: SAGE Publications Note : Replaces J. Biomol. Screen. in 2017. Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jbx AC : JN-4315 Abbrev: Sleep Title : Sleep ISSN : 0161-8105 e-ISSN: 1550-9109 CODEN : SLEED6 Publis: New York, Raven Press Server: http://www.journalsleep.org/ AC : JN-4310 Abbrev: Sleep Med. Rev. Title : Sleep Medicine Reviews ISSN : 1087-0792 e-ISSN: 1532-2955 CODEN : SMREFC Publis: London ; Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Co. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10870792 AC : JN-3766 Abbrev: Small Title : Small ISSN : 1613-6810 e-ISSN: 1613-6829 CODEN : SMALBC Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1613-6829 AC : JN-2860 Abbrev: Small Rumin. Res. Title : Small Ruminant Research ISSN : 0921-4488 CODEN : SRUREW Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09214488 AC : JN-3879 Abbrev: Smithson. Contrib. Mar. Sci. Title : Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences ISSN : 0196-0768 e-ISSN: 1943-667X CODEN : SCSCD7 Publis: Smithsonian Institution Press Server: http://www.sil.si.edu/smithsoniancontributions/MarineSciences/ AC : JN-2380 Abbrev: Soc. Gen. Physiol. Ser. Title : Society of General Physiologists Series ISSN : 0094-7733 CODEN : SGPHAW Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 52 in 1997. AC : JN-1925 Abbrev: Soc. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. Title : Society of Reproduction and Fertility Supplement ISSN : 1747-3403 Publis: Nottingham University Press Note : Replaces Reprod. Suppl., starts with vol. 62 in 2006. AC : JN-2616 Abbrev: Sociobiology Title : Sociobiology ISSN : 0361-6525 CODEN : SOCIDT Publis: California State University, Chico, Department of Biological Sciences Server: http://www.csuchico.edu/biol/Sociobiology/sociobiologyindex.html AC : JN-1960 Abbrev: Soil Biol. Biochem. Title : Soil Biology and Biochemistry ISSN : 0038-0717 CODEN : SBIOAH Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00380717 AC : JN-1739 Abbrev: Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. Title : Soil Science and Plant Nutrition [The Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition] ISSN : 0038-0768 e-ISSN: 1747-0765 CODEN : SSPNAW Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0038-0768 AC : JN-1740 Abbrev: Somat. Cell Mol. Genet. Title : Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics ISSN : 0740-7750 e-ISSN: 1572-9931 CODEN : SCMGDN Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0740-7750 AC : JN-3865 Abbrev: Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. Title : Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology ISSN : 0125-3395 CODEN : WSNAEV Publis: Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Note : Parallel language title: Warasan Songkhla Nakkharin. Server: http://www.rdoapp.psu.ac.th/html/sjst/ AC : JN-2274 Abbrev: Sorui Title : Sorui [Sorui Bulletin of Japanese Society of Phycology] ISSN : 0038-1578 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced in part by Phycol. Res., ends with vol. ? in 1994. AC : JN-3573 Abbrev: Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health Title : Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health ISSN : 0038-3619 e-ISSN: 0125-1562 CODEN : SJTMAK Publis: SEAMO Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network Server: http://www.tm.mahidol.ac.th/seameo/Journal_PreviousJournals.html AC : JN-3339 Abbrev: Southeast. Nat. Title : Southeastern Naturalist ISSN : 1528-7092 e-ISSN: 1938-5412 CODEN : SNOAAL Publis: Humboldt Field Research Institute Server: http://www.eaglehill.us/programs/journals/sena/southeastern-naturalist.shtml AC : JN-2433 Abbrev: Southwest. Entomol. Title : Southwestern Entomologist ISSN : 0147-1724 CODEN : SENTDD Publis: Society of Southwestern Entomologists AC : JN-2279 Abbrev: Southwest. Nat. Title : The Southwestern Naturalist ISSN : 0038-4909 CODEN : SWNAAB Publis: Southwestern Association of Naturalists Server: http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu/swan/swnat.html AC : JN-3784 Abbrev: Sov. Biotechnol. Title : Soviet Biotechnology ISSN : 0890-734X Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Rus. Biotechnol., ends with vol. ? in 199?. AC : JN-2275 Abbrev: Sov. Med. Title : Sovetskaia Meditsina ISSN : 0038-5077 CODEN : RMZHEF Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Sovetskaya Meditsina. Replaced by Ross. Med. Zh., ends with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-1741 Abbrev: Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. Title : Soviet Physics. Crystallography ISSN : 0038-5638 CODEN : SPHCA6 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Kristallografiya (ISSN 0023-4761). Replaced by Crystallography Reports, ends with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-3405 Abbrev: Span. J. Agric. Res. Title : Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research ISSN : 1695-971X CODEN : IAPAEX Publis: Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (I N I A) Note : Parallel language title: Revista de Investigacion Agraria. Server: http://www.inia.es/inia/contenidos/publicaciones/index.jsp?intranet=1&idcategoria=300 AC : JN-3209 Abbrev: Spec. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Coleopterol. Title : Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology ISSN : 1341-1128 Publis: Japanese Society of Coleopterology AC : JN-1986 Abbrev: Spec. Publ. Mus. Tex. Tech. Univ. Title : Special Publications of the Museum of Texas Tech University ISSN : 0169-0237 Publis: Museum of Texas Tech University Server: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/nsrl/publications/specpubs.htm AC : JN-2482 Abbrev: Spec. Top. Endocrinol. Metab. Title : Special Topics in Endocrinology and Metabolism ISSN : 0193-0982 CODEN : SEMTD8 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1985. AC : JN-3220 Abbrev: Species Divers. Title : Species Diversity [An International Journal for Taxonomy, Systematics, Speciation, Biogeography, and Life Historical Research of Animals] ISSN : 1342-1670 Publis: Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jssz2/spdiv/ AC : JN-2036 Abbrev: Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. Title : Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy ISSN : 1386-1425 e-ISSN: 1873-3557 CODEN : SAMCAS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13861425 AC : JN-2617 Abbrev: Spixiana Title : Spixiana [Zeitschrift fur Zoologie] ISSN : 0341-8391 CODEN : SPIXD9 Publis: Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen Server: http://www.zsm.mwn.de/spixiana/ AC : JN-1742 Abbrev: Springer Semin. Immunopathol. Title : Springer Seminars in Immunopathology ISSN : 0344-4325 CODEN : SSIMDV Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaced by Semin. Immunopathol., ends in 2006. AC : JN-4307 Abbrev: Springerplus Title : Springerplus e-ISSN: 2193-1801 Publis: Springer Netherland Server: http://www.springerplus.com AC : JN-3777 Abbrev: Srinakharinwirot Univ. Sci. J. Title : Srinakharinwirot University Science Journal ISSN : 0857-1600 Publis: Srinakharinwirot University AC : JN-3798 Abbrev: Stand. Genomic Sci. Title : Standards in Genomic Sciences e-ISSN: 1944-3277 Short : SIGS Publis: Genomic Standards Consortium Server: http://standardsingenomics.org/ AC : JN-4911 Abbrev: Stat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. Title : Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology ISSN : 2194-6302 e-ISSN: 1544-6115 CODEN : SAGMCU Publis: Walter de Gruyter and Co. Server: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/sagmb/html AC : JN-3487 Abbrev: Stat. Off. Int. Epizoot. Title : Statistiques - Office International des Epizooties ISSN : 0373-286X Publis: World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Note : Replaces in part Bull. Off. Int. Epizoot., starts with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-2647 Abbrev: Steenstrupia Title : Steenstrupia [Journal on Systematic Zoology and Zoogeography] ISSN : 0375-2909 CODEN : STRUB3 Publis: Zoologisk Museum Server: http://www.zmuc.dk/commonweb/Stenstr.htm AC : JN-4517 Abbrev: Stem Cell Reports Title : Stem Cell Reports ISSN : 2213-6711 e-ISSN: 2213-6711 Publis: Cell press Server: http://www.cell.com/stem-cell-reports/home AC : JN-4841 Abbrev: Stem Cell Res Ther Title : Stem Cell Research and Therapy ISSN : 1757-6512 e-ISSN: 1757-6512 CODEN : IJSCRT Publis: London : BioMed Central AC : JN-4869 Abbrev: Stem Cell Res. Title : Stem Cell Research ISSN : 1873-5061 e-ISSN: 1876-7753 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/stem-cell-research AC : JN-1743 Abbrev: Stem Cells Title : Stem Cells [The International Journal of Cell Differentiation and Proliferation] ISSN : 1066-5099 e-ISSN: 1549-4918 CODEN : STCEEJ Publis: AlphaMed Press Note : Replaces Int. J. Cell Cloning, starts with vol. 11 in 1993. Server: http://stemcells.com/ AC : JN-1744 Abbrev: Stem Cells Dev. Title : Stem Cells and Development ISSN : 1547-3287 e-ISSN: 1557-8534 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces J. Hematother. Stem Cell Res., starts with vol. 13 in 2004. Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=125 AC : JN-4687 Abbrev: Stem. Cell. Rev. Rep. Title : Stem Cell Reviews and Reports ISSN : 2629-3269 e-ISSN: 2629-3277 Publis: Springer-Verlag Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12015 AC : JN-1745 Abbrev: Steroids Title : Steroids ISSN : 0039-128X CODEN : STEDAM Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0039128X AC : JN-2722 Abbrev: Stomatologiia Title : Stomatologiia ISSN : 0491-0982 CODEN : STMYAN Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-3662 Abbrev: Strateg. Mol. Biol. Title : Strategies in Molecular Biology ISSN : 1052-8180 Publis: Stratagene Cloning Systems AC : JN-1746 Abbrev: Stroke Title : Stroke ISSN : 0039-2499 e-ISSN: 1524-4628 CODEN : SJCCA7 Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://stroke.ahajournals.org/ AC : JN-1747 Abbrev: Structure Title : Structure ISSN : 0969-2126 CODEN : STRUE6 Publis: Cell Press Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Structure (Camb.). Incorporates Fold. Design Server: http://www.cell.com/structure/home AC : JN-2878 Abbrev: Stud. Dipterol. Title : Studia Dipterologica ISSN : 0945-3954 Publis: Ampyx Verlag Server: http://www.studia-dipt.de AC : JN-1961 Abbrev: Stud. Mycol. Title : Studies in Mycology ISSN : 0166-0616 e-ISSN: 1872-9797 CODEN : SMYCA2 Publis: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures Server: http://www.studiesinmycology.org/ AC : JN-2449 Abbrev: Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ. Title : Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment ISSN : 0165-0521 e-ISSN: 1744-5140 CODEN : SNFEDP Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713817190 AC : JN-2448 Abbrev: Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. Title : Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis ISSN : 0167-2991 CODEN : SSCTDM Publis: Elsevier Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/01672991 AC : JN-4217 Abbrev: Student Perspec. Contemp. Virol. Title : Student Perspectives on Contemporary Virology ISSN : 1913-7664 Publis: Not published Server: http://homepage.usask.ca/~vim458/advirol/SPCV/spcv.html AC : JN-2692 Abbrev: Studi Trentini Sci. Nat. Acta Geol. Title : Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali. Acta Geologica ISSN : 0392-0534 CODEN : STSGD2 Publis: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali Server: http://www.mtsn.tn.it/pubblicazioni/riviste.asp?tipo=5 AC : JN-1748 Abbrev: Studia Biophys. Title : Studia Biophysica [International Journal for Selected Fields of Biophysics] ISSN : 0081-6337 CODEN : STBIBN Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-1990 Abbrev: Subcell. Biochem. Title : Subcellular Biochemistry ISSN : 0306-0225 CODEN : SBCBAG Publis: Springer Netherlands Note : Alternative Medline title: Sub-cellular Biochemistry. This is a book series. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0306-0225 AC : JN-4171 Abbrev: Subst. Use Misuse Title : Substance Use and Misuse ISSN : 1082-6084 e-ISSN: 1532-2491 CODEN : SUMIFL Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/sum AC : JN-3718 Abbrev: Subterr. Biol. Title : Subterranean Biology ISSN : 1768-1448 Publis: International Society of Subterranean Biology Server: http://www.fi.cnr.it/sibios/subtbiol.htm AC : JN-1923 Abbrev: Sudan J. Med. Sci. Title : Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 1858-5051 Publis: Omdurman Islamic University Server: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/sjms/ AC : JN-3685 Abbrev: Suisan Ikushu Title : Suisan Ikushu ISSN : 1343-7917 Publis: Suisan Ikushu Kenkyukai Note : Parallel language title: Fish Genetics and Breeding Science. AC : JN-3238 Abbrev: Suisan Sogo Kenkyu Senta Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Suisan Sogo Kenkyu Senta Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 1346-9894 Publis: Suisan Sougou Kenkyuu Senta Note : Alternative transliteration: Suisan Sougou Kenkyuu Senta Kenkyuu Houkoku. Parallel language title: Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency. Server: http://www.fra.affrc.go.jp/english/bull/bulletin.html AC : JN-2648 Abbrev: Suisanzoshoku Title : Suisanzoshoku ISSN : 0371-4217 CODEN : SUZOAV Publis: Japan Aquaculture Society AC : JN-2403 Abbrev: Summa Phytopathol. Title : Summa Phytopathologica ISSN : 0100-5405 CODEN : SUPHDV Publis: Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-5405 AC : JN-3771 Abbrev: Support. Cancer Ther. Title : Supportive Cancer Therapy ISSN : 1543-2912 e-ISSN: 1943-3395 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 4 in 2008. AC : JN-3880 Abbrev: Surg. Technol. Title : The Surgical Technologist ISSN : 0164-4238 Publis: Association of Surgical Technologists Server: http://www.ast.org/publications/journal_2010_April_archive.aspx AC : JN-1750 Abbrev: Surg. Today Title : Surgery Today ISSN : 0941-1291 e-ISSN: 1436-2813 CODEN : SUTOE Publis: Springer Japan Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0941-1291 AC : JN-1749 Abbrev: Surgery Title : Surgery ISSN : 0039-6060 e-ISSN: 1532-7361 CODEN : SURGAZ Publis: Mosby Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00396060 AC : JN-3675 Abbrev: Suui Kawahak Yongu Nonmunjip Title : Suui Kawahak Yongu Nonmunjip ISSN : 1226-5675 Publis: Nongchon Chinhungchong Note : Parallel language title: Rural Development Administration Journal of Veterinary Science. AC : JN-4270 Abbrev: Swiss. Med. Wkly. Title : Swiss Medical Weekly ISSN : 1424-7860 e-ISSN: 1424-3997 CODEN : SMWWAI Publis: EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd Server: http://www.smw.ch/ AC : JN-2381 Abbrev: Sydowia Title : Sydowia [An International Journal of Mycology] ISSN : 0082-0598 CODEN : SYAMAU Publis: Verlag Ferdinand Berger und Soehne GmbH Server: http://www.sydowia.at/ AC : JN-2382 Abbrev: Symb. Bot. Ups. Title : Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses ISSN : 0082-0644 Publis: Uppsala Universitet, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Server: http://www.ub.uu.se/upu/auu/ AC : JN-1751 Abbrev: Symbiosis Title : Symbiosis ISSN : 0334-5114 e-ISSN: 1878-7665 CODEN : SYMBER Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0334-5114 AC : JN-1752 Abbrev: Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. Title : Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology ISSN : 0081-1386 CODEN : SSEBA9 Publis: Cambridge University Press Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-1753 Abbrev: Synapse Title : Synapse ISSN : 0887-4476 e-ISSN: 1098-2396 CODEN : SYNAET Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2396 AC : JN-4854 Abbrev: Synth. Syst. Biotechnol. Title : Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology ISSN : 2405-805X e-ISSN: 2405-805X CODEN : SSBYBU Publis: KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/synthetic-and-systems-biotechnology AC : JN-1754 Abbrev: Syst. Appl. Microbiol. Title : Systematic and Applied Microbiology ISSN : 0723-2020 CODEN : SAMIDF Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Replaces Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Mikrobiol. Hyg. C, starts with vol. 4 in 1983. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07232020 AC : JN-3602 Abbrev: Syst. Assoc. Spec. Vol. Title : Systematics Association Special Volume ISSN : 0309-2593 Publis: Systematics Association by Academic Press Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-3786 Abbrev: Syst. Biodivers. Title : Systematics and Biodiversity ISSN : 1477-2000 e-ISSN: 1478-0933 Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=SYS AC : JN-1755 Abbrev: Syst. Biol. Title : Systematic Biology ISSN : 1063-5157 e-ISSN: 1076-836X CODEN : SYBIER Publis: Taylor & Francis Note : Replaces Syst. Zool., starts with vol. 41 in 1992. Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713658732 AC : JN-4818 Abbrev: Syst. Biol. Reprod. Med. Title : Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine ISSN : 1939-6368 e-ISSN: 1939-6376 Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Formerly known as Archives of Andrology (1978-2007) Server: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/iaan20 AC : JN-1756 Abbrev: Syst. Bot. Title : Systematic Botany ISSN : 0363-6445 e-ISSN: 1548-2324 CODEN : SYBODA Publis: American Society of Plant Taxonomists Server: http://www.sysbot.org/ AC : JN-2780 Abbrev: Syst. Bot. Monogr. Title : Systematic Botany Monographs ISSN : 0737-8211 Publis: American Society of Plant Taxonomists Server: http://herbarium.lsa.umich.edu/SBMweb/ AC : JN-1953 Abbrev: Syst. Entomol. Title : Systematic Entomology ISSN : 0307-6970 e-ISSN: 1365-3113 CODEN : SYENDM Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0307-6970 AC : JN-3270 Abbrev: Syst. Geogr. Plants Title : Systematics and Geography of Plants ISSN : 1374-7886 CODEN : STGPF5 Publis: Jardin Botanique National de Belgique Server: http://www.br.fgov.be/RESEARCH/EDITION/SGP/ AC : JN-2450 Abbrev: Syst. Parasitol. Title : Systematic Parasitology ISSN : 0165-5752 e-ISSN: 1573-5192 CODEN : SYPAD4 Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0165-5752 AC : JN-1757 Abbrev: Syst. Zool. Title : Systematic Zoology ISSN : 0039-7989 CODEN : SYZOAP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Syst. Biol., ends with vol. 40 in 1991. AC : JN-2551 Abbrev: Systema Ascomycetum Title : Systema Ascomycetum ISSN : 0280-8331 CODEN : SYASEI Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1997. AC : JN-3676 Abbrev: Taehan Imsang Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi Title : Taehan Imsang Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 1229-0025 Publis: Taehan Imsang Misaengmul Hakhoe Note : Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Clinical Microbiology. AC : JN-1758 Abbrev: Taehan Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi Title : Taehan Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 0253-3162 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Daehan Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi. Parallel language title: Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology. Replaced by J. Bacteriol. Virol., ends with vol. 35 in 2000. AC : JN-3167 Abbrev: Taehan Pairosu Hakhoe Chi Title : Taehan Pairosu Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 1225-2344 Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Taehan Misaengmul Hakhoe Chi into J. Bacteriol. Virol., ends with vol. ? in 2000. AC : JN-3673 Abbrev: Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi Taehan Suui Hakhoe Title : Taehan Suui Hakhoe Chi Taehan Suui Hakhoe ISSN : 1225-0198 Publis: Taehan Suui Hakhoe Note : Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Veterinary Research. AC : JN-3406 Abbrev: Taiwan Kun Chong Title : Taiwan Kun Chong ISSN : 1680-7650 Publis: Taiwan Kunchong Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Taiwan Kunchong. Parallel language title: Formosan Entomologist. Server: http://www.airiti.com/ceps/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=3810 AC : JN-3380 Abbrev: Taiwan Nong Ye Hua Xue Yu Shi Pin Ke Xue Title : Taiwan Nong Ye Hua Xue Yu Shi Pin Ke Xue ISSN : 1605-2471 Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Huaxuihui Note : Alternative transliteration: Taiwan Nongye Huaxue yu Shipin Kexue. Parallel language title: Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science. AC : JN-2511 Abbrev: Taiwan Shou Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Taiwan Shou Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1682-6485 CODEN : CKSCDN Publis: Zhonghua Minguo Shouyi Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Taiwan Shouyixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Scientific and Technical Review (ISSN 1608-0645). Replaces Zhonghua Min Guo Shou Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi, starts with vol. ? in 2001. AC : JN-3593 Abbrev: Taiwan Xu Mu Shou Yi Xue Hui Hui Bao Title : Taiwan Xu Mu Shou Yi Xue Hui Hui Bao ISSN : 0253-9128 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Taiwan Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry. Publication ceased with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-1759 Abbrev: Taiwan Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi Title : Taiwan Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi ISSN : 0371-7682 CODEN : TIHHAH Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih. Parallel language title: Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Replaced by J. Formos. Med. Assoc., ends with vol. ? in 1993. AC : JN-4702 Abbrev: Taiwan. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Title : Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ISSN : 1028-4559 e-ISSN: 1875-6263 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/taiwanese-journal-of-obstetrics-and-gynecology AC : JN-1760 Abbrev: Taiwania Title : Taiwania ISSN : 0372-333X CODEN : TWNAAM Publis: Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University Server: http://tai2.ntu.edu.tw/taiwania/ AC : JN-2018 Abbrev: Takeda Kenkyusho Ho Title : Takeda Kenkyusho Ho [The Journal of the Takeda Research Laboratories] ISSN : 0371-5167 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Takeda Kenkyuu Gyousekishuu, ends with vol. ? in 1999. AC : JN-4209 Abbrev: Talanta Title : TALANTA the International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry ISSN : 0039-9140 CODEN : TLNTA2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/talanta/ AC : JN-1761 Abbrev: Taniguchi Symp. Brain Sci. Title : Taniguchi Symposia on Brain Sciences ISSN : 1013-2791 CODEN : TSBSEQ Publis: Not published Note : Publication started with vol. 11 in 1988 and ceased with vol. 22 in 2000. AC : JN-1762 Abbrev: Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso Title : Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso ISSN : 0039-9450 CODEN : TAKKAJ Short : PNE Publis: Kyoritsu Shuppan Co. Ltd. Note : Parallel language title: Protein, Nucleic acid and Enzyme. Server: http://www.kyoritsu-pub.co.jp/pne/ AC : JN-3765 Abbrev: Tap Chi Hoa Hoc Title : Tap Chi Hoa Hoc ISSN : 0378-2336 CODEN : TCHHDC Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Hoa Hoc. Parallel language title: Journal of Chemistry. Replaced by Tap San Hoa Hoc, ends with vol. ? in 1977. AC : JN-3631 Abbrev: Tap Chi Sinh Hoc Title : Tap Chi Sinh Hoc ISSN : 0866-7160 Publis: Vien Khoa hoc Viet Nam (Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology) Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Sinh Hoc. Server: http://www.ans.vap.ac.vn/index.php/bio AC : JN-1763 Abbrev: Targeted Diagn. Ther. Title : Targeted Diagnosis and Therapy ISSN : 1046-1906 CODEN : TDTSEB Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 7 in 1992. This is a book series. AC : JN-1764 Abbrev: Taxon Title : Taxon ISSN : 0040-0262 CODEN : TAXNAP Publis: International Association for Plant Taxonomy Server: http://www.botanik.univie.ac.at/iapt/s_taxon.php AC : JN-3255 Abbrev: Tech. Tips Online Title : Technical Tips Online ISSN : 1366-2120 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 7 in 2002. AC : JN-2602 Abbrev: Telopea Title : Telopea ISSN : 0312-9764 CODEN : TELODX Publis: National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Telopea (Syd.). Server: http://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/science/Scientific_publications/telopea AC : JN-2280 Abbrev: Ter. Arkh. Title : Terapevticheskii Arkhiv ISSN : 0040-3660 CODEN : TEARAI Publis: Izdatel'stvo Meditsina AC : JN-1765 Abbrev: Teratog. Carcinog. Mutagen. Title : Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis ISSN : 0270-3211 e-ISSN: 1520-6866 CODEN : TCMUD8 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6866 AC : JN-1766 Abbrev: Teratology Title : Teratology [The Journal of Abnormal Development] ISSN : 0040-3709 e-ISSN: 1096-9926 CODEN : TJADAB Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Birth Defects Res. A Clin. Mol. Teratol., ends with vol. 66 in 2002. AC : JN-1767 Abbrev: Tetrahedron Title : Tetrahedron ISSN : 0040-4020 e-ISSN: 1464-5416 CODEN : TETRAB Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00404020 AC : JN-2892 Abbrev: Tetrahedron Asymmetry Title : Tetrahedron: Asymmetry [The International Journal for Rapid Publication on all Aspects of Asymmetry in Organic, Inorganic, Organometallic, Physical and Bioorganic Chemistry] ISSN : 0957-4166 e-ISSN: 1362-511X CODEN : TASYE3 Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09574166 AC : JN-1768 Abbrev: Tetrahedron Lett. Title : Tetrahedron Letters ISSN : 0040-4039 e-ISSN: 1873-3581 CODEN : TELEAY Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00404039 AC : JN-4150 Abbrev: Tex. Heart Inst. J. Title : Texas Heart Institute Journal ISSN : 0730-2347 e-ISSN: 1526-6702 CODEN : THIJDO Publis: Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas Server: http://texasheart.org/Education/THIJournal/ AC : JN-2281 Abbrev: Tex. J. Sci. Title : Texas Journal of Science ISSN : 0040-4403 CODEN : TJSCAU Publis: Texas Academy of Science AC : JN-1769 Abbrev: Tex. Rep. Biol. Med. Title : Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine ISSN : 0040-4675 CODEN : TRBMAV Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 41 in 1982. AC : JN-1770 Abbrev: Text. Res. J. Title : Textile Research Journal ISSN : 0040-5175 CODEN : TRJOA9 Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://trj.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-3704 Abbrev: Teyou Shengwu Yanjiu Title : Teyou Shengwu Yanjiu ISSN : 1561-3771 Publis: Taiwansheng Teyou Shengwu Yanjiu Baoyu Zhongxin AC : JN-2326 Abbrev: Thai J. Agric. Sci. Title : Thai Journal of Agricultural Science ISSN : 0049-3589 CODEN : TJASBN Publis: Agricultural Science Society of Thailand AC : JN-1771 Abbrev: Theor. Appl. Genet. Title : Theoretical and Applied Genetics [International Journal of Plant Breeding Research] ISSN : 0040-5752 e-ISSN: 1432-2242 CODEN : THAGA6 Short : TAG Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0040-5752 AC : JN-2062 Abbrev: Theory Biosci. Title : Theory in Biosciences ISSN : 1431-7613 e-ISSN: 1611-7530 CODEN : THBIFM Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Note : Replaces Biol. Zentralbl., starts with vol. 116 in 1997. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1431-7613 AC : JN-4599 Abbrev: Theranostics Title : Theranostics ISSN : 1838-7640 CODEN : THERDS Publis: Ivyspring International Publisher Server: http://www.thno.org/ AC : JN-1772 Abbrev: Theriogenology Title : Theriogenology ISSN : 0093-691X CODEN : THGNBO Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0093691X AC : JN-3807 Abbrev: Thorax Title : Thorax [An International Journal of Respiratory Medicine] ISSN : 0040-6376 e-ISSN: 1468-3296 CODEN : THORA7 Publis: BMJ Publishing Group Server: http://thorax.bmj.com/ AC : JN-1773 Abbrev: Thromb. Haemost. Title : Thrombosis and Haemostasis ISSN : 0340-6245 CODEN : THHADQ Publis: Schattauer Server: http://www.schattauer.de/index.php?id=756 AC : JN-1774 Abbrev: Thromb. Res. Title : Thrombosis Research [Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis] ISSN : 0049-3848 CODEN : THBRAA Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00493848 AC : JN-1775 Abbrev: Thymus Title : Thymus ISSN : 0165-6090 CODEN : THYMDB Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 24 in 1997. AC : JN-1776 Abbrev: Thyroid Title : Thyroid ISSN : 1050-7256 e-ISSN: 1557-9077 CODEN : THYRER Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=55 AC : JN-2723 Abbrev: Tianjin Daxue Xuebao Title : Tianjin Daxue Xuebao ISSN : 0493-2137 CODEN : TCHHA9 Publis: Tianjin Daxue Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Tianjin University. Server: http://tianjdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3006 Abbrev: Tianjin Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Tianjin Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1006-8147 Publis: Tianjin Yike Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Tianjin Yike Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Tianjin Medical University. Server: http://tianjykdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2512 Abbrev: Tianjin Yi Yao Title : Tianjin Yi Yao ISSN : 0253-9896 CODEN : TIYADG Publis: Tianjin Yixue Keji Qingbao Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Tianjin Yiyao. Parallel language title: Tianjin Medical Journal. Server: http://tjyy.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4732 Abbrev: Ticks Tick Borne Dis. Title : Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases ISSN : 1877-959X e-ISSN: 1877-9603 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/ticks-and-tick-borne-diseases AC : JN-2228 Abbrev: Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. Title : Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening ISSN : 0029-2001 e-ISSN: 0807-7096 CODEN : TNLAAH Publis: Norske Laegeforening Server: http://www.tidsskriftet.no/?nota_id=7 AC : JN-2282 Abbrev: Tijdschr. Entomol. Title : Tijdschrift voor Entomologie ISSN : 0040-7496 Publis: Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging Server: http://www.nev.nl/tve/ AC : JN-1777 Abbrev: Tissue Antigens Title : Tissue Antigens ISSN : 0001-2815 e-ISSN: 1399-0039 CODEN : TSANA2 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0001-2815 AC : JN-1778 Abbrev: Tissue Cell Title : Tissue and Cell ISSN : 0040-8166 e-ISSN: 1532-3072 CODEN : TICEBI Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00408166 AC : JN-3118 Abbrev: Tissue Eng. Title : Tissue Engineering ISSN : 1076-3279 e-ISSN: 1557-8690 CODEN : TIENFP Publis: Not published Note : Split into Tissue Eng. Part A, Tissue Eng. Part B, Rev. and Tissue Eng Part C, Methods, ends with vol. 13 in 2007. AC : JN-3119 Abbrev: Tissue Eng. Part A Title : Tissue Engineering, Part A ISSN : 1937-3341 e-ISSN: 1937-335X Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces in part Tissue Eng., starts with vol. 14 in 2008. Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/loi/tea?cookieSet=1 AC : JN-3120 Abbrev: Tissue Eng. Part B Rev. Title : Tissue Engineering, Part B, Reviews ISSN : 1937-3368 e-ISSN: 1937-3376 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces in part Tissue Eng., starts with vol. 14 in 2008. Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/teb AC : JN-3121 Abbrev: Tissue Eng. Part C Methods Title : Tissue Engineering, Part C, Methods ISSN : 1937-3384 e-ISSN: 1937-3392 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Note : Replaces in part Tissue Eng., starts with vol. 14 in 2008. Server: http://www.liebertonline.com/tec AC : JN-3635 Abbrev: Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku Ronshu Title : Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku Ronshu ISSN : 0916-2178 Publis: The Research Association, Tohoku Gakuin University Note : Parallel language title: The Tohoku Gakuin University Review. AC : JN-1779 Abbrev: Tohoku J. Exp. Med. Title : The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine ISSN : 0040-8727 e-ISSN: 1349-3329 CODEN : TJEMAO Publis: Tohoku University Medical Press Server: http://journal.med.tohoku.ac.jp/ AC : JN-3892 Abbrev: Tokai Daigaku Kaiyo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Tokai Daigaku Kaiyo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 0289-680X Publis: Toukai Daigaku, Kaiyo Kenkyujo Note : Parallel language title: Bulletin of Institute of Oceanic Research and Development, Tokai University. Server: http://www.iord.u-tokai.ac.jp/publication/publication-lst-en.htm AC : JN-2675 Abbrev: Tokai J. Exp. Clin. Med. Title : The Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine ISSN : 0385-0005 CODEN : TJEMDR Publis: Toukai Daigaku Shuppansha AC : JN-2273 Abbrev: Tokushima J. Exp. Med. Title : Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine ISSN : 0040-8875 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Med. Invest., ends with vol. 43 in 1996. AC : JN-2640 Abbrev: Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku Zasshi Title : Tokyo Jikeikai Ika Daigaku Zasshi ISSN : 0375-9172 CODEN : TJIDAH Publis: Jikei University School of Medicine Note : This journal is available in an English translation under the abbreviated title 'Jikeikai Med. J.' (ISSN: 0021-6968). Server: http://www.jikei.ac.jp/academic/micer/ AC : JN-2861 Abbrev: Tokyo Metropol. Univ. Bull. Nat. Hist. Title : Tokyo Metropolitan University Bulletin of Natural History ISSN : 0918-3760 Publis: Tokyo Toritsu Daigaku, Rigakubu, Shizenshi Koza Server: http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/publish_db/Bulletin/ AC : JN-2590 Abbrev: Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku Nogaku Shuho Title : Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku Nogaku Shuho ISSN : 0375-9202 CODEN : TNDNAG Publis: Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku AC : JN-3783 Abbrev: Tomato Genetics Co-op Report Title : Tomato Genetics Co-op Report Publis: Tomato Genetics Cooperative Server: http://tgc.ifas.ufl.edu/onlinevo.htm AC : JN-4015 Abbrev: Tombo Title : Tombo [Acta Odonatologica Japonica] ISSN : 0495-8314 Publis: Nihon Tonbo Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Acta Odonatologica Japonica. Server: http://www.odonata.ne.jp/press/ AC : JN-3597 Abbrev: Tong Ji Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Tong Ji Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 0258-2090 CODEN : TYDXEP Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Tongji Yike Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji. Replaced by Hua Zhong Ke Ji Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban, ends with vol. ? in ?2001. AC : JN-1780 Abbrev: Tongmul Hakhoe Chi Title : Tongmul Hakhoe Chi ISSN : 0440-2510 CODEN : TOHJAV Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Dongmul hag'hoeji. Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Zoology. Replaced by Korean J. Biol. Sci., ends with vol. 39 in 1996. AC : JN-1783 Abbrev: Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. Title : Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology ISSN : 0041-008X e-ISSN: 1096-0333 CODEN : TXAPA9 Short : TSAP Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0041008X AC : JN-1784 Abbrev: Toxicol. in Vitro Title : Toxicology in Vitro ISSN : 0887-2333 CODEN : TIVIEQ Short : TIV Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/08872333 AC : JN-1785 Abbrev: Toxicol. Lett. Title : Toxicology Letters ISSN : 0378-4274 CODEN : TOLED5 Short : TL Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03784274 AC : JN-3353 Abbrev: Toxicol. Mech. Methods Title : Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods ISSN : 1537-6516 e-ISSN: 1537-6524 CODEN : TMMOCP Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://informahealthcare.com/journal/txm AC : JN-4921 Abbrev: Toxicol. Pathol. Title : Toxicologic Pathology ISSN : 0192-6233 e-ISSN: 1533-1601 CODEN : TOPADD Publis: Sage Publications Server: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/tpx AC : JN-4654 Abbrev: Toxicol. Rep. Title : Toxicology Reports ISSN : 2214-7500 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/toxicology-reports AC : JN-4346 Abbrev: Toxicol. Res. Title : Toxicology Research ISSN : 1976-8257 e-ISSN: 2234-2753 CODEN : TROEE8 Publis: Korean Society of Toxicology Note : Replaces The Korean Journal of Toxicology (ISSN 0258-2368) (1984-1997) and `Journal of Toxicology and Public Health (ISSN 1226-8399) (1998-2007) Server: http://www.ToxicolRes.org AC : JN-1786 Abbrev: Toxicol. Sci. Title : Toxicological Sciences ISSN : 1096-6080 e-ISSN: 1096-0929 CODEN : TOSCF2 Publis: Oxford University Press Note : Replaces Fundam. Appl. Toxicol., starts with vol. 41 in 1998. Server: http://toxsci.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1781 Abbrev: Toxicologist Title : The Toxicologist ISSN : 0731-9193 CODEN : TOXID9 Publis: Not published Note : Incorporated into Fundam. Appl. Toxicol., ends with vol. ? in 1995. AC : JN-1782 Abbrev: Toxicology Title : Toxicology ISSN : 0300-483X CODEN : TXCYAC Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0300483X AC : JN-1787 Abbrev: Toxicon Title : Toxicon [An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Toxins Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms] ISSN : 0041-0101 CODEN : TOXIA6 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00410101 AC : JN-4803 Abbrev: Toxicon X Title : Toxicon: X ISSN : 2590-1710 Publis: Elsevier Note : Open access mirror journal to: Toxicon. Server: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/toxicon-x AC : JN-4185 Abbrev: Toxin Rev. Title : Toxin Reviews ISSN : 1556-9543 e-ISSN: 1556-9551 Publis: Informa Healthcare Note : Replaces J. Toxicol. Toxin Rev., starts with vol. 24 in 2005. Server: http://informahealthcare.com/loi/txr AC : JN-3825 Abbrev: Toxins Title : Toxins ISSN : 2072-6651 CODEN : TOXIB7 Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/toxins AC : JN-1816 Abbrev: Tr. Inst. Im. Pastera Title : Trudy Instituta Imeni Pastera ISSN : 0202-1447 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 67 in 1992. AC : JN-3878 Abbrev: Tr. Zool. Inst. Title : Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta ISSN : 0206-0477 CODEN : TZOIA4 Publis: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Zoologicheskii Institut Note : Parallel language title: Works of the Zoological Institute. Server: http://www.zin.ru/journals/trudyzin/eng/history.html AC : JN-1788 Abbrev: Traffic Title : Traffic [The International Journal of Intracellular Transport] ISSN : 1398-9219 e-ISSN: 1600-0854 CODEN : TRAFFA Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1398-9219 AC : JN-2104 Abbrev: Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. Title : Transactions of the American Fisheries Society ISSN : 0002-8487 e-ISSN: 1548-8659 CODEN : TAFSAI Publis: American Fisheries Society Server: http://afsjournals.org/page/fitr/information.html AC : JN-1789 Abbrev: Trans. Am. Soc. Neurochem. Title : Transactions of the American Society for Neurochemistry ISSN : 0066-0132 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 25 in 1994. AC : JN-1790 Abbrev: Trans. Assoc. Am. Physicians Title : Transactions of the Association of American Physicians ISSN : 0066-9458 CODEN : TAAPAI Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1987. AC : JN-2737 Abbrev: Trans. Jpn. Soc. Aeronaut. Space Sci. Title : Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences ISSN : 0549-3811 CODEN : TJASAM Publis: Nihon Koku Uchu Gakkai Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/tjsass/_vols AC : JN-2213 Abbrev: Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. Title : Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science ISSN : 0022-8443 e-ISSN: 1938-5420 CODEN : TSASAH Publis: Kansas Academy Of Science Server: http://www.kansasacademyscience.org/transactions.html AC : JN-2739 Abbrev: Trans. Mo. Acad. Sci. Title : Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science ISSN : 0544-540X CODEN : MISTBW Publis: Missouri Academy of Science AC : JN-2443 Abbrev: Trans. Nebr. Acad. Sci. Affil. Soc. Title : Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies ISSN : 0163-9013 CODEN : TNASBH Publis: Nebraska Academy of Sciences AC : JN-2644 Abbrev: Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. Title : Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia ISSN : 0372-1426 CODEN : TSAUAN Publis: Royal Society of South Australia Inc. Server: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/rssa/pub/ AC : JN-1791 Abbrev: Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. Title : Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ISSN : 0035-9203 CODEN : TRSTAZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00359203 AC : JN-3543 Abbrev: Transbound. Emerg. Dis. Title : Transboundary and Emerging Diseases ISSN : 1865-1674 e-ISSN: 1865-1682 CODEN : JVMAE6 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1865-1674 AC : JN-4159 Abbrev: Transcription Title : Transcription ISSN : 2154-1264 e-ISSN: 2154-1272 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/transcription AC : JN-3312 Abbrev: Transfus. Apher. Sci. Title : Transfusion and Apheresis Science ISSN : 1473-0502 CODEN : TASRCE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14730502 AC : JN-1792 Abbrev: Transfus. Clin. Biol. Title : Transfusion Clinique et Biologique [Journal de la Societe Francaise de Transfusion Sanguine] ISSN : 1246-7820 e-ISSN: 1953-8022 CODEN : TCBIFL Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/12467820 AC : JN-1793 Abbrev: Transfus. Med. Title : Transfusion Medicine ISSN : 0958-7578 e-ISSN: 1365-3148 CODEN : TRMDET Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-3148 AC : JN-1794 Abbrev: Transfusion Title : Transfusion ISSN : 0041-1132 e-ISSN: 1537-2995 CODEN : TRANAT Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1537-2995 AC : JN-1795 Abbrev: Transgenic Res. Title : Transgenic Research ISSN : 0962-8819 e-ISSN: 1573-9368 CODEN : TRSEES Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0962-8819 AC : JN-3061 Abbrev: Transgenics Title : Transgenics [Biological Analysis Through DNA Transfer] ISSN : 1023-6171 e-ISSN: 1607-8586 CODEN : TADTEF Publis: Old City Publishing, Inc. Server: http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/Transgenics/TRANS.html AC : JN-4309 Abbrev: Transl. Cancer Res. Title : Translational Cancer Research e-ISSN: 2219-6803 Publis: Pioneer Bioscience Publishing Company Server: http://www.theTCR.org/index AC : JN-4934 Abbrev: Transl. Neurodegener. Title : Translational Neurodegeneration e-ISSN: 2047-9158 Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://translationalneurodegeneration.biomedcentral.com/ AC : JN-4801 Abbrev: Transl. Pediatr. Title : Translational Pediatrics e-ISSN: 2224-4344 Publis: AME Publishing Company Server: https://tp.amegroups.com/ AC : JN-4314 Abbrev: Transl. Psychiatry Title : Translational Psychiatry e-ISSN: 2158-3188 Publis: Nature Publishing Group Server: https://www.nature.com/tp AC : JN-4105 Abbrev: Transl. Res. Title : Translational Research: the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine ISSN : 1931-5244 e-ISSN: 1878-1810 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.translationalres.com/ AC : JN-1797 Abbrev: Transpl. Immunol. Title : Transplant Immunology ISSN : 0966-3274 CODEN : TRIME2 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09663274 AC : JN-1798 Abbrev: Transpl. Int. Title : Transplant International ISSN : 0934-0874 e-ISSN: 1432-2277 CODEN : TRINE5 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0934-0874 AC : JN-1799 Abbrev: Transplant. Proc. Title : Transplantation Proceedings ISSN : 0041-1345 CODEN : TRPPA8 Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00411345 AC : JN-1796 Abbrev: Transplantation Title : Transplantation ISSN : 0041-1337 e-ISSN: 1534-0608 CODEN : TRPLAU Publis: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Server: http://journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/ AC : JN-3171 Abbrev: Trav. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Grigore Antipa Title : Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" ISSN : 1223-2254 CODEN : TMNAAK Publis: Muzeul National de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa" Server: http://www.antipa.ro/travaux.php?lang=en AC : JN-3381 Abbrev: Tree Genet. Genomes Title : Tree Genetics and Genomes ISSN : 1614-2942 e-ISSN: 1614-2950 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1614-2942 AC : JN-1800 Abbrev: Tree Physiol. Title : Tree Physiology ISSN : 0829-318X e-ISSN: 1758-4469 CODEN : TRPHEM Publis: Oxford University Press Server: http://treephys.oxfordjournals.org/ AC : JN-1801 Abbrev: Trees Title : Trees [Structure and Function] ISSN : 0931-1890 e-ISSN: 1432-2285 CODEN : TRESEY Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0931-1890 AC : JN-1802 Abbrev: Trends Biochem. Sci. Title : Trends in Biochemical Sciences ISSN : 0968-0004 e-ISSN: 0167-7640 CODEN : TBSRDM Short : TIBS Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09680004 AC : JN-1803 Abbrev: Trends Biotechnol. Title : Trends in Biotechnology ISSN : 0167-7799 CODEN : TRBIDM Short : TibTech Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01677799 AC : JN-3815 Abbrev: Trends Cardiovasc. Med. Title : Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine ISSN : 1050-1738 e-ISSN: 1873-2615 CODEN : TCMDEQ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10501738 AC : JN-1804 Abbrev: Trends Cell Biol. Title : Trends in Cell Biology ISSN : 0962-8924 CODEN : TCBIEK Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09628924 AC : JN-3256 Abbrev: Trends Cogn. Sci. Title : Trends in Cognitive Sciences ISSN : 1364-6613 CODEN : TCSCFK Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13646613 AC : JN-1805 Abbrev: Trends Ecol. Evol. Title : Trends in Ecology and Evolution ISSN : 0169-5347 e-ISSN: 1872-8383 CODEN : TREEEQ Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01695347 AC : JN-1806 Abbrev: Trends Endocrinol. Metab. Title : Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism ISSN : 1043-2760 CODEN : TENME4 Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10432760 AC : JN-1807 Abbrev: Trends Genet. Title : Trends in Genetics ISSN : 0168-9525 CODEN : TRGEE2 Short : TIG Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01689525 AC : JN-1808 Abbrev: Trends Glycosci. Glycotechnol. Title : Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology ISSN : 0915-7352 CODEN : TGGLEE Short : TIGG Publis: Gakushin Publishing Co. Server: http://www.gak.co.jp/TIGG/ AC : JN-1809 Abbrev: Trends Immunol. Title : Trends in Immunology ISSN : 1471-4906 e-ISSN: 1471-4981 CODEN : TIRMAE Publis: Trends Note : Replaces Immunol. Today, starts with vol. 22 in 2000. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14714906 AC : JN-1810 Abbrev: Trends Microbiol. Title : Trends in Microbiology ISSN : 0966-842X CODEN : TRMIEA Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0966842X AC : JN-1811 Abbrev: Trends Mol. Med. Title : Trends in Molecular Medicine ISSN : 1471-4914 CODEN : TMMRCY Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14714914 AC : JN-1812 Abbrev: Trends Neurosci. Title : Trends in Neurosciences ISSN : 0166-2236 CODEN : TNSCDR Short : TINS Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01662236 AC : JN-1813 Abbrev: Trends Parasitol. Title : Trends in Parasitology ISSN : 1471-4922 e-ISSN: 1471-5007 CODEN : TPRACT Publis: Trends Note : Replaces Parasitol. Today, starts with vol. 17 in 2001. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14714922 AC : JN-1814 Abbrev: Trends Pharmacol. Sci. Title : Trends in Pharmalogical Sciences ISSN : 0165-6147 e-ISSN: 1873-3735 CODEN : TPHSDY Short : TIPS Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01656147 AC : JN-1815 Abbrev: Trends Plant Sci. Title : Trends in Plant Science ISSN : 1360-1385 CODEN : TPSCF9 Publis: Trends Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/13601385 AC : JN-3045 Abbrev: Tribulus Title : Tribulus ISSN : 1019-6919 CODEN : TBULEF Publis: Emirates Natural History Group AC : JN-3046 Abbrev: Trop. Agric. Res. Title : Tropical Agricultural Research [Proceedings of the Annual Congresses of the Postgraduate Institute for Agriculture, University of Peradeniya] ISSN : 1016-1422 Publis: University of Peradeniya AC : JN-3881 Abbrev: Trop. Biomed. Title : Tropical Biomedicine ISSN : 0127-5720 CODEN : TRBIEN Publis: Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Server: http://www.msptm.org/journal.html AC : JN-3447 Abbrev: Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep. Title : Tropical Bryology Research Reports ISSN : 1468-8158 Publis: Tropical Bryology Research Server: http://www.oshea.demon.co.uk/tbr/ AC : JN-4016 Abbrev: Trop. Ecol. Title : Tropical Ecology ISSN : 0564-3295 CODEN : ISTEBI Publis: International Society for Tropical Ecology Server: http://www.tropecol.com/journal/ AC : JN-3517 Abbrev: Trop. Med. Health Title : Tropical Medicine and Health ISSN : 1348-8945 e-ISSN: 1349-4147 Publis: Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/tmh AC : JN-3257 Abbrev: Trop. Med. Int. Health Title : Tropical Medicine and International Health ISSN : 1360-2276 e-ISSN: 1365-3156 CODEN : TMIHFL Short : TM & IH Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1360-2276 AC : JN-1817 Abbrev: Trop. Med. Parasitol. Title : Tropical Medicine and Parasitology ISSN : 0177-2392 CODEN : TMPAEY Publis: Not published Note : Merged with Ann. Soc. Belg. Med. Trop., J. Trop. Med. Hyg. and Trop. Geogr. Med. into Trop. Med. Int. Health, ends with vol. 46 in 1995. AC : JN-3736 Abbrev: Trop. Plant Biol. Title : Tropical Plant Biology ISSN : 1935-9756 e-ISSN: 1935-9764 Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1935-9756 AC : JN-2404 Abbrev: Trop. Plant Pathol. Title : Tropical Plant Pathology ISSN : 1982-5676 e-ISSN: 1983-2052 Publis: Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia Note : Replaces Fitopatol. Bras., starts with vol. 33 in 2008. Server: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1982-5676 AC : JN-1818 Abbrev: Tropics Title : Tropics ISSN : 0917-415X Publis: Japan Society of Tropical Ecology [Nihon Nettai Seitai Gakkai] Note : Parallel language title: Nettai Kenkyu. Server: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jaste/Index-e.html AC : JN-3007 Abbrev: Tsinghua Sci. Technol. Title : Tsinghua Science and Technology ISSN : 1007-0214 CODEN : TSTEF7 Publis: Qinghua Daxue, Xuebao Bianjibu Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10070214 AC : JN-1819 Abbrev: Tsitologiia Title : Tsitologiia ISSN : 0041-3771 CODEN : TSITAQ Publis: N.N.Nikol'skii Note : Alternative transliteration: Tsitologiya. Server: http://www.tsitologiya.cytspb.rssi.ru/index_en.htm AC : JN-2846 Abbrev: Tsuchi to Biseibutsu Title : Tsuchi to Biseibutsu ISSN : 0912-2184 Publis: Nihon Dojo Biseibutsu Gakkai Note : Parallel language title: Soil Microorganisms. AC : JN-1820 Abbrev: Tuber. Lung Dis. Title : Tubercle and Lung Disease ISSN : 0962-8479 CODEN : TLDIEP Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Tuberculosis, ends with vol. 79 in 2000. AC : JN-1821 Abbrev: Tuberculosis Title : Tuberculosis ISSN : 1472-9792 e-ISSN: 1873-281X CODEN : TUBECU Publis: Churchill Livingstone Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Tuberculosis (Edinb.). Replaces Tuber. Lung Dis., starts with vol. 80 in 2001. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/14729792 AC : JN-3498 Abbrev: Tuberk. Toraks Title : Tuberkoloz ve Toraks ISSN : 0494-1373 CODEN : TBZTAQ Publis: Turkish Association of Tuberculosis & Torax Server: http://www.tubtoraks.org/jvi.asp AC : JN-1824 Abbrev: Tumor Biol. Title : Tumor Biology ISSN : 1010-4283 e-ISSN: 1423-0380 CODEN : OBIMD4 Publis: Karger AG Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Tumour Biol. Replaces Tumour Biol., starts with vol. 8 in 1987. Server: http://www.karger.com/TBI AC : JN-1823 Abbrev: Tumor Res. Title : Tumor Research [Experimental and Clinical] ISSN : 0041-4093 CODEN : TUREA6 Publis: Sapporo Ika Daigaku, Gan Kenkyusho AC : JN-1825 Abbrev: Tumour Biol. Title : Tumour Biology ISSN : 0289-5447 CODEN : TUMBEA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Tumor Biol., ends with vol. 7 in 1986. Replaces Oncodev. Biol. Med., starts with vol. 5 in 1984. AC : JN-3717 Abbrev: Tunis. J. Plant Prot. Title : Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection ISSN : 1737-5436 Publis: School of Agriculture of Kef Server: http://www.iresa.agrinet.tn/tjpp/ AC : JN-3205 Abbrev: Turk. J. Biol. Title : Turkish Journal of Biology ISSN : 1300-0152 e-ISSN: 1303-6092 CODEN : TJBIEZ Publis: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK Server: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/index.htm AC : JN-3206 Abbrev: Turk. J. Bot. Title : Turkish Journal of Botany ISSN : 1300-008X e-ISSN: 1303-6106 CODEN : DTBDEG Publis: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK Server: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/index.htm AC : JN-4809 Abbrev: Turk. J. Haematol. Title : Turkish Journal of Haematology ISSN : 1300-7777 e-ISSN: 1308-5263 Publis: Turkish Society of Haematology Server: http://www.tjh.com.tr/ AC : JN-1822 Abbrev: Turk. J. Pediatr. Title : The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics ISSN : 0041-4301 CODEN : TJPDA Publis: Turkish National Pediatric Society Server: http://www.turkishjournalpediatrics.org/ AC : JN-2762 Abbrev: UCLA Symp. Mol. Cell. Biol. Title : UCLA Symposium Series on Molecular and Cellular Biology ISSN : 0735-9543 CODEN : USMBD6 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1991. AC : JN-3852 Abbrev: Ugeskr. Laeg. Title : Ugeskrift for Laeger ISSN : 0041-5782 e-ISSN: 1603-6824 CODEN : UGLAAD Publis: Almindelige Danske Laegeforening Server: https://www.ugeskriftet.dk AC : JN-1826 Abbrev: Ukr. Biokhim. Zh. Title : Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal ISSN : 0201-8470 CODEN : UBZHD4 Publis: NAN Ukrainy Note : Parallel language title: Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. Server: http://ubj.biochemistry.org.ua/index.php?content=history AC : JN-4467 Abbrev: Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. Title : Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology [The Official Journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology] ISSN : 0960-7692 e-ISSN: 1469-0705 CODEN : UOGYFJ Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1469-0705 AC : JN-2364 Abbrev: Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. Title : University of California Publications in Zoology ISSN : 0068-6506 e-ISSN: 1559-3215 CODEN : UCPZAC Publis: University of California Press, Book Series Note : This is a book series. Server: https://www.ucpress.edu/series.php?ser=ucz AC : JN-4212 Abbrev: Univers. J. Med. Dent. Title : Universal Journals of Medicine and Dentistry ISSN : 2277-0992 Publis: Transnational Research Journals Server: http://universalresearchjournals.org/ujmd/index.htm AC : JN-1827 Abbrev: Ups. J. Med. Sci. Title : Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN : 0300-9734 CODEN : UJMSAP Publis: Informa Healthcare Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t716100752 AC : JN-1829 Abbrev: Urol. Res. Title : Urological Research [A Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation] ISSN : 0300-5623 e-ISSN: 1434-0879 CODEN : URLRA5 Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0300-5623 AC : JN-1828 Abbrev: Urology Title : Urology ISSN : 0090-4295 e-ISSN: 1527-9995 CODEN : URGYAZ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00904295 AC : JN-2288 Abbrev: Va. J. Sci. Title : Virginia Journal of Science ISSN : 0042-658X CODEN : VJSCAI Publis: Virginia Academy of Science Server: http://www.vacadsci.org/journal.htm AC : JN-1830 Abbrev: Vaccine Title : Vaccine ISSN : 0264-410X e-ISSN: 1873-2518 CODEN : VACCDE Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0264410X AC : JN-2777 Abbrev: Vaccines Title : Vaccines (Year) ISSN : 0899-4056 CODEN : VMAVEA Publis: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Note : This is a book series. AC : JN-4836 Abbrev: Vaccines (Basel) Title : Vaccines e-ISSN: 2076-393X CODEN : VBSABP Publis: Not published Note : Publication started in 2012. Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/vaccines https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/2764/ AC : JN-1831 Abbrev: VASA Title : VASA [Journal for Vascular Diseases] ISSN : 0301-1526 e-ISSN: 1664-2872 CODEN : VASAAH Publis: Hans Huber Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Vasa. Parallel language title: Zeitschrift fuer Gefaesskrankheiten. Server: http://www.verlag-hanshuber.com/zeitschriften/journal.php?abbrev=VAS AC : JN-4125 Abbrev: Vasc. Cell Title : Vascular Cell ISSN : 2045-824X Publis: BioMed Central Server: http://www.vascularcell.com/about AC : JN-3340 Abbrev: Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. Title : Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases ISSN : 1530-3667 e-ISSN: 1557-7759 CODEN : VZDEBS Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/products/product.aspx?pid=67 AC : JN-2286 Abbrev: Veliger Title : The Veliger ISSN : 0042-3211 CODEN : VLGHAL Publis: California Malacozoological Society Server: http://www.theveliger.org/information.html AC : JN-3477 Abbrev: Venus Title : Venus [Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan] ISSN : 1348-2955 Publis: Malacological Society of Japan Note : Replaces Kairuigaku Zasshi, starts with vol. ? in 2000. Server: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AA11565254_en.html AC : JN-1832 Abbrev: Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Pathol. Title : Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Pathologie ISSN : 0070-4113 CODEN : VDGPAN Publis: Gustav Fischer Verlag AC : JN-3898 Abbrev: Verh. Int. Ver. Theor. Angew. Limnol. Title : Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie ISSN : 0368-0770 CODEN : IVTLAP Publis: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Note : Parallel language title: Proceedings of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Server: http://www.limnology.org/pubs/index.shtml#proceedings AC : JN-1833 Abbrev: Verh. K. Acad. Geneeskd. Belg. Title : Verhandelingen-Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van Belgie ISSN : 0302-6469 Publis: Brussels Paleis Der Academein AC : JN-3876 Abbrev: Veroff Natkdmus (Erfurt) Title : Veroeffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseum Erfurt ISSN : 0232-9565 Publis: Naturkundemuseum Erfurt Server: https://www.naturkundemuseum-erfurt.de/wissenschaft/bibliothek/veroeffentlichungen/ AC : JN-2793 Abbrev: Vestn. Ross. Akad. Med. Nauk Title : Vestnik Rossiiskaya Akademiya Meditsinskikh Nauk ISSN : 0869-6047 CODEN : VAMEE3 Publis: Izdatel'stvo Meditsina Note : Alternative ISO abbreviation: Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR. Server: http://www.medlit.ru/medrus/vestr.htm AC : JN-3705 Abbrev: Vestn. Sarat. Gos. Akad. Prava Title : Vestnik Saratovskoj Gosudarstvennoj Akademii Prava ISSN : 1561-9494 Publis: Saratovskaa Gosudarstvennaa Akademia Prava AC : JN-3719 Abbrev: Vestn. Severo Vost. Nauchnogo Tsentra Dalnevost. Otd. RAN Title : Vestnik Severo-Vostochnogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Dalnevostochnogo Otdeleniia RAN ISSN : 1814-0998 Publis: Severo-Vostochnyi Nauchnyi Tsentr Dalnevostochnogo Otdeleniia RAN AC : JN-3481 Abbrev: Vestsi Akademiya Agrarnykh Navuk Respubliki Belarusi Title : Vestsi Akademiya Agrarnykh Navuk Respubliki Belarusi ISSN : 1029-6891 CODEN : VBYSA6 Publis: Akademiya Agrarnykh Navuk Respubliki Belarusi Note : Replaces Vestsi Akademiya Agrarnykh Navuk Belarusi, starts with vol. ? in ?1997. AC : JN-3605 Abbrev: Vestsi Akademiya Navuk Belarusskai SSR. Ser. Selskogaspadarchykh Navuk Title : Vestsi Akademiya Navuk Belarusskai SSR. Seriya Selskogaspadarchykh Navuk ISSN : 0321-1657 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Vestsi Akademiya Agrarnykh Navuk Belarusi, ends with vol. ? in ?1992. AC : JN-3073 Abbrev: Vestsi Natsyianalnai Akademii Navuk Belarusi Ser. Biyalagichnykh Navuk Title : Vestsi Natsyianalnai Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Seryya Biyalagichnykh Navuk ISSN : 1029-8940 CODEN : VABBA3 Publis: Vydavetstvo Belaruskaya Navuka AC : JN-2782 Abbrev: Vet. Clin. North Am. Equine Pract. Title : Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice ISSN : 0749-0739 e-ISSN: 1558-4224 Publis: Saunders Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/07490739 http://www.vetequine.theclinics.com/ AC : JN-1834 Abbrev: Vet. Dermatol. Title : Veterinary Dermatology ISSN : 0959-4493 e-ISSN: 1365-3164 CODEN : VEDEEK Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0959-4493 AC : JN-1835 Abbrev: Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. Title : Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology ISSN : 0165-2427 e-ISSN: 1873-2534 CODEN : VIIMDS Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01652427 AC : JN-3612 Abbrev: Vet. Ital. Title : Veterinaria Italiana ISSN : 0505-401X e-ISSN: 1828-1427 Publis: Istituto zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise 'G. Caporale' Server: http://www.izs.it/vet_italiana/ AC : JN-1975 Abbrev: Vet. J. Title : The Veterinary Journal ISSN : 1090-0233 e-ISSN: 1532-2971 CODEN : VTJRFP Publis: Elsevier Note : Replaces Br. Vet. J., starts with vol. 153 in 1997. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/10900233 AC : JN-1836 Abbrev: Vet. Microbiol. Title : Veterinary Microbiology ISSN : 0378-1135 e-ISSN: 1873-2542 CODEN : VMICDQ Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03781135 AC : JN-1837 Abbrev: Vet. Ophthalmol. Title : Veterinary Ophthalmology ISSN : 1463-5216 e-ISSN: 1463-5224 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1463-5216 AC : JN-2589 Abbrev: Vet. Parasitol. Title : Veterinary Parasitology ISSN : 0304-4017 e-ISSN: 1873-2550 CODEN : VPARDI Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/03044017 AC : JN-1838 Abbrev: Vet. Pathol. Title : Veterinary Pathology ISSN : 0300-9858 e-ISSN: 1544-2217 CODEN : VTPHAK Publis: American College of Veterinary Pathologists Server: http://vet.sagepub.com/ AC : JN-1839 Abbrev: Vet. Rec. Title : The Veterinary Record ISSN : 0042-4900 CODEN : VETRAX Publis: British Veterinary Association Server: http://veterinaryrecord.bmj.com/ AC : JN-1840 Abbrev: Vet. Res. Title : Veterinary Research ISSN : 0928-4249 e-ISSN: 1297-9716 CODEN : VEREEM Publis: EDP Sciences Server: https://www.vetres.org/ AC : JN-1841 Abbrev: Vet. Res. Commun. Title : Veterinary Research Communications [An International Journal Publishing Topical Reviews and Research Articles on all Aspects of the Veterinary Sciences] ISSN : 0165-7380 e-ISSN: 1573-7446 CODEN : VRCODX Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0165-7380 AC : JN-3713 Abbrev: Vet. Sci. China Title : Veterinary Science in China ISSN : 1673-4696 Publis: Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute Note : Parallel language title: Zhongguo Shouyi Kexue. AC : JN-3341 Abbrev: Vet. Ther. Title : Veterinary Therapeutics [Research in Applied Veterinary Medicine] ISSN : 1528-3593 Publis: Veterinary Learning Systems Server: http://www.veterinarytherapeutics.com/ AC : JN-2287 Abbrev: Veterinariia Title : Veterinariia ISSN : 0042-4846 CODEN : VETNAL Publis: Redaktsiya Zhurnala Veterinariya Note : Alternative transliteration: Veterinariya. AC : JN-3604 Abbrev: Veterynama Medytsyna Title : Veterynama Medytsyna ISSN : 0321-0502 Publis: Ahrarna Nauka AC : JN-3866 Abbrev: Vetscript N. Z. Title : Vetscript New Zealand ISSN : 1170-280X e-ISSN: 1176-9823 Publis: New Zealand Veterinary Association Server: http://www.nzva.org.nz/schemes/vetscript/ AC : JN-2862 Abbrev: Vib. Spectrosc. Title : Vibrational Spectroscopy ISSN : 0924-2031 e-ISSN: 1873-3697 CODEN : VISPEK Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09242031 AC : JN-2503 Abbrev: Vie Milieu Title : Vie et Milieu [Periodique d'Ecologie Generale] ISSN : 0240-8759 CODEN : VIMID2 Short : V&M Publis: Universite de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), Laboratoire Arago Server: http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/ AC : JN-1842 Abbrev: Viral Immunol. Title : Viral Immunology ISSN : 0882-8245 e-ISSN: 1557-8976 CODEN : VIIMET Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=57 AC : JN-1843 Abbrev: Virchows Arch. Title : Virchows Archiv [An International Journal of Pathology] ISSN : 0945-6317 e-ISSN: 1432-2307 CODEN : VARCEM Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0945-6317 AC : JN-1844 Abbrev: Virol. J. Title : Virology Journal e-ISSN: 1743-422X Publis: BioMed Central Server: https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com AC : JN-4538 Abbrev: Virol. Sin. Title : Virologica Sinica ISSN : 1674-0769 e-ISSN: 1995-820X Publis: Beijing: Science Press Server: https://link.springer.com/journal/12250 AC : JN-1845 Abbrev: Virology Title : Virology ISSN : 0042-6822 CODEN : VIRLAX Publis: Academic Press Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00426822 AC : JN-4354 Abbrev: Virulence Title : Virulence ISSN : 2150-5594 e-ISSN: 2150-5608 Publis: Landes Bioscience Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/kvir AC : JN-4759 Abbrev: Virus Evol. Title : Virus Evolution e-ISSN: 2057-1577 Publis: Oxford University Press Server: https://academic.oup.com/ve AC : JN-1846 Abbrev: Virus Genes Title : Virus Genes ISSN : 0920-8569 e-ISSN: 1572-994X CODEN : VIGEET Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0920-8569 AC : JN-1847 Abbrev: Virus Res. Title : Virus Research [An International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Virology] ISSN : 0168-1702 e-ISSN: 1872-7492 CODEN : VIREDF Publis: Elsevier Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/01681702 AC : JN-4191 Abbrev: Viruses Title : Viruses e-ISSN: 1999-4915 CODEN : VIRUBR Publis: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) Server: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/viruses AC : JN-3485 Abbrev: Virusologiya Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Title : Virusologiya Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki ISSN : 0321-2181 Publis: Vserossiiskii Institut Nauchnoi i Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii (VINITI) Note : Alternative transliteration: Virusologiia Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. AC : JN-1849 Abbrev: Vis. Neurosci. Title : Visual Neuroscience ISSN : 0952-5238 e-ISSN: 1469-8714 CODEN : VNEUEY Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=VNS AC : JN-1848 Abbrev: Vision Res. Title : Vision Research [An International Journal for Functional Aspects of Vision] ISSN : 0042-6989 CODEN : VISRAM Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00426989 AC : JN-3589 Abbrev: Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu Seriia Biolohichna Title : Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu Seriia Biolohichna ISSN : 0201-758X Publis: Vyo-Vo Pri Lvivskomu Derzh. Universyteti Vydanichoho Obiedenannia "Vyshcha Shkola" AC : JN-1850 Abbrev: Vitam. Horm. Title : Vitamins and Hormones [Advances in Research and Applications] ISSN : 0083-6729 CODEN : VIHOAQ Publis: Academic Press Note : This is a book series. Server: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/00836729 AC : JN-2289 Abbrev: Vitis Title : Vitis [Berichte ueber Rebenforschung mit Dokumentation der Weinbauforschung] ISSN : 0042-7500 CODEN : VITIAY Publis: Bundesanstalt fur Zuechtungsforschung an Kulturpflanzen, Institut fur Rebenzuechtung Geilweilerhof AC : JN-1851 Abbrev: Viva Orig. Title : Viva Origino ISSN : 0300-0281 CODEN : VIORE6 Server: http://www.origin-life.gr.jp/j-vo.htm AC : JN-2893 Abbrev: Volucella Title : Volucella ISSN : 0947-9538 Publis: Dieter Doczkal, Ed. & Pub. Server: http://www-alt.naturkundemuseum-bw.de/stuttgart/volucella/ AC : JN-1852 Abbrev: Vopr. Med. Khim. Title : Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii ISSN : 0042-8809 CODEN : VMDKAM Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Biomed. Khim., ends with vol. 49(2) in 2003. AC : JN-1853 Abbrev: Vopr. Virusol. Title : Voprosy Virusologii ISSN : 0507-4088 CODEN : VVIRAT Publis: Izdatel'stvo Meditsina Note : Parallel language title: Problems of Virology. Server: http://www.medlit.ru/medeng/vvir5.htm AC : JN-1854 Abbrev: Vox Sang. Title : Vox Sanguinis [International Journal of Transfusion Medicine] ISSN : 0042-9007 e-ISSN: 1423-0410 CODEN : VOSAAD Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. 