Crypto Forum Shay Gueron Internet Draft University of Haifa and Meta Intended status: Informational October 17, 2024 Expires: April 17, 2025 Double Nonce Derive Key AES-GCM (DNDK-GCM) draft-gueron-cfrg-dndkgcm-01 Abstract This document specifies an authenticated encryption algorithm called Double Nonce Derive Key AES-GCM (DNDK-GCM). It operates with a 32- byte root key and is designed to encrypt with a 24-byte random nonce (IV), and to provide for key commitment. Encryption takes the root key and a random nonce (IV), derives a fresh encryption key and a key commitment value, invokes AES-GCM with the derived key and a 12-byte zero nonce, and outputs the ciphertext, authentication tag and the key commitment value. Although this is not the primary targeted usage, it is also possible, under some restrictions, to use DNDK-GCM with a non-repeating but non-random nonce The low collision probability in a collection of 24-byte random nonces, together with the per-nonce derivation of an encryption key, extend the lifetime of the root key, and the scheme can support processing up to 2^64 bytes under a given root key. DNDK-GCM introduces relatively small overhead compared to using AES- GCM directly, and its security relies only on the standard assumption that AES acts as a pseudorandom permutation Status of this Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 1] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at This Internet-Draft will expire on April 17, 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 2] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 Table of Contents 1. Introduction...................................................4 1.1. Limitation 1: Short Nonces Enforce Frequent Key Rotation..4 1.2. Limitation 2: Lack of Key Commitment......................5 1.3. DNDK-GCM Design Goals.....................................5 2. Requirements Language..........................................6 3. Preliminaries and Notation.....................................6 4. DNDK-GCM Options...............................................8 5. DNDK-GCM With a Random Nonce and Key Commitment................9 5.1. DNDK-GCM..................................................9 5.2. Input and Output Ranges...................................9 5.3. Usage limits.............................................11 5.4. The Preamble: Derive-L1-2v-L2-L3.........................11 5.5. Encryption...............................................14 5.6. Decryption...............................................14 6. DNDK-GCM With a Counter Nonce.................................15 7. AEAD..........................................................17 8. Security Considerations.......................................17 9. Design Rationale..............................................18 9.1. The DNDK-GCM overheads...................................19 9.2. Security Bounds..........................................20 10. IANA Considerations..........................................21 11. References...................................................21 11.1. Normative References....................................21 11.2. Informative References..................................22 Appendix A. DNDK-GCM Encryption Worked-Out Examples..............24 A1. A Worked-Out Example (With Key Commitment)................24 A2. A Worked-Out Example (Couter Nonce With Key Commitment)...27 A3. A Worked-Out Example (Couter Nonce Without Key Commitment)30 Appendix B. A Python Script Reference Implementation Example.....33 12. Acknowledgments..............................................37 13. Authors' Addresses...........................................38 Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 3] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 1. Introduction Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD) [RFC5116] is a fundamental cryptographic tool that provides confidentiality and integrity in a single scheme. AES-GCM [GCM] is currently the most frequently used AEAD scheme. It draws popularity due to its attractive performance especially on modern platforms that nowadays have native instructions to accelerate AES computations and polynomial multiplications that are used for authentication. However, AES-GCM has limitations that motivate seeking some variants. 1.1. Limitation 1: Short Nonces Enforce Frequent Key Rotation AES-GCM is a nonce-respecting AEAD: a nonce must not be used for encrypting more than one message under a given key. In fact, reusing a nonce for two distinct messages leads to catastrophic failure of confidentiality and integrity. Applications can enforce nonce uniqueness by using a counter to construct nonces. However, in many real-world scenarios, maintaining state is cumbersome, costly, or even unsafe. In practice, systems often generate a nonce randomly for every message, with the hope that nonce collisions do not occur during the key's lifetime. In this context, NIST's Special Publication 800-38D [GCM] states (Section 8) that: The probability that the authenticated encryption function will be invoked with the same IV and the key on two (or more) distinct sets of input data shall be no greater than 2^.32. For AES-GCM in a 12-byte random setting, nonce collision probability in Q calls is at most Q^2/2^97, and this bound is also essentially tight. Upper bounding this probability by 2^-32 limits the lifetime of a key to at most 2^32.5 encryptions. In many scenarios, e.g., for Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 4] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 processing data at the cloud scale, this imposes a too-frequent key rotation rate. Note that AES-GCM can consume nonces of arbitrary lengths, but the key rotation limitation is not fully alleviated by using longer than 12 bytes nonces even with a stateful counter, and independently, the birthday bound limits the amount data that can be encrypted under a single key. 1.2. Limitation 2: Lack of Key Commitment AES-GCM has the following property: it is possible to find two (or more) keys K1, K2, and two (or more) messages M1, M2, such that encrypting M1 under K1 and encrypting M2 under K2 give the same ciphertext-tag pair. Thus, a receiver decrypting a ciphertext blob with an unverifiable key might accept the resulting plaintext as valid, even though it was generated by a malicious actor. This lack of key commitment property is not unique to AES-GCM. It applies to other AEADs where authentication uses universal hashing rather than e.g., (less efficient) collision resistant hashing. In some scenarios, lack of key commitment can be a problem [DGRW18], [LGR21], [ADG+22] and adding some mitigation would be useful. Several approaches for adding key commitment are detailed in [ADG+22], and some methods have already been deployed in cloud systems (e.g., AWS Encryption SDK). 