79 in 2000. AC : JN-3585 Abbrev: Warasan Phesatchasat Title : Warasan Phesatchasat ISSN : 0125-1570 CODEN : VPSADN Publis: Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University Note : Parallel language title: Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Server: http://www.pharmacy.mahidol.ac.th/eng/journal.php#top AC : JN-4725 Abbrev: Waste Biomass Valorization Title : Waste and Biomass Valorization ISSN : 1877-2641 e-ISSN: 1877-265X CODEN : WBVAAG Publis: Springer Server: https://www.springer.com/journal/12649 AC : JN-4025 Abbrev: Waste Manag. Res. Title : Waste Management and Research ISSN : 0734-242X e-ISSN: 1096-3669 CODEN : WMARD8 Publis: Sage Publications Server: http://wmr.sagepub.com AC : JN-2327 Abbrev: Water Air Soil Pollut. Title : Water, Air and Soil Pollution ISSN : 0049-6979 e-ISSN: 1573-2932 CODEN : WAPLAC Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0049-6979 AC : JN-3098 Abbrev: Water Environ. Res. Title : Water Environment Research ISSN : 1061-4303 e-ISSN: 1554-7531 CODEN : WAERED Short : WER Publis: Water Environment Federation Server: http://www.wef.org/ScienceTechnologyResources/Publications/WER/ AC : JN-2297 Abbrev: Water Res. Title : Water Research ISSN : 0043-1354 CODEN : WATRAG Publis: Pergamon Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00431354 AC : JN-2552 Abbrev: Water Sci. Technol. Title : Water Science and Technology ISSN : 0273-1223 CODEN : WSTED4 Publis: IWA Publishing Server: http://www.iwaponline.com/wst/ AC : JN-3342 Abbrev: Waterbirds Title : Waterbirds [The International Journal of Waterbird Biology] ISSN : 1524-4695 e-ISSN: 1938-5390 CODEN : COWAEW Publis: Waterbird Society Server: http://waterbirds.org/journal AC : JN-3297 Abbrev: Web Ecol. Title : Web Ecology e-ISSN: 1399-1183 Publis: Oikos Editorial Office Server: http://www.oikos.ekol.lu.se/wejrnl.html AC : JN-2384 Abbrev: Webbia Title : Webbia ISSN : 0083-7792 CODEN : WBIAAJ Publis: Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Museo di Storia Naturale - Botanica AC : JN-3283 Abbrev: Weed Biol. Manag. Title : Weed Biology and Management ISSN : 1444-6162 e-ISSN: 1445-6664 CODEN : WBMEAH Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1444-6162 AC : JN-2298 Abbrev: Weed Res. Title : Weed Research ISSN : 0043-1737 e-ISSN: 1365-3180 CODEN : WEREAT Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0043-1737 AC : JN-1855 Abbrev: Weed Sci. Title : Weed Science ISSN : 0043-1745 e-ISSN: 1550-2759 CODEN : WEESA6 Publis: Weed Science Society of America Server: http://www.wssa.net/WSSA/Pubs/WeedSci.htm AC : JN-2811 Abbrev: Weed Technol. Title : Weed Technology ISSN : 0890-037X e-ISSN: 1550-2740 CODEN : WETEE9 Publis: Weed Science Society of America Server: http://allenpress.com/publications/journals/wete AC : JN-3258 Abbrev: Weeds World Title : Weeds World ISSN : 1358-6912 CODEN : WWEPFQ Publis: Weed World AC : JN-3008 Abbrev: Wei Chang Bing Xue He Gan Bing Xue Za Zhi Title : Wei Chang Bing Xue He Gan Bing Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1006-5709 CODEN : WHGZAO Publis: Weichangbingxue he Ganbingxue Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Weichangbingxue He Ganbingxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Server: http://wcbxhgbxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1856 Abbrev: Wei Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Wei Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 0001-6209 CODEN : WSHPA8 Publis: Chinese Society of Microbiology Note : Alternative transliteration: Wei Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao. Alternative transliteration: Weishengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Microbiologica Sinica. Server: http://wswxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2988 Abbrev: Wei Sheng Wu Xue Mian Yi Xue Jin Zhan Title : Wei Sheng Wu Xue Mian Yi Xue Jin Zhan ISSN : 1005-5673 Publis: Weishengwuxue Mianyixue Jinzhan Note : Alternative transliteration: Weishengwuxue Mianyixue Jinzhanv. Parallel language title: Progress in Microbiology and Immunology. Server: http://wswxmyxjz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2513 Abbrev: Wei Sheng Wu Xue Tong Bao Title : Wei Sheng Wu Xue Tong Bao ISSN : 0253-2654 CODEN : WSWPDI Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Weishengwuxue Tongbao. Parallel language title: Microbiology. Server: http://wswxtb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3009 Abbrev: Wei Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi Title : Wei Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1005-7021 CODEN : WEZAER Publis: Liaoning Sheng Weishengwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Weishengwuxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Microbiology. Server: http://wswxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2926 Abbrev: Wei Ti Gu Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Wei Ti Gu Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-0674 CODEN : WEXUE9 Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Weiti Gushengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica. Server: http://wtgswxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2296 Abbrev: Werkst. Korros. Title : Werkstoffe und Korrosion ISSN : 0043-2822 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mater. Corros., ends with vol. 46? in 1995. AC : JN-2181 Abbrev: West. N. Am. Nat. Title : Western North American Naturalist ISSN : 1527-0904 e-ISSN: 1944-8341 CODEN : WNANF5 Publis: Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museau Note : Replaces Great Basin Nat., starts with vol. 60 in 2000. Server: https://bioone.org/journals/western-north-american-naturalist/issues AC : JN-2299 Abbrev: Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. Title : Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift ISSN : 0043-5325 e-ISSN: 1613-7671 CODEN : WKWOAO Publis: Springer Wien Note : Incorporates Acta Med. Austriaca in 2004. Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0043-5325 AC : JN-2783 Abbrev: Wildl. Biol. Title : Wildlife Biology ISSN : 0909-6396 CODEN : WIBIFS Publis: Nordisk Kollegium for Vildtforskning Note : Incorporates Game Wildl. Sci. in 2005. Server: https://www.wildlifebiology.org AC : JN-3448 Abbrev: Wildl. Biol. in Practice Title : Wildlife Biology in Practice ISSN : 1646-1509 e-ISSN: 1646-2742 Publis: Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem Server: http://www.socpvs.org/wbp.php AC : JN-3079 Abbrev: Wildl. Res. Title : Wildlife Research ISSN : 1035-3712 e-ISSN: 1448-5494 CODEN : WRESEX Publis: CSIRO Publishing Server: http://www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=144 AC : JN-2385 Abbrev: Wildl. Soc. Bull. Title : Wildlife Society Bulletin ISSN : 0091-7648 CODEN : WLSBA6 Publis: The Wildlife Society Server: http://joomla.wildlife.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=186&Itemid=248 AC : JN-2724 Abbrev: Willdenowia Title : Willdenowia ISSN : 0511-9618 CODEN : WLDNAZ Publis: Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem Server: http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/bgbm/library/publikat/willdenowia.htm AC : JN-3575 Abbrev: Wilson Bull. Title : The Wilson Bulletin ISSN : 0043-5643 CODEN : WILBAI Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Wilson J. Ornithol., ends with vol. 117 in 2005. AC : JN-2300 Abbrev: Wilson J. Ornithol. Title : The Wilson Journal of Ornithology ISSN : 1559-4491 e-ISSN: 1938-5447 Publis: Wilson Ornithological Society Note : Replaces Wilson Bull., starts with vol. 118 in 2006. Server: http://www.wilsonsociety.org/wilsonsoc/pubs/wjo.html AC : JN-1857 Abbrev: Wkly. Epidemiol. Rec. Title : Weekly Epidemiological Record ISSN : 0049-8114 Short : WER Publis: World Health Organization Note : Parallel language title: Releve epidemiologique hebdomadaire. Server: http://www.who.int/wer/en/ AC : JN-2301 Abbrev: WMJ Title : Wisconsin Medical Journal ISSN : 1098-1861 Publis: Wisconsin Medical Society Server: http://www.wisconsinmedicalsociety.org/wmj AC : JN-3189 Abbrev: Wonye Kwahak Kisulchi Title : Wonye Kwahak Kisulchi ISSN : 1226-8763 Publis: Korean Society for Horticultural Science Note : Alternative transliteration: Weon'ye Gwahag Gi'sulji. Parallel language title: Korean Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology. Server: http://www.horticulture.or.kr/english/index.asp AC : JN-2302 Abbrev: Wood Sci. Technol. Title : Wood Science and Technology [Journal of the International Academy of Wood Science] ISSN : 0043-7719 e-ISSN: 1432-5225 CODEN : WOSTBE Publis: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0043-7719 AC : JN-4914 Abbrev: World Allergy Organ. J. Title : The World Allergy Organization Journal e-ISSN: 1939-4551 Publis: Elsevier Server: https://www.worldallergyorganizationjournal.org/ AC : JN-4126 Abbrev: World J. Biol. Chem. Title : World Journal of Biological Chemistry e-ISSN: 1949-8454 Publis: Baishideng publishing group Server: https://www.wjgnet.com/1949-8454 AC : JN-1858 Abbrev: World J. Gastroenterol. Title : World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN : 1007-9327 CODEN : WJGAF2 Publis: WJG Press Note : Replaces China Natl. J. New Gastroenterol., starts with vol. 4 in 1998. Server: https://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327 AC : JN-4297 Abbrev: World J. Gastrointest. Pharmacol. Ther. Title : World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics ISSN : 2150-5349 Publis: Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientifc Company Server: https://www.wjgnet.com/2150-5349 AC : JN-4287 Abbrev: World J. Hepatol. Title : World Journal of Hepatology e-ISSN: 1948-5182 Publis: Baishideng publishing group Server: https://www.wjgnet.com/1948-5182 AC : JN-1932 Abbrev: World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Title : World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology ISSN : 0959-3993 e-ISSN: 1573-0972 CODEN : WJMBEY Short : WJMB Publis: Springer Netherlands Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0959-3993 AC : JN-4450 Abbrev: World J. Pediatr. Title : World Journal of Pediatrics [WJP] ISSN : 1708-8569 e-ISSN: 1867-0687 Publis: Springer International Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/12519 AC : JN-1987 Abbrev: World J. Surg. Title : World Journal of Surgery ISSN : 0364-2313 e-ISSN: 1432-2323 CODEN : WJSUDI Publis: Springer New York Server: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0364-2313 AC : JN-4343 Abbrev: World J. Urol. Title : World Journal of Urology ISSN : 0724-4983 e-ISSN: 1433-8726 CODEN : WJURDJ Publis: Springer Server: http://link.springer.com/journal/345 AC : JN-4355 Abbrev: Worm Title : Worm e-ISSN: 2162-4054 Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kwrm20 AC : JN-1966 Abbrev: Wound Repair Regen. Title : Wound Repair and Regeneration ISSN : 1067-1927 e-ISSN: 1524-475X CODEN : WREREU Short : WRR Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1067-1927 AC : JN-3480 Abbrev: Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao Li Xue Ban Title : Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao. Li Xue Ban ISSN : 1671-8836 CODEN : WTHPDI Publis: Wuhan Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Wuhan Daxue Xuebao. Lixue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Wuhan University. Natural Science. Replaces Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban, starts with vol. ? in 2001. Server: http://scholar.ilib.cn/P-whdxxb-zr.html AC : JN-3595 Abbrev: Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 0253-9888 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Science. Replaced by Wuhan Da Xue Xue Bao Li Xue Ban, ends with vol. ? in ?2001. AC : JN-2944 Abbrev: Wuhan Zhi Wu Xue Yan Jiu Title : Wuhan Zhi Wu Xue Yan Jiu ISSN : 1000-470X CODEN : WZYAFY Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Wuhan Zhiwuxue Yanjiu. Parallel language title: Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research. Server: http://whzwxyj.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3364 Abbrev: Wulfenia Title : Wulfenia ISSN : 1561-882X Publis: Kaerntner Botanikzentrum Server: http://www.landesmuseum.at/biophp/de/wulfenia.php AC : JN-1859 Abbrev: Xenobiotica Title : Xenobiotica [The Fate and Safety Evaluation of Foreign Compounds in Biological Systems] ISSN : 0049-8254 e-ISSN: 1366-5928 CODEN : XENOBH Publis: Taylor & Francis Server: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713698011 AC : JN-1860 Abbrev: Xenotransplantation Title : Xenotransplantation ISSN : 0908-665X e-ISSN: 1399-3089 CODEN : XENOFL Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0908-665X AC : JN-3489 Abbrev: Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi Title : Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-9977 CODEN : XISZD3 Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Shanghai Xibao Shengwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Xibao Shengwuxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Cytobiology. AC : JN-1861 Abbrev: Xi Bao Yu Fen Zi Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Xi Bao Yu Fen Zi Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1007-8738 CODEN : XFMZFM Publis: Xi bao yu fen zi mian yi xue za zhi bian ji bu Note : Alternative transliteration: Xibao Yu Fenzi Mianyixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Server: http://xbyfzmyxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2945 Abbrev: Xi Bei Zhi Wu Xue Bao Title : Xi Bei Zhi Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-4025 CODEN : XZXUEV Publis: Shanxi-sheng Kexueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Xibei Zhiwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica. Server: http://xbzwxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3762 Abbrev: Xi Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Xi Nan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1673-9868 CODEN : XDXZBP Publis: Editorial Department of Journal of Southwest University Note : Alternative transliteration: Xinan Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Southwest University. Natural Science. Server: http://www.ilib.cn/P-xnnydxxb.html AC : JN-2946 Abbrev: Xi Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Xi Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2642 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Xinan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Southwest Agricultural University. Replaced by Xi Nan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao. Ziran Ke Xue Ban, ends with vol.? in ?. AC : JN-3643 Abbrev: Xi Nan Nong Ye Xue Bao Title : Xi Nan Nong Ye Xue Bao ISSN : 1001-4829 Publis: Xi Nan Nong Ye Xue Bao Bian Ji Wei Yuan Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Xinan Nongye Xuebao. Parallel language title: Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2768 AC : JN-2960 Abbrev: Xi Nan Shifan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Xi Nan Shifan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1000-5471 CODEN : XSDKEM Publis: Xinan Shifan Daxue, Xuebao Bianjibu Note : Alternative transliteration: Xinan Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Alternative transliteration: Xi'nan Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Parallel language title: Journal of the Southwest Normal University (Natural Sciences Edition). Server: http://xbbjb.swu.cn/ http://xbgjxt.swu.cn/jsuns/jsuns/ch/index.aspx AC : JN-2712 Abbrev: Xiamen Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Xiamen Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 0438-0479 CODEN : HMHHAF Publis: Xiamen Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Xiamen Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Xiamen University. Natural Science. Server: http://acad.cnki.net/Kns55/oldnavi/n_item.aspx?NaviID=1&BaseID=XDZK&NaviLink= AC : JN-3888 Abbrev: Xian Dai Hua Gong Title : Xian Dai Hua Gong ISSN : 0253-4320 CODEN : HTKUDJ Publis: Zhongguo Huagong Xinxi Zhongxin Note : Parallel language title: Modern Chemical Industry. Server: http://www.xdhg.com.cn/ AC : JN-3526 Abbrev: Xian Dai Shi Yong Yi Xue Title : Xian Dai Shi Yong Yi Xue ISSN : 1671-0800 Publis: Xiandai Shiyong Yixue Note : Alternative transliteration: Xiandai Shiyong Yixue. Parallel language title: Modern Practical Medicine. Server: http://nbyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2989 Abbrev: Xian Dai Yu Fang Yi Xue Title : Xian Dai Yu Fang Yi Xue ISSN : 1003-8507 CODEN : XYYIFS Publis: Sichuan Daxue, Huaxi Gonggong Weisheng Xueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Xiandai Yufang Yixue. Parallel language title: Modern Preventive Medicine. Server: http://xdyfyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2635 Abbrev: Xu Mu Shou Yi Xue Bao Title : Xu Mu Shou Yi Xue Bao ISSN : 0366-6964 CODEN : CMHPAI Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Xumu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Xumu Shouyi Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica. Server: http://xmsyxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3622 Abbrev: Xu Mu Yu Shou Yi Title : Xu Mu Yu Shou Yi ISSN : 0529-5130 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Xumu Yu Shouyi. Parallel language title: Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine. Replaced by Fujian Xumu Shouyi, ends with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-3616 Abbrev: Y Hoc Viet Nam Title : Y Hoc Viet Nam ISSN : 0686-3174 Publis: Tong Hoi Y Duoc Hoc Viet Nam AC : JN-3613 Abbrev: Yakhak Hoechi Title : Yakhak Hoechi ISSN : 0377-9556 CODEN : YAHOA3 Publis: Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Note : Alternative transliteration: Yakhakhoe Chi. Parallel language title: Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea. AC : JN-2250 Abbrev: Yakugaku Zasshi Title : Yakugaku Zasshi ISSN : 0031-6903 e-ISSN: 1347-5231 CODEN : YKKZAJ Publis: Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Server: http://yakushi.pharm.or.jp/ AC : JN-1982 Abbrev: Yamagata Med. J. Title : Yamagata Medical Journal [Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Medical Science] ISSN : 0288-030X Short : YMJ Publis: Yamagata University Server: http://www.lib.yamagata-u.ac.jp/medical/YMJ/YmjMain.html AC : JN-2303 Abbrev: Yamashina Chorui Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku Title : Yamashina Chorui Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku ISSN : 1348-5032 Publis: Yamashina Chorui Kenkyujo Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. Volumes 1-34 published as ISSN 0044-0183. Server: http://www.yamashina.or.jp/hp/kankobutu/kenkyu_hokoku/yamashina_mokuji_e.html AC : JN-2725 Abbrev: Yao Xue Xue Bao Title : Yao Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 0513-4870 CODEN : YHHPAL Publis: Yaoxue Xuebao Note : Alternative transliteration: Yaoxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica. Server: http://yxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2533 Abbrev: Year Immunol. Title : The Year in Immunology ISSN : 0256-2308 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in 1992. AC : JN-1862 Abbrev: Yeast Title : Yeast ISSN : 0749-503X e-ISSN: 1097-0061 CODEN : YESTE3 Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0061 AC : JN-1863 Abbrev: Yi Chuan Title : Yichuan [Zhongguo Yi Chuan Xue Hui Bian Ji] ISSN : 0253-9772 CODEN : ICHUDW Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Yichuan. Parallel language title: Hereditas. Server: http://yc.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1864 Abbrev: Yi Chuan Xue Bao Title : Yi Chuan Xue Bao ISSN : 0379-4172 CODEN : ICHPCG Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: I Chuan Hsueh Pao. Alternative transliteration: Yichuan Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Genetica Sinica. Replaced by J. Genet. Genomics, ends with vol. 33 in 2006. AC : JN-1865 Abbrev: Ying Yong Yu Huan Jing Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Ying Yong Yu Huan Jing Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1006-687X CODEN : YYHXFX Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Chengdu Shengwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Yingyong Yu Huanjing Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology. Server: http://yyyhjswxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1866 Abbrev: Yonsei Med. J. Title : Yonsei Medical Journal ISSN : 0513-5796 e-ISSN: 1976-2437 CODEN : YOMJA9 Publis: Yonsei University College of Medicine Server: https://www.eymj.org/ AC : JN-3785 Abbrev: Yuan Yi Xue Bao Title : Yuan Yi Xue Bao ISSN : 0513-353X CODEN : YUHPAA Publis: Zhongguo Yuanyi Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Yuanyi Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Horticulturae Sinica. Server: http://www.wanfangdata.com/sci/details.aspx?id=3255346 AC : JN-2990 Abbrev: Yunnan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Yunnan Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1004-390X CODEN : YNDXAX Publis: Yunnan Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Yunnan Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2670 AC : JN-2515 Abbrev: Yunnan Zhi Wu Yan Jiu Title : Yunnan Zhi Wu Yan Jiu ISSN : 0253-2700 CODEN : YCWCDP Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Yunnan Zhiwu Yanjiu. Parallel language title: Acta Botanica Yunnanica. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2272 AC : JN-2894 Abbrev: Z. Feldherpetol. Title : Zeitschrift fur Feldherpetologie ISSN : 0946-7998 Publis: Laurenti Verlag Server: http://www.laurenti.de/ AC : JN-1867 Abbrev: Z. Jagdwiss. Title : Zeitschrift fur Jagdwissenschaft ISSN : 0044-2887 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Eur. J. Wildlife Res., ends with vol. 49 in 2003. AC : JN-1868 Abbrev: Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. Title : Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung ISSN : 0044-3026 CODEN : ZLUFAR Publis: Not published Note : Replaced in part by Z. Lebensm.-Unters.-Forsch., A Food Res. Technol., ends with vol. 203 in 1996. AC : JN-3698 Abbrev: Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A Title : Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A ISSN : 1431-4630 CODEN : ZLFAFA Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. B, ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-3867 Abbrev: Z. Mykol. Title : Zeitschrift fur Mykologie ISSN : 0170-110X CODEN : ZEMYDW Publis: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Mykologie Server: https://dgfm-ev.de/index.php?id=zmykol AC : JN-1869 Abbrev: Z. Naturforsch. B Title : Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section B [A Journal of Chemical Sciences] ISSN : 0932-0776 CODEN : ZNBSEN Publis: Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Server: http://www.znaturforsch.com/b.htm AC : JN-1870 Abbrev: Z. Naturforsch. C Title : Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section C [A Journal of Biosciences] ISSN : 0939-5075 CODEN : ZNCBDA Publis: Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Note : Replaces Z. Naturforsch. C Biosci., starts with vol. 41 in 1986. Server: http://www.znaturforsch.com/c.htm AC : JN-3608 Abbrev: Z. Naturforsch. C Biosci. Title : Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Section C - Biosciences ISSN : 0341-0382 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Z. Naturforsch. C, ends with vol. 40 in 1985. AC : JN-2613 Abbrev: Z. Pflanzenkr. Pflanzenschutz Title : Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz ISSN : 0340-8159 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Plant Dis. Prot., ends with vol. 112 in 2005. AC : JN-2294 Abbrev: Z. Sauegetierkd. Title : Zeitschrift fur Sauegetierkunde ISSN : 0044-3468 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Z. Saugetierkd. Replaced by Mamm. Biol., ends with vol. 65? in 2000. AC : JN-1871 Abbrev: Z. Vererbungsl. Title : Zeitschrift fur Vererbungslehre ISSN : 0372-8609 CODEN : ZEVBA5 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Mol. Gen. Genet., ends with vol. 98 in 1966. AC : JN-2016 Abbrev: Zebrafish Title : Zebrafish ISSN : 1545-8547 e-ISSN: 1557-8542 Publis: Mary Ann Liebert Server: http://www.liebertpub.com/Products/Product.aspx?pid=122 AC : JN-1872 Abbrev: Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Title : Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie [International Journal of Medical Microbiology] ISSN : 0934-8840 CODEN : ZEBAE8 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Int. J. Med. Microbiol., ends with vol. 289 in 2000. AC : JN-1873 Abbrev: Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Mikrobiol. Hyg. C Title : Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Abteilung 1. Originale C: Allgemeine, Angewandte und Okologische Mikrobiologie [International Journal of Microbiology and Hygiene. General, Applied and Ecological Microbiology] ISSN : 0721-9571 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Syst. Appl. Microbiol., ends with vol. 3 in 1982. AC : JN-2790 Abbrev: Zentralbl. Pathol. Title : Zentralblatt fur Pathologie ISSN : 0863-4106 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Gen. Diagn. Pathol., ends with vol. ?140 in 1995. AC : JN-3625 Abbrev: Zentralbl. Veterinarmedizin Reihe B Title : Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin. Reihe B ISSN : 0514-7166 Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by J. Vet. Med. B, ends with vol. 46 in 1999. AC : JN-3894 Abbrev: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Gorniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanislawa Staszica Title : Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Gorniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanislawa Staszica ISSN : 0373-8558 Publis: Not published Note : Publication ceased with vol. ? in ?1993. AC : JN-1874 Abbrev: Zh. Evol. Biokhim. Fiziol. Title : Zhurnal Evoliutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologiee ISSN : 0044-4529 CODEN : ZEBFAJ Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii. Parallel language title: Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology (ISSN 0022-0930). Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=evolbp&page=main AC : JN-1875 Abbrev: Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immunobiol. Title : Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii I Immunobiologii ISSN : 0372-9311 CODEN : ZMEIAV Publis: Izdatel'stvo S-Info Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology. AC : JN-1876 Abbrev: Zh. Obshch. Biol. Title : Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii ISSN : 0044-4596 CODEN : ZOBIAU Publis: NAUKA International Academic Publishing Company Note : Parallel language title: Journal of General Biology. Server: https://elementy.ru/genbio/english AC : JN-2947 Abbrev: Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Nong Ye Yu Sheng Ming Ke Xue Ban Title : Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao. Nong Ye Yu Sheng Ming Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 1008-9209 CODEN : ZXSKFJ Publis: Zhejiang Daxue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao. Nongye yu Shengming Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Zhejiang University Agriculture and Life Science. Replaces Zhejiang Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao, starts with vol. ? in ?. Server: http://agr.zjujour.com AC : JN-3641 Abbrev: Zhejiang Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Zhejiang Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-2111 CODEN : ZNDXEE Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhejiang Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Chekianensis. Replaced by Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Nong Ye Yu Sheng Ming Ke Xue Ban, ends with vol. ? in ?. AC : JN-3504 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Bao Hu Title : Zhi Wu Bao Hu ISSN : 0529-1542 Publis: Zhongguo Zhiwu Baohu Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Baohu. Parallel language title: Plant Protection. Server: http://www.wanfangdata.com/sci/details.aspx?id=3256307 AC : JN-2741 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Bao Hu Xue Bao Title : Zhi Wu Bao Hu Xue Bao ISSN : 0577-7518 CODEN : CWPHAZ Publis: Zhongguo Zhiwu Baohu Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Baohu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Plant Protection. Server: http://zwbhxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2742 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Bao Hu Xue Hui Hui Kan Title : Zhi Wu Bao Hu Xue Hui Hui Kan ISSN : 0577-750X CODEN : PLPBBH Publis: Zhiwu Baohuxuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Baohuxuehui Huikan. Parallel language title: Plant Protection Bulletin. AC : JN-2693 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue Bao Title : Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue Bao ISSN : 0412-0914 CODEN : CWSPDA Publis: Zhongguo Zhiwu Bingli Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Bingli Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Phytopathologica Sinica. Server: http://zwblxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3659 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue Hui Kan Title : Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue Hui Kan ISSN : 1021-9544 CODEN : ZBXUFM Publis: Zhonghua Min Guo Zhi Wu Bing Li Xue Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Binglixue Huikan. Parallel language title: Plant Pathology Bulletin. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=397 AC : JN-1877 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao Title : Zhi Wu Fen Lei Xue Bao ISSN : 0529-1526 CODEN : CFHPA3 Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Fenlei Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica. Server: http://www.plantsystematics.com/en/lwjs.asp?ks_keyword= AC : JN-2694 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Sheng Li Xue Tong Xun Title : Zhi Wu Sheng Li Xue Tong Xun ISSN : 0412-0922 CODEN : CHWSAX Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Shenglixue Tongxun. Parallel language title: Plant Physiology Communications. Server: http://zwslxtx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3392 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Sheng Li Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Xue Bao Title : Zhi Wu Sheng Li Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1671-3877 CODEN : ZSYFAS Publis: Zhongguo Zhiwu Shengli Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Shengli yu Fenzi Shengwuxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology. Server: http://zwslxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3511 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Xue Tong Bao Title : Zhi Wu Xue Tong Bao ISSN : 1003-2266 Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Zhiwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwuxue Tongbao. Parallel language title: Chinese bulletin of botany. Server: https://www.chinbullbotany.com/ AC : JN-3407 Abbrev: Zhi Wu Yan Jiu Title : Zhi Wu Yan Jiu ISSN : 1673-5102 Publis: Dongbei Linye Daxue, Zhiwu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhiwu Yanjiu. Parallel language title: Bulletin of Botanical Research. Server: http://c.