1.3. DNDK-GCM Design Goals DNDK-GCM is designed to address two main limitations of AES-GCM: a) A small performance overhead compared to using AES-GCM directly. b) A simple construction that can reuse vetted and optimized AES-GCM implementations and leverage ubiquitous processor instructions on popular architectures (e.g., AES-NI [Gue10] and PCLMULQDQ [GK08]). c) Security that relies only on the universally accepted assumption Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 5] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 that AES (with a uniform random key) is a good pseudorandom permutation. This is already the assumption that establishes the security of AES-GCM. 2. Requirements Language The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. 3. Preliminaries and Notation A byte is an integer between 0 and 255, represented here by two hexadecimal digits. For instance, 5 is 0x05, and 135 is 0x87. Let U be an array of bytes ("array" for short) of length u (bytes). The bytes of U are indexed from 0 to u-1 and denoted by U [j], j = 0, ..., u-1. Let a, b be two integers such that 0 <= a <= b <= (u-1). Then, T = U [a: b] is the sub-array of U, of length (b-a+1), that consists of bytes of U that are found in the index range between a and b (inclusively). Specifically, T is defined, bytewise, by T [j] = U [j + a], j = 0, 1, ..., (b - a). For a=b, T = U [a: a] is U [a] and T = U [0: u-1] implies T = U. For completeness, in the case where 0 <= a = b+1 <=(u-1), the sub-array U [a: b] is understood to be empty. Note that in this document, the two boundary indices in T [a: b] are included in the range (contrary to conventions used in some (not all) programming languages). Let U0 be an array of u0 bytes and U1 an array of u1 bytes. Suppose that 0 <= a1 <= b1 <=(u1-1), 0 <= a0 <= b0 <= (u0-1), and that b0 - a0 = b1 - a1 = s. Then, the notation U1 [a1: b1] = U0 [a0: b0] is an assignment that sets U1 [a1 + j] = U0 [a0 + j], j = 0, ..., s-1. Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 6] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 Concatenation of arrays is denoted by "||". If U1 is an array of u1 bytes and U0 is an array of u0 bytes then U0 || U1 is the array W of u1+u2 bytes whose bytes are W [j] = U0 [j], j = 0, ... u0-1 and W [j] = U1 [j-u0], j = u0, ..., u1+u0-1. For an integer s, (0x00)^s denotes an array of s zero bytes. An array of 16 bytes is also called a "block". Note that the bytewise specification of an array is agnostic to way that the array is listed as a sequence (of bytes), i.e., whether byte 0 is in the rightmost of the leftmost position. The bytes positions in the sequence need to be specified unambiguously. Example. Let U0 be an array of length u0 = 16, listed as follows: byte index (position) 00010203040506070809101112131415 U0 = 3dfcc48e6cf4e1d25a8ff0de58c97a69 (i.e., U0 [00] = 3d, U0 [07] = d2, U0 [15] = 69). Then, byte index (position) 00010203040506070809101112131415 U0 [00: 15] = 3dfcc48e6cf4e1d25a8ff0de58c97a69 U0 [00: 07] = 3dfcc48e6cf4e1d2 U0 [08: 15] = 5a8ff0de58c97a69 U0 [12: 14] = 58c973 U0 [13: 13] = c9 U0 [01: 00] = Let U1 be an array of 16 bytes. The assignment U1 [4: 6] = U0 [12: 14] determines 3 bytes of U1 as follows: byte index (position) 00010203040506070809101112131415 U1 = ********58c97a****************** Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 7] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 (the unspecified bytes are denoted by "**") The symbol FAIL is used here to indicate a failed integrity check. The symbol != is the "not-equal" operator. Here, AES refers to the Advanced Encryption Standard [AES], specifically, to the version with a 256-bit key (equivalently 32-byte key) AES256. If K (key) is an array of 32 bytes and Z is an array of 16 bytes, then C = AES (K, Z) is the 16-byte array that results from encrypting Z with AES under the key K. Here, AES-GCM refers to the Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD) scheme standardized in [GCM]. AES-GCM encryption and decryption are denoted AES-GCM.Enc and AES-GCM.Dec, respectively. They take the tuples (N, A, P) and (N, A, C, T), respectively, where N is a nonce, A is the Additional Authenticated Data (AAD), P is the plaintext message, C is the ciphertext, and T is the authentication tag. Here, the inputs and outputs are assumed to be arrays of bytes, K is an array of 32 bytes, N is an array of 12 bytes, T is an array of 16 bytes, A is an array of at most 2^61 - 1 bytes and P (and C) is an array of at most 2^36 - 32 bytes. AES-GCM.Enc outputs the pair (C, T), which explicitly identifies the ciphertext and the tag. Equivalently, it is possible to view the concatenation of C, T as a single array that is called "ciphertext-blob" (and parsed accordingly). From this perspective, DNDK-GCM.Enc produces a single output (the ciphertext-blob), while AES-GCM.Dec takes three inputs. 4. DNDK-GCM Options The DNDK-GCM scheme includes three configurations, denoted by a "Config" string as follows. Config = 0x010000: Random nonce; With key commitment. Config = 0x100000: Counter nonce; No key commitment. Config = 0x110000: Counter nonce; With key commitment. Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 8] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 The Config value is incorporated in the DNDK-GCM key derivation step, to achieve domain separation, as defined below. This ensures that derived keys are uniquely associated with the configuration choice. Whan Config = 0x100000, encryption does not include (nor needs to compute) a key commitment value (KC), and decryption does not expect to receive KC as input. For Config = 0x010000 and Config = 0x110000, the encryption process computes a 32-byte key commitment value (KC) and appends it to the authentication tag as part of the output. Decryption expects to receive a KC value as input. Every given DNDK-GCM key must be used with only one configuration and the configuration must be pre-agreed by the communicating parties that use DNDK-GCM. 5. DNDK-GCM With a Random Nonce and Key Commitment This section describes the configuration associated with Config = 0x010000, i.e., using a random nonce (IV) and delivering key commitment. This is the main usage format for DNDK-GCM. 5.1. DNDK-GCM DNDK-GCM with Config = 0x010000 is a randomized AEAD scheme that encrypts and authenticates a message, along with additional authenticated data (AAD), using a 24-byte nonce (IV) that is selected uniformly at random for each message. 5.2. Input and Output Ranges DNDK-GCM is defined with the length and range parameters K_LEN, N_LEN, A_MAX, P_MAX, C_MAX, T_LEN, and KC_LEN. Encryption is denoted Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 9] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 by DNDK-GCM.Enc and decryption is denoted by DNDK-GCM.Dec. These procedures are defined for inputs that are arrays of bytes. DNDK-GCM.Enc takes as input a tuple (K, N, A, P) where K is the secret (root) key, N is the (randomly selected) nonce, A is the AAD, and P is the plaintext message. It outputs ciphertext C, an authentication tag T and a commitment value KC. In this notation, C, T, KC are explicitly identified and named, and the length of C is the same as the length of P. Equivalently, it is possible to view the concatenation of C, T, KC as a single array of bytes (parsed accordingly) called "ciphertext- blob". Under this view, DNDK-GCM.Enc has a single output (namely ciphertext-blob) and the length of ciphertext-blob equals to the length of P plus 48. DNDK-GCM.Dec takes a tuple (K, N, A, C, T, KC), where K is the root key, N is the nonce, A is the AAD, C is the ciphertext, T is the authentication tag and KC is the commitment value. It outputs a plaintext message P with the same byte-length as C, or a failure indication (FAIL). Equivalently, if the concatenation of C, T, KC is viewed (and parsed accordingly) as a single array "ciphertext-blob", DNDK-GCM.Dec has four inputs (namely K, N, A, ciphertext-blob). The root key (K) MUST consist of K_LEN bytes. It MUST be generated in a uniformly random (or pseudorandom) way and known only to the parties (sender and recipient) using the scheme. The nonce (N) MUST consist of N_LEN bytes. It SHOULD be selected uniformly at random for every encryption. The AAD (A) MUST consist of at most A_MAX bytes, the message (M) MUST consist of at most P_MAX bytes, the ciphertext (C) MUST consist of at most C_MAX bytes, the authentication tag (T) MUST consist of T_LEN bytes, and the key Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 10] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 commitment value (KC) MUST consist of KC_LEN bytes. The arrays A, P, C may be empty. DNDK-GCM is defined with the following parameter values: K_LEN = 32, N_LEN = 24, A_MAX = 2^61 - 1, P_MAX = 2^36 - 32, C_MAX = 2^36 - 32, T_LEN = 16, and KC_LEN = 32. Inputs to DNDK-GCM.Enc and to DNDK-GCM.Dec are assumed to be valid and within the defined range of lengths (i.e., DNDK-GCM.Enc and DNDK- GCM.Dec implicitly check and reject invalid inputs). Tag truncation: The AES-GCM specification [GCM] (Section permits 16-byte tags to be truncated to 12 bytes or even shorter tags of 8 or 4 bytes, where these lengths are accepted subject to the usage constraints outlined in Appendix C of [GCM]. For simplicity and brevity, this document defines DNDK-GCM only with a 16-byte tag and implicitly ignores a tag truncation option (even to the innocuous truncation to 12 bytes). However, DNDK-GCM usages that require (and settle with) a shorter tag of d < 16 bytes, MAY truncate the tag T to d = 12, 8, or 4 bytes as indicated in [GCM]. The formatting and agreement of such truncation is left for the communicating parties or protocol. 5.3. Usage limits A given DNDK-GCM key must be used for encrypting a maximum of 2^48 messages and processing up to 2^64 plaintext blocks. 5.4. The Preamble: Derive-L1-2v-L2-L3 This section defines the two algorithms "SplitArray" and "Derive-L1- 2v-L2-L3". SplitArray takes an array N of 2v bytes and outputs two arrays N1 and N0 of v bytes. Derive-L1-2v-L2-L3 takes a root key (K) of L1 bytes and a (randomly chosen) nonce (N) of 2v bytes (1 <= v <= 15). It outputs a derived key (DerivedKey) of L2 bytes and a key Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 11] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 commitment value (KeyCommit) of L3 bytes. This document sets the parameter values to L1 = L2 = L3 = 32 and v = 12 (i.e., the nonce N has 24 bytes). For brevity, Derive-32-24-32-32 is referred to as "Derive". Algorithms 1 and 2 define SplitArray and Derive. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Algorithm 1. SplitArray (v, N) Input: v (1 <= v <= 15), N (array of 2v bytes). Here, v=12. // Explicitly: N0 [ 0] = N [ 0]; N0 [ 1] = N [ 1]; N0 [ 2] = N [ 2]; N0 [ 3] = N [ 3]; N0 [ 4] = N [ 4]; N0 [ 5] = N [ 5]; N0 [ 6] = N [ 6]; N0 [ 7] = N [ 7]; N0 [ 8] = N [ 8]; N0 [ 9] = N [ 9]; N0 [10] = N [10]; N0 [11] = N [11]; N1 [ 0] = N [12]; N1 [ 1] = N [13]; N1 [ 2] = N [14]; N1 [ 3] = N [15]; N1 [ 4] = N [16]; N1 [ 5] = N [17]; N1 [ 6] = N [18]; N1 [ 7] = N [19]; N1 [ 8] = N [20]; N1 [ 9] = N [21]; N1 [10] = N [22]; N1 [11] = N [23]; // Shorthand: // N0 [0: v-1] = N [0: v-1]; // N1 [0: v-1] = N [v: 2v-1]; Output: N1, N0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 12] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Algorithm 2. Derive (K, N) Input: K (root key), N (array of 2v bytes). Here, v=12. (N1, N0) = SplitArray (v, N) Context: Config = 0x010000 (variant with key commitment) For j in {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} // (odd indices) Bj [0] = j Bj [1: (15-v)] = Config Bj [(16-v): 15] = N1 [0: v-1] For j in {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} Bj [0] = j Bj [1: (15-v) = Config Bj [(16-v): 15 = N0 [0: v-1] For j in {0, 1, ..., 9} Xj = AES (K, Bj) For j in {2, 3, ..., 9} Yj = Xj XOR X [j mod 2] KeyCommit [0: 15] = Y6 XOR Y7 KeyCommit [16: 31] = Y8 XOR Y9 DerivedKey [0: 15] = Y2 XOR Y3 DerivedKey [16: 31] = Y4 XOR Y5 Output: (KeyCommit [0: 31], DerivedKey [0: 31]) +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 13] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 5.5. Encryption DNDK-GCM.Enc receives the tuple (K, N, A, P) as input. It is assumed that prior to invoking DNDK-GCM.Enc, the caller has generated N, uniformly at random (or that DNDK-GCM.Enc starts with such generation). This step is not shown explicitly. DNDK-GCM.Enc first runs the preamble Derive on K and N to compute a derived key (DK) and a key commitment value (KC). It then invokes AES-GCM.Enc using DK as the encryption key, a nonce (NZ12) of 12 zero bytes, A, and P. This produces the ciphertext C with the same length as P and the authentication tag T. The output is C, T, KC (or, equivalently C || T || KC) is viewed as a single array called ciphertext-blob). DNDK-GCM.Enc is defined by Algorithm 3. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Algorithm 3. DNDK-GCM.Enc Input: K, N, A, P NZ12 = (0x00)^12 (KC, DK) = Derive (K, N) (C, T) = AES-GCM.Enc (DK, NZ12, A, P) Output: C, T, KC +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 5.6. Decryption DNDK-GCM.Dec receives the tuple (K, N, A, C, T, KC) as input (or, equivalently C || T || KC is viewed as a single array called ciphertext-blob). It runs the preamble Derive over K and N and computes a derived key (DK) and a key commitment value contender (KC'). If KC' does not match KC, the decryption is aborted and outputs the failure indication FAIL. Otherwise, AES-GCM.Dec is Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 14] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 invoked using DK as the decryption key, a nonce (NZ12) of 12 zero bytes, A, C and T. This either retrieves a message P with the same length as C, or an authentication failure indication FAIL. The output of DNDK-GCM.Dec is, accordingly, either P or FAIL. The decryption does not release any part of P before it is fully authenticated. DNDK-GCM.Dec is defined by Algorithm 4. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Algorithm 4. DNDK-GCM.Dec Input: K, N, A, C, T, KC NZ12 = (0x00)^12 (KC', DK) = Derive (K, N) If KC' != KC output FAIL and abort P / FAIL = AES-GCM.Dec (DK, NZ12, A, C, T) Output: M or FAIL +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Appendix A1 provides a step-by-step detailed example with the intermediate values. Appendix B provides a reference Python script implementation (that produces the values of Appendix A1). 6. DNDK-GCM With a Counter Nonce The main goal of the DNDK-GCM design (The Config = 0x010000 configuration) is to support the use of sufficiently long random nonces where the nonce collision probability remains negligible during the allowed lifetime of the root key. For completeness, this section defines a DNDK-GCM variant for using distinct but not random nonces, called here "counter nonces" (with or without key commitment). These variants use 12-bye nonces and are associated with Config = 0x100000 or Config = 0x110000. The Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 15] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 differences (from the random nonce case) are in in details of Algorithm 2, while the encryption and decryption flows are analogous to the cases with Config = 0x010000. The modified version of Algorithm 2 is the following. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Algorithm 2' [Counter nonce setting]. Derive (K, N) Input: K (root key), N (array of v bytes). Here, v=12. Context: Config = 0x100000 (or 0x110000) N0 = N For j in {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} Bj [0] = j Bj [1: (15-v) = Config Bj [(16-v): 15 = N0 [0: v-1] For j in {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} Xj = AES (K, Bj) For j in {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} Xj = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 For j in {2, 3, ..., 9} Yj = Xj XOR X [j mod 2] KeyCommit [0: 15] = Y6 XOR Y7 KeyCommit [16: 31] = Y8 XOR Y9 DerivedKey [0: 15] = Y2 XOR Y3 DerivedKey [16: 31] = Y4 XOR Y5 Output: (KeyCommit [0: 31], DerivedKey [0: 31]) +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 16] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 Appendix A2 and Appendix A3 provide a step-by-step detailed example with the intermediate values. 7. AEAD We define an AEAD, in the format of [RFC5116], that uses DNDK-GCM, namely AEAD_DNDK_GCM. The key input to this AEAD becomes the root key. Thus, AEAD_DNDK_GCM takes a 32-byte key. 8. Security Considerations DNDK-GCM (Config = 0x01000000) is a randomized AEAD where the nonce serves as an initialization vector (IV): an invocation of DNDK- GCM.Enc MUST use a nonce that is selected uniformly at random (or pseudo-randomly) from the set of all 24-byte arrays. In particular, the selection of a nonce value for encryption MUST NOT be under the control of (nor be predictable by) any entity that does not own the secret key. The generated nonce must be provided to the decryption function. It is unacceptable to use DNDK-GCM with just non-repeating but non- random nonces, without placing additional constraints on their selection. Such nonces (can be chosen to) could lead to linear dependence (zero XOR sum) in the derived keys. For example, for every root key, the XOR sum of the derived keys from the four (double) nonces (0x11)^12 || (0x21)^12, (0x11)^12 || (0x22)^12, (0x12)^12 || (0x21)^12, (0x12)^12 || (0x22)^12 is zero. It is possible to prevent such linear dependence and safely use a Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 17] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 counter to select the nonces. One way is to freeze half of the nonce and populate the other half with a 12-byte running counter, e.g., select nonces of the form (0xff)^12 || counter. Then continue with Algorithm 2. This constrained nonce setting is not a significant limitation for applications that can accommodate a stateful 12-byte counter (which provides sufficient counter values). However, these usages do not need (nor really leverage to advantage) a double-length nonce. They and can simply use a 12-byte nonce and skip some of the (redundant) steps of Algorithm 2, as shown in Algorithm 2' (as proposed for Config = 0x100000 and Config = 0x110000). Here, the key derivation allows for encrypting more data than the possible amount with the standard AES-GCM. Technically, these variants define a degenerate form of DNDK-GCM where DerivedKey is derived from a single-length nonce. An appropriate name would be Derive Key AES-GCM (DK-GCM). DNDK-GCM decryption (for Config = 0x110000 and Config = 0x010000) involves two verifications: a match on the key commitment value, and a match on the authentication tag. An implementation of AES-GCM.Dec MUST NOT release any part of the reproduced plaintext before it is (doubly) authenticated because otherwise parts of a system may process malicious data as if it were authentic. For the case, Config = 0x100000, a key commitment value is not computed nor communicated, and AES-GCM.Dec does not expect (nor use) to receive it as input. Here, AES-GCM.Dec MUST NOT release any part of the reproduced plaintext before it is authenticated. 