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical-zwyj.aspx AC : JN-2516 Abbrev: Zhong Cao Yao Title : Zhong Cao Yao ISSN : 0253-2670 CODEN : CTYAD8 Publis: Guojia Yaoping Jiandu Guanli Ju Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongcaoyao. Parallel language title: Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2790 AC : JN-3652 Abbrev: Zhong Guo Shi Yan Zhen Duan Xue Title : Zhong Guo Shi Yan Zhen Duan Xue ISSN : 1007-4287 Publis: Zhongguo Shiyan Zhenduanxue Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shiyan Zhenduanxue. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2647 AC : JN-3394 Abbrev: Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban Title : Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ban ISSN : 1672-7347 CODEN : ZDXYCB Publis: Zhongnan Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao. Yixue Ban. Parallel language title: Journal of Central South University. Medical Sciences. Server: http://hnykdx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1962 Abbrev: Zhongguo Bing Du Xue Title : Zhongguo Bing Du Xue ISSN : 1003-5125 CODEN : BIZAES Publis: Ko Hsueh Chu Pan She Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Bingduxue. Parallel language title: Virologica Sinica. Server: http://www.virol.cn/ AC : JN-3714 Abbrev: Zhongguo Bing Yuan Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Bing Yuan Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1673-5234 Publis: Zhongguo Bing Yuan Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi Bian Ji Wei Yuan Hui Note : Parallel language title: Journal of Pathogen Biology. Replaces Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi, starts with vol. ? in 2006. AC : JN-3010 Abbrev: Zhongguo Dong Wu Jian Yi Title : Zhongguo Dong Wu Jian Yi ISSN : 1005-944X Publis: Nongyebu Dongwu Jianyisuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Dongwu Jianyi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Animal Quarantine. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2734 AC : JN-1878 Abbrev: Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi ISSN : 1009-3419 CODEN : ZFZHAG Publis: Zhongguo Kang'ai Xiehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Feiai Zazhi. Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Feiyan Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer. Server: http://zgfazz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2962 Abbrev: Zhongguo Gong Gong Wei Sheng Title : Zhongguo Gong Gong Wei Sheng ISSN : 1001-0580 CODEN : ZGWEE3 Publis: Zhongguo Gonggong Weisheng Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Gonggong Weisheng. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Public Health. Server: http://zgggws.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3893 Abbrev: Zhongguo Hsu Mu Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Xumu Zazhi ISSN : 0258-7033 CODEN : ZXZADM Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Xumu Yanjiusuo Note : Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Animal Science. Server: http://zgxmzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3011 Abbrev: Zhongguo Ji Hua Mian Yi Title : Zhongguo Ji Hua Mian Yi ISSN : 1006-916X Publis: Zhongguo Jibing Yufang Kongzhi Zhongxin Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Jihua Mianyi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization. Server: http://zgjhmy.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2977 Abbrev: Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-6627 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Jishengchongbing Fangzhi Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control. Replaced by Zhongguo Bing Yuan Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi, ends with vol. ? in ?2005. AC : JN-2963 Abbrev: Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 1000-7423 CODEN : ZJYZET Publis: Zhongguo Yufang Yixue Kexueyuan, Jishengchongbing Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Jishengchongxue Yu Jishengchongbing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. Server: http://zgjscxyjscbzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3648 Abbrev: Zhongguo Jia Qin Title : Zhongguo Jia Qin ISSN : 1004-6364 Publis: Jiangsu Sheng Jiaqin Kexue Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Jiaqin. Parallel language title: China Poultry. Server: http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?LinkType=BaseLink&DBCode=cjfd&TableName=cjfdbaseinfo&Field=BaseID&Value=ZGJQ AC : JN-2997 Abbrev: Zhongguo Kang Sheng Su Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Kang Sheng Su Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-8689 CODEN : ZKZAEY Publis: Zhongguo Kangshengsu Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Kangshengsu Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Antibiotics. Server: http://zgksszz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2978 Abbrev: Zhongguo Lin Chuang Yao Li Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Lin Chuang Yao Li Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-6821 CODEN : ZLYZE9 Publis: Zhongguo Linchuang Yaolixue Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Linchuang Yaolixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Server: http://zglcylxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3778 Abbrev: Zhongguo Mei Jie Sheng Wu Xue Ji Kong Zhi Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Mei Jie Sheng Wu Xue Ji Kong Zhi Za Zhi ISSN : 1003-8280 Publis: Zhongguo Yu Fang Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Meijie Shengwuxue Ji Kongzhi Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control. Server: http://www.chinavbc.cn/en4.asp AC : JN-3642 Abbrev: Zhongguo Nong Xue Tong Bao Title : Zhongguo Nong Xue Tong Bao ISSN : 1000-6850 Publis: Zhongguo Nong Xue Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Nongxue Tongbao. Parallel language title: Chinese agricultural science bulletin. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=951 AC : JN-3012 Abbrev: Zhongguo Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Zhongguo Nong Ye Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1007-4333 CODEN : ZNDXAA Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Nongye Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Journal of China Agricultural University. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=999 AC : JN-1879 Abbrev: Zhongguo Nong Ye Ke Xue Title : Zhongguo Nong Ye Ke Xue ISSN : 0578-1752 CODEN : CKNYAR Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Nongye Kexue. Parallel language title: Scientia Agricultura Sinica. Server: http://zgnykx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3029 Abbrev: Zhongguo Re Dai Yi Xue Title : Zhongguo Re Dai Yi Xue ISSN : 1009-9727 Publis: Zhongguo Redai Yixue Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Redai Yixue. Parallel language title: China Tropical Medicine. Server: http://zgrdyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2979 Abbrev: Zhongguo Ren Shou Gong Huan Bing Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Ren Shou Gong Huan Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 1002-2694 CODEN : ZRGZAP Publis: Fujian-sheng Weisheng Fangyi Zhan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Renshou Gonghuanbing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Zoonoses. Server: http://zgrsghbzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3024 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shen Jing Ke Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Shen Jing Ke Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1008-0872 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shenjing Kexue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Neuroscience. Replaced by Neurosci. Bull., ends with vol. ? in 2004. AC : JN-2991 Abbrev: Zhongguo Sheng Hua Yao Wu Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Sheng Hua Yao Wu Za Zhi ISSN : 1005-1678 CODEN : ZSYZFP Publis: Quanguo Shenghua Zhiyao Qingbao Zhongxinzhan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shenghua Yaowu Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2199 AC : JN-3512 Abbrev: Zhongguo Sheng Wu Fang Zhi Title : Zhongguo Sheng Wu Fang Zhi ISSN : 1005-9261 Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shengwu Fangzhi.. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Biological Control. Server: http://zgswfz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3393 Abbrev: Zhongguo Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Za Zhi ISSN : 1671-8135 CODEN : ZSCZAW Publis: Zhongguo Kexueyuan, Wenxian Qingbao Zhongxin Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shengwu Gongcheng Zazhi. Parallel language title: China Biotechnology. Server: http://swgcjz.periodicals.net.cn AC : JN-1880 Abbrev: Zhongguo Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Bao Title : Zhongguo Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1007-7626 CODEN : ZSHXF2 Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Replaces Sheng Wu Hua Hsueh Tsa Chih, starts with vol. ? in 1998. Server: http://cjbmb.bjmu.edu.cn/ AC : JN-2992 Abbrev: Zhongguo Sheng Wu Zhi Pin Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Sheng Wu Zhi Pin Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1004-5503 CODEN : ZSZZAP Publis: Zhongguo Shengwuzhipinxue Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shengwu Zhipinxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Biologicals. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2692 AC : JN-1881 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1009-2137 CODEN : ZSXZAF Publis: Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi She Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shiyan Xueyexue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Experimental Hematology. Server: http://zgsyxyxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2993 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shou Yi Xue Bao Title : Zhongguo Shou Yi Xue Bao ISSN : 1005-4545 CODEN : ZSXUF5 Publis: Jilin Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shouyi Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. Server: http://zgsyxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2726 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shou Yi Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Shou Yi Za Zhi ISSN : 0529-6005 CODEN : ZSZAEM Publis: Zhongguo Xumu Shouyi Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shouyi Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. Server: http://zgsyzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1882 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shouyi Ke-ji Title : Zhongguo Shouyi Ke-ji ISSN : 1000-6419 Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan Lanzhou Shouyi Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shouyi Kexue. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. Server: http://engine.cqvip.com/QK/93994X/ AC : JN-2964 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shu Cai Title : Zhongguo Shu Cai ISSN : 1000-6346 CODEN : ZSHUEQ Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Shucai Chahuisuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shucai. Parallel language title: Chinese Vegetables. Server: http://zgsc.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3013 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shui Chan Ke Xue Title : Zhongguo Shui Chan Ke Xue ISSN : 1005-8737 CODEN : ZSKEFS Publis: Zhongguo Shuichan Kexue Yanjiuyuan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Shuichan Kexue. Parallel language title: Journal of Fishery Sciences of China. Server: http://en.cnki.com.cn/Journal_en/D-D052-ZSCK.htm AC : JN-1883 Abbrev: Zhongguo Shuidao Kexue Title : Zhongguo Shuidao Kexue ISSN : 1001-7216 CODEN : ZSKHBX Publis: Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui Note : Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Rice Science. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2200 http://www.ricescience.org/en/dqml.asp AC : JN-3513 Abbrev: Zhongguo Wei Sheng Jian Yan Title : Zhongguo Wei Sheng Jian Yan ISSN : 1004-8685 CODEN : ZWJZA7 Publis: Zhongguo Weisheng Jianyan Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Weisheng Jianyan. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology. Server: http://zgwsjyzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2994 Abbrev: Zhongguo Wei Sheng Tai Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Wei Sheng Tai Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1005-376X CODEN : ZWZHAX Publis: Zhongguo Weishengtaixue Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Weishengtaixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Microecology. Server: http://zgwstxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2517 Abbrev: Zhongguo Xu Mu Xue Hui Hui Zhi Title : Zhongguo Xu Mu Xue Hui Hui Zhi ISSN : 0253-9187 Publis: Zhongguo Xumu Xuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Xumu Xuehui Huizhi. Parallel language title: Journal of the Chinese Society of Animal Science. AC : JN-3626 Abbrev: Zhongguo Xu Qin Chuan Ran Bing Title : Zhongguo Xu Qin Chuan Ran Bing ISSN : 1001-6961 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Xu-Qin Chuanranbing. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Animal and Poultry Infections Diseases. Replaced by Zhong Guo Yu Fang Shou Yi Xue Bao, ends with vol. ? in 1998. AC : JN-2965 Abbrev: Zhongguo Yao Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Yao Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-2494 CODEN : ZYZAEU Publis: Zhongguo Yaoxuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Yaoxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal. Server: http://zgyxzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3030 Abbrev: Zhongguo Yi Shi Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Yi Shi Za Zhi ISSN : 1008-1372 CODEN : ZYZHAD Publis: Zhongguo Yishi Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Yishi Zazhi. Parallel language title: Journal of Chinese Physician. Server: http://www.ceps.com.tw/ec/ecJnlIntro.aspx?Jnliid=2960 AC : JN-1884 Abbrev: Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao Title : Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-503X CODEN : CIHPDR Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung-Kuo I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao. Parallel language title: Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae. Server: http://zgyxkxyxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1885 Abbrev: Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1000-6834 CODEN : ZYSZE2 Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung-Kuo Ying Yung Sheng Li Hsueh Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Yingyong Shenglixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology. Server: http://engine.cqvip.com/QK/91731X/ AC : JN-3031 Abbrev: Zhongguo You Liao Zuo Wu Xue Bao Title : Zhongguo You Liao Zuo Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 1007-9084 CODEN : ZYZXAR Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Youliao Zuowu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Youliao Zuowu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences. Server: http://zgylzwxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2980 Abbrev: Zhongguo Yu Fang Shou Yi Xue Bao Title : Zhongguo Yu Fang Shou Yi Xue Bao ISSN : 1008-0589 CODEN : ZYSXAQ Publis: Zhongguo Nongye Kexueyuan, Ha'erbin Shouyi Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Yufang Shouyi Xuebao. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Replaces Zhongguo Xu Qin Chuan Ran Bing, starts with vol. ? in 1998. Server: http://zgyfsyxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2995 Abbrev: Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi ISSN : 1003-5370 CODEN : ZZJZAS Publis: Zhongguo Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Zazhi Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongguo Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. Server: http://zxyjh.