9. Design Rationale The first goal of the DNDK-GCM design (Config = 0x01000000) is to overcome the short nonce limitation of AES-GCM, in the random nonce Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 18] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 (stateless) setting. To this end, DNDK-GCM encryption (and decryption) consumes a double-length (random) nonce of 24 bytes, such that nonce collision probability after Q samples is upper bounded by Q^2/2^193. DNDK-GCM.Enc invokes the pseudorandom function Derive (Algorithm 2) to produce the fresh encryption key and a key commitment value. This preamble step generalizes the Derive-Key design of [GL17] (which is used for AES-GCM-SIV [RFC8452]). The difference is that the (double) nonce is used only for the derivation and not for the AES-GCM encryption. The pseudorandom function Derive is a "double XORP": a variant of the XORP construction [Iwa06] over two halves of the (random) nonce. The (Beyond-Birthday-Bound) indistinguishability with random inputs is deduced from [BGK99]. Within the prescribed limit on the number of encrypted messages and the total amount of plaintext, the ciphertext distinguishing advantage and the collision probability derived of the derived keys are negligible. This random nonce setting converts the DNDK-GCM encryption to a multi-key AES-GCM setting where every key is used for encrypting exactly one message. This allows for using a fixed AES-GCM nonce (0x00^12). The security of DNDK-GCM relies on the security of AES in the multi-key setting. Given the prescribed limit on the number of encrypted messages, adversarial decryption queries with nonces that were not used with an encryption query can be ignored without making special related-key assumptions. For the counter nonce setting (Config = 0x100000 or 0x110000) DNDK- GCM uses a 12-byte nonce and Derive is simply "XORP" pseudorandom function. The security follows from Derive-Key design of [GL17]. 9.1. The DNDK-GCM overheads For DNDK-GCM (Config = 0x01000000), Derive requires 10 calls to AES256 with the root key. These computations are computed and over Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 19] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 independent blocks and can therefore be parallelized. In addition, every encryption requires also an AES256 key expansion with the fresh derived key (and other initialization steps for AES-GCM). The total overhead, however, is relatively small (see [Gue24] for a full account). For the counter nonce settings with Config = 0x110000, Derive requires 5 AES calls, and for Config = 0x100000 it requires 3 AES calls. 9.2. Security Bounds Suppose that DNDK-GCM (Config = 0x01000000) is used for encrypting Q messages with lengths L1, L2, ..., LQ blocks. Assume that the PRP advantage of AES (in this multikey setting) is negligible for such Q. Then, the following holds: a) The distinguishing advantage of Derive is negligible; b) The probability to encounter a collision in the Q randomly generated 24-byte nonces, and the probability to encounter a collision in the Q derived 32-byte encryption keys are negligible. Under these conditions, the distinguishing advantage of passively viewed ciphertext-tag pairs from chosen inputs, and uniform random strings of the matching lengths, is either less than 2^-32 or dominated by the sum Sum ((L_i+2)^2/2^129, i=1, ..., Q) (these privacy bounds hold for Config = 0x10000000 and 0x110000) To find two (adversarial) keys K1, K2, and two N-A-P triples such that DNDK-GCM.Enc (K1, N1, A1, P1) = DNDK-GCM.Enc (K2, N2, A2, P2), an adversary needs to find 32-byte keys K1, K2 such that the 32-byte key commitment values (KeyCommit)agree. A detailed analysis is available in [Gue24]. Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 20] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 10. IANA Considerations IANA needs to add one entry to the "AEAD Algorithms" registry: AEAD_DNDK_AES_256_GCM (Numeric ID TBD) referencing this document as its specification. 11. References 11.1. Normative References [AES] National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", FIPS 197,November 2001. The original reference (FIPS 197 standard), dated 2001 was superseded in May 2023; the new DOI is [GCM] Dworkin, M., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC", NIST SP 800-38D, DOI 10.6028/NIST.SP.800-38D, November 2007, Note: the GCM specification (NIST SP 800-38D) is planned to be revised in the near future. gcm-and-gmac-modes [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 21] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 11.2. Informative References [RFC5116] McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008, . [ADG+22] Albertini, A., Duong, T., Gueron, S., Kolbl, S., Luykx, A., Schmieg, S., "How to Abuse and Fix Authenticated Encryption Without Key Commitment", in Proceedings of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), pp. 3291-3308, 2022. [Online]. Available: albertini.pdf [BGK99] Bellare, M., Goldreich, O., Krawczyk, H. (1999), "Stateless Evaluation of Pseudorandom Functions: Security Beyond the Birthday Barrier", In: Wiener, M. (eds) Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO' 99. CRYPTO 1999. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1666. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. [DGRW18] Dodis, J., Grubbs, P., Ristenpart, T., Woodage, J., "Fast Message Franking: From Invisible Salamanders to Encryptment", CRYPTO 2018, Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10991, pp. 155-186, Springer, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Gue10] Gueron, S., "Intel Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Instructions Set", Intel White Paper, Rev. 3, 1-94, 2010. [Online]. Available: encryption-standard-new-instructions-set-paper.pdf [Gue20] Gueron, S., "Key Committing AEADs", Cryptology ePrint Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 22] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 Archive, Paper 2020/1153, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Gue24] Gueron, S., "Double Nonce Derive Key AES-GCM", Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/TBD, 2024. [Online]. To be available on [GK08] Gueron, S., Kounavis, M., "Carry-Less Multiplication and Its Usage for Computing the GCM Mode", Intel White Paper, Rev. 2.02, 1-84, 2014. [Online]. Available: cuments/clmul-wp-rev-2-02-2014-04-20.pdf [RFC8452] Gueron, S. Langley, A, and Lindell, Y., "AES-GCM-SIV: Nonce Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption," RFC 8452, RFC Editor, April 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.rfc- [GL17] Gueron, S. and Y. Lindell, "Better Bounds for Block Cipher Modes of Operation via Nonce-Based Key Derivation", Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2017. [Online]. Available: [LGR21] J. Len, P. Grubbs, T. Ristenpart, "Partitioning Oracle Attacks," 30th USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Security 2021, August 11-13, 2021, pp. 195-212. [Online]. Available: [Iwa06] Iwata, T., "New Blockcipher Modes of Operation with Beyond the Birthday Bound Security", Fast Software Encryption, FSE 2006, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4047, pp. 310-327, Springer, 2006. [Online]. Available: Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 23] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 Appendix A. DNDK-GCM Encryption Worked-Out Examples This appendix provides DNDK-GCM encryption examples. Arrays of bytes are typed in increasing order of byte positions from left (byte 0) to right. A1. A Worked-Out Example (With Key Commitment) The configuration Config = 0x010000 selects the variant with key commitment. =================================================================== DNDK-GCM example Config = 010000 =================================================================== Random nonce; With Key Commit =================================================================== ---------Bytes Position--------- 00010203040506070809101112131415 ...16171819202121232425262728293031 -------------------------------- Root key = 01000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Nonce = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f 1011121314151617 aad (5 bytes) = 0100000011 plaintext (4 bytes) = 11000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Key commitment value = 8bbe4d73fe5f89412c77ad3d3633e551 492bd29c83e796bd42e21feb13c27544 tag = 60b8ea8fef0fe4a299fad34a046895b7 cipher (4 bytes) = 64a5ec95 Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 24] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ciphertext tag (20 bytes) = 64a5ec9560b8ea8fef0fe4a299fad34a 046895b7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ciphertext tag commit (52 bytes) = 64a5ec9560b8ea8fef0fe4a299fad34a 046895b78bbe4d73fe5f89412c77ad3d 3633e551492bd29c83e796bd42e21feb 13c27544 =================================================================== Intermediate values =================================================================== Nonce N = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f 1011121314151617 Split Nonce N1 = 0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 N0 = 000102030405060708090a0b Config = 010000 Derive B0 = 00010000000102030405060708090a0b B1 = 010100000c0d0e0f1011121314151617 B2 = 02010000000102030405060708090a0b B3 = 030100000c0d0e0f1011121314151617 B4 = 04010000000102030405060708090a0b B5 = 050100000c0d0e0f1011121314151617 B6 = 06010000000102030405060708090a0b B7 = 070100000c0d0e0f1011121314151617 B8 = 08010000000102030405060708090a0b B9 = 090100000c0d0e0f1011121314151617 Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 25] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 X0 = 4aa753bea7432390936bad728ef10edf X1 = b40cc73539f699ecd07ecb5a5a4073bb X2 = 434adcb757a3ce5632be2a001de4944c X3 = e63e787d409f1bd96162c4d0d963d6b7 X4 = e149cfef6afb5e500fb4603119ea83ad X5 = ef6c894641a9e73265ed17a179ab0f07 X6 = 61281d2ac2391f8d22ea0406a4674aa2 X7 = 143dc4d2a2d32cb04d88cf1346e5d297 X8 = a48d8620ed8e7e45db1671f038b3e94c X9 = 130dc037f0dc5284dae10833ffc0e16c Y2 = 09ed8f09f0e0edc6a1d5877293159a93 Y3 = 5232bf4879698235b11c0f8a8323a50c Y4 = abee9c51cdb87dc09cdfcd43971b8d72 Y5 = 5b604e73785f7edeb593dcfb23eb7cbc Y6 = 2b8f4e94657a3c1db181a9742a96447d Y7 = a03103e79b25b55c9df604491ca5a12c Y8 = ee2ad59e4acd5dd5487ddc82b642e793 Y9 = a7010702c92acb680a9fc369a58092d7 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Key commitment value KeyCommit1 = Y8 XOR Y9; KeyCommit0 = Y6 XOR Y7 KeyCommit = KeyCommit0 + KeyCommit1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyCommit0 = 8bbe4d73fe5f89412c77ad3d3633e551 KeyCommit1 = 492bd29c83e796bd42e21feb13c27544 KeyCommit = 8bbe4d73fe5f89412c77ad3d3633e551 492bd29c83e796bd42e21feb13c27544 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Derived key DerivedKey1 = Y4 XOR Y5; DerivedKey0 = Y2 XOR Y3 Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 26] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 DerivedKey = DerivedKey0 + DerivedKey1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- DerivedKey0 = 5bdf304189896ff310c988f810363f9f DerivedKey1 = f08ed222b5e7031e294c11b8b4f0f1ce DerivedKey = 5bdf304189896ff310c988f810363f9f f08ed222b5e7031e294c11b8b4f0f1ce ------------------------------------------------------------------- A2. A Worked-Out Example (Couter Nonce With Key Commitment) The configuration Config = 0x110000 selects the variant with a counter nonce and key commitment. =================================================================== DNDK-GCM example Config = 110000 =================================================================== Counter nonce; With Key Commit =================================================================== ---------Bytes Position--------- 00010203040506070809101112131415 ...16171819202121232425262728293031 -------------------------------- Root key = 01000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Nonce = 000102030405060708090a0b aad (5 bytes) = 0100000011 plaintext (4 bytes) = 11000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Key commitment value = f9f58a5823c3ded0d79a3e9c90035393 Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 27] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 c328127f75ea0b0851a3681fb1ea092f tag = c1cae687dc8c010156bf7ea28c5e1e61 cipher (4 bytes) = 17c09c47 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ciphertext tag (20 bytes) = 17c09c47c1cae687dc8c010156bf7ea2 8c5e1e61 