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-4051 Abbrev: Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi Title : Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-5302 CODEN : ZZZAE3 Publis: Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica. Parallel language title: Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi. Server: http://zgzyzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2966 Abbrev: Zhonghua Chuan Ran Bing Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Chuan Ran Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 1000-6680 Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui, Shanghai Fenhui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Chuanranbing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases. Server: http://zhcrbzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2695 Abbrev: Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0412-3948 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Er-Bi-Yanhouke Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. Replaced by Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi, ends with vol. ?39 in 2004. AC : JN-2743 Abbrev: Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0578-1310 CODEN : CHETAE Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Erke Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Pediatrics. Server: http://zhek.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2996 Abbrev: Zhonghua Fang She Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Fang She Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1005-1201 CODEN : CHFSAG Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Fangshexua Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Radiology. Server: http://scholar.ilib.cn/P-zhfsx.html AC : JN-1886 Abbrev: Zhonghua Fang She Yi Xue Yu Fang Hu Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Fang She Yi Xue Yu Fang Hu Za Zhi ISSN : 0254-5098 CODEN : ZFYZDY Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung Hua Fang She I Hsueh Yu Fang Hu Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Fangshe Yixue yu Fanghu Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection. Server: http://zhfsyxyfhzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2727 Abbrev: Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0529-567X CODEN : CHFCA2 Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Fuchanke Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Server: http://zhfck.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1887 Abbrev: Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 1007-3418 CODEN : ZGZZFE Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Ganzangbing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Hepatology. Server: http://zhgzbzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3032 Abbrev: Zhonghua Jian Yan Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Jian Yan Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1009-9158 CODEN : CHCCDO Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Jianyan Yixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Server: http://zhyxjy.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1888 Abbrev: Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-9391 CODEN : ZLWZEX Publis: Tianjin Shi Lao Dong Wei Sheng Yan Jiu Suo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Laodong Weisheng Zhiyebing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. Server: http://engine.cqvip.com/QK/94776X/ AC : JN-2518 Abbrev: Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0254-6450 CODEN : ZLZAD6 Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Liuxingbingxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. Server: http://zhlxbx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3594 Abbrev: Zhonghua Min Guo Shou Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Min Guo Shou Yi Xue Hui Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-9179 Publis: Not published Note : Parallel language title: Journal of the Chinese Society of Veterinary Science. Replaced by Taiwan Shou Yi Xue Za Zhi, ends with vol. ? in ?2001. AC : JN-2568 Abbrev: Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-2662 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Minguo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. Replaced by J. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect., ends with vol. ? in ?1997. Replaces Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi, starts with vol. ? in ?1980. AC : JN-3556 Abbrev: Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0009-4587 Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Minguo Weisheng Wuxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Microbiology. Replaced by Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian yi Xue Za Zhi, ends with vol. ? in 1979. AC : JN-1892 Abbrev: Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue Title : Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue ISSN : 1009-3591 CODEN : ZNHAAT Publis: Nanjing Jun Qu Nanjing Zong Yi Yuan zhu ban Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Nankexue. Parallel language title: National Journal of Andrology. Server: http://engine.cqvip.com/QK/98410B/ AC : JN-2719 Abbrev: Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0578-1426 CODEN : CHHNAB Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Neike Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine. Server: http://zhnk.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-3449 Abbrev: Zhonghua Pi Fu Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Pi Fu Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0412-4030 CODEN : CHFTAJ Publis: Zhonghua Yixue Kexueyuan, Pifu Yanjiusuo Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Pifuke Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Dermatology. Server: AC : JN-3014 Abbrev: Zhonghua Shen Jing Ge Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Shen Jing Ge Za Zhi ISSN : 1006-7876 CODEN : ZSZAFN Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Shenjingke Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Neurology. Server: http://zhsjk.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1969 Abbrev: Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1003-9279 CODEN : ZSLZFS Publis: Chinese Society of Medical Virology Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Shiyan He Linchuang Bingduxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology. Server: http://zhsyhlcbdx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1889 Abbrev: Zhonghua Shi Yan Wai Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Shi Yan Wai Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 1001-9030 Publis: Zhonghua yi xue hui Hubei fen hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Shiyan Waike Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery. Server: http://www.ilib.cn/P-zhsywk.html AC : JN-1890 Abbrev: Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0529-5815 CODEN : CHWCAJ Publis: Beijing Zhonghua Yi Xue Hui, Wai Ke Xue Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Waike Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Surgery. Server: http://zhwk.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1891 Abbrev: Zhonghua Wei Sheng Wu Xue He Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Wei Sheng Wu Xue He Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0254-5101 CODEN : ZWMZDP Publis: Chinese Medical Association Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung-Hua Wei Sheng Wu Hsueh Ho Mieh I Hsueh Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Weishengwuxue He Mianyixue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. Server: http://zhwswxhmyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2519 Abbrev: Zhonghua Xiao Hua Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Xiao Hua Za Zhi ISSN : 0254-1432 Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui, Shanghai Fenhui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Xiaohua Zazhi. Alternative transliteration: Chung Hua Hsiao Hua Tsa Chih. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Digestion. AC : JN-3724 Abbrev: Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-3758 CODEN : CHHCDF Publis: Zhonghua Yi Xue Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Xin-Xueguanbing Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Cardiology. Server: http://zhxxgb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1893 Abbrev: Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-2727 CODEN : CHTCD7 Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung Hua Hsueh Yeh Hsueh Tsa Chih. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Hematology. Server: http://zhxyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2713 Abbrev: Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi ISSN : 0412-4081 CODEN : CHHYAA Publis: Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Yanke Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology. Server: http://acad.cnki.net/Kns55/oldnavi/n_item.aspx?NaviID=1&BaseID=ZHYK&NaviLink= AC : JN-1894 Abbrev: Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1003-9406 CODEN : ZYXZER Publis: Chinese Medical Association Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung Hua I Hsueh I Chuan Hsueh Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Yixue Yichuanxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics. Server: http://zhyxycx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1895 Abbrev: Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0376-2491 CODEN : CHHTAT Publis: Zhonghua Yi Xue Hui Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih. Parallel language title: National Medical Journal of China. Server: http://zhyx.periodicals.net.cn/default.html AC : JN-2733 Abbrev: Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) Title : Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) ISSN : 0578-1337 CODEN : CIHCDM Publis: Chinese Medical Association (Taipei) Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Yixue Zazhi (Taipei). Parallel language title: Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). AC : JN-3650 Abbrev: Zhonghua Yi Yuan Gan Ran Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Yi Yuan Gan Ran Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 1005-4529 CODEN : ZYGZFB Publis: Zhonghua Yi Yuan Gan Ran Xue Za Zhi Bian Ji Bu Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Yiyuan Ganranxue Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology. Server: http://www.cqvip.com/QK/98445X/ AC : JN-1896 Abbrev: Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-9624 CODEN : CHYCDW Publis: Chinese Medical Association Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung Hua Yu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua YuFang YiXue ZaZhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. Server: http://zhyfyx.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-1897 Abbrev: Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi Title : Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-3766 CODEN : CCLCDY Publis: Chinese Medical Association Note : Alternative transliteration: Chung-Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih. Alternative transliteration: Zhonghua Zhongliu Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Oncology. Server: http://zhzl.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2728 Abbrev: Zhongshan Da Xue Xue Bao Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban Title : Zhongshan Da Xue Xue Bao. Zi Ran Ke Xue Ban ISSN : 0529-6579 CODEN : CHTHAJ Publis: Zhongshan Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongshan Daxue Xuebao. Ziran Kexue Ban. Parallel language title: Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni. Server: http://zsdxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2948 Abbrev: Zhongshan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao Title : Zhongshan Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao ISSN : 1000-257X CODEN : ZYXUEC Publis: Not published Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhongshan Yike Daxue Xuebao. Parallel language title: Academic Journal Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences. Replaced by Zhongshan Da Xue Xue Bao (Yi Xue Ke Xue Ban), ends with vol.? in 2002. AC : JN-3015 Abbrev: Zhu Xing Xue Bao Title : Zhu Xing Xue Bao ISSN : 1005-9628 Publis: Hubei Daxue Note : Alternative transliteration: Zhuxing Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Arachnologica Sinica. Server: http://zxxb.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2981 Abbrev: Zi Ran Ke Xue Jin Zhan Title : Zi Ran Ke Xue Jin Zhan ISSN : 1002-008X Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Ziran Kexue Jinzhan. Parallel language title: Progress in Natural Science. Server: http://zkjz.chinajournal.net.cn/ AC : JN-2520 Abbrev: Zi Ran Za Zhi Title : Zi Ran Za Zhi ISSN : 0253-9608 CODEN : TJTCD4 Publis: Shanghai Daxue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Ziran Zazhi. Parallel language title: Chinese Journal of Nature. Server: http://zrzz.periodicals.net.cn/ AC : JN-2763 Abbrev: Zoo Biol. Title : Zoo Biology ISSN : 0733-3188 e-ISSN: 1098-2361 CODEN : ZOBIDX Publis: John Wiley and Sons Server: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2361 AC : JN-2621 Abbrev: Zool. Abh. Title : Zoologische Abhandlungen [Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde Dresden] ISSN : 0375-5231 CODEN : ZASMAT Publis: Not published Note : Replaced by Vertebrate Zool., ends with vol. 56 in 2006. AC : JN-2307 Abbrev: Zool. Anz. Title : Zoologischer Anzeiger ISSN : 0044-5231 e-ISSN: 1873-2674 CODEN : ZOANA6 Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00445231 AC : JN-2306 Abbrev: Zool. Gart. Title : Der Zoologische Garten [Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Tiergaertnerei] ISSN : 0044-5169 CODEN : ZOGAAV Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/00445169 AC : JN-1963 Abbrev: Zool. J. Linn. Soc. Title : Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ISSN : 0024-4082 e-ISSN: 1096-3642 CODEN : ZJLSA7 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0024-4082 AC : JN-2214 Abbrev: Zool. Meded. Title : Zoologische Mededelingen ISSN : 0024-0672 CODEN : ZMRHAP Publis: Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Server: http://www.zoologischemededelingen.nl AC : JN-2304 Abbrev: Zool. Pol. Title : Zoologica Poloniae [Archivum Societatis Zoologorum Poloniae] ISSN : 0044-510X CODEN : ZOPOAG Publis: Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne Server: http://www.biol.uni.wroc.pl/zoolog/ AC : JN-1899 Abbrev: Zool. Sci. Title : Zoological Science ISSN : 0289-0003 CODEN : ZOSCEX Publis: Zoological Society of Japan Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Zoolog. Sci. Server: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/zsj/_vols AC : JN-1900 Abbrev: Zool. Scr. Title : Zoologica Scripta [An International Journal of Systematic Zoology] ISSN : 0300-3256 e-ISSN: 1463-6409 CODEN : ZLSCA8 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0300-3256 AC : JN-1901 Abbrev: Zool. Stud. Title : Zoological Studies ISSN : 1021-5506 CODEN : ZOSTEG Publis: Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica Note : Replaces Bull. Inst. Zool. Acad. Sin., starts with vol. 33 in 1994. Server: http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/ AC : JN-2305 Abbrev: Zool. Zhurnal Title : Zoologicheskii Zhurnal ISSN : 0044-5134 CODEN : ZOLZAT Publis: Akademizdattsentr Nauka Server: http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-perl/journal.pl?name=zool&lang=eng AC : JN-1902 Abbrev: Zoology Title : Zoology [Analysis of Complex Systems] ISSN : 0944-2006 e-ISSN: 1873-2720 CODEN : ZOLGEA Short : ZACS Publis: Urban und Fischer Verlag Note : Alternative Medline abbreviation: Zoology (Jena). Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/09442006 AC : JN-1929 Abbrev: Zoonoses Public Health Title : Zoonoses and Public Health ISSN : 1863-1959 e-ISSN: 1863-2378 CODEN : ZVRBA2 Publis: Blackwell Publishing Note : Replaces J. Vet. Med. B, starts with vol. 54 in 2007. Server: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1863-1959 AC : JN-3202 Abbrev: Zoosystema Title : Zoosystema ISSN : 1280-9551 e-ISSN: 1638-9387 CODEN : BMNADT Publis: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Server: https://sciencepress.mnhn.fr/en/periodiques/zoosystema AC : JN-1964 Abbrev: Zootaxa Title : Zootaxa [A Rapid International Journal for Animal Taxonomists] ISSN : 1175-5326 e-ISSN: 1175-5334 Publis: Magnolia Press Server: https://www.mapress.com/zt AC : JN-2729 Abbrev: Zuo Wu Xue Bao Title : Zuo Wu Xue Bao ISSN : 0496-3490 e-ISSN: 1875-2780 CODEN : TSHPA9 Publis: Kexue Chubanshe Note : Alternative transliteration: Zuowu Xuebao. Parallel language title: Acta Agronomica Sinica. Server: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/18752780 AC : JN-1903 Abbrev: Zygote Title : Zygote [The Biology of Gametes and Early Embryos] ISSN : 0967-1994 e-ISSN: 1469-8730 CODEN : ZYGOEB Publis: Cambridge University Press Server: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=ZYG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License -----------------------------------------------------------------------