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ciphertext tag commit (52 bytes) = 17c09c47c1cae687dc8c010156bf7ea2 8c5e1e61f9f58a5823c3ded0d79a3e9c 90035393c328127f75ea0b0851a3681f b1ea092f =================================================================== Intermediate values =================================================================== Nonce N = 000102030405060708090a0b Split Nonce N1 = N0 = 000102030405060708090a0b Config = 110000 Derive B0 = 00110000000102030405060708090a0b B1 = 01110000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B2 = 02110000000102030405060708090a0b B3 = 03110000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B4 = 04110000000102030405060708090a0b B5 = 05110000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B6 = 06110000000102030405060708090a0b Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 28] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 B7 = 07110000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B8 = 08110000000102030405060708090a0b B9 = 09110000ffffffffffffffffffffffff X0 = 562442e1b081e557046708fdd9051bd6 X1 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X2 = a2bbd80d8d40a8a03538ff51c0de51de X3 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X4 = 888313ef53ea71f2a42c53fa9089dcaa X5 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X6 = afd1c8b993423b87d3fd366149064845 X7 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X8 = 950c509ec56bee5f55c460e268ef12f9 X9 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y2 = f49f9aec3dc14df7315ff7ac19db4a08 Y3 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y4 = dea7510ee36b94a5a04b5b07498cc77c Y5 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y6 = f9f58a5823c3ded0d79a3e9c90035393 Y7 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y8 = c328127f75ea0b0851a3681fb1ea092f Y9 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Key commitment value KeyCommit1 = Y8 XOR Y9; KeyCommit0 = Y6 XOR Y7 KeyCommit = KeyCommit0 + KeyCommit1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyCommit0 = f9f58a5823c3ded0d79a3e9c90035393 KeyCommit1 = c328127f75ea0b0851a3681fb1ea092f KeyCommit = f9f58a5823c3ded0d79a3e9c90035393 c328127f75ea0b0851a3681fb1ea092f Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 29] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Derived key DerivedKey1 = Y4 XOR Y5; DerivedKey0 = Y2 XOR Y3 DerivedKey = DerivedKey0 + DerivedKey1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- DerivedKey0 = f49f9aec3dc14df7315ff7ac19db4a08 DerivedKey1 = dea7510ee36b94a5a04b5b07498cc77c DerivedKey = f49f9aec3dc14df7315ff7ac19db4a08 dea7510ee36b94a5a04b5b07498cc77c ------------------------------------------------------------------- A3. A Worked-Out Example (Couter Nonce Without Key Commitment) The configuration Config = 0x100000 selects the variant with a counter nonce and no key commitment. =================================================================== DNDK-GCM example Config = 100000 =================================================================== Counter nonce; No Key Commit =================================================================== ---------Bytes Position--------- 00010203040506070809101112131415 ...16171819202121232425262728293031 -------------------------------- Root key = 01000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 Nonce = 000102030405060708090a0b aad (5 bytes) = 0100000011 Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 30] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 plaintext (4 bytes) = 11000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Key commitment value = tag = ddd4a11ef1e7796476dbdde2b9a1b6b4 cipher (4 bytes) = 06d7ce9e ------------------------------------------------------------------- ciphertext tag (20 bytes) = 06d7ce9eddd4a11ef1e7796476dbdde2 b9a1b6b4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ciphertext tag commit (20 bytes) = 06d7ce9eddd4a11ef1e7796476dbdde2 b9a1b6b4 =================================================================== Intermediate values =================================================================== Nonce N = 000102030405060708090a0b Split Nonce N1 = N0 = 000102030405060708090a0b Config = 100000 Derive B0 = 00100000000102030405060708090a0b B1 = 01100000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B2 = 02100000000102030405060708090a0b B3 = 03100000ffffffffffffffffffffffff Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 31] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 B4 = 04100000000102030405060708090a0b B5 = 05100000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B6 = 06100000000102030405060708090a0b B7 = 07100000ffffffffffffffffffffffff B8 = 08100000000102030405060708090a0b B9 = 09100000ffffffffffffffffffffffff X0 = 2e4a0bef515cefe8f635a6d34c80180e X1 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X2 = e283b79f020239e69eadedecbf5227bc X3 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X4 = 60f6e16726aef76c84684a8e19d7f21c X5 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X6 = 1641b80f40ef16d7fab0e883616c292d X7 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 X8 = 523b3388354c6172245042abee1ec8d2 X9 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y2 = ccc9bc70535ed60e68984b3ff3d23fb2 Y3 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y4 = 4ebcea8877f21884725dec5d5557ea12 Y5 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y6 = 380bb3e011b3f93f0c854e502dec3123 Y7 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Y8 = 7c71386764108e9ad265e478a29ed0dc Y9 = 00000000000000000000000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Key commitment value KeyCommit1 = Y8 XOR Y9; KeyCommit0 = Y6 XOR Y7 KeyCommit = KeyCommit0 + KeyCommit1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyCommit0 = Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 32] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 KeyCommit1 = KeyCommit = ------------------------------------------------------------------- Derived key DerivedKey1 = Y4 XOR Y5; DerivedKey0 = Y2 XOR Y3 DerivedKey = DerivedKey0 + DerivedKey1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- DerivedKey0 = ccc9bc70535ed60e68984b3ff3d23fb2 DerivedKey1 = 4ebcea8877f21884725dec5d5557ea12 DerivedKey = ccc9bc70535ed60e68984b3ff3d23fb2 4ebcea8877f21884725dec5d5557ea12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B. A Python Script Reference Implementation Example This Appendix provides a Python script implementation of DNDK-GCM (the variant with the key commitment). The inputs that produce the values reported in Appendix A (with Config = The script is already hardcoded with. # DNDK-GCM encryption example # from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES # # Hardcoded input to encryption # (can be edited) # Root key RootKey = \ 0x0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.\ Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 33] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 to_bytes(32,'big') # Nonce (24 bytes) N =\ 0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617.\ to_bytes(24,'big') # aad and plaintext aad = 0x0100000011.to_bytes(5,'big') plaintext = 0x11000001.to_bytes(4,'big') # End of (hardcoded) input setting. # # Nonce Split N0 = N [0:12] N1 = N [12:24] # Configuration options # Config = 0x010000: Random nonce; With Key Commit. # Config = 0x100000: Counter nonce; No Key Commit). # Config = 0x110000: Counter nonce; With Key Commit. # For counter nonces (Config = 0x100000 or 0x110000) # the nonce length is 12 bytes # Implicitly, N1 = 0xff^12 # # The three options Config = 0x010000.to_bytes(3, 'big') # Config = 0x100000.to_bytes(3, 'big') # Config = 0x110000.to_bytes(3, 'big') # # The case of counter nonce (Config = 0x010000 or 0x110000): if Config == 0x110000.to_bytes(3, 'big') or \ Config == 0x100000.to_bytes(3, 'big'): N1 = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff.to_bytes(12, 'big') Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 34] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 # implicit 2nd half-nonce N = N0 + 0x00.to_bytes(0, 'big') # The nonce has 12 bytes # # In the case of counter nonce (Config = 0x010000 or 0x110000), # B1, B3, B5, B7, B9, and X1, X3, X5, X7, X9 # need not be computed because # X1, X3, X5, X7, X9 are zeroed out #(to ignore the contribution of the implicit N1). # # B values B0 = 0x00.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N0 B1 = 0x01.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N1 B2 = 0x02.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N0 B3 = 0x03.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N1 B4 = 0x04.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N0 B5 = 0x05.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N1 B6 = 0x06.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N0 B7 = 0x07.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N1 B8 = 0x08.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N0 B9 = 0x09.to_bytes(1, 'big') + Config + N1 # X values X0 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B0) X1 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B1) X2 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B2) X3 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B3) X4 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B4) X5 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B5) X6 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B6) X7 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B7) X8 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B8) Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 35] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 X9 =, mode=AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(B9) # For the case of counter nonce (Config = 0x010000 or 0x110000), # cancel the redundant contribution of X1, X3, X5, X7, X9 # by setting them to (0x00)^16, if Config == 0x110000.to_bytes(3, 'big') or Config == 0x100000.to_bytes(3, 'big'): 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(16, 'big') X1 = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(16, 'big') X3 = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(16, 'big') X5 = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(16, 'big') X7 = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(16, 'big') X9 = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(16, 'big') # # Y values Y2 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X2, X0)) Y3 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X3, X1)) Y4 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X4, X0)) Y5 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X5, X1)) Y6 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X6, X0)) Y7 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X7, X1)) Y8 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X8, X0)) Y9 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (X9, X1)) # Key Commitment value KeyCommit1 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (Y8, Y9)) KeyCommit0 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (Y6, Y7)) # For the case of no Key Commitment value (Config == 0x100000) if Config == 0x100000.to_bytes(3, 'big'): KeyCommit1 = 0x00.to_bytes(0, 'big') KeyCommit0 = 0x00.to_bytes(0, 'big') KeyCommit = 0x00.to_bytes(0, 'big') Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 36] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 # Concatenation of the two halves gives the key commitment value KeyCommit = KeyCommit0 + KeyCommit1 # Derived key DerivedKey1 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (Y4, Y5)) DerivedKey0 = bytes(a ^ b for (a,b) in zip (Y2, Y3)) # Concatenation of the two halves gives the Derived Key DerivedKey = DerivedKey0 + DerivedKey1 # Encrypt with AES-GCM using the derived key and a 12-byte zero nonce aesgcmkey = DerivedKey Zero_12B_Nonce = 0x000000000000000000000000.to_bytes(12,'big') cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=Zero_12B_Nonce) cipher.update(aad) ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(plaintext) # Combined cipher, tag, commit ciphertext_tag = ciphertext + tag ciphertext_tag_commit = ciphertext + tag + KeyCommit # # Printing the values can be done by e.g., the following lines: # print ("N = ", N.hex()[0: 32]) # print (" ", N.hex()[32: 48]) # print (" ", N.hex()[32: 48]) # print ("N1 = ", N1.hex() [0: 24]) # print ("B0 = ", B0.hex()) 12. Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Jean Paul Degabriele, Gerald Doussot, Isaac Elbaz, Sasha Frolov, Ed Knapp, Maximilian Lorlacks, Thomas Pornin, Eric Schorn and Falko Strenzke for their comments and suggestions. Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 37] Internet-Draft DNDK-GCM October 2024 13. Authors' Addresses Shay Gueron University of Haifa Abba Khoushy Ave 199 Haifa 3498838, Israel Email: Gueron Expires April 17, 2025 